def test_fetch_incidents(mocker): """ Given fetch incidents command running for a second time (some incidents already been fetched). When mock the Client's http_request, and there are incident prior to last fetch Then validate fetch incidents command using the Client only returns 1 new incidents """ from CarbonBlackResponseV2 import fetch_incidents, Client last_run = { 'last_fetch': dateparser.parse('2021-03-12T14:13:20+00:00').timestamp() } alerts = util_load_json('test_data/commands_test_data.json').get( 'fetch_incident_data') client = Client(base_url="url", apitoken="api_key", use_ssl=True, use_proxy=False) mocker.patch.object(Client, 'get_alerts', return_value=alerts) first_fetch_time = '7 days' last_fetch, incidents = fetch_incidents(client, last_run=last_run, first_fetch_time=first_fetch_time, max_results='3') assert len(incidents) == 1 assert incidents[0].get('name') == 'Carbon Black EDR: 2 svchost.exe' assert last_fetch == {'last_fetch': 1615648046.79}
def test_quarantine_device_command_not_have_id(mocker): """ Given: A sensor id When: _get_sensor_isolation_change_body in a quarantine_device_command and unquarantine_device_command Then: Assert the 'id' field is not in the request body. """ from CarbonBlackResponseV2 import _get_sensor_isolation_change_body, Client client = Client(base_url="url", apitoken="api_key", use_ssl=True, use_proxy=False) mocker.patch.object(Client, 'get_sensors', return_value=(1, [{"id": "some_id", "some_other_stuff": "some"}])) sensor_data = _get_sensor_isolation_change_body(client, 5, False) assert "id" not in sensor_data
def test_get_sensor_isolation_change_body_compatible(mocker): """ Given: A sensor id When: Running _get_sensor_isolation_change_body in a quarantine_device_command and unquarantine_device_command Then: Assert the the request body is in the compatible format for version 7.5 and 6.2. """ from CarbonBlackResponseV2 import _get_sensor_isolation_change_body, Client client = Client(base_url="url", apitoken="api_key", use_ssl=True, use_proxy=False) mocker.patch.object(Client, 'get_sensors', return_value=(1, [{"id": "some_id", "group_id": "some_group_id", "some_other_stuff": "some"}])) sensor_data = _get_sensor_isolation_change_body(client, 5, False) assert sensor_data == {'group_id': 'some_group_id', 'network_isolation_enabled': False}
def test_fetch_incidents_first_fetch(mocker): """ Given fetch incidents command running for the first time. When mock the Client's http_request. Then validate fetch incidents command using the Client gets all 3 relevant incidents """ from CarbonBlackResponseV2 import fetch_incidents, Client alerts = util_load_json('test_data/commands_test_data.json').get('fetch_incident_data') client = Client(base_url="url", apitoken="api_key", use_ssl=True, use_proxy=False) mocker.patch.object(Client, 'get_alerts', return_value=alerts) first_fetch_time = '7 days' _, incidents = fetch_incidents(client, last_run={}, first_fetch_time=first_fetch_time, max_results='3') assert len(incidents) == 3 assert incidents[0].get('name') == 'Carbon Black EDR: 1 svchost.exe'
def test_endpoint_command(mocker): """ Given: - endpoint_command When: - Filtering using both id and hostname Then: - Verify that duplicates are removed (since the mock is called twice the same endpoint is retrieved, but if working properly, only one result should be returned). """ from CarbonBlackResponseV2 import endpoint_command, Client from CommonServerPython import Common endpoints_response = util_load_json('test_data/commands_test_data.json').get('endpoint_response') mocker.patch.object(Client, 'get_sensors', return_value=(1, endpoints_response)) client = Client(base_url='url', apitoken='api_key', use_ssl=True, use_proxy=False) outputs = endpoint_command(client, id='15', hostname='hostname') get_endpoints_response = { Common.Endpoint.CONTEXT_PATH: [{ 'ID': '15', 'Hostname': 'hostname', 'IPAddress': '', 'OSVersion': 'Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard, 64-bit', 'Vendor': 'Carbon Black Response', 'Status': 'Online', 'IsIsolated': 'No', 'Memory': '1073332224', 'MACAddress': '06d3d4a5ba28' }] } results = outputs[0].to_context() for key, val in results.get("EntryContext").items(): assert results.get("EntryContext")[key] == get_endpoints_response[key] assert results.get("EntryContext") == get_endpoints_response assert len(outputs) == 1