def OnUri(type_info): return { "type": "string", "pattern": "^{}$".format( RegularExpression.PythonToJavaScript( RegularExpressionVisitor().Accept(type_info)[0])) }
def OnGuid(type_info): return textwrap.dedent( """\ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:pattern value="{}" /> </xsd:restriction> """, ).format( RegularExpression.PythonToJavaScript( RegularExpressionVisitor().Accept(type_info)[0]))
def Load(cls, compiler, context, output_stream): filename = cls._GetPersistedFilename(context) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: match = RegularExpression.TemplateStringToRegex( cls.TEMPLATE).match(open(filename).read()) if match: data = base64.b64decode("data")) return pickle.loads( bytearray(data)), os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] except: output_stream.write( "WARNING: Context information associated with the previous compilation appears to be corrupt; new data will be generated.\n" ) return cls(compiler, context), 0
def OnString(type_info): result = {"type": "string"} if type_info.ValidationExpression is not None: validation = RegularExpression.PythonToJavaScript( type_info.ValidationExpression) if validation[0] != "^": validation = "^{}".format(validation) if validation[-1] != "$": validation = "{}$".format(validation) result["pattern"] = validation else: if type_info.MinLength not in [0, None]: result["minLength"] = type_info.MinLength if type_info.MaxLength: result["maxLength"] = type_info.MaxLength return result
def ProcessConfigurationFiles( configuration_filename, # Name of configuration file load_configuration_func, # def Func(configuration_filename) -> [ source, ... ] apply_source_func, # def Func(input_filename, source) input_filenames, ): """ Searches the current folder and all parents of each input filename looking for files named <configuration_filename>. The configuration info and the way in which it is loaded is handled by the provided callback functions. If source contains the attribute 'name', it will be treated as a wildcard expression to match against the current input file. When present, apply_source_func will only be invoked for files that match this expression. """ for input_filename in input_filenames: # Get all of the external configuration files that exist within the parent # directories of this file. configuration_filenames = [] dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(input_filename)) while True: potential_filename = os.path.join(dirname, configuration_filename) if os.path.isfile(potential_filename): configuration_filenames.append(potential_filename) potential_dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) if potential_dirname == dirname: break dirname = potential_dirname # Process the configuration files for configuration_filename in configuration_filenames: for source in load_configuration_func(configuration_filename): name = getattr(source, "name", None) if name is not None and not RegularExpression.WildcardSearchToRegularExpression( name.replace('/', os.path.sep)).match(input_filename): continue apply_source_func(input_filename, source)
def OnString(type_info): if type_info.ValidationExpression: return [ RegularExpression.PythonToJavaScript(type_info.ValidationExpression), ] if type_info.MinLength in [ 0, None ] and type_info.MaxLength is None: return [ ".*", ] if type_info.MinLength == 1 and type_info.MaxLength is None: return [ ".+", ] assert type_info.MinLength is not None if type_info.MaxLength is None: return [ ".{%d}.*" % type_info.MinLength, ] if type_info.MinLength == type_info.MaxLength: return [ ".{%d}" % type_info.MinLength, ] assert type_info.MaxLength is not None return [ ".{%d,%d}" % (type_info.MinLength, type_info.MaxLength), ]
def OnString(type_info): restrictions = OrderedDict() if type_info.ValidationExpression is not None: restrictions["pattern"] = RegularExpression.PythonToJavaScript( type_info.ValidationExpression) else: if type_info.MinLength not in [None, 0]: restrictions["minLength"] = type_info.MinLength if type_info.MaxLength is not None: restrictions["maxLength"] = type_info.MaxLength if not restrictions: return "xsd:string" return textwrap.dedent( """\ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> {} </xsd:restriction> """, ).format("\n".join([ ' <xsd:{} value="{}" />'.format(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(restrictions) ]))
class GitSourceControlManagement(DistributedSourceControlManagement): """Specializations for Git []""" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # | # | Public Properties # | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name = "Git" DefaultBranch = "master" Tip = "head" WorkingDirectories = [ ".git", ] IgnoreFilename = ".gitignore" DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName = "__DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName_{Index}_{BranchName}__" _DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName_regex = RegularExpression.TemplateStringToRegex( DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # | # | Public Methods # | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Execute( cls, repo_root, command, strip=False, newline=False, ): command = command.replace("git ", 'git -C "{}" '.format(repo_root)) if cls.Diagnostics: sys.stdout.write("VERBOSE: {}\n".format(command)) result, content = Process.Execute( command, environment=os.environ, ) if strip: content = content.strip() if newline and not content.endswith('\n'): content += '\n' return result, content # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def IsAvailable(cls): is_available = getattr(cls, "_cached_is_available", None) if is_available is None: _, output = cls.Execute(os.getcwd(), "git") is_available = "usage: git" in output setattr(cls, "_cached_is_available", is_available) return is_available # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _cached_is_active = set() @classmethod def IsActive(cls, repo_root): for k in cls._cached_is_active: if repo_root.startswith(k): return k try: result = os.path.isdir(cls.GetRoot(repo_root)) # Note that we are only caching positive results. This is to ensure # that we walk into repositories associated with subdirs when provided # with a parent dir that isn't a repository itself (caching a failure # on a parent dir would prevent traversal into its children). if result: cls._cached_is_active.add(repo_root) except: result = False return result # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Create(cls, output_dir): if os.path.isdir(output_dir): raise Exception( "The directory '{}' already exists and will not be overwritten" .format(output_dir)) FileSystem.MakeDirs(output_dir) return cls.Execute(os.getcwd(), 'git init "{}"'.format(output_dir)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Clone(cls, uri, output_dir, branch=None): if os.path.isdir(output_dir): raise Exception( "The directory '{}' already exists and will not be overwritten." .format(output_dir)) clone_path, clone_name = os.path.split(output_dir) FileSystem.MakeDirs(clone_path) return cls.Execute( clone_path, 'git clone{branch} "{uri}" "{name}"'.format( branch=' --branch "{}"'.format(branch) if branch else '', uri=uri, name=clone_name, )) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def GetUniqueName(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, "git remote -v") assert result == 0, (result, output) regex = re.compile(r"origin\s+(?P<url>.+?)\s+\(fetch\)") for line in output.split('\n'): match = regex.match(line) if match: return"url") # If here, we didn't find anything. Most of the time, this # is an indication that the repo is local (no remote); return # the path. return os.path.realpath(repo_root) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Who(cls, repo_root): # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetValue(name): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, "git config {}".format(name)) assert result == 0, (result, output) return output.strip() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- return "{} <{}>".format( GetValue(""), GetValue(""), ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _cached_roots = set() @classmethod def GetRoot(cls, repo_dir): for k in cls._cached_roots: if repo_dir.startswith(k): return k result, output = cls.Execute( repo_dir, "git rev-parse --show-toplevel", strip=True, ) assert result == 0, (result, output) cls._cached_roots.add(output) return output # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def IsRoot(cls, repo_dir): return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo_dir, cls.WorkingDirectories[0])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Clean(cls, repo_root, no_prompt=False): if not no_prompt and not cls.AreYouSurePrompt( textwrap.dedent( # <Wrong hanging indentation> pylint: disable = C0330 """\ This operation will revert any working changes. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: - Any working edits - Any files that have been added """)): return 0, "<<Skipped>>" commands = [ "git reset --hard", "git clean -df", ] return cls.Execute(repo_root, " && ".join(commands)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _GetBranches_regex = re.compile( r"^\*?\s*\[(origin/)?(?P<name>\S+?)\]\s+.+?") @classmethod def GetBranches(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, "git show-branch --list --all") assert result == 0, (result, output) branches = set() for line in output.split('\n'): match = cls._GetBranches_regex.match(line) if not match: continue branch ="name") if branch not in branches: branches.add(branch) yield branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _GetCurrentBranch_regex = re.compile(r"\s*\*\s+(?P<name>.+)") @classmethod def GetCurrentBranch(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, "git branch --no-color") assert result == 0, (result, output) if output: for line in output.split('\n'): match = cls._GetCurrentBranch_regex.match(line) if match: return"name") return cls.DefaultBranch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def GetMostRecentBranch(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format="%(refname)"', ) assert result == 0, (result, output) for line in output.split('\n'): parts = line.split('/') if parts[1] == "remotes" and parts[2] == "origin": return parts[3] assert False, output return None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def CreateBranch(cls, repo_root, branch_name): return cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git branch "{name}" && git checkout "{name}"'.format( name=branch_name)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def SetBranch(cls, repo_root, branch_name): return cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git checkout "{}"'.format(branch_name)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def HasUntrackedWorkingChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, "git ls-files --others --exclude-standard") assert result == 0, (result, output) return bool(output) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def HasWorkingChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, "git --no-pager diff -name-only") assert result == 0, (result, output) return bool(output) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def GetChangeInfo(cls, repo_root, change): # Not the spaces to work around issues with git template = " %aN <%ae> %n %cd %n %s" result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git --no-pager show -s --format="{}" "{}"'.format( template, change)) assert result == 0, (result, output) lines = output.split('\n') assert len(lines) >= 3, (len(lines), output) d = { "user": lines[0].lstrip(), "date": lines[1].lstrip(), "summary": lines[2].lstrip(), } d["files"] = cls.GetChangedFiles(repo_root, change) return d # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _Commit_regex = re.compile(r"(?P<username>.+?)\s+\<(?P<email>.+?)\>") @classmethod def Commit(cls, repo_root, description, username=None): # Git is particular about username format; massage it into the right # format if necessary. if username: match = cls._Commit_regex.match(username) if not match: username = "******".format(username) return cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git commit -a --allow-empty -m "{desc}"{user}'.format( desc=description.replace('"', '\\"'), user='******'.format(username) if username else '', ), ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Update(cls, repo_root, update_arg=None): branch = cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root) commands = [ 'git merge --ff-only "origin/{}"'.format(branch), ] if update_arg is None: pass elif isinstance(update_arg, EmptyUpdateMergeArg): pass elif isinstance(update_arg, BranchUpdateMergeArg): commands.insert(0, 'git checkout "{}"'.format(update_arg.Branch)) elif isinstance(update_arg, ( ChangeUpdateMergeArg, DateUpdateMergeArg, BranchAndDateUpdateMergeArg, )): revision = cls._UpdateMergeArgToString(repo_root, update_arg) # Updating to a specific revision within Git is interesting, as one will find # themselves in a "DETACHED HEAD" state. While this makes a lot of sense from # a commit perspective, it doesn't make as much sense from a reading perspective # (especially in scenarios where it is necessary to derive the branch name from the # current state, as will be the case during Reset). To work around this, Update to # a new branch that is cleverly named in a way that can be parsed by commands that # need this sort of information. existing_branch_names = set(cls.GetBranches(repo_root)) index = 0 while True: potential_branch_name = cls.DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName.format( Index=index, BranchName=branch, ) if potential_branch_name not in existing_branch_names: break index += 1 commands.append('git checkout {} -b "{}"'.format( revision, potential_branch_name)) else: assert False, type(update_arg) return cls.Execute(repo_root, " && ".join(commands)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Merge(cls, repo_root, merge_arg): return cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git merge --no-commit --no-ff {}'.format( cls._UpdateMergeArgToString(repo_root, merge_arg))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def GetChangesSinceLastMerge(cls, repo_root, dest_branch, source_merge_arg=None): # Git is really screwed up. After a 30 minute search, I couldn't find a way to # specify a branch and beginning revision in a single command. Therefore, I am # doing it manually. source_branch = None additional_filters = [] post_decorator_func = None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def GetDateOperator(arg): if arg is None or arg: return "since" return "until" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if source_merge_arg is None or isinstance(source_merge_arg, EmptyUpdateMergeArg): source_branch = cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root) elif isinstance(source_merge_arg, ChangeUpdateMergeArg): source_branch = cls._GetBranchAssociatedWithChange( source_merge_arg.Change) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def AfterChangeDecorator(changes): starting_index = None for index, change in enumerate(changes): if change == source_merge_arg.Change: starting_index = index break if starting_index is None: return [] return changes[starting_index:] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- post_decorator_func = AfterChangeDecorator elif isinstance(source_merge_arg, DateUpdateMergeArg): source_branch = cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root) additional_filters.append('--{}="{}"'.format( GetDateOperator(source_merge_arg.GreaterThan), StringSerialization.SerializeItem(DateTimeTypeInfo(), source_merge_arg.Date), )) elif isinstance(source_merge_arg, BranchUpdateMergeArg): source_branch = source_merge_arg.Branch elif isinstance(source_merge_arg, BranchAndDateUpdateMergeArg): source_branch = source_merge_arg.Branch additional_filters.append('--{}="{}"'.format( GetDateOperator(source_merge_arg.GreaterThan), StringSerialization.SerializeItem(DateTimeTypeInfo(), source_merge_arg.Date), )) else: assert False, type(source_merge_arg) command_line = 'git --no-pager log "{source_branch}" --not "{dest_branch}" --format="%H" --no-merges{additional_filters}' \ .format( source_branch=source_branch, dest_branch=dest_branch, additional_filters='' if not additional_filters else " {}".format(' '.join(additional_filters)), ) result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, command_line) assert result == 0, (result, output) changes = [line.strip() for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip()] if post_decorator_func: changes = post_decorator_func(changes) return changes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _GetChangedFiles_regex = re.compile( r'^(?:\S|\?\?)\s+"?(?P<filename>.+)"?$') @classmethod def GetChangedFiles(cls, repo_root, change_or_changes_or_none): if not change_or_changes_or_none: result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git status --short') assert result == 0, (result, output) filenames = [] for line in [ line.strip() for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip() ]: match = cls._GetChangedFiles_regex(line) assert match, line filenames.append( os.path.join(repo_root,"filename"))) return filenames changes = change_or_changes_or_none if isinstance( change_or_changes_or_none, list) else [ change_or_changes_or_none, ] command_line_template = 'git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r {}' filenames = set() for change in changes: change = cls._UpdateMergeArgToString(repo_root, ChangeUpdateMergeArg(change)) command_line = command_line_template.format(change) result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, command_line) assert result == 0, (result, output) for line in [ line.strip() for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip() ]: filename = os.path.join(repo_root, line) if filename not in filenames: filenames.add(filename) return sorted(filenames) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def EnumBlameInfo(cls, repo_root, filename): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git blame -s "{}"'.format(filename)) if result != 0: # Don't produce an error if we are looking at a file that has been renamed/removed. if "No such file or directory" in output: return assert False, (result, output) regex = re.compile( r"^(?P<revision>\S+)\s+(?P<line_number>\d+)\)(?: (?P<line>.*))?$") for line in output.split('\n'): if not line: continue match = regex.match(line) if not match: # Don't produce an error on a failure to enumerate binary files if line.endswith("binary file"): return assert False, line yield"revision"),"line_number") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def EnumTrackedFiles(cls, repo_root): temp_filename = CurrentShell.CreateTempFilename() result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git ls-files > "{}"'.format(temp_filename)) assert result == 0, (result, output) assert os.path.isfile(temp_filename), temp_filename with CallOnExit(lambda: os.remove(temp_filename)): with open(temp_filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line: yield os.path.join(repo_root, line) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def CreatePatch( cls, repo_root, output_filename, start_change=None, end_change=None, ): if not start_change or not end_change: command_line = 'git diff -g > "{}"'.format(output_filename) else: command_line = 'git diff -g {start} {end} > "{filename}"'.format( start=start_change, end=end_change, filename=output_filename, ) return cls.Execute(repo_root, command_line) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def ApplyPatch( cls, repo_root, patch_filename, commit=False, ): if commit: raise Exception( "Git does not support applying a patch without committing") return cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git apply "{}"'.format(patch_filename)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Reset( cls, repo_root, no_prompt=False, no_backup=False, ): if not no_prompt and not cls.AreYouSurePrompt( textwrap.dedent( # <Wrong hanging indentation> pylint: disable = C0330 """\ This operation will revert your local repository to match the state of the remote repository. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: - Any working edits - Any files that have been added - Any committed changes that have not been pushed to the remote repository """)): return 0, '' commands = [] # See if we are looking at a detached head pseudo branch. If so, extract the actual # branch name and switch to that before running the other commands. branch = cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root) match = cls._DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName_regex.match(branch) if match: branch ="BranchName") commands.append('git checkout "{}"'.format(branch)) # Remove any of the pseudo branches that have been created for potential_delete_branch in cls.GetBranches(repo_root): if cls._DetachedHeadPseudoBranchName_regex.match( potential_delete_branch): commands.append( 'git branch -D "{}"'.format(potential_delete_branch)) commands += [ 'git reset --hard "origin/{}"'.format(branch), 'git clean -df', ] return cls.Execute(repo_root, ' && '.join(commands)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def HasUpdateChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, "git status -uno") assert result == 0, (result, output) return "Your branch is behind" in output or "have diverged" in output # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def HasLocalChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git --no-pager log --branches --not --remotes') assert result == 0 or (result == 1 and "no changes found" in output), (result, output) return bool(output) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def GetLocalChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git remote update') assert result == 0, (result, output) result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git --no-pager log "origin/{}..HEAD" --format="%H"'.format( cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root))) assert result == 0, (result, output) return [line.strip() for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip()] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def HasRemoteChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git remote update') assert result == 0, (result, output) return cls.HasUpdateChanges(repo_root) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def GetRemoteChanges(cls, repo_root): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git remote update') assert result == 0, (result, output) result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git --no-pager log "HEAD..origin/{}" --format="%H"'.format( cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root))) assert result == 0, (result, output) return [line.strip() for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip()] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Push(cls, repo_root, create_remote_branch=False): commands = [ 'git push', 'git push --tags', ] if create_remote_branch: commands[0] += ' --set-upstream origin "{}"'.format( cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root)) return cls.Execute(repo_root, " && ".join(commands)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def Pull(cls, repo_root, branch_or_branches=None): commands = [] if isinstance(branch_or_branches, six.string_types): branch_or_branches = [ branch_or_branches, ] existing_branches = set(cls.GetBranches(repo_root)) for branch_name in (branch_or_branches or []): if branch_name not in existing_branches: commands.append( 'git checkout -b "{name}" "origin/{name}"'.format( name=branch_name)) commands += [ 'git fetch --all', 'git fetch --all --tags', ] return cls.Execute(repo_root, " && ".join(commands)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # | # | Private Methods # | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _AddFilesImpl(cls, repo_root, filenames): return cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git add {}'.format(' '.join( ['"{}"'.format(filename) for filename in filenames]))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _UpdateMergeArgToString(cls, repo_root, update_arg): # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def NormalizeChange(change): result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git --no-pager log {} -n 1 --format="%H"'.format(change)) assert result == 0, (result, output) output = output.strip() if output.startswith("* "): output = output[len("* "):] return output # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def DateAndBranch(date, branch, operator): assert date if branch: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def BranchGenerator(): yield branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- else: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def BranchGenerator(): for branch in [ cls.GetCurrentBranch(repo_root), cls.DefaultBranch, ]: yield branch # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- assert BranchGenerator if operator: operator = "since" else: operator = "until" for branch in BranchGenerator(): result, output = cls.Execute( repo_root, 'git --no-pager long "--branches=*{}" "--{}={}" -n 1 --format="%H"' .format(branch, operator, date)) if result == 0 and output: return output raise Exception("Revision not found") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dispatch_map = { EmptyUpdateMergeArg: lambda: "", ChangeUpdateMergeArg: lambda: NormalizeChange(update_arg.Change), DateUpdateMergeArg: lambda: DateAndBranch(update_arg.Date, None, update_arg.GreaterThan ), BranchUpdateMergeArg: lambda: update_arg.Branch, BranchAndDateUpdateMergeArg: lambda: DateAndBranch(update_arg.Date, update_arg.Branch, update_arg.GreaterThan), } assert type(update_arg) in dispatch_map, type(update_arg) return dispatch_map[type(update_arg)]() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _GetBranchAssociatedWithChange(cls, repo_root, change): result, output = cls.Execute(repo_root, 'git branch --contains {}'.format(change)) assert result == 0, (result, output) output = output.strip() if output.startswith("* "): output = output[len("* "):] return output
def FromBuildFile( cls, build_filename, strip_path=None, ): assert os.path.isfile(build_filename), build_filename # Extract metadata auto-generated from the build file to create the # configuration. Note that some portions of the metadata will be based # on the current dir, so switch to the root dir before extracting the # information to ensure that things work as expected. if strip_path: assert os.path.isdir(strip_path), strip_path current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(strip_path) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def Cleanup(): os.chdir(current_dir) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- else: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def Cleanup(): pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- with CallOnExit(Cleanup): result, output = Process.Execute('python "{}" Metadata'.format(build_filename)) assert result == 0, (result, output) match = RegularExpression.TemplateStringToRegex(cls._VIEW_METADATA_TEMPLATE).match(output) if not match: raise Exception("'{}' did not produce valid metadata results".format(build_filename)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def FromList(value): value = return [] if value == "None" else [ item.strip() for item in value.split(',') if item.strip() ] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def FromOptional(value): value = return None if value == "None" else value # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def FromBool(value): value = return value == "True" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- return cls( exposed_functions=FromList("commands"), config=Configuration("name"), priority=int("priority")),"suggested_output_dir_location"), requires_output_dir=FromBool("requires_output_dir"), configurations=FromList("configurations"), required_development_environment=FromOptional("required_dev_environment"), required_development_configurations=FromList("required_dev_configurations"), disable_if_dependency_environment=FromBool("disable_if_dependency"), ), )
def ExtractBenchmarkOutput(output): benchmarks = OrderedDict() for match in _ExtractBenchmarkOutput_content_regex.finditer(output): name ="name") catch_version = "Catch v{}".format("catch_version")) content ="content") these_benchmarks = [] dest_units = "ns" for match in RegularExpression.Generate( _ExtractBenchmarkOutput_benchmarks_regex, content, leading_delimiter=True, ): # If there is only one match, that means nothing was found if len(match) == 1: assert None in match, match continue test_line = match["test_line_windows"] if test_line is None: test_line = match["test_line_linux"] if test_line is None: assert False for stats in _ExtractBenchmarkOutput_stats_regex.finditer( match[None]): these_benchmarks.append( TestParserImpl.BenchmarkStat( "{} - {}".format(match["test_name"],"name")), match["test_filename"], int(test_line), catch_version, TestParserImpl.BenchmarkStat.ConvertTime( float("low_mean")),"low_mean_units"), dest_units, ), TestParserImpl.BenchmarkStat.ConvertTime( float("high_mean")),"high_mean_units"), dest_units, ), TestParserImpl.BenchmarkStat.ConvertTime( float("mean")),"mean_units"), dest_units, ), TestParserImpl.BenchmarkStat.ConvertTime( float("deviation")),"deviation_units"), dest_units, ), int("samples")), dest_units, int("iterations")), ), ) if these_benchmarks: benchmarks[name] = these_benchmarks return benchmarks