def customInit(self, initVars): self.sampleTree = initVars['sampleTree'] self.isData = initVars['sample'].isData() if not self.isData: self.addCollection( Collection('GenVbosons', ['pt', 'pdgId', 'GenPartIdx'], maxSize=40)) self.addCollection( Collection('GenTop', ['pt', 'GenPartIdx'], maxSize=4)) self.addCollection( Collection('GenHiggsBoson', ['pt', 'GenPartIdx'], maxSize=4)) self.branchBuffers['VtypeSim'] = array.array('i', [0]) self.branches.append({ 'name': 'VtypeSim', 'formula': self.getBranch, 'arguments': 'VtypeSim', 'type': 'i' }) self.addCollection( Collection('GenBs', ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'genPartIdx'], maxSize=32)) self.addCollection( Collection('GenDs', ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'genPartIdx'], maxSize=32)) self.addVectorBranch("GenJetAK8_nBhadrons", default=0, branchType='i', length=100, leaflist="GenJetAK8_nBhadrons[nGenJetAK8]/i") self.addVectorBranch( "GenJetAK8_nBhadrons2p4", default=0, branchType='i', length=100, leaflist="GenJetAK8_nBhadrons2p4[nGenJetAK8]/i") self.addVectorBranch("GenJet_nBhadrons", default=0, branchType='i', length=100, leaflist="GenJet_nBhadrons[nGenJet]/i") self.addVectorBranch("GenJet_nBhadrons2p4", default=0, branchType='i', length=100, leaflist="GenJet_nBhadrons2p4[nGenJet]/i") #Sum$(GenBs_pt>25&&abs(GenBs_eta)<2.6) self.addIntegerBranch("nGenBpt25eta2p6") self.addIntegerBranch("nGenBpt20eta2p6") self.addIntegerBranch("nGenDpt25eta2p6") self.addIntegerBranch("nGenDpt20eta2p6")
def customInit(self, initVars): self.config = initVars['config'] self.sampleTree = initVars['sampleTree'] self.sample = initVars['sample'] self.tensorflowConfig = self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'tensorflowConfig') self.scalerDump = self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'scalerDump') self.checkpoint = self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'checkpoint') self.branchName = self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'branchName') # Jet systematics self.systematics = self.config.get('systematics', 'systematics').split(' ') # create output branches self.dnnCollection = Collection(self.branchName, self.systematics, leaves=True) self.addCollection(self.dnnCollection) # create formulas for input variables self.inputVariables = {} for syst in self.systematics: self.inputVariables[syst] = self.config.get( self.config.get(self.mvaName, "treeVarSet"), syst if self.sample.isMC() else 'Nominal').split(' ') for var in self.inputVariables[syst]: self.sampleTree.addFormula(var) # create tensorflow graph self.reloadModel()
def __init__(self, nano=False): self.nano = nano self.debug = False super(FSR, self).__init__() # corrected Higgs properties self.addCollection( Collection('HCMVAV2_reg_fsrCorr', ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'mass'])) self.addCollection( Collection('fsrJet', ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'mass', 'deltaR'], maxSize=4)) self.addCollection( Collection('isrJet', ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'mass', 'deltaR'], maxSize=4)) # test of new syntax self.addCollection( Collection('hJetFSRcorr', ['pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'mass'], maxSize=2))
def customInit(self, initVars): v_sys = getattr(ROOT, 'vector<string>')() for syst in self.systematics: v_sys.push_back(syst) print 'load BTagCalibrationStandalone...' if os.path.isfile(self.btagCalibratorFileName): ROOT.gSystem.Load(self.btagCalibratorFileName) else: print "\x1b[31m:ERROR: BTagCalibrationStandalone not found! Go to Xbb directory and run 'make'!\x1b[0m" raise Exception("BTagCalibrationStandaloneNotFound") print 'load bTag CSV files...' calib = ROOT.BTagCalibration(self.calibName, self.calibFile) self.btag_calibrators = {} print "[btagSF]: Loading calibrator for algo:", self.calibName self.btag_calibrators[self.calibName + "_iterative"] = ROOT.BTagCalibrationReader( 3, "central", v_sys) for fl in range(3): self.btag_calibrators[self.calibName + "_iterative"].load( calib, fl, self.method) print 'INFO: bTag initialization done.' sample = initVars['sample'] self.isData = sample.type == 'DATA' if not self.isData: self.systBranches = [""] #nominal self.systBranches += [ syst + sdir for syst in self.systList for sdir in self.systVars ] if self.decorrelatePtEta: self.systBranches += [ syst + "_pt" + str(ipt) + "_eta" + str(ieta) + sdir for syst in self.systList for sdir in self.systVars for ipt in range(0, 5) for ieta in range(1, 4) ] self.btagCollection = Collection(self.branchBaseName, self.systBranches, leaves=False) self.addCollection(self.btagCollection)
def customInit(self, initVars): sample = initVars['sample'] self.isData = sample.type == 'DATA' if not self.isData: self.systBranches = [""] #nominal self.systBranches += [ syst + sdir for syst in self.systList for sdir in self.systVars ] if self.includeFixPtEtaBins: self.systBranches += [ syst + "_pt" + str(ipt) + "_eta" + str(ieta) + sdir for syst in self.systList for sdir in self.systVars for ipt in range(0, 5) for ieta in range(1, 4) ] self.btagCollection = Collection(self.branchBaseName, self.systBranches, leaves=False) self.addCollection(self.btagCollection) print "sys:", self.systBranches
def customInit(self, initVars): self.config = initVars['config'] self.sampleTree = initVars['sampleTree'] self.sample = initVars['sample'] if self.condition: self.sampleTree.addFormula(self.condition) self.hJidx = self.config.get('General', 'hJidx') if self.config.has_option( 'General', 'hJidx') else 'hJidx' self.scalerDump = self.config.get( self.mvaName, 'scalerDump') if self.config.has_option( self.mvaName, 'scalerDump') else None self.checkpoint = self.config.get( self.mvaName, 'checkpoint') if self.config.has_option( self.mvaName, 'checkpoint') else None if self.config.has_option(self.mvaName, 'branchName'): self.branchName = self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'branchName') elif self.checkpoint is not None: self.branchName = self.checkpoint.strip().replace( '/model.ckpt', '').replace('/', '_') if self.branchName[0] in [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ]: self.branchName = 'DNN_' + self.branchName self.addDebugVariables = eval( self.config.get('Multi', 'evalAddDebugVariables') ) if self.config.has_section('Multi') and self.config.has_option( 'Multi', 'evalAddDebugVariables') else False if self.checkpoint is None: print( "\x1b[31mERROR: 'checkpoint' option missing for MVA config section [%s]! .../model.ckpt has to be specified to be able to restore classifier.\x1b[0m" % self.mvaName) raise Exception("CheckpointError") if self.scalerDump is not None and not os.path.isfile(self.scalerDump): self.scalerDump = None if self.config.has_option(self.mvaName, 'fixInputs'): self.fixInputs = eval(self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'fixInputs')) if os.path.isdir(self.checkpoint): self.checkpoint += '/model.ckpt' if not os.path.isfile(self.checkpoint + '.meta'): print( "\x1b[31mERROR: can't restore from graph! .meta file not found in checkpoint:", self.checkpoint, "\x1b[0m") raise Exception("CheckpointError") # INFO file (with training parameters) if os.path.isfile(self.checkpoint + '.info'): with open(self.checkpoint + '.info', 'r') as infoFile: = json.load(infoFile) else: print("WARNING: (optional) .info file not found in checkpoint!") = {} # CLASSES self.classes = eval(self.config.get( self.mvaName, 'classes')) if self.config.has_option( self.mvaName, 'classes') else None if self.classes: self.nClasses = len(self.classes) else: try: self.nClasses = eval(self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'nClasses')) except Exception as e: self.nClasses = len(["labels"].keys()) if self.nClasses < 3: self.nClasses = 1 if self.nClasses > 1: print("INFO: multi-class checkpoint found! number of classes =", self.nClasses) else: print("INFO: binary-classifier found!") # FEATURES self.featuresConfig = None self.featuresCheckpoint = None try: self.featuresConfig = self.config.get( self.config.get(self.mvaName, "treeVarSet"), "Nominal").strip().split(" ") except Exception as e: print("WARNING: could not get treeVarSet from config:", e) if 'variables' in self.featuresCheckpoint =['variables'] if self.featuresConfig is None and self.featuresCheckpoint is not None: self.features = self.featuresCheckpoint elif self.featuresConfig is not None and self.featuresCheckpoint is None: self.features = self.featuresConfig elif self.featuresConfig is None and self.featuresCheckpoint is None: raise Exception("NoInputFeaturesDefined") else: self.features = self.featuresCheckpoint if len(self.featuresConfig) != len(self.featuresCheckpoint): print( "\x1b[31mWARNING: number of input features does not match!" ) print(" > classifier expects:", len(self.featuresCheckpoint)) print(" > configuration has:", len(self.featuresConfig), "\x1b[0m") print("INFO: => feature list from checkpoint will be used.") else: if self.config.has_option( self.mvaName, 'forceInputFeaturesFromConfig') and eval( self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'forceInputFeaturesFromConfig')): print( "INFO: forceInputFeaturesFromConfig is enabled, features from configuration will be used" ) self.features = self.featuresConfig print("INFO: list of input features:") print("INFO:", "config".ljust(40), "---->", "checkpoint") match = True for i in range( min(len(self.featuresConfig), len(self.featuresCheckpoint))): if self.featuresConfig[i] != self.featuresCheckpoint[i]: print("\x1b[41m\x1b[37mINFO:", self.featuresConfig[i].ljust(40), "---->", self.featuresCheckpoint[i].ljust(40), " => MISMATCH!\x1b[0m") match = False else: print("INFO:\x1b[32m", self.featuresConfig[i].ljust(40), "---->", self.featuresCheckpoint[i], "(match)\x1b[0m") if match: print("INFO: => all input variables match!") else: print( "INFO: some variables are not identically defined as for the training, please check!" ) if self.config.has_option( self.mvaName, 'forceInputFeaturesFromConfig') and eval( self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'forceInputFeaturesFromConfig')): print( "\x1b[31mWARNING: forceInputFeaturesFromConfig is enabled, features from configuration will be used although they could be incompatible with the features used during training.\x1b[0m" ) # fix input features at constant values: check if features given exist in checkpoint if self.fixInputs: for feature, value in self.fixInputs.items(): if feature not in self.featuresCheckpoint: print("ERROR: can't fix input feature '", feature, "' to value ", value, " => feature not found in checkpoint.") raise Exception("ConfigError") self.featureList = XbbMvaInputsList(self.features, config=self.config) self.nFeatures = self.featureList.length() # SIGNAL definition self.signalIndex = 0 if self.config.has_option(self.mvaName, 'signalIndex'): self.signalIndex = eval( self.config.get(self.mvaName, 'signalIndex')) self.signalClassIds = [self.signalIndex] if self.classes: self.signalClassIds = [ x for x, y in enumerate(self.classes) if y[0].startswith('SIG') ] print("INFO: signals:", self.signalClassIds) print("INFO: number of classes:", self.nClasses if self.nClasses > 1 else 2) # systematics self.systematics = self.config.get( self.mvaName, 'systematics').split(' ') if self.config.has_option( self.mvaName, 'systematics') else self.config.get( 'systematics', 'systematics').split(' ') # create output branches self.dnnCollections = [] for i in range(self.nClasses): collectionName = self.branchName if self.nClasses == 1 else self.branchName + "_%d" % i if self.nClasses == 1 or self.addDebugVariables: self.dnnCollection = Collection(collectionName, self.systematics, leaves=True) self.addCollection(self.dnnCollection) self.dnnCollections.append(self.dnnCollection) # create formulas for input variables self.inputVariables = {} for syst in self.systematics: systBase, UD = XbbTools.splitSystVariation(syst, sample=self.sample) self.inputVariables[syst] = [ XbbTools.sanitizeExpression(self.featureList.get(i, syst=systBase, UD=UD), self.config, debug=self.debug) for i in range(self.nFeatures) ] for var in self.inputVariables[syst]: self.sampleTree.addFormula(var) # additional pre-computed values for multi-classifiers if self.nClasses > 1: self.dnnCollectionsMulti = { 'default': Collection(self.branchName, self.systematics, leaves=True), } if self.addDebugVariables: self.dnnCollectionsMulti.update({ 'argmax': Collection(self.branchName + "_argmax", self.systematics, leaves=True), 'max': Collection(self.branchName + "_max", self.systematics, leaves=True), 'max2': Collection(self.branchName + "_max2", self.systematics, leaves=True), 'signal': Collection(self.branchName + "_signal", self.systematics, leaves=True), }) for k, v in self.dnnCollectionsMulti.items(): self.addCollection(v) # create tensorflow graph self.ev = TensorflowDNNEvaluator(checkpoint=self.checkpoint, scaler=self.scalerDump)