Exemple #1
    options['weight_paths'] = os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan,
    options['load_weights'] = False
    options['test_scan'] = scan

    # train the model for the current scan
    print("> CNN: training net with %d subjects" %

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the CNN and train the classifier
    # --------------------------------------------------

    model = cascade_model(options)
    model = train_cascaded_model(model, train_x_data, train_y_data, options,

    print("> INFO: training time:", round(time.time() - seg_time), "sec")
    print("> INFO: total pipeline time: ", \
        round(time.time() - total_time), "sec")

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # test the current scan
    # --------------------------------------------------
    test_x_data = {
        scan: {
            m: os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan, 'tmp', n)
            for m, n in zip(options['modalities'], options['x_names'])
    print("test_x_data : ", test_x_data)
Exemple #2
def train_network(options):
    Train the CNN network given the options passed as parameter

    # set GPU mode from the configuration file. Trying to update
    # the backend automatically from here in order to use either theano
    # or tensorflow backends
    from CNN.base import train_cascaded_model
    from CNN.build_model import cascade_model

    # define the training backend

    scan_list = os.listdir(options['train_folder'])

    options['task'] = 'training'
    options['train_folder'] = os.path.normpath(options['train_folder'])
    for scan in scan_list:

        total_time = time.time()

        # --------------------------------------------------
        # move things to a tmp folder before starting
        # --------------------------------------------------

        options['tmp_scan'] = scan
        current_folder = os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan)
        options['tmp_folder'] = os.path.normpath(
            os.path.join(current_folder, 'tmp'))

        # preprocess scan
        preprocess_scan(current_folder, options)

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # WM MS lesion training
    # - configure net and train
    # --------------------------------------------------

    seg_time = time.time()
    print "> CNN: Starting training session"
    # select training scans
    train_x_data = {
        f: {
            m: os.path.join(options['train_folder'], f, 'tmp', n)
            for m, n in zip(options['modalities'], options['x_names'])
        for f in scan_list
    train_y_data = {
        f: os.path.join(options['train_folder'], f, 'tmp', 'lesion.nii.gz')
        for f in scan_list

    options['weight_paths'] = os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'nets')
    options['load_weights'] = False

    # train the model for the current scan

    print "> CNN: training net with %d subjects" % (len(train_x_data.keys()))

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the CNN and train the classifier
    # --------------------------------------------------
    model = cascade_model(options)
    model = train_cascaded_model(model, train_x_data, train_y_data, options)

    print "> INFO: training time:", round(time.time() - seg_time), "sec"
    print "> INFO: total pipeline time: ", round(time.time() -
                                                 total_time), "sec"
    print "> INFO: All processes have been finished. Have a good day!"
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan, 'nets')):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan, 'nets'))

    options['weight_paths'] = os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan,
    options['load_weights'] = False
    options['test_scan'] = scan

    # train the model for the current scan
    print "> CNN: training net with %d subjects" % (len(train_x_data.keys()))

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the CNN and train the classifier
    # --------------------------------------------------
    model = cascade_model(options)
    model = train_cascaded_model(model, train_x_data, train_y_data, options)

    print "> INFO: training time:", round(time.time() - seg_time), "sec"
    print "> INFO: total pipeline time: ", round(time.time() -
                                                 total_time), "sec"

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # test the current scan
    # --------------------------------------------------
    test_x_data = {
        scan: {
            m: os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan, 'tmp', n)
            for m, n in zip(options['modalities'], options['x_names'])
def train_network(options):
    Train the CNN network given the options passed as parameter
    # set GPU mode from the configuration file.
    # So, this has to be updated before calling
    # the CNN libraries if the default config "~/.theanorc" has to be replaced.
    if options['mode'].find('cuda') == -1 and options['mode'].find(
            'gpu') == -1:
            'THEANO_FLAGS'] = 'mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32,optimizer=fast_compile'
        os.environ['THEANO_FLAGS'] = 'mode=FAST_RUN,device=' + options[
            'mode'] + ',floatX=float32,optimizer=fast_compile'

    from CNN.base import train_cascaded_model
    from CNN.build_model import cascade_model

    scan_list = os.listdir(options['train_folder'])

    options['task'] = 'training'
    options['train_folder'] = os.path.normpath(options['train_folder'])
    for scan in scan_list:

        total_time = time.time()

        # --------------------------------------------------
        # move things to a tmp folder before starting
        # --------------------------------------------------

        options['tmp_scan'] = scan
        current_folder = os.path.join(options['train_folder'], scan)
        options['tmp_folder'] = os.path.normpath(
            os.path.join(current_folder, 'tmp'))
        # preprocess scan
        preprocess_scan(current_folder, options)

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # WM MS lesion training
    # - configure net and train
    # --------------------------------------------------

    seg_time = time.time()
    print "> CNN: Starting training session"
    # select training scans
    train_x_data = {
        f: {
            m: os.path.join(options['train_folder'], f, 'tmp', n)
            for m, n in zip(options['modalities'], options['x_names'])
        for f in scan_list
    train_y_data = {
        f: os.path.join(options['train_folder'], f, 'tmp', 'lesion.nii.gz')
        for f in scan_list

    options['weight_paths'] = os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'nets')
    options['load_weights'] = False

    # train the model for the current scan

    print "> CNN: training net with %d subjects" % (len(train_x_data.keys()))

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the CNN and train the classifier
    # --------------------------------------------------
    model = cascade_model(options)
    model = train_cascaded_model(model, train_x_data, train_y_data, options)

    print "> INFO: training time:", round(time.time() - seg_time), "sec"
    print "> INFO: total pipeline time: ", round(time.time() -
                                                 total_time), "sec"
    print "> INFO: All processes have been finished. Have a good day!"