Exemple #1
#: structureIndexREMask used to identify which files by filename
#: are those with tables relating type names to structure types
structureIndexREMask = r"structIndex\.(?P<modname>.*?)\.py$"
if (True): # was firstrun logic... python interpreter makes sure this module only runs once already
    # this module operates like a singleton
    centralStructureIndex = {}
    # WALK the directory structure
    # add each directory to the sytem path (from which import can be done)
    # and exec the structureIndex.***.py files
    # These indexes are meant to append it to the centralDescriptorIndex
    for root, dirn, files in config_walk("structures"):
        for sfilename in files:
            if (re.match(structureIndexREMask, sfilename)):
                fullpath = os.path.join(root, sfilename)
                siFile = open(fullpath)
                exec siFile
                # file must declare structureIndex = {...}, keys are types, 
                # values are string names of structure classes that can
                # be instantiated when needed (should refer to modules
                # and classes in structures subdirectory, all of which is
                # in the import path.
                # note: make sure one index does not stomp another
                # Means misconfigured structureIndex.
# calculatorIndexREMask used to identify descriptorIndex files
# these files need to set descriptorIndex to a dictionary value
# relating AstroType names to descriptor calculator names, with the
# latter being of proper form to "exec" in python. 

calculatorIndexREMask = r"calculatorIndex\.(?P<modname>.*?)\.py$"

if (True):
    #note, the firstrun logic runs but is not needed, python only imports once
    # this module operates like a singleton
    centralCalculatorIndex = {}
    calculatorPackageMap = {}
    loadedCalculatorIndex = {}
    # WALK the config space as a directory structure
    for root, dirn, files in config_walk(DESCRIPTORSPACE):
        if root not in sys.path:
        if True:
            for dfile in files:
                if (re.match(calculatorIndexREMask, dfile)):
                    fullpath = os.path.join(root, dfile)
                    diFile = open(fullpath)
                    exec diFile
                    # file must declare calculatorIndex = {}
                    # note, it might be confusing to find out if
                    # one index entry stomps another... so I'm going to 
                    # check that this dict doesn't have keys already
                    # in the central dict