def big_move_test(r=3, c=1): states = [] board = Board.Board(7) print("Initial board:") board.print() states.append(board) # available_move_test print("available move test") d = available_move_test(board, r, c) # move_test print("move test") if (len(d) != 0): print(d) b = move_test(board, int(d[0]), r, c) states.append(b) # b.print() else: print("no move") b = move_test(b, 4, 3, 4) states.append(b) # b.print() path_print(states) print("in") sted = AStar.h2(states) path_print(sted)
def __init__(self): self.board = Board() self.myShip = Spaceship('$', 56, self.board) self.miss1 = [] self.miss2 = [] self.aliens = [] self.score = 0 self.start = time.time() self.getch = GetInput._getChUnix()
def iterative_bfs_test(): board = Board.Board(7) bfs = Bfs.Bfs(board) result, queue, path = bfs.iterative_bfs() print("Final state: ") result.print() print("Peg count is: ", result.count_pegs()) # print("Path is: ") # for i in path: # i.print() print(bfs.get_gen_cnt(), " nodes are generated") print(bfs.get_ext_cnt(), " nodes are extended")
if board.three_in_a_row() == 1: print("X Win!") return elif board.three_in_a_row() == 2: print("O Win!") return # KI turn best = MCTS.choose_best_move(board, 1500) print(best) board.make_move(best) print(board) if board.three_in_a_row() == 1: print("X Win!") return elif board.three_in_a_row() == 2: print("O Win!") return print("Start") board = Board.Board() print(board) play(board)
how_many_pellets = 20 bot = Bot(start_loc=(0,0)) finish = Finish() actors = [bot, finish] for _ in range(how_many_pellets): actors.append(Pellet()) dimension = 20 display_size = 600 board = Board(dimension, display_size, initial_randomness, randomness_decay, gamma=gamma, FPS=FPS) board.set_actors(actors) pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("TIMBERLEE'S Journey") for i in range(total_iterations): print(i) print(board.randomness) if i >= total_iterations - 2: show_board = True board.run_episode(show=show_board) board.reset_board()
" Welcome to the memory game! \n" " Please indicate how many pairs you want!\n" " Remember that this game only accept numbers as answers\n" "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) Cards = int(input("Number of pairs: ")) return Cards A = Cards(menu()) x, y = Cards.tablero(A) Pt_1 = 0 #Jugadores Pt_2 = 0 B = Board(x, y) B.Print() Turn = False #False jugador 1 True jugador 2 while True: if Turn: print("\nPlayer 2 turn!\n") else: print("\nPlayer 1 turn!\n") Comp, puntos, Symbols, Matrix = B.Coords() if Turn: Pt_2 += puntos else:
import sys import datetime import os sys.path.append('Classes') from Classes import Board, Interface CURRENT_OS = BOARD_SIZE_ROW = 300 BOARD_SIZE_COLUMN = 300 # Make a X,Y game board. 0,0 is the upper left corner. GameBoard = Board.Board(size_row=BOARD_SIZE_ROW, size_column=BOARD_SIZE_COLUMN) # Open HWInterface only on the pi if CURRENT_OS == 'posix': HWInterface = Interface.HWInterface(size_row=BOARD_SIZE_ROW, size_column=BOARD_SIZE_COLUMN) # Seed the board with a pattern # TODO: Randomize a starting patern or import/create a known pattern GameBoard.Create_Glider(5, 5) a = round_num = 0 while round_num < 15: b = if ((b - a).seconds % 2 == 1): # Delay the processing game_state = GameBoard.Process() # If on posix then we are in the raspberrypi
def bfs_test(): sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) board = Board.Board(7) bfs = Bfs.Bfs(board) result, queue, path = bfs.bfs() print_results(result, bfs)
def dfs_test(): board = Board.Board(7) dfs = Dfs.Dfs(board) result, stack, path = dfs.dfs() print_results(result, dfs)
def a_star_test(hn): sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) board = Board.Board(7) a_star = AStar.AStar(board, hn) result, queue, path = a_star.a_star() print_results(result, a_star)
def peg_indexes_test(): m = Board.Board(7) print(m.peg_indexes())
BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREEN = (0, 150, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) # This sets the WIDTH and HEIGHT of each grid location WIDTH = 40 HEIGHT = 40 # This sets the margin between each cell MARGIN = 5 WINDOW_SIZE = [365, 420] # Initializes the board board = Board() # Score text BLACK_SCORE = 'Black\n{}' WHITE_SCORE = 'White\n{}' def turn(position, player, p1_pos, p2_pos): ''' structures the turn for each player ''' board.show_valid(player) def text_obj(text, font, color):