def __init__(self, fileName): #Read the file containg probe data and store it in this object CompoProfile.__init__(self) self.pltMark = 'o' #open the csv file try: grtFile = open(fileName, 'r') except: print("No csv file found at location:") print(fileName) return grtdf = pd.read_csv(grtFile) self.x = list(grtdf['x (mm)']) for i in range(len(CMPNT)): self.cmpnts[i] = list(grtdf[CMPNT[i]])
def splitTrav(self, xPos, selectLeft): #Method for splitting the traverse into two halves at the inputted xPos #Assumes xpos will never exactly equal to an x position on the traverse #The two halves are CompoProfile objects with the same data of their respective halves of this Traverse object #They will be stored in the travSplit array so that they can be ambiguously referenced. #They will contain a little less info but maintain most of the core stuff count = 0 #Finds the index of the datapoint to the right of the selected x while (self.x[count] < xPos): count += 1 xRightIndex = count xLeftIndex = count - 1 #initialize travSplit array to hold the two halves and the two sides of the traverse self.travSplit = [] rightTrav = CompoProfile() leftTrav = CompoProfile() rightTrav.pltMark = 'o' leftTrav.pltMark = 'o' leftTrav.pltColour = 'blue' #So it can be differentiated on the plot #Build the contained arrays #First calculate the value at 0 using linear interpolation #This allows for modelling from 0 rightTrav.x.append(0) leftTrav.x.append(0) for i in range(len(GRT_CMPNT)): #Append the composition at 0 to both left and right traverse since they should be the same zeroVal = self.interpCompoAtX(xPos, GRT_CMPNT[i].cation) rightTrav.cmpnts[i].append(zeroVal) leftTrav.cmpnts[i].append(zeroVal) for i in range(xRightIndex, len(self.x)): rightTrav.x.append(self.x[i] - xPos) for j in range(len(GRT_CMPNT)): rightTrav.cmpnts[j].append(self.cmpnts[j][i]) #Flips the left Traverse for i in range(xLeftIndex, -1, -1): leftTrav.x.append(xPos - self.x[i]) for j in range(len(GRT_CMPNT)): leftTrav.cmpnts[j].append(self.cmpnts[j][i]) #Add the two traverses to travSplit if len(rightTrav.x) > 0: self.travSplit.append(rightTrav) if not selectLeft: return rightTrav if len(leftTrav.x) > 0: self.travSplit.append(leftTrav) if selectLeft: return leftTrav
def plotAll(self, pltIn): #Method to plot all components on one plot #Assumes that the Fe component is much higher than the rest, plots it on seperate axis colours = ['green', 'blue', 'orange', 'red'] symbols = ['o', '^', 's', 'P'] pltAlm = pltIn.twinx() self.travPlot = pltIn #Saves the plot to the object #Loop for plotting for i in range(len(CMPNT)): self.pltColour = colours[i] self.pltMark = symbols[i] if (CMPNT[i] == "Fe"): CompoProfile.plotCompo(self, CMPNT[i], pltAlm, 7) else: CompoProfile.plotCompo(self, CMPNT[i], pltIn, 7) pltIn.set_xlabel("x (mm)") pltIn.set_ylabel("X (Ca,Mn,Mg)") #Uncomment these lines if you want everything on the same scale #pltIn.set_ylim(0,0.4) #pltAlm.set_ylim(0.45,0.85) pltAlm.set_ylabel("X (Fe)") pltIn.legend(fontsize=14, loc='upper left') pltAlm.legend(fontsize=14, loc='upper right') #This is to set up the stuff for splitting the plot in half, assuming that you input a full traverse instead of a half traverse self.cid = pltIn.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.travClick) self.splitLine = pltIn.plot([0], [0]) #create an empty line self.splitTrav( self.x[0] - 1 ) #Sets the baseline to leftTrav is empty and rightTrav = this. This is basically if you want to input just a half traverse, however it assumes that it is the right half
def splitTrav(self, xPos): #Method for splitting the traverse into two halves at the inputted xPos #Assumes xpos will never exactly equal to an x position on the traverse #The two halves are CompoProfile objects with the same data of their respective halves of this Traverse object #They will be stored in the travSplit array so that they can be ambiguously referenced. #They will contain a little less info but maintain most of the core stuff count = 0 #Finds the index of the datapoint to the right of the selected x while (self.x[count] < xPos): count += 1 xRightIndex = count xLeftIndex = count - 1 #initialize travSplit array to hold the two halves and the two sides of the traverse self.travSplit = [] rightTrav = CompoProfile() leftTrav = CompoProfile() rightTrav.pltMark = 'o' leftTrav.pltMark = 'o' leftTrav.pltColour = 'blue' #So it can be differentiated on the plot #Build the contained arrays for i in range(xRightIndex, len(self.x)): rightTrav.x.append(self.x[i] - xPos) for j in range(len(CMPNT)): rightTrav.cmpnts[j].append(self.cmpnts[j][i]) #Flips the left Traverse for i in range(xLeftIndex, -1, -1): leftTrav.x.append(xPos - self.x[i]) for j in range(len(CMPNT)): leftTrav.cmpnts[j].append(self.cmpnts[j][i]) #Add the two traverses to travSplit if len(rightTrav.x) > 0: self.travSplit.append(rightTrav) if len(leftTrav.x) > 0: self.travSplit.append(leftTrav)
def __init__(self, dirIn, gen, trial): #Constructor, builds the data arrays defined in CompoProfile from the garnet_gen file #Also defines the PTt path from PTt-path.txt CompoProfile.__init__(self) #Plot parameters self.pltLine = '-' self.pltColour = 'red' self.trial = -1 #Easy way to check if initialized self.gen = -1 #to use for checking if the gen exists for this trial #self.profPlots = [] trialDir = 'Trial-' + '{:04d}'.format(trial) if == 'nt': #PC slash = "\\" else: #Mac slash = "/" #File paths for the PTt path and garnet composition pathDir = dirIn + slash + trialDir + slash + PATH_FILE_NAME grtDir = dirIn + slash + trialDir + slash + GRT_FILE_PREF + '{:03d}'.format( gen) + 'a.txt' try: pathFile = open(pathDir, 'r') except: print("PTt-path.txt for trial: " + str(trial) + " not found at location:") print(pathDir) return self.trial = trial try: grtFile = open(grtDir, 'r') except: print("Garnet generation: " + str(gen) + " not found in trial: " + str(trial)) print( "Please select different generation if you wish to include this trial" ) return #grtFile.close() self.gen = gen self.pressure = [] self.temperature = [] self.time = [] line = pathFile.readline() #remove header line = pathFile.readline() #Read the path file to the end while (len(line) > 0): items = [value.strip() for value in line.split()] self.temperature.append(float(items[TEMP_COL])) self.pressure.append(float(items[PRES_COL])) self.time.append(float(items[TIM_COL])) line = pathFile.readline() pathFile.close() #Read the garnet file, need to specifically take the last growth period, starts from the bottom and moves up #Header names are identical to output files from theriag, do not change these unless you change the theriag output as well grtdf = pd.read_csv(grtFile) rowCount = grtdf.shape[0] shells = grtdf['shell '] xCol = grtdf['node(cm) '] #Build array of arrays in correpsonding order of CMPNT tgCmpnt = [] for i in range(len(CMPNT)): head = 'x(' + CMPNT[i] + ') ' tgCmpnt.append(grtdf[head]) row = rowCount - 1 #Will add the values from the corresponding columns then reverse them self.x.append(xCol[row] * 10 - H_ADJUST) for i in range(len(CMPNT)): self.cmpnts[i].append(tgCmpnt[i][row]) row -= 1 #loop from end of the file, counting down the shells, stops when the shell #number increases again, indicating an earlier stage of growth while (shells[row] < shells[row + 1]): self.x.append(xCol[row] * 10 - H_ADJUST) for i in range(len(CMPNT)): self.cmpnts[i].append(tgCmpnt[i][row]) #print(shells[row]) row -= 1 self.x.reverse() for i in range(len(CMPNT)): self.cmpnts[i].reverse()
def plotAll(self, pltIn): #Method to plot all components on one plot #Assumes that the Fe component is much higher than the rest, plots it on seperate axis colours = ['green', 'blue', 'orange', 'red'] symbols = ['o', '^', 's', 'P'] pltAlm = pltIn.twinx() self.travPlot = pltIn #Saves the plot to the object #Loop for plotting for i in range(len(GRT_CMPNT)): self.pltColour = colours[i] self.pltMark = symbols[i] if (GRT_CMPNT[i] == ALM): CompoProfile.plotCompo(self, GRT_CMPNT[i].cation, pltAlm, 7) else: CompoProfile.plotCompo(self, GRT_CMPNT[i].cation, pltIn, 7) pltIn.set_xlabel("Distance (mm)", fontsize=24) pltIn.set_ylabel("X (Ca,Mn,Mg)", fontsize=24) #Uncomment these lines if you want everything on the same scale pltIn.set_ylim(0, 0.4) pltAlm.set_ylim(0.4, 0.9) pltAlm.set_ylabel("X (Fe)", fontsize=24, rotation=-90) pltIn.legend(loc='upper left') pltAlm.legend(loc='upper right') pltIn.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') pltIn.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') pltIn.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right=False) pltIn.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right=False) pltAlm.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') pltAlm.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') pltAlm.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right=True) pltAlm.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right=True) pltIn.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) pltIn.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.2)) pltIn.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1)) pltIn.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.02)) pltAlm.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) pltAlm.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.2)) pltAlm.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.1)) pltAlm.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.02)) #This is to set up the stuff for splitting the plot in half, assuming that you input a full traverse instead of a half traverse self.cid = pltIn.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.travClick) self.splitLine = pltIn.plot([0], [0]) #create an empty line self.selectedTrav = self.splitTrav( self.x[0] - 1, False ) #Sets the baseline to leftTrav is empty and rightTrav = this. This is basically if you want to input just a half traverse, however it assumes that it is the right half