def loadCuffdiff(dbhandle, infile, outfile, min_fpkm=1.0):
    '''load results from cuffdiff analysis to database

    This functions parses and loads the results of a cuffdiff differential
    expression analysis.
    Parsing is performed by the parseCuffdiff function.

    Multiple tables will be created as cuffdiff outputs information
    on gene, isoform, tss, etc. levels.

    The method converts from ln(fold change) to log2 fold change.

    Pairwise comparisons in which one gene is not expressed (fpkm <
    `min_fpkm`) are set to status 'NOCALL'. These transcripts might
    nevertheless be significant.

    dbhandle : object
        Database handle.
    infile : string
        Input filename, output from cuffdiff
    outfile : string
        Output filename in :term:`tsv` format.
    min_fpkm : float
        Minimum fpkm. Genes with an fpkm lower than this will
        be set to status `NOCALL`.


    prefix = P.toTable(outfile)
    indir = infile + ".dir"

    if not os.path.exists(indir):

    # "building cummeRbund database" )
    # R('''library(cummeRbund)''')
    # cuff = R('''readCufflinks(dir = %(indir)s, dbfile=%(indir)s/csvdb)''' )
    # to be continued...

    tmpname = P.getTempFilename(shared=True)

    # ignore promoters and splicing - no fold change column, but  sqrt(JS)
    for fn, level in (("cds_exp.diff.gz", "cds"),
                      ("gene_exp.diff.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoform_exp.diff.gz", "isoform"),
                      # ("promoters.diff.gz", "promotor"),
                      # ("splicing.diff.gz", "splice"),
                      ("tss_group_exp.diff.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "_diff"

        infile = os.path.join(indir, fn)

        results = parseCuffdiff(infile, min_fpkm=min_fpkm)
        Expression.writeExpressionResults(tmpname, results)
        P.load(tmpname, outfile,
               options="--allow-empty-file "
               "--add-index=treatment_name "
               "--add-index=control_name "

    for fn, level in (("cds.fpkm_tracking.gz", "cds"),
                      ("genes.fpkm_tracking.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoforms.fpkm_tracking.gz", "isoform"),
                      ("tss_groups.fpkm_tracking.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "_levels"
        infile = os.path.join(indir, fn)

        P.load(infile, outfile,
               options="--allow-empty-file "
               "--add-index=tracking_id "
               "--add-index=control_name "

    # Jethro - load tables of sample specific cuffdiff fpkm values into csvdb
    # IMS: First read in lookup table for CuffDiff/Pipeline sample name
    # conversion
    inf = IOTools.openFile(os.path.join(indir, ""))
    sample_lookup = {}

    for line in inf:
        line = line.split("\t")
        our_sample_name = IOTools.snip(line[0])
        our_sample_name = re.sub("-", "_", our_sample_name)
        cuffdiff_sample_name = "%s_%s" % (line[1], line[2])
        sample_lookup[cuffdiff_sample_name] = our_sample_name


    for fn, level in (("cds.read_group_tracking.gz", "cds"),
                      ("genes.read_group_tracking.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoforms.read_group_tracking.gz", "isoform"),
                      ("tss_groups.read_group_tracking.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "sample_fpkms"

        tmpf = P.getTempFilename(".")
        inf = IOTools.openFile(os.path.join(indir, fn)).readlines()
        outf = IOTools.openFile(tmpf, "w")

        samples = []
        genes = {}

        is_first = True
        for line in inf:

            if is_first:
                is_first = False

            line = line.split()
            gene_id = line[0]
            condition = line[1]
            replicate = line[2]
            fpkm = line[6]
            status = line[8]

            sample_id = condition + "_" + replicate

            if sample_id not in samples:

            # IMS: The following block keeps getting its indenting messed
            # up. It is not part of the 'if sample_id not in samples' block
            # please make sure it does not get made part of it
            if gene_id not in genes:
                genes[gene_id] = {}
                genes[gene_id][sample_id] = fpkm
                if sample_id in genes[gene_id]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'sample_id %s appears twice in file for gene_id %s'
                        % (sample_id, gene_id))
                    if status != "OK":
                        genes[gene_id][sample_id] = status
                        genes[gene_id][sample_id] = fpkm

        samples = sorted(samples)

        # IMS - CDS files might be empty if not cds has been
        # calculated for the genes in the long term need to add CDS
        # annotation to denovo predicted genesets in meantime just
        # skip if cds tracking file is empty

        if len(samples) == 0:

        headers = "gene_id\t" + "\t".join([sample_lookup[x] for x in samples])
        outf.write(headers + "\n")

        for gene in genes.iterkeys():
            outf.write(gene + "\t")
            s = 0
            while x < len(samples) - 1:
                outf.write(genes[gene][samples[s]] + "\t")
                s += 1

            # IMS: Please be careful with this line. It keeps getting moved
            # into the above while block where it does not belong
            outf.write(genes[gene][samples[len(samples) - 1]] + "\n")


               options="--allow-empty-file "
               " --add-index=gene_id")


    # build convenience table with tracks
    tablename = prefix + "_isoform_levels"
    tracks = Database.getColumnNames(dbhandle, tablename)
    tracks = [x[:-len("_FPKM")] for x in tracks if x.endswith("_FPKM")]

    tmpfile = P.getTempFile(dir=".")
    tmpfile.write("\n".join(tracks) + "\n")

    P.load(, outfile)
Exemple #2
def createView(dbhandle, tables, tablename, outfile,
    '''create a database view for a list of tables.

    This method performs a join across multiple tables and stores the
    result either as a view or a table in the database.

    dbhandle :
        A database handle.
    tables : list of tuples
        Tables to merge. Each tuple contains the name of a table and
        the field to join with the first table. For example::

            tables = (
                "reads_summary", "track",
                "bam_stats", "track",
                "context_stats", "track",
                "picard_stats_alignment_summary_metrics", "track")

    tablename : string
        Name of the view or table to be created.
    outfile : string
        Output filename for status information.
    view_type : string
        Type of view, either ``VIEW`` or ``TABLE``.  If a view is to be
        created across multiple databases, use ``TABLE``.
    ignore_duplicates : bool
        If set to False, duplicate column names will be added with the
        tablename as prefix. The default is to ignore.


        "DROP %(view_type)s IF EXISTS %(tablename)s" % locals())

    tracks, columns = [], []
    tablenames = [x[0] for x in tables]
    for table, track in tables:
        d = Database.executewait(
            "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT %s) FROM %s" % (track, table))
            [x.lower() for x in Database.getColumnNames(dbhandle, table)
             if x != track])"creating %s from the following tables: %s" %
           (tablename, str(list(zip(tablenames, tracks)))))
    if min(tracks) != max(tracks):
        raise ValueError(
            "number of rows not identical - will not create view")

    from_statement = " , ".join(
        ["%s as t%i" % (y[0], x) for x, y in enumerate(tables)])
    f = tables[0][1]
    where_statement = " AND ".join(
        ["t0.%s = t%i.%s" % (f, x + 1, y[1])
         for x, y in enumerate(tables[1:])])

    all_columns, taken = [], set()
    for x, c in enumerate(columns):
        i = set(taken).intersection(set(c))
        if i:
            E.warn("duplicate column names: %s " % i)
            if not ignore_duplicates:
                table = tables[x][0]
                    ["t%i.%s AS %s_%s" % (x, y, table, y) for y in i])
                c = [y for y in c if y not in i]

        all_columns.extend(["t%i.%s" % (x, y) for y in c])

    all_columns = ",".join(all_columns)
    statement = '''
    CREATE %(view_type)s %(tablename)s AS SELECT t0.track, %(all_columns)s
    FROM %(from_statement)s
    WHERE %(where_statement)s
    ''' % locals()

    Database.executewait(dbhandle, statement)

    nrows = Database.executewait(
        dbhandle, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM view_mapping").fetchone()[0]

    if nrows == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "empty view mapping, check statement = %s" %
            (statement % locals()))
    if nrows != min(tracks):
        E.warn("view creates duplicate rows, got %i, expected %i" %
               (nrows, min(tracks)))"created view_mapping with %i rows" % nrows)
def loadCuffdiff(dbhandle, infile, outfile, min_fpkm=1.0):
    '''load results from cuffdiff analysis to database

    This functions parses and loads the results of a cuffdiff differential
    expression analysis.
    Parsing is performed by the parseCuffdiff function.

    Multiple tables will be created as cuffdiff outputs information
    on gene, isoform, tss, etc. levels.

    The method converts from ln(fold change) to log2 fold change.

    Pairwise comparisons in which one gene is not expressed (fpkm <
    `min_fpkm`) are set to status 'NOCALL'. These transcripts might
    nevertheless be significant.

    dbhandle : object
        Database handle.
    infile : string
        Input filename, output from cuffdiff
    outfile : string
        Output filename in :term:`tsv` format.
    min_fpkm : float
        Minimum fpkm. Genes with an fpkm lower than this will
        be set to status `NOCALL`.


    prefix = P.toTable(outfile)
    indir = infile + ".dir"

    if not os.path.exists(indir):

    # "building cummeRbund database" )
    # R('''library(cummeRbund)''')
    # cuff = R('''readCufflinks(dir = %(indir)s, dbfile=%(indir)s/csvdb)''' )
    # to be continued...

    tmpname = P.getTempFilename(shared=True)

    # ignore promoters and splicing - no fold change column, but  sqrt(JS)
    for fn, level in (("cds_exp.diff.gz", "cds"),
                      ("gene_exp.diff.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoform_exp.diff.gz", "isoform"),
                      # ("promoters.diff.gz", "promotor"),
                      # ("splicing.diff.gz", "splice"),
                      ("tss_group_exp.diff.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "_diff"

        infile = os.path.join(indir, fn)

        results = parseCuffdiff(infile, min_fpkm=min_fpkm)
        Expression.writeExpressionResults(tmpname, results)
        P.load(tmpname, outfile,
               options="--allow-empty-file "
               "--add-index=treatment_name "
               "--add-index=control_name "

    for fn, level in (("cds.fpkm_tracking.gz", "cds"),
                      ("genes.fpkm_tracking.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoforms.fpkm_tracking.gz", "isoform"),
                      ("tss_groups.fpkm_tracking.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "_levels"
        infile = os.path.join(indir, fn)

        P.load(infile, outfile,
               options="--allow-empty-file "
               "--add-index=tracking_id "
               "--add-index=control_name "

    # Jethro - load tables of sample specific cuffdiff fpkm values into csvdb
    # IMS: First read in lookup table for CuffDiff/Pipeline sample name
    # conversion
    inf = IOTools.openFile(os.path.join(indir, ""))
    sample_lookup = {}

    for line in inf:
        line = line.split("\t")
        our_sample_name = IOTools.snip(line[0])
        our_sample_name = re.sub("-", "_", our_sample_name)
        cuffdiff_sample_name = "%s_%s" % (line[1], line[2])
        sample_lookup[cuffdiff_sample_name] = our_sample_name


    for fn, level in (("cds.read_group_tracking.gz", "cds"),
                      ("genes.read_group_tracking.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoforms.read_group_tracking.gz", "isoform"),
                      ("tss_groups.read_group_tracking.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "sample_fpkms"

        tmpf = P.getTempFilename(".")
        inf = IOTools.openFile(os.path.join(indir, fn)).readlines()
        outf = IOTools.openFile(tmpf, "w")

        samples = []
        genes = {}

        is_first = True
        for line in inf:

            if is_first:
                is_first = False

            line = line.split()
            gene_id = line[0]
            condition = line[1]
            replicate = line[2]
            fpkm = line[6]
            status = line[8]

            sample_id = condition + "_" + replicate

            if sample_id not in samples:

            # IMS: The following block keeps getting its indenting messed
            # up. It is not part of the 'if sample_id not in samples' block
            # please make sure it does not get made part of it
            if gene_id not in genes:
                genes[gene_id] = {}
                genes[gene_id][sample_id] = fpkm
                if sample_id in genes[gene_id]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'sample_id %s appears twice in file for gene_id %s'
                        % (sample_id, gene_id))
                    if status != "OK":
                        genes[gene_id][sample_id] = status
                        genes[gene_id][sample_id] = fpkm

        samples = sorted(samples)

        # IMS - CDS files might be empty if not cds has been
        # calculated for the genes in the long term need to add CDS
        # annotation to denovo predicted genesets in meantime just
        # skip if cds tracking file is empty

        if len(samples) == 0:

        headers = "gene_id\t" + "\t".join([sample_lookup[x] for x in samples])
        outf.write(headers + "\n")

        for gene in genes.iterkeys():
            outf.write(gene + "\t")
            s = 0
            while x < len(samples) - 1:
                outf.write(genes[gene][samples[s]] + "\t")
                s += 1

            # IMS: Please be careful with this line. It keeps getting moved
            # into the above while block where it does not belong
            outf.write(genes[gene][samples[len(samples) - 1]] + "\n")


               options="--allow-empty-file "
               " --add-index=gene_id")


    # build convenience table with tracks
    tablename = prefix + "_isoform_levels"
    tracks = Database.getColumnNames(dbhandle, tablename)
    tracks = [x[:-len("_FPKM")] for x in tracks if x.endswith("_FPKM")]

    tmpfile = P.getTempFile(dir=".")
    tmpfile.write("\n".join(tracks) + "\n")

    P.load(, outfile)
Exemple #4
def createView(dbhandle,
    '''create a database view for a list of tables.

    This method performs a join across multiple tables and stores the
    result either as a view or a table in the database.

    dbhandle :
        A database handle.
    tables : list of tuples
        Tables to merge. Each tuple contains the name of a table and
        the field to join with the first table. For example::

            tables = (
                "reads_summary", "track",
                "bam_stats", "track",
                "context_stats", "track",
                "picard_stats_alignment_summary_metrics", "track")

    tablename : string
        Name of the view or table to be created.
    outfile : string
        Output filename for status information.
    view_type : string
        Type of view, either ``VIEW`` or ``TABLE``.  If a view is to be
        created across multiple databases, use ``TABLE``.
    ignore_duplicates : bool
        If set to False, duplicate column names will be added with the
        tablename as prefix. The default is to ignore.


        dbhandle, "DROP %(view_type)s IF EXISTS %(tablename)s" % locals())

    tracks, columns = [], []
    tablenames = [x[0] for x in tables]
    for table, track in tables:
        d = Database.executewait(
            dbhandle, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT %s) FROM %s" % (track, table))
            x.lower() for x in Database.getColumnNames(dbhandle, table)
            if x != track
        ])"creating %s from the following tables: %s" %
           (tablename, str(list(zip(tablenames, tracks)))))
    if min(tracks) != max(tracks):
        raise ValueError("number of rows not identical - will not create view")

    from_statement = " , ".join(
        ["%s as t%i" % (y[0], x) for x, y in enumerate(tables)])
    f = tables[0][1]
    where_statement = " AND ".join([
        "t0.%s = t%i.%s" % (f, x + 1, y[1]) for x, y in enumerate(tables[1:])

    all_columns, taken = [], set()
    for x, c in enumerate(columns):
        i = set(taken).intersection(set(c))
        if i:
            E.warn("duplicate column names: %s " % i)
            if not ignore_duplicates:
                table = tables[x][0]
                    ["t%i.%s AS %s_%s" % (x, y, table, y) for y in i])
                c = [y for y in c if y not in i]

        all_columns.extend(["t%i.%s" % (x, y) for y in c])

    all_columns = ",".join(all_columns)
    statement = '''
    CREATE %(view_type)s %(tablename)s AS SELECT t0.track, %(all_columns)s
    FROM %(from_statement)s
    WHERE %(where_statement)s
    ''' % locals()

    Database.executewait(dbhandle, statement)

    nrows = Database.executewait(
        dbhandle, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM view_mapping").fetchone()[0]

    if nrows == 0:
        raise ValueError("empty view mapping, check statement = %s" %
                         (statement % locals()))
    if nrows != min(tracks):
        E.warn("view creates duplicate rows, got %i, expected %i" %
               (nrows, min(tracks)))"created view_mapping with %i rows" % nrows)
def loadCuffdiff(infile, outfile, min_fpkm=1.0):
    '''load results from differential expression analysis and produce
    summary plots.

    Note: converts from ln(fold change) to log2 fold change.

    The cuffdiff output is parsed.

    Pairwise comparisons in which one gene is not expressed (fpkm <
    fpkm_silent) are set to status 'NOCALL'. These transcripts might
    nevertheless be significant.

    This requires the cummeRbund library to be present in R.


    prefix = P.toTable(outfile)
    indir = infile + ".dir"

    if not os.path.exists(indir):

    # "building cummeRbund database" )
    # R('''library(cummeRbund)''')
    # cuff = R('''readCufflinks(dir = %(indir)s, dbfile=%(indir)s/csvdb)''' )
    # to be continued

    dbhandle = sqlite3.connect(PARAMS["database"])

    tmpname = P.getTempFilename(".")

    # ignore promoters and splicing - no fold change column, but  sqrt(JS)
    for fn, level in (("cds_exp.diff.gz", "cds"),
                      ("gene_exp.diff.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoform_exp.diff.gz", "isoform"),
                      # ("promoters.diff.gz", "promotor"),
                      # ("splicing.diff.gz", "splice"),
                      ("tss_group_exp.diff.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "_diff"

        infile = os.path.join(indir, fn)
        results = parseCuffdiff(infile,

        Expression.writeExpressionResults(tmpname, results)

        statement = '''cat %(tmpname)s
        | python %(scriptsdir)s/ %(csv2db_options)s
         >> %(outfile)s.log

    for fn, level in (("cds.fpkm_tracking.gz", "cds"),
                      ("genes.fpkm_tracking.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoforms.fpkm_tracking.gz", "isoform"),
                      ("tss_groups.fpkm_tracking.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "_levels"

        statement = '''zcat %(indir)s/%(fn)s
        | python %(scriptsdir)s/ %(csv2db_options)s
         >> %(outfile)s.log

    # Jethro - load tables of sample specific cuffdiff fpkm values into csvdb
    # IMS: First read in lookup table for CuffDiff/Pipeline sample name
    # conversion
    inf = IOTools.openFile(os.path.join(indir, ""))
    sample_lookup = {}

    for line in inf:
        line = line.split("\t")
        our_sample_name = IOTools.snip(line[0])
        our_sample_name = re.sub("-", "_", our_sample_name)
        cuffdiff_sample_name = "%s_%s" % (line[1], line[2])
        sample_lookup[cuffdiff_sample_name] = our_sample_name


    for fn, level in (("cds.read_group_tracking.gz", "cds"),
                      ("genes.read_group_tracking.gz", "gene"),
                      ("isoforms.read_group_tracking.gz", "isoform"),
                      ("tss_groups.read_group_tracking.gz", "tss")):

        tablename = prefix + "_" + level + "sample_fpkms"

        tmpf = P.getTempFilename(".")
        inf = IOTools.openFile(os.path.join(indir, fn)).readlines()
        outf = IOTools.openFile(tmpf, "w")

        samples = []
        genes = {}

        x = 0
        for line in inf:
            if x == 0:
                x += 1
            line = line.split()
            gene_id = line[0]
            condition = line[1]
            replicate = line[2]
            fpkm = line[6]
            status = line[8]

            sample_id = condition + "_" + replicate

            if sample_id not in samples:

            # IMS: The following block keeps getting its indenting messed
            # up. It is not part of the 'if sample_id not in samples' block
            # plesae make sure it does not get made part of it
            if gene_id not in genes:
                genes[gene_id] = {}
                genes[gene_id][sample_id] = fpkm
                if sample_id in genes[gene_id]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'sample_id %s appears twice in file for gene_id %s'
                        % (sample_id, gene_id))
                    if status != "OK":
                        genes[gene_id][sample_id] = status
                        genes[gene_id][sample_id] = fpkm

        samples = sorted(samples)

        # IMS - CDS files might be empty if not cds has been
        # calculated for the genes in the long term need to add CDS
        # annotation to denovo predicted genesets in meantime just
        # skip if cds tracking file is empty

        if len(samples) == 0:

        headers = "gene_id\t" + "\t".join([sample_lookup[x] for x in samples])
        outf.write(headers + "\n")

        for gene in genes.iterkeys():
            outf.write(gene + "\t")
            x = 0
            while x < len(samples) - 1:
                outf.write(genes[gene][samples[x]] + "\t")
                x += 1

            # IMS: Please be careful with this line. It keeps getting moved
            # into the above while block where it does not belong
            outf.write(genes[gene][samples[len(samples) - 1]] + "\n")


        statement = ("cat %(tmpf)s |"
                     " python %(scriptsdir)s/ "
                     "  %(csv2db_options)s"
                     "  --allow-empty-file"
                     "  --add-index=gene_id"
                     "  --table=%(tablename)s"
                     " >> %(outfile)s.log")


    # build convenience table with tracks
    tablename = prefix + "_isoform_levels"
    tracks = Database.getColumnNames(dbhandle, tablename)
    tracks = [x[:-len("_FPKM")] for x in tracks if x.endswith("_FPKM")]

    tmpfile = P.getTempFile(dir=".")
    tmpfile.write("\n".join(tracks) + "\n")

    P.load(, outfile)