def generateInterface(self, interfaceWidth, interfaceHeight): lineMargin = 10 interfaceText = interfaceWidth * 0.06 heightMargin = self.Height * 0.08 widthMargin = self.Width * 0.04 image(self.img, self.Width - self.imgWidth - 200, self.Height - self.imgHeight) image(self.img1, interfaceWidth - 50, self.Height - self.imgHeight + 7) font = createFont("Georgia", interfaceText) textFont(font) textAlign(LEFT) fill(0, 0, 0) stroke(255, 255, 255) rect(0, 0, interfaceWidth, interfaceHeight) fill(250, 250, 250) text("Frame Count = " + str(frameCount), widthMargin, heightMargin) lst = [] for i in range(12): lst.append(False) #line(40, interfaceWidth - 100, 40, heightMargin - 20) text("Swarm Count = " + str(self.swarmCount), widthMargin, heightMargin * 2) but = button(interfaceWidth - 60, heightMargin * 2 - 18, "I", 20) lst[0] = but.draw(20, 20) but1 = button(interfaceWidth - 30, heightMargin * 2 - 18, "D", 20) lst[1] = but1.draw(20, 20) text("Inertia = " + str(self.inertia), widthMargin, heightMargin * 3) but2 = button(interfaceWidth - 60, heightMargin * 3 - 18, "I", 20) lst[2] = but2.draw(20, 20) but3 = button(interfaceWidth - 30, heightMargin * 3 - 18, "D", 20) lst[3] = but3.draw(20, 20) text("c1 = " + str(self.c1), widthMargin, heightMargin * 4) but4 = button(interfaceWidth - 60, heightMargin * 4 - 18, "I", 20) lst[4] = but4.draw(20, 20) but5 = button(interfaceWidth - 30, heightMargin * 4 - 18, "D", 20) lst[5] = but5.draw(20, 20) text("c2 = " + str(self.c2), widthMargin, heightMargin * 5) but6 = button(interfaceWidth - 60, heightMargin * 5 - 18, "I", 20) lst[6] = but6.draw(20, 20) but7 = button(interfaceWidth - 30, heightMargin * 5 - 18, "D", 20) lst[7] = but7.draw(20, 20) button1 = button(widthMargin, heightMargin * 6, "Restart", 23) button2 = button(widthMargin, heightMargin * 7 + 20, "Pause", 23) #button3 = button(widthMargin,heightMargin*8+40,"Restart", 23) lst[8] = button1.Draw() lst[9] = button2.Draw() #lst[10] = button3.Draw() button1.addText(widthMargin + 15) button2.addText(widthMargin + 8) #button3.addText(widthMargin+2) return lst
def tela_inicial(): abertura = pygame.image.load("./images/capa.png") abertura = pygame.transform.smoothscale(abertura, (largura, altura)) fim_inicial = False tempo_inicio = 10000000 running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() tela.blit(abertura, (0, 0)) if button(40, "START", (190, 510), (255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), tela, (255, 255, 38), (255, 0, 0), './fonte.ttf'): fim_inicial = True tempo_inicio = pygame.time.get_ticks() if fim_inicial and (pygame.time.get_ticks() - tempo_inicio) / 1000 < 2: corra = pygame.image.load('./images/tela de inicio.png') corra = pygame.transform.smoothscale(corra, (largura, altura)) tela.blit(corra, (0, 0)) if (pygame.time.get_ticks() - tempo_inicio) / 1000 > 1.9: running = False pygame.display.update() relogio.tick(27)
def parseRow(self,row,num): for j in range(len(row)): if isinstance(row[j], tuple): char_ = row[j][0] else: char_ = row[j] # print char_ self.rows[num].pack_start(button(self,char_),True,True,5)
def mainMenu(self, paleLavander, lightRed, green, event): mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() playButton = button(self.window, paleLavander, 75, 480, 100, 50, "PLAY") moreButton = button(self.window, paleLavander, 425, 480, 100, 50, "MORE") playButton.draw() moreButton.draw() if playButton.hover(mouse): playButton.color = green playButton.draw() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.stage = "createPlayer" if moreButton.hover(mouse): moreButton.color = green moreButton.draw() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.stage = "optionsMenu"
def optionsMenu(self, paleLavander, lightRed, green, event): mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() controlsButton = button(self.window, paleLavander, 45, 240, 100, 50, "CTRLS") returnButton = button(self.window, paleLavander, 45, 430, 100, 50, "BACK") controlsButton.draw() returnButton.draw() if controlsButton.hover(mouse): controlsButton.color = green controlsButton.draw() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.stage = "controlsMenu" if returnButton.hover(mouse): returnButton.color = green returnButton.draw() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.stage = "mainMenu"
def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('Conquer') self.setting = Setting() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.setting.width, self.setting.height)) self.play_button = button(self, 'Play Game') self.stats = Game_Stats(self) = scoreboard(self) self.ship = Ship(self) self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group() self.aliens = pygame.sprite.Group() self.raindrops = pygame.sprite.Group() self.Fleet()
def controlsMenu(self, paleLavander, lightRed, green, event): mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() arrowsImage = pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load('images/mainMenu/arrows.png'), (150, 100)) wasdImage = pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load('images/mainMenu/wasd.png'), (150, 100)) self.window.blit(arrowsImage, (75, 300)) self.window.blit(wasdImage, (375, 300)) returnButton = button(self.window, paleLavander, 450, 500, 100, 50, "BACK") returnButton.draw() if returnButton.hover(mouse): returnButton.color = green returnButton.draw() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.stage = "optionsMenu"
winWidht = 800 winHeight = 700 PongButtonColor = (0, 255, 255) ExitButtonColor = (255, 0, 0) win = pygame.display.set_mode((winWidht, winHeight)) pygame.display.set_caption('MainMenu') #PongButton startPong = False SBx = winWidht / 2 SBy = winHeight / 3 SBtext = "Pong" StartButton = button(PongButtonColor, 150, 60, SBx, SBy) #ExitButton exitGame = False SBx = winWidht / 2 SBy = winHeight / 2 EBtext = "Exit" ExitButton = button(ExitButtonColor, 150, 60, SBx, SBy) all_sprites_list = pygame.sprite.Group() all_sprites_list.add(StartButton) all_sprites_list.add(ExitButton) run = True
# text for the problem if Original_BOARD[col][row] != 0: textsurface[col][row] = myfont.render(str(Original_BOARD[col][row]), False, Index.Black) body_canvas.blit(textsurface[col][row], (RectX + Index.blockLenghtX/4, RectY)) else: textsurface[col][row] = myfont.render("", False, Index.White) #\ bar # start button start_button = button(Index.start_button_Color, Index.start_button_positionX, Index.start_button_positionY, Index.start_buttonW, Index.start_buttonH, "START", Index.start_button_TextColor, Index.button_text_size ) # end button end_button = button(Index.end_button_Color, Index.end_button_positionX, Index.end_button_positionY, Index.end_buttonW, Index.end_buttonH, "END", Index.end_button_TextColor, Index.button_text_size )