Exemple #1
def has_wyr_dist(dist):
    if len(dist) == 2: return False # senators don't have forms in WYR system

        response = urlopen(WYR_URL)
        form = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)[2] #1st form is of search, 2nd is findrep
        return False

    state = dist[:2]
    state_options = form.find_control(name='state').items
    state_l = [s.name for s in state_options if s.name[:2] == state]
    zip5, zip4 = getzip(dist)

    form['state'] = state_l
    form['zip'] = zip5
    form['zip4'] = zip4
    request = form.click()
    return request.get_full_url()
        response = urlopen(request.get_full_url(), request.get_data())
        forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
        return False
        return len(forms) == 2       
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, list_of_taxids):
        # If only one taxid provided, get full tree with nameExp
        # else, get default tree
        if isinstance(list_of_taxids, int):  # single taxon
            list_of_taxids = [list_of_taxids]
            form_element_id = "nameExp"
            form_element_id = "nameCol"

        # the data to send in
        form_data = "\n".join(str(x) for x in list_of_taxids)

        success = False
        while not success:
                response = urlopen(URL)
                success = True
            except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError, RuntimeError) as e:
                logging.debug("wait 5 seconds to reconnect...")

        forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
        form = forms[0]

        form["ncbiIDs"] = form_data
        page = urlopen(form.click()).read()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

        for element in soup("textarea"):

            if element["id"] == form_element_id:
                self.newick = str(element.contents[0])
Exemple #3
def _rozlicz(worklog):
    if worklog.active:
        return 'Nie moge rozliczyc aktywnego loga'

    # cookies chcialem zeby byly globalnie, ale wtedy mantis nie chce logowac przy wchodzeniu  na drugi ticket :/
    C = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
    url = worklog.task.bugtracker_url()

    def _request(url):
        url = url.replace(' ', '%20')
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        request.add_header('Cookie', C.output(header=""))
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        if 'set-cookie' in response.headers:
        if 'refresh' in response.headers:
            url = parse_refresh_header(response.headers.getheader('refresh'))[1]
            return _request(url)
            return response

    response = _request(url)
    content = response.read()

    pattern = re.compile(r"onClick=" + r'"' + r"window.open\('(http:\/\/.*)','oknoRozliczenia','.*<b>Rozlicz")
    url = pattern.search(content).groups()[0].replace("&amp;", "&")

    response = _request(url)

    from ClientForm import ParseResponse
    forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
    form = forms[0]

    seconds = worklog.duration
    hours = seconds / 3600
    minutes = (seconds / 60 % 60) + 1

    form['CzasPracyMin'] = str(minutes)
    form['CzasPracyMin-input'] = str(minutes)
    form['CzasPracyGodz'] = str(hours)
    form['OpisCzynnosci'] = """Prace programistyczne.
{0} - {1}""".format(worklog.start, worklog.end)

    request = form.click()
    request.add_header('Cookie', C.output(header=""))
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    content = response.read()

    if response.code == 200:
        worklog.accounted = True
        return None
        return 'Odpowiedz na posta to %i.' % response.code
Exemple #4
    def login(self, password):
        "login(password) -> log into OpenSVN"
        if self.options.dry_run: return
        from ClientForm import ParseResponse
        forms = ParseResponse(self.urlopen("https://opensvn.csie.org"))
        form = self.choose_form("login", forms)
        form["project"] = self.projectname
        form["password"] = password

        result = self.urlopen(form.click()).read()
        if result == 'login failed':
            raise LoginFailedError()
 def getLoginResponse(self, url = URLLOGIN):
     #clientform doesn't like HTML, and I don't want to monkey patch it, so getUrllib2ResponseObject was born.
     response = getUrllib2ResponseObject(url)
     forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
     #set username & password in the signin form
     form = forms[1]
     form["users[username]"] = self.username
     form["users[password]"] = self.password
     form["users[rememberme]"] = ['1']
     #click submit
     return getHTML(form.click())
Exemple #6
 def Login(self):
     url = "http://bugs.gentoo.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Gentoo%20Linux"
     forms = ParseResponse(ClientCookie.urlopen(url))
     form = forms[0]
     print forms[0]
         form["Bugzilla_login"] = self.user
         form["Bugzilla_password"] = self.password
         response = ClientCookie.urlopen(form.click("GoAheadAndLogIn"))
         #Already logged in with coookies
 def __getLoginResponse(self, username, password):
     # (???) clientform doesn't like HTML, and I don't want to monkey patch it
         response = urllib2.urlopen(URLLOGIN)
         forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
     #set username & password in the sign in form
     form = forms[1]
     form["users[username]"] = username
     form["users[password]"] = password
     form["users[rememberme]"] = ["on"]
     #click submit
     return self.get_HTML(form.click())
Exemple #8
def getformtype(url):
    In the given url, checks for existence of 'ima' or 'zipauth' forms. If neither of them is there,
    it looks of for a one in frames, if any.
    Returns the form type, if there is a one.
    if is_wyr(url):
        return WYR_URL, 'wyr'
        response = urlopen(url)
        forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
    except Exception, details:
        #print >> sys.stderr, url, details
Exemple #9
 def UploadAttachment(self):
     import cgi
     url = "http://bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?bugid=%s&action=enter" % self.bugNbr
     forms = ParseResponse(ClientCookie.urlopen(url))
     form = forms[0]
     print form
     form["description"] = self.ebuild
     form["contenttypemethod"] = ["list"]
     form["contenttypeselection"] = ["text/plain"]
     form["comment"] = ""
     f = file(self.filename)
     form.add_file(f, "text/plain", self.ebuild)
     request = form.click()
     response2 = ClientCookie.urlopen(request)
     print "Attachment uploaded."
     print response2.read()
     print response2.info()
 def login(self, username=None, password=None):
     """Try to login using @username and @password.
     Return True if successful, False otherwise"""
     if username and password:
         response = getUrllib2ResponseObject(URLLOGIN)
         forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
         # Set username & password in the signin form
         form = forms[2]
         form["username"] = username
         form["password"] = password
         # Click submit
         html = getHTML(form.click())
         soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
         if soup.title.string == u'Le Forum Arrêt Sur Images':
             # We are on the forum page - login successful
             return True
     return False
Exemple #11
    def EnterNewBug(self):
        url = "http://bugs.gentoo.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Gentoo%20Linux"
        forms = ParseResponse(ClientCookie.urlopen(url))
        form = forms[0]
        form["component"] = ["Ebuilds"]
        form["bug_severity"] = ["enhancement"]
        form["bug_file_loc"] = self.uri
        form["short_desc"] = self.summary
        form["comment"] = self.desc
        request = form.click()
        response2 = ClientCookie.urlopen(request)
        lines = response2.read()
        #print response2.info() web server header info

        for l in lines:
            if l.find("Submitted") != -1:
                self.bugNbr = l.split()[1]
                print "Bug number %s created." % self.bugNbr
Exemple #12
def kSpell(inStr,encoding='cp949'):
    #print 'in:',inStr
    if not encoding == 'cp949':
        inStr = (inStr.decode(encoding)).encode('cp949')
    response = urlopen("")
    forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
    form = forms[0]
    htmlResult = urlopen(form.click()).read()
    if not htmlResult.strip():
	    return ''
    correctTable = parseHtmlResult(htmlResult.decode('cp949'))
    if not correctTable:
        return inStr
    uniInStr = inStr.decode('cp949')
    for correct in correctTable:
        uniInStr = uniInStr.replace(correct[0],correct[1])
    return uniInStr.encode(encoding)
Exemple #13
#!/usr/bin/env python

from urllib2 import urlopen
from ClientForm import ParseResponse

response = urlopen("http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/ClientForm/example.html")
forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
form = forms[0]
print form
form["comments"] = "Thanks, Gisle"

# form.click() returns a urllib2.Request object
# (see HTMLForm.click.__doc__ if you don't have urllib2)
print urlopen(form.click()).read()
Exemple #14
    def update_metadata(self, rec_id, metadata, collections={}):
        TODO: setting collections is not working
        from ClientForm import ParseResponse

        self._log(DEBUG, 'updating metadata for %s' % rec_id)
        if not self.logged_in():
            raise IAConnectionError('not logged in')

        txheaders = {
            'Cookie': self.cookies,

        # currentFieldNum workaround
        # this hidden field not showing in client form below
        # getting it by reading page and using BeautifulSoup
        # but page is a stream, so has to be re-fetched to read it again below

        page = self._get_page(
            '%s?type=audio&edit_item=%s' % (UPDATE_METADATA_URL, rec_id), None,
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
            currentFieldNum = int(soup.find(id='currentFieldNum')['value'])
        except TypeError:
            # not found so some problem getting the right page
            raise IAConnectionError(
                'get metadata update page failed (could not find "currentFieldNum"): %s'
                % rec_id)

        # have to re-fetch page, see note above
        page = self._get_page(
            '%s?type=audio&edit_item=%s' % (UPDATE_METADATA_URL, rec_id), None,
        forms = ParseResponse(page, backwards_compat=False)
        form = forms[1]  # search form is first
        control = form.find_control("field_default_collection")
        control.readonly = False
        control = form.find_control("field_default_creator")
        control.readonly = False

        # field_default_collection & field_default_creator  in metadata

        for attr in metadata.keys():
            #print attr
                form[attr] = metadata[attr]
            except TypeError:
                raise IAConnectionError('setting metadata key failed: %s' %
            #print form[attr]
        #print form
        # read list of collections from form
        # find value='collection', get name
        #<input readonly="readonly" value="collection" name="field_custom_name_1"/>
        #<input size="45" readonly="readonly" value="raretunes" name="field_custom_value_1"/>
        form_collections = [
            form.find_control(coll.name.replace('_name_', '_value_')).value
            for coll in form.controls if coll.value == 'collection'

        #print 'form collections: ', form_collections
        # add missing collections
        rqd_collections = [
            coll for coll in collections if coll not in form_collections
        self._log(DEBUG, 'rqd collections: %s' % rqd_collections)

        #<input type="text" name="field_custom_name_23" id="field_custom_name_23"/>
        #<input type="text" name="field_custom_value_23" id="field_custom_value_23" size="45"/>

        # THIS DOESN'T WORK- currentFieldNum = form["currentFieldNum"] #.value
        #print 'currentFieldNum= ', currentFieldNum

        for coll in rqd_collections:
            name = 'field_custom_%%s_%d' % currentFieldNum
            coll_name = form.new_control('input', name % 'name', {
                'id': name % 'name',
                'value': 'collection',
                'readonly': 'readonly'
            coll_value = form.new_control('input', name % 'value', {
                'id': name % 'value',
                'value': coll,
                'readonly': 'readonly'
            currentFieldNum += 1

        form.new_control('hidden', 'currentFieldNum', {
            'id': 'currentFieldNum',
            'value': str(currentFieldNum)
        #print form
        # form.click() returns a urllib2.Request object

        #TODO collection update not working  ??try adding headers etc...
            url, data, hdrs = form.click_request_data()
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception(
                'problem submitting metadata form (form.click_request_data()): %s- %s'
                % (rec_id, str(e)))
Exemple #15
def splatsearch(**arg):
    This script queries Splatalogue.net from the command line

    Returns a data structure or displays the requested information
    from Splatalogue.


    Needs internet connection to work (duh!).

    Keyword arguments (kwargs)

          o parameter name : freq
                [f1, f2]  or f
                frequency interval to query
          o parameter name : dfreq
                if freq only f, a dfreq must be given
                center frequency (f) and bandwidth (df)
          o parameter name : funit
                possible values : 'GHz' or 'MHz'
                freqyency unit
            Note: low ranked plans to implement searching by
                  wavelength/wavenumber (m,cm,mm/m-1) exists

        Line list
          o parameter name : 'linelist'
                type : list
                a list of strings ['item1', 'item2']
                conainting the line list catalogs that you want
                to search in. Possible entries:
                ['Lovas', 'SLAIM', 'JPL', 'CDMS', 'ToyaMa',\
                            'OSU', 'Recomb', 'Lisa', 'RFI']
                or linelists = 'all' for all of them

        Energy range
          o parameter name : e_from
                type : int/float
          o parameter name : e_to
                type : int/float
          o parameter name : e_type
                type :  string
                one of ['el_cm1', 'eu_cm1', 'el_k', 'eu_k']
                unit and type, in cm-1 or K
                if not given, defaults to eu_k

        Line Intensity Lower Limit
          o parameter name : lill
                type : list
                list in the form [value, 'type']
                possible types:
                    'cdms_jpl' : CDMS/JPL Intensity given in log10
                     'Sij mu^2' : Sij mu^2 in Debye^2
                         'Aij' : Aij in log10
                example lill = [-5, 'cdms_jpl']
                for CDMS/JPL Intensity of 10^(-5)
          o parameter name : transition
                type : string
                example transition = '1-0'


        display - Display output

        freq measured if exist otherwise computed

    #~ arg = kwargs
    if arg.has_key('display'):
        if arg['display'] == 1:

            def print_greeting():
                text_splat_colors = [
                    stylify(i, fg='rand') for i in 'SPLATSEARCH'
                text_splat_colors = ''.join(text_splat_colors)
                print "\n    " + "*" * 40
                print "    *" + " " * 38 + "*"
                print "    *\t           " + text_splat_colors + "             *"
                print "    *\t  Splatalogue.net search script    *"
                print "    *\t    Magnus Vilhelm Persson         *"
                print "    *\t        [email protected]             *"
                print "    *" + " " * 38 + "*"
                print "    " + "*" * 40 + "\n"

            if not arg.has_key('send'):
            elif arg.has_key('send') and not arg['send']:
    ### import dependencies
        from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError
    except (ImportError):
        print 'You need the module \'urllib2\''
        from ClientForm import ParseResponse
    except (ImportError):
            from mechanize import ParseResponse
        except (ImportError):
            print 'You need at least one of the two modules '
            'Mechanize or ClientForm for this script to work.'
            print '\'ClientForm\' http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/old/ClientForm/'
    #from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bfs
    from scipy import array, where, arange
    #from string import lower, upper

    # get the form from the splatalogue search page
        response = urlopen("http://www.cv.nrao.edu/php/splat/b.php")
    except URLError:
        import sys
            stylify('ERROR : ', f='b', fg='r') + stylify(
                ' You have to be connected to the internet to access the splatalogue.net database.',
        return None
    forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
    form = forms[0]

    if arg.has_key('dbg_snd_form'):  # for test purposes
        return form
    ####                                                            ####
    ####                        PARSE INPUT                         ####
    ####                                                            ####
    #### FREQUENCY
    #           No frequency given, what then?
    #           a looooot of hits returned, perhaps pause and ask if
    #           user wants to continue??
    if arg.has_key('freq'):
        if type(arg['freq']) == type([1, 2]):
            if len(arg['freq']) == 1:
                raise ParError(arg['freq'])
            f1, f2 = arg['freq']
            form['from'] = str(f1)
            form['to'] = str(f2)
        elif type(arg['freq']) == type(1) or type(arg['freq']) == type(1.):
            if type(arg['freq']) == type(1):
                arg['freq'] = float(arg['freq'])
            if not arg.has_key('dfreq'):
                print 'Please either give a frequency interval (freq=[f1,f2])\n\
                OR a center frequency and a bandwidth (freq=f, dfreq=df)'

                raise ParError('freq=' + str(arg['freq']) + ' and dfreq=None')
            elif arg.has_key('dfreq'):
                f1, f2 = arg['freq'] + array([-1, 1]) * arg['dfreq'] / 2.
                raise ParError(arg['dfreq'])
            form['from'] = str(f1)
            form['to'] = str(f2)
    elif not arg.has_key('freq') and arg.has_key('dfreq'):
        print 'Only delta-frequency (dfreq) given, no frequency to look for'
        raise ParError('freq=None and dfreq=' + str(arg['dfreq']))
    elif not arg.has_key('freq') and not arg.has_key('dfreq') and len(
            arg.keys()) != 0:
        # no frequency given, but other parameters
        #tmp = str(raw_input('No frequency limits given, continue? Press Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to abort.'))
        f1 = ''
        f2 = ''
        # if no frequency is given, just run example
        # this is not visible when running from outside python
        # check "if __main__ ..." part
        print stylify('Example run... setting f1,f2 = 203.406, 203.409 GHz',
        form['from'] = '203.406'
        form['to'] = '203.409'
    if arg.has_key('funit'):
        if arg['funit'].lower() in ['ghz', 'mhz']:
            form['frequency_units'] = [arg['funit']]
            print 'Allowed frequency units : \'GHz\' or \'MHz\''
    elif not arg.has_key('funit'):
        arg['funit'] = 'GHz'
        form['frequency_units'] = ['GHz']
    #Get species molecular number, ordered by mass
    # TODO : perhaps be able to search in this one
    #        either by mass or by species, text of chem formula
    # TODO : after getting it, should sort the list of dictionaries
    #        clean it up a bit
    # get the avaliable species from the form
    #~ sel_species = [i.attrs for i in form.find_control('sid[]').items]
    #### LINE LIST
    # define a reference list of names
    mylinelist = ['lovas', 'slaim', 'jpl', 'cdms', 'toyama', 'osu', \
    'recomb', 'lisa', 'rfi']
    # list of strings with the format that the search form wants
    formcontrol_linelist = ["displayLovas", "displaySLAIM", \
    "displayJPL", "displayCDMS", "displayToyaMA", "displayOSU", \
    "displayRecomb", "displayLisa", "displayRFI"]
    if arg.has_key('linelist'):
        if type(arg['linelist']) == type('string'):
            # if linelist is given as linelist='all'
            if arg['linelist'].lower() == 'all':
                # if we want to set all, just copy mylinelist
                arg['linelist'] = mylinelist
                print 'Linelist input not understood'
                raise ParError(arg['linelist'])
        elif type(arg['linelist']) == type(['list']):
            # get all values to lower case, to accept capitals
            arg['linelist'] = [x.lower() for x in arg['linelist']]
            print 'Linelist input not understood'
            raise ParError(arg['linelist'])
        # if none given, search with all
        arg['linelist'] = mylinelist

    # now set the linelist search form
    # check for every linelist, if it exists in the input linelist
    for i, j in zip(mylinelist, formcontrol_linelist):
        if i in arg['linelist']:
            form.find_control(j).get().selected = True
            form.find_control(j).get().selected = False
    # ['Lovas', 'SLAIM', 'JPL', 'CDMS', 'ToyaMA', 'OSU', \
    #'Recomb', 'Lisa', 'RFI']
    # Figure out prettier printing here...
    #    web-adresses?
    ### Energy Range
    # form['energy_range_from/to'] is a text field in the form
    # while it is called e_from/to in the function
    if arg.has_key('e_from') or arg.has_key('e_to'):
        e_type_ref = ['el_cm1', 'eu_cm1', 'el_k', 'eu_k']
        # check that unit is given, and correct
        # or set default (eu_k)

        if arg.has_key('e_from'):
            form['energy_range_from'] = str(arg['e_from'])
        if arg.has_key('e_to'):
            form['energy_range_to'] = str(arg['e_to'])
        if arg.has_key('e_from') or arg.has_key('e_to'):
            if arg.has_key('e_type'):
                if arg['e_type'].lower() in e_type_ref:
                    print 'Energy range type keyword \'e_type\' malformed.'
                    raise ParError(arg['e_type'])
                e_type_default = 0
                e_type_default = 1
                arg['e_type'] = 'eu_k'
            # now set the radio button to the correct value
        if not arg.has_key('e_from') and not arg.has_key(
                'e_to') and arg.has_key('e_type'):
            print 'You gave the Enery range type keyword, but no energy range...'
            raise ParError(arg['e_type'])
    ### Specify Transition
    if arg.has_key('transition'):
        form['tran'] = str(arg['transition'])
    ### Line Intensity Lower Limits
    if arg.has_key('lill'):
        if arg['lill'][1].lower() == 'cdms_jpl':
            form.find_control('lill_cdms_jpl').disabled = False
            form['lill_cdms_jpl'] = str(arg['lill'][0])
        elif arg['lill'][1].lower() == 'sijmu2':
            form.find_control('lill_sijmu2').disabled = False
            form['lill_sijmu2'] = str(arg['lill'][0])
        elif arg['lill'][1].lower() == 'aij':
            form.find_control('lill_aij').disabled = False
            form['lill_aij'] = str(arg['lill'][0])

    #### Line Strength Display
    form.find_control("ls1").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("ls2").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("ls3").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("ls4").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("ls5").get().selected = True
    #### Energy Levels
    form.find_control("el1").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("el2").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("el3").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("el4").get().selected = True
    #### Miscellaneous
    form.find_control("show_unres_qn").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("show_upper_degeneracy").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("show_molecule_tag").get().selected = True
    form.find_control("show_qn_code").get().selected = True

    ####                                                            ####
    ####               DISPLAY SEARCH PARAMETERS                    ####
    ####                                                            ####
    print stylify('** SEARCH PARAMETERS **', fg='b')
    if arg.has_key('freq'):
        print stylify('Frequency range :',
                      fg='g') + ' ' + str(f1) + ' - ' + str(f2)
        print stylify('Frequency unit \t:', fg='g') + ' ' + arg['funit']
        print 'No frequency range specified'
    print stylify('Line list(s) \t:', fg='g') + ' ' + ', '.join(
    if arg.has_key('e_from') or arg.has_key('e_to'):
        if arg.has_key('e_from') and not arg.has_key('e_to'):
            print stylify('Energy range \t:', fg='g') + 'from ' + str(
                arg['e_from']) + '( Type : %s)' % str(
                    [arg['e_type'], 'def (EU(K))'][e_type_default])
        elif not arg.has_key('e_from') and arg.has_key('e_to'):
            print stylify('Energy range \t:', fg='g') + 'to ' + str(
                arg['e_to']) + '( Type : %s)' % str(
                    [arg['e_type'], 'def (EU(K))'][e_type_default])
            #print stylify('Energy range \t:',fg='g')+upper(arg['e_type'][:2])+' from '+str(arg['e_from'])+' to '+str(arg['e_to'])+' 'upper(arg['e_type'][3:])+'( Type : %s)' % str([arg['e_type'],'yes'][e_type_default])
                stylify('Energy range \t:', fg='g') +
                ' {0} from {1} to {2} {3} (Type : {4})'.format(
                    arg['e_type'][:2].upper(), str(arg['e_from']),
                    str(arg['e_to']), arg['e_type'][3:].upper(),
                    str([arg['e_type'], 'yes'][e_type_default])))
    if arg.has_key('lill'):
        if arg['lill'][1].lower() == 'cdms_jpl':
            print stylify('Line lower lim \t:', fg='g') + ' 1E(' + str(
                arg['lill'][0]) + ') - CDMS/JPL Intensity'
        elif arg['lill'][1].lower() == 'sijmu2':
            print stylify('Line lower lim \t:', fg='g') + ' ' + str(
                arg['lill'][0]) + ' Debye^2 - Sijmu^2'
        elif arg['lill'][1].lower() == 'aij':
            print stylify('Line lower lim \t:', fg='g') + ' 1E(' + str(
                arg['lill'][0]) + ') - Aij'
    if arg.has_key('transition'):
        print stylify('Transition \t:', fg='g') + ' ' + arg['transition']
    #~ if arg.has_key(''):
    print ''

    ####                                                            ####
    ####                        GET RESULTS                         ####
    ####                                                            ####
    # 'click' the form
    # need to click the form first
    clicked_form = form.click()
    # then get the results page
    result = urlopen(clicked_form)

    # so what I do is that I fetch the first results page,
    # click the form/link to get all hits as a colon separated
    # ascii table file
    # get the form
    resultform = ParseResponse(result, backwards_compat=False)
    resultform = resultform[0]
    # set colon as dilimeter of the table (could use anything I guess)
    #~ resultform.find_control('export_delimiter').items[1].selected =  True
    resultform_clicked = resultform.click()
    result_table = urlopen(resultform_clicked)
    data = result_table.read()
    ####                                                            ####
    ####                        PARSE RESULT                        ####
    ####                                                            ####
    # get each line (i.e. each molecule)
    lines = data.split('\n')
    # get the names of the columns
    column_names = lines[0]
    lines = lines[1:-1]
    column_names = column_names.split(':')
    hits = len(lines)
    if hits == 0:
        print '\nNo lines found!'
        return None
    lines = [i.split(':') for i in lines]
    #return column_names
    species, name, cfreq, cfreqerr, mfreq, mfreqerr, res_qns, ures_qns, cdmsjpl_I, \
    Smu2, Sij, log10Aij, lovasAST_I, ELcm, ELK, EUcm, EUK, u_degen, \
    mol_tag, QNr, llist = array(lines).transpose()
    # parse the columns
    # first change empty values to Nan
    cfreq[where(cfreq == '')] = 'nan'
    cfreqerr[where(cfreqerr == '')] = 'nan'
    mfreq[where(mfreq == '')] = 'nan'
    mfreqerr[where(mfreqerr == '')] = 'nan'
    # create arrays
    cfreqerr = array(cfreqerr, dtype='float')
    cfreq = array(cfreq, dtype='float')
    mfreqerr = array(mfreqerr, dtype='float')
    mfreq = array(mfreq, dtype='float')
    # create global frequency array, and a
    # array telling if it is measured or computed
    # empty arrays
    from scipy import zeros
    freq = zeros(cfreq.shape)
    freqerr = zeros(cfreqerr.shape)
    freqtype = []
    # use measured frequency if exists
    # otherwise use computed
    for i in arange(hits):
        if str(mfreq[i]) == 'nan':
            freq[i] = cfreq[i]
            freqerr[i] = cfreqerr[i]
            freq[i] = mfreq[i]
            freqerr[i] = mfreqerr[i]
    N = arange(hits) + 1
    ####                                                            ####
    ####                     DISPLAY RESULTS                        ####
    ####                                                            ####
    if arg.has_key('display') and arg['display']:
        print stylify('** RESULTS **', fg='b')
        print 'Got %s hits!' % stylify(str(hits), fg='r')
        print stylify('{0:2} {1:15} {2:23}\t{3:10}\t{4:9}\t{5:10}\t{6:3}\t{7:6}',fg='m').format('N', 'Form', \
        'Res Qnr','Freq', 'Smu^2', 'EU(K)','C/M', 'List')
        for i in arange(hits):
            if i % 2:
                print '{0:2} {1:15} {2:26}\t{3:10}\t{4:9}\t{5:10}\t{6:3}\t{7:6} '.format(N[i], \
                species[i], res_qns[i], freq[i], Smu2[i], EUK[i], freqtype[i], llist[i])
                print stylify('{0:2} {1:15} {2:23}\t{3:10}\t{4:9}\t{5:10}\t{6:3}\t{7:6} '.format(N[i], \
                species[i], res_qns[i], freq[i], Smu2[i], EUK[i], freqtype[i], llist[i]), bg='a', fg='r')
    if arg.has_key('send'):
        if arg['send'] == 'dict':
            # TODO : change the output dictionary keys, a bit complicated now
            return {'N': N, 'Chem. Species': species, 'Chem. Name': name, \
            'Comp. Freq': cfreq,'Comp.Freq Err': cfreqerr, \
            'Meas. Freq': mfreq, 'Meas.Freq Err': mfreqerr,  \
            'Freq': freq, 'Freq Err': freqerr,  \
            'FreqType': freqtype, \
            'Res. QNr': res_qns,  'URes. QNr': ures_qns, \
            'CDMS/JPL I': cdmsjpl_I, 'Smu2': Smu2, 'Sij': Sij, \
            'log10Aij': log10Aij, 'Lovas/AST I': lovasAST_I, \
            'EL (cm-1)': ELcm, 'EL (K)': ELK, 'EU (cm-1)': EUcm, \
            'EU (K)': EUK, 'Upper Degeneracy': u_degen, \
            'Molecular Tag': mol_tag, 'Quantum Nr': QNr, \
            'Line List': llist}
        if arg['send'] == 'list' or arg['send']:
            if arg.has_key('silent'):
                if not arg['silent']:
                    print 'Sending:\n\
             Number\n Chemical Species\n Chemical Name\n Computed Frequency\n Computed Frequency Error\n\
             Measured Frequency\n Measured Frequency Error\n Resolved Quantum Numbers\n Uresolved Quantum Numbers\n\
             CDMS/JPL Intensity\n Smu**2\n Sij\n log10(Aij)\n Lovas/AST Intensity'

                elif arg['silent']:
            return N, species, name, freq, freqerr, freqtype, cfreq, cfreqerr, mfreq, mfreqerr, res_qns, ures_qns, cdmsjpl_I, \
            Smu2, Sij, log10Aij, lovasAST_I, ELcm, ELK, EUcm, EUK, u_degen, \
            mol_tag, QNr, llist