def generate_sdf_files(upper_left_loc: GeographicPoint, field_length): # downloading and creating sdf(terrain) if not os.path.exists(SDF_DIR): os.makedirs(SDF_DIR) tmp_dir = SDF_DIR + '/tmp' if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) lat_set = set(list(range(int(, int(to_geographic(upper_left_loc, Point((0, field_length))).lat)+1))) lon_set = set(list(range(int(upper_left_loc.lon), int(to_geographic(upper_left_loc, Point((field_length, 0))).lon)+1))) for lat in lat_set: for lon in lon_set: lat_str, lon_str = str(lat), str(lon + 1) if len(lon_str) < 3: lon_str = '0' + lon_str sdf_file = "N" + lat_str + "W" + lon_str + "" print("Downloading Terrain file: ", sdf_file) terrain_file_url = "" + sdf_file try: with urllib.request.urlopen(terrain_file_url) as response, open( tmp_dir + '/' + str(sdf_file), 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(response, f) except IOError as e: raise ("Error: terrain file " + sdf_file + " NOT found!", e) print('Unzipping SDF file', sdf_file) try: # ---uncompress the zip file-----------------# zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_dir + "/" + str(sdf_file), 'r') zip_ref.extractall(tmp_dir) zip_ref.close() except (zipfile.BadZipFile, zipfile.LargeZipFile) as e: raise ("Error: Unzipping for", sdf_file, ' was NOT successful!', e) print("Downloading and unzipping was successful.") # convert zip file to hgt_file using strm2sdf command line owd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(SDF_DIR) pp = os.getcwd() try: for hgt_file in glob.glob('./tmp/*.hgt'):["srtm2sdf", hgt_file]) #["srtm2sdf-hd", hgt_file]) except (ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: # e = sys.exc_info()[0] raise ("Error: converting .hgt file\n", e, "was NOT successful!") finally: os.chdir(owd) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) # remove the temporary directory created at the beginning
def points(self, n: int) -> List[Point]: if n > self.length * self.width: warnings.warn( "Number of Points requested is more than all the points. Duplicates exist." ) return [ Point((randint(0, self.width - 1), randint(0, self.length - 1))) for _ in range(n) ]
def create_purs(pu_id: str, pur_number: int, pur_min_dist: float, pur_max_dist: float, pur_threshold: float, pur_beta: float, pur_height: float) -> List[PUR]: purs = [] angle = float(360/pur_number) for i in range(pur_number): purs.append(PUR(pu_id=pu_id, pur_id=i, rx=RX(element=Element(location=Point(PolarPoint(uniform(pur_min_dist, pur_max_dist), i * math.radians(angle))), height=pur_height)), threshold=pur_threshold, beta=pur_beta)) return purs
def compute_field_power( self ) -> List[List[ float]]: # calculate received power at specific locations all over the # field to create a heatmap # TODO fix this part before using received_power = [] [min_x, min_y] = [0, 0] # self.corners[0].get_cartesian [max_x, max_y] = [1, 2] # self.corners[-1].get_cartesian for y in range(min_y, max_y, min(1, max(1, (max_y - min_y) // 400))): tmp = [] for x in range(min_x, max_x, min(1, max(1, (max_x - min_x) // 400))): pwr_tmp = -float('inf') for pu in self.pus: pwr_tmp = self.power_with_path_loss( tx=pu.tx, rx=RX(Element(Point((x, y)), 15))) tmp.append(pwr_tmp) received_power.append(tmp) return received_power
def create_sensors(path: str, sensor_height) -> List[Sensor]: sss = [] try: with open(path, 'r') as f: # max_gain = 0.5 * num_intruders # len(self.transmitters) # index = 0 lines = f.readlines() for line_idx, line in enumerate(lines): inputs = line.split(' ') x, y, std, cost = float(inputs[0]), float(inputs[1]), float( inputs[2]), float(inputs[3]) sss.append( Sensor(ss_id=line_idx, rx=RX( Element(location=Point(CartesianPoint(x, y)), height=sensor_height)), cost=cost, std=std)) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError('Sensor file does not exist') except IndexError as e: raise ValueError( 'The file given is not in correct format of x y std cost') return sss
@property def cost(self): return self.__cost @cost.setter def cost(self, cost: float): self.__cost = cost @property def std(self): return self.__std @std.setter def std(self, std: float): self.__std = std def __str__(self): return "id= {0}\n".format( + \ "{0}\n".format(self.rx) + \ "cost= {0}\n".format(self.cost) + \ "std= {0}\n".format(self.std) if __name__ == "__main__": ss = Sensor(ss_id=15, rx=RX(Element(location=Point((1, 5)), height=15)), cost=15, std=1) print(ss)
def path_loss(self, tx: Element, rx: Element, iteration: int = 0): if iteration == 20: raise Exception("Sample skipped") tmp_fetch_time = time.time() approx_tx = (int(tx.location.cartesian.x // SPLAT.APPROX) * SPLAT.APPROX, int(tx.location.cartesian.y // SPLAT.APPROX) * SPLAT.APPROX) approx_rx = (int(rx.location.cartesian.x // SPLAT.APPROX) * SPLAT.APPROX, int(rx.location.cartesian.y // SPLAT.APPROX) * SPLAT.APPROX) tx_dict_key = '{:04d}{:04d}'.format(approx_tx[0], approx_tx[1]) rx_dict_key = '{:04d}{:04d}'.format(approx_rx[0], approx_rx[1]) if tx_dict_key in self.pl_dict: if rx_dict_key in self.pl_dict[tx_dict_key]: # free, itm = self.pl_dict[tx_dict_key][rx_dict_key] # old format which the map has both values pl_value = self.pl_dict[tx_dict_key][rx_dict_key] self.__FETCH_TIME += time.time() - tmp_fetch_time self.__FETCH_NUM += 1 # return itm if itm != 0.0 else free # old version return pl_value tmp_exec_time = time.time() pwd = os.getcwd() file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) os.chdir(file_dir + "/" + SPLAT.SDF_DIR) # terr_dir = os.getcwd() # os.chdir('out') tx_loc = to_geographic(self.upper_left_ref, tx.location) rx_loc = to_geographic(self.upper_left_ref, rx.location) # print(haversine_distance(tx_loc, rx_loc)*1000) tx_site = Site('tx',, tx_loc.lon, tx.height) rx_site = Site('rx',, rx_loc.lon, rx.height) tx_name = SPLAT.create_qth_files(tx_site) rx_name = SPLAT.create_qth_files(rx_site) # running splat command path_loss_command = [ SPLAT.SPLAT_COMMAND, '-t', tx_name + '.qth', '-r', rx_name + '.qth' ] count = 1 #, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) try: p = subprocess.Popen(path_loss_command, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) except (OSError or ValueError or TimeoutError) as e: print("Error happened executing SPLAT! command.\n" + e) count += 1 pass start_time = time.time() while True: if p.poll() is not None: # count = 1 break else: if time.time() - start_time > SPLAT.TIMEOUT: if count > 50: # print('Error: Too many repetition for a location') raise Exception( "Error: Too many SPLAT! repetition for a location") # print('SPLAT! does not produce result for', ' '.join(path_loss_command), 'for ', count, 'times.') count += 1 p.kill() # splat! does not respond # os.remove(tx_name + '.qth') # os.remove(rx_name + '.qth') offset = count # tx_loc = SPLAT.get_loc(upper_left_ref, tx[0] + uniform(-(SPLAT.APPROX/2)**2 - offset, # (SPLAT.APPROX/2)**2), # tx[1] + uniform(-(SPLAT.APPROX / 2) ** 2 - offset, # (SPLAT.APPROX / 2) ** 2 + # offset)) tx_loc = to_geographic( self.upper_left_ref, tx.location + Point((uniform( -offset, offset), uniform(-offset, offset)))) rx_loc = to_geographic( self.upper_left_ref, rx.location + Point((uniform( -offset, offset), uniform(-offset, offset)))) tx_site = Site('tx',, tx_loc.lon, tx.height, tx_name) rx_site = Site('rx',, rx_loc.lon, rx.height, rx_name) tx_name = SPLAT.create_qth_files(tx_site) rx_name = SPLAT.create_qth_files(rx_site) try: path_loss_command = [ SPLAT.SPLAT_COMMAND, '-t', tx_name + '.qth', '-r', rx_name + '.qth' ] p = subprocess.Popen(path_loss_command, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) except (OSError or ValueError or TimeoutError) as e: print("Error happened executing SPLAT! command.\n" + e) # pass start_time = time.time() # reset time else: time.sleep(SPLAT.TIMEOUT / 5) output_name = "{tx_name}-to-{rx_name}.txt".format(tx_name=tx_name, rx_name=rx_name) # output_name = tx_name + '-to-' + rx_name + '.txt' # the file where the result will be created try: free_pl, itm_pl = self.process_output(output_name) except FileNotFoundError: print('Warning: Recalling is happening') os.chdir(pwd) return self.path_loss(tx, rx, iteration + 1) # removing created files try: os.remove(output_name) os.remove(tx_name + '.qth') os.remove(rx_name + '.qth') os.remove(tx_name + '-site_report.txt') except (FileNotFoundError, Exception) as e: pass os.chdir(pwd) pl_value = float(itm_pl) if float(itm_pl) != 0.0 else float(free_pl) if tx_dict_key not in self.pl_dict: # self.__pl_dict[tx_dict_key] = {rx_dict_key: (float(free_pl), float(itm_pl))} # old version self.__pl_dict[tx_dict_key] = {rx_dict_key: pl_value} else: # self.__pl_dict[tx_dict_key][rx_dict_key] = (float(free_pl), float(itm_pl)) # old version self.__pl_dict[tx_dict_key][rx_dict_key] = pl_value self.__EXEC_TIME += time.time() - tmp_exec_time self.__EXEC_NUM += 1 # return float(itm_pl) if float(itm_pl) != 0.0 else float(free_pl) # old version return pl_value
# return float(itm_pl) if float(itm_pl) != 0.0 else float(free_pl) # old version return pl_value @staticmethod def process_output(file_name): positive_float = r'(\d+\.\d+)' free_space_pattern = r'Free space.*\D{}.*'.format(positive_float) itm_pattern = r'ITWOM Version 3.0.*\D{}.*'.format(positive_float) free_p = re.compile(free_space_pattern) itm_p = re.compile(itm_pattern) with open(file_name, encoding="ISO-8859-1", mode='r') as f: content = free_m = free_pl = if free_m else 0 itm_m = itm_pl = if itm_m else 0 return free_pl, itm_pl def __str__(self): "SPLAT! PM:\nUpper-left corner:{}".format(self.upper_left_ref) if __name__ == "__main__": # 40.800595, -73.107507 top_left_ref = GeographicPoint(40.800595, 73.107507) splat = SPLAT(top_left_ref) # splat.generate_sdf_files() free_pl, itm_pl = splat.path_loss(Element(Point((180, 170)), 300), Element(Point((100, 100)), 15)) print('free path loss:', free_pl, ', itm path loss:', itm_pl)
thr_decimal = get_decimal(self.threshold) return get_db(thr_decimal - irp_decimal) def __str__(self): r, theta = self.rx.element.location.polar.r, self.rx.element.location.polar.theta return "id= {pur_id}\n".format(pur_id=self.__id) + \ "relative location= ({r},{theta})\n".format(r=round(r, 3), theta=round(theta, 3)) +\ "height= {height}\n".format(height=self.rx.element.height) +\ "threshold= {thr}\n".format(thr=self.__thr) +\ "beta= {beta}\n".format(beta=self.__beta) +\ "received power= {rp}\n".format(rp=self.rx.received_power) +\ "received interference= {irp}".format(irp=self.__irp) if __name__ == "__main__": pur = PUR('PU10', 1, RX(Element(location=Point(PolarPoint(5, 0)), height=15)), beta=1) print(pur) pur.received_power = -25 pur.add_interference('PU110', -30) print(pur) pur.add_interference('PU110', -35) pur.update_interference('PU110', -35) print(pur) pur.update_interference('PU10', -30) pur.add_interference('PU10', -30) pur.delete_interference_power_from('PU110') print(pur)
@staticmethod def create_purs(pu_id: str, pur_number: int, pur_min_dist: float, pur_max_dist: float, pur_threshold: float, pur_beta: float, pur_height: float) -> List[PUR]: purs = [] angle = float(360/pur_number) for i in range(pur_number): purs.append(PUR(pu_id=pu_id, pur_id=i, rx=RX(element=Element(location=Point(PolarPoint(uniform(pur_min_dist, pur_max_dist), i * math.radians(angle))), height=pur_height)), threshold=pur_threshold, beta=pur_beta)) return purs def __str__(self): return "{loc},{power}".format(loc=str(self.tx.element.location), power=round(self.tx.power, 3)) if __name__ == "__main__": <<<<<<< HEAD pu1 = PU(Point(5,5), 10, 13, 2, 10) for i in range(pu1.n): print(str(i+1), "(", pu1.purs[i].loc.get_cartesian[0], ",", pu1.purs[i].loc.get_cartesian[1],")", pu1.loc.distance(pu1.purs[i].loc)) ======= pu1 = PU(pu_id=10, tx=TX(element=Element(location=Point(CartesianPoint(5, 5)), height=15), power=-5), pur_num=16, pur_beta=1.0, pur_dist=[1, 3], pur_height=15) print(pu1) for idx, pur in enumerate(pu1.purs): pur_location = pu1.tx.element.location + pur.rx.element.location print("{0}. ({1}), {2}".format(idx+1, str(pur_location), pu1.tx.element.location.distance(pur_location))) >>>>>>> 2f6fbc9e82c377be81183e276e9e45d79365b964
@element.setter def element(self, element: float): self.__elm = element @property def received_power(self): return self.__rp @received_power.setter def received_power(self, received_power: float): self.__rp = received_power def __str__(self): return "{elm}\nreceived power={power}".format(elm=self.element, power=round( self.received_power, 3)) if __name__ == "__main__": elm = Element(Point(CartesianPoint(5, 5)), 10) print(elm) print(elm.location) tx = TX(elm, -5) print(tx) print(tx.element.location) rx = RX(elm) print(rx) rx.received_power = -25.0 print(rx)
def all_points(self): return [ Point((x, y)) for x in range(self.width) for y in range(self.length) ]
# loss += 0 if distance == 0 else self.__shadow_amp * sin( # 2 * pi * distance / self.__dist_period) # add shadowing if self.is_noisy: # add multipath loss += gauss(0, self.std) return loss def __str__(self): return "Log-Distance(Normal):\n" +\ "Path-Loss Coeff.= {0}\n".format(self.alpha) +\ "Path-Loss reference {0} in distance reference {1}\n".format(self.pl_ref, self.dist_ref) +\ ("std= {0}" if self.is_noisy else "").format(self.std if self.is_noisy else None) if __name__ == "__main__": log_pm = LogDistancePM(2.0, True, 1) print(log_pm) print( log_pm.path_loss(Element(Point((0, 0)), 15), Element(Point((10, 10)), 15))) # log_pm.is_noisy = False print(log_pm) print(hasattr(log_pm, 'alpha')) x = [i / 10 for i in range(10, 1000)] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(x, [ log_pm.path_loss(Element(Point( (1, 1)), 15), Element(Point((1, 1)) * i, 15)) for i in x ]) ax.set_xscale('log')