Exemple #1
def check_case(case, caseroot):
    preview_namelists(case, dryrun=False)
    expect(case.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE"), "Build complete is "
           "not True please rebuild the model by calling case.build")
    logger.info("Check case OK")
Exemple #2
def pre_run_check(case):

    # Pre run initialization code..
    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    din_loc_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT")
    batchsubmit = case.get_value("BATCHSUBMIT")
    mpilib = case.get_value("MPILIB")
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    build_complete = case.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE")

    # check for locked files.
    logger.debug("check_lockedfiles OK")

    # check that build is done
    expect (build_complete,
            "BUILD_COMPLETE is not true\nPlease rebuild the model interactively")
    logger.debug("build complete is %s " %build_complete)

    # load the module environment...
    env_module = case.get_env("mach_specific")

    # set environment variables
    # This is a requirement for yellowstone only
    if mpilib == "mpi-serial" and "MP_MPILIB" in os.environ:
        del os.environ["MP_MPILIB"]
        os.environ["MPILIB"] = mpilib

    if batchsubmit is None or len(batchsubmit) == 0:
        os.environ["LBQUERY"] = "FALSE"
        os.environ["BATCHQUERY"] = "undefined"
    elif batchsubmit == 'UNSET':
        os.environ["LBQUERY"] = "FALSE"
        os.environ["BATCHQUERY"] = "undefined"
        os.environ["LBQUERY"] = "TRUE"

    # create the timing directories, optionally cleaning them if needed.
    if not os.path.isdir(rundir):

    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rundir,"timing")):


    # run preview namelists

    # document process
    append_status("Run started ",caseroot=caseroot,

    logger.info( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
    logger.info( " - To prestage required restarts, untar a restart.tar file into %s" %(rundir))
    logger.info( " - Case input data directory (DIN_LOC_ROOT) is %s " %(din_loc_root))
    logger.info( " - Checking for required input datasets in DIN_LOC_ROOT")
    logger.info( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
Exemple #3
def case_build(caseroot, case=None, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False):

    t1 = time.time()

    expect(not (sharedlib_only and model_only),
           "Contradiction: both sharedlib_only and model_only")

    logger.info("sharedlib_only is %s" % sharedlib_only)
    logger.info("model_only is %s" % model_only)

    expect(os.path.isdir(caseroot), "'%s' is not a valid directory" % caseroot)

           "ERROR: must invoke case.setup script before calling build script ")

    case = Case() if case is None else case
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")

    comp_classes = case.get_value("COMP_CLASSES").split(',')

    if not sharedlib_only:

    run_cmd("./Tools/check_lockedfiles --caseroot %s" % caseroot)

    # Retrieve relevant case data
    # This environment variable gets set for cesm Make and
    # needs to be unset before building again.
    if "MODEL" in os.environ.keys():
        del os.environ["MODEL"]
    build_threaded      = case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED")
    casetools           = case.get_value("CASETOOLS")
    exeroot             = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    incroot             = case.get_value("INCROOT")
    libroot             = case.get_value("LIBROOT")
    sharedlibroot       = case.get_value("SHAREDLIBROOT")

    complist = []
    for comp_class in comp_classes:
        if comp_class == "DRV":
            comp_class = "CPL"
            ninst = 1
            config_dir = None
            ninst = case.get_value("NINST_%s"%comp_class)
            config_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_%s_FILE"%comp_class))

        comp = case.get_value("COMP_%s"%comp_class)
        thrds =  case.get_value("NTHRDS_%s"%comp_class)
        complist.append((comp_class.lower(), comp, thrds, ninst, config_dir ))
        os.environ["COMP_%s"%comp_class] = comp
    machines_file       = case.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
    ocn_submodel        = case.get_value("OCN_SUBMODEL")
    profile_papi_enable = case.get_value("PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE")
    compiler            = case.get_value("COMPILER")
    comp_interface      = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")
    mpilib              = case.get_value("MPILIB")
    use_esmf_lib        = case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB")
    debug               = case.get_value("DEBUG")
    ninst_build         = case.get_value("NINST_BUILD")
    smp_value           = case.get_value("SMP_VALUE")
    clm_use_petsc       = case.get_value("CLM_USE_PETSC")
    cism_use_trilinos   = case.get_value("CISM_USE_TRILINOS")
    mpasli_use_albany   = case.get_value("MPASLI_USE_ALBANY")
    clm_config_opts     = case.get_value("CLM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    cam_config_opts     = case.get_value("CAM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    pio_config_opts     = case.get_value("PIO_CONFIG_OPTS")
    ninst_value         = case.get_value("NINST_VALUE")
    mach                = case.get_value("MACH")
    os_                 = case.get_value("OS")
    # Load some params into env
    os.environ["CIMEROOT"]             = cimeroot
    os.environ["CASETOOLS"]            = casetools
    os.environ["EXEROOT"]              = exeroot
    os.environ["INCROOT"]              = incroot
    os.environ["LIBROOT"]              = libroot
    os.environ["SHAREDLIBROOT"]        = sharedlibroot
    os.environ["CASEROOT"]             = caseroot
    os.environ["COMPILER"]             = compiler
    os.environ["COMP_INTERFACE"]       = comp_interface
    os.environ["NINST_VALUE"]          = str(ninst_value)
    os.environ["BUILD_THREADED"]       = stringify_bool(build_threaded)
    os.environ["MACH"]                 = mach
    os.environ["USE_ESMF_LIB"]         = stringify_bool(use_esmf_lib)
    os.environ["MPILIB"]               = mpilib
    os.environ["DEBUG"]                = stringify_bool(debug)
    os.environ["OS"]                   = os_
    os.environ["CLM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = clm_config_opts     if clm_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["CAM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = cam_config_opts     if cam_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["PIO_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = pio_config_opts     if pio_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["OCN_SUBMODEL"]         = ocn_submodel        if ocn_submodel        is not None else ""
    os.environ["PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE"]  = stringify_bool(profile_papi_enable) if profile_papi_enable is not None else ""
    os.environ["CLM_USE_PETSC"]        = stringify_bool(clm_use_petsc)       if clm_use_petsc       is not None else ""
    os.environ["CISM_USE_TRILINOS"]    = stringify_bool(cism_use_trilinos)   if cism_use_trilinos   is not None else ""
    os.environ["MPASLI_USE_ALBANY"]    = stringify_bool(mpasli_use_albany)   if mpasli_use_albany   is not None else ""

    # This is a timestamp for the build , not the same as the testid,
    # and this case may not be a test anyway. For a production
    # experiment there may be many builds of the same case.
    lid               = run_cmd("date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    os.environ["LID"] = lid

    # Set the overall USE_PETSC variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_PETSC variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CLM_USE_PETSC variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_PETSC will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_petsc = clm_use_petsc
    case.set_value("USE_PETSC", use_petsc)
    os.environ["USE_PETSC"] = stringify_bool(use_petsc)

    # Set the overall USE_TRILINOS variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_TRILINOS variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CISM_USE_TRILINOS variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_TRILINOS will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_trilinos = False if cism_use_trilinos is None else cism_use_trilinos
    case.set_value("USE_TRILINOS", use_trilinos)
    os.environ["USE_TRILINOS"] = stringify_bool(use_trilinos)

    # Set the overall USE_ALBANY variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_ALBANY variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one MPASLI_USE_ALBANY variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_ALBANY will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_albany = mpasli_use_albany
    case.set_value("USE_ALBANY", use_albany)
    os.environ["USE_ALBANY"] = stringify_bool(use_albany)

    # Load modules
    env_module = case._get_env("mach_specific")

    # Need to flush case xml to disk before calling preview_namelists

    if not sharedlib_only:

    build_checks(case, build_threaded, comp_interface, use_esmf_lib, debug, compiler, mpilib,
                 sharedlibroot, complist, ninst_build, smp_value)

    t2 = time.time()
    logs = []

    if not model_only:
        logs = build_libraries(case, exeroot, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, mpilib, lid,

    if not sharedlib_only:
        logs.extend(build_model(case, build_threaded, exeroot, clm_config_opts, incroot, complist,
                                lid, caseroot, cimeroot, use_esmf_lib, comp_interface))

    if not sharedlib_only:
        post_build(case, logs)

    t3 = time.time()

    logger.info("Time spent not building: %f sec" % (t2 - t1))
    logger.info("Time spent building: %f sec" % (t3 - t2))
Exemple #4
def case_build(caseroot, case=None, testmode=False, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False):
    t1 = time.time()

    expect(not (sharedlib_only and model_only),
           "Contradiction: both sharedlib_only and model_only")

    logger.info("sharedlib_only is %s" % sharedlib_only)
    logger.info("model_only is %s" % model_only)

    expect(os.path.isdir(caseroot), "'%s' is not a valid directory" % caseroot)

           "ERROR: must invoke case.setup script before calling build script ")

    case = Case() if case is None else case
    testcase = case.get_value("TESTCASE")
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    expect(not (testcase is not None and
                os.path.exists("%s/scripts/Testing/Testcases/%s_build.csh" %
                               (cimeroot, testcase)) and not testmode),
           "%s build must be invoked via case.testbuild script" % testcase)

    if not sharedlib_only:

    run_cmd("./Tools/check_lockedfiles --caseroot %s" % caseroot)

    # Retrieve relevant case data
    build_threaded      = case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED")
    casetools           = case.get_value("CASETOOLS")
    exeroot             = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    incroot             = case.get_value("INCROOT")
    libroot             = case.get_value("LIBROOT")
    sharedlibroot       = case.get_value("SHAREDLIBROOT")
    comp_atm            = case.get_value("COMP_ATM")
    comp_lnd            = case.get_value("COMP_LND")
    comp_ice            = case.get_value("COMP_ICE")
    comp_ocn            = case.get_value("COMP_OCN")
    comp_glc            = case.get_value("COMP_GLC")
    comp_wav            = case.get_value("COMP_WAV")
    comp_rof            = case.get_value("COMP_ROF")
    compiler            = case.get_value("COMPILER")
    comp_interface      = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")
    mpilib              = case.get_value("MPILIB")
    use_esmf_lib        = case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB")
    debug               = case.get_value("DEBUG")
    ninst_build         = case.get_value("NINST_BUILD")
    smp_value           = case.get_value("SMP_VALUE")
    clm_use_petsc       = case.get_value("CLM_USE_PETSC")
    cism_use_trilinos   = case.get_value("CISM_USE_TRILINOS")
    mpasli_use_albany   = case.get_value("MPASLI_USE_ALBANY")
    clm_config_opts     = case.get_value("CLM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    cam_config_opts     = case.get_value("CAM_CONFIG_OPTS")
    pio_config_opts     = case.get_value("PIO_CONFIG_OPTS")
    ninst_value         = case.get_value("NINST_VALUE")
    mach                = case.get_value("MACH")
    os_                 = case.get_value("OS")
    comp_cpl            = case.get_value("COMP_CPL")
    machines_file       = case.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
    ocn_submodel        = case.get_value("OCN_SUBMODEL")
    profile_papi_enable = case.get_value("PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE")
    nthrds_cpl          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_CPL"))
    nthrds_atm          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_ATM"))
    nthrds_lnd          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_LND"))
    nthrds_ice          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_ICE"))
    nthrds_ocn          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_OCN"))
    nthrds_glc          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_GLC"))
    nthrds_wav          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_WAV"))
    nthrds_rof          = int(case.get_value("NTHRDS_ROF"))

    # Load some params into env
    os.environ["CIMEROOT"]             = cimeroot
    os.environ["CASETOOLS"]            = casetools
    os.environ["EXEROOT"]              = exeroot
    os.environ["INCROOT"]              = incroot
    os.environ["LIBROOT"]              = libroot
    os.environ["SHAREDLIBROOT"]        = sharedlibroot
    os.environ["CASEROOT"]             = caseroot
    os.environ["COMPILER"]             = compiler
    os.environ["COMP_INTERFACE"]       = comp_interface
    os.environ["NINST_VALUE"]          = ninst_value
    os.environ["BUILD_THREADED"]       = build_threaded
    os.environ["MACH"]                 = mach
    os.environ["USE_ESMF_LIB"]         = use_esmf_lib
    os.environ["MPILIB"]               = mpilib
    os.environ["DEBUG"]                = debug
    os.environ["OS"]                   = os_
    os.environ["COMP_CPL"]             = comp_cpl
    os.environ["COMP_ATM"]             = comp_atm
    os.environ["COMP_LND"]             = comp_lnd
    os.environ["COMP_ICE"]             = comp_ice
    os.environ["COMP_OCN"]             = comp_ocn
    os.environ["COMP_GLC"]             = comp_glc
    os.environ["COMP_WAV"]             = comp_wav
    os.environ["COMP_ROF"]             = comp_rof
    os.environ["CLM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = clm_config_opts     if clm_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["CAM_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = cam_config_opts     if cam_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["PIO_CONFIG_OPTS"]      = pio_config_opts     if pio_config_opts     is not None else ""
    os.environ["OCN_SUBMODEL"]         = ocn_submodel        if ocn_submodel        is not None else ""
    os.environ["PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE"]  = profile_papi_enable if profile_papi_enable is not None else ""
    os.environ["CLM_USE_PETSC"]        = clm_use_petsc       if clm_use_petsc       is not None else ""
    os.environ["CISM_USE_TRILINOS"]    = cism_use_trilinos   if cism_use_trilinos   is not None else ""
    os.environ["MPASLI_USE_ALBANY"]    = mpasli_use_albany   if mpasli_use_albany   is not None else ""

    # This is a timestamp for the build , not the same as the testid,
    # and this case may not be a test anyway. For a production
    # experiment there may be many builds of the same case.
    lid               = run_cmd("date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    os.environ["LID"] = lid

    # Set the overall USE_PETSC variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_PETSC variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CLM_USE_PETSC variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_PETSC will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_petsc = "TRUE" if clm_use_petsc == "TRUE" else "FALSE"
    case.set_value("USE_PETSC", use_petsc)
    os.environ["USE_PETSC"] = use_petsc

    # Set the overall USE_TRILINOS variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_TRILINOS variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one CISM_USE_TRILINOS variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_TRILINOS will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_trilinos = "TRUE" if cism_use_trilinos == "TRUE" else "FALSE"
    case.set_value("USE_TRILINOS", use_trilinos)
    os.environ["USE_TRILINOS"] = use_trilinos

    # Set the overall USE_ALBANY variable to TRUE if any of the
    # XXX_USE_ALBANY variables are TRUE.
    # For now, there is just the one MPASLI_USE_ALBANY variable, but in
    # the future there may be others -- so USE_ALBANY will be true if
    # ANY of those are true.

    use_albany = "TRUE" if mpasli_use_albany == "TRUE" else "FALSE"
    case.set_value("USE_ALBANY", use_albany)
    os.environ["USE_ALBANY"] = use_albany

    # Load modules
    env_module = EnvModule(mach, compiler, cimeroot, caseroot, mpilib, debug)

    # Need to flush case xml to disk before calling preview_namelists

    if not sharedlib_only:

    build_checks(case, build_threaded, comp_interface, use_esmf_lib, debug, compiler, mpilib, 
                 sharedlibroot, nthrds_cpl, nthrds_atm, nthrds_lnd, nthrds_ice, nthrds_ocn, 
                 nthrds_glc, nthrds_wav, nthrds_rof, ninst_build, smp_value)

    t2 = time.time()
    logs = []

    if not model_only:
        logs = build_libraries(exeroot, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, mpilib, lid, machines_file)
        if sharedlib_only and comp_lnd == "clm" and not "clm4_0" in clm_config_opts:
            logging.info("         - Building clm4_5/clm5_0 Library ")
            esmfdir = "esmf" if use_esmf_lib == "TRUE" else "noesmf"
            sharedpath = os.environ["SHAREDPATH"]
            bldroot = os.path.join(sharedpath, comp_interface, esmfdir)
            objdir = os.path.join(bldroot, "lnd", "obj")
            libdir = os.path.join(bldroot, "lib")
            file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "lnd.bldlog.%s" %  lid)
            config_lnd_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_LND_FILE"))
            results = []
            for ndir in [bldroot, objdir, libdir]:
                if(not os.path.isdir(ndir)):

            _build_model_thread(config_lnd_dir, caseroot, bldroot, "clm", file_build,
                                exeroot, "lnd", "clm", objdir, incroot, results)

    if not sharedlib_only:
        logs.extend(build_model(case, build_threaded, exeroot, clm_config_opts, incroot,
                                comp_atm,   comp_lnd,   comp_ice,   comp_ocn,   comp_glc,   comp_wav,   comp_rof,
                                nthrds_atm, nthrds_lnd, nthrds_ice, nthrds_ocn, nthrds_glc, nthrds_wav, nthrds_rof,
                                lid, caseroot, cimeroot, use_esmf_lib, comp_interface))

    if not sharedlib_only:
        post_build(case, logs)

    t3 = time.time()

    logger.info("Time spent not building: %f sec" % (t2 - t1))
    logger.info("Time spent building: %f sec" % (t3 - t2))
Exemple #5
def _case_setup_impl(case, caseroot, casebaseid, clean=False, test_mode=False, reset=False):
    msg = "case.setup starting"
    append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")

    cimeroot = os.environ["CIMEROOT"]

    # Check that $DIN_LOC_ROOT exists - and abort if not a namelist compare tests
    din_loc_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT")
    testcase     = case.get_value("TESTCASE")
    expect(not (not os.path.isdir(din_loc_root) and testcase != "SBN"),
           "inputdata root is not a directory: \"$din_loc_root\" ")

    # Check that userdefine settings are specified before expanding variable
    for vid, value in case:
        expect(not (type(value) is str and "USERDEFINED_required_build" in value),
               "Parameter '%s' must be defined" % vid)

    # Create batch script
    if reset or clean:
        # Clean batch script

        backup_dir = "PESetupHist/b.%s" % time.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir):

        # back up relevant files
        for fileglob in ["case.run", "env_build.xml", "env_mach_pes.xml", "Macros*"]:
            for filename in glob.glob(fileglob):
                shutil.copy(filename, backup_dir)
        if os.path.exists("case.run"):

        # only do the following if are NOT in testmode
        if not test_mode:
            # rebuild the models (even on restart)
            case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", False)

            # backup and then clean test script
            if os.path.exists("case.test"):
                shutil.copy("case.test", backup_dir)
                logger.info("Successfully cleaned test script case.test")

            if os.path.exists("case.testdriver"):
                shutil.copy("case.testdriver", backup_dir)
                logger.info("Successfully cleaned test script case.testdriver")

        logger.info("Successfully cleaned batch script case.run")

        logger.info("Successfully cleaned batch script case.run")
        logger.info("Some files have been saved to %s" % backup_dir)

        msg = "case.setup clean complete"
        append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")

    if not clean:
        drv_comp = Component()
        models = drv_comp.get_valid_model_components()

        mach, compiler, debug, mpilib = \
            case.get_value("MACH"), case.get_value("COMPILER"), case.get_value("DEBUG"), case.get_value("MPILIB")
        expect(mach is not None, "xml variable MACH is not set")

        # Create Macros file only if it does not exist
        if not os.path.exists("Macros"):
            logger.debug("Creating Macros file for %s" % mach)
            compilers = Compilers(compiler=compiler, machine=mach, os_=case.get_value("OS"), mpilib=mpilib)
            logger.debug("Macros script already created ...skipping")

        # Set tasks to 1 if mpi-serial library
        if mpilib == "mpi-serial":
            for vid, value in case:
                if vid.startswith("NTASKS_") and value != 1:
                    case.set_value(vid, 1)

        # Check ninst.
        # In CIME there can be multiple instances of each component model (an ensemble) NINST is the instance of that component.
        # Save ninst in a dict to use later in apply_user_mods
        ninst = dict()
        for comp in models:
            comp_model = case.get_value("COMP_%s" % comp)
            ninst[comp_model]  = case.get_value("NINST_%s" % comp)
            ntasks = case.get_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp)
            if ninst[comp_model] > ntasks:
                if ntasks == 1:
                    case.set_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp, ninst[comp_model])
                    expect(False, "NINST_%s value %d greater than NTASKS_%s %d" % (comp, ninst[comp_model], comp, ntasks))

        expect(not (case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED") and compiler == "nag"),
               "it is not possible to run with OpenMP if using the NAG Fortran compiler")

        if os.path.exists("case.run"):
            logger.info("Machine/Decomp/Pes configuration has already been done ...skipping")
            _check_pelayouts_require_rebuild(case, models)

            if os.path.exists("LockedFiles/env_build.xml"):


            tm = TaskMaker(case)
            mtpn = case.get_value("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE")
            pespn = case.get_value("PES_PER_NODE")
            # This is hardcoded because on yellowstone by default we
            # run with 15 pes per node
            # but pay for 16 pes per node.  See github issue #518
            if case.get_value("MACH") == "yellowstone":
                pespn = 16
            pestot = tm.totaltasks
            if mtpn > pespn:
                pestot = pestot * (mtpn // pespn)
                case.set_value("COST_PES", tm.num_nodes*pespn)
                # reset cost_pes to totalpes
                case.set_value("COST_PES", 0)

            case.set_value("TOTALPES", pestot)

            # Compute cost based on PE count
            pval = 1
            pcnt = 0
            while pval < pestot:
                pval *= 2
                pcnt += 6 # (scaling like sqrt(6/10))
            pcost = 3 - pcnt / 10 # (3 is 64 with 6)

            # Compute cost based on DEBUG
            dcost = 3 if debug else 0

            # Compute cost based on run length
            # For simplicity, we use a heuristic just based on STOP_OPTION (not considering
            # STOP_N), and only deal with options longer than ndays
            lcost = 0
            if "nmonth" in case.get_value("STOP_OPTION"):
                # N months costs 30x as much as N days; since cost is based on log-base-2, add 5
                lcost = 5
            elif "nyear" in case.get_value("STOP_OPTION"):
                # N years costs 365x as much as N days; since cost is based on log-base-2, add 9
                lcost = 9

            estcost = pcost + dcost + lcost
            for cost in ["CCSM_CCOST", "CCSM_GCOST", "CCSM_TCOST", "CCSM_CCOST"]:
                estcost += case.get_value(cost)

            case.set_value("CCSM_PCOST", pcost)
            case.set_value("CCSM_ESTCOST", estcost)

            # create batch file
            logger.info("Creating batch script case.run")

            # Use BatchFactory to get the appropriate instance of a BatchMaker,
            # use it to create our batch scripts
            env_batch = case.get_env("batch")
            for job in env_batch.get_jobs():
                input_batch_script  = os.path.join(case.get_value("MACHDIR"), env_batch.get_value('template', subgroup=job))
                if job == "case.test" and testcase is not None and not test_mode:
                    logger.info("Writing %s script" % job)
                    testscript = os.path.join(cimeroot, "scripts", "Testing", "Testcases", "%s_script" % testcase)
                    # Short term fix to be removed when csh tests are removed
                    if not os.path.exists(testscript):
                        env_batch.make_batch_script(input_batch_script, job, case)
                elif job != "case.test":
                    logger.info("Writing %s script" % job)
                    env_batch.make_batch_script(input_batch_script, job, case)

            # Make a copy of env_mach_pes.xml in order to be able
            # to check that it does not change once case.setup is invoked
            logger.info("Locking file env_mach_pes.xml")
            shutil.copy("env_mach_pes.xml", "LockedFiles")

        # Create user_nl files for the required number of instances
        if not os.path.exists("user_nl_cpl"):
            logger.info("Creating user_nl_xxx files for components and cpl")
        # loop over models
        for model in models:
            comp = case.get_value("COMP_%s" % model)
            logger.info("Building %s usernl files"%model)
            _build_usernl_files(case, model, comp)
            if comp == "cism":
                run_cmd_no_fail("%s/../components/cism/cime_config/cism.template %s" % (cimeroot, caseroot))

        _build_usernl_files(case, "drv", "cpl")

        user_mods_path = case.get_value("USER_MODS_FULLPATH")
        if user_mods_path is not None:
            apply_user_mods(caseroot, user_mods_path=user_mods_path, ninst=ninst)
        elif case.get_value("TEST"):
            test_mods = parse_test_name(casebaseid)[6]
            if test_mods is not None:
                user_mods_path = os.path.join(case.get_value("TESTS_MODS_DIR"), test_mods)
                apply_user_mods(caseroot, user_mods_path=user_mods_path, ninst=ninst)

        # Run preview namelists for scripts

        logger.info("See ./CaseDoc for component namelists")
        logger.info("If an old case build already exists, might want to run \'case.build --clean\' before building")

        # Create test script if appropriate
        # Short term fix to be removed when csh tests are removed
        if os.path.exists("env_test.xml"):
            if not os.path.exists("case.test"):
                logger.info("Starting testcase.setup")
                run_cmd_no_fail("./testcase.setup -caseroot %s" % caseroot)
                logger.info("Finished testcase.setup")

        msg = "case.setup complete"
        append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")

        # Record env information
        env_module = case.get_env("mach_specific")
        env_module.make_env_mach_specific_file(compiler, debug, mpilib, "sh")
        env_module.make_env_mach_specific_file(compiler, debug, mpilib, "csh")
        with open("software_environment.txt", "w") as f:
        run_cmd_no_fail("echo -e '\n' >> software_environment.txt && \
                         env >> software_environment.txt")
def _case_setup_impl(case, caseroot, casebaseid, clean=False, test_mode=False, reset=False):
    msg = "case.setup starting"
    append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")

    cimeroot = get_cime_root(case)

    # Check that $DIN_LOC_ROOT exists - and abort if not a namelist compare tests
    din_loc_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT")
    testcase     = case.get_value("TESTCASE")
    expect(not (not os.path.isdir(din_loc_root) and testcase != "SBN"),
           "inputdata root is not a directory: \"$din_loc_root\" ")

    # Check that userdefine settings are specified before expanding variable
    for vid, value in case:
        expect(not (type(value) is str and "USERDEFINED_required_build" in value),
               "Parameter '%s' must be defined" % vid)

    # Create batch script
    if reset or clean:
        # Clean batch script

        backup_dir = "PESetupHist/b.%s" % time.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir):

        # back up relevant files
        for fileglob in ["case.run", "env_build.xml", "env_mach_pes.xml", "Macros*"]:
            for filename in glob.glob(fileglob):
                shutil.copy(filename, backup_dir)
        if os.path.exists("case.run"):

        # only do the following if are NOT in testmode
        if not test_mode:
            # rebuild the models (even on restart)
            case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", False)

            # backup and then clean test script
            if os.path.exists("case.test"):
                shutil.copy("case.test", backup_dir)
                logger.info("Successfully cleaned test script case.test")

            if os.path.exists("case.testdriver"):
                shutil.copy("case.testdriver", backup_dir)
                logger.info("Successfully cleaned test script case.testdriver")

        logger.info("Successfully cleaned batch script case.run")

        logger.info("Successfully cleaned batch script case.run")
        logger.info("Some files have been saved to %s" % backup_dir)

        msg = "case.setup clean complete"
        append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")

    if not clean:
        models = case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES")

        mach, compiler, debug, mpilib = \
            case.get_value("MACH"), case.get_value("COMPILER"), case.get_value("DEBUG"), case.get_value("MPILIB")
        expect(mach is not None, "xml variable MACH is not set")

        # Create Macros file only if it does not exist
        if not os.path.exists("Macros"):
            logger.debug("Creating Macros file for %s" % mach)
            compilers = Compilers(compiler=compiler, machine=mach, os_=case.get_value("OS"), mpilib=mpilib)
            logger.debug("Macros script already created ...skipping")

        # Set tasks to 1 if mpi-serial library
        if mpilib == "mpi-serial":
            for vid, value in case:
                if vid.startswith("NTASKS_") and value != 1:
                    case.set_value(vid, 1)

        # Check ninst.
        # In CIME there can be multiple instances of each component model (an ensemble) NINST is the instance of that component.
        # Save ninst in a dict to use later in apply_user_mods
        ninst = dict()
        for comp in models:
            if comp == "DRV":
            comp_model = case.get_value("COMP_%s" % comp)
            ninst[comp_model]  = case.get_value("NINST_%s" % comp)
            ntasks = case.get_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp)
            if ninst[comp_model] > ntasks:
                if ntasks == 1:
                    case.set_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp, ninst[comp_model])
                    expect(False, "NINST_%s value %d greater than NTASKS_%s %d" % (comp, ninst[comp_model], comp, ntasks))

        if os.path.exists("case.run"):
            logger.info("Machine/Decomp/Pes configuration has already been done ...skipping")
            _check_pelayouts_require_rebuild(case, models)

            if os.path.exists("LockedFiles/env_build.xml"):

            env_mach_pes = case.get_env("mach_pes")
            pestot = env_mach_pes.get_total_tasks(models)
            logger.debug("at update TOTALPES = %s"%pestot)
            case.set_value("TOTALPES", pestot)
            thread_count = env_mach_pes.get_max_thread_count(models)
            if thread_count > 1:
                case.set_value("BUILD_THREADED", True)

            expect(not (case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED")  and compiler == "nag"),
                   "it is not possible to run with OpenMP if using the NAG Fortran compiler")

            cost_pes = env_mach_pes.get_cost_pes(pestot, thread_count, machine=case.get_value("MACH"))
            case.set_value("COST_PES", cost_pes)

            # create batch file
            logger.info("Creating batch script case.run")

            # Use BatchFactory to get the appropriate instance of a BatchMaker,
            # use it to create our batch scripts
            env_batch = case.get_env("batch")
            num_nodes = env_mach_pes.get_total_nodes(pestot, thread_count)
            tasks_per_node = env_mach_pes.get_tasks_per_node(pestot, thread_count)
            for job in env_batch.get_jobs():
                input_batch_script  = os.path.join(case.get_value("MACHDIR"), env_batch.get_value('template', subgroup=job))
                if job == "case.test" and testcase is not None and not test_mode:
                    logger.info("Writing %s script" % job)
                    testscript = os.path.join(cimeroot, "scripts", "Testing", "Testcases", "%s_script" % testcase)
                    # Short term fix to be removed when csh tests are removed
                    if not os.path.exists(testscript):
                        env_batch.make_batch_script(input_batch_script, job, case, pestot, tasks_per_node, num_nodes, thread_count)
                elif job != "case.test":
                    logger.info("Writing %s script from input template %s" % (job, input_batch_script))
                    env_batch.make_batch_script(input_batch_script, job, case, pestot, tasks_per_node, num_nodes, thread_count)

            # Make a copy of env_mach_pes.xml in order to be able
            # to check that it does not change once case.setup is invoked
            logger.info("Locking file env_mach_pes.xml")
            logger.debug("at copy TOTALPES = %s"%case.get_value("TOTALPES"))
            shutil.copy("env_mach_pes.xml", "LockedFiles")

        # Create user_nl files for the required number of instances
        if not os.path.exists("user_nl_cpl"):
            logger.info("Creating user_nl_xxx files for components and cpl")
        # loop over models
        for model in models:
            comp = case.get_value("COMP_%s" % model)
            logger.info("Building %s usernl files"%model)
            _build_usernl_files(case, model, comp)
            if comp == "cism":
                run_cmd_no_fail("%s/../components/cism/cime_config/cism.template %s" % (cimeroot, caseroot))

        _build_usernl_files(case, "drv", "cpl")

        user_mods_path = case.get_value("USER_MODS_FULLPATH")
        if user_mods_path is not None:
            apply_user_mods(caseroot, user_mods_path=user_mods_path, ninst=ninst)
        elif case.get_value("TEST"):
            test_mods = parse_test_name(casebaseid)[6]
            if test_mods is not None:
                user_mods_path = os.path.join(case.get_value("TESTS_MODS_DIR"), test_mods)
                apply_user_mods(caseroot, user_mods_path=user_mods_path, ninst=ninst)

        # Run preview namelists for scripts

        logger.info("See ./CaseDoc for component namelists")
        logger.info("If an old case build already exists, might want to run \'case.build --clean\' before building")

        # Create test script if appropriate
        # Short term fix to be removed when csh tests are removed
        if os.path.exists("env_test.xml"):
            if not os.path.exists("case.test"):
                logger.info("Starting testcase.setup")
                run_cmd_no_fail("./testcase.setup -caseroot %s" % caseroot)
                logger.info("Finished testcase.setup")

        msg = "case.setup complete"
        append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")

        # Record env information
        env_module = case.get_env("mach_specific")
        env_module.make_env_mach_specific_file(compiler, debug, mpilib, "sh")
        env_module.make_env_mach_specific_file(compiler, debug, mpilib, "csh")
        with open("software_environment.txt", "w") as f:
        run_cmd_no_fail("echo -e '\n' >> software_environment.txt && \
                         env >> software_environment.txt")