Exemple #1
def moveTeraStitcherStackToFileList(source, sink, deleteDirectory = True, verbose = True):
  """Moves image files from TeraSticher file structure to a list of files
    source (str): base directory of the TeraStitcher files
    sink (str): regular expression of the files to copy to
    verbose (bool): show progress

    str: sink regular expression
  fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(source, '*/*/*'));
  fns = natsort.natsorted(fns);
  for i,f in enumerate(fns):
    fn = filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(sink, i);
    if verbose:
      print '%s -> %s' % (f,fn)
    shutil.move(f, fn);
  if deleteDirectory:
    p,_ = os.path.split(fns[0]);
    p = p.split(os.path.sep);
    p = p[:-2];
    p = os.path.sep.join(p);
  return sink;
Exemple #2
def copyTeraStitcherStackToFileList(source, sink, verbose = True):
  """Copies image files from TeraSticher file structure to a list of files
    source (str): base directory of the TeraStitcher files
    sink (str): regular expression of the files to copy to
    verbose (bool): show progress

    str: sink regular expression
  #TODO: multiple tiles !
  fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(source, '*/*/*'));
  fns = natsort.natsorted(fns);
  #print fns
  for i,f in enumerate(fns):
    fn = filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(sink, i);
    if verbose:
      print '%s -> %s' % (f,fn)
    shutil.copyfile(f, fn);
  return sink;  
Exemple #3
def stitchData(xmlPlacementFile, resultPath, algorithm = None, resolutions = None, form = None, channel = None, subRegion = None, bitDepth = None, blockSize = None, cleanup = True, compress = False):
  """Runs the final stiching step of TeraSticher
    xmlPlacementFile (str or None): the xml placement descriptor
    resultPath (str): result path, file name or file expression for the stiched data
    algorithm (str or None): optional algorithm to use for placement: 
                             'NOBLEND' for no blending
                             'SINBLEND' for sinusoidal blending
    resolutions (tuple or None): the different resolutions to produce
    form (str or None): the output form, if None determined automatically
    channel (str or None): the channels to use, 'R', 'G', 'B' or 'all'
    subRegion (tuple or None): optional sub region in the form ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax), (zmin, zmax))
    bitDepth (int or None): the pits per pixel to use, default is 8
    blockSize (tuple): the sizes of various blocks to save stiched image into
    cleanup (bool): if True delete the TeraSticher file structure
    compress (bool): if True compress final tif images
    str : the result path or file name of the stiched data
  See also:
    `TeraStitcher project step <https://github.com/abria/TeraStitcher/wiki/Step-6:-Merge>`_.
  global TeraStitcherBinary;
  cmd = TeraStitcherBinary + ' --merge --imout_format="tif" ';
  cmd = cmd + '--projin="' + xmlPlacementFile + '" ';
  if len(resultPath) > 3 and resultPath[-4:] == '.tif':
    if io.isFileExpression(resultPath, check = False):
      form = 'TiledXY|2Dseries';
      resultPath, filename = os.path.split(resultPath);
      form = 'TiledXY|3Dseries';
      resultPath, filename = os.path.split(resultPath);
    filename = None;
  cmd = cmd + '--volout="' + resultPath + '" ';
  if algorithm is not None:
    cmd = cmd + ' --algorithm="' + algorithm + '" ';
  if resolutions is not None:
    cmd = cmd + '--resolutions="'
    for r in sorted(resolutions):
      cmd = cmd + str(r);
    cmd = cmd + ' ';
  if form is not None:
    cmd = cmd + '--volout_plugin="' + form + '" ';
  if channel is not None:
    cmd = cmd + '--imin_channel="' + channel + '" ';
  if subRegion is not None:
    sns = (('--R0=', '--R1='), ('--C0=', '--C1='), ('--D0=', '--D1-'));
    for d in range(3):
      for m in range(2):
        if subRegion[d][m] is not None:
          cmd = cmd + sns[d][m] + str(subRegion[d][m]) + ' ';
  if blockSize is not None:
    bs = ('--slicewidth=', '--sliceheight=', '--slicedepth=');
    for d in range(3):
      if blockSize[d] is not None:
        cmd = cmd + bs[d] + str(blockSize[d]) + ' ';
  if bitDepth is not None:
    cmd = cmd + '--imout_depth=' + str(bitDepth) + ' ';
  if not compress:
    cmd = cmd + '--libtiff_uncompress ';  
  #print resultPath
  io.createDirectory(resultPath, split = False)
  print 'running: ' + cmd;
  res = os.system(cmd);
  if res != 0:
    raise RuntimeError('stitchData: failed executing: ' + cmd);
  if filename is not None:
    if io.isFileExpression(filename, check = False): # convert list of files in TeraSticher from
      #TODO: multiple resolutions
      basedir = max(glob.glob(os.path.join(resultPath, '*')), key = os.path.getmtime);
      if cleanup:
        moveTeraStitcherStackToFileList(basedir, os.path.join(resultPath, filename), deleteDirectory=True);
        copyTeraStitcherStackToFileList(basedir, os.path.join(resultPath, filename));

    else:   # single file in TeraSticher folder
      #get most recent created file 
      #TODO: test if this works
      imgfile = max(glob.glob(os.path.join(resultPath, '*/*/*/*')), key = os.path.getmtime);
      filename = os.path.join(resultPath, filename);
      os.rename(imgfile, filename);
      if cleanup:
        imgpath = os.path.sep.join(imgfile.split(os.path.sep)[:-3]);
      return filename;
    return resultPath;