async def commands(self, ctx): if str( in ranks: embed = discord.Embed( title="Command List: \n", description=f"{prefix}cmds => Shows this Message\n" f"{prefix}announce => Sending a Announcement though all Servers (Botowner only)\n" f"{prefix}addglobal => Setup Globalchat in a Channel\n" f"{prefix}removeglobal => Removes GlobalChat from a channel\n" f"{prefix}serverlist => Shows Servernames where im in\n" f"{prefix}joke => Generating a random joke using a API\n" f"\n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=ownercolor) embed.set_author(name=f"[Bot Developer] {}", icon_url=f"{owneremojiurl}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=f'{}') embed.set_footer( text=f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() await ctx.send(embed=embed) await ctx.message.delete() else: if not str( in ranks: embed = discord.Embed( title="Command List: \n", description=f"{prefix}cmds => Shows this Message\n" f"{prefix}announce => Sending a Announcement though all Servers (Botowner only)\n" f"{prefix}addglobal => Setup Globalchat in a Channel\n" f"{prefix}removeglobal => Removes GlobalChat from a channel\n" f"{prefix}serverlist => Shows Servernames where im in\n" f"{prefix}joke => Generating a random joke using a API\n" f"\n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=commandcolor) embed.set_author(name=f"Unranked Normie | {}", icon_url=f"{emojiurl}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer( text= f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() await await ctx.message.delete()
async def serverlist(self, ctx): serverlist = [ for server in bot.guilds] embed = discord.Embed( title=f"All Servers im curretly in: ({len(serverlist)})", description=" \n".join(serverlist), color=commandcolor ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{ctx.guild.icon_url}") embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def userinfo(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None): if member is not None: # de = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin') embed = discord.Embed( title=f'> Userinfo for {member.display_name} | {}', description='', color=0x4cd137) # , embed.add_field( name='Name', value=f'```{}#{member.discriminator}```', inline=True) embed.add_field( name='Bot', value= f'```{("Look hes a Botuser lol" if else "Hes a Human imagine that!")}```', inline=True) embed.add_field( name='Nickname', value= f'```{(member.nick if member.nick else "No current Servernickname found!")}```', inline=True) for guildMember in ctx.guild.members: if guildMember == member: embed.add_field(name='Server Joindate', value=f'```{member.joined_at}```', inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Account creation', value=f'```{member.created_at}```', inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Roles', value=f'```{len(member.roles) -1}```', inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Highest Role', value=f'```{}```', inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Color', value=f'```{member.color}```', inline=True) embed.add_field( name='Booster', value= f'```{("Yes this guy is a booster :)" if member.premium_since else "No Booster :(")}```', inline=True) embed.set_footer(text=f'Developer: {developer}', await ctx.send(embed=embed) elif member is None: await"Member not found!")
async def announce(ctx, *, text): if str( not in ranks: embed = discord.Embed( title="Globalbot Errormessage: \n", description= "You are missing Botowner permission(s) to run this command.\n" f"\n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=commandcolor) embed.set_author(name=f"{}", icon_url=f"{emojiurl}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer( text=f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() await ctx.send(embed=embed) await ctx.message.delete() elif str( in ranks: embed = discord.Embed( title="➜ Important Announcement!", description= f"{text} \n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=announcecolor) embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer( text=f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() for server in servers["servers"]: guild: Guild = bot.get_guild(int(server["guildid"])) if guild: channel: TextChannel = guild.get_channel( int(server["channelid"])) if channel: await channel.send(embed=embed) await ctx.message.delete()
async def removeglobal(ctx): if guild_exists( globalid = get_globalchat_id( if globalid != -1: servers["servers"].pop(globalid) with open('servers.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(servers, f, indent=4) embed = discord.Embed( description= f"Sucessfully removed Globalchat from Channel: {}.", color=0xc0392b) await ctx.send(embed=embed) await ctx.message.delete()
async def addglobal(ctx): if not guild_exists( server = { "guildid":, "guild_name":, "channelid":, "invite": f'{(await}' } servers["servers"].append(server) with open('servers.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(servers, f, indent=4) if not str( in ranks or str( in ranks: await ctx.message.delete() embed = discord.Embed( title='New Globalchat Added!', description= f'The Server: `{}` with a total of `{len(ctx.guild.members)} Members` is now in the Globalgang!', color=0x1abc9c) embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer(text='Sent from Server {}'.format(, icon_url=f"{ctx.guild.icon_url}") links = f"[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})" embed.add_field(name='⠀', value='⠀', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='Links & Help', value=links, inline=False) for server in servers["servers"]: guild: Guild = bot.get_guild(int(server["guildid"])) if guild: if is continue channel: TextChannel = guild.get_channel( int(server["channelid"])) if channel: perms: Permissions = channel.permissions_for( guild.get_member( if perms.send_messages: if perms.embed_links and perms.attach_files and perms.external_emojis: await channel.send(embed=embed) else: await channel.send( 'I not have enough Permissions. I need following:' '`Send Messages` `Embed Links` `Attach Files`' '`Use External Emojis`')
async def unlock(self, ctx, channel): # Get channel channel = re.findall(r'\d+', channel) # Get only numbers from channel channel =[0])) if channel: await channel.edit("🔒-", "", 1)) await channel.set_permissions(ctx.guild.default_role, send_messages=True) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"#{} unlocked with success!", description=f"", color=0x2fa737) # Green await else: await"Channel not found!")
async def sendAll(message, member): bad_words = ["Hurensohn", "ficke", "Ficker", "Wichser", "bitch"] bad_word_detection = [] for word in message.content.split(): if word not in bad_words: bad_word_detection.append(False) else: bad_word_detection.append(True) if True in bad_word_detection: embed = discord.Embed( title="Blacklisted Word Detected! \n", description= f"I have detected that you used {word} what is blacklisted. Please stop doing that!\n" f"Words on Blacklist:\n {bad_words}" f"\n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=commandcolor) embed.set_author(name=f"{}", icon_url=f"{emojiurl}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer( text= f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() await await message.delete() else: # If user is Blacklised: if str( in blacklist: await f"{} You are not allowed to use the Bot during your Blacklist!" ) return # Wenn UserID nicht in ranks variable: # if not str( in ranks: embed = discord.Embed( title="", description= f"{message.content} \n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=usercolor) embed.set_author(name=f"{}", icon_url=f"{emojiurl}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer( text= f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() for server in servers["servers"]: guild: Guild = bot.get_guild(int(server["guildid"])) if guild: channel: TextChannel = guild.get_channel( int(server["channelid"])) if channel: await channel.send(embed=embed) await message.delete() # Wenn UserID in ranks variable: # if str( in ranks: embed = discord.Embed( title="", description= f"{message.content} \n\n[Support-Server]({supportinvite}) | [Bot-Invite]({botinvite}) | [GitHub]({githuburl})", color=ownercolor) embed.set_author(name=f"{} [Bot Developer]", icon_url=f"{emojiurl}") embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{}") embed.set_footer( text= f"User ID: {} | Sent from: {}", icon_url=f"{}") embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() for server in servers["servers"]: guild: Guild = bot.get_guild(int(server["guildid"])) if guild: channel: TextChannel = guild.get_channel( int(server["channelid"])) if channel: await channel.send(embed=embed) await message.delete()