Exemple #1
    async def reminders(self, ctx, *, member=None):
        """List up to 10 pending reminders - pass a user to see their reminders."""

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        if type(member) is str:
            memberName = member
            member = DisplayName.memberForName(memberName, ctx.message.guild)
            if not member:
                msg = 'I couldn\'t find *{}*...'.format(memberName)
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

        if not member:
            member = ctx.message.author

        myReminders = self.settings.getUserStat(member, member.guild,
        if member == ctx.message.author:
            msg = 'You don\'t currently have any reminders set.  You can add some with the `{}remindme "[message]" [time]` command.'.format(
            msg = '*{}* doesn\'t currently have any reminders set.  They can add some with the `{}remindme "[message]" [time]` command.'.format(
                DisplayName.name(member), ctx.prefix)

        if not len(myReminders):
            # No reminders
            await ctx.channel.send(msg)

        mySorted = sorted(myReminders, key=lambda x: int(x['End']))
        currentTime = int(time.time())
        total = 10  # Max number to list
        remain = 0

        if len(mySorted) < 10:
            # Less than 10 - set the total
            total = len(mySorted)
            # More than 10 - let's find out how many remain after
            remain = len(mySorted) - 10

        if len(mySorted):
            # We have at least 1 item
            msg = '***{}\'s*** **Remaining Reminders:**\n'.format(

        for i in range(0, total):
            endTime = int(mySorted[i]['End'])
            # Get our readable time
            readableTime = ReadableTime.getReadableTimeBetween(
                currentTime, endTime)
            msg = '{}\n{}. {} - in *{}*'.format(msg, i + 1,

        if remain == 1:
            msg = '{}\n\nYou have *{}* additional reminder.'.format(
                msg, remain)
        elif remain > 1:
            msg = '{}\n\nYou have *{}* additional reminders.'.format(
                msg, remain)

        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)

        await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #2
 async def withcontext(self, ctx):
     """Spout out some contextual brilliance."""
     msg = await self.getTitle(
     await ctx.send(Nullify.escape_all(msg, markdown=False))
Exemple #3
	async def removeadmin(self, ctx, *, role : str = None):
		"""Removes a role from the admin list (admin only)."""

		usage = 'Usage: `{}removeadmin [role]`'.format(ctx.prefix)

		# Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
		if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
			suppress = True
			suppress = False

		isAdmin = ctx.message.author.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel).administrator
		# Only allow admins to change server stats
		if not isAdmin:
			await ctx.message.channel.send('You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.')

		if role == None:
			await ctx.message.channel.send(usage)

		# Name placeholder
		roleName = role
		if type(role) is str:
			if role.lower() == "everyone" or role.lower() == "@everyone":
				role = ctx.guild.default_role
				role = DisplayName.roleForName(role, ctx.guild)

		# If we're here - then the role is a real one
		promoArray = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "AdminArray")

		for aRole in promoArray:
			# Check for Name
			if aRole['Name'].lower() == roleName.lower():
				# We found it - let's remove it
				self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "AdminArray", promoArray)
				msg = '**{}** removed successfully.'.format(aRole['Name'])
				# Check for suppress
				if suppress:
					msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
				await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

			# Get the role that corresponds to the id
			if role and (str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id)):
				# We found it - let's remove it
				self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "AdminArray", promoArray)
				msg = '**{}** removed successfully.'.format(role.name)
				# Check for suppress
				if suppress:
					msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
				await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

		# If we made it this far - then we didn't find it
		msg = '**{}** not found in list.'.format(role.name)
		# Check for suppress
		if suppress:
			msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
		await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #4
 async def lpt(self, ctx):
     """Become a pro - AT LIFE."""
     msg = await self.getTitle(
     await ctx.send(Nullify.escape_all(msg, markdown=False))
Exemple #5
 async def thinkdeep(self, ctx):
     """Spout out some intellectual brilliance."""
     msg = await self.getTitle(
     await ctx.send(Nullify.escape_all(msg, markdown=False))
Exemple #6
	async def renhw(self, ctx, *, build = None):
		"""Renames a build from your build list."""
		if not build:
			await ctx.channel.send("Usage: `{}renhw [build name or index]`".format(ctx.prefix))

		hwChannel = None
		if ctx.guild:
			# Not a pm
			hwChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "HardwareChannel")
			if not (not hwChannel or hwChannel == ""):
				# We need the channel id
				if not str(hwChannel) == str(ctx.channel.id):
					msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that...'
					for chan in ctx.guild.channels:
						if str(chan.id) == str(hwChannel):
							msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that.  Take the hardware talk to the **{}** channel.'.format(chan.name)
					await ctx.channel.send(msg)
					hwChannel = self.bot.get_channel(hwChannel)
		if not hwChannel:
			# Nothing set - pm
			hwChannel = ctx.author

		# Make sure we're not already in a parts transaction
		if self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive'):
			await ctx.send("You're already in a hardware session!  You can leave with `{}cancelhw`".format(ctx.prefix))

		buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
		if buildList == None:
			buildList = []
		buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())

		mainBuild = None

		# Get build by name first - then by index
		for b in buildList:
			if b['Name'].lower() == build.lower():
				# Found it
				mainBuild = b

		if not mainBuild:
				build = int(build)-1
				if build >= 0 and build < len(buildList):
					mainBuild = buildList[build]

		if not mainBuild:
			msg = "I couldn't find that build or index."
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)

		# Set our HWActive flag
		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', True)

		# Post the dm reaction
		if hwChannel == ctx.author and ctx.channel != ctx.author.dm_channel:
			await ctx.message.add_reaction("📬")

		# Here, we have a build
		bname = mainBuild['Name']
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			bname = Nullify.clean(bname)

		msg = 'Alright, *{}*, what do you want to rename "{}" to?'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
		while True:
			buildName = await self.prompt(ctx, msg, hwChannel, DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
			if not buildName:
				self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
			buildExists = False
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Name'].lower() == buildName.content.lower():
					mesg = 'It looks like you already have a build by that name, *{}*.  Try again.'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
					await hwChannel.send(mesg)
					buildExists = True
			if not buildExists:
				mainBuild['Name'] = buildName.content
				# Flush settings to all servers
				self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware", buildList)
		bname2 = buildName.content
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			bname2 = Nullify.clean(bname2)
		msg = '*{}*, {} was renamed to {} successfully!'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname, bname2)
		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
		await hwChannel.send(msg)
Exemple #7
	async def rawhw(self, ctx, *, user : str = None, build = None):
		"""Lists the raw markdown for either the user's default build - or the passed build."""
		if not user:
			user = ctx.author.name
		# Let's check for username and build name
		parts = user.split()

		memFromName = None
		buildParts  = None

		for j in range(len(parts)):
			# Reverse search direction
			i = len(parts)-1-j

			# Name = 0 up to i joined by space
			nameStr = ' '.join(parts[0:i])
			buildStr = ' '.join(parts[i:])

			memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(nameStr, ctx.guild)
			if memFromName:
				buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
				if buildList == None:
					buildList = []
				for build in buildList:
					if build['Name'].lower() == buildStr.lower():
						# Ha! Found it!
						buildParts = build
				if buildParts:
					# We're in business
					memFromName = None

		if not memFromName:
			# Try again with indexes
			for j in range(len(parts)):
				# Reverse search direction
				i = len(parts)-1-j

				# Name = 0 up to i joined by space
				nameStr = ' '.join(parts[0:i])
				buildStr = ' '.join(parts[i:])

				memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(nameStr, ctx.guild)
				if memFromName:
					buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
					if buildList == None:
						buildList = []
					buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())
						buildStr = int(buildStr)-1
						if buildStr >= 0 and buildStr < len(buildList):
							buildParts = buildList[buildStr]
					except Exception:
						memFromName = None
						buildParts  = None
					if buildParts:
						# We're in business
						memFromName = None		

		if not memFromName:
			# One last shot - check if it's a build for us
			buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
			if buildList == None:
				buildList = []
			buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Name'].lower() == user.lower():
					memFromName = ctx.author
					buildParts = build
			if not memFromName:
				# Okay - *this* time is the last - check for index
					user_as_build = int(user)-1
					if user_as_build >= 0 and user_as_build < len(buildList):
						buildParts = buildList[user_as_build]
						memFromName = ctx.author
				except Exception:
		if not memFromName:
			# Last check for a user passed as the only param
			memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(user, ctx.guild)
		if not memFromName:
			# We couldn't find them :(
			msg = "I couldn't find that user/build combo..."
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)

		if buildParts == None:
			# Check if that user has no builds
			buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
			if buildList == None:
				buildList = []
			if not len(buildList):
				# No parts!
				msg = '*{}* has no builds on file!  They can add some with the `{}newhw` command.'.format(DisplayName.name(memFromName), ctx.prefix)
				await ctx.channel.send(msg)
			# Must be the default build
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Main']:
					buildParts = build

			if not buildParts:
				# Well... uh... no defaults
				msg = "I couldn't find that user/build combo..."
				await ctx.channel.send(msg)
		# At this point - we *should* have a user and a build
		# Escape all \ with \\
		p = buildParts['Hardware'].replace('\\', '\\\\')
		p = p.replace('*', '\\*')
		p = p.replace('`', '\\`')
		p = p.replace('_', '\\_')
		msg = "__**{}'s {} (Raw Markdown):**__\n\n{}".format(DisplayName.name(memFromName), buildParts['Name'], p)
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
		await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #8
    async def removeprofile(self, ctx, *, name: str = None):
        """Remove a profile from your profile list."""

        channel = ctx.message.channel
        author = ctx.message.author
        server = ctx.message.guild

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        # Why did I do this?  There shouldn't be role requirements for your own profiles...
        '''# Check for role requirements
		requiredRole = self.settings.getServerStat(server, "RequiredXPRole")
		if requiredRole == "":
			#admin only
			isAdmin = author.permissions_in(channel).administrator
			if not isAdmin:
				await channel.send('You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.')
			#role requirement
			hasPerms = False
			for role in author.roles:
				if str(role.id) == str(requiredRole):
					hasPerms = True
			if not hasPerms:
				await channel.send('You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.')

        if name == None:
            msg = 'Usage: `{}removeprofile "[profile name]"`'.format(
            await channel.send(msg)

        linkList = self.settings.getUserStat(author, server, "Profiles")
        if not linkList or linkList == []:
            msg = '*{}* has no profiles set!  They can add some with the `{}addprofile "[profile name]" [url]` command!'.format(
                DisplayName.name(author), ctx.prefix)
            await channel.send(msg)

        for alink in linkList:
            if alink['Name'].lower() == name.lower():
                self.settings.setUserStat(author, server, "Profiles", linkList)
                msg = '*{}* removed from *{}\'s* profile list!'.format(
                    alink['Name'], DisplayName.name(author))
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await channel.send(msg)

        msg = '*{}* not found in *{}\'s* profile list!'.format(
            name, DisplayName.name(author))
        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
        await channel.send(msg)
Exemple #9
	async def ismuted(self, ctx, *, member = None):
		"""Says whether a member is muted in chat."""

		# Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
		if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
			suppress = True
			suppress = False
		if member == None:
			msg = 'Usage: `{}ismuted [member]`'.format(ctx.prefix)
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)

		if type(member) is str:
			memberName = member
			member = DisplayName.memberForName(memberName, ctx.message.guild)
			if not member:
				msg = 'I couldn\'t find *{}*...'.format(memberName)
				# Check for suppress
				if suppress:
					msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
				await ctx.channel.send(msg)
		mutedIn = 0
		channelList = []
		for channel in ctx.guild.channels:
			if not type(channel) is discord.TextChannel:
			overs = channel.overwrites_for(member)
			if overs.send_messages == False:
				# member can't send messages here
				perms = member.permissions_in(channel)
				if perms.read_messages:
					mutedIn +=1
		if len(channelList):
			# Get time remaining if needed
			#cd = self.settings.getUserStat(member, ctx.message.server, "Cooldown")
			muteList = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "MuteList")
			cd = None
			for entry in muteList:
				if str(entry['ID']) == str(member.id):
					# Found them!
					cd = entry['Cooldown']
			if not cd == None:
				ct = int(time.time())
				checkRead = ReadableTime.getReadableTimeBetween(ct, cd)
				msg = '*{}* is **muted** in {} {},\n*{}* remain.'.format(
					"channel" if len(channelList) is 1 else "channels",
				msg = '*{}* is **muted** in {} {}.'.format(
					"channel" if len(channelList) is 1 else "channels"
			msg = '{} is **unmuted**.'.format(
		await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #10
    async def rawprofile(self, ctx, *, member: str = None, name: str = None):
        """Retrieve a profile's raw markdown from the passed user's profile list."""

        channel = ctx.message.channel
        author = ctx.message.author
        server = ctx.message.guild

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        if not member:
            msg = 'Usage: `{}rawprofile [member] [profile name]`'.format(
            await channel.send(msg)

        # name is likely to be empty unless quotes are used
        if name == None:
            # Either a name wasn't set - or it's the last section
            if type(member) is str:
                # It' a string - the hope continues
                # Let's search for a name at the beginning - and a profile at the end
                parts = member.split()
                for j in range(len(parts)):
                    # Reverse search direction
                    i = len(parts) - 1 - j
                    memFromName = None
                    foundProf = False
                    # Name = 0 up to i joined by space
                    nameStr = ' '.join(parts[0:i + 1])
                    # Profile = end of name -> end of parts joined by space
                    profileStr = ' '.join(parts[i + 1:])
                    memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(
                        nameStr, ctx.message.guild)
                    if memFromName:
                        # We got a member - let's check for a profile
                        linkList = self.settings.getUserStat(
                            memFromName, server, "Profiles")
                        if not linkList or linkList == []:

                        for alink in linkList:
                            if alink['Name'].lower() == profileStr.lower():
                                # Found the link - return it.
                                msg = '*{}\'s {} Profile:*\n\n{}'.format(
                                    alink['Name'], alink['URL'].replace(
                                        '\\\\').replace('*', '\\*').replace(
                                            '`', '\\`').replace('_', '\\_'))
                                # Check for suppress
                                if suppress:
                                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                                await channel.send(msg)
        # Check if there is no member specified
        linkList = self.settings.getUserStat(author, server, "Profiles")
        if not linkList or linkList == []:

        for alink in linkList:
            if alink['Name'].lower() == member.lower():
                # Found the link - return it.
                msg = '*{}\'s {} Profile:*\n\n{}'.format(
                    alink['Name'], alink['URL'].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(
                        '*', '\\*').replace('`', '\\`').replace('_', '\\_'))
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await channel.send(msg)

        # If we got this far - we didn't find them or somehow they added a name
        msg = 'Sorry, I couldn\'t find that user/profile.'
        await channel.send(msg)
Exemple #11
    async def profileinfo(self, ctx, *, member: str = None, name: str = None):
        """Displays info about a profile from the passed user's profile list."""

        channel = ctx.message.channel
        author = ctx.message.author
        server = ctx.message.guild

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        if not member:
            msg = 'Usage: `{}profileinfo [member] [profile name]`'.format(
            await channel.send(msg)

        profile = None

        # name is likely to be empty unless quotes are used
        if name == None:
            # Either a name wasn't set - or it's the last section
            if type(member) is str:
                # It' a string - the hope continues
                # Let's search for a name at the beginning - and a profile at the end
                parts = member.split()
                for j in range(len(parts)):
                    # Reverse search direction
                    i = len(parts) - 1 - j
                    memFromName = None
                    foundProf = False
                    # Name = 0 up to i joined by space
                    nameStr = ' '.join(parts[0:i + 1])
                    # Profile = end of name -> end of parts joined by space
                    profileStr = ' '.join(parts[i + 1:])
                    memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(
                        nameStr, ctx.message.guild)
                    if memFromName:
                        # We got a member - let's check for a profile
                        linkList = self.settings.getUserStat(
                            memFromName, server, "Profiles")
                        if not linkList or linkList == []:

                        for alink in linkList:
                            if alink['Name'].lower() == profileStr.lower():
                                # Found the link - return it.
                                profile = alink

        if not profile:
            # Check if there is no member specified
            linkList = self.settings.getUserStat(author, server, "Profiles")
            if not linkList or linkList == []:

            for alink in linkList:
                if alink['Name'].lower() == member.lower():
                    # Found the link - return it.
                    profile = alink

        if not profile:
            # At this point - we've exhausted our search
            msg = 'Sorry, I couldn\'t find that user/profile.'
            await channel.send(msg)

        # We have a profile
        currentTime = int(time.time())
        msg = '**{}:**'.format(profile['Name'])
            createdTime = int(profile['Created'])
            timeString = ReadableTime.getReadableTimeBetween(
                createdTime, currentTime, True)
            msg = '{}\nCreated : *{}* ago'.format(msg, timeString)
        except KeyError as e:
            msg = '{}\nCreated : `UNKNOWN`'.format(msg)
            createdTime = profile['Updated']
            createdTime = int(createdTime)
            timeString = ReadableTime.getReadableTimeBetween(
                createdTime, currentTime, True)
            msg = '{}\nUpdated : *{}* ago'.format(msg, timeString)
        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
        await channel.send(msg)
Exemple #12
async def getMarkdown(url, style=None, escape=False):
    # Ensure we're using a list
    if url.lower().endswith("pcpartpicker.com/list/"):
        # Not *just* the list... we want actual parts
        return None
    url = url.replace("#view=", "")
    if '/b/' in url.lower():
        # We have a build - let's try to convert to list
            response = await DL.async_text(url, {"user-agent": "Mozilla"})
        except Exception:
            return None
            newLink = response.split('">View full price breakdown<')[0].split(
        except Exception as e:
            newLink = None
        if newLink == None:
            return None
        url = "https://pcpartpicker.com" + str(newLink)

    # url = url.replace('/b/', '/list/')
    if not style:
        style = 'normal'
        response = await DL.async_text(url, {"user-agent": "Mozilla"})
    except Exception:
        return None
    # Let's walk the lines of the file and gather based on cues
    names = []
    types = []
    current_name = current_type = None
    primed = name_primed = type_primed = False
    for i in response.split("\n"):
        if i.strip() == "":
            # skip empty lines
        if "tr__product" in i:
            # Clear and prime
            current_name = current_type = None
            primed = True
        if not primed:
        if "</tr>" in i:
            # Closing bracket for our stuff - dump name and type if we have them
            if current_name and current_type:
                    unescape(current_name, {
                        "&apos;": "'",
                        "&quot;": '"',
                        "&#8203;": ""
                    unescape(current_type, {
                        "&apos;": "'",
                        "&quot;": '"',
                        "&#8203;": ""
                primed = name_primed = type_primed = False
                type_primed = 0
                current_name = current_type = None
        # Should be primed here - and checking for name and type
        if name_primed:
            name_primed = False
            # Assume we should be pulling the name here
                if i.strip().startswith("<"):
                    # Try to format it
                    current_name = i.split('">')[1].split("</a>")[0]
                    current_name = i.strip()
            except Exception as e:
        if type_primed:
            # If it's a custom part - we need to look for <p>[whatever]</p>
            # or for the absense of <a href=
            if i.strip().startswith("<p>"):
                type_primed = False
                current_type = i.split("<p>")[1].split("</p>")[0]
            elif not i.strip().startswith("<a href="):
                type_primed = False
                current_type = i.strip()
        if "td__component" in i:
            # Got the type
                current_type = i.split("</a></td>")[-2].split('">')[-1]
                type_primed = False
                # bad type - prime it though
                type_primed = True
        if "td__name" in i:
            # Primed for name
            name_primed = True

    if not len(types):
        return None
    if not len(types) == len(names):
        # Only way this would happen that I've seen so far, is with custom entries
        return None
    partout = ''
    if style.lower() == 'md':
        partout = mdStyle(types, names, escape)
    elif style.lower() == 'mdblock':
        partout = mdBlockStyle(types, names, escape)
    elif style.lower() == 'bold':
        partout = boldStyle(types, names, escape)
    elif style.lower() == 'bolditalic':
        partout = boldItalicStyle(types, names, escape)
    elif style.lower() == 'normal':
        partout = normalStyle(types, names, escape)
        # No style present
        return None
    return Nullify.clean(partout)
Exemple #13
    async def xpblock(self, ctx, *, user_or_role: str = None):
        """Adds a new user or role to the xp block list (bot-admin only)."""

        usage = 'Usage: `{}xpblock [user_or_role]`'.format(ctx.prefix)

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        isAdmin = ctx.message.author.permissions_in(
        if not isAdmin:
            checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild,
            for role in ctx.message.author.roles:
                for aRole in checkAdmin:
                    # Get the role that corresponds to the id
                    if str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id):
                        isAdmin = True
        # Only allow admins to change server stats
        if not isAdmin:
            await ctx.channel.send(
                'You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.'

        if user_or_role == None:
            await ctx.message.channel.send(usage)

        roleName = user_or_role
        is_user = True
        if type(user_or_role) is str:
            # Check user first
            user_or_role = DisplayName.memberForName(roleName, ctx.guild)
            if not user_or_role:
                is_user = False
                # Check role
                if roleName.lower() == "everyone" or roleName.lower(
                ) == "@everyone":
                    user_or_role = ctx.guild.default_role
                    user_or_role = DisplayName.roleForName(roleName, ctx.guild)

            if not user_or_role:
                msg = 'I couldn\'t find *{}*...'.format(roleName)
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

        if is_user:
            # Check if they're admin or bot admin
            isAdmin = user_or_role.permissions_in(
            if not isAdmin:
                checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(
                    ctx.message.guild, "AdminArray")
                for role in user_or_role.roles:
                    for aRole in checkAdmin:
                        # Get the role that corresponds to the id
                        if str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id):
                            isAdmin = True
            if isAdmin:
                msg = "You can't block other admins with this command."
                await ctx.send(msg)
            ur_name = DisplayName.name(user_or_role)
            # Check if the role is admin or bot admin
            isAdmin = user_or_role.permissions.administrator
            if not isAdmin:
                checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(
                    ctx.message.guild, "AdminArray")
                for aRole in checkAdmin:
                    # Get the role that corresponds to the id
                    if str(aRole['ID']) == str(user_or_role.id):
                        isAdmin = True
            if isAdmin:
                msg = "You can't block other admins with this command."
                await ctx.send(msg)

            ur_name = user_or_role.name

        # Now we see if we already have that role in our list
        promoArray = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild,

        for aRole in promoArray:
            # Get the role that corresponds to the id
            if str(aRole) == str(user_or_role.id):
                # We found it - throw an error message and return
                msg = '**{}** is already in the list.'.format(ur_name)
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

        # If we made it this far - then we can add it
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "XpBlockArray",

        msg = '**{}** added to list.'.format(ur_name)
        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
        await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #14
    async def xpunblock(self, ctx, *, user_or_role: str = None):
        """Removes a user or role from the xp block list (bot-admin only)."""

        usage = 'Usage: `{}xpunblock [user_or_role]`'.format(ctx.prefix)

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        isAdmin = ctx.message.author.permissions_in(
        if not isAdmin:
            checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild,
            for role in ctx.message.author.roles:
                for aRole in checkAdmin:
                    # Get the role that corresponds to the id
                    if str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id):
                        isAdmin = True
        # Only allow admins to change server stats
        if not isAdmin:
            await ctx.channel.send(
                'You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.'

        if user_or_role == None:
            await ctx.message.channel.send(usage)

        roleName = user_or_role
        is_user = True
        if type(user_or_role) is str:
            # Check user first
            user_or_role = DisplayName.memberForName(roleName, ctx.guild)
            if not user_or_role:
                is_user = False
                # Check role
                if roleName.lower() == "everyone" or roleName.lower(
                ) == "@everyone":
                    user_or_role = ctx.guild.default_role
                    user_or_role = DisplayName.roleForName(roleName, ctx.guild)

            if not user_or_role:
                msg = 'I couldn\'t find *{}*...'.format(roleName)
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

        if is_user:
            ur_name = DisplayName.name(user_or_role)
            ur_name = user_or_role.name

        # If we're here - then the role is a real one
        promoArray = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild,

        for aRole in promoArray:
            # Check for Name
            if str(aRole) == str(user_or_role.id):
                # We found it - let's remove it
                self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "XpBlockArray",
                msg = '**{}** removed successfully.'.format(ur_name)
                # Check for suppress
                if suppress:
                    msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
                await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)

        # If we made it this far - then we didn't find it
        msg = '**{}** not found in list.'.format(ur_name)
        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
        await ctx.message.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #15
	async def confirm(self, ctx, message, dest = None, m = None, author = None):
		# Get author name
		authorName = None
		if author:
			if type(author) is str:
				authorName = author
					authorName = DisplayName.name(author)
				except Exception:
			if message:
					author = message.author
				except Exception:
				authorName = DisplayName.name(message.author)
			except Exception:

		if not dest:
			dest = message.channel
		if not m:
			if authorName:
				msg = '*{}*, I got:'.format(authorName)
				msg = "I got:"
			if type(message) is str:
				msg2 = message
				msg2 = '{}'.format(message.content)
			msg3 = 'Is that correct? (y/n/stop)'
			if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
				msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
				msg2 = Nullify.clean(msg2)
				msg3 = Nullify.clean(msg3)
			await dest.send(msg)
			await dest.send(msg2)
			await dest.send(msg3)
			msg = m
			if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
				msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
			await dest.send(msg)

		while True:
			def littleCheck(m):
				return ctx.author.id == m.author.id and self.confirmCheck(m, dest) and len(m.content)
				talk = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=littleCheck, timeout=300)
			except Exception:
				talk = None

			# Hardware ended
			if not self.stillHardwaring(ctx.author):
				return None

			if not talk:
				if authorName:
					msg = "*{}*, I'm out of time...".format(authorName)
					msg = "I'm out of time..."
				await dest.send(msg)
				return None
				# We got something
				if talk.content.lower().startswith('y'):
					return True
				elif talk.content.lower().startswith('stop'):
					if authorName:
						msg = "No problem, *{}!*  See you later!".format(authorName)
						msg = "No problem!  See you later!"
					await dest.send(msg)
					return None
					return False
Exemple #16
	async def rolecall(self, ctx, *, role = None):
		"""Lists the number of users in a current role."""

		# Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
		if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
			suppress = True
			suppress = False

		author  = ctx.message.author
		server  = ctx.message.guild
		channel = ctx.message.channel

		if role == None:
			msg = 'Usage: `{}rolecall [role]`'.format(ctx.prefix)
			await channel.send(msg)
		if type(role) is str:
			roleName = role
			role = DisplayName.roleForName(roleName, ctx.message.guild)
			if not role:
				msg = 'I couldn\'t find *{}*...'.format(roleName)
				# Check for suppress
				if suppress:
					msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
				await ctx.channel.send(msg)
		# Create blank embed
		role_embed = discord.Embed(color=role.color)
		# Get server's icon url if one exists - otherwise grab the default blank Discord avatar
		avURL = server.icon_url
		if not len(avURL):
			avURL = discord.User.default_avatar_url
		# Add the server icon
		# role_embed.set_author(name='{}'.format(role.name), icon_url=avURL)

		# We have a role
		memberCount = 0
		memberOnline = 0
		for member in server.members:
			roles = member.roles
			if role in roles:
				# We found it
				memberCount += 1
				if not member.status == discord.Status.offline:
					memberOnline += 1

		'''if memberCount == 1:
			msg = 'There is currently *1 user* with the **{}** role.'.format(role.name)
			role_embed.add_field(name="Members", value='1 user', inline=True)
			msg = 'There are currently *{} users* with the **{}** role.'.format(memberCount, role.name)
			role_embed.add_field(name="Members", value='{}'.format(memberCount), inline=True)'''
		role_embed.add_field(name="Members", value='{:,} of {:,} online.'.format(memberOnline, memberCount), inline=True)
		# await channel.send(msg)
		await channel.send(embed=role_embed)
Exemple #17
	async def edithw(self, ctx, *, build = None):
		"""Edits a build from your build list."""
		if not build:
			await ctx.channel.send("Usage: `{}edithw [build name or index]`".format(ctx.prefix))

		hwChannel = None
		if ctx.guild:
			# Not a pm
			hwChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "HardwareChannel")
			if not (not hwChannel or hwChannel == ""):
				# We need the channel id
				if not str(hwChannel) == str(ctx.channel.id):
					msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that...'
					for chan in ctx.guild.channels:
						if str(chan.id) == str(hwChannel):
							msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that.  Take the hardware talk to the **{}** channel.'.format(chan.name)
					await ctx.channel.send(msg)
					hwChannel = self.bot.get_channel(hwChannel)
		if not hwChannel:
			# Nothing set - pm
			hwChannel = ctx.author

		# Make sure we're not already in a parts transaction
		if self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive'):
			await ctx.send("You're already in a hardware session!  You can leave with `{}cancelhw`".format(ctx.prefix))

		buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
		if buildList == None:
			buildList = []
		buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())

		mainBuild = None

		# Get build by name first - then by index
		for b in buildList:
			if b['Name'].lower() == build.lower():
				# Found it
				mainBuild = b

		if not mainBuild:
				build = int(build)-1
				if build >= 0 and build < len(buildList):
					mainBuild = buildList[build]

		if not mainBuild:
			msg = "I couldn't find that build or index."
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)

		# Set our HWActive flag
		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', True)

		# Here, we have a build
		bname = mainBuild['Name']
		bparts = mainBuild['Hardware']
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			bname = Nullify.clean(bname)
			bparts = Nullify.clean(bparts)
		msg = '"{}"\'s current parts:'.format(bname)
		await hwChannel.send(msg)
		if hwChannel == ctx.author and ctx.channel != ctx.author.dm_channel:
			await ctx.message.add_reaction("📬")
		await hwChannel.send(bparts)

		msg = 'Alright, *{}*, what parts does "{}" have now? (Please include *all* parts for this build - you can add new lines with *shift + enter*)\n'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
		msg += 'You can also pass pcpartpicker links to have them formatted automagically - I can also format them using different styles.\n'
		msg += 'For example: '
		msg += '```https://pcpartpicker.com/list/123456 mdblock``` would format with the markdown block style.\n'
		msg += 'Markdown styles available are *normal, md, mdblock, bold, bolditalic*'
		while True:
			parts = await self.prompt(ctx, msg, hwChannel, DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
			if not parts:
				self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
			if 'pcpartpicker.com' in parts.content.lower():
				# Possibly a pc partpicker link?
				msg = 'It looks like you sent a pc part picker link - did you want me to try and format that? (y/n/stop)'
				test = await self.confirm(ctx, parts, hwChannel, msg)
				if test == None:
					self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
				elif test == True:
					partList = parts.content.split()
					if len(partList) == 1:
					output = None
						output = await PCPP.getMarkdown(partList[0], partList[1], False)
					if not output:
						msg = 'Something went wrong!  Make sure you use a valid pcpartpicker link.'
						await hwChannel.send(msg)
						self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
					if len(output) > 2000:
						msg = "That's an *impressive* list of parts - but the max length allowed for messages in Discord is 2000 characters, and you're at *{}*.".format(len(output))
						msg += '\nMaybe see if you can prune up that list a bit and try again?'
						await hwChannel.send(msg)
						self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
					# Make sure
					conf = await self.confirm(ctx, output, hwChannel, None, ctx.author)
					if conf == None:
						# Timed out
						self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
					elif conf == False:
						# Didn't get our answer
						msg = 'Alright, *{}*, what parts does "{}" have now? (Please include *all* parts for this build - you can add new lines with *shift + enter*)'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)

					m = '{} set to:\n{}'.format(bname, output)
					await hwChannel.send(m)
					mainBuild['Hardware'] = output
					self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware", buildList)
			mainBuild['Hardware'] = parts.content
		msg = '*{}*, {} was edited successfully!'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
		await hwChannel.send(msg)
Exemple #18
    async def tr(self, ctx, *, translate=None):
        """Translate some stuff!"""

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        usage = "Usage: `{}tr [words] [from code (optional)] [to code]`".format(
        if translate == None:
            await ctx.send(usage)

        word_list = translate.split(" ")

        if len(word_list) < 2:
            await ctx.send(usage)

        lang = word_list[len(word_list) - 1]
        from_lang = word_list[len(word_list) -
                              2] if len(word_list) >= 3 else "auto"

        # Get the from language
        from_lang_back = [
            x for x in self.languages
            if x["code"].lower() == from_lang.lower()
        from_lang_code = from_lang_back[0]["code"] if len(
            from_lang_back) else "auto"
        from_lang_name = from_lang_back[0]["name"] if len(
            from_lang_back) else "Auto"
        # Get the to language
        lang_back = [
            x for x in self.languages if x["code"].lower() == lang.lower()
        lang_code = lang_back[0]["code"] if len(lang_back) else None
        lang_name = lang_back[0]["name"] if len(lang_back) else None

        # Translate all but our language codes
        if len(word_list) > 2 and word_list[
                len(word_list) - 2].lower() == from_lang_code.lower():
            trans = " ".join(word_list[:-2])
            trans = " ".join(word_list[:-1])

        if not lang_code:
            await Message.EmbedText(
                title="Something went wrong...",
                description="I couldn't find that language!",

        result = mtranslate.translate(trans, lang_code, from_lang_code)

        if not result:
            await Message.EmbedText(
                title="Something went wrong...",
                description="I wasn't able to translate that!",

        if result == trans:
            # We got back what we put in...
            await Message.EmbedText(
                title="Something went wrong...",
                "The text returned from Google was the same as the text put in.  Either the translation failed - or you were translating from/to the same language (en -> en)",

        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            result = Nullify.clean(result)

        await Message.EmbedText(
            title="{}, your translation is:".format(
            footer="{} --> {} - Powered by Google Translate".format(
                from_lang_name, lang_name)).send(ctx)
Exemple #19
	async def gethw(self, ctx, *, user = None, search = None):
		"""Searches the user's hardware for a specific search term."""
		if not user:
			usage = "Usage: `{}gethw [user] [search term]`".format(ctx.prefix)
			await ctx.channel.send(usage)
		# Let's check for username and search term
		parts = user.split()

		memFromName = None
		buildParts  = None
		for j in range(len(parts)):
			# Reverse search direction
			i = len(parts)-1-j
			memFromName = None
			buildParts  = None

			# Name = 0 up to i joined by space
			nameStr =  ' '.join(parts[0:i])
			buildStr = ' '.join(parts[i:])
			memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(nameStr, ctx.guild)
			if memFromName:
				# Got a member - let's check the remainder length, and search!
				if len(buildStr) < 3:
					usage = "Search term must be at least 3 characters."
					await ctx.channel.send(usage)
				buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
				if buildList == None:
					buildList = []
				buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())
				foundStr = ''
				foundCt  = 0
				for build in buildList:
					bParts = build['Hardware']
					for line in bParts.splitlines():
						if buildStr.lower() in line.lower():
							foundCt += 1
							foundStr += '{}. **{}**\n   {}\n'.format(foundCt, build['Name'], line.replace("`", ""))

				if len(foundStr):
					# We're in business
					foundStr = "__**\"{}\" Results:**__\n\n".format(buildStr, DisplayName.name(memFromName)) + foundStr
					# foundStr = 'Nothing found for "{}" in *{}\'s* builds.'.format(buildStr, DisplayName.name(memFromName))
					# Nothing found...
					memFromName = None
					buildStr    = None
		if memFromName and len(foundStr):
			# We're in business
			if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
				foundStr = Nullify.clean(foundStr)
			await Message.Message(message=foundStr).send(ctx)

		# If we're here - then we didn't find a member - set it to the author, and run another quick search
		buildStr  = user

		if len(buildStr) < 3:
			usage = "Search term must be at least 3 characters."
			await ctx.channel.send(usage)

		buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
		if buildList == None:
			buildList = []
		buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())

		foundStr = ''
		foundCt  = 0
		for build in buildList:
			bParts = build['Hardware']
			for line in bParts.splitlines():
				if buildStr.lower() in line.lower():
					foundCt += 1
					foundStr += '{}. **{}**\n   {}\n'.format(foundCt, build['Name'], line.replace("`", ""))

		if len(foundStr):
			# We're in business
			foundStr = "__**\"{}\" Results:**__\n\n".format(buildStr) + foundStr
			foundStr = 'Nothing found for "{}".'.format(buildStr)
			# Nothing found...
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			foundStr = Nullify.clean(foundStr)
		await Message.Message(message=foundStr).send(ctx)
Exemple #20
	async def vk(self, ctx, user = None, *, server = None):
		"""Places your vote to have the passed user kicked."""
		# Should be a dict like this:
		# { "ID" : 123456789, "Kicks" : [ { "ID" : 123456789, "Added" : 123456789 } ] }
		if user == None:
			await ctx.send('Usage:  `{}vk "[user]" [server]`'.format(ctx.prefix))

		if server == None:
			guild = ctx.guild

			found = False
			for guild in self.bot.guilds:
				if not server.lower() in [guild.name.lower(), str(guild.id)]:
				found = True

			if not found:
				guild = ctx.guild
				user = user + " " + server

		if not guild and not server:
			await ctx.send("Specify what server the user that you are vote kicking is in.")

		elif not guild and server:
			await ctx.send("I couldn't find that server.")

		if ctx.author not in guild.members:
			await ctx.send("You're not a member of that server!")

		server_msg = " in **{}**".format(guild.name) if guild != ctx.guild else ""

		check_user = DisplayName.memberForName(user, guild)
		if not check_user:
			await ctx.send("I couldn't find *{}*{}...".format(Nullify.clean(user), server_msg))


		mute_votes = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VotesToMute")
		ment_votes = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VotesToMention")
		mute_time  = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VotesMuteTime")
		ment_chan  = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VoteKickChannel")
		vote_ment  = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VoteKickMention")
		vote_anon  = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VoteKickAnon")
		if vote_anon and not isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.DMChannel):
			await ctx.message.delete()

		# Check if mention and mute are disabled
		if (ment_votes == 0 or ment_chan == None or ment_chan == None) and (mute_votes == 0 or mute_time == 0):
			await ctx.send('This function is not setup{} yet.'.format(server_msg))
		# Check if we're trying to kick ourselves
		if check_user.id == ctx.author.id:
			await ctx.send("You should probably find a way to be okay with yourself.  Kicking yourself will get you nowhere.")

		# Check if we're trying to kick an admin
		isAdmin = check_user.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel).administrator
		if not isAdmin:
			checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "AdminArray")
			for role in check_user.roles:
				for aRole in checkAdmin:
					# Get the role that corresponds to the id
					if str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id):
						isAdmin = True
		if isAdmin:
			await ctx.channel.send('You cannot vote to kick the admins.  Please work out any issues you may have with them in a civil manner.')

		vote_list = self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "VoteKickArray")
		for member in vote_list:
			if member["ID"] == check_user.id:
				# They're in the list - let's see if you've already voted for them
				for vote in member["Kicks"]:
					if vote["ID"] == ctx.author.id:
						await ctx.send("You've already voted to kick that member.  You cannot vote against them again while your vote is still active.")
				# We haven't voted for them yet - add our vote
				member["Kicks"].append({ "ID" : ctx.author.id, "Added" : time.time() })
				# Update the array
				self.settings.setServerStat(guild, "VoteKickArray", vote_list)
				await ctx.send("Vote kick added for *{}!*".format(DisplayName.name(check_user)))
				await self._check_votes(ctx, check_user)
		# Never found the member
			"ID" : check_user.id,
			"Muted" : False,
			"Mentioned" : False,
			"Kicks" : [ { "ID" : ctx.author.id, "Added" : time.time() } ]
		# Set the list
		self.settings.setServerStat(guild, "VoteKickArray", vote_list)
		await ctx.send("Vote kick added for *{}*{}!".format(DisplayName.name(check_user), server_msg))
		await self._check_votes(ctx, check_user)
Exemple #21
	async def newhw(self, ctx):
		"""Initiate a new-hardware conversation with the bot."""
		buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
		if buildList == None:
			buildList = []
		hwChannel = None
		if ctx.guild:
			# Not a pm
			hwChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "HardwareChannel")
			if not (not hwChannel or hwChannel == ""):
				# We need the channel id
				if not str(hwChannel) == str(ctx.channel.id):
					msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that...'
					for chan in ctx.guild.channels:
						if str(chan.id) == str(hwChannel):
							msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that.  Take the hardware talk to the **{}** channel.'.format(chan.name)
					await ctx.channel.send(msg)
					hwChannel = self.bot.get_channel(hwChannel)
		if not hwChannel:
			# Nothing set - pm
			hwChannel = ctx.author

		# Make sure we're not already in a parts transaction
		if self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive'):
			await ctx.send("You're already in a hardware session!  You can leave with `{}cancelhw`".format(ctx.prefix))

		# Set our HWActive flag
		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', True)

		msg = 'Alright, *{}*, let\'s add a new build.\n\n'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
		if len(buildList) == 1:
			msg += 'You currently have *1 build* on file.\n\n'
			msg += 'You currently have *{} builds* on file.\n\nLet\'s get started!'.format(len(buildList))

			await hwChannel.send(msg)
			# Can't send to the destination
			self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
			if hwChannel == ctx.author:
				# Must not accept pms
				await ctx.send("It looks like you don't accept pms.  Please enable them and try again.")

		if hwChannel == ctx.author and ctx.channel != ctx.author.dm_channel:
			await ctx.message.add_reaction("📬")
		msg = '*{}*, tell me what you\'d like to call this build (type stop to cancel):'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
		# Get the build name
		newBuild = { 'Main': True }
		while True:
			buildName = await self.prompt(ctx, msg, hwChannel, DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
			if not buildName:
				self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
			buildExists = False
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Name'].lower() == buildName.content.lower():
					mesg = 'It looks like you already have a build by that name, *{}*.  Try again.'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
					await hwChannel.send(mesg)
					buildExists = True
			if not buildExists:
				newBuild['Name'] = buildName.content
		bname = buildName.content
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			bname = Nullify.clean(bname)
		msg = 'Alright, *{}*, what parts does "{}" have? (Please include *all* parts for this build - you can add new lines with *shift + enter*)\n'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
		msg += 'You can also pass pcpartpicker links to have them formatted automagically - I can also format them using different styles.\n'
		msg += 'For example: '
		msg += '```https://pcpartpicker.com/list/123456 mdblock``` would format with the markdown block style.\n'
		msg += 'Markdown styles available are *normal, md, mdblock, bold, bolditalic*'
		while True:
			parts = await self.prompt(ctx, msg, hwChannel, DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
			if not parts:
				self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
			if 'pcpartpicker.com' in parts.content.lower():
				# Possibly a pc partpicker link?
				msg = 'It looks like you sent a pc part picker link - did you want me to try and format that? (y/n/stop)'
				test = await self.confirm(ctx, parts, hwChannel, msg)
				if test == None:
					self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
				elif test == True:
					partList = parts.content.split()
					if len(partList) == 1:
					output = None
						output = await PCPP.getMarkdown(partList[0], partList[1], False)
					#output = PCPP.getMarkdown(parts.content)
					if not output:
						msg = 'Something went wrong!  Make sure you use a valid pcpartpicker link.'
						await hwChannel.send(msg)
						self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
					if len(output) > 2000:
						msg = "That's an *impressive* list of parts - but the max length allowed for messages in Discord is 2000 characters, and you're at *{}*.".format(len(output))
						msg += '\nMaybe see if you can prune up that list a bit and try again?'
						await hwChannel.send(msg)
						self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
					# Make sure
					conf = await self.confirm(ctx, output, hwChannel, None, ctx.author)
					if conf == None:
						# Timed out
						self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
					elif conf == False:
						# Didn't get our answer
						msg = 'Alright, *{}*, what parts does "{}" have? (Please include *all* parts for this build - you can add new lines with *shift + enter*)'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
					m = '{} set to:\n{}'.format(bname, output)
					await hwChannel.send(m)
					newBuild['Hardware'] = output
			newBuild['Hardware'] = parts.content

		# Check if we already have a main build
		for build in buildList:
			if build['Main']:
				newBuild['Main'] = False

		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware", buildList)
		msg = '*{}*, {} was created successfully!'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
		self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, 'HWActive', False)
		await hwChannel.send(msg)
Exemple #22
    async def eat(self, ctx, *, member: str = None):
        """Eat like a boss."""

        authorName = DisplayName.name(ctx.message.author)

        # Check if we're eating nothing
        if member == None:
            nothingList = [
                'you sit quietly and eat *nothing*...',
                'you\'re *sure* there was something to eat, so you just chew on nothingness...',
                'there comes a time when you need to realize that you\'re just chewing nothing for the sake of chewing.  That time is now.'

            randnum = random.randint(0, len(nothingList) - 1)
            msg = '*{}*, {}'.format(authorName, nothingList[randnum])
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
            await ctx.channel.send(msg)

        # Check if we're eating a member
        memberCheck = DisplayName.memberForName(member, ctx.message.guild)
        if memberCheck:
            # We're eating a member - let's do a bot-check
            if memberCheck.id == self.bot.user.id:
                # It's me!
                memberList = [
                    'you try to eat *me* - but unfortunately, I saw it coming - your jaw hangs open as I deftly sidestep.',
                    'your mouth hangs open for a brief second before you realize that *I\'m* eating *you*.',
                    'I\'m a bot.  You can\'t eat me.',
                    'your jaw clamps down on... wait... on nothing, because I\'m *digital!*.',
                    'what kind of bot would I be if I let you eat me?'
            elif memberCheck.id == ctx.message.author.id:
                # We're eating... ourselves?
                memberList = [
                    'you clamp down on your own forearm - not surprisingly, it hurts.',
                    'you place a finger into your mouth, but *just can\'t* force yourself to bite down.',
                    'you happily munch away, but can now only wave with your left hand.',
                    'wait - you\'re not a sandwich!',
                    'you might not be the smartest...'
                memName = DisplayName.name(memberCheck)
                memberList = [
                    'you unhinge your jaw and consume *{}* in one bite.'.
                    'you try to eat *{}*, but you just can\'t quite do it - you spit them out, the taste of failure hanging in your mouth...'
                    'you take a quick bite out of *{}*.  They probably didn\'t even notice.'
                    'you sink your teeth into *{}\'s* shoulder - they turn to face you, eyes wide as you try your best to scurry away and hide.'
                    'your jaw clamps down on *{}* - a satisfying *crunch* emanates as you finish your newest meal.'
            randnum = random.randint(0, len(memberList) - 1)
            msg = '*{}*, {}'.format(authorName, memberList[randnum])
            msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
            await ctx.channel.send(msg)

        # Assume we're eating something else
        itemList = [
            'you take a big chunk out of *{}*. *Delicious.*'.format(member),
            'your teeth sink into *{}* - it tastes satisfying.'.format(member),
            'you rip hungrily into *{}*, tearing it to bits!'.format(member),
            'you just can\'t bring yourself to eat *{}* - so you just hold it for awhile...'
            'you attempt to bite into *{}*, but you\'re clumsier than you remember - and fail...'

        randnum = random.randint(0, len(itemList) - 1)
        msg = '*{}*, {}'.format(authorName, itemList[randnum])
        msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
        await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #23
 async def shittylpt(self, ctx):
     """Your advise is bad, and you should feel bad."""
     msg = await self.getTitle(
     await ctx.send(Nullify.escape_all(msg, markdown=False))
Exemple #24
	async def prompt(self, hw_id, ctx, message, dest = None, author = None):
		# Get author name
		authorName = None
		if author:
			if type(author) is str:
				authorName = author
					authorName = DisplayName.name(author)
				except Exception:
			if message:
					author = message.author
				except Exception:
				authorName = DisplayName.name(message.author)
			except Exception:

		if not dest:
			dest = ctx.channel
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			msg = Nullify.clean(message)
		await dest.send(message)
		while True:
			def littleCheck(m):
				return ctx.author.id == m.author.id and self.channelCheck(m, dest) and len(m.content)
				talk = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=littleCheck, timeout=300)
			except Exception:
				talk = None

			# See if we're still in the right context
			if not hw_id == self.hwactive.get(str(ctx.author.id),None):
				return None

			# Hardware ended
			if not self.stillHardwaring(ctx.author):
				return None

			if not talk:
				msg = "*{}*, I'm out of time...".format(authorName)
				await dest.send(msg)
				return None
				# Check for a stop
				if talk.content.lower() == 'stop':
					msg = "No problem, *{}!*  See you later!".format(authorName, ctx.prefix)
					await dest.send(msg)
					return None
				# Make sure
				conf = await self.confirm(hw_id, ctx, talk, dest, "", author)
				if conf == True:
					# We're sure - return the value
					return talk
				elif conf == False:
					# Not sure - ask again
					return await self.prompt(hw_id, ctx, message, dest, author)
					# Timed out
					return None
Exemple #25
 async def brainfart(self, ctx):
     """Spout out some uh... intellectual brilliance..."""
     msg = await self.getTitle(
     await ctx.send(Nullify.escape_all(msg, markdown=False))
Exemple #26
	async def renhw(self, ctx, *, build = None):
		"""Renames a build from your build list."""
		hwChannel = None
		if ctx.guild:
			# Not a pm
			hwChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "HardwareChannel")
			if not (not hwChannel or hwChannel == ""):
				# We need the channel id
				if not str(hwChannel) == str(ctx.channel.id):
					msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that...'
					for chan in ctx.guild.channels:
						if str(chan.id) == str(hwChannel):
							msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that.  Take the hardware talk to the **{}** channel.'.format(chan.name)
					await ctx.channel.send(msg)
					hwChannel = self.bot.get_channel(hwChannel)
		if not hwChannel:
			# Nothing set - pm
			hwChannel = ctx.author

		# Make sure we're not already in a parts transaction
		if str(ctx.author.id) in self.hwactive:
			await ctx.send("You're already in a hardware session!  You can leave with `{}cancelhw`".format(ctx.prefix))

		buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
		if buildList == None:
			buildList = []
		if not len(buildList):
			# No parts!
			msg = 'You have no builds on file!  You can add some with the `{}newhw` command.'.format(ctx.prefix)
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)
		buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())

		mainBuild = None

		# Get build by name first - then by number
		if build is not None:
			for b in buildList:
				if b['Name'].lower() == build.lower():
					# Found it
					mainBuild = b

			if not mainBuild:
					build = int(build)-1
					if build >= 0 and build < len(buildList):
						mainBuild = buildList[build]
			# No build passed - get the main if it exists
			for b in buildList:
				if b['Main']:
					mainBuild = b

		if not mainBuild:
			msg = "I couldn't find that build or number."
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)

		# Set our HWActive flag
		hw_id = self.gen_id()
		self.hwactive[str(ctx.author.id)] = hw_id

		# Post the dm reaction
		if hwChannel == ctx.author and ctx.channel != ctx.author.dm_channel:
			await ctx.message.add_reaction("📬")

		# Here, we have a build
		bname = mainBuild['Name']
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			bname = Nullify.clean(bname)

		msg = 'Alright, *{}*, what do you want to rename "{}" to?'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname)
		while True:
				buildName = await self.prompt(hw_id, ctx, msg, hwChannel, DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
				# Can't send to the destination
				if hwChannel == ctx.author:
					# Must not accept pms
					await ctx.send("It looks like you don't accept pms.  Please enable them and try again.")
			if not buildName:
			buildExists = False
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Name'].lower() == buildName.content.lower():
					mesg = 'It looks like you already have a build by that name, *{}*.  Try again.'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
					await hwChannel.send(mesg)
					buildExists = True
			if not buildExists:
				mainBuild['Name'] = buildName.content
				# Flush settings to all servers
				self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware", buildList)
		bname2 = buildName.content
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			bname2 = Nullify.clean(bname2)
		msg = '*{}*, {} was renamed to {} successfully!'.format(DisplayName.name(ctx.author), bname, bname2)
		await hwChannel.send(msg)
Exemple #27
 async def answer(self, ctx):
     """Spout out some interstellar answering... ?"""
     answer = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "LastAnswer")
     msg = "You need to ask a `{}question` first!".format(
         ctx.prefix) if not answer else "{}".format(answer)
     await ctx.send(Nullify.escape_all(msg, markdown=False))
Exemple #28
	async def hw(self, ctx, *, user : str = None, build = None):
		"""Lists the hardware for either the user's default build - or the passed build."""
		if not user:
			user = "******".format(ctx.author.mention)

		# Let's check for username and build name
		parts = user.split()

		memFromName = None
		buildParts  = None

		for j in range(len(parts)):
			# Reverse search direction
			i = len(parts)-1-j

			# Name = 0 up to i joined by space
			nameStr = ' '.join(parts[0:i])
			buildStr = ' '.join(parts[i:])

			memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(nameStr, ctx.guild)
			if memFromName:
				buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
				if buildList == None:
					buildList = []
				for build in buildList:
					if build['Name'].lower() == buildStr.lower():
						# Ha! Found it!
						buildParts = build
				if buildParts:
					# We're in business
					memFromName = None

		if not memFromName:
			# Try again with numbers
			for j in range(len(parts)):
				# Reverse search direction
				i = len(parts)-1-j

				# Name = 0 up to i joined by space
				nameStr = ' '.join(parts[0:i])
				buildStr = ' '.join(parts[i:])

				memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(nameStr, ctx.guild)
				if memFromName:
					buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
					if buildList == None:
						buildList = []
					buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())
						buildStr = int(buildStr)-1
						if buildStr >= 0 and buildStr < len(buildList):
							buildParts = buildList[buildStr]
					except Exception:
						memFromName = None
						buildParts  = None
					if buildParts:
						# We're in business
						memFromName = None		

		if not memFromName:
			# One last shot - check if it's a build for us
			buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(ctx.author, "Hardware")
			if buildList == None:
				buildList = []
			buildList = sorted(buildList, key=lambda x:x['Name'].lower())
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Name'].lower() == user.lower():
					memFromName = ctx.author
					buildParts = build
			if not memFromName:
				# Okay - *this* time is the last - check for number
					user_as_build = int(user)-1
					if user_as_build >= 0 and user_as_build < len(buildList):
						buildParts = buildList[user_as_build]
						memFromName = ctx.author
				except Exception:
		if not memFromName:
			# Last check for a user passed as the only param
			memFromName = DisplayName.memberForName(user, ctx.guild)
		if not memFromName:
			# We couldn't find them :(
			msg = "I couldn't find that user/build combo..."
			await ctx.channel.send(msg)

		if buildParts == None:
			# Check if that user has no builds
			buildList = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(memFromName, "Hardware")
			if buildList == None:
				buildList = []
			if not len(buildList):
				# No parts!
				msg = ':facepalm: *{}* has no builds on file!  Please stop being lazy and fillout your hardware information. You can add some with the `{}newhw` command.'.format(DisplayName.name(memFromName), ctx.prefix)
				await ctx.channel.send(msg)
			# Must be the default build
			for build in buildList:
				if build['Main']:
					buildParts = build

			if not buildParts:
				# Well... uh... no defaults
				msg = "I couldn't find that user/build combo..."
				await ctx.channel.send(msg)
		# At this point - we *should* have a user and a build
		msg_head = "__**{}'s {}:**__\n\n".format(DisplayName.name(memFromName), buildParts['Name'])
		msg = msg_head + buildParts['Hardware']
		if len(msg) > 2000: # is there somwhere the discord char count is defined, to avoid hardcoding?
			msg = buildParts['Hardware'] # if the header pushes us over the limit, omit it and send just the string
		if self.checkSuppress(ctx):
			msg = Nullify.clean(msg)
		await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Exemple #29
	def suppressed(self, guild, msg):
		# Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
		if self.settings.getServerStat(guild, "SuppressMentions"):
			return Nullify.clean(msg)
			return msg
Exemple #30
    async def madlibs(self, ctx):
        """Let's play MadLibs!"""

        channel = ctx.message.channel
        author = ctx.message.author
        server = ctx.message.guild

        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions"):
            suppress = True
            suppress = False

        # Check if we have a MadLibs channel - and if so, restrict to that
        channelID = self.settings.getServerStat(server, "MadLibsChannel")
        if not (not channelID or channelID == ""):
            # We need the channel id
            if not str(channelID) == str(channel.id):
                msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that...'
                for chan in server.channels:
                    if str(chan.id) == str(channelID):
                        msg = 'This isn\'t the channel for that.  Take the MadLibs to the **{}** channel.'.format(
                await channel.send(msg)

        # Check if our folder exists
        if not os.path.isdir("./Cogs/MadLibs"):
            msg = 'I\'m not configured for MadLibs yet...'
            await channel.send(msg)

        # Folder exists - let's see if it has any files
        choices = []  # Empty array
        for file in os.listdir("./Cogs/MadLibs"):
            if file.endswith(".txt"):

        if len(choices) == 0:
            # No madlibs...
            msg = 'I\'m not configured for MadLibs yet...'
            await channel.send(msg)

        # Check if we're already in a game
        if self.playing_madlibs.get(str(server.id), False):
            msg = 'I\'m already playing MadLibs - use `{}{} [your word]` to submit answers.'.format(
                ctx.prefix, self.prefix)
            await channel.send(msg)

        self.playing_madlibs[str(server.id)] = True

        # Get a random madlib from those available
        randnum = random.randint(0, (len(choices) - 1))
        randLib = choices[randnum]

        # Let's load our text and get to work
        with open("./Cogs/MadLibs/{}".format(randLib), 'r') as myfile:
            data = myfile.read()

        # Set up an empty arry
        words = []

        # Match
        matches = re.finditer(self.regex, data)

        # Iterate matches
        for match in matches:

        # Create empty substitution array
        subs = []

        # Iterate words and ask for input
        i = 0
        while i < len(words):
            # Ask for the next word
            vowels = "aeiou"
            word = words[i][2:-2]
            if word[:1].lower() in vowels:
                msg = "I need an **{}** (word *{}/{}*).  `{}{} [your word]`".format(
                    words[i][2:-2], str(i + 1), str(len(words)), ctx.prefix,
                msg = "I need a **{}** (word *{}/{}*).  `{}{} [your word]`".format(
                    words[i][2:-2], str(i + 1), str(len(words)), ctx.prefix,
            await channel.send(msg)

            # Setup the check
            def check(msg):
                return msg.content.startswith("{}{}".format(
                    ctx.prefix, self.prefix)) and msg.channel == channel

            # Wait for a response
                talk = await self.bot.wait_for('message',
            except Exception:
                talk = None

            if not talk:
                # We timed out - leave the loop
                msg = "*{}*, I'm done waiting... we'll play another time.".format(
                await channel.send(msg)
                self.playing_madlibs.pop(str(server.id), None)

            # Check if the message is to leave
            if talk.content.lower().startswith('{}{}'.format(
                    ctx.prefix, self.leavePrefix.lower())):
                if talk.author is author:
                    msg = "Alright, *{}*.  We'll play another time.".format(
                    await channel.send(msg)
                    self.playing_madlibs.pop(str(server.id), None)
                    # Not the originator
                    msg = "Only the originator (*{}*) can leave the MadLibs.".format(
                    await channel.send(msg)

            # We got a relevant message
            word = talk.content
            # Let's remove the $ml prefix (with or without space)
            if word.startswith('{}{} '.format(ctx.prefix.lower(),
                word = word[len(ctx.prefix) + len(self.prefix) + 1:]
            if word.startswith('{}{}'.format(ctx.prefix.lower(),
                word = word[len(ctx.prefix) + len(self.prefix):]

            # Check capitalization
            if words[i][:3].isupper():
                # Capitalized
                word = string.capwords(word)

            # Add to our list
            # Increment our index
            i += 1

        # Let's replace
        for asub in subs:
            # Only replace the first occurence
            data = re.sub(self.regex, "**{}**".format(asub), data, 1)

        self.playing_madlibs.pop(str(server.id), None)

        # Check for suppress
        if suppress:
            data = Nullify.clean(data)
        # Message the output
        await channel.send(data)