dare = d.replace('/', ".")
         f = open(filename, "rb")
         numline = len(f.readlines())-4
         resultLocation = str(letter)+":/Comment-Graph Report/Result/Comment Report/" + str(dare) + ".txt" 
         nameLocation = str(letter) + ":/Comment-Graph Report/Result/Comment Report/" + str(dare) + " Names.txt"
         nameofnames = open(nameLocation, 'w')
         results = open(resultLocation, 'w')
         #Record current filename name
         results.write("\nName of filename: " + (str(filename[41:])))
         text = c.bumpIt(filename, d)
         overall = c.topicList(d, filename, ignoreWords)
         word = []
         #Open the filename and create a list of the words within
         negative = c.topicList("NEGATIVE", filename, ignoreWords)
         positive = c.topicList("POSITIVE", filename, ignoreWords)
         words = overall
         #words = a list of all words in the filename
         #positive = a list of all the words used in positive comments in the filename
         #negative = a list of all the words used in negative comments in the filename
         #Create filename to read for wordcloud