Exemple #1
def insertDump(seq, entry, outputname):
    dumpAlgs = []
    from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
    dumpAlgs += [EventNodeKiller("killForDump")]
    EventNodeKiller("killForDump").Nodes = Gaudi.Excise['killAtLeast']
    from Configurables import OutputStream, InputCopyStream
    dump = OutputStream("DumpEverything")
    dump.ItemList = Gaudi.Excise['copyNodes']
    from GaudiConf import IOHelper
    dumpAlgs += IOHelper().outputAlgs(outputname, dump, writeFSR=True)
    return insertSomething(seq, entry, dumpAlgs)
Exemple #2
    def _doWritePOOL(self, dType, writer):
        Write a file in POOL format
        log.info("%s.ItemList    = %s" %
                 (self.getProp("Writer"), writer.ItemList))
        log.info("%s.OptItemList = %s" %
                 (self.getProp("Writer"), writer.OptItemList))

        # In Minimal case, need to kill some nodes
        if dType == "Minimal":
            from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
            nodeKiller = EventNodeKiller("POOLNodeKiller")
            ApplicationMgr().OutStream.insert(0, nodeKiller)
            nodeKiller.Nodes += ["Link"]
            simDir = "MC"
            if self.getProp("EnablePack"): simDir = "pSim"
            nodeKiller.Nodes += [simDir + "/MCParticles"]
            nodeKiller.Nodes += [
                simDir + "/Velo", simDir + "/PuVeto", simDir + "/TT",
                simDir + "/IT", simDir + "/OT", simDir + "/Rich",
                simDir + "/Prs", simDir + "/Spd", simDir + "/Ecal",
                simDir + "/Hcal", simDir + "/Muon", simDir + "VP",
                simDir + "UT", simDir + "FT"
            nodeKiller.Nodes += self.KnownSpillPaths
Exemple #3
    def configureInput(self, inputType):
        Tune initialisation according to input type

        # By default, Brunel only needs to open one input file at a time
        # Only set to zero if not previously set to something else.
        if not IODataManager().isPropertySet("AgeLimit") : IODataManager().AgeLimit = 0

        if self._isReprocessing(inputType):
            # Kill knowledge of any previous Brunel processing
            from Configurables import ( TESCheck, EventNodeKiller )
            InitReprocSeq = GaudiSequencer( "InitReprocSeq" )
            if ( self.getProp("WithMC") and inputType in ["XDST","DST"] ):
                # Load linkers, to kill them (avoid appending to them later)
                InitReprocSeq.Members.append( "TESCheck" )
                TESCheck().Inputs = ["Link/Rec/Track/Best"]
            killer = EventNodeKiller()
            killer.Nodes += [ "Raw", "Link/Rec" ]
            if self.getProp("SkipTracking"):
                killer.Nodes += [ "pRec/Rich", "pRec/Muon", "pRec/Calo", "pRec/Track/Muon", "pRec/ProtoP" ]
                killer.Nodes += [ "pRec", "Rec" ]
            InitReprocSeq.Members.append( killer )
            ### see configureOutput to see how the remainder of the juggler is configured
        # Get the event time (for CondDb) from ODIN
        from Configurables import EventClockSvc
        EventClockSvc().EventTimeDecoder = "OdinTimeDecoder";
    def _defineMonitors(self):
        if self.getProp("KillDAQ"):
            from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
            daqKiller = EventNodeKiller("DAQKiller")
            daqKiller.Nodes += ["DAQ"]
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [daqKiller]
        ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += ["PrintHeader"]
        ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["ToolSvc", "DataOnDemandSvc"]

        if self.getProp("LoadAll"):
            from Configurables import StoreExplorerAlg, TESFingerPrint
            storeExp = StoreExplorerAlg(Load=True,
            fingerPrint = TESFingerPrint(HeuristicsLevel="Medium",
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [storeExp, fingerPrint]

        if self.getProp("DataContent").upper() == "DST":
            from Configurables import DumpTracks
            dumpTracks = DumpTracks(OutputLevel=2)
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += ["DumpTracks"]
            DstConf().EnableUnpack = ["Reconstruction", "Stripping"]

        if self.getProp("WithMC"):
            DigiConf().EnableUnpack = True
            SimConf().EnableUnpack = True
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += ["DumpMCEventAlg"]

        if self.getProp("DataContent").upper() == "SIM":
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += ["DumpHepMC"]
Exemple #5
    def patSeq(self, outputLevel=INFO):
        if not allConfigurables.get("PatSeq"):
            if outputLevel == VERBOSE:
                print "VERBOSE: Pat Sequencer not defined! Defining!"

            patSequencer = GaudiSequencer("PatSeq")
            patSequencer.MeasureTime = True

            from Configurables import (TESCheck, EventNodeKiller)

                TESCheck(Inputs=["Link/Rec/Track/Best"], Stop=False))
                EventNodeKiller(Nodes=["Rec", "Raw", "Link/Rec"]))

                GaudiSequencer("RecoVELOSeq", MeasureTime=True))
                GaudiSequencer("RecoTTSeq", MeasureTime=True))
                GaudiSequencer("RecoITSeq", MeasureTime=True))
                GaudiSequencer("RecoOTSeq", MeasureTime=True))
                GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq", MeasureTime=True))
                GaudiSequencer("RecoVertexSeq", MeasureTime=True))


            from Configurables import TrackRemoveDoubleHits
            if allConfigurables.get("TrackForwardPatSeq"):
                trackFwdPatSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrackForwardPatSeq")
                trackRemoveDoubleHitsFwd = TrackRemoveDoubleHits(
                trackRemoveDoubleHitsFwd.TracksLocation = "Rec/Track/Forward"

            if allConfigurables.get("TrackMatchPatSeq"):
                trackMatchPatSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrackMatchPatSeq")
                trackRemoveDoubleHitsMatch = TrackRemoveDoubleHits(
                trackRemoveDoubleHitsMatch.TracksLocation = "Rec/Track/Match"

            from Configurables import (PatPVOffline)

            return patSequencer
            if outputLevel == VERBOSE:
                print "VERBOSE: Pat Sequencer already defined!"
            return allConfigurables.get("PatSeq")
Exemple #6
    def configureInput(self, inputType):
        Tune initialisation according to input type

        # POOL Persistency, now in LHCbApp

        # By default, Escher only needs to open one input file at a time
        # Only set to zero if not previously set to something else.
        if not IODataManager().isPropertySet("AgeLimit"):
            IODataManager().AgeLimit = 0

        if inputType in ["XDST", "DST", "RDST", "ETC"]:
            # Kill knowledge of any previous Brunel processing
            from Configurables import (TESCheck, EventNodeKiller)
            InitReprocSeq = GaudiSequencer("InitReprocSeq")
            if (self.getProp("WithMC") and inputType in ["XDST", "DST"]):
                # Load linkers, to kill them (avoid appending to them later)
                TESCheck().Inputs = ["Link/Rec/Track/Best"]
            EventNodeKiller().Nodes = ["pRec", "Rec", "Raw", "Link/Rec"]

        if inputType == "ETC":
            raise DeprecationWarning, "ETC are no longer supported by LHCb software"
            from Configurables import TagCollectionSvc
            ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [TagCollectionSvc("EvtTupleSvc")]
            # Read ETC selection results into TES for writing to DST
            IODataManager().AgeLimit += 1

        #if inputType in [ "MDF", "RDST", "ETC" ]:
        #    # In case raw data resides in MDF file
        #    EventPersistencySvc().CnvServices.append("LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc")

        if self.getProp("UseFileStager"):
            import os, getpass
            from FileStager.Configuration import configureFileStager
            from Configurables import FileStagerSvc
            targetdir = '/tmp/' + getpass.getuser() + '/stagedfiles'
            if os.path.isdir('/pool/spool/'):
                targetdir = '/pool/spool/' + getpass.getuser() + '/stagedfiles'
            if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
            FileStagerSvc().Tempdir = targetdir
def ReStrip(mylines, stripping="stripping21r0p1", streamname=None):

    from Configurables import EventNodeKiller, ProcStatusCheck
    from StrippingArchive.Utils import buildStreams
    from StrippingArchive import strippingArchive
    from StrippingConf.Configuration import StrippingStream
    from StrippingConf.Configuration import StrippingConf
    from StrippingSettings.Utils import strippingConfiguration

    NodeKiller = EventNodeKiller("StripKiller")
    NodeKiller.Nodes = ["/Event/AllStreams", "/Event/Strip"]

    from StrippingSelections import buildersConf
    from StrippingSelections.Utils import lineBuilder, buildStreamsFromBuilder

    config = strippingConfiguration(stripping)
    archive = strippingArchive(stripping)
    streams = buildStreams(stripping=config, archive=archive)

    #confs = buildersConf()

    mystream = StrippingStream("MyStream")
    #for name in confnames:
    #    streams = buildStreamsFromBuilder(confs,name)
    for stream in streams:
        #if streamname not in stream : continue
        for line in stream.lines:
            print line
            if line.name() in mylines:
                print "Adding ", line.name(), "for restripping"

    restrip = StrippingConf(Streams=[mystream],
    #Verbose = True,
    #MicroDSTStreams = streams )
    return restrip, [NodeKiller, restrip.sequence()]
 def redoMCLinks(self,init):
     Redo MC links.
     if ( self.getProp("Simulation") ):
         redo = self.getProp("RedoMCLinks")
         if ( redo ):
             from Configurables import (GaudiSequencer,TESCheck,EventNodeKiller,TrackAssociator)
             mcKillSeq = GaudiSequencer("KillMCLinks") # The sequence killing the node of it exists
             tescheck = TESCheck("DaVinciEvtCheck")    # Check for presence of node ...
             tescheck.Inputs = ["Link/Rec/Track/Best"] # 
             tescheck.Stop = False                     # But don't stop
             tescheck.OutputLevel = 5                  # don't print warnings
             evtnodekiller = EventNodeKiller("DaVinciEvtNodeKiller") # kill nodes
             evtnodekiller.Nodes = ["Link/Rec/Track"]        # Kill that
             mcKillSeq.Members = [ tescheck, evtnodekiller, TrackAssociator() ]                  
             mcLinkSeq = GaudiSequencer("RedoMCLinks") # The sequence redoing the links
             mcLinkSeq.IgnoreFilterPassed = True       # Run it always
             mcLinkSeq.Members = [ mcKillSeq, TrackAssociator() ]  
             init.Members += [ mcLinkSeq ]
Exemple #9
    def addMCDigitSummaries(self, writer):
        simDir = "MC"
        if ((self.getProp("EnablePack"))
                and ("Rich" in self.getProp("Detectors"))):
            simDir = "pSim"
            packDigi = self.getProp("PackSequencer")
            from Configurables import DataPacking__Pack_LHCb__MCRichDigitSummaryPacker_
            RichSumPack = DataPacking__Pack_LHCb__MCRichDigitSummaryPacker_(
            packDigi.Members += [RichSumPack]
            # Kill the unpacked Rich node
            from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
            nodeKiller = EventNodeKiller("MCRichNodeKiller")
            nodeKiller.Nodes += ["MC/Rich"]
            packDigi.Members += [nodeKiller]

        # Digitization summaries
        if "Rich" in self.getProp("Detectors"):
            writer.ItemList += ["/Event/" + simDir + "/Rich/DigitSummaries#1"]
        if "Muon" in self.getProp("Detectors"):
            writer.ItemList += ["/Event/MC/Muon/DigitsInfo#1"]
Exemple #10
def killDAQ(nodes=['/Event/DAQ', '/Event/pRec'], logger=None):
    Configure node killing agents for uDST processing
    if not logger: logger = log
    from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
    killer = EventNodeKiller("KillDAQ")

    for node in nodes:
        if node in killer.Nodes: continue

        from Gaudi.Configuration import getConfigurable
        conf = getConfigurable('DaVinciEventInitSeq')
        conf.Members.insert(0, killer)
        logger.info("Add           killer agent for: %s" % killer.Nodes)
        logger.error("Failed to add killer agent for: %s" % killer.Nodes)
    def defineOutput(self):
        Set up output stream according to output data type

        knownOptions = ["MDF", "DIGI"]
        outputs = []
        for option in self.getProp("Outputs"):
            if option not in knownOptions:
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown Boole().Outputs value '%s'" %

        if "DIGI" in outputs:
            seq = GaudiSequencer("PrepareDIGI")
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [seq]

            # In Minimal case, filter the MCVertices before writing
            if self.getProp("DigiType").capitalize() == "Minimal":
                seq.Members = ["FilterMCPrimaryVtx"]

            # In packed case, run the packing algorithms
            if self.getProp("EnablePack"):
                DigiConf().PackSequencer = seq

            writerName = "DigiWriter"
            digiWriter = OutputStream(writerName, Preload=False)
            if self.getProp("NoWarnings"
                            ) and not digiWriter.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
                digiWriter.OutputLevel = INFO

            # Set up the Digi content
            DigiConf().Writer = writerName
            DigiConf().OutputName = self.outputName()
            self.setOtherProps(DigiConf(), [
            if self.getProp("UseSpillover"):
                self.setOtherProps(DigiConf(), ["SpilloverPaths"])

        if "MDF" in outputs:
            # Make sure that file will have no knowledge of other nodes
            from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
            nodeKiller = EventNodeKiller("MDFKiller")
            nodeKiller.Nodes = [
                "Rec", "Trig", "MC", "Raw", "Gen", "Link", "pSim"
            taePrev = self.getProp("TAEPrev")
            while taePrev > 0:
                nodeKiller.Nodes += ["Prev%" % taePrev]
                taePrev -= 1
            taeNext = self.getProp("TAENext")
            while taeNext > 0:
                nodeKiller.Nodes += ["Next%s" % taeNext]
                taeNext -= 1

            MyWriter = OutputStream("RawWriter",
            if not MyWriter.isPropertySet("Output"):
                MyWriter.Output = "DATAFILE='PFN:" + self.outputName(
                ) + ".mdf' SVC='LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc' OPT='REC'"
            if self.getProp("NoWarnings"
                            ) and not MyWriter.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
                MyWriter.OutputLevel = INFO
            ApplicationMgr().OutStream += [nodeKiller, MyWriter]
Exemple #12

extraLoad = [

from Configurables import (TESCheck, EventNodeKiller)
initBoole = GaudiSequencer("InitBooleSeq")
xdigiLoader = TESCheck("XDIGILoader")
xdigiLoader.Inputs = xdigiPaths + extraLoad
xdigiLoader.Stop = False  # If not MC do not expect all of the entries
xdigiLoader.OutputLevel = ERROR
xdigiKiller = EventNodeKiller("XDIGIKiller")
xdigiKiller.Nodes = xdigiPaths
xdigiHandler = GaudiSequencer("XDIGILoverHandler")
xdigiHandler.Members += [xdigiLoader, xdigiKiller]

xdigiHandler.IgnoreFilterPassed = True  # keep going
initBoole.Members += [xdigiHandler]

from GaudiConf import IOHelper

def patch():
    OutputStream("DigiWriter").ItemList += ["/Event/Link/MC#1"]

Exemple #13
stripTESPrefix = 'Strip'
from Configurables import ProcStatusCheck
sc = StrippingConf(Streams=[MyStream],

# So that we do not get all events written out
MyStream.sequence().IgnoreFilterPassed = False

#This deletes stripping objects from previous stripping versions in the DST file
from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
eventNodeKiller = EventNodeKiller('Stripkiller')
eventNodeKiller.Nodes = ['/Event/AllStreams', '/Event/Strip']

DaVinci().appendToMainSequence([eventNodeKiller, sc.sequence()])

##### HLT1 Emulation

relinfoutput = MyStream.outputLocations()[0].replace("Particles",

def getVars(i, j):
    combination = str(i) + "_" + str(j)
    Vars = {
Exemple #14
    def configureReco(self, init):
        Configure Reconstruction to be redone

        ## CaloReco & CaloPIDs on-demand
        clusters = ['Digits', 'Clusters']
        from Configurables import CaloProcessor
        caloProc = CaloProcessor(EnableOnDemand=True,
        caloProc.RecList = clusters
        # ---
        if self.getProp('DataType') == 'Upgrade':
            caloProc.NoSpdPrs = True

        ## General unpacking
        from Configurables import DstConf
        if self.isPropertySet('EnableUnpack'):
            DstConf().setProp('EnableUnpack', self.getProp('EnableUnpack'))

        ## unpack Calo Hypos ?
        from Configurables import CaloDstUnPackConf
        unpack = CaloDstUnPackConf()
        hypos = ['Photons', 'MergedPi0s', 'SplitPhotons',
                 'Electrons']  # CaloHypos
        if self.isPropertySet(
                'EnableUnpack') and "Reconstruction" in self.getProp(
            unpack.setProp('Enable', True)
            caloProc.RecList += hypos  # enable caloHypos onDemand

        # Reprocess explicitely the full calo sequence in the init sequence ?
        inputtype = self.getProp('InputType').upper()
        if (self.getProp("CaloReProcessing") and inputtype != 'MDST'):
            caloProc.RecList = clusters + hypos
            caloSeq = caloProc.sequence(
            )  # apply the CaloProcessor configuration
            cSeq = GaudiSequencer('CaloReProcessing')
            cSeq.Members += [caloSeq]
            init.Members += [cSeq]
            unpack.setProp('Enable', False)
            # update CaloHypo->MC Linker
            if self.getProp('Simulation'):
                    "CaloReprocessing : obsolete CaloHypo2MC Links is updated")
                from Configurables import (TESCheck, EventNodeKiller,
                caloMCLinks = ["Link/Rec/Calo"]
                caloMCSeq = GaudiSequencer("cleanCaloMCLinks")
                checkCaloMCLinks = TESCheck("checkCaloMCLinks")
                checkCaloMCLinks.Inputs = caloMCLinks
                checkCaloMCLinks.Stop = False
                killCaloMCLinks = EventNodeKiller("killCaloMCLinks")
                killCaloMCLinks.Nodes = caloMCLinks
                caloMCSeq.Members = [checkCaloMCLinks, killCaloMCLinks]
                init.Members += [caloMCSeq]
                update = self.getProp("UpdateCaloMCLinks")
                if update:
                    redoCaloMCLinks = CaloHypoMCTruth("recreteCaloMCLinks")
                    init.Members += [redoCaloMCLinks]
            if inputtype != 'MDST':
                    "CaloReProcessing cannot be processed on reduced (m)DST data"

        # For backwards compatibility with MC09, we need the following to rerun
        # the Muon Reco on old data. To be removed AS SOON as this backwards compatibility
        # is no longer needed
        if (self.getProp("DataType") == 'MC09' and inputtype != 'MDST'
                and self.getProp("AllowPIDRerunning") and inputtype != 'RDST'):

            from Configurables import DataObjectVersionFilter, MuonRec, TESCheck
            from MuonID import ConfiguredMuonIDs

            rerunPIDSeq = GaudiSequencer("ReRunMuonPID")
            init.Members += [rerunPIDSeq]

            # Check data version, to see if this is needed or not
            rerunPIDSeq.Members += [
            # Check raw event is available
            rerunPIDSeq.Members += [
            # Run Muon PID
            cm = ConfiguredMuonIDs.ConfiguredMuonIDs(
            rerunPIDSeq.Members += [MuonRec(), cm.getMuonIDSeq()]

            # If muon PID has rerun, need to re make the Combined DLLS...
            from Configurables import (ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo,
            rerunPIDSeq.Members += [

        # Compatibility with pre-2011 data, where Rec/Summary and Trigger/RawEvent are missing
        import PhysConf.CheckMissingTESData as DataCheck
Exemple #15
from Configurables import EventNodeKiller, ApplicationMgr
appConf = ApplicationMgr()
appConf.ExtSvc += ['DataOnDemandSvc']
enk = EventNodeKiller('KillTrigRawEvent')
enk.Nodes = [
    "Hlt", "Hlt1", "Hlt2", "Trig", "Raw", "Trigger/RawEvent", "Trigger"
appConf.TopAlg.insert(0, enk.getFullName())

from Configurables import L0App
L0App().TCK = '0x0044'
L0App().ReplaceL0Banks = True
L0App().EvtMax = -1
L0App().DataType = '2012'
L0App().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130929-1'  ## latest strip20 tags as of Jan2013
L0App().CondDBtag = 'sim-20131023-vc-md100'
L0App().Simulation = True
L0App().outputFile = '/tmp/ikomarov/With_new_L0.dst'
from Configurables import EventSelector
EventSelector().PrintFreq = 3
from Configurables import MessageSvc
MessageSvc().OutputLevel = 3
from GaudiConf import IOHelper
from Configurables import RootCnvSvc
RootCnvSvc().OutputLevel = 3

extraLoad = [

from Configurables import (TESCheck, EventNodeKiller)
initBoole = GaudiSequencer("InitBooleSeq")
xdstLoader = TESCheck("XDSTLoader")
xdstLoader.Inputs = xdstPaths + extraLoad
xdstLoader.Stop = False  # If not MC do not expect all of the entries
xdstLoader.OutputLevel = ERROR
xdstKiller = EventNodeKiller("XDSTKiller")
xdstKiller.Nodes = xdstPaths
xdstHandler = GaudiSequencer("XDSTLoverHandler")
xdstHandler.Members += [xdstLoader, xdstKiller]
xdstHandler.IgnoreFilterPassed = True  # keep going
initBoole.Members += [xdstHandler]

from GaudiConf import IOHelper

def patch():
    OutputStream("DigiWriter").ItemList += ["/Event/Link/MC#1"]

Exemple #17
    def __apply_configuration__(self):
        #make sure the dictionaries are there... Hack! %TODO -> Remove this!
        #then get them ...
        locs, rec = _getDict()
        added_locations = []

        if not self.isPropertySet("Output") or not self.isPropertySet("Input"):
            raise AttributeError(
                "You must set both the input and the output version, this can be a version number (float, int) or a name, see: "
                + rec.__str__())

        #swap logical for numeric, and check it exists
        ov = _checkv(self.getProp("Output"), locs, rec)
        iv = _checkv(self.getProp("Input"), locs, rec)

        output_locations = ReverseDict(ov, locs, rec)
        input_locations = ReverseDict(iv, locs, rec)
        #check if a Trigger TCK is needed

        if len([
                loc for loc in input_locations
                if self.getProp("TCKReplacePattern") in loc
        ]) or len([
                loc for loc in output_locations
                if self.getProp("TCKReplacePattern") in loc
            if (not self.isPropertySet("TCK")) and (
                    not RawEventFormatConf().isPropertySet("TCK")):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "The raw event version you specified requires a TCK to be given. Set RawEventJuggler().TCK"
        for prop in ["TCK", "GenericReplacePatterns", "TCKReplacePattern"]:
            self.__safeset__(RawEventFormatConf(), prop)

        killBefore = []
        loc_to_alg_dict = {}
        killAfter = []

        # Stage 1: KillBefore if requested
        if self.isPropertySet("KillInputBanksBefore"):
            from Configurables import bankKiller
            #if KillBanks or KillNodes... has been requested, I can't use DoD, it's unsafe. I don't know what's "before" and "after"
            if self.getProp("DataOnDemand"):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "You have asked for some killing of banks, and asked for DoD, which is not a safe way to run. Either cope with the extra banks, or use a sequencer instead of DoD"
            import re
            for loc in input_locations:
                #see if this location has banks to kill
                killBanks = [
                    abank for abank in input_locations[loc]
                    if re.match(self.getProp("KillInputBanksBefore"), abank)
                if not len(killBanks):
                loc = _replaceWrap(loc)
                bk = bankKiller(
                    ("kill_" + loc.replace("/", "_") + "_Before").replace(
                        "__", "_"))
                bk.RawEventLocations = [loc]
                bk.BankTypes = killBanks

        # The part which does the juggling
        if iv != ov:
            # Stage 2: Check options
            #if a bank is needed to be added to an existing location, I can't do that.
            for loc in input_locations:
                if loc in output_locations:
                    for abank in output_locations[loc]:
                        if abank not in input_locations[loc]:
                            print "# WARNING, don't know how to add new bank " + abank + " to existing location " + loc + " ...skipping..."
            #if banks need to be juggled, tell me how to do it, sequencer or DoD
            if not (self.getProp("DataOnDemand")
                    or self.isPropertySet("Sequencer")):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "You have asked for some juggling, but not told me where to put the algorithms. Set either DataOnDemand or pass a Sequencer"
            #if banks need to be juggled, tell me how to do it, sequencer or DoD
            if self.getProp("DataOnDemand") and self.isPropertySet(
                raise AttributeError(
                    "You asked for DoD and also gave a sequencer, I can't do both at the same time"

            #if KillBanks or KillNodes... has been requested, I can't use DoD, it's unsafe. I don't know what's "before" and "after"
            if self.getProp("DataOnDemand") and (
                    or self.isPropertySet("KillInputBanksBefore")
                    or self.isPropertySet("KillInputBanksAfter")
                    or self.getProp("KillExtraBanks")):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "You have asked for some killing of banks, and asked for DoD, which is not a safe way to run. Either cope with the extra banks, or use a sequencer instead of DoD"
            if self.getProp("KillExtraDirectories"
                            ) and not self.getProp("KillExtraNodes"):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "In order to kill extra directories, you must also be killing the extra nodes (raw events)"
            #raise import error if you don't have the correct requirements
            from Configurables import RawEventMapCombiner, EventNodeKiller, bankKiller

            # Stage 3: Recombine banks from given locations

            #for each new location, add a RawEventMapCombiner to the DoD or to the sequencer
            loc_to_alg_dict = {}
            for loc in output_locations:
                if loc not in input_locations:
                    #if none of the banks are available, skip
                    if len([
                            abank for abank in output_locations[loc]
                            if abank in locs[iv]
                    ]) == 0:
                        print "#WARNING, nowhere to copy any banks for " + loc + " from, skipping"
                    wloc = _replaceWrap(loc)
                    loc_to_alg_dict[wloc] = RawEventMapCombiner(
                        ("create_" + wloc.replace("/", "_")).replace(
                            "__", "_").rstrip("_"))
                    loc_to_alg_dict[wloc].OutputRawEventLocation = wloc
                    loc_to_alg_dict[wloc].RawBanksToCopy = {}


                    for abank in output_locations[loc]:
                        if abank not in locs[iv]:
                            print "#WARNING, nowhere to copy " + abank + " from, skipping"
                            abank] = WhereBest(abank, iv, locs, rec)

            # Stage 4: Clean up, kill after if requested

            killAfter = []
            if self.isPropertySet("KillInputBanksAfter") or self.getProp(
                import re
                for loc in input_locations:
                    #see if this location has banks to kill
                    killBanks = []
                    if self.isPropertySet("KillInputBanksAfter"):
                        killBanks += [
                            for abank in input_locations[loc] if re.match(
                                self.getProp("KillInputBanksAfter"), abank)
                    if self.getProp("KillExtraBanks"):
                        killBanks += [
                            abank for abank in input_locations[loc]
                            if (loc in output_locations
                                and abank not in output_locations[loc])
                    if not len(killBanks):
                    loc = _replaceWrap(loc)
                    bk = bankKiller(
                        ("kill_" + loc.replace("/", "_") + "_After").replace(
                            "__", "_"))
                    bk.RawEventLocations = [loc]
                    bk.BankTypes = killBanks

            #for each missing location, kill that location?
            if self.getProp("KillExtraNodes"):
                if len([
                        loc for loc in input_locations
                        if loc not in output_locations
                ]) > 0:
                    enk = EventNodeKiller("KillRawEventNodes")
                    enk.Nodes = []
                    for loc in input_locations:
                        if loc not in output_locations:
                            if self.getProp("KillExtraDirectories"):
                                dloc = loc.replace("/RawEvent", "")
                                flags = [
                                    for o in output_locations
                                if (True not in flags) and (dloc
                                                            not in enk.Nodes):

        elif self.isPropertySet("KillInputBanksAfter") or self.getProp(
                "KillExtraNodes") or self.isPropertySet("KillExtraBanks"):
            raise AttributeError(
                "You've asked to kill something from the input *after* copying, but you aren't actually doing any copying. Please kill them yourself without this configurable, or use KillInputBanksBefore!"

        # Stage 5: Add to sequence or DoD
        if self.getProp("DataOnDemand"):
            if len(loc_to_alg_dict):
                from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
                ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc = ["DataOnDemandSvc"] + [
                    svc for svc in ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc
                    if svc is not "DataOnDemandSvc"
                for loc in loc_to_alg_dict:
                    DataOnDemandSvc().AlgMap[loc] = loc_to_alg_dict[loc]
            for alg in killBefore:
            for loc in loc_to_alg_dict:
            for alg in killAfter:

        # Stage 6: now handle the writers if appended
        if self.isPropertySet("WriterOptItemList"):
            self.getProp("WriterOptItemList").OptItemList += self.__opWrap__(
        if self.isPropertySet("WriterItemList"):
            self.getProp("WriterItemList").ItemList += self.__opWrap__(
    def configureInit(self, tae, initDets):
        Set up the initialization sequence
        # Start the DataOnDemandSvc ahead of ToolSvc
        ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["DataOnDemandSvc"]
        ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["ToolSvc"]

            0, "Boole")  # Always run Boole initialisation first!
        initBoole = GaudiSequencer("InitBooleSeq")
        initBoole.Members += ["BooleInit"]

        # Kept for Dirac backward compatibility
        if self.getProp("NoWarnings"):
                "Boole().NoWarnings=True property is obsolete and maintained for Dirac compatibility. Please use Boole().ProductionMode=True instead"
            self.setProp("ProductionMode", True)

        # Special settings for production
        if self.getProp("ProductionMode"):
            self.setProp("OutputLevel", ERROR)
            if not LHCbApp().isPropertySet("TimeStamp"):
                LHCbApp().setProp("TimeStamp", True)

        # OutputLevel
        self.setOtherProp(LHCbApp(), "OutputLevel")
        if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
            level = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
            if level == ERROR or level == WARNING:
                # Suppress known warnings
                # Additional information to be kept
                getConfigurable("BooleInit").OutputLevel = INFO

        # Do not print event number at every event (done already by BooleInit)
        EventSelector().PrintFreq = -1

        # Load the spillover branches, then kill those not required to prevent further access
        spillPaths = self.getProp("SpilloverPaths")
        killPaths = []
        if len(spillPaths) == 0:
            spillPaths = self.KnownSpillPaths
            self.setProp("SpilloverPaths", spillPaths)

        if self.getProp("UseSpillover"):
            if tae:
                killPaths = self.KnownSpillPaths
                self.setOtherProp(SimConf(), "SpilloverPaths")
                # Kill any spillover paths not required
                for spill in self.KnownSpillPaths:
                    if spill not in spillPaths:
            # Kill all spillover paths
            killPaths = self.KnownSpillPaths

        from Configurables import EventNodeKiller, TESCheck
        spillLoader = TESCheck("SpilloverLoader")
        spillLoader.Inputs = spillPaths
        spillLoader.Stop = False  # In case no spillover on input file
        spillLoader.OutputLevel = ERROR
        spillKiller = EventNodeKiller("SpilloverKiller")
        spillKiller.Nodes = killPaths
        spillHandler = GaudiSequencer("SpilloverHandler")
        spillHandler.Members += [spillLoader, spillKiller]
        spillHandler.IgnoreFilterPassed = True  # In case no spillover on input file
        initBoole.Members += [spillHandler]

        if "Muon" in initDets:
            # Muon Background
            from Configurables import MuonBackground
            GaudiSequencer("InitMuonSeq").Members += [
            if not tae:
                flatSpillover = MuonBackground("MuonFlatSpillover")
                GaudiSequencer("InitMuonSeq").Members += [flatSpillover]
                if self.getProp("DataType") == "2010":
                    flatSpillover.NBXFullFull = 344
                if self.getProp("DataType") == "2009":
                    flatSpillover.NBXFullFull = 4
Exemple #19
 sc = StrippingConf(Streams=[stream],
 #Define the node killer, and make sure to kill everything corresponding to
 #the stream which we want to swim
 outputs = []
 for l in lines:
     for f in l.filterMembers():
         if not hasattr(f, 'Output'):
         # Remove the last item so we get everything (Particle, relations,
         # decayVertices, etc...
         o = '/'.join(f.Output.split('/')[:-1])
 mykiller = EventNodeKiller("killStripping")
 #Some default nodes which we will want to kill in all cases
 nodestokill = outputs + ['Strip', '/Event/Rec/Vertex/Primary']
 mykiller.Nodes = nodestokill
 deathstar = GaudiSequencer("killStrippingSeq")
 deathstar.Members = [mykiller]
 # Configure DaVinci
 DaVinci().InputType = 'DST'
 DaVinci().DataType = options.datatype
 DaVinci().Simulation = options.forMC
 DaVinci().DDDBtag = options.dddb
 DaVinci().CondDBtag = options.conddb
 # The sequence for the swimming has to be configured
 # by hand inserting the node killer before it
Exemple #20
Moore().CondDBtag = 'cond-20120831'
#from RunDB
Moore().EnableTimer = "timerdefault.csv"

########### L0-related things #######################

from Configurables import L0Conf
L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK = False
Moore().ForceSingleL0Configuration = False

############# prepend a "killHltSeq" ############

#copied from Swimming/Configuration.py line 214
from Configurables import Swimming, GaudiSequencer, EventNodeKiller
nodes = Swimming.__slots__["HltNodesToKill"]
mykiller = EventNodeKiller("killHlt")
mykiller.Nodes = nodes
deathstar = GaudiSequencer("killHltSeq")
deathstar.Members = [mykiller]

class Deathstar(object):
    def __init__(self, seq):
        self._seq = seq

    def witnessTheFirepowerOfThisFullyArmedAndOperationalBattleStation(self):
        ApplicationMgr().TopAlg.insert(0, self._seq)

d = Deathstar(deathstar)
from Configurables import ChargedProtoParticleMaker, CombinedParticleMaker, NoPIDsParticleMaker, BestPIDParticleMaker, DataOnDemandSvc, UnpackTrack, DelegatingTrackSelector, TrackSelector, GaudiSequencer, TrackToDST, ChargedPP2MC, TrackAssociator, EventNodeKiller, DaVinci, TrackSmeared
from Configurables import ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo, MuonIDAlg, ChargedProtoParticleAddRichInfo
from MuonID import ConfiguredMuonIDs
from Configurables import ProtoParticleMUONFilter, ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg, ProtoParticleCALOFilter

# kill all links
initseq = GaudiSequencer("AnalysisInitSeq")
evtnodekiller = EventNodeKiller("KillLinks")
evtnodekiller.Nodes = ["Link/Rec"]
initseq.Members += [evtnodekiller]
#TrackSmeared().OutputLevel = 0
#ChargedProtoParticleMaker().OutputLevel = 0
#NoPIDsParticleMaker().OutputLevel = 0

#MyOptions = [ "MC" ]
#print MyOptions

def makeMyProtoP(trackcont):
    unpacker = UnpackTrack(trackcont + "UnpackTrack")
    unpacker.InputName = "pRec/Track/" + trackcont
    unpacker.OutputName = "Rec/Track/" + trackcont
    refitter = TrackSmeared(trackcont + "TrackSmeared")
    refitter.InputLocation = "Rec/Track/" + trackcont
    refitter.OutputLocation = "Refit"
    refitter.smear = 1
    #refitter.makePlots = 1
    #refitter.OutputLevel = 2
    #idalg = MuonIDAlg("BestIDalg")
    #idalg.OutputLevel = 0
Exemple #22
    HistoPrint = True,
    ## N-tuple LUN 
    NTupleLUN  = "DTT",
    ## input particles from selection:
    Inputs = [ '/Event/SwimStrippingD2hhMDST_v14r8/CharmToBeSwum/Phys/D2hhPromptD2KPiLine/Particles' ],
    ## Primary vertices from mDST
    P2PVInputLocations = [ '/Event/SwimStrippingD2hhMDST_v14r8/CharmToBeSwum/Phys/D2hhPromptD2KPiLine/Particle2VertexRelations'],
    UseP2PVRelations = True,
    WriteP2PVRelations = False,
    Decay = "[[D0]cc -> ^K- ^pi+]cc"

from DecayTreeTuple.Configuration import *
## Add appropriate tools
from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
killer=EventNodeKiller( Nodes = ["/Event/DAQ","/Event/pRec"] ) 

    "D" : "[D0]cc : [[D0]cc -> K- pi+]cc"

ttsi = dtt.D.addTupleTool('TupleToolSwimmingInfo/TriggerInfo')
ttsis = dtt.D.addTupleTool('TupleToolSwimmingInfo/StrippingInfo')
ttsi.ReportsLocation = '/Event/SwimStrippingD2hhMDST_v14r8/CharmToBeSwum/Phys/D2hhPromptD2KPiLine/P2TPRelations'
ttsis.ReportsLocation = '/Event/SwimStrippingD2hhMDST_v14r8/CharmToBeSwum/Phys/D2hhPromptD2KPiLine/P2TPRelations'
ttsis.ReportStage = "Stripping"

tttt = dtt.D.addTupleTool('TupleToolTISTOS')
tttt.TriggerList = ['Hlt1TrackAllL0Decision', 'Hlt2CharmHadD02HH_D02KPiDecision']
tttt.VerboseHlt1 = True
def ConfigureMoore():
    config = Swimming()
    from Swimming.HltTransforms import getTransform
    thisTransform = getTransform(
        config.getProp('Hlt1Triggers') + config.getProp('Hlt2Triggers'))

    from Configurables import (HltConfigSvc, EventNodeKiller,
                               HltMoveVerticesForSwimming, Moore)

    #Global configuration
    mykiller = EventNodeKiller("killHlt")
    mykiller.Nodes = config.getProp('HltNodesToKill')
    deathstar = GaudiSequencer("killHltSeq")
    deathstar.Members = [mykiller]
    from Swimming import MooreSetup

    dddb = config.getProp('DDDBtag')
    conddb = config.getProp('CondDBtag')
    tck = config.getProp('TCK')
    run = config.getProp('RunNumber')
    if not dddb and not conddb and not tck and run:
        import shelve
        tag_db = os.path.expandvars(config.getProp('TagDatabase'))
        if not os.path.exists(tag_db):
            raise OSError, "Tag database file %s does not exist" % config.getProp(
        tag_db = shelve.open(tag_db, 'r')
        info = tag_db['info']
        tags = info[run]
        Moore().DDDBtag = tags['DDDBtag']
        Moore().CondDBtag = tags['CondDBtag']
        Moore().InitialTCK = tags['TCK']
        Swimming().TCK = tags['TCK']
    elif dddb and conddb and tck and not run:
        Moore().DDDBtag = dddb
        Moore().CondDBtag = conddb
        Moore().InitialTCK = tck
        raise TypeError, 'You must specify either the CondDB tag, DDDB tag and TCK and _not_ the run number' + \
              ' or only the run number.'

    Moore().Simulation = config.getProp('Simulation')
    Moore().DataType = config.getProp('DataType')
    Moore().outputFile = config.getProp('OutputFile')
    Moore().WriteFSR = config.getProp('WriteFSR')
    Moore().Persistency = config.getProp('Persistency')
    Moore().WriterRequires = []
    # Add extra locations to writer
    from Configurables import InputCopyStream
    writer = InputCopyStream('Writer')
    writer.ItemList = [config.getProp('SwimmingPrefix') + '/Reports#1']
    writer.OptItemList = list(
            l + '/P2TPRelations#1'
            for l in config.getProp('OffCands').values()

    # Define the TCK transformation
    HltConfigSvc().ApplyTransformation = thisTransform
    from pprint import pprint
    # Define the swimming algorithm
    myswimmer = HltMoveVerticesForSwimming("HltMovePVs4Swimming")
    myswimmer.SwimmingDistance = 0.0
    loc = config.getProp(
        'SwimmingPrefix')  # TODO check differences with trunk more carefully
    myswimmer.Bcontainer = loc
    myswimmer.InputSelection = config.getProp('OnlinePV')
    myswimmer.OutputSelection = config.getProp('OutPVSel')
    myswimmer.OutputLevel = 4

    # Configure an extra TisTos Tool and some decoder algos to debug TisTos issues
    prefix = config.getProp('SwimmingPrefix')
    from Configurables import HltDecReportsDecoder, HltSelReportsDecoder
    decoders = [(HltDecReportsDecoder, [('OutputHltDecReportsLocation',
                 [('OutputHltSelReportsLocation', 'Hlt/SelReports'),
                  ('HltDecReportsLocation', 'Hlt/DecReports')])]
    from Configurables import TriggerTisTos
    ToolSvc().addTool(TriggerTisTos, 'SwimmingDebugTisTos')
    ToolSvc().SwimmingDebugTisTos.TOSFracMuon = 0.0
    ToolSvc().SwimmingDebugTisTos.TOSFracTT = 0.0
    for conf, d in decoders:
        configurable = conf('Swimming' + d[0][1].split('/')[-1])
        print configurable
            configurable.InputRawEventLocation = 'PrevTrig/RawEvent'
            configurable.RawEventLocations = [
            ] + configurable.RawEventLocations
        output = None
        for prop, loc in d:
            if not output: output = prefix + '/' + loc
            setattr(configurable, prop, prefix + '/' + loc)
        DataOnDemandSvc().AlgMap[output] = configurable
        prop = d[0][0][6:]
        print prop, output
        setattr(ToolSvc().SwimmingDebugTisTos, prop, output)

    class Deathstar(object):
        def __init__(self, seq):
            self._seq = seq

        def insert(self):
            ApplicationMgr().TopAlg.insert(0, self._seq)

    d = Deathstar(deathstar)
#  an options file to read data and create an ntuple.

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import DecayTreeTuple, TupleToolTrigger, TupleToolDecay, SubstitutePID
from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__TupleTool, TupleToolDecayTreeFitter, TupleToolTISTOS
from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__EvtTupleTool, TupleToolEventInfo, TupleToolTrackIsolation
from Configurables import TupleToolMCTruth, TupleToolTrackInfo, TupleToolRICHPid, TupleToolMuonPid, TupleToolPid, TupleToolGeometry
from Configurables import DaVinci
from Configurables import PrintDecayTree
from DecayTreeTuple.Configuration import *

from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
NodeKiller = EventNodeKiller('NodeKiller')
NodeKiller.Nodes = ['DAQ', 'pRec']

#teslocation = "/Event/AllStreams/" #change to this for MC

teslocation = "/Event/Bhadron/"  #change to this for Data

#Momentum scale correction

from Configurables import TrackScaleState

scaler = TrackScaleState('Scaler', RootInTES=teslocation)
#    ScaleSlope = 1 - 1.0e-3 ,
#    DeltaSlope = 0.9e-3 ,
def ConfigureDaVinci():
    config = Swimming()
    from Configurables import DaVinci
    from StrippingConf.Configuration import StrippingConf
    from Configurables import ProcStatusCheck
    from Configurables import EventNodeKiller, GaudiSequencer
    from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import (AutomaticData, SelectionSequence,

    # Get the stripping line
    from StrippingSettings.Utils import lineBuilderConfiguration
    strippingFile = None
    if config.getProp('StrippingFile') != 'none':
        strippingFile = config.getProp('StrippingFile')
        strippingFile = config.getProp('StrippingLineGroup')
    myconfig = lineBuilderConfiguration(config.getProp('StrippingVersion'),
    import StrippingArchive
    mylineconf = getattr(
            'StrippingArchive.' +
            config.getProp('StrippingVersion') + '.Stripping' + strippingFile,
            globals(), locals(), [myconfig["BUILDERTYPE"]], -1),
    mylinedict = myconfig["CONFIG"]
    substitutions = config.getProp('StrippingConfigSubstitutions')
    print "mylinedict before substitutions:", mylinedict
    print "stripping config substitutions:", substitutions
    print "mylineconf:", mylineconf
    print "mylinedict after substitutions:", mylinedict

    from StrippingConf.StrippingStream import StrippingStream
    stream = StrippingStream(config.getProp('StrippingStream') + "Swimming")
    allLines = mylineconf(config.getProp('StrippingLineGroup'),
    lines = []
    #lineNames = [l.split('/')[-1] for l in config.getProp('StripCands').keys()]
    lineNames = config.getProp('StrippingLines')
    print "lineNames:", lineNames
    for l in allLines:
        for lineName in lineNames:
            if l.outputLocation().find(lineName) != -1:
                print l.outputLocation()

    # Define the stream
    filterBadEvents = ProcStatusCheck()
    sc = StrippingConf(Streams=[stream],

    # Define the node killer, and make sure to kill everything corresponding to
    # the stream which we want to swim
    outputs = []
    from Configurables import Swimming__PVReFitter as ReFitter
    for l in lines:
        for f in l.filterMembers():
            if hasattr(f, 'ReFitPVs') and f.ReFitPVs:
                if not config.getProp('RefitPVs'):
                    log.warning('RefitPVs is not set, but stripping line applies refitting. Refitted ' + \
                                'PVs will be used for turning-point lifetime calculations.')
                    config.setProp('RefitPVs', True)
                t = f.PVReFitters['']
                f.PVReFitters = {'': 'Swimming::PVReFitter/PVReFitter'}
                f.addTool(ReFitter, 'PVReFitter')
                f.PVReFitter.PVReFitter = t
            elif not hasattr(f, 'Output'):
            # Remove the last item so we get everything (Particle, relations,
            # decayVertices, etc...
            o = '/'.join(f.Output.split('/')[:-1])
    print "Outputs are", outputs
    mykiller = EventNodeKiller("killStripping")
    # Some default nodes which we will want to kill in all cases
    nodestokill = outputs + ['Strip', '/Event/Rec/Vertex/Primary']
    mykiller.Nodes = nodestokill
    deathstar = GaudiSequencer("killStrippingSeq")
    deathstar.Members = [mykiller]

    # Configure DaVinci
    DaVinci().InputType = config.getProp('InputType')
    DaVinci().DataType = config.getProp('DataType')
    DaVinci().Simulation = config.getProp('Simulation')
    DaVinci().DDDBtag = config.getProp('DDDBtag')
    DaVinci().CondDBtag = config.getProp('CondDBtag')
        DaVinci().Persistency = config.getProp('Persistency')
    except AttributeError:
        print "DaVinci doesn't have a Persistency attribute to set"

    # The sequence for the swimming has to be configured
    # by hand inserting the node killer before it

    # Since the name of the output file is configured in two places in DaVinci,
    # do some splitting.
    splitName = config.getProp('OutputFile').split(os.path.extsep)
    seqName = ''
    prefix = ''
    if len(splitName) <= 2:
        seqName = splitName[0]
        print "Warning, an output filename in three parts was specified. This does not work well, " + \
              " so 'Swimming.' will be prefixed."
        prefix = 'Swimming'
        prefix = splitName[0]
        seqName = os.path.extsep.join(splitName[1:-1])

    dstWriter = None
    print config.getProp('OutputType')

    # Offline candidate selection sequences
    sequences = []
    offCands = config.getProp('OffCands').keys()
    for i, cands in enumerate(offCands):
        data = AutomaticData(Location=cands + "/Particles")
        offSeq = SelectionSequence("OfflineCandidates_%d" % i,

    # selection sequence for offline candidates
    muCands = config.getProp('MuDSTCands')
    for i, cands in enumerate(muCands):
        # Add extra selections for additional MuDSTCands
        data = AutomaticData(Location=cands + "/Particles")
        seq = SelectionSequence("MuDSTCands_%d" % i, TopSelection=data)

    selectionSeq = MultiSelectionSequence(seqName, Sequences=sequences)

    if config.getProp('OutputType') == 'MDST':
        pack = False
        isMC = config.getProp("Simulation")
        SwimmingConf = config.getProp('MicroDSTStreamConf')
        SwimmingElements = config.getProp('MicroDSTElements')
        if SwimmingConf == False:
            from DSTWriters.Configuration import stripMicroDSTStreamConf
            SwimmingConf = stripMicroDSTStreamConf(pack=pack, isMC=isMC)
        if len(SwimmingElements) == 0:
            from DSTWriters.Configuration import stripMicroDSTElements
            from DSTWriters.microdstelements import CloneSwimmingReports, CloneParticleTrees, CloneTPRelations
            mdstElements = stripMicroDSTElements(pack=pack, isMC=isMC)
            SwimmingElements = [CloneSwimmingReports()]
            for element in mdstElements:
                SwimmingElements += [element]
                if type(element) == CloneParticleTrees:
                    SwimmingElements += [CloneTPRelations("P2TPRelations")]

        streamConf = {'default': SwimmingConf}
        elementsConf = {'default': SwimmingElements}
            from DSTWriters.__dev__.Configuration import MicroDSTWriter
            from DSTWriters.Configuration import MicroDSTWriter
        dstWriter = MicroDSTWriter('MicroDST',
    elif config.getProp('OutputType') == 'DST':
            from DSTWriters.__dev__.streamconf import OutputStreamConf
            from DSTWriters.__dev__.Configuration import SelDSTWriter
        except ImportError:
            from DSTWriters.streamconf import OutputStreamConf
            from DSTWriters.Configuration import SelDSTWriter

        streamConf = OutputStreamConf(streamType = InputCopyStream,
                                      fileExtension = '.dst',
                                      extraItems = [config.getProp('SwimmingPrefix') + '/Reports#1'] +\
                                      list(set([l + '/P2TPRelations#1' for l in config.getProp('OffCands').values()])))
        SelDSTWriterElements = {'default': []}
        SelDSTWriterConf = {'default': streamConf}
        dstWriter = SelDSTWriter('FullDST',

This options file demonstrates how to run a stripping line
from a specific stripping version on a local MC DST file
It is based on the minimal DaVinci DecayTreeTuple example

from StrippingConf.Configuration import StrippingConf, StrippingStream
from StrippingSettings.Utils import strippingConfiguration
from StrippingArchive.Utils import buildStreams
from StrippingArchive import strippingArchive
from Configurables import (EventNodeKiller, ProcStatusCheck, DaVinci,
from GaudiConf import IOHelper
from DecayTreeTuple.Configuration import *

# Node killer: remove the previous Stripping
event_node_killer = EventNodeKiller('StripKiller')
event_node_killer.Nodes = ['/Event/AllStreams', '/Event/Strip']

# Build a new stream called 'CustomStream' that only
# contains the desired line
strip = 'stripping21'
streams = buildStreams(stripping=strippingConfiguration(strip),

custom_stream = StrippingStream('CustomStream')
custom_line = 'StrippingD2hhCompleteEventPromptDst2D2RSLine'

for stream in streams:
    for line in stream.lines:
        if line.name() == custom_line: