Exemple #1
    def setParamMode(self, channel, persistent, mode):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter "Mode" of an analog input channel.
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and sets the
        Configuration Parameter "Mode".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            mode: Operation Mode as LCAI4Mode integer value
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel value is out of range    
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' % type(channel))

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(mode, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected mode as int, got %s' % type(mode))

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        data = bytearray([mode])
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)
        return cmd.setParam(_LCAI4ParamAddress.MODE, channel, persistent, data)
    def setParamFlagCanCancel(self, channel, persistent, canCancel):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter Flag "Can Cancel".
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and
        sets the Configuration Flag "Can Cancel".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            canCancel: Parameter Flag "Can Cancel" as boolean
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel value is out of range
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(canCancel, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected canCancel as bool, got %s' %

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        # Read current flags
        data = bytearray()
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)
        ret = cmd.getParam(_LCDO4ParamAddress.FLAGS, channel, data)

        if ret == IoReturn.IoReturn.IO_RETURN_OK:
            data[0] &= ~_LCDO4Flag.CAN_CANCEL
            if (canCancel == True):
                data[0] |= _LCDO4Flag.CAN_CANCEL

            ret = cmd.setParam(_LCDO4ParamAddress.FLAGS, channel, persistent,

        return ret
    def setParamCycleTime(self, channel, persistent, cycleTime):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter "Cycle Time" of a digital
            output channel.
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and sets the
        Configuration Parameter "Cycle Time".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            cycleTime: Parameter "Cycle Time" in microseconds
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel or cycleTime value is out of range
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(cycleTime, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected cycleTime as int, got %s' %

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        if (cycleTime < 0) | (cycleTime >= pow(2, 32)):
            raise ValueError('Cycle Time out of range')

        data = bytearray(struct.pack("<I", cycleTime))
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)

        return cmd.setParam(_LCDO4ParamAddress.CYCLE_TIME, channel, persistent,
Exemple #4
    def setParamScanInterval(self, channel, persistent, scanInterval):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter "Scan Interval" of an analog
            input channel.
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and sets the
        Configuration Parameter "Scan Interval".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            scanInterval: Parameter "Scan Interval" in milliseconds.
                Value range 0 ... 0xFFFF
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel or scanInterval value is out of range
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' % type(channel))

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(scanInterval, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected scanInterval as int, got %s' %

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        if (scanInterval < 0) | (scanInterval >= pow(2, 16)):
            raise ValueError('Scan Interval out of range')

        data = bytearray(struct.pack("<H", scanInterval))
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)
        return cmd.setParam(_LCAI4ParamAddress.SCAN_INTERVAL, channel,
                            persistent, data)
Exemple #5
    def setParamNrSamples(self, channel, persistent, nrSamples):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter "Number of Samples" of an analog
            input channel.
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and sets the
        Configuration Parameter "Number of Samples".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            nrSamples: Parameter "Number of Samples"
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel or nrSamples value is out of range
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' % type(channel))

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(nrSamples, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected nrSamples as int, got %s' %

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        if (nrSamples < 0):
            raise ValueError('nrSamples out of range')

        data = bytearray(struct.pack("<H", nrSamples))
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)
        return cmd.setParam(_LCAI4ParamAddress.NR_SAMPLES, channel, persistent,
Exemple #6
    def setParamOffset(self, channel, persistent, offset):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter "Offset" of an analog
            input channel.
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and sets the
        Configuration Parameter "Offset".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            offset: Parameter "Offset" 
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel or offset value is out of range
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' % type(channel))

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(offset, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected offset as int, got %s' % type(offset))

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        if (offset < (-pow(2, 15))) | (offset >= pow(2, 16)):
            raise ValueError('Offset out of range')

        data = bytearray(struct.pack("<h", offset))
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)
        return cmd.setParam(_LCAI4ParamAddress.OFFSET, channel, persistent,
    def setParamValue(self, channel, persistent, value):
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(value, ValueDI1):
            raise TypeError('Expected value as ValueDI1, got %s' %

        if (channel >= self.nrOfChannels):
            raise ValueError('Channel out of range')

        data = bytearray()
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)

        return cmd.setParam(_LCDO4ParamAddress.VALUE, channel, persistent,
Exemple #8
    def setParamCalUrs(self, channel, persistent, calUrs):
        """Set the Configuration Parameter "calUrs" of a RTD
            input channel.
        This method calls the SetParam function of the module and sets the
        Configuration Parameter "calUrs".
            channel: IO channel number. Must be in the range 0 ... 3
            persistent: Store parameter permanently if true
            calUrs: Calibration Parameter "calUrs" 
            IO_RETURN_OK in case of success, otherwise detailed IoReturn
            error code.
            TypeError: Passed argument types are wrong
            ValueError: Channel or scanInterval value is out of range
        if not isinstance(channel, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected channel as int, got %s' % type(channel))

        if not isinstance(persistent, bool):
            raise TypeError('Expected persistent as bool, got %s' %

        if not isinstance(calUrs, int):
            raise TypeError('Expected calUrs as int, got %s' % type(calUrs))

        if (calUrs < (-pow(2, 15))) | (calUrs >= pow(2, 16)):
            raise ValueError('CalUrs out of range')

        data = bytearray(struct.pack("<h", calUrs))
        cmd = Cmd(self.com)
        return cmd.setParam(_LCRT4ParamAddress.CAL_URS, channel, persistent,