Exemple #1
def _getOutputFile(targetDir, database, compressMode):
    Opens the output file used for saving the MySQL dump.

    The filename is either ``"mysqldump.txt"`` or ``"mysqldump-<database>.txt"``.  The
    ``".bz2"`` extension is added if ``compress`` is ``True``.

       targetDir: Target directory to write file in
       database: Name of the database (if any)
       compressMode: Compress mode to be used for backed-up files

        Tuple of (Output file object, filename), file opened in binary mode for use with executeCommand()
    if database is None:
        filename = pathJoin(targetDir, "mysqldump.txt")
        filename = pathJoin(targetDir, "mysqldump-%s.txt" % database)
    if compressMode == "gzip":
        filename = "%s.gz" % filename
        outputFile = GzipFile(filename, "wb")
    elif compressMode == "bzip2":
        filename = "%s.bz2" % filename
        outputFile = BZ2File(filename, "wb")
        outputFile = open(filename, "wb")
    logger.debug("MySQL dump file will be [%s].", filename)
    return (outputFile, filename)
Exemple #2
def findDailyDirs(stagingDir, indicatorFile):
    Returns a list of all daily staging directories that do not contain
    the indicated indicator file.
        List of absolute paths to daily staging directories
    results = FilesystemList()
    yearDirs = FilesystemList()
    yearDirs.excludeFiles = True
    yearDirs.excludeLinks = True
    yearDirs.addDirContents(path=stagingDir, recursive=False, addSelf=False)
    for yearDir in yearDirs:
        monthDirs = FilesystemList()
        monthDirs.excludeFiles = True
        monthDirs.excludeLinks = True
        monthDirs.addDirContents(path=yearDir, recursive=False, addSelf=False)
        for monthDir in monthDirs:
            dailyDirs = FilesystemList()
            dailyDirs.excludeFiles = True
            dailyDirs.excludeLinks = True
            dailyDirs.addDirContents(path=monthDir, recursive=False, addSelf=False)
            for dailyDir in dailyDirs:
                if os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, indicatorFile)):
                    logger.debug("Skipping directory [%s]; contains %s.", dailyDir, indicatorFile)
                    logger.debug("Adding [%s] to list of daily directories.", dailyDir)
                    results.append(dailyDir)  # just put it in the list, no fancy operations
    return results
Exemple #3
def _createStagingDirs(config, dailyDir, peers):
    Creates staging directories as required.

    The main staging directory is the passed in daily directory, something like
    ``staging/2002/05/23``.  Then, individual peers get their own directories,
    i.e. ``staging/2002/05/23/host``.

       config: Config object
       dailyDir: Daily staging directory
       peers: List of all configured peers

        Dictionary mapping peer name to staging directory
    mapping = {}
    if os.path.isdir(dailyDir):
        logger.warning("Staging directory [%s] already existed.", dailyDir)
            logger.debug("Creating staging directory [%s].", dailyDir)
            for path in [
                    pathJoin(dailyDir, ".."),
                    pathJoin(dailyDir, "..", "..")
                changeOwnership(path, config.options.backupUser,
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Unable to create staging directory: %s" % e)
    for peer in peers:
        peerDir = pathJoin(dailyDir, peer.name)
        mapping[peer.name] = peerDir
        if os.path.isdir(peerDir):
            logger.warning("Peer staging directory [%s] already existed.",
                logger.debug("Creating peer staging directory [%s].", peerDir)
                changeOwnership(peerDir, config.options.backupUser,
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception("Unable to create staging directory: %s" % e)
    return mapping
Exemple #4
def _findRebuildDirs(config):
    Finds the set of directories to be included in a disc rebuild.

    A the rebuild action is supposed to recreate the "last week's" disc.  This
    won't always be possible if some of the staging directories are missing.
    However, the general procedure is to look back into the past no further than
    the previous "starting day of week", and then work forward from there trying
    to find all of the staging directories between then and now that still exist
    and have a stage indicator.

       config: Config object

        Correct staging dir, as a dict mapping directory to date suffix
       IOError: If we do not find at least one staging directory
    stagingDirs = {}
    start = deriveDayOfWeek(config.options.startingDay)
    today = datetime.date.today()
    if today.weekday() >= start:
        days = today.weekday() - start + 1
        days = 7 - (start - today.weekday()) + 1
    for i in range(0, days):
        currentDay = today - datetime.timedelta(days=i)
        dateSuffix = currentDay.strftime(DIR_TIME_FORMAT)
        stageDir = pathJoin(config.store.sourceDir, dateSuffix)
        indicator = pathJoin(stageDir, STAGE_INDICATOR)
        if os.path.isdir(stageDir) and os.path.exists(indicator):
            logger.info("Rebuild process will include stage directory [%s]",
            stagingDirs[stageDir] = dateSuffix
    if len(stagingDirs) == 0:
        raise IOError(
            "Unable to find any staging directories for rebuild process.")
    return stagingDirs
Exemple #5
def commandAvailable(command):
    Indicates whether a command is available on $PATH somewhere.
    This should work on both Windows and UNIX platforms.
       command: Commang to search for
        Boolean true/false depending on whether command is available
    if "PATH" in os.environ:
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.sep):
            if os.path.exists(pathJoin(path, command)):
                return True
    return False
Exemple #6
def _getDigestPath(config, absolutePath):
    Gets the digest path associated with a collect directory or file.
       config: Config object
       absolutePath: Absolute path to generate digest for
        Absolute path to the digest associated with the collect directory or file
    normalized = buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath)
    filename = "%s.%s" % (normalized, DIGEST_EXTENSION)
    digestPath = pathJoin(config.options.workingDir, filename)
    logger.debug("Digest path is [%s]", digestPath)
    return digestPath
Exemple #7
def removedir(tree):
    Recursively removes an entire directory.
    This is basically taken from an example on python.com.
       tree: Directory tree to remove
       ValueError: If a path cannot be encoded properly
    tree = encodePath(tree)
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tree, topdown=False):
        for name in files:
            path = pathJoin(root, name)
            if os.path.islink(path):
            elif os.path.isfile(path):
        for name in dirs:
            path = pathJoin(root, name)
            if os.path.islink(path):
            elif os.path.isdir(path):
Exemple #8
def buildPath(components):
    Builds a complete path from a list of components.
    For instance, constructs ``"/a/b/c"`` from ``["/a", "b", "c"]``.
       components: List of components
        String path constructed from components
       ValueError: If a path cannot be encoded properly
    path = components[0]
    for component in components[1:]:
        path = pathJoin(path, component)
    return encodePath(path)
Exemple #9
def _getDailyDir(config):
    Gets the daily staging directory.

    This is just a directory in the form ``staging/YYYY/MM/DD``, i.e.
    ``staging/2000/10/07``, except it will be an absolute path based on

       config: Config object

        Path of daily staging directory
    dailyDir = pathJoin(config.stage.targetDir, time.strftime(DIR_TIME_FORMAT))
    logger.debug("Daily staging directory is [%s].", dailyDir)
    return dailyDir
Exemple #10
def consistencyCheck(config, stagingDirs):
    Runs a consistency check against media in the backup device.

    It seems that sometimes, it's possible to create a corrupted multisession
    disc (i.e. one that cannot be read) although no errors were encountered
    while writing the disc.  This consistency check makes sure that the data
    read from disc matches the data that was used to create the disc.

    The function mounts the device at a temporary mount point in the working
    directory, and then compares the indicated staging directories in the
    staging directory and on the media.  The comparison is done via
    functionality in ``filesystem.py``.

    If no exceptions are thrown, there were no problems with the consistency
    check.  A positive confirmation of "no problems" is also written to the log
    with ``info`` priority.

    @warning: The implementation of this function is very UNIX-specific.

       config: Config object
       stagingDirs: Dictionary mapping directory path to date suffix

       ValueError: If the two directories are not equivalent
       IOError: If there is a problem working with the media
    logger.debug("Running consistency check.")
    mountPoint = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=config.options.workingDir)
        mount(config.store.devicePath, mountPoint, "iso9660")
        for stagingDir in list(stagingDirs.keys()):
            discDir = pathJoin(mountPoint, stagingDirs[stagingDir])
            logger.debug("Checking [%s] vs. [%s].", stagingDir, discDir)
            compareContents(stagingDir, discDir, verbose=True)
                "Consistency check completed for [%s].  No problems found.",
        unmount(mountPoint, True, 5,
                1)  # try 5 times, and remove mount point when done
Exemple #11
def writeIndicatorFile(targetDir, indicatorFile, backupUser, backupGroup):
    Writes an indicator file into a target directory.
       targetDir: Target directory in which to write indicator
       indicatorFile: Name of the indicator file
       backupUser: User that indicator file should be owned by
       backupGroup: Group that indicator file should be owned by
       IOException: If there is a problem writing the indicator file
    filename = pathJoin(targetDir, indicatorFile)
    logger.debug("Writing indicator file [%s].", filename)
        with open(filename, "w") as f:  # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding
        changeOwnership(filename, backupUser, backupGroup)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("Error writing [%s]: %s", filename, e)
        raise e
Exemple #12
def findResources(resources, dataDirs):
    Returns a dictionary of locations for various resources.
       resources: List of required resources
       dataDirs: List of data directories to search within for resources
        Dictionary mapping resource name to resource path
       Exception: If some resource cannot be found
    mapping = {}
    for resource in resources:
        for resourceDir in dataDirs:
            path = pathJoin(resourceDir, resource)
            if os.path.exists(path):
                mapping[resource] = path
            raise Exception("Unable to find resource [%s]." % resource)
    return mapping
Exemple #13
def _getTarfilePath(config, absolutePath, archiveMode):
    Gets the tarfile path (including correct extension) associated with a collect directory.
       config: Config object
       absolutePath: Absolute path to generate tarfile for
       archiveMode: Archive mode to use for this tarfile
        Absolute path to the tarfile associated with the collect directory
    if archiveMode == "tar":
        extension = "tar"
    elif archiveMode == "targz":
        extension = "tar.gz"
    elif archiveMode == "tarbz2":
        extension = "tar.bz2"
    normalized = buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath)
    filename = "%s.%s" % (normalized, extension)
    tarfilePath = pathJoin(config.collect.targetDir, filename)
    logger.debug("Tarfile path is [%s]", tarfilePath)
    return tarfilePath
Exemple #14
def _getExclusions(config, collectDir):
    Gets exclusions (file and patterns) associated with a collect directory.

    The returned files value is a list of absolute paths to be excluded from the
    backup for a given directory.  It is derived from the collect configuration
    absolute exclude paths and the collect directory's absolute and relative
    exclude paths.

    The returned patterns value is a list of patterns to be excluded from the
    backup for a given directory.  It is derived from the list of patterns from
    the collect configuration and from the collect directory itself.

       config: Config object
       collectDir: Collect directory object

        Tuple (files, patterns) indicating what to exclude
    paths = []
    if config.collect.absoluteExcludePaths is not None:
    if collectDir.absoluteExcludePaths is not None:
    if collectDir.relativeExcludePaths is not None:
        for relativePath in collectDir.relativeExcludePaths:
            paths.append(pathJoin(collectDir.absolutePath, relativePath))
    patterns = []
    if config.collect.excludePatterns is not None:
    if collectDir.excludePatterns is not None:
    logger.debug("Exclude paths: %s", paths)
    logger.debug("Exclude patterns: %s", patterns)
    return (paths, patterns)
Exemple #15
def _getOutputFile(targetDir, name, compress=True):
    Opens the output file used for saving a dump to the filesystem.

    The filename will be ``name.txt`` (or ``name.txt.bz2`` if ``compress`` is
    ``True``), written in the target directory.

       targetDir: Target directory to write file in
       name: Name of the file to create
       compress: Indicates whether to write compressed output

        Tuple of (Output file object, filename), file opened in binary mode for use with executeCommand()
    filename = pathJoin(targetDir, "%s.txt" % name)
    if compress:
        filename = "%s.bz2" % filename
    logger.debug("Dump file will be [%s].", filename)
    if compress:
        outputFile = BZ2File(filename, "wb")
        outputFile = open(filename, "wb")
    return (outputFile, filename)
Exemple #16
def _findCorrectDailyDir(options, config):
    Finds the correct daily staging directory to be written to disk.

    In Cedar Backup v1.0, we assumed that the correct staging directory matched
    the current date.  However, that has problems.  In particular, it breaks
    down if collect is on one side of midnite and stage is on the other, or if
    certain processes span midnite.

    For v2.0, I'm trying to be smarter.  I'll first check the current day.  If
    that directory is found, it's good enough.  If it's not found, I'll look for
    a valid directory from the day before or day after I{which has not yet been
    staged, according to the stage indicator file}.  The first one I find, I'll
    use.  If I use a directory other than for the current day *and*
    ``config.store.warnMidnite`` is set, a warning will be put in the log.

    There is one exception to this rule.  If the ``options.full`` flag is set,
    then the special "span midnite" logic will be disabled and any existing
    store indicator will be ignored.  I did this because I think that most users
    who run ``cback3 --full store`` twice in a row expect the command to generate
    two identical discs.  With the other rule in place, running that command
    twice in a row could result in an error ("no unstored directory exists") or
    could even cause a completely unexpected directory to be written to disc (if
    some previous day's contents had not yet been written).

    *Note:* This code is probably longer and more verbose than it needs to be,
    but at least it's straightforward.

       options: Options object
       config: Config object

        Correct staging dir, as a dict mapping directory to date suffix
       IOError: If the staging directory cannot be found
    oneDay = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    today = datetime.date.today()
    yesterday = today - oneDay
    tomorrow = today + oneDay
    todayDate = today.strftime(DIR_TIME_FORMAT)
    yesterdayDate = yesterday.strftime(DIR_TIME_FORMAT)
    tomorrowDate = tomorrow.strftime(DIR_TIME_FORMAT)
    todayPath = pathJoin(config.stage.targetDir, todayDate)
    yesterdayPath = pathJoin(config.stage.targetDir, yesterdayDate)
    tomorrowPath = pathJoin(config.stage.targetDir, tomorrowDate)
    todayStageInd = pathJoin(todayPath, STAGE_INDICATOR)
    yesterdayStageInd = pathJoin(yesterdayPath, STAGE_INDICATOR)
    tomorrowStageInd = pathJoin(tomorrowPath, STAGE_INDICATOR)
    todayStoreInd = pathJoin(todayPath, STORE_INDICATOR)
    yesterdayStoreInd = pathJoin(yesterdayPath, STORE_INDICATOR)
    tomorrowStoreInd = pathJoin(tomorrowPath, STORE_INDICATOR)
    if options.full:
        if os.path.isdir(todayPath) and os.path.exists(todayStageInd):
                "Store process will use current day's stage directory [%s]",
            return {todayPath: todayDate}
        raise IOError(
            "Unable to find staging directory to store (only tried today due to full option)."
        if os.path.isdir(todayPath) and os.path.exists(
                todayStageInd) and not os.path.exists(todayStoreInd):
                "Store process will use current day's stage directory [%s]",
            return {todayPath: todayDate}
        elif os.path.isdir(yesterdayPath) and os.path.exists(
                yesterdayStageInd) and not os.path.exists(yesterdayStoreInd):
                "Store process will use previous day's stage directory [%s]",
            if config.store.warnMidnite:
                    "Warning: store process crossed midnite boundary to find data."
            return {yesterdayPath: yesterdayDate}
        elif os.path.isdir(tomorrowPath) and os.path.exists(
                tomorrowStageInd) and not os.path.exists(tomorrowStoreInd):
                "Store process will use next day's stage directory [%s]",
            if config.store.warnMidnite:
                    "Warning: store process crossed midnite boundary to find data."
            return {tomorrowPath: tomorrowDate}
        raise IOError(
            "Unable to find unused staging directory to store (tried today, yesterday, tomorrow)."
Exemple #17
    def addEntry(self,
        Adds an individual file or directory into the ISO image.

        The path must exist and must be a file or a directory.  By default, the
        entry will be placed into the image at the root directory, but this
        behavior can be overridden using the ``graftPoint`` parameter or instance

        You can use the ``contentsOnly`` behavior to revert to the "original"
        ``mkisofs`` behavior for adding directories, which is to add only the
        items within the directory, and not the directory itself.

        *Note:* Things get *odd* if you try to add a directory to an image that
        will be written to a multisession disc, and the same directory already
        exists in an earlier session on that disc.  Not all of the data gets
        written.  You really wouldn't want to do this anyway, I guess.

        *Note:* An exception will be thrown if the path has already been added to
        the image, unless the ``override`` parameter is set to ``True``.

        *Note:* The method ``graftPoints`` parameter overrides the object-wide
        instance variable.  If neither the method parameter or object-wide value
        is set, the path will be written at the image root.  The graft point
        behavior is determined by the value which is in effect I{at the time this
        method is called}, so you *must* set the object-wide value before
        calling this method for the first time, or your image may not be

        *Note:* You *cannot* use the local ``graftPoint`` parameter to "turn off"
        an object-wide instance variable by setting it to ``None``.  Python's
        default argument functionality buys us a lot, but it can't make this
        method psychic. :)

           path (String representing a path on disk): File or directory to be added to the image
           graftPoint (String representing a graft point path, as described above): Graft point to be used when adding this entry
           override (Boolean true/false): Override an existing entry with the same path
           contentsOnly (Boolean true/false): Add directory contents only (standard ``mkisofs`` behavior)
           ValueError: If path is not a file or directory, or does not exist
           ValueError: If the path has already been added, and override is not set
           ValueError: If a path cannot be encoded properly
        path = encodePath(path)
        if not override:
            if path in list(self.entries.keys()):
                raise ValueError("Path has already been added to the image.")
        if os.path.islink(path):
            raise ValueError("Path must not be a link.")
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            if graftPoint is not None:
                if contentsOnly:
                    self.entries[path] = graftPoint
                    self.entries[path] = pathJoin(graftPoint,
            elif self.graftPoint is not None:
                if contentsOnly:
                    self.entries[path] = self.graftPoint
                    self.entries[path] = pathJoin(self.graftPoint,
                if contentsOnly:
                    self.entries[path] = None
                    self.entries[path] = os.path.basename(path)
        elif os.path.isfile(path):
            if graftPoint is not None:
                self.entries[path] = graftPoint
            elif self.graftPoint is not None:
                self.entries[path] = self.graftPoint
                self.entries[path] = None
            raise ValueError("Path must be a file or a directory.")
Exemple #18
 def testSplitDailyDir_002(self):
     Test with 1.0 MB limit.
     dailyDir = self.buildPath(["tree21", "2007", "01", "01"])
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dailyDir) and os.path.isdir(dailyDir))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file001.a.b")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file003")))
     sizeLimit = ByteQuantity("1.0", UNIT_MBYTES)
     splitSize = ByteQuantity("100000", UNIT_BYTES)
     _splitDailyDir(dailyDir, sizeLimit, splitSize, None, None)
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file001.a.b")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file003")))
Exemple #19
 def testSplitDailyDir_004(self):
     Test with 99,999 byte limit, chopped down to 5,000 bytes
     dailyDir = self.buildPath(["tree21", "2007", "01", "01"])
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dailyDir) and os.path.isdir(dailyDir))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file001.a.b")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file002")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file003")))
     sizeLimit = ByteQuantity("99999", UNIT_BYTES)
     splitSize = ByteQuantity("5000", UNIT_BYTES)
     _splitDailyDir(dailyDir, sizeLimit, splitSize, None, None)
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file001.a.b")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file002")))
     self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file001")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file002")))
     self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file003")))
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file001")))
     self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file002")))
     self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file003")))
     self.checkSplit(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system1", "file003"), 320000, 5000)
     self.checkSplit(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system2", "file003"), 100000, 5000)
     self.checkSplit(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file002"), 100000, 5000)
     self.checkSplit(pathJoin(dailyDir, "system3", "file003"), 100001, 5000)