Exemple #1
def temp_charge(uid, add_days, credit, invoice_id=None):
    Attempt to charge user credit or time
    @param invoice_id: User Invoice ID
    @param credit: Credit amount to update
    @param add_days: Add Days to Expire date. Auto Calculated!
    @param uid: CRM User ID
    @return: True if done and False if Error
    from CRM.Core.ServiceManager import UserServiceStatus
    state = UserServiceStatus(uid)
    ibm = state.ibs_manager
    if state.is_limited:
        user_credit = state.credit
        if user_credit < 10:
            low_credit = True
            low_credit = False
        low_credit = True
        res0 = ibm.set_expire_date_by_uid(state.ibs_id, add_days)
        if state.is_unlimited:
            res1 = ibm.change_credit_by_uid(1, state.ibs_id,
                                            True) and ibm.change_credit_by_uid(
                                                2, state.ibs_id, True)
            res1 = ibm.change_credit_by_uid(credit, state.ibs_id, low_credit)
        if invoice_id:
            update_charge_state(invoice_id, res0, _('add expire date'))
            update_charge_state(invoice_id, res1, _('adding credit'))
        return True, (res0, res1)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(e.message or e.args)
        return False, 2
def can_use_temp_charge(uid):
    temp_dat = TempChargeManagement.get_max_charges(uid)
    state = UserServiceStatus(uid)
    if not state.current_service:
        return False
    res = (temp_dat[0] > 0 or temp_dat[1] > 0) and state.active_service
    if not state.ibs_id:
        return False
    cr = state.credit
    is_expire = state.account_expired
    if ((cr < 100 and not state.is_unlimited) or is_expire) and res:
        return True
    elif state.is_unlimited and res and is_expire:
        return True
    return False
    def get_max_charges(uid):
        Get the max allowed changes for user
        @param uid: user id
        @type uid: str
        @return: (credit, days)
        @rtype: (int, int)

        state = UserServiceStatus(uid)
        data = TempChargeState.objects.filter(
            user=uid).first()  # only 1 Hit to DB!
        cs = state.current_service
        is_float_mode = read_config('service_temp_float', '0') == '1'
        if cs:
            x = Utils.get_service_price(cs)
            if data:
                credit = data.credit
                if state.is_unlimited:
                    credit = 0
                days = data.days
                if not is_float_mode:
                    temp_days = int(read_config('service_temp_time', 2))
                    temp_amount = int(read_config('service_temp_amount', 1024))
                    if days > temp_days:
                        days = temp_days
                        # TempChargeManagement.update_state(uid, 0, days, True, True)
                    if credit > temp_amount:
                        # TempChargeManagement.update_state(uid, credit, 0, True, True)
                        credit = temp_amount
                if state.is_limited:
                    credit = int(read_config('service_temp_amount', 1024))
                    credit = 0
                days = int(read_config('service_temp_time', 2))
                TempChargeManagement.update_state(uid, credit, days, True,
            if not state.account_expired:
                days = 0
            if state.credit > 100:
                credit = 0
            if data.total_count > 3:
                return 0, 0, 0, 0
            return credit, days, x.day, x.package
            return 0, 0, 0, 0
Exemple #4
 def __create_invoice__(self):
     i = Invoice()
     service_invoice = InvoiceService()
     service_invoice.service_type = self.service_type
     service_discount = None
     if self.discount:
         service_discount = InvoiceDiscount()
         service_discount.content_object = self.discount
     if self.service_type == 2:
         service_invoice.content_object = self.service
         i.service_text = self.service.name
         if self.discount:
             i.service_discount = service_discount
             i.extra_data = self.discount.extended_package
     elif self.service_type == 1:
         i.service_text = self.service.name + ' ' + self.get_extra_data(
         service_invoice.content_object = self.get_extra_data().get(
         i.extra_data = self.kwargs.get('extra_month')
     elif self.service_type == 3:
         uip = UserIPStaticHistory()
         uip.user_id = self.kwargs.get('uid')
         service_invoice.content_object = uip
     elif self.service_type == 4:
         i.service_text = self.service.name
         service_invoice.content_object = self.service
     i.create_time = now()
     i.price = self.final_price
     i.comment = ''
     i.user = User.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get('uid'))
     user_service_stat = UserServiceStatus(self.kwargs.get('uid'))
     if user_service_stat.current_service:
         if i.extra_data is not None:
             i.extra_data = int(i.extra_data)
         service_invoice.expire_date = date_add_days_aware(
             i.extra_data * 30)
     i.service = service_invoice
     i.service_discount = service_discount
     self.invoice = i
 def __validate(self, user_id):
     credit = self.get_int('c')
     day = self.get_int('d')
     # ibs = IBSManager()
     state = UserServiceStatus(user_id)
     # ibs_user = IBSUserInfo.objects.filter(user=user_id).first()
     if not state.ibs_id:
         self.error(_('invalid user'), True)
     # current_credit = ibs.get_user_credit_by_user_id(ibs_user.ibs_uid)
     if state.credit < 100 and state.is_limited:
         if not credit:
             self.error(_('you are on low credit. you must select credit'),
     # cs = UserCurrentService.objects.filter(user=user_id).first()
     if state.account_expired:
         if not day:
                 _('your account expired. you must select service charge'),
Exemple #6
 def unlock_account(self):
     user = self.get_target_user(True)
     locked = LockedUsers.objects.filter(user=user.pk).first()
     if locked:
         if locked.ibs_locked:
             ibs = IBSManager()
             ibi = IBSUserInfo.objects.get(user=user.pk).ibs_uid
             dt = datetime.today().date() - locked.lock_date.date()
             x = UserServiceStatus(user.pk)
             a = datetime.today().date(
             ) - x.current_service.expire_date.date()
             to_add = a.days
             if to_add < 0:
                 to_add = a.days * (-1)
             if dt.days > 20:
                 ibs.set_expire_date_by_uid(ibi, to_add, True)
             # fire_event(4237, user, None, self.requester.pk)
     user.is_active = True
     UnlockAccountEventHandler().fire(user, None, self.requester, True)
     return True
Exemple #7
def buy_float_service(request):
    Buy Float Service for user
    @rtype: HttpResponse
    @param request: HttpRequest
        user = UserTemplateManager(request).get_target_user()
        auto_post = False
        can_build_new = False
        if not user.pk:
            user_pk = 0
            is_test = True
            user_pk = user.pk
            is_test = False
        if request.user.is_staff:
            rx = '/factor/show/all/'
            rx = '/factor/pay/'
        recharge_mode = False
        status = UserServiceStatus(user_pk)
        if is_test:
            groups = CustomOptionGroup.objects.filter(is_deleted=False).order_by('view_order', '-pk')
            if request.user.is_authenticated() and not hasattr(request, 'ip_login'):
                if request.GET.get('nv!', None):
                    can_build_new = True
            if status.can_recharge_float and not can_build_new:
                recharge_mode = True
                groups = status.active_float_recharge_groups   # get_user_active_groups(user.pk)
                auto_post = True
                groups = CustomOptionGroup.objects.filter(is_deleted=False).order_by('view_order', '-pk')
        is_new_template = request.GET.get('nv!', None) is not None and not hasattr(request, 'ip_login')
        is_new_template = is_new_template and request.user.is_authenticated()
        if recharge_mode:
            service = status.active_float_service  # get_user_ibs_service(user.pk)
            service = BasicService.objects.all()
            tower = user.fk_user_tower_user.first()
            if tower:
                max_bw = tower.tower.max_bw
                if max_bw > 0:
                    service = service.filter(max_bw__lte=max_bw)
            elif not request.user.is_staff:
                service = service.filter(max_bw__lte=read_config('service_home_limit', 2048))
            # else:
            #     service =
        service_pk = None
        options = []
        template_id = None
        edit_mode = False
        custom_options = {}
        # if not recharge_mode:
        tm = UserTemplateManager(request)
        tm.pk_name = 't'
        x = tm.get_single_ext(False)
        if x:
            service_pk = x.service.ext
            options = x.fk_float_template_template.all().values_list('option_id', flat=True)
            c_options = x.fk_float_template_template.filter(option__is_custom_value=True).values('option_id',
            for a in c_options:
                custom_options.update({a.get('option_id'): a.get('value')})
            auto_post = True
            template_id = x.ext
            edit_mode = True
        just_confirm = (recharge_mode and (template_id is not None)) or \
                       ((template_id is not None) and not status.active_service)
        if just_confirm:
            service = BasicService.objects.filter(pk=x.service_id)
        return render(request, 'service/BuyFloatService.html', {'groups': groups, 'u': user_pk, 'redirect_address': rx,
                                                                'template_service': service_pk,
                                                                'template_options': options,
                                                                'recharge': recharge_mode,
                                                                'auto_post': auto_post,
                                                                'edit_mode': edit_mode,
                                                                'template_id': template_id,
                                                                'is_new_template': is_new_template,
                                                                'just_confirm': just_confirm,
                                                                'template_custom_options': custom_options,
                                                                'services': service.order_by('service_index')})
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(e.message or e.args)
        return send_error(request, _('user can not access this service'))