def Login(): token = GetConfig("Confidential", "Token") if not token: url = client.get_authorize_url() print(url) webbrowser.open_new(url) code = input("Code?") r = client.request_access_token(code) token = r.access_token expires = r.expires_in SetConfig("Confidential", "Token", token) SetConfig("Confidential", "Expires", str(r.expires_in)) SaveConfig() else: expires = int(GetConfig("Confidential", "Expires"))"Token expires in %s .", datetime.fromtimestamp(expires)) client.set_access_token(token, expires)
def SelectRandomPage(): # Pages in certain categories will not be pushed. EXCLUDED_CATEGORY_PARTS = ["翻译", "删除"] # Only pages with more than x revisions will be pushed. pageMinRevisions = int(GetConfig("Wiki", "PageMinimumRevisions", 5)) maxFetchedPages = int(GetConfig("Wiki", "MaxRandomPicks", 500)) ignorePushedTerms = bool(GetConfig("Wiki", "IgnorePushedTermsList", False)) forceWithImage = bool(GetConfig("Wiki", "ForceWithImage", True)) fetchedPages = 0 for page in pagegenerators.RandomPageGenerator(maxFetchedPages, siteZh, namespaces=(0, )): fetchedPages += 1 if page.title() in pushedTerms: logging.debug("Skipped: %s . Page has been pushed.", page) continue if page.revision_count() < pageMinRevisions: logging.debug("Skipped: %s . Insufficient revisions.", page) continue # Check categories cats = [cat.title() for cat in page.categories()] if next( (c for c in cats if next((ec for ec in EXCLUDED_CATEGORY_PARTS if c in ec), None)), None): logging.debug("Skipped: %s . Excluded by category.", page) continue # Check cover image if forceWithImage and not GetCoverImage(page)[1]: logging.debug("Skipped: %s . No cover image found.", page) continue # The page might be suitable"After %s/%s pages, choose: %s .", fetchedPages, maxFetchedPages, page) return page # No page selected logging.warn("After %s pages, no page meets the requirements.", fetchedPages) return None
def CreateDatabase(): dbParams = GetConfig("postgresql") conn = psycopg2.connect(host=dbParams["host"], user=dbParams["user"], password=dbParams["password"]) conn.set_session(autocommit=True) cur = conn.cursor() dropStr = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {}".format(dbParams["database"]) cur.execute(dropStr) createStr = 'CREATE DATABASE {} WITH ENCODING "utf8" TEMPLATE template0'.format( dbParams["database"]) cur.execute(createStr) conn.close()
def LoadPushedTerms(): # The terms pushed {ttl} days before may be pushed again. ttl = float(GetConfig("Wiki", "PushedTermsTTL", 180)) ttl = timedelta(days=ttl) now = datetime.utcnow() try: with open("Confidential/PushedTerms.txt", "r") as tsvfile: reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter="\t") for entry in reader: # Ignore trailing blank lines if len(entry) < 2: continue time = datetime.strptime(entry[1], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') if (time - now) < ttl: pushedTerms[str(entry[0]).strip()] = time"Loaded %i shared terms.", len(pushedTerms)) except FileNotFoundError:"No shared terms recorded yet.")
def ParseWikiPagePushInfo(page: pywikibot.Page): parsed_text = ParsePage(page) # If the score of a trivia is higher than this, # we'll try to show it only, without leading text. triviaSignificance = float(GetConfig("Wiki", "PushedTermsTTL", 180)) # Distill text bareTitle = BareDisambigTitle(page.title()) distilled = WikiPageDistiller.DistillHtml(parsed_text) info = WikiPagePushInfo(page.title(), page.full_url()) if distilled.trivia != None: # Trivia only info.postText = distilled.trivia # Leading + trivia if distilled.triviaScore < triviaSignificance or not bareTitle in info.postText: info.postText = distilled.introduction + info.postText else: # Leading info.postText = distilled.introduction #elif len(distilled.introduction) < 50 : # Choose cover image info.postImageName, info.postImageUrl = GetCoverImage(page) return info
def GetCur(): dbParams = GetConfig("postgresql") conn = psycopg2.connect(**dbParams) conn.set_session(autocommit=True) cur = conn.cursor() return conn, cur
def MakeBatch(): print('Enter Batch Directory Name for new batch.') batch_dir = input('>> ') print('Enter Batch prefix.') print('Warning, all configuration files with the same prefix will' + ' be deleted and replaced with new ones upon export.') batch_name = input('>> ') config_dir = os.path.join(batch_dir, 'configs') if not os.path.exists(batch_dir): os.mkdir(batch_dir) os.mkdir(config_dir) elif not os.path.exists(config_dir): os.mkdir(config_dir) while True: try: print('Enter total number of configurations.') total_configs = int(input('>> ')) print("Total configs = %d" % (total_configs)) break except ValueError: print("Error: input is not a valid number.") continue temp = TemporaryDirectory() while True: print("Enter filename of the base configuration,") print('or enter "default" to use the default configuration.') config_input = input('>> ') if config_input == 'default': Default(, False) config_input = os.path.join(, '') break elif os.path.exists(config_input): break else: print('Error: File does not exist:') continue initial_config = GetConfig(config_input) batch_config = [GetConfig(config_input) for i in range(total_configs)] temp.cleanup() cancel = False while True: print('Enter Section and key name, (seperated by whitespace)') print('Enter "export" to write batch configuration files,') print('Or enter "cancel" to quit without saving') user_input = input('>> ') if user_input == 'cancel': cancel = True break elif user_input == 'export': break elif len(user_input.split()) == 2: section, key = user_input.split() print('Input Successful') else: print('Error: Input of %s is invalid.' % (user_input)) continue if section in initial_config.sections(): if key in initial_config[section].keys(): print("Key: %s, \t Current Value: %s" % (key, initial_config [section][key])) else: print('%s is not a valid key.' % (key)) continue else: print('%s is not a valid section' % (section)) continue while True: print('Enter scale choice. (linear/logarithimic/manual)') user_input = input('>> ') if user_input.startswith('lin'): print("Linear scale selected.") scale = 'linear' break elif user_input.startswith('log'): print("Logarithmic scale selected.") scale = 'logarithmic' break elif user_input.startswith('man'): print('Manual scale selected') scale = 'manual' break else: print("Error: input of %s is invalid" % (user_input)) continue if scale == 'linear': while True: try: print('Enter initial and final values. ' + '(seperated by whitespace) ') start, stop = input('>> ').split() start = float(start) stop = float(stop) steps = np.linspace(start, stop, total_configs) break except ValueError: print('Error: Input is invalid') continue elif scale == 'logarithmic': while True: try: print("Scale = multiplier x base^(exponent) ") print('Enter multiplier value.') factor = input('>>') print('Enter base value.') base = input('>> ') print('Enter initial and final exponents. ' + '(seperated by whitespace) ') start, stop = input('>> ').split() factor = float(factor) base = float(base) start = float(start) stop = float(stop) steps = factor *\ np.logspace(start, stop, total_configs, base=base) break except ValueError: print('Error: Input is invalid') continue elif scale == 'manual': while True: print('Enter %d values (seperated by whitespace)' % (total_configs)) user_input = input(">> ") steps = user_input.split() if len(steps) == total_configs: break elif len(steps) < total_configs: print('Error: User entered insufficient values') elif len(steps) > total_configs: print('Error: User entered too many values') if scale == 'manual': for i in range(total_configs): batch_config[i][section][key] = '%s' % (steps[i]) else: for i in range(total_configs): batch_config[i][section][key] = '%8.3g' % (steps[i]) print("Values:") print(steps) continue if not cancel: for entry in os.scandir(batch_dir): if os.path.split(entry.path)[1].startswith(batch_name): os.remove(entry.path) digits = int(np.ceil(np.log10(total_configs+1))) for i in range(total_configs): file_iter = str(i) while len(file_iter) < digits: file_iter = '0'+file_iter fname = "" % (batch_name, file_iter) save_name = os.path.join(config_dir, fname) with open(save_name, 'w') as f: batch_config[i].write(f) f.close() print("Written %d configurations to %s" % (total_configs, config_dir)) return batch_dir else: print("Batch aborted by user.") return ''