from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex smeartool = GaussSmearVertex() smeartool.xVertexSigma = 0.5* smeartool.yVertexSigma = 0.5* smeartool.zVertexSigma = 40.0* smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0*units.picosecond from Configurables import PythiaInterface pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface() ### Example of pythia configuration file to generate events pythiafilename = "Generation/data/Pythia_standard.cmd" path_to_pythiafile = os.environ.get("FCCSW_SHARE_DIR", "") pythiafile = os.path.join(path_to_pythiafile, pythiafilename) # Example of pythia configuration file to read LH event file #pythiafile="options/Pythia_LHEinput.cmd" pythia8gentool.Filename = pythiafile pythia8gentool.doEvtGenDecays = False pythia8gentool.printPythiaStatistics = True from Configurables import GenAlg pythia8gen = GenAlg("Pythia8") pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool pythia8gen.VertexSmearingTool = smeartool pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc" ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen] ### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter() hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path="hepmc" hepmc_converter.hepmcStatusList = [] # convert particles with all statuses
ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = 'NONE' ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = 100 # Data event model based on Podio from Configurables import FCCDataSvc podioEvent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioEvent] ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = INFO # Pythia generator from Configurables import PythiaInterface pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface() pythia8gentool.Filename = "Pythia_ee_ZH_Htautau.cmd" # Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service from Configurables import GenAlg pythia8gen = GenAlg() pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc" ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen] # Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter") hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc" hepmc_converter.hepmcStatusList = [] # convert particles with all statuses
# Workflow Steering from Configurables import ApplicationMgr ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = 'NONE' ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = 100 ## Data event model based on Podio from Configurables import FCCDataSvc podioEvent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioEvent] ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = INFO ## Pythia generator from Configurables import PythiaInterface pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface() pythia8gentool.Filename = os.path.join(os.environ.get("FCCSWSHAREDIR", ""),"Generation/data/Pythia_ttbar.cmd") ## Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service from Configurables import GenAlg pythia8gen = GenAlg() pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc" ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen] ### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter") hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc" hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "genParticles" hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "genVertices" ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [hepmc_converter]