def onBeginAnimationStep(self, dt): # pid update dt ) # info display relative = Rigid.Frame( shared.plane.position[0] ).inv() * Rigid.Frame([0] ) tangent = [relative.translation[0], relative.translation[2]] relative_speed = Vec.diff([0][:3], shared.plane.velocity[0][:3]) local = Quaternion.rotate(Quaternion.conj( Rigid.Frame( shared.plane.position[0] ).rotation ), relative_speed) tangent_speed = [local[0], local[2]] print 'plane/box relative speed (norm): ', Vec.norm(tangent_speed) alpha = math.fabs( shared.joint.position[0][-1] ) mu = math.tan( alpha ) print 'plane/ground angle:', alpha , 'mu = ', mu if mu > print '(should be moving)' print return 0
def createScene(node): scene = Tools.scene(node) ode = node.getObject('ode') ode.stabilization = True ode.warm_start = False ode.propagate_lambdas = True # ode.debug = True node.gravity = '0 -1 0' num = node.createObject('SequentialSolver', name='num', iterations=200, precision=0) resp = node.createObject('DiagonalResponse') manager = node.getObject('manager') manager.response = 'CompliantContact' script = node.createObject('PythonScriptController', filename=__file__, classname='Controller') style = node.getObject('style') style.displayFlags = 'showBehaviorModels showCollisionModels' proximity = node.getObject('proximity') proximity.contactDistance = 0.01 # dofs p1 = insert_point(scene, 'p1', [-1, 1, 0]) p2 = insert_point(scene, 'p2', [1, 1, 0]) rigid = Rigid.Body('rigid') rigid.collision = path + '/examples/mesh/ground.obj' rigid.node = rigid.insert(scene) ground = Rigid.Body('ground') ground.node = ground.insert(scene) ground.node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0') # blocked joint between ground/rigid joint = Rigid.Joint('joint') joint.absolute(Rigid.Frame(), ground.node, rigid.node) joint.node = joint.insert(scene) shared.joint = joint shared.body = rigid return node
def createScene(root): root.createObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName = 'Compliant') root.createObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags="showBehavior" ) root.dt = 0.001 root.gravity = [0, -9.8, 0] ode = root.createObject('AssembledSolver') ode.stabilization = True num = root.createObject('MinresSolver') num.iterations = 500 scene = root.createChild('scene') base = Rigid.Body('base') moving = Rigid.Body('moving') moving.inertia_forces = True moving.dofs.translation = [0, 2, 0] base_node = base.insert( scene ); base_node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices = '0') moving_node = moving.insert( scene ); base_offset = Rigid.Frame() base_offset.translation = [0, 1, 0] moving_offset = Rigid.Frame() moving_offset.translation = [0, -1, 0] joint = Rigid.SphericalJoint() # only rotation dofs joint.append(base_node, base_offset) joint.append(moving_node, moving_offset) node = joint.insert(scene) node.createObject('UniformCompliance', template = 'Vec6d', compliance = 1e-3 )
def createScene(node): scene = Tools.scene(node) style = node.getObject('style') style.findData('displayFlags').showMappings = True manager = node.getObject('manager') manager.response = 'FrictionCompliantContact' manager.responseParams = 'mu=0' # per object friction coefficient (the friction coef between 2 objects is approximated as the product of both coefs) ode = node.getObject('ode') ode.stabilization = True ode.debug = False num = node.createObject('SequentialSolver', name='num', iterations=100, precision=1e-14) proximity = node.getObject('proximity') proximity.alarmDistance = 0.5 proximity.contactDistance = 0.2 # plane plane = Rigid.Body('plane') plane.visual = dir + '/../mesh/ground.obj' plane.collision = plane.visual plane.mass_from_mesh(plane.visual, 10) = 0.8 # per object friction coefficient plane.node = plane.insert(scene) plane.node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0') # box box = Rigid.Body('box') box.visual = dir + '/../mesh/cube.obj' box.collision = box.visual box.dofs.translation = [0, 3, 0] box.mass_from_mesh(box.visual, 50) = 1 # per object friction coefficient box.node = box.insert(scene)
def createScene(root): # root node setup root.createObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName='Compliant') root.createObject('VisualStyle', displayFlags="showBehavior") # simuation parameters root.dt = 1e-2 root.gravity = [0, -9.8, 0] # ode solver ode = root.createObject('CompliantImplicitSolver') ode.stabilization = "pre-stabilization" # numerical solver num = root.createObject('MinresSolver') num.iterations = 500 # scene node scene = root.createChild('scene') # script variables n = 10 length = 2 # objects creation obj = [] for i in xrange(n): # rigid bodies body = Rigid.Body() = 'link-' + str(i) body.dofs.translation = [0, length * i, 0] body.inertia_forces = 'true' obj.append(body) # insert the object into the scene node, saves the created # node in body_node body.node = body.insert(scene) body.node.getObject("dofs").showObject = True # joints creation for i in xrange(n - 1): # the joint j = Rigid.SphericalJoint() # joint offset definitions up = Rigid.Frame.Frame() up.translation = [0, length / 2, 0] down = Rigid.Frame.Frame() down.translation = [0, -length / 2, 0] # append node/offset to the joint j.append(obj[i].node, up) # parent j.append(obj[i + 1].node, down) # child j.insert(scene) # attach first node obj[0].node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0')
def createScene(node): node.createObject('RequiredPlugin', name='Compliant') node.createObject('CompliantAttachButtonSetting') node.createObject( 'VisualStyle', displayFlags= 'hideBehaviorModels hideCollisionModels hideMappings hideForceFields') node.findData('dt').value = 0.01 node.findData('gravity').value = '0 -9.81 0' node.createObject('CompliantImplicitSolver', name='odesolver', stabilization="true") node.createObject('MinresSolver', name='numsolver', iterations='250', precision='1e-14') scene = node.createChild('scene') rigid = [] joint = [] # create rigid bodies for p in parts: r = Rigid.Body() = p[0] # r.collision = part_path + p[1][3]) r.visual = mesh_path + '/' + p[15] r.collision = r.visual r.inertia_forces = True density = float(p[7]) r.mass_from_mesh(r.visual, density) r.insert(scene) rigid.append(r) # create joints for i in links: j = i[2] j.compliance = 0 p = offset[i[0]][0] off_p = offset[i[0]][1] c = offset[i[1]][0] off_c = offset[i[1]][1] j.append(rigid[p].user, off_p) j.append(rigid[c].user, off_c) joint.append(j.insert(scene)) # fix first body rigid[0].node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0') return node
# joint offsets offset = [[0, Frame.Frame().read('0 0 0 0 0 0 1')], [1, Frame.Frame().read('0 0 0.148 0 0 0 1')], [1, Frame.Frame().read('0.24 -0.145 0.478 0 0 0 1')], [2, Frame.Frame().read('-0.845 -0.073 0 0 0 0 1')], [2, Frame.Frame().read('0.852 0.072 0 0 0 0 1')], [3, Frame.Frame().read('-0.113 0 0 0 0 0 1')], [3, Frame.Frame().read('0.15 0 0 0 0 0 1')], [0, Frame.Frame().read('2.2 0 0.33 0 0 0 1')]] # joints: parent offset, child offset, joint def links = [ # revolute joint around z [0, 1, Rigid.RevoluteJoint(2)], # corps-roue [2, 3, Rigid.RevoluteJoint(2)], # roue-came [4, 5, Rigid.RevoluteJoint(2)], # came-piston # sliding joint around x [6, 7, Rigid.PrismaticJoint(0)] ] def createScene(node): node.createObject('RequiredPlugin', name='Compliant') node.createObject('CompliantAttachButtonSetting') node.createObject( 'VisualStyle', displayFlags=
def createScene(node): scene = Tools.scene(node) style = node.getObject('style') style.findData('displayFlags').showMappings = True manager = node.getObject('manager') manager.response = 'FrictionCompliantContact' # node.createObject('CompliantAttachButton') globalMu = 0.7 # per object friction coefficient (the friction coef between 2 objects is approximated as the product of both coefs) manager.responseParams = 'mu={0}&compliance={1}&horizontalConeProjection=1'.format( globalMu, 1e-8) ode = node.getObject('ode') ode.stabilization = "pre-stabilization" ode.debug = 2 # (un)comment these to see anisotropy issues with sequential solver solver = 'ModulusSolver' solver = 'SequentialSolver' num = node.createObject(solver, name='num', iterations=100, precision=1e-14, anderson=4) num.printLog = True proximity = node.getObject('proximity') proximity.alarmDistance = 0.5 proximity.contactDistance = 0.2 proximity.useLineLine = True # plane plane = Rigid.Body('plane') plane.dofs.translation = [0, 5, -15] alpha = math.pi / 5 mu = math.tan(alpha) print "plane mu:", mu, if mu < globalMu: print '(should stick)' else: print '(should slide)' q = Quaternion.exp([alpha, 0.0, 0.0]) plane.dofs.rotation = q s = 6 plane.scale = [s, s, s] plane.visual = path + '/../mesh/ground.obj' plane.collision = plane.visual plane.mass_from_mesh(plane.visual, 10) = 0.5 # per object friction coefficient plane.node = plane.insert(scene) plane.node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0') # box box = Rigid.Body('box') box.visual = path + '/../mesh/cube.obj' box.collision = box.visual box.dofs.translation = [0, 3, 0] box.mass_from_mesh(box.visual, 50) = 1 # per object friction coefficient box.dofs.rotation = q box.node = box.insert(scene)
def createScene(node): node.createObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName='Compliant') node.animate = 'true' node.createObject( 'VisualStyle', displayFlags= 'hideBehaviorModels hideCollisionModels hideMappings hideForceFields') node.dt = 0.005 node.gravity = '0 -9.81 0' ode = node.createObject('AssembledSolver', name='odesolver') ode.stabilization = 'true' # ode.debug = 'true' num = node.createObject('MinresSolver', name='numsolver', iterations='250', precision='1e-14') node.createObject('PythonScriptController', filename=__file__, classname='Controller') scene = node.createChild('scene') inertia_forces = 'true' # dofs base = Rigid.Body('base') base.node = base.insert(scene) base.visual = 'mesh/box.obj' base.node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0') link1 = Rigid.Body('link1') link1.dofs.translation = [0, 0, 0] link1.visual = 'mesh/cylinder.obj' link1.inertia_forces = inertia_forces link1.mass_from_mesh(link1.visual) link1.node = link1.insert(scene) link2 = Rigid.Body('link2') link2.dofs.translation = [0, 10, 0] link2.visual = 'mesh/cylinder.obj' link2.mass_from_mesh(link2.visual) link2.inertia_forces = inertia_forces link2.node = link2.insert(scene) # joints joint1 = Rigid.RevoluteJoint(2) joint1.append(base.node, Rigid.Frame().read('0 0 0 0 0 0 1')) joint1.append(link1.node, Rigid.Frame().read('0 0 0 0 0 0 1')) joint1.node = joint1.insert(scene) joint2 = Rigid.RevoluteJoint(2) joint2.append(link1.node, Rigid.Frame().read('0 10 0 0 0 0 1')) joint2.append(link2.node, Rigid.Frame().read('0 0 0 0 0 0 1')) joint2.node = joint2.insert(scene) # control control.joint1 = ControlledJoint(joint1.node.getObject('dofs')) control.joint2 = ControlledJoint(joint2.node.getObject('dofs')) # pid controller reference pos for joint2 control.joint2.ref_pos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, math.pi / 2] return node
def update(self, dt): tau, e = self.dofs.externalForce = Rigid.concat(tau) self.integral = [i + dt * f for i, f in zip(self.integral, e)]
mesh_path = Tools.path( __file__ ) scale = 1 # parts of the mechanism parts = [ ["Corps","Corps.msh","1.36 0 0.0268 0 0 0 1","0 0 0 0 0 0 1","22.8 751 737", "2.1e+11","0.28","7.8e+3",1291.453/scale,"TetrahedronFEMForceField","Rigid","Vec3d","TLineModel","TPointModel","ExtVec3f","0.obj","Actor_Sensor_NA",], ["Roue","Roue.msh","0 -0.00604 0.354 0 0 0 1","0 0 -0.148 0 0 0 1","105 106 205", "2.1e+11","0.28","7.8e+3",780.336/scale,"TetrahedronFEMForceField","Rigid","Vec3d","TLineModel","TPointModel","ExtVec3f","3.obj","Actor_Sensor_NA"], ["Came","Came.msh","0 0 -0.00768 0 0 0 1","1.085 -0.072 0.33 0 0 0 1","40.5 40.6 0.331", "2.1e+11","0.28","7.8e+3",161.416/scale,"TetrahedronFEMForceField","Rigid","Vec3d","TLineModel","TPointModel","ExtVec3f","2.obj","Actor_Sensor_NA"], ["Piston","Piston.msh","0 0 0.424 0 0 0 1","2.05 0 0.33 0 0 0 1","0.356 14.6 14.7", "2.1e+11","0.28","7.8e+3",132.759/scale,"TetrahedronFEMForceField","Rigid","Vec3d","TLineModel","TPointModel","ExtVec3f","1.obj","Actor_Sensor_NA"] ] # joint offsets offset = [ [0, Rigid.Frame().read('0 0 0 0 0 0 1')], [1, Rigid.Frame().read('0 0 0.148 0 0 0 1')], [1, Rigid.Frame().read('0.24 -0.145 0.478 0 0 0 1')], [2, Rigid.Frame().read('-0.845 -0.073 0 0 0 0 1')], [2, Rigid.Frame().read('0.852 0.072 0 0 0 0 1')], [3, Rigid.Frame().read('-0.113 0 0 0 0 0 1')], [3, Rigid.Frame().read('0.15 0 0 0 0 0 1')], [0, Rigid.Frame().read('2.2 0 0.33 0 0 0 1')] ] # joints: parent offset, child offset, joint def links = [
def update(self, dt): tau, e = self.dofs.externalForce = Rigid.concat(tau) self.integral = [i + dt * f for i, f in zip(self.integral, e) ]
def createScene(node): # controller node.createObject('PythonScriptController', filename=__file__, classname='Controller') node.dt = 0.005 # friction coefficient = 0.5 scene = Tools.scene(node) style = node.getObject('style') style.findData('displayFlags').showMappings = True manager = node.getObject('manager') manager.response = 'FrictionCompliantContact' manager.responseParams = 'mu=' + str( + "&horizontalConeProjection=1" ode = node.getObject('ode') ode.stabilization = "pre-stabilization" bench = node.createObject('Benchmark') num = node.createObject('SequentialSolver', name='num', iterations=100, precision=1e-14) node.createObject('LDLTResponse') proximity = node.getObject('proximity') proximity.alarmDistance = 0.5 proximity.contactDistance = 0.1 # ground ground = Rigid.Body('ground') ground.node = ground.insert(scene) # plane plane = Rigid.Body('plane') plane.visual = dir + '/../mesh/ground.obj' plane.collision = plane.visual plane.mass_from_mesh(plane.visual, 10) plane.node = plane.insert(scene) ground.node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices='0') # ground-plane joint frame = Rigid.Frame.Frame() frame.translation = [8, 0, 0] joint = Rigid.RevoluteJoint(2) joint.absolute(frame, ground.node, plane.node) joint.upper_limit = 0 joint.node = joint.insert(scene) # box box = Rigid.Body('box') box.visual = dir + '/../mesh/cube.obj' box.collision = box.visual box.dofs.translation = [0, 3, 0] box.mass_from_mesh(box.visual, 50) box.node = box.insert(scene) shared.plane = plane.node.getObject('dofs') = box.node.getObject('dofs') shared.joint = joint.node.getObject('dofs') # pid = Control.PID(shared.joint) = -math.atan( # target should trigger slide = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] # = '-1e7' scale = 2e5 = -5 * scale = -100 * scale = -1e-1 * scale
def run(): ok = True # testing axis-aligned known geometric shapes for m in xrange(len(meshes)): mesh = meshes[m] mesh_path = path + meshes[m] for s in xrange(len(scales)): scale = scales[s] if mesh == "cylinder.obj" and scale[0] != scale[1]: continue for d in xrange(len(densities)): density = densities[d] info = Rigid.generate_rigid(mesh_path, density, scale) error = " (" + meshes[m] + ", s=" + scale) + " d=" + str(density) + ")" ok &= EXPECT_TRUE( almostEqualReal(info.mass, masses[m][s][d]), "mass" + error + " " + str(info.mass) + "!=" + str(masses[m][s][d])) ok &= EXPECT_TRUE( almostEqualLists(, [x * 0.5 for x in scale]), "com" + error + " " + + "!=" +[x * 0.5 for x in scale])) ok &= EXPECT_TRUE( almostEqualLists(info.diagonal_inertia.tolist(), inertia[m][s][d]), "inertia" + error + " " + str(info.diagonal_inertia) + "!=" + str(inertia[m][s][d]) + " " + str(info.inertia)) # testing diagonal inertia extraction from a rotated cuboid mesh = "cube.obj" mesh_path = path + mesh scale = scales[3] density = 1 theory = sorted(inertia[0][3][0]) for r in rotations: info = Rigid.generate_rigid(mesh_path, density, scale, r) local = sorted(info.diagonal_inertia.tolist()) ok &= EXPECT_TRUE( almostEqualLists(local, theory), "inertia " + str(local) + "!=" + str(theory) + " (rotation=" + str(r) + ")") # testing extracted inertia rotation mesh = "rotated_cuboid_12_35_-27.obj" mesh_path = path + mesh density = 1 info = Rigid.generate_rigid(mesh_path, density) # theoretical results scale = [2, 3, 1] mass = density * scale[0] * scale[1] * scale[2] inertiat = numpy.empty(3) inertiat[0] = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ( scale[1] * scale[1] + scale[2] * scale[2]) # x inertiat[1] = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ( scale[0] * scale[0] + scale[2] * scale[2]) # y inertiat[2] = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * ( scale[0] * scale[0] + scale[1] * scale[1]) # z # used quaternion in mesh q = Quaternion.normalized( Quaternion.from_euler([ 12 * math.pi / 180.0, 35 * math.pi / 180.0, -27 * math.pi / 180.0 ])) # corresponding rotation matrices (ie frame defined by columns) mt = Quaternion.to_matrix(q) m = Quaternion.to_matrix(info.inertia_rotation) # matching inertia idxt = numpy.argsort(inertiat) idx = numpy.argsort(info.diagonal_inertia) # checking if each axis/column are parallel (same or opposite for unitary vectors) for i in xrange(3): ok &= EXPECT_TRUE( almostEqualLists(mt[:, idxt[i]].tolist(), m[:, idx[i]].tolist(), 1e-5) or almostEqualLists(mt[:, idxt[i]].tolist(), (-m[:, idx[i]]).tolist(), 1e-5), "wrong inertia rotation") # print mt[:,idxt] # print m [:,idx ] return ok
def createScene(node): # controller node.createObject('PythonScriptController', filename = __file__, classname = 'Controller' ) # time step node.dt = 0.005 # scene node scene = Tools.scene( node ) # display flags style = node.getObject('style') style.findData('displayFlags').showMappings = True # collision detection proximity = node.getObject('proximity') proximity.alarmDistance = 0.5 proximity.contactDistance = 0.1 # contat manager manager = node.getObject('manager') manager.response = 'CompliantContact' manager.responseParams = 'compliance=0' # integrator ode = node.getObject('ode',) ode.stabilization = True ode.stabilization_damping = 0 # main solver num = node.createObject('BenchmarkSolver', name = 'num') response = node.createObject('LDLTResponse', name = 'response') iterations = 300 precision = 1e-8 # we need compliantdev for qpsolver node.createObject('RequiredPlugin', pluginName = 'CompliantDev') # benchmarks shared.pgs = node.createObject('Benchmark', name = 'bench-pgs') shared.qp = node.createObject('Benchmark', name = 'bench-qp') # solvers pgs = node.createObject('SequentialSolver', name = 'pgs', iterations = iterations, precision = precision, bench = '@./bench-pgs') qp = node.createObject('QPSolver', name = 'qp', iterations = iterations, precision = precision, bench = '@./bench-qp', schur = True) # plane plane = Rigid.Body('plane') plane.visual = dir + '/mesh/ground.obj' plane.collision = plane.visual plane.mass_from_mesh( plane.visual, 10 ) plane.node = plane.insert( scene ) plane.node.createObject('FixedConstraint', indices = '0') # boxes n_boxes = 10 for i in xrange(n_boxes): box = Rigid.Body('box-{0}'.format(i)) box.visual = dir + '/mesh/cube.obj' box.collision = box.visual box.dofs.translation = [0, 2.5 * (i + 1), 0] box.mass_from_mesh( box.visual, 50 ) box.node = box.insert( scene )