Exemple #1
        def checkSubTour(vals):
            vals = {
                keyOpMVRPD(var): vals[var]
                for var in vals.keys() if var[0] == 'x' and vals[var] >= 0.999

            errorcnt = 0
            for t in range(1, self.H + 1):

                edges = [(key[1], key[2]) for key in vals.keys()
                         if key[3] == t and key[0] == 'x']
                if len(edges) > 0:

                    subsets = getSubsets(edges, self.V + 1)
                    if len(subsets) > 0:
                        print(t, subsets)
                        print('---------- ERROR! ----------')
                        errorcnt += 1

            if errorcnt == 0:
                print('[TEST] SUBTOUR CORRECT MODEL')
                return True
                print('[TEST] SUBTOUR ERRORS')
            return False
Exemple #2
        def checkSubTour(vals):
            vals = {
                keyOpVRP(var): vals[var]
                for var in vals.keys() if var[0] == 'y' and vals[var] > 0

            errorcnt = 0
            for k in range(1, self.trucks + 1):

                edges = [(key[1], key[2]) for key in vals.keys()
                         if key[3] == k and key[0] == 'y']
                if len(edges) > 0:
                    subsets = getSubsets(edges, self.totalNodes)
                    if len(subsets) > 0:
                        print(k, subsets)
                        print('---------- ERROR! ----------')
                        errorcnt += 1

            if errorcnt == 0:
                print('[TEST] SUBTOUR CORRECT MODEL')
                return True
                print('[TEST] SUBTOUR ERRORS')
            return False
Exemple #3
    def f1(solValues):
        cuts = []
        solValues = { keyOperator(key) : solValues[key] for key in solValues.keys()}

        for k in range(1, K + 1):
            for t in range(1, H + 1):

                edges = []
                for i in range(n + 1):
                    for j in range(n + 1):
                        if i < j:
                            if solValues[(mainStVarName, i, j, k, t)] > 0.5:
                                edges.append((i, j))
                subsets = getSubsets(edges, n)

                if len(edges) > 0:
                    for subset in subsets:
                        for element in subset:
                            newCut = Cut()
                            nonzeros = {}
                            nonzeros.update({ '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(mainStVarName, i, j, k, t) : 1 for i in subset for j in subset if i < j })

                            nonzeros.update({'{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(secondStVarName, i, k, t) : -1 for i in subset if i != element })
                            newCut.nonzero = nonzeros
                            newCut.sense = '<='
                            newCut.rhs = 0
        return cuts
Exemple #4
        def f1(solValues):
            cuts = []
            solValues = {(key.split('_')[0], int(key.split('_')[1]),
                          int(key.split('_')[2])): solValues[key]
                         for key in solValues.keys()}

            edges = []
            for i in range(self.n):
                for j in range(self.n):
                    if i < j:
                        if solValues[('x', i, j)] > 0.5:
                            edges.append((i, j))

            subsets = getSubsets(edges, self.n)

            if len(edges) > 0:
                for subset in subsets:
                    newCut = Cut()
                    nonzeros = {}
                        'x_{}_{}'.format(i, j): 1
                        for i in subset for j in subset if i < j
                    newCut.nonzero = nonzeros
                    newCut.sense = '<='
                    newCut.rhs = len(subset) - 1
            return cuts
Exemple #5
def sepFunctionTSP(solValues):

    # List of cuts is initialized as empty
    cuts = []

    # A new dictionary can be created, formating the keys as tuples (string 'x', int i, int j) instead of strings
    # The values are the same of course as those of solValues and contain the binary variables x_i_j with i < j.
    solValues = {(key.split('_')[0], int(key.split('_')[1]),
                  int(key.split('_')[2])): solValues[key]
                 for key in solValues.keys()}

    # A list stores with tuples of integers the active edges.
    edges = []
    for i in range(nodes):
        for j in range(nodes):
            if i < j:
                # Numerical precaution, this cn be set to >= 1 as well.
                if solValues[('x', i, j)] >= 0.99:
                    edges.append((i, j))

    #This function returns through a list of lists of integers
    # all connected components in case there is more than one.
    subsets = getSubsets(edges, nodes)

    if len(edges) > 0:
        for subset in subsets:

            # A new Cut object is created
            newCut = Cut()
            nonzeros = {}

            # The coefficients are always 1, we add all edges associated to the elements of the subset.
                'x_{}_{}'.format(i, j): 1
                for i in subset for j in subset if i < j
            newCut.nonzero = nonzeros

            # The sense is added as a string '<='
            newCut.sense = '<='

            # The cardinality of subset S can be computed as the length of the subset list
            newCut.rhs = len(subset) - 1

            # We append the new cut to the list
    return cuts
Exemple #6
    def checkSubTour(vals):
        vals = { keyOperator(var) : vals[var] for var in vals.keys() if var[0] == stVarName and vals[var] >= 0.001 }

        errorcnt = 0
        for k in range(1, K + 1):
            for t in range(1, H + 1):
                edges = [(key[1], key[2]) for key in vals.keys() if (key[3], key[4]) == (k, t) and key[0] == stVarName]
                if len(edges) > 0:
                    subsets = getSubsets(edges, n)
                    if len(subsets) > 0:
                        print(k, t, subsets)
                        print('---------- ERROR! ----------')
                        errorcnt += 1
        if errorcnt == 0:
            print('[TEST] SUBTOUR CORRECT MODEL')
            return True
            print('[TEST] SUBTOUR ERRORS')
            return False
Exemple #7
        def checkSubTour(vals):
            vals = {
                keyOpTSP(var): vals[var]
                for var in vals.keys() if var[0] == 'x' and vals[var] > 0

            errorcnt = 0

            edges = [(key[1], key[2]) for key in vals.keys() if key[0] == 'x']
            if len(edges) > 0:
                subsets = getSubsets(edges, self.n)
                if len(subsets) > 0:
                    print('---------- ERROR! ----------')
                    errorcnt += 1

            if errorcnt == 0:
                print('[TEST] SUBTOUR CORRECT MODEL')
                return True
                print('[TEST] SUBTOUR ERRORS')
            return False