Exemple #1
def readData(filename, x = all, y = all, z = all, resolution = 0, channel = 0, timepoint = 0, **args):
    """Read data from imaris file

        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        resolution (int): resolution level
        channel (int): color channel
        timepoint (int): time point
        array: image data
    f = h5py.File(filename, "r");
    dataset = readDataSet(f, resolution = resolution, channel = channel, timepoint = timepoint);
    dsize = dataset.shape;
    rz = io.toDataRange(dsize[0], r = z);
    ry = io.toDataRange(dsize[1], r = y);
    rx = io.toDataRange(dsize[2], r = x);    
    data = dataset[rz[0]:rz[1],ry[0]:ry[1],rx[0]:rx[1]];
    data = data.transpose((2,1,0)); # imaris stores files in reverse x,y,z ordering
    #data = dataset[x[0]:x[1],y[0]:y[1],z[0]:z[1]];
    return data;
Exemple #2
def readDataFiles(filename, x=all, y=all, z=all, **args):
    """Read data from individual images assuming they are the z slices

        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        array: image data

    fpath, fl = readFileList(filename)
    nz = len(fl)

    #read first image to get data size and type
    rz = io.toDataRange(nz, r=z)
    sz = io.toDataSize(nz, r=z)
    fn = os.path.join(fpath, fl[rz[0]])
    img = io.readData(fn, x=x, y=y)
    nxy = img.shape
    data = numpy.zeros(nxy + (sz, ), dtype=img.dtype)
    data[:, :, 0] = img

    for i in range(rz[0] + 1, rz[1]):
        fn = os.path.join(fpath, fl[i])
        data[:, :, i - rz[0]] = io.readData(fn, x=x, y=y)

    return data
Exemple #3
def joinPoints(results, subStacks=None, shiftPoints=True, **args):
    """Joins a list of points obtained from processing a stack in chunks
        results (list): list of point results from the individual sub-processes
        subStacks (list or None): list of all sub-stack information, see :ref:`SubStack`
        shiftPoints (bool): if True shift points to refer to origin of the image stack considered
                            when range specification is given. If False, absolute 
                            position in entire image stack.
       tuple: joined points, joined intensities

    nchunks = len(results)
    pointlist = [results[i][0] for i in range(nchunks)]
    intensities = [results[i][1] for i in range(nchunks)]

    results = []
    resultsi = []
    for i in range(nchunks):
        cts = pointlist[i]
        cti = intensities[i]

        if cts.size > 0:
            cts[:, 2] += subStacks[i]["z"][0]
            iid = numpy.logical_and(subStacks[i]["zCenters"][0] <= cts[:, 2],
                                    cts[:, 2] < subStacks[i]["zCenters"][1])
            cts = cts[iid, :]
            if not cti is None:
                cti = cti[iid]

    if results == []:
        if not intensities is None:
            return (numpy.zeros((0, 3)), numpy.zeros((0)))
            return numpy.zeros((0, 3))
        points = numpy.concatenate(results)

        if shiftPoints:
            points = points + io.pointShiftFromRange(io.dataSize(
            points = points - io.pointShiftFromRange(io.dataSize(
            #absolute offset is added initially via zranges !

        if intensities is None:
            return points
            return (points, numpy.concatenate(resultsi))
def moveTeraStitcherStackToFileList(source, sink, deleteDirectory=True, verbose=True):
    """Moves image files from TeraSticher file structure to a list of files
    source (str): base directory of the TeraStitcher files
    sink (str): regular expression of the files to copy to
    verbose (bool): show progress

    str: sink regular expression

    fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(source, "*/*/*"))
    fns = natsort.natsorted(fns)

    for i, f in enumerate(fns):
        fn = filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(sink, i)
        if verbose:
            print "%s -> %s" % (f, fn)
        shutil.move(f, fn)

    if deleteDirectory:
        p, _ = os.path.split(fns[0])
        p = p.split(os.path.sep)
        p = p[:-2]
        p = os.path.sep.join(p)

    return sink
def readDataFiles(filename, x=all, y=all, z=all, **args):
    """Read data from individual images assuming they are the z slices

        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        array: image data

    fpath, fl = readFileList(filename)
    nz = len(fl)

    # read first image to get data size and type
    rz = io.toDataRange(nz, r=z)
    sz = io.toDataSize(nz, r=z)
    fn = os.path.join(fpath, fl[rz[0]])
    img = io.readData(fn, x=x, y=y)
    nxy = img.shape
    data = numpy.zeros(nxy + (sz,), dtype=img.dtype)
    data[:, :, 0] = img

    for i in range(rz[0] + 1, rz[1]):
        fn = os.path.join(fpath, fl[i])
        data[:, :, i - rz[0]] = io.readData(fn, x=x, y=y)

    return data
Exemple #6
def fileNameToIlastikOuput(filename):
  """Converts *ClearMap* file name to an argument string for use with Ilastik headless mode
    filename (str): image file name or expression
    str: Ilastik headless ouput specifications
    The output is formated accroding to the Ilastik pixel calssification output specifications

  if not isValidOutputFileName(filename):
    raise RuntimeError('Ilastik: file format not compatibel with Ilastik output');
  if io.isFileExpression(filename):
    o = '--output_format="' + io.fileExtension(filename) + ' sequence" '+ \
        '--output_filename_format="' + filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(filename, '{slice_index}') + '"';
    return o;
  else: # single file
    extensionToOuput  = {'bmp' : 'bmp', 'gif' : 'gif', 'hdr' : 'hrd', 
                         'jpg' : 'jpg', 'jpeg': 'jpeg','pbm' : 'pbm', 
                         'pgm' : 'pgm', 'png' : 'png', 'pnm' : 'pnm', 'ppm' : 'ppm', 
                         'ras' : 'ras', 'tif' : 'tif', 'tiff': 'tiff','xv'  : 'xv',
                         'h5'  : 'hdf5' , 'npy' : 'numpy'};
    ext = extensionToOuput[io.fileExtension(filename)];
    o = '--output_format="' + ext +'" ' + \
        '--output_filename_format="' + filename + '"';
    return o;
Exemple #7
def readData(filename, x=all, y=all, z=all, **args):
    """Read data from a single tif image or stack
        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        array: image data

    dsize = dataSize(filename)
    #print("dsize %s" % str(dsize);

    if len(dsize) == 2:
        data = tiff.imread(filename, key=0)
        #print("data.shape %s" % str(data.shape);

        return io.dataToRange(data.transpose([1, 0]), x=x, y=y)
        #return io.dataToRange(data, x = x, y = y);

        if z is all:
            data = tiff.imread(filename)
            if data.ndim == 2:
                # data = data
                data = data.transpose([1, 0])
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                #data = data.transpose([1,2,0]);
                data = data.transpose([2, 1, 0])
            elif data.ndim == 4:  # multi channel image
                #data = data.transpose([1,2,0,3]);
                data = data.transpose([2, 1, 0, 3])
                raise RuntimeError('readData: dimension %d not supproted!' %

            return io.dataToRange(data, x=x, y=y, z=all)

        else:  #optimize for z ranges
            ds = io.dataSizeFromDataRange(dsize, x=x, y=y, z=z)
            t = tiff.TiffFile(filename)
            p = t.pages[0]
            data = numpy.zeros(ds, dtype=p.dtype)
            rz = io.toDataRange(dsize[2], r=z)


            for i in range(rz[0], rz[1]):
                xydata = t.pages[i].asarray()
                #data[:,:,i-rz[0]] = io.dataToRange(xydata, x = x, y = y);
                data[:, :, i - rz[0]] = io.dataToRange(xydata.transpose([1,

            return data
Exemple #8
def readData(filename, x = all, y = all, z = all, **args):
    """Read data from a single tif image or stack
        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        array: image data
    dsize = dataSize(filename);
    #print "dsize %s" % str(dsize);    
    if len(dsize) == 2:
        data = tiff.imread(filename, key = 0);
        #print "data.shape %s" % str(data.shape);        
        return io.dataToRange(data.transpose([1,0]), x = x, y = y);
        #return io.dataToRange(data, x = x, y = y);
        if z is all:
            data = tiff.imread(filename);
            if data.ndim == 2:
                # data = data
                data = data.transpose([1,0]);
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                #data = data.transpose([1,2,0]);
                data = data.transpose([2,1,0]);
            elif data.ndim == 4: # multi channel image
                #data = data.transpose([1,2,0,3]);
                data = data.transpose([2,1,0,3]);
                raise RuntimeError('readData: dimension %d not supproted!' % data.ndim)
            return io.dataToRange(data, x = x, y = y, z = all);
        else: #optimize for z ranges
            ds = io.dataSizeFromDataRange(dsize, x = x, y = y, z = z);
            t = tiff.TiffFile(filename);
            p = t.pages[0];
            data = numpy.zeros(ds, dtype = p.dtype);
            rz = io.toDataRange(dsize[2], r = z);
            #print "test"
            #print rz;
            #print dsize            
            for i in range(rz[0], rz[1]):
                xydata = t.pages[i].asarray();
                #data[:,:,i-rz[0]] = io.dataToRange(xydata, x = x, y = y);
                data[:,:,i-rz[0]] = io.dataToRange(xydata.transpose([1,0]), x = x, y = y);
            return data
Exemple #9
def copyData(source, sink):
    """Copy a imaris file from source to sink
        source (str): file name pattern of source
        sink (str): file name pattern of sink
        str: file name patttern of the copy
    io.copyFile(source, sink);
def calculateSubStacks(source, z = all, x = all, y = all, **args):
    """Calculates the chunksize and other info for parallel processing and returns a list of sub-stack objects
    The sub-stack information is described in :ref:`SubStack`  
        source (str): image source
        x,y,z (tuple or all): range specifications
        processes (int): number of parallel processes
        chunkSizeMax (int): maximal size of a sub-stack
        chunkSizeMin (int): minial size of a sub-stack
        chunkOverlap (int): minimal sub-stack overlap
        chunkOptimization (bool): optimize chunck sizes to best fit number of processes
        chunkOptimizationSize (bool or all): if True only decrease the chunk size when optimizing
        verbose (bool): print information on sub-stack generation
        list: list of sub-stack objects
    #determine z ranges
    fs = io.dataSize(source);
    zs = fs[2];
    zr = io.toDataRange(zs, r = z);
    nz = zr[1] - zr[0];
    #calculate optimal chunk sizes
    nchunks, zranges, zcenters = calculateChunkSize(nz, **args);
    #adjust for the zrange
    zcenters = [c + zr[0] for c in zcenters];
    zranges = [(zc[0] + zr[0], zc[1] + zr[0]) for zc in zranges];
    #create substacks
    subStacks = [];
    indexlo = zr[0];
    for i in range(nchunks):
        indexhi = int(round(zcenters[i+1]));
        if indexhi > zr[1] or i == nchunks - 1:
            indexhi = zr[1];
        zs = zranges[i][1] - zranges[i][0];
        subStacks.append({"stackId" : i, "nStacks" : nchunks, 
                          "source" : source, "x" : x, "y" : y, "z" : zranges[i], 
                          "zCenters" : (zcenters[i], zcenters[i+1]),
                          "zCenterIndices" : (indexlo, indexhi),
                          "zSubStackCenterIndices" : (indexlo - zranges[i][0], zs - (zranges[i][1] - indexhi))});
        indexlo = indexhi; # + 1;
    return subStacks;
def openData3D(dataSource, x = all, y = all, z = all, cleanUp = True):
    """Open image in ImageJ 
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        inverse (bool):invert image
        (object): figure handle

    if isinstance(dataSource, numpy.ndarray):
      filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix = '.mhd', prefix = 'CM_ImageJ');
      io.writeData(filename, dataSource, x = x, y = y, z = z); 
      filepath, imagename = os.path.split(filename);
      imagename = imagename[:-4] + '.raw';
      temp = True; 
      dSize = dataSource.shape;
      filename = dataSource;
      filepath, imagename = os.path.split(filename);
      temp = False;
    if len(dSize) == 4:
      colorImage = True;
      colorImage = False;
    if colorImage:
      macro = ('open("%s"); ' % filename) + \
               'run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "order=xyzct channels=%d slices=%d frames=1 display=Color"); ' % (dSize[3], dSize[2]) + \
               'Stack.setDisplayMode("composite"); ' + \
               'run("3D Viewer"); call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.setCoordinateSystem", "false"); ' + \
               'call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.add", "%s", "None", "%s", "0", "true", "true", "true", "1", "0");' % (imagename, imagename);
      macro = ('open("%s");' % filename) + ' run("RGB Color"); run("3D Viewer"); call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.setCoordinateSystem", "false"); ' + \
               'call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.add", "%s", "None", "%s", "0", "true", "true", "true", "1", "0");' % (imagename, imagename);
    cmd = ImageJBinary + " -eval '%s'" % macro;
    print 'running: %s' % cmd
    res = os.system(cmd);
    if res != 0:
      raise RuntimeError('openData3D: failed executing: ' + cmd);
    if cleanUp and temp:
      os.remove(os.path.join(filepath, imagename));
    return macro;
Exemple #12
def overlayLabel(dataSource, labelSource, sink = None,  alpha = False, labelColorMap = 'jet', x = all, y = all, z = all):
    """Overlay a gray scale image with colored labeled image
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        labelSource (str or array): labeled image to be overlayed on the image data
        sink (str or None): destination for the overlayed image
        alpha (float or False): transparency
        labelColorMap (str or object): color map for the labels
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        (array or str): figure handle
    See Also:
    label = io.readData(labelSource, x= x, y = y, z = z);
    image = io.readData(dataSource, x= x, y = y, z = z);
    lmax = label.max();
    if lmax <= 1:
        carray = numpy.array([[1,0,0,1]]);
        cm = mpl.cm.get_cmap(labelColorMap);
        cNorm  = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax = int(lmax));
        carray = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm);
        carray = carray.to_rgba(numpy.arange(1, int(lmax + 1)));

    if alpha == False:
        carray = numpy.concatenate(([[0,0,0,1]], carray), axis = 0);
        carray = numpy.concatenate(([[1,1,1,1]], carray), axis = 0);
    cm = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(carray);
    carray = cm(label);
    carray = carray.take([0,1,2], axis = -1);

    if alpha == False:
        cimage = (label == 0) * image;
        cimage = numpy.repeat(cimage, 3);
        cimage = cimage.reshape(image.shape + (3,)); 
        cimage = cimage.astype(carray.dtype);
        cimage += carray;
        cimage = numpy.repeat(image, 3);
        cimage = cimage.reshape(image.shape + (3,));
        cimage = cimage.astype(carray.dtype);
        cimage *= carray;

    return io.writeData(sink, cimage);
Exemple #13
def countPointsInRegions(points, labeledImage = DefaultLabeledImageFile, intensities = None, intensityRow = 0, level= None, allIds = False, sort = True, returnIds = True, returnCounts = False, collapse = None):
    global Label;
    points = io.readPoints(points);
    intensities = io.readPoints(intensities);
    pointLabels = labelPoints(points, labeledImage, level = level, collapse = collapse); 
    if intensities is None:
        ll, cc = numpy.unique(pointLabels, return_counts = True);
        cci = None;
        if intensities.ndim > 1:
            intensities = intensities[:,intensityRow];
        ll, ii, cc = numpy.unique(pointLabels, return_counts = True, return_inverse = True);
        cci = numpy.zeros(ll.shape);
        for i in range(ii.shape[0]):
             cci[ii[i]] += intensities[i];
    if allIds:
        lla = numpy.setdiff1d(Label.ids, ll);
        ll  = numpy.hstack((ll, lla));
        cc  = numpy.hstack((cc, numpy.zeros(lla.shape, dtype = cc.dtype)));
        if not cci is None:
            cci = numpy.hstack((cci, numpy.zeros(lla.shape, dtype = cc.dtype)));
    #cc = numpy.vstack((ll,cc)).T;
    if sort:
        ii = numpy.argsort(ll);
        cc = cc[ii];
        ll = ll[ii];
        if not cci is None:
            cci = cci[ii];

    if returnIds:
        if cci is None:
            return ll, cc
            if returnCounts:
                return ll, cc, cci;
                return ll, cci
        if cci is None:
            return cc;
            if returnCounts:
                return cc, cci;
                return cci;
def joinPoints(results, subStacks = None, shiftPoints = True, **args):
    """Joins a list of points obtained from processing a stack in chunks
        results (list): list of point results from the individual sub-processes
        subStacks (list or None): list of all sub-stack information, see :ref:`SubStack`
        shiftPoints (bool): if True shift points to refer to origin of the image stack considered
                            when range specification is given. If False, absolute 
                            position in entire image stack.
       tuple: joined points, joined intensities
    nchunks = len(results);
    pointlist = [results[i][0] for i in range(nchunks)];
    intensities = [results[i][1] for i in range(nchunks)]; 
    results = [];
    resultsi = [];
    for i in range(nchunks):
        cts = pointlist[i];
        cti = intensities[i];

        if cts.size > 0:
            cts[:,2] += subStacks[i]["z"][0];
            iid = numpy.logical_and(subStacks[i]["zCenters"][0] <= cts[:,2] , cts[:,2] < subStacks[i]["zCenters"][1]);
            cts = cts[iid,:];
            if not cti is None:
                cti = cti[iid];
    if results == []:
        if not intensities is None:
            return (numpy.zeros((0,3)), numpy.zeros((0)));
            return numpy.zeros((0,3))
        points = numpy.concatenate(results);
        if shiftPoints:
            points = points + io.pointShiftFromRange(io.dataSize(subStacks[0]["source"]), x = subStacks[0]["x"], y = subStacks[0]["y"], z = 0);
            points = points - io.pointShiftFromRange(io.dataSize(subStacks[0]["source"]), x = 0, y = 0, z = subStacks[0]["z"]); #absolute offset is added initially via zranges !
        if intensities is None:
            return points;
            return (points, numpy.concatenate(resultsi));
Exemple #15
def copyData(source, sink):
    """Copy an nrrd file from source to sink
        source (str): file name pattern of source
        sink (str): file name pattern of sink
        str: file name of the copy
        Todo: dealt with nrdh header files!
    io.copyFile(source, sink)
Exemple #16
def copyData(source, sink):
    """Copy an nrrd file from source to sink
        source (str): file name pattern of source
        sink (str): file name pattern of sink
        str: file name of the copy
        Todo: dealt with nrdh header files!
    io.copyFile(source, sink);
def fileNameToIlastikOuput(filename):
    """Converts *ClearMap* file name to an argument string for use with Ilastik headless mode
    filename (str): image file name or expression
    str: Ilastik headless ouput specifications
    The output is formated accroding to the Ilastik pixel calssification output specifications

    if not isValidOutputFileName(filename):
        raise RuntimeError("Ilastik: file format not compatibel with Ilastik output")

    if io.isFileExpression(filename):
        o = (
            + io.fileExtension(filename)
            + ' sequence" '
            + '--output_filename_format="'
            + filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(filename, "{slice_index}")
            + '"'
        return o

    else:  # single file
        extensionToOuput = {
            "bmp": "bmp",
            "gif": "gif",
            "hdr": "hrd",
            "jpg": "jpg",
            "jpeg": "jpeg",
            "pbm": "pbm",
            "pgm": "pgm",
            "png": "png",
            "pnm": "pnm",
            "ppm": "ppm",
            "ras": "ras",
            "tif": "tif",
            "tiff": "tiff",
            "xv": "xv",
            "h5": "hdf5",
            "npy": "numpy",
        ext = extensionToOuput[io.fileExtension(filename)]
        o = '--output_format="' + ext + '" ' + '--output_filename_format="' + filename + '"'
        return o
def isValidOutputFileName(filename):
    """Checks if the file is a valid format for use with Ilastik ouput
    filename (str): image file name or expression
    bool: True if the image file can be written by Ilastik

    if io.isFileExpression(filename):
        validExtensions = [
        return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions
        validExtensions = [
        return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions
Exemple #19
def labelPoints(points, labeledImage = DefaultLabeledImageFile, level = None, collapse = None):
    #points are (y,x,z) -> which is also the way the labeled image is read in
    #x = points[:,1];
    #y = points[:,0];
    #z = points[:,2];

    x = points[:,0];
    y = points[:,1];
    z = points[:,2]; 
    nPoint = x.size;    
    pointLabels = numpy.zeros(nPoint, 'int32');

    labelImage = io.readData(labeledImage);    
    dsize = labelImage.shape;

    for i in range(nPoint):
        #if y[i] >= 0 and y[i] < dsize[0] and x[i] >= 0 and x[i] < dsize[1] and z[i] >= 0 and z[i] < dsize[2]:
        #     pointLabels[i] = labelImage[y[i], x[i], z[i]];
        if x[i] >= 0 and x[i] < dsize[0] and y[i] >= 0 and y[i] < dsize[1] and z[i] >= 0 and z[i] < dsize[2]:
            pointLabels[i] = labelImage[int(x[i]), int(y[i]), int(z[i])];
    if collapse is None:
        pointLabels = labelAtLevel(pointLabels, level);
        pointLabels = labelAtCollapse(pointLabels);
    return pointLabels;
Exemple #20
def test():
    """Test Spot Detection Module"""
    import os
    import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.SpotDetection as self
    import ClearMap.IO as io
    import ClearMap.Settings as settings
    from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellDetection import detectCells
    basedir = settings.ClearMapPath
    #Default tifs do not load for some reason (tifffile is not happy) but
    #simply resaving them seems to do the trick.
    fn = os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/synthetic2/test_iDISCO_\d{3}.tif')
    #fn = os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/OME/16-17-27_0_8X-s3-20HF_UltraII_C00_xyz-Table Z\d{4}.ome.tif');
    img = io.readData(fn)
    #img = dataset[0:500,0:500,1000:1008];
    #img = dataset[600:1000,1600:1800,800:830];
    #img = dataset[500:1500,500:1500,800:809];
    img = img.astype('int16')
    #m = sys.modules['iDISCO.ImageProcessing.SpotDetection']
    #c = self.detectCells(img);
    c = self.detectSpots(img, hMax=10, threshold=100, verbose=True)
    print 'done, found %d cells !' % c[0].shape[0]

    #test intensities:
    import numpy
    x = numpy.random.rand(30, 30, 10)
    centers = numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [29, 29, 9]])
    i = self.findIntensity(x, centers, boxSize=(1, 1, 1))
    print i
def _processSubStack(dsr):
    """Helper to process stack in parallel"""

    sf  = dsr[0];
    pp  = dsr[1];
    sub = dsr[2];
    verbose = dsr[3];

    timer = Timer();
    pw = ProcessWriter(sub["stackId"]);
    if verbose:
        pw.write("processing substack " + str(sub["stackId"]) + "/" + str(sub["nStacks"]));
        pw.write("file          = " + sub["source"]);
        pw.write("segmentation  = " + str(sf));
        pw.write("ranges: x,y,z = " + str(sub["x"]) +  "," + str(sub["y"]) + "," + str(sub["z"])); 
    img = io.readData(sub["source"], x = sub["x"], y = sub["y"], z = sub["z"]);
    if verbose:
        pw.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Reading data of size ' + str(img.shape)));
    seg = sf(img, subStack = sub, out = pw, **pp);    

    if verbose:    
        pw.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Processing substack of size ' + str(img.shape)));
    return seg;
def writeSubStack(filename, img, subStack = None):
    """Write the non-redundant part of a sub-stack to disk
    The routine is used to write out images when porcessed in parallel.
    It assumes that the filename is a patterned file name.
        filename (str or None): file name pattern as described in 
                        :mod:`~ClearMap.Io.FileList`, if None return as array
        img (array): image data of sub-stack
        subStack (dict or None): sub-stack information, if None write entire image
                                 see :ref:`SubStack`
       str or array: the file name pattern or image
    if not subStack is None:
        ii = subStack["zSubStackCenterIndices"][0];
        ee = subStack["zSubStackCenterIndices"][1];
        si = subStack["zCenterIndices"][0];
        si = 0;
        ii = 0;
        ee = -1;
    return io.writeData(filename, img[:,:,ii:ee], startIndex = si );     
def isValidInputFileName(filename):
    """Checks if the file is a valid format for use with Ilastik input
    filename (str): image file name or expression
    bool: True if the image file can be read by Ilastik

    validExtensions = [

    return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions
Exemple #24
def dataSize(filename, **args):
    """Returns size of data in tif file
        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        tuple: data size
    t = tiff.TiffFile(filename);
    d3 = len(t.pages);
    d2 = t.pages[0].shape;
    #d2 = (d2[0], d2[1]);
    if len(d2) == 3:
      d2 = (d2[2], d2[1], d2[0]);
      d2 = (d2[1], d2[0]);
    if d3 > 1:
        dims = d2 + (d3,);
        dims =  d2;
    return io.dataSizeFromDataRange(dims, **args);
def labelPoints(points, labeledImage=DefaultLabeledImageFile, level=None, collapse=None):

    # points are (y,x,z) -> which is also the way the labeled image is read in
    # x = points[:,1];
    # y = points[:,0];
    # z = points[:,2];

    x = points[:, 0]
    y = points[:, 1]
    z = points[:, 2]

    nPoint = x.size

    pointLabels = numpy.zeros(nPoint, "int32")

    labelImage = io.readData(labeledImage)
    dsize = labelImage.shape

    for i in range(nPoint):
        # if y[i] >= 0 and y[i] < dsize[0] and x[i] >= 0 and x[i] < dsize[1] and z[i] >= 0 and z[i] < dsize[2]:
        #     pointLabels[i] = labelImage[y[i], x[i], z[i]];
        if x[i] >= 0 and x[i] < dsize[0] and y[i] >= 0 and y[i] < dsize[1] and z[i] >= 0 and z[i] < dsize[2]:
            pointLabels[i] = labelImage[int(x[i]), int(y[i]), int(z[i])]

    if collapse is None:
        pointLabels = labelAtLevel(pointLabels, level)
        pointLabels = labelAtCollapse(pointLabels)

    return pointLabels
Exemple #26
def thresholdPoints(points, intensities, threshold = 0, row = 0):
    """Threshold points by intensities"""
    points, intensities = io.readPoints((points, intensities));   
    if not isinstance(threshold, tuple):
        threshold = (threshold, all);    
    if not isinstance(row, tuple):
        row = (row, row);
    if intensities.ndim > 1:
        i = intensities[:,row[0]];
        i = intensities;    
    iids = numpy.ones(i.shape, dtype = 'bool');
    if not threshold[0] is all:
        iids = numpy.logical_and(iids, i >= threshold[0]);
    if intensities.ndim > 1:
        i = intensities[:,row[1]];
    if not threshold[1] is all:
        iids = numpy.logical_and(iids, i <= threshold[1]);
    return (points[iids, ...], intensities[iids, ...]);
Exemple #27
def dataSize(filename, **args):
    """Returns size of data in tif file
        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        x,y,z (tuple): data range specifications
        tuple: data size
    t = tiff.TiffFile(filename);
    d3 = len(t.pages);
    d2 = t.pages[0].shape;
    #d2 = (d2[0], d2[1]);
    if len(d2) == 3:
      d2 = (d2[2], d2[1], d2[0]);
      d2 = (d2[1], d2[0]);
    if d3 > 1:
        dims = d2 + (d3,);
        dims =  d2;
    return io.dataSizeFromDataRange(dims, **args);
Exemple #28
def isValidOutputFileName(filename):
  """Checks if the file is a valid format for use with Ilastik ouput
    filename (str): image file name or expression
    bool: True if the image file can be written by Ilastik
  if io.isFileExpression(filename):
    validExtensions  = ['bmp', 'gif', 'hdr', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pbm', 'pgm', 'png', 'pnm', 'ppm', 'ras', 'tif', 'tiff', 'xv'];
    return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions;
    validExtensions  = ['bmp', 'gif', 'hdr', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pbm', 'pgm', 'png', 'pnm', 'ppm', 'ras', 'tif', 'tiff', 'xv', 'h5', 'npy'];
    return io.fileExtension(filename) in validExtensions;
Exemple #29
def writePoints(filename, points, indices = True):
    """Write points as elastix/transformix point file
        filename (str): file name of the elastix point file.
        points (array or str): source of the points.
        indices (bool): write as pixel indices or physical coordiantes
        str : file name of the elastix point file

    points = io.readPoints(points);
    #points = points[:,[1,0,2]]; # points in ClearMap (y,x,z) -> permute to (x,y,z)

    with open(filename, 'w') as pointfile:
        if indices:
        pointfile.write(str(points.shape[0]) + '\n');
        numpy.savetxt(pointfile, points, delimiter = ' ', newline = '\n', fmt = '%.5e')
    return filename;
Exemple #30
def voxelizePixel(points,  dataSize = None, weights = None):
    """Mark pixels/voxels of each point in an image array
        points (array): point data array
        dataSize (tuple or None): size of the final output data, if None size is determined by maximal point coordinates
        weights (array or None): weights for each points, if None weights are all 1s.
        (array): volumetric data with with points marked in voxels
    if dataSize is None:
        dataSize = tuple(int(math.ceil(points[:,i].max())) for i in range(points.shape[1]));
    elif isinstance(dataSize, basestring):
        dataSize = io.dataSize(dataSize);
    if weights is None:
        vox = numpy.zeros(dataSize, dtype=numpy.int16);
        for i in range(points.shape[0]):
            if points[i,0] > 0 and points[i,0] < dataSize[0] and points[i,1] > 0 and points[i,1] < dataSize[1] and points[i,2] > 0 and points[i,2] < dataSize[2]:
                vox[points[i,0], points[i,1], points[i,2]] += 1;
        vox = numpy.zeros(dataSize, dtype=weights.dtype);
        for i in range(points.shape[0]):
            if points[i,0] > 0 and points[i,0] < dataSize[0] and points[i,1] > 0 and points[i,1] < dataSize[1] and points[i,2] > 0 and points[i,2] < dataSize[2]:
                vox[points[i,0], points[i,1], points[i,2]] += weights[i];
    return  vox;
Exemple #31
def copyData(source, sink):
    """Copy a raw/mhd file pair from source to sink
        source (str): file name of source
        sink (str): file name of sink
        str: file name of the copy

    sourceExt = io.fileExtension(source)
    sinkExt = io.fileExtension(sink)

    sources = [source]
    sinks = []

    if sourceExt == 'raw':
        sources.append(source[:-3] + 'mhd')

        if sinkExt == 'raw':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'mhd')
        elif sinkExt == 'mhd':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'raw')
            raise RuntimeError('copyData: sink extension %s not raw or mhd' %

    elif sourceExt == 'mhd':
        sources.append(source[:-3] + 'raw')

        if sinkExt == 'raw':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'mhd')
        elif sinkExt == 'mhd':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'raw')
            raise RuntimeError('copyData: sink extension %s not raw or mhd' %

    for i in range(2):
        io.copyData(sources[i], sinks[i])

    return sink
def combineSections(animalPath, section, outTableName):
    alph = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];
    for z in range(len(alph)):
        fName = section+alph[z];
        resultDir = os.path.join(animalPath,'Results',fName);             
        tableFN = os.path.join(resultDir,'ResultsTable.csv');
        if z == 0:
            table= pd.read_csv(tableFN,names = ['id','counts','name','subname']);
            temp_table = pd.read_csv(tableFN,names = ['id','counts','name','subname']);
            table = pd.DataFrame.append(table,temp_table);

        #Table generation
    totTable = table.groupby(['id','name'],as_index=False).sum();
    totTableFN = os.path.join(animalPath,outTableName);
def _cropParallel(arg):
    """Cropping helper function to use for parallel cropping of image slices"""

    fileSource = arg[0]
    fileSink = arg[1]
    x = arg[2]
    y = arg[3]
    ii = arg[4]
    nn = arg[5]

    if ii is not None:
        pw = ProcessWriter(ii)
        pw.write("cropData: corpping image %d / %d" % (ii, nn))
        # pw.write('%s -> %s' % (fileSource, fileSink));

    data = io.readData(fileSource, x=x, y=y)
    io.writeData(fileSink, data)
Exemple #34
def classifyPixel(project, source, sink = None, processingDirectory = None, cleanup = True):
  """Run pixel classification in headless moded using a trained project file
    project (str): ilastik project .ilp file
    source (str or array): image source
    sink (str or array or None): image sink
    str or array: classified image sink
  #generate source image file if source is array
  if isinstance(source, str):
    inpfile = source;
    #generate temporary file
    if processingDirectory is None:
        processingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp();
    inpfile = os.path.join(processingDirectory, 'ilastik.npy')
    io.writePoints(inpfile, source.transpose((2,1,0)));
  if isinstance(sink, str):
    outfile = sink;
    #outdir  = tempfile.mkdtemp();
    #outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'result\d*.tif');
    outfile = tempfile.mktemp('.h5');
  ilinp = fileNameToIlastikInput(inpfile);
  ilout = fileNameToIlastikOuput(outfile);

  args = '--project="' + project + '" ' + ilout + ' ' + ilinp;
  #clean up 
  if cleanup and processingDirectory is not None:
  if not isinstance(sink, str):
    sink = readResultH5(outfile);
    if cleanup:
  return sink;
Exemple #35
def test():
  import os;
  import ClearMap.IO as io
  import ClearMap.Settings as settings
  import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Ilastik as il;
  ilp = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Ilastik/Test.ilp')
  src = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
  #out = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/Ilastik/image.npy');
  out = None;
  #out = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/Ilastik/result\d*.tif');
  cls = il.classifyPixel(ilp, src, out);
  print io.dataSize(src)
  print cls.shape
  io.writeData('/home/ckirst/result.raw', cls);
Exemple #36
def writeData(filename, data, **args):
    """ Write  data into to raw/mhd file pair

        filename (str): file name as regular expression
        data (array): data to write to raw file
        str: file name of mhd file

    fext = io.fileExtension(filename)
    if fext == "raw":
        fname = filename[:-3] + 'mhd'
        fname = filename

    assert (fname[-4:] == '.mhd')

    meta_dict = {}
    meta_dict['ObjectType'] = 'Image'
    meta_dict['BinaryData'] = 'True'
    meta_dict['BinaryDataByteOrderMSB'] = 'False'

    numpy_to_datatype = {
        numpy.dtype('int8'): "MET_CHAR",
        numpy.dtype('uint8'): "MET_UCHAR",
        numpy.dtype('int16'): "MET_SHORT",
        numpy.dtype('uint16'): "MET_USHORT",
        numpy.dtype('int32'): "MET_INT",
        numpy.dtype('uint32'): "MET_UINT",
        numpy.dtype('int64'): "MET_LONG",
        numpy.dtype('uint64'): "MET_ULONG",
        numpy.dtype('float32'): "MET_FLOAT",
        numpy.dtype('float64'): "MET_DOUBLE",

    dtype = data.dtype
    meta_dict['ElementType'] = numpy_to_datatype[dtype]

    dsize = list(data.shape)
    #dsize[0:2] = [dsize[1],dsize[0]];  #fix arrays represented as (y,x,z)

    meta_dict['NDims'] = str(len(dsize))
    meta_dict['DimSize'] = ' '.join([str(i) for i in dsize])
    meta_dict['ElementDataFile'] = os.path.split(fname)[1].replace(
        '.mhd', '.raw')
    writeHeader(fname, meta_dict)

    pwd = os.path.split(fname)[0]
    if pwd:
        data_file = pwd + '/' + meta_dict['ElementDataFile']
        data_file = meta_dict['ElementDataFile']

    writeRawData(data_file, data)

    return fname
Exemple #37
def voxelize(points, dataSize = None, sink = None, voxelizeParameter = None,  method = 'Spherical', size = (5,5,5), weights = None):
    """Converts a list of points into an volumetric image array
        points (array): point data array
        dataSize (tuple): size of final image
        sink (str, array or None): the location to write or return the resulting voxelization image, if None return array
        voxelizeParameter (dict):
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
            Name       Type                 Descritption
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
            *method*   (str or None)        method for voxelization: 'Spherical', 'Rectangular' or 'Pixel'
            *size*     (tuple)              size parameter for the voxelization
            *weights*  (array or None)      weights for each point, None is uniform weights                          
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================      
        (array): volumetric data of smeared out points
    if dataSize is None:
        dataSize = tuple(int(math.ceil(points[:,i].max())) for i in range(points.shape[1]));
    elif isinstance(dataSize, basestring):
        dataSize = io.dataSize(dataSize);
    points = io.readPoints(points);
    if method.lower() == 'spherical':
        if weights is None:
            data = vox.voxelizeSphere(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);
            data = vox.voxelizeSphereWithWeights(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2], weights);
    elif method.lower() == 'rectangular':
        if weights is None:
            data = vox.voxelizeRectangle(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);
            data = vox.voxelizeRectangleWithWeights(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2], weights);
    elif method.lower() == 'pixel':
        data = voxelizePixel(points, dataSize, weights);
        raise RuntimeError('voxelize: mode: %s not supported!' % method);
    return io.writeData(sink, data);
def makeColorAnnotations(filename, labeledImage=None):
    if labeledImage is None:
        labeledImage = DefaultLabeledImageFile

    li = io.readData(labeledImage)
    dsize = li.shape

    lr = numpy.zeros(dsize, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    lg = lr.copy()
    lb = lr.copy()

    global Label
    maxlabel = max(Label.ids)
    colarray = numpy.zeros((maxlabel, 3))
    for i in Label.ids:
        colarray[i - 1, :] = Label.color(i)

    for i in Label.ids:
        ll = li == i
        lr[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 0]
        lg[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 1]
        lb[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 2]

    io.writeData(filename + "_r.tif", lr)
    io.writeData(filename + "_g.tif", lg)
    io.writeData(filename + "_b.tif", lb)

    return (lr, lg, lb)
Exemple #39
def test():
    """Test Elastix module"""
    import ClearMap.Alignment.Elastix as self
    from ClearMap.Settings import ClearMapPath;
    import os, numpy
    p = ClearMapPath;
    resultdir = os.path.join(p, 'Test/Elastix/Output');
    print 'Searching for transformation parameter file in ' + resultdir;
    pf = self.getTransformParameterFile(resultdir)
    print 'Found: ' + pf;
    #replace path in trasform parameter files:

    #transform points
    pts = numpy.random.rand(5,3);    
    print 'Transforming points: '
    tpts = self.transformPoints(pts, transformParameterFile = pf, indices = False);
    print pts
    print 'Transformed points: '
    print tpts
    #deformation and distance fields     
    df = self.deformationField(transformParameterFile = pf, resultDirectory = None);
    #df = '/tmp/elastix_output/deformationField.mhd';

    import ClearMap.IO as io
    data = io.readData('/tmp/elastix_output/deformationField.mhd');
    ds = self.deformationDistance(data);
    io.writeData(os.path.join(p, 'Test/Elastix/Output/distances.raw'), ds);
Exemple #40
def test():
    """Test Elastix module"""
    import ClearMap.Alignment.Elastix as self
    from ClearMap.Settings import ClearMapPath;
    import os, numpy
    p = ClearMapPath;
    resultdir = os.path.join(p, 'Test/Elastix/Output');
    print 'Searching for transformation parameter file in ' + resultdir;
    pf = self.getTransformParameterFile(resultdir)
    print 'Found: ' + pf;
    #replace path in trasform parameter files:

    #transform points
    pts = numpy.random.rand(5,3);    
    print 'Transforming points: '
    tpts = self.transformPoints(pts, transformParameterFile = pf, indices = False);
    print pts
    print 'Transformed points: '
    print tpts
    #deformation and distance fields     
    df = self.deformationField(transformParameterFile = pf, resultDirectory = None);
    #df = '/tmp/elastix_output/deformationField.mhd';

    import ClearMap.IO as io
    data = io.readData('/tmp/elastix_output/deformationField.mhd');
    ds = self.deformationDistance(data);
    io.writeData(os.path.join(p, 'Test/Elastix/Output/distances.raw'), ds);
Exemple #41
def makeColorAnnotations(filename, labeledImage = None):
    if labeledImage is None:
        labeledImage = DefaultLabeledImageFile;
    li = io.readData(labeledImage);
    dsize = li.shape;
    lr = numpy.zeros(dsize, dtype = numpy.uint8);
    lg = lr.copy();
    lb = lr.copy();
    global Label; 
    maxlabel = max(Label.ids);
    colarray = numpy.zeros((maxlabel, 3));
    for i in Label.ids:
        colarray[i-1,:] = Label.color(i);
    for i in Label.ids:
        ll = li == i;
        lr[ll] = colarray[i-1,0];
        lg[ll] = colarray[i-1,1];
        lb[ll] = colarray[i-1,2];
    io.writeData(filename + "_r.tif", lr);
    io.writeData(filename + "_g.tif", lg);  
    io.writeData(filename + "_b.tif", lb);
    return (lr,lg,lb);
Exemple #42
def copyData(source, sink):
    """Copy a raw/mhd file pair from source to sink
        source (str): file name of source
        sink (str): file name of sink
        str: file name of the copy
    sourceExt = io.fileExtension(source);
    sinkExt   = io.fileExtension(sink);
    sources = [source]; 
    sinks = [];
    if sourceExt == 'raw':
        sources.append(source[:-3] + 'mhd');
        if sinkExt == 'raw':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'mhd');
        elif sinkExt == 'mhd':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'raw');
            raise RuntimeError('copyData: sink extension %s not raw or mhd' % sinkExt);
    elif sourceExt == 'mhd':
        sources.append(source[:-3] + 'raw');
        if sinkExt == 'raw':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'mhd');
        elif sinkExt == 'mhd':
            sinks.append(sink[:-3] + 'raw');
            raise RuntimeError('copyData: sink extension %s not raw or mhd' % sinkExt);
    for i in range(2):
        io.copyData(sources[i], sinks[i]);
    return sink;
Exemple #43
def makeColorAnnotations(filename, labeledImage=None):
    if labeledImage is None:
        labeledImage = DefaultLabeledImageFile

    li = io.readData(labeledImage)
    dsize = li.shape

    lr = numpy.zeros(dsize, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    lg = lr.copy()
    lb = lr.copy()

    global Label
    maxlabel = max(Label.ids)
    colarray = numpy.zeros((maxlabel, 3))
    for i in Label.ids:
        colarray[i - 1, :] = Label.color(i)

    for i in Label.ids:
        ll = li == i
        lr[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 0]
        lg[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 1]
        lb[ll] = colarray[i - 1, 2]

    io.writeData(filename + "_r.tif", lr)
    io.writeData(filename + "_g.tif", lg)
    io.writeData(filename + "_b.tif", lb)

    return (lr, lg, lb)
def voxelize(points, dataSize = None, sink = None, voxelizeParameter = None,  method = 'Spherical', size = (5,5,5), weights = None):
    """Converts a list of points into an volumetric image array

        points (array): point data array
        dataSize (tuple): size of final image
        sink (str, array or None): the location to write or return the resulting voxelization image, if None return array
        voxelizeParameter (dict):
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
            Name       Type                 Descritption
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
            *method*   (str or None)        method for voxelization: 'Spherical', 'Rectangular' or 'Pixel'
            *size*     (tuple)              size parameter for the voxelization
            *weights*  (array or None)      weights for each point, None is uniform weights
            ========== ==================== ===========================================================
        (array): volumetric data of smeared out points

    if dataSize is None:
        dataSize = tuple(int(math.ceil(points[:,i].max())) for i in range(points.shape[1]));
    elif isinstance(dataSize, basestring):
        dataSize = io.dataSize(dataSize);

    points = io.readPoints(points);

    if method.lower() == 'spherical':
        if weights is None:
            data = vox.voxelizeSphere(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);
            data = vox.voxelizeSphereWithWeights(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2], weights);

    elif method.lower() == 'rectangular':
        if weights is None:
            data = vox.voxelizeRectangle(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2]);
            data = vox.voxelizeRectangleWithWeights(points.astype('float'), dataSize[0], dataSize[1], dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2], weights);

    elif method.lower() == 'pixel':
        data = voxelizePixel(points, dataSize, weights);

        raise RuntimeError('voxelize: mode: %s not supported!' % method);

    return io.writeData(sink, data);
Exemple #45
def overlayPoints(dataSource, pointSource, sink = None, pointColor = [1,0,0], x = all, y = all, z = all):
    """Overlay points on 3D data and return as color image
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        pointSource (str or array): point data to be overlayed on the image data
        pointColor (array): RGB color for the overlayed points
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        (str or array): image overlayed with points
    See Also:
    data = io.readData(dataSource, x = x, y = y, z = z);
    points = io.readPoints(pointSource, x = x, y = y, z = z, shift = True);
    #print data.shape
    if not pointColor is None:
        dmax = data.max(); dmin = data.min();
        if dmin == dmax:
            dmax = dmin + 1;
        cimage = numpy.repeat( (data - dmin) / (dmax - dmin), 3);
        cimage = cimage.reshape(data.shape + (3,));    
        if data.ndim == 2:
            for p in points: # faster version using voxelize ?
                cimage[p[0], p[1], :] = pointColor;
        elif data.ndim == 3:
            for p in points: # faster version using voxelize ?
                cimage[p[0], p[1], p[2], :] = pointColor;
            raise RuntimeError('overlayPoints: data dimension %d not suported' % data.ndim);
        cimage = vox.voxelize(points, data.shape, method = 'Pixel');
        cimage = cimage.astype(data.dtype) * data.max();
        data.shape = data.shape + (1,);
        cimage.shape =  cimage.shape + (1,);
        cimage = numpy.concatenate((data, cimage), axis  = 3);
    #print cimage.shape    
    return io.writeData(sink, cimage);   
def removeBackground(img, removeBackgroundParameter = None, size = None, save = None, verbose = False,
                     subStack = None, out = sys.stdout, **parameter):
    """Remove background via subtracting a morphological opening from the original image 
    Background removal is done z-slice by z-slice.
        img (array): image data
        removeBackGroundParameter (dict):
            ========= ==================== ===========================================================
            Name      Type                 Descritption
            ========= ==================== ===========================================================
            *size*    (tuple or None)      size for the structure element of the morphological opening
                                           if None, do not correct for any background
            *save*    (str or None)        file name to save result of this operation
                                           if None dont save to file
            *verbose* (bool or int)        print / plot information about this step                                 
            ========= ==================== ===========================================================
        subStack (dict or None): sub-stack information 
        verbose (bool): print progress info 
        out (object): object to write progress info to
        array: background corrected image
    size = getParameter(removeBackgroundParameter, "size", size);
    save = getParameter(removeBackgroundParameter, "save", save);    
    verbose = getParameter(removeBackgroundParameter, "verbose", verbose);   
    if verbose:
        writeParameter(out = out, head = 'Background Removal:', size = size, save = save);    
    if size is None:    
        return img;
    img = io.readData(img);
    timer = Timer();
    # background subtraction in each slice
    se = structureElement('Disk', size).astype('uint8');
    for z in range(img.shape[2]):
         #img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - grey_opening(img[:,:,z], structure = structureElement('Disk', (30,30)));
         #img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - morph.grey_opening(img[:,:,z], structure = self.structureELement('Disk', (150,150)));
         img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - cv2.morphologyEx(img[:,:,z], cv2.MORPH_OPEN, se)
    if not save is None:
        writeSubStack(save, img, subStack = subStack)

    if verbose > 1:

    if verbose:
        out.write(timer.elapsedTime(head = 'Background') + '\n');
    return img