def rastToVectRecode(path, classif, vector, outputName, ram = "10000", dtype = "uint8", valvect = 255, valrastout = 255): """ Convert vector in raster file and change background value Parameters ---------- path : string working directory classif : string path to landcover classification vector : string vector file to rasterize outputName : string output filename and path ram : string ram for OTB applications dtype : string pixel type of the output raster valvect : integer value of vector to search valrastout : integer value to use to recode """ # Empty raster bmapp = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": classif, "exp": "im1b1*0", "ram": str(1 * float(ram)), "pixType": dtype, "out": os.path.join(path, 'temp.tif')}) #bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() p = mp.Process(target=executeApp, args=[bmapp]) p.start() p.join() # Burn tifMasqueMerRecode = os.path.join(path, 'masque_mer_recode.tif') rastApp = OtbAppBank.CreateRasterizationApplication({"in" : vector, "im" : os.path.join(path, 'temp.tif'), "background": 1, "out": tifMasqueMerRecode}) #bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() p = mp.Process(target=executeApp, args=[rastApp]) p.start() p.join() # Differenciate inland water and sea water bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": [classif, tifMasqueMerRecode], "exp": "(im2b1=={})?im1b1:{}".format(valvect, valrastout), "ram": str(1 * float(ram)), "pixType": dtype, "out": outputName}) #bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() p = mp.Process(target=executeApp, args=[bandMathAppli]) p.start() p.join() os.remove(tifMasqueMerRecode)
def maskSampleSelection(path, raster, maskmer, ram): tifMasqueMer = os.path.join(path, 'masque_mer.tif') bmapp = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": raster, "exp": "im1b1*0", "ram": ram, "pixType": 'uint8', "out": tifMasqueMer }) bmapp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() maskmerbuff = os.path.join( path, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(maskmer))[0] + '_buff.shp') BufferOgr.bufferPoly(maskmer, maskmerbuff, 500) tifMasqueMerRecode = os.path.join(path, 'masque_mer_recode.tif') rastApp = OtbAppBank.CreateRasterizationApplication( maskmerbuff, tifMasqueMer, 1, tifMasqueMerRecode) rastApp.Execute() #command = "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 %s %s"%(maskmerbuff, tifMasqueMer) #os.system(command) out = os.path.join(path, 'mask.tif') bmapp = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": [raster, rastApp], "exp": "((im1b1==0) || (im1b1==51)) && (im2b1==0)?0:1", "ram": ram, "pixType": 'uint8', "out": out }) bmapp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() return out
def generateBorderMask(data_img, out_mask, RAMPerProcess=4000): """ """ threshold = 0.0011 mask = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": data_img, "exp": "im1b1<{}?1:0".format(threshold), "ram": str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType": 'uint8' }) mask.Execute() borderMask = OtbAppBank.CreateBinaryMorphologicalOperation({ "in": mask, "out": out_mask, "ram": str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "uint8", "filter": "opening", "ballxradius": 5, "ballyradius": 5 }) dep = mask return borderMask, dep
def RastersToSqlitePoint(path, vecteur, field, outname, ram, rtype, rasters, maskmer=None, split=None): timeinit = time.time() # Rasters concatenation if len(rasters) > 1: concatApp = OtbAppBank.CreateConcatenateImagesApplication({ "il": rasters, "ram": ram, "pixType": rtype }) concatApp.Execute() classif = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": rasters[0], "exp": "im1b1", "ram": ram, "pixType": rtype }) classif.Execute() else: concatApp = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": rasters, "exp": "im1b1", "ram": ram, "pixType": rtype }) concatApp.Execute() timeconcat = time.time() print " ".join([ " : ".join(["Raster concatenation", str(timeconcat - timeinit)]), "seconds" ]) # Stats and sample selection if len(rasters) == 1: classif = concatApp outsqlite = sampleSelection(path, classif, vecteur, field, ram, split, maskmer) # Stats extraction outtmp = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(outname)) sampleExtraction(concatApp, outsqlite, field, outtmp, split, ram) shutil.copyfile(outtmp, outname)
def sampleSelection(path, raster, vecteur, field, ram='128', split=None, mask=None): timeinit = time.time() # polygon class stats (stats.xml) outxml = os.path.join(path, 'stats' + str(split) + '.xml') otbParams = { 'in': raster, 'vec': vecteur, 'field': field, 'out': outxml, 'ram': ram } statsApp = OtbAppBank.CreatePolygonClassStatisticsApplication(otbParams) statsApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'stats.xml'), '/work/OT/theia/oso/vincent/vectorisation/') timestats = time.time() print " ".join([ " : ".join(["Stats calculation", str(timestats - timeinit)]), "seconds" ]) if mask is not None: mask = maskSampleSelection(path, raster, mask, ram) else: mask = None # Sample selection outsqlite = os.path.join(path, 'sample_selection' + str(split) + '.sqlite') if mask is None: otbParams = {'in':raster, 'vec':vecteur, 'field':field, 'instats': outxml, \ 'out':outsqlite, 'ram':ram, 'strategy':'all', 'sampler':'random'} else: otbParams = {'in':raster, 'vec':vecteur, 'field':field, 'instats': outxml, \ 'out':outsqlite, 'mask':mask, 'ram':ram, 'strategy':'all', 'sampler':'random'} sampleApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSampleSelectionApplication(otbParams) sampleApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, outsqlite), '/work/OT/theia/oso/vincent/vectorisation/') timesample = time.time() print " ".join([ " : ".join(["Sample selection", str(timesample - timestats)]), "seconds" ]) return outsqlite
def generateBorderMask(self, AllOrtho): print("Generate Mask ...") masks = [] for currentOrtho, _ in AllOrtho: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(currentOrtho) if "vv" not in currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter): continue workingDirectory = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[0] nameBorderMask = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[1].replace( ".tif", "_BorderMask.tif") nameBorderMaskTMP = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[1].replace( ".tif", "_BorderMask_TMP.tif") bandMathMask = os.path.join(workingDirectory, nameBorderMaskTMP) currentOrtho_out = currentOrtho if self.wMode: currentOrtho_out.GetParameterValue(outputParameter) maskBM = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": currentOrtho_out, "exp": "im1b1<0.0011?1:0", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": 'uint8', "out": bandMathMask }) if self.wMode: maskBM.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: maskBM.Execute() borderMaskOut = os.path.join(workingDirectory, nameBorderMask) maskBM_out = maskBM if self.wMode: maskBM_out.GetParameterValue("out") borderMask = OtbAppBank.CreateBinaryMorphologicalOperation({ "in": maskBM, "out": borderMaskOut, "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "uint8", "filter": "opening", "ballxradius": 5, "ballyradius": 5 }) masks.append((borderMask, maskBM)) return masks
def doCalibrationCmd(self, rawRaster): """ OUT : allCmdOrho [list of otb application list to Execute or ExecuteAndWriteOutput] allCmdCalib [all dependence to run ortho] """ allCmdCalib = [] allCmdOrtho = [] for i in range(len(rawRaster)): for image in rawRaster[i].GetImageList(): calibrate = image.replace(".tiff", "_calibrate.tiff") image_OK = image.replace(".tiff", "_OrthoReady.tiff") if os.path.exists(image_OK) == True: continue calib = OtbAppBank.CreateSarCalibration({ "in": image, "out": calibrate, "lut": "gamma", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess) }) if self.wMode: calib.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: calib.Execute() allCmdCalib.append(calib) calib_out = calib if self.wMode: calib_out = calib.GetParameterValue("out") expression = 'im1b1<' + str(self.borderThreshold) + '?' + str( self.borderThreshold) + ':im1b1 ' orthoRdy = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": calib_out, "exp": expression, "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "float", "out": image_OK }) allCmdOrtho.append(orthoRdy) return allCmdOrtho, allCmdCalib
def writeOutputRaster(OTB_App, overwrite=True, workingDirectory=None, logger=logger): """ """ import shutil from Common import OtbAppBank as otbApp out_param = otbApp.getInputParameterOutput(OTB_App) out_raster = OTB_App.GetParameterValue(out_param) launch_write = True if os.path.exists(out_raster.split("?")[0]) and not overwrite: launch_write = False if workingDirectory is None and launch_write: OTB_App.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() elif launch_write: out_raster_dir, out_raster_name = os.path.split(out_raster) out_workingDir = os.path.join(workingDirectory, out_raster_name) out_workingDir = out_workingDir.split("?")[0] OTB_App.SetParameterString(out_param, out_workingDir) OTB_App.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.copy(out_workingDir, out_raster.split("?")[0]) if os.path.exists(out_workingDir.replace(".tif", ".geom")): shutil.copy(out_workingDir.replace(".tif", ".geom"), out_raster.replace(".tif", ".geom").split("?")[0]) if not launch_write: "{} already exists and will not be overwrited".format(out_raster)) OTB_App = None return out_raster
def findTilesToConcatenate(applicationList): """ OUT: listOfList: Example [[r1,r2],[r3,r4],... mean r1 and r2 must be concatenates together same for r3,r4 """ concatenate = [] names = [(currentName.split("_")[-1].split("t")[0], currentName) for currentName in OtbAppBank.unPackFirst(applicationList) ] names = sortByFirstElem(names) toConcat = [ rasterList for currentDate, rasterList in names if len(rasterList) > 2 ] for dateToConcat in toConcat: tmp = [(currentRaster.split("_")[2], currentRaster) for currentRaster in dateToConcat] tmp = sortByFirstElem(tmp)[::-1] #VV first then VH for pol, rasters in tmp: concatenate.append(rasters) Filter = [] for ToConcat in concatenate: sat = [CToConcat.split("_")[0] for CToConcat in ToConcat] if not sat.count(sat[0]) == len(sat): continue Filter.append(ToConcat) return Filter
def getDatesInOtbOutputName(otbObj): if isinstance(otbObj,str): return int(otbObj.split("/")[-1].split("_")[4].split("t")[0]) elif type(otbObj)==otb.Application: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(otbObj) return int(otbObj.GetParameterValue(outputParameter).split("/")[-1].split("_")[4].split("t")[0])
def SAR_floatToInt(filterApplication, nb_bands, RAMPerProcess, outputFormat="uint16", db_min=-25, db_max=3): """transform float SAR values to integer """ import math from Common import OtbAppBank as otbApp min_val = str(10.0**(db_min / 10.0)) max_val = str(10.0**(db_max / 10.0)) min_val_scale = 0 max_val_scale = "((2^16)-1)" if outputFormat == "uint8": max_val_scale = "((2^8)-1)" #build expression to_db_expression = "10*log10(im1bX)" scale_expression = "(({}-{})/({}-{}))*({})+({}-(({}-{})*{})/({}-{}))".format( max_val_scale, min_val_scale, db_max, db_min, to_db_expression, min_val_scale, max_val_scale, min_val_scale, db_min, db_max, db_min) scale_max_val = (2**16) - 1 scale_min_val = 0 threshold_expression = "{0}>{1}?{3}:{0}<{2}?{4}:{5}".format( to_db_expression, db_max, db_min, scale_max_val, scale_min_val, scale_expression) expression = ";".join([ threshold_expression.replace("X", str(i + 1)) for i in range(nb_bands) ]) outputPath = filterApplication.GetParameterValue( otbApp.getInputParameterOutput(filterApplication)) convert = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathXApplication({ "il": filterApplication, "out": outputPath, "exp": expression, "ram": str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType": outputFormat }) return convert
def maskOTBBandMathOutput(path, raster, exp, ram, output, dstnodata=0): outbm = os.path.join(path, "mask.tif") bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": raster, "exp": exp, "ram": str(ram), "pixType": "uint8", "out": outbm }) p = mp.Process(target=executeApp, args=[bandMathAppli]) p.start() p.join() gdal.Warp(output, outbm, dstNodata=dstnodata, multithread=True, format="GTiff", \ warpOptions=[["NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS"],["OVERWRITE=TRUE"]]) os.remove(outbm) return output
def sampleExtraction(raster, sample, field, outname, split, ram='128'): timesample = time.time() # Sample extraction outfile = os.path.splitext(str(outname))[0] + split + os.path.splitext( str(outname))[1] otbParams = { 'in': raster, 'vec': sample, 'field': field.lower(), 'out': outfile, 'ram': ram } extractApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSampleExtractionApplication(otbParams) extractApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() timeextract = time.time() print " ".join([ " : ".join(["Sample extraction", str(timeextract - timesample)]), "seconds" ])
def extractStats(vectorIn, pathConf, wD=None): dataField = Config(open(pathConf)).chain.dataField iota2Folder = Config(open(pathConf)).chain.outputPath tileToCompute = vectorIn.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] modelToCompute = vectorIn.split("/")[-1].split("_")[2].split("f")[0] seed = vectorIn.split("/")[-1].split("_")[3].replace("seed", "") workingDirectory = iota2Folder + "/final/TMP" shapeMode = vectorIn.split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].split(".")[ 0] #'learn' or 'val' if wD: workingDirectory = wD try: refImg = fut.FileSearch_AND(iota2Folder + "/final/TMP", True, tileToCompute, ".tif")[0] except: raise Exception("reference image can not be found in " + iota2Folder + "/final/TMP") statsFile = workingDirectory + "/" + tileToCompute + "_stats_model_" + modelToCompute + ".xml" stats = otbApp.CreatePolygonClassStatisticsApplication({"in":refImg, "vec":vectorIn,\ "out":statsFile, "field":dataField}) stats.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() selVector = workingDirectory + "/" + tileToCompute + "_selection_model_" + modelToCompute + ".sqlite" sampleS = otbApp.CreateSampleSelectionApplication({"in":refImg, "vec":vectorIn, "out":selVector,\ "instats":statsFile, "strategy":"all",\ "field":dataField}) sampleS.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() classificationRaster = fut.FileSearch_AND( iota2Folder + "/final/TMP", True, tileToCompute + "_seed_" + seed + ".tif")[0] validity = fut.FileSearch_AND(iota2Folder + "/final/TMP", True, tileToCompute + "_Cloud.tif")[0] confiance = fut.FileSearch_AND( iota2Folder + "/final/TMP", True, tileToCompute + "_GlobalConfidence_seed_" + seed + ".tif")[0] stack = [classificationRaster, validity, confiance] dataStack = otbApp.CreateConcatenateImagesApplication({ "il": stack, "ram": '1000', "pixType": "uint8", "out": "" }) dataStack.Execute() outSampleExtraction = workingDirectory + "/" + tileToCompute + "_extraction_model_" + modelToCompute + "_" + shapeMode + ".sqlite" extraction = otbApp.CreateSampleExtractionApplication({"in":dataStack, "vec":selVector,\ "field":dataField, " out":outSampleExtraction,\ "outfield":"list",\ "outfield.list.names":["predictedClass", "validity", "confidence"]}) extraction.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() conn = lite.connect(outSampleExtraction) cursor = conn.cursor() SQL = "alter table output add column TILE TEXT" cursor.execute(SQL) SQL = "update output set TILE='" + tileToCompute + "'" cursor.execute(SQL) SQL = "alter table output add column MODEL TEXT" cursor.execute(SQL) SQL = "update output set MODEL='" + modelToCompute + "'" cursor.execute(SQL) conn.commit() os.remove(statsFile) os.remove(selVector) if wD: shutil.copy(outSampleExtraction, iota2Folder + "/final/TMP")
def LaunchSARreprojection(rasterList, refRaster=None, tileName=None, SRTM=None, geoid=None, output_directory=None, RAMPerProcess=None, workingDirectory=None): """must be use with multiprocessing.Pool """ def writeOutputRaster_2(OTB_App, overwrite=True, workingDirectory=None, dep=None, logger=logger): """ """ import shutil from Common import OtbAppBank as otbApp out_param = otbApp.getInputParameterOutput(OTB_App) out_raster = OTB_App.GetParameterValue(out_param) launch_write = True if os.path.exists(out_raster.split("?")[0]) and not overwrite: launch_write = False if workingDirectory is None and launch_write: OTB_App.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() elif launch_write: out_raster_dir, out_raster_name = os.path.split(out_raster) out_workingDir = os.path.join(workingDirectory, out_raster_name) out_workingDir = out_workingDir.split("?")[0] OTB_App.SetParameterString(out_param, out_workingDir) OTB_App.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.copy(out_workingDir, out_raster.split("?")[0]) if os.path.exists(out_workingDir.replace(".tif", ".geom")): shutil.copy(out_workingDir.replace(".tif", ".geom"), out_raster.replace(".tif", ".geom").split("?")[0]) if not launch_write:"{} already exists and will not be overwrited".format( out_raster)) OTB_App = None return out_raster date_position = 4 all_superI_vv = [] all_superI_vh = [] all_acquisition_date_vv = [] all_acquisition_date_vh = [] dates = [] all_dep = [] for date_to_Concatenate in rasterList: #Calibration + Superimpose vv, vh = date_to_Concatenate.GetImageList() SAR_directory, SAR_name = os.path.split(vv) currentPlatform = getPlatformFromS1Raster(vv) manifest = date_to_Concatenate.getManifest() currentOrbitDirection = getOrbitDirection(manifest) acquisition_date = SAR_name.split("-")[date_position] dates.append(acquisition_date) calib_vv = OtbAppBank.CreateSarCalibration({ "in": vv, "lut": "gamma", "ram": str(RAMPerProcess) }) calib_vh = OtbAppBank.CreateSarCalibration({ "in": vh, "lut": "gamma", "ram": str(RAMPerProcess) }) calib_vv.Execute() calib_vh.Execute() all_dep.append(calib_vv) all_dep.append(calib_vh) orthoImageName_vv = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(currentPlatform, tileName, "vv", currentOrbitDirection, acquisition_date) super_vv, super_vv_dep = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": refRaster, "inm": calib_vv, "pixType": "float", "interpolator": "bco", "ram": RAMPerProcess, "elev.dem": SRTM, "elev.geoid": geoid }) orthoImageName_vh = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(currentPlatform, tileName, "vh", currentOrbitDirection, acquisition_date) super_vh, super_vh_dep = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": refRaster, "inm": calib_vh, "pixType": "float", "interpolator": "bco", "ram": RAMPerProcess, "elev.dem": SRTM, "elev.geoid": geoid }) super_vv.Execute() super_vh.Execute() all_dep.append(super_vv) all_dep.append(super_vh) all_superI_vv.append(super_vv) all_superI_vh.append(super_vh) all_acquisition_date_vv.append(orthoImageName_vv) all_acquisition_date_vh.append(orthoImageName_vh) all_acquisition_date_vv = "_".join(sorted(all_acquisition_date_vv)) all_acquisition_date_vh = "_".join(sorted(all_acquisition_date_vh)) #Concatenate thanks to a BandMath vv_exp = ",".join( ["im{}b1".format(i + 1) for i in range(len(all_superI_vv))]) vv_exp = "max({})".format(vv_exp) SAR_vv = os.path.join(output_directory, all_acquisition_date_vv + ".tif") concatAppli_vv = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": all_superI_vv, "exp": vv_exp, "out": SAR_vv, "ram": str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "float" }) vh_exp = ",".join( ["im{}b1".format(i + 1) for i in range(len(all_superI_vh))]) vh_exp = "max({})".format(vh_exp) SAR_vh = os.path.join(output_directory, all_acquisition_date_vh + ".tif") concatAppli_vh = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": all_superI_vh, "exp": vh_exp, "out": SAR_vh, "ram": str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "float" }) ortho_path = writeOutputRaster_2(concatAppli_vv, overwrite=False, workingDirectory=workingDirectory, dep=all_dep) ortho_path = writeOutputRaster_2(concatAppli_vh, overwrite=False, workingDirectory=workingDirectory, dep=all_dep) #from the results generate a mask super_vv = os.path.join(output_directory, all_acquisition_date_vv + ".tif") border_mask = super_vv.replace(".tif", "_BorderMask.tif") mask_app, _ = generateBorderMask(super_vv, border_mask, RAMPerProcess=RAMPerProcess) mask_path = writeOutputRaster(mask_app, overwrite=False, workingDirectory=workingDirectory) mask_path_geom = mask_path.replace(".tif", ".geom") if os.path.exists(mask_path_geom): os.remove(mask_path_geom) return (SAR_vv, SAR_vh)
def concatenateImage(self, orthoList, maskList, tile): """ Concatenate Ortho at the same date """ def sortByFirstElem(MyList): from collections import defaultdict """ Example 1: MyList = [(1,2),(1,1),(6,1),(1,4),(6,7)] print sortByElem(MyList) >> [(1, [2, 1, 4]), (6, [1, 7])] Example 2: MyList = [((1,6),2),((1,6),1),((1,2),1),((1,6),4),((1,2),7)] print sortByElem(MyList) >> [((1, 2), [1, 7]), ((1, 6), [2, 1, 4])] """ d = defaultdict(list) for k, v in MyList: d[k].append(v) return list(d.items()) def findTilesToConcatenate(applicationList): """ OUT: listOfList: Example [[r1,r2],[r3,r4],... mean r1 and r2 must be concatenates together same for r3,r4 """ concatenate = [] names = [(currentName.split("_")[-1].split("t")[0], currentName) for currentName in OtbAppBank.unPackFirst(applicationList) ] names = sortByFirstElem(names) toConcat = [ rasterList for currentDate, rasterList in names if len(rasterList) > 2 ] for dateToConcat in toConcat: tmp = [(currentRaster.split("_")[2], currentRaster) for currentRaster in dateToConcat] tmp = sortByFirstElem(tmp)[::-1] #VV first then VH for pol, rasters in tmp: concatenate.append(rasters) Filter = [] for ToConcat in concatenate: sat = [CToConcat.split("_")[0] for CToConcat in ToConcat] if not sat.count(sat[0]) == len(sat): continue Filter.append(ToConcat) return Filter def findMasksToConcatenate(maskList): concatenate = [] names = [ os.path.split(mask.GetParameterValue("out"))[-1].split("?")[0] for mask, dep in maskList ] nameDate = [(name.split("_")[4].split("t")[0], name) for name in names] nameDate = sortByFirstElem(nameDate) for date, maskList in nameDate: if len(maskList) > 1: concatenate.append(maskList) #check if all masks comes from the same satellite maskFilter = [] for masksToConcat in concatenate: sat = [ CmasksToConcat.split("_")[0] for CmasksToConcat in masksToConcat ] if not sat.count(sat[0]) == len(sat): continue maskFilter.append(masksToConcat) return maskFilter print("concatenate") allOrtho = [] allMasks = [] imageList = [(os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue( OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(currentOrtho)))[-1].split( "?")[0], currentOrtho, _) for currentOrtho, _ in orthoList] imageList.sort() rastersToConcat = findTilesToConcatenate(imageList) #fill ortho for rasters in rastersToConcat: tmp = [] name = [] for pol in rasters: name.append(pol.replace(".tif", "")) for currentOrtho, _ in orthoList: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput( currentOrtho) if pol in currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter): if self.wMode == False: tmp.append((currentOrtho, _)) else: tmp.append( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue( OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput( currentOrtho))) name = "_".join(name) + ".tif" outputImage = os.path.join(self.outputPreProcess, tile, name + "?&writegeom=false") concatAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": tmp, "exp": "max(im1b1,im2b1)", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "float", "out": outputImage }) allOrtho.append(concatAppli) for currentOrtho, _ in orthoList: outputParameter = OtbAppBank.getInputParameterOutput(currentOrtho) currentName = os.path.split( currentOrtho.GetParameterValue(outputParameter))[-1].split( "?")[0] if not currentName in [ currentRaster for currentRasters in rastersToConcat for currentRaster in currentRasters ]: allOrtho.append(currentOrtho) #fill masks if not maskList: return allOrtho, [] masksToConcat = findMasksToConcatenate(maskList) for mask in masksToConcat: tmp_m = [] maskName = [] for dateMask in mask: maskName.append(dateMask) for currentMask, _ in maskList: if dateMask in currentMask.GetParameterValue("out"): if self.wMode == False: tmp_m.append((currentMask, _)) else: tmp_m.append(currentMask.GetParameterValue("out")) maskName = "_".join([ elem.replace(".tif", "").replace("_BorderMask", "") for elem in maskName ]) + "_BorderMask.tif" outputImage = os.path.join(self.outputPreProcess, tile, maskName) concatAppliM = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": tmp_m, "exp": "max(im1b1,im2b1)", "ram": str(self.RAMPerProcess), "pixType": "uint8", "out": outputImage + "?&writegeom=false" }) allMasks.append((concatAppliM, "")) for currentMask, _ in maskList: currentName = os.path.split( currentMask.GetParameterValue("out"))[-1].split("?")[0] if not currentName in [ currentRaster for currentRasters in masksToConcat for currentRaster in currentRasters ]: allMasks.append((currentMask, _)) return allOrtho, allMasks
def DoAugmentation(samples, class_augmentation, strategy, field, excluded_fields=[], Jstdfactor=None, Sneighbors=None, workingDirectory=None, logger=logger): """perform data augmentation according to input parameters Parameters ---------- samples : string path to the set of samples to augment (OGR geometries must be 'POINT') class_augmentation : dict number of new samples to compute by class strategy : string which method to use in order to perform data augmentation (replicate/jitter/smote) field : string data's field excluded_fields : list do not consider these fields to perform data augmentation Jstdfactor : float Factor for dividing the standard deviation of each feature Sneighbors : int Number of nearest neighbors (smote's method) workingDirectory : string path to a working directory Note ---- This function use the OTB's application **SampleAugmentation**, more documentation `here <>`_ """ from Common import OtbAppBank samples_dir_o, samples_name = os.path.split(samples) samples_dir = samples_dir_o if workingDirectory: samples_dir = workingDirectory shutil.copy(samples, samples_dir) samples = os.path.join(samples_dir, samples_name) augmented_files = [] for class_name, class_samples_augmentation in list( class_augmentation.items()): "{} samples of class {} will be generated by data augmentation ({} method) in {}" .format(class_samples_augmentation, class_name, strategy, samples)) sample_name_augmented = "_".join([ os.path.splitext(samples_name)[0], "aug_class_{}.sqlite".format(class_name) ]) output_sample_augmented = os.path.join(samples_dir, sample_name_augmented) parameters = { "in": samples, "field": field, "out": output_sample_augmented, "label": class_name, "strategy": strategy, "samples": class_samples_augmentation } if excluded_fields: parameters["exclude"] = excluded_fields if strategy.lower() == "jitter": parameters["strategy.jitter.stdfactor"] = Jstdfactor elif strategy.lower() == "smote": parameters["strategy.smote.neighbors"] = Sneighbors augmentation_application = OtbAppBank.CreateSampleAugmentationApplication( parameters) augmentation_application.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() logger.debug("{} samples of class {} were added in {}".format( class_samples_augmentation, class_name, samples)) augmented_files.append(output_sample_augmented) outputVector = os.path.join( samples_dir, "_".join([os.path.splitext(samples_name)[0], "augmented.sqlite"])) fut.mergeSQLite("_".join([os.path.splitext(samples_name)[0], "augmented"]), samples_dir, [samples] + augmented_files)"Every data augmentation done in {}".format(samples)) shutil.move(outputVector, os.path.join(samples_dir_o, samples_name)) #clean-up for augmented_file in augmented_files: os.remove(augmented_file)
def regularisation(raster, threshold, nbcores, path, ram = "128"): filetodelete = [] # First regularisation in connection 8, second in connection 4 init_regul = time.time() # A mask for each regularization rule # Agricultuture bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==11 || im1b1==12)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_1.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_1.tif')) # Forest bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==31 || im1b1==32)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_2.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_2.tif')) # Urban bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==41 || im1b1==42 || im1b1==43)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_3.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_3.tif')) # Open natural areas bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==34 || im1b1==36 || im1b1==211)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_4.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_4.tif')) # Bare soil bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==45 || im1b1==46)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_5.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_5.tif')) # Perennial agriculture bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==221 || im1b1==222)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_6.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_6.tif')) # Road bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==44)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_7.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_7.tif')) # Water bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==51)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_8.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_8.tif')) # Snow and glacier bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": raster, "exp": '(im1b1==53)?im1b1:0', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_9.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() filetodelete.append(os.path.join(path, 'mask_9.tif')) for i in range(9): command = "gdalwarp -q -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=%s -dstnodata 0 %s/mask_%s.tif %s/mask_nd_%s.tif"%(nbcores, \ path, \ str(i + 1), \ path, \ str(i + 1)) filetodelete.append("%s/mask_nd_%s.tif"%(path, str(i + 1))) masktime = time.time() print(" ".join([" : ".join(["Masks generation for adaptive rules", str(masktime - init_regul)]), "seconds"])) # Two successive regularisation (8 neighbors then 4 neighbors) for i in range(2): if i == 0: connexion = 8 else : connexion = 4 # Tiles number to treat in parralel pool = Pool(processes = 6) iterable = (np.arange(6)).tolist() function = partial(gdal_sieve, threshold, connexion, path), iterable) pool.close() pool.join() for j in range(6): command = "gdalwarp -q -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=%s -dstnodata 0 %s/mask_%s_%s.tif %s/mask_nd_%s_%s.tif"%(nbcores, \ path, \ str(j + 1), \ str(connexion), \ path, \ str(j + 1), \ str(connexion)) for j in range(6): os.remove(path + "/mask_%s_%s.tif"%(str(j + 1),str(connexion))) for j in range(6): os.remove(path + "/mask_nd_%s_8.tif"%(str(j + 1))) adaptativetime = time.time() print(" ".join([" : ".join(["Adaptative regularizations", str(adaptativetime - masktime)]), "seconds"])) # Fusion of rule-based regularisation rastersList = [os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_1_4.tif"), os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_2_4.tif"), os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_3_4.tif"), \ os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_4_4.tif"), os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_5_4.tif"), os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_6_4.tif"), \ os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_7.tif"), os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_8.tif"), os.path.join(path, "mask_nd_9.tif")] bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({"il": rastersList, "exp": 'im1b1+im2b1+\ im3b1+im4b1+\ im5b1+im6b1+\ im7b1+im8b1+\ im9b1', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": "uint8", "out": os.path.join(path, 'mask_regul_adapt.tif')}) bandMathAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() for filemask in rastersList: os.remove(filemask) command = "gdalwarp -q -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=" command += "%s -dstnodata 0 %s/mask_regul_adapt.tif %s/mask_nd_regul_adapt.tif"%(nbcores, \ path, \ path) filetodelete.append("%s/mask_regul_adapt.tif"%(path)) # Regularisation based on majority voting # 8 neighbors command = " -q -8 -st " command += "%s %s/mask_nd_regul_adapt.tif %s/mask_regul_adapt_0.tif" %(threshold, \ path, \ path) filetodelete.append("%s/mask_nd_regul_adapt.tif"%(path)) command = "gdalwarp -q -multi -wo NUM_THREADS=" command += "%s -dstnodata 0 %s/mask_regul_adapt_0.tif %s/mask_nd_regul_adapt_0.tif"%(nbcores, \ path, \ path) filetodelete.append("%s/mask_regul_adapt_0.tif"%(path)) # 4 neighbors command = " -q -4 -st " command += "%s %s/mask_nd_regul_adapt_0.tif %s/regul_adapt_maj.tif" %(threshold, \ path, \ path) filetodelete.append("%s/mask_nd_regul_adapt_0.tif"%(path)) out_classif_sieve = "%s/regul_adapt_maj.tif"%(path) majoritytime = time.time() print(" ".join([" : ".join(["Majority voting regularization", str(majoritytime - adaptativetime)]), "seconds"])) for filetodel in filetodelete: if os.path.exists(filetodel): os.remove(filetodel) end_regul = time.time() - init_regul return out_classif_sieve, end_regul
def mergeFinalClassifications(iota2_dir, dataField, nom_path, colorFile, runs=1, pixType='uint8', method="majorityvoting", undecidedlabel=255, dempstershafer_mob="precision", keep_runs_results=True, enableCrossValidation=False, validationShape=None, workingDirectory=None, logger=logger): """function use to merge classifications by majorityvoting or dempstershafer's method and evaluate it. get all classifications Classif_Seed_*.tif in the /final directory and fusion them under the raster call Classifications_fusion.tif. Then compute statistics using the results_utils library Parameters ---------- iota2_dir : string path to the iota2's output path dataField : string data's field name nom_path : string path to the nomenclature file colorFile : string path to the color file description runs : int number of iota2 runs (random learning splits) pixType : string output pixel format (available in OTB) method : string fusion's method (majorityvoting/dempstershafer) undecidedlabel : int label for label for un-decisions dempstershafer_mob : string mass of belief measurement (precision/recall/accuracy/kappa) keep_runs_results : bool flag to inform if seeds results could be overwritten enableCrossValidation : bool flag to inform if cross validation is enable validationShape : string path to a shape dedicated to validate fusion of classifications workingDirectory : string path to a working directory See Also -------- results_utils.gen_confusion_matrix_fig results_utils.stats_report """ import shutil from Common import OtbAppBank as otbApp from Validation import ResultsUtils as ru from Common import CreateIndexedColorImage as color fusion_name = "Classifications_fusion.tif" new_results_seed_file = "RESULTS_seeds.txt" fusion_vec_name = "fusion_validation" #without extension confusion_matrix_name = "fusionConfusion.png" if not method in ["majorityvoting", "dempstershafer"]: err_msg = "the fusion method must be 'majorityvoting' or 'dempstershafer'" logger.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) if not dempstershafer_mob in ["precision", "recall", "accuracy", "kappa"]: err_msg = "the dempstershafer MoB must be 'precision' or 'recall' or 'accuracy' or 'kappa'" logger.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) iota2_dir_final = os.path.join(iota2_dir, "final") wd = iota2_dir_final wd_merge = os.path.join(iota2_dir_final, "merge_final_classifications") if workingDirectory: wd = workingDirectory wd_merge = workingDirectory final_classifications = [ fut.FileSearch_AND(iota2_dir_final, True, "Classif_Seed_{}.tif".format(run))[0] for run in range(runs) ] fusion_path = os.path.join(wd, fusion_name) fusion_options = compute_fusion_options(iota2_dir_final, final_classifications, method, undecidedlabel, dempstershafer_mob, pixType, fusion_path) logger.debug("fusion options:") logger.debug(fusion_options) fusion_app = otbApp.CreateFusionOfClassificationsApplication( fusion_options) logger.debug("START fusion of final classifications") fusion_app.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() logger.debug("END fusion of final classifications") fusion_color_index = color.CreateIndexedColorImage( fusion_path, colorFile, co_option=["COMPRESS=LZW"], output_pix_type=gdal.GDT_Byte if pixType == "uint8" else gdal.GDT_UInt16) confusion_matrix = os.path.join(iota2_dir_final, "merge_final_classifications", "confusion_mat_maj_vote.csv") if enableCrossValidation is False: vector_val = fut.FileSearch_AND( os.path.join(iota2_dir_final, "merge_final_classifications"), True, "_majvote.sqlite") else: vector_val = fut.FileSearch_AND(os.path.join(iota2_dir, "dataAppVal"), True, "val.sqlite") if validationShape: validation_vector = validationShape else: fut.mergeSQLite(fusion_vec_name, wd_merge, vector_val) validation_vector = os.path.join(wd_merge, fusion_vec_name + ".sqlite") confusion = otbApp.CreateComputeConfusionMatrixApplication({ "in": fusion_path, "out": confusion_matrix, "ref": "vector", "ref.vector.nodata": "0", "": validation_vector, "ref.vector.field": dataField.lower(), "nodatalabel": "0", "ram": "5000" }) confusion.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() maj_vote_conf_mat = os.path.join(iota2_dir_final, confusion_matrix_name) ru.gen_confusion_matrix_fig(csv_in=confusion_matrix, out_png=maj_vote_conf_mat, nomenclature_path=nom_path, undecidedlabel=undecidedlabel, dpi=900) if keep_runs_results: seed_results = fut.FileSearch_AND(iota2_dir_final, True, "RESULTS.txt")[0] shutil.copy(seed_results, os.path.join(iota2_dir_final, new_results_seed_file)) maj_vote_report = os.path.join(iota2_dir_final, "RESULTS.txt") ru.stats_report(csv_in=[confusion_matrix], nomenclature_path=nom_path, out_report=maj_vote_report, undecidedlabel=undecidedlabel) if workingDirectory: shutil.copy(fusion_path, iota2_dir_final) shutil.copy(fusion_color_index, iota2_dir_final) os.remove(fusion_path)
def clumpAndStackClassif(path, raster, outpath, ram, float64=False, exe64="", logger=logger): begin_clump = time.time() # split path and file name of outfilename out = os.path.dirname(outpath) outfilename = os.path.basename(outpath) # Clump Classif with OTB segmentation algorithm clumpAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateClumpApplication({ "in": raster, "": 'distance<1', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": 'uint32', "mode": "raster", "filter": "cc", "mode.raster.out": os.path.join(path, 'clump.tif') }) if not float64: clumpAppli.Execute() clumptime = time.time()" ".join([ " : ".join( ["Input raster well clumped : ", str(clumptime - begin_clump)]), "seconds" ])) # Add 300 to all clump ID bandMathAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": clumpAppli, "exp": 'im1b1+300', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": 'uint32', "out": os.path.join(path, 'clump300.tif') }) bandMathAppli.Execute() dataRamAppli = OtbAppBank.CreateBandMathApplication({ "il": raster, "exp": 'im1b1', "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": 'uint8' }) dataRamAppli.Execute() concatImages = OtbAppBank.CreateConcatenateImagesApplication({ "il": [dataRamAppli, bandMathAppli], "ram": str(0.2 * float(ram)), "pixType": 'uint32', "out": os.path.join(path, outfilename) }) concatImages.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() concattime = time.time()" ".join([ " : ".join([ "Regularized and Clumped rasters concatenation : ", str(concattime - clumptime) ]), "seconds" ])) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(path, outfilename), os.path.join(out, outfilename)) else: clumpAppli.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() command = '%s/iota2BandMath %s "%s" %s %s'%(exe64, \ os.path.join(path, 'clump.tif'), \ "im1b1+300", \ os.path.join(path, 'clump300.tif'), \ 10) try: clumptime = time.time()" ".join([ " : ".join([ "Input raster well clumped : ", str(clumptime - begin_clump) ]), "seconds" ])) except: logger.error( "Application 'iota2BandMath' for 64 bits does not exist, please change 64 bits binaries path" ) sys.exit() command = '%s/iota2ConcatenateImages %s %s %s %s'%((exe64, raster, \ os.path.join(path, 'clump300.tif'), \ os.path.join(path, outfilename), 10)) try: concattime = time.time()" ".join([" : ".join(["Regularized and Clumped rasters concatenation : ", \ str(concattime - clumptime)]), "seconds"])) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(path, outfilename), os.path.join(out, outfilename)) os.remove(os.path.join(path, 'clump.tif')) os.remove(os.path.join(path, 'clump300.tif')) except: logger.error( "Application 'iota2ConcatenateImages' for 64 bits does not exist, please change 64 bits binaries path" ) sys.exit() command = "gdal_translate -q -b 2 -ot Uint32 %s %s" % (os.path.join( path, outfilename), os.path.join(path, "clump32bits.tif")) shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, "clump32bits.tif"), out) os.remove(os.path.join(path, "clump32bits.tif")) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, outfilename)): os.remove(os.path.join(path, outfilename)) clumptime = time.time()" ".join( [" : ".join(["Clump : ", str(clumptime - begin_clump)]), "seconds"]))
def main(ortho=None, configFile=None, dates=None, tileName=None, logger=logger): import ast from Common import FileUtils config = configparser.ConfigParser() wMode = ast.literal_eval(config.get('Processing','writeTemporaryFiles')) stackFlag = ast.literal_eval(config.get('Processing','outputStack')) stdoutfile=None stderrfile=open("S1ProcessorErr.log",'a') RAMPerProcess=int(config.get('Processing','RAMPerProcess')) if "logging" in config.get('Processing','Mode').lower(): stdoutfile=open("S1ProcessorOut.log",'a') stderrfile=open("S1ProcessorErr.log",'a') if "debug" in config.get('Processing','Mode').lower(): stdoutfile=None stderrfile=None outputPreProcess = config.get('Paths','Output') wr = config.get('Filtering','Window_radius') directories=next(os.walk(outputPreProcess)) SARFilter = [] #OUTCOREs for d in directories[1]: s1_vv_DES_scene = sorted([currentOrtho for currentOrtho in getOrtho(ortho,"s1(.*)"+d+"(.*)vv(.*)DES(.*)tif")],key=getDatesInOtbOutputName) if s1_vv_DES_scene: outcore_s1_vv_DES = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"outcore_S1_vv_DES.tif") outcore_s1_vv_DES_dates = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"S1_vv_DES_dates.txt") new_outcore_s1_vv_DES_dates = compareDates(outcore_s1_vv_DES_dates, dates["s1_DES"]) if new_outcore_s1_vv_DES_dates: FileUtils.WriteNewFile(outcore_s1_vv_DES_dates, "\n".join(dates["s1_DES"])) s1_vv_DES_outcore = remove_old_dates(s1_vv_DES_scene, new_outcore_s1_vv_DES_dates) if s1_vv_DES_outcore or not os.path.exists(outcore_s1_vv_DES): s1_vv_DES_outcore = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringOutcore({"inl" : s1_vv_DES_outcore, "oc" : outcore_s1_vv_DES, "wr" : str(wr), "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float"})"writing : {}".format(outcore_s1_vv_DES)) s1_vv_DES_outcore.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()"{} : done".format(outcore_s1_vv_DES)) s1_vh_DES_scene = sorted([currentOrtho for currentOrtho in getOrtho(ortho,"s1(.*)"+d+"(.*)vh(.*)DES(.*)tif")],key=getDatesInOtbOutputName) if s1_vh_DES_scene: outcore_s1_vh_DES = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"outcore_S1_vh_DES.tif") outcore_s1_vh_DES_dates = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"S1_vh_DES_dates.txt") new_outcore_s1_vh_DES_dates = compareDates(outcore_s1_vh_DES_dates, dates["s1_DES"]) if new_outcore_s1_vh_DES_dates: FileUtils.WriteNewFile(outcore_s1_vh_DES_dates, "\n".join(dates["s1_DES"])) s1_vh_DES_outcore = remove_old_dates(s1_vh_DES_scene, new_outcore_s1_vh_DES_dates) if s1_vh_DES_outcore or not os.path.exists(outcore_s1_vh_DES): s1_vh_DES_outcore = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringOutcore({"inl" : s1_vh_DES_outcore, "oc" : outcore_s1_vh_DES, "wr" : str(wr), "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float"})"writing : {}".format(outcore_s1_vh_DES)) s1_vh_DES_outcore.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()"{} : done".format(outcore_s1_vh_DES)) s1_vv_ASC_scene = sorted([currentOrtho for currentOrtho in getOrtho(ortho,"s1(.*)"+d+"(.*)vv(.*)ASC(.*)tif")], key=getDatesInOtbOutputName) if s1_vv_ASC_scene: outcore_s1_vv_ASC = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"outcore_S1_vv_ASC.tif") outcore_s1_vv_ASC_dates = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"S1_vv_ASC_dates.txt") new_outcore_s1_vv_ASC_dates = compareDates(outcore_s1_vv_ASC_dates, dates["s1_ASC"]) if new_outcore_s1_vv_ASC_dates: FileUtils.WriteNewFile(outcore_s1_vv_ASC_dates, "\n".join(dates["s1_ASC"])) s1_vv_ASC_outcore = remove_old_dates(s1_vv_ASC_scene, new_outcore_s1_vv_ASC_dates) if s1_vv_ASC_outcore or not os.path.exists(outcore_s1_vv_ASC): s1_vv_ASC_outcore = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringOutcore({"inl" : s1_vv_ASC_outcore, "oc" : outcore_s1_vv_ASC, "wr" : str(wr), "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float"})"writing : {}".format(outcore_s1_vv_ASC)) s1_vv_ASC_outcore.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()"{} : done".format(outcore_s1_vv_ASC)) s1_vh_ASC_scene = sorted([currentOrtho for currentOrtho in getOrtho(ortho,"s1(.*)"+d+"(.*)vh(.*)ASC(.*)tif")], key=getDatesInOtbOutputName) if s1_vh_ASC_scene: outcore_s1_vh_ASC = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"outcore_S1_vh_ASC.tif") outcore_s1_vh_ASC_dates = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"S1_vh_ASC_dates.txt") new_outcore_s1_vh_ASC_dates = compareDates(outcore_s1_vh_ASC_dates, dates["s1_ASC"]) if new_outcore_s1_vh_ASC_dates: FileUtils.WriteNewFile(outcore_s1_vh_ASC_dates, "\n".join(dates["s1_ASC"])) s1_vh_ASC_outcore = remove_old_dates(s1_vh_ASC_scene, new_outcore_s1_vh_ASC_dates) if s1_vh_ASC_outcore or not os.path.exists(outcore_s1_vh_ASC): s1_vh_ASC_outcore = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringOutcore({"inl" : s1_vh_ASC_outcore, "oc" : outcore_s1_vh_ASC, "wr" : str(wr), "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float"})"writing : {}".format(outcore_s1_vh_ASC)) s1_vh_ASC_outcore.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()"{} : done".format(outcore_s1_vh_ASC)) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered")) except: pass #FILTERING if s1_vv_DES_scene: enl = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/enl_S1_vv_DES.tif") s1_vv_DES_filtered = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/S1_vv_DES_Filtered.tif") s1_vv_DES_filtered_app, a, b = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringFilter({"inl" : s1_vv_DES_scene, "oc" : outcore_s1_vv_DES, "wr" : str(wr), "enl" : enl, "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float", "outputstack" : s1_vv_DES_filtered}) SARFilter.append((s1_vv_DES_filtered_app, a, b)) if s1_vh_DES_scene: enl = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/enl_S1_vh_DES.tif") s1_vh_DES_filtered = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/S1_vh_DES_Filtered.tif") s1_vh_DES_filtered_app, a, b = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringFilter({"inl" : s1_vh_DES_scene, "oc" : outcore_s1_vh_DES, "wr" : str(wr), "enl" : enl, "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float", "outputstack" : s1_vh_DES_filtered}) SARFilter.append((s1_vh_DES_filtered_app, a, b)) if s1_vv_ASC_scene: enl = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/enl_S1_vv_ASC.tif") s1_vv_ASC_filtered = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/S1_vv_ASC_Filtered.tif") s1_vv_ASC_filtered_app, a, b = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringFilter({"inl" : s1_vv_ASC_scene, "oc" : outcore_s1_vv_ASC, "wr" : str(wr), "enl" : enl, "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float", "outputstack" : s1_vv_ASC_filtered}) SARFilter.append((s1_vv_ASC_filtered_app, a, b)) if s1_vh_ASC_scene: enl = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/enl_S1_vh_ASC.tif") s1_vh_ASC_filtered = os.path.join(directories[0],d,"filtered/S1_vh_ASC_Filtered.tif") s1_vh_ASC_filtered_app, a, b = OtbAppBank.CreateMultitempFilteringFilter({"inl" : s1_vh_ASC_scene, "oc" : outcore_s1_vh_ASC, "wr" : str(wr), "enl" : enl, "ram" : str(RAMPerProcess), "pixType" : "float", "outputstack" : s1_vh_ASC_filtered}) SARFilter.append((s1_vh_ASC_filtered_app, a, b)) return SARFilter
def doOrthoByTile(self, rasterList, tileName): allOrtho = [] for i in range(len(rasterList)): raster, tileOrigin = rasterList[i] manifest = raster.getManifest() calibrationApplication = rasterList[i][ 0].GetCalibrationApplication() for calib, dep in calibrationApplication: image = calib.GetParameterValue("out") currentDate = getDateFromS1Raster(image) currentPolar = getPolarFromS1Raster(image) currentPlatform = getPlatformFromS1Raster(image) currentOrbitDirection = getOrbitDirection(manifest) outUTMZone = tileName[0:2] outUTMNorthern = str(int(tileName[2] >= 'N')) workingDirectory = os.path.join(self.outputPreProcess, tileName) if not os.path.exists(workingDirectory): os.makedirs(workingDirectory) inEPSG = 4326 outEPSG = 32600 + int(outUTMZone) if not outUTMNorthern == "0": outEPSG = outEPSG + 100 if self.ManyProjection: [(x, y, dummy)] = converCoord([tileOrigin[0]], inEPSG, outEPSG) [(lrx, lry, dummy)] = converCoord([tileOrigin[2]], inEPSG, outEPSG) uniqueProj = None refRaster = None else: refRaster = FileSearch_AND( self.referencesFolder + "/T" + tileName, True, self.rasterPattern)[0] print("reference raster found : " + refRaster) if self.ManyProjection and outUTMNorthern == "1" and y > 0: y = y - 10000000. lry = lry - 10000000. if self.ManyProjection and outUTMNorthern == "0" and y < 0: y = y + 10000000. lry = lry + 10000000. orthoImageName = currentPlatform+"_"+\ tileName+"_"+\ currentPolar+"_"+\ currentOrbitDirection+"_"+\ currentDate+".tif" inputImage = (calib, dep) if self.wMode: inputImage = calib.GetParameterValue("out") orthoRaster = os.path.join(workingDirectory, orthoImageName) if self.ManyProjection: sizeX = abs(lrx - x) / self.outSpacialRes sizeY = abs(lry - y) / self.outSpacialRes ortho, ortho_dep = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": inputImage, "out": orthoRaster, "ram": self.RAMPerProcess, "outputs.spacingx": self.outSpacialRes, "outputs.spacingy": -self.outSpacialRes, "outputs.sizex": sizeX, "outputs.sizey": sizeY, "opt.gridspacing": self.gridSpacing, "": outUTMZone, "map.utm.northhem": outUTMNorthern, "outputs.ulx": x, "outputs.uly": y, "elev.dem": self.SRTM, "elev.geoid": self.geoid, "map": "utm" }) else: ortho, ortho_dep = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication( { "inr": refRaster, "inm": inputImage, "pixType": "float", "interpolator": "bco", "ram": self.RAMPerProcess, "io.out": orthoRaster, "elev.dem": self.SRTM, "elev.geoid": self.geoid }) allOrtho.append((ortho, ortho_dep)) return allOrtho
def coregister(insrc, inref, band, bandref, resample=1, step=256, minstep=16, minsiftpoints=40, iterate=1, prec=3, mode=2, datadir=None, pattern='*STACK.tif', datatype='S2', writeFeatures=False, workingDirectory=None): """ register an image / a time series on a reference image Parameters ---------- insrc : string source raster inref : string reference raster band : int band number for the source raster bandref : int band number for the raster reference raster resample : boolean resample to reference raster resolution step : int initial step between the geobins minstep : int minimal step between the geobins when iterates minsiftpoints : int minimal number of sift points to perform the registration iterate : boolean argument to iterate with smaller geobin step to find more sift points prec : int precision between the source and reference image (in source pixel unit) mode : int registration mode, 1 : simple registration ; 2 : time series registration ; 3 : time series cascade registration (to do) datadir : string path to the data directory pattern : string pattern of the STACK files to register writeFeatures : boolean argument to keep temporary files Note ------ This function use the OTB's application **OrthoRectification** and **SuperImpose** more documentation for `OrthoRectification <>`_ and `SuperImpose <>`_ """ from Common.FileUtils import ensure_dir pathWd = os.path.dirname( insrc) if not workingDirectory else workingDirectory if os.path.exists(pathWd) == False: ensure_dir(pathWd) srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'tempSrcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication({ "in": insrc, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() # #SensorModel generation SensorModel = os.path.join(pathWd, 'SensorModel.geom') PMCMApp = OtbAppBank.CreatePointMatchCoregistrationModel({ "in": srcClip, "band1": band, "inref": inref, "bandref": bandref, "resample": resample, "precision": str(prec), "mfilter": "1", "backmatching": "1", "outgeom": SensorModel, "initgeobinstep": str(step), "mingeobinstep": str(minstep), "minsiftpoints": str(minsiftpoints), "iterate": iterate }) PMCMApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() # mode 1 : application on the source image if mode == 1 or mode == 3: outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + SensorModel) ds = gdal.Open(srcClip) prj = ds.GetProjection() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(prj) code = srs.GetAuthorityCode(None) gsp = str(int(2 * round(max(abs(gt[1]), abs(gt[5]))))) ds = None orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalOutput = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename(insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalOutput, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move(finalOutput, insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalOutput.replace(ext, '.geom'), insrc.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) # Mask registration if exists masks = glob.glob( os.path.dirname(insrc) + os.sep + 'MASKS' + os.sep + '*BINARY_MASK' + ext) if len(masks) != 0: for mask in masks: srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'tempSrcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication({ "in": mask, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(mask + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + SensorModel) orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalMask = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename( mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": mask, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalMask, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() if finalMask != mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')): shutil.move(finalMask, mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalMask.replace(ext, '.geom'), mask.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) if mode == 3: folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, '*')) vhr_ref = inref if datatype in ['S2', 'S2_S2C']: dates = [ os.path.basename(fld).split('_')[1].split("-")[0] for fld in folders ] ref_date = os.path.basename(insrc).split('_')[1].split("-")[0] elif datatype in ['L5', 'L8']: dates = [ os.path.basename(fld).split('_')[3] for fld in folders ] ref_date = os.path.basename(insrc).split('_')[3] dates.sort() ref_date_ind = dates.index(ref_date) bandref = band clean_dates = [ref_date] for date in reversed(dates[:ref_date_ind]): inref = glob.glob( os.path.join(datadir, '*' + clean_dates[-1] + '*', pattern))[0] insrc = glob.glob( os.path.join(datadir, '*' + date + '*', pattern))[0] srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'srcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication({ "in": insrc, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSensorModel = os.path.join(pathWd, 'SensorModel_%s.geom' % date) try: PMCMApp = OtbAppBank.CreatePointMatchCoregistrationModel({ "in": srcClip, "band1": band, "inref": inref, "bandref": bandref, "resample": resample, "precision": str(prec), "mfilter": "1", "backmatching": "1", "outgeom": outSensorModel, "initgeobinstep": str(step), "mingeobinstep": str(minstep), "minsiftpoints": str(minsiftpoints), "iterate": iterate }) PMCMApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() except RuntimeError: shutil.copy(SensorModel, outSensorModel) logger.warning( 'Coregistration failed, %s will be process with %s' % (insrc, outSensorModel)) continue outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + outSensorModel) ds = gdal.Open(srcClip) prj = ds.GetProjection() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(prj) code = srs.GetAuthorityCode(None) gsp = str(int(2 * round(max(abs(gt[1]), abs(gt[5]))))) ds = None try: orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() except RuntimeError: os.remove(outSensorModel) shutil.copy(SensorModel, outSensorModel) logger.warning( 'Coregistration failed, %s will be process with %s' % (insrc, outSensorModel)) orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) continue if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalOutput = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename( insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalOutput, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move(finalOutput, insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalOutput.replace(ext, '.geom'), insrc.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) # Mask registration if exists masks = glob.glob( os.path.dirname(insrc) + os.sep + 'MASKS' + os.sep + '*BINARY_MASK' + ext) if len(masks) != 0: for mask in masks: srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'srcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication( { "in": mask, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + outSensorModel) orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalMask = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename( mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication( { "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalMask, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move( finalMask, mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalMask.replace(ext, '.geom'), mask.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) if not writeFeatures and os.path.exists(outSensorModel): os.remove(outSensorModel) if datatype in ['S2', 'S2_S2C']: mtd_file = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(insrc), '*_MTD_ALL*'))[0] cloud_clear = get_S2_Tile_Cloud_Cover(mtd_file) cover = get_S2_Tile_Coverage(mtd_file) if cloud_clear > 0.6 and cover > 0.8: clean_dates.append(date) elif datatype in ['L5', 'L8']: mlt_file = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(insrc), '*_MTL*'))[0] cloud_clear = get_L8_Tile_Cloud_Cover(mlt_file) if cloud_clear > 0.6: clean_dates.append(date) clean_dates = [ref_date] for date in dates[ref_date_ind + 1:]: inref = glob.glob( os.path.join(datadir, '*' + clean_dates[-1] + '*', pattern))[0] insrc = glob.glob( os.path.join(datadir, '*' + date + '*', pattern))[0] srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'srcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication({ "in": insrc, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSensorModel = os.path.join(pathWd, 'SensorModel_%s.geom' % date) try: PMCMApp = OtbAppBank.CreatePointMatchCoregistrationModel({ "in": srcClip, "band1": band, "inref": inref, "bandref": bandref, "resample": resample, "precision": str(prec), "mfilter": "1", "backmatching": "1", "outgeom": outSensorModel, "initgeobinstep": str(step), "mingeobinstep": str(minstep), "minsiftpoints": str(minsiftpoints), "iterate": iterate }) PMCMApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() except RuntimeError: shutil.copy(SensorModel, outSensorModel) logger.warning( 'Coregistration failed, %s will be process with %s' % (insrc, outSensorModel)) continue outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + outSensorModel) ds = gdal.Open(srcClip) prj = ds.GetProjection() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(prj) code = srs.GetAuthorityCode(None) gsp = str(int(2 * round(max(abs(gt[1]), abs(gt[5]))))) ds = None try: orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() except RuntimeError: os.remove(outSensorModel) shutil.copy(SensorModel, outSensorModel) orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) continue if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalOutput = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename( insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalOutput, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move(finalOutput, insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalOutput.replace(ext, '.geom'), insrc.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) # Mask registration if exists masks = glob.glob( os.path.dirname(insrc) + os.sep + 'MASKS' + os.sep + '*BINARY_MASK' + ext) if len(masks) != 0: for mask in masks: srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'srcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication( { "in": mask, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + outSensorModel) orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalMask = os.path.join( pathWd, os.basename( mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication( { "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalMask, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move( finalMask, mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalMask.replace(ext, '.geom'), mask.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) if writeFeatures == False and os.path.exists(outSensorModel): os.remove(outSensorModel) if datatype in ['S2', 'S2_S2C']: mtd_file = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(insrc), '*_MTD_ALL*'))[0] cloud_clear = get_S2_Tile_Cloud_Cover(mtd_file) cover = get_S2_Tile_Coverage(mtd_file) if cloud_clear > 0.6 and cover > 0.8: clean_dates.append(date) elif datatype in ['L5', 'L8']: mlt_file = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(insrc), '*_MTL*'))[0] cloud_clear = get_L8_Tile_Cloud_Cover(mlt_file) if cloud_clear > 0.6: clean_dates.append(date) if not writeFeatures and os.path.exists(SensorModel): os.remove(SensorModel) # mode 2 : application on the time series elif mode == 2: ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] file_list = glob.glob(datadir + os.sep + '*' + os.sep + pattern) for insrc in file_list: srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'tempSrcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication({ "in": insrc, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + SensorModel) ds = gdal.Open(srcClip) prj = ds.GetProjection() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(prj) code = srs.GetAuthorityCode(None) gsp = str(int(2 * round(max(abs(gt[1]), abs(gt[5]))))) ds = None orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalOutput = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename( insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalOutput, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move(finalOutput, insrc.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalOutput.replace(ext, '.geom'), insrc.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) # Mask registration if exists masks = glob.glob( os.path.dirname(insrc) + os.sep + 'MASKS' + os.sep + '*BINARY_MASK*' + ext) if len(masks) != 0: for mask in masks: srcClip = os.path.join(pathWd, 'tempSrcClip.tif') extractROIApp = OtbAppBank.CreateExtractROIApplication({ "in": mask, "mode": "fit", "": inref, "out": srcClip, "pixType": "uint16" }) extractROIApp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput() outSrc = os.path.join(pathWd, 'temp_file.tif') io_Src = str(srcClip + '?&skipcarto=true&geom=' + SensorModel) orthoRecApp = OtbAppBank.CreateOrthoRectification({ "in": io_Src, "io.out": outSrc, "map": "epsg", "map.epsg.code": code, "opt.gridspacing": gsp, "pixType": "uint16" }) if writeFeatures: orthoRecApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() else: orthoRecApp[0].Execute() ext = os.path.splitext(insrc)[1] finalMask = os.path.join( pathWd, os.path.basename( mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.')))) superImposeApp = OtbAppBank.CreateSuperimposeApplication({ "inr": srcClip, "inm": orthoRecApp[0], "out": finalMask, "pixType": "uint16" }) superImposeApp[0].ExecuteAndWriteOutput() shutil.move(finalMask, mask.replace(ext, ext.replace('.', '_COREG.'))) shutil.move(finalMask.replace(ext, '.geom'), mask.replace(ext, '_COREG.geom')) os.remove(srcClip) if not writeFeatures and os.path.exists(SensorModel): os.remove(SensorModel) return None