Exemple #1
def makeYAMLUpdate(json_str):
    import json
    from Container import Diagram

    ### data = "{ 'a':'A', 'b':(2, 4), 'c':3.0 }"
    ### data_string = json.dumps(json_str)

    obj = eval(json.loads(repr(json_str)))

    ### new args
    new_args = obj['args']
    label = obj['model']
    filename = obj['filename']

    ### load diagram from yaml and update args
    a = Diagram()

    if a.LoadFile(filename):
        model = a.GetShapeByLabel(label)
        #print "avant", model.args, new_args
        for arg in model.args:
            new_val = new_args[arg]
            old_val = model.args[arg]
            if old_val != new_val:
                ### adapt types for python code (float, int and bool)
                if new_val in ('true', 'True'):
                    new_val = True
                elif new_val in ('false', 'False'):
                    new_val = False
                elif new_val.replace('.', '').replace('-', '').isdigit():
                    new_val = eval(new_val)

                model.args[arg] = new_val

#		print "apres", model.args

### write new yaml file
        return a.SaveFile(a.last_name_saved)

        return False
Exemple #2
class YAMLHandler:
    """ class providing methods for YAML file handling
    def __init__ (self, filename):
        from Container import Diagram

        self.filename = filename
        self.modelname = os.path.basename(self.filename)

        self.report   = {'model_name' : self.modelname}

        self.json_obj = None

        # Create diagram object
        self.diagram  = Diagram()
        try :
            self.filename_is_valid = self.diagram.LoadFile(self.filename)
            if self.filename_is_valid != True :
                self.report['success'] = False
                self.report['info'] = 'YAML file load failed'
            self.report['success'] = False
            self.report['info'] = traceback.format_exc()

    def getYAMLBlockModelsList(self):
        """ Writes to standard output
            the labels of the blocks (= Atomic Models)
            composing the model described in the file

        if self.filename_is_valid != True: return False

        block_list = self.diagram.GetFlatCodeBlockShapeList()
        return map(lambda a: str(a.label), block_list)

    def getYAMLBlockModelArgs(self, label):
        """ Returns the parameters (name and value) of the block identified by the label
            composing the model described in the file

        if self.filename_is_valid != True: return False

        block = self.diagram.GetShapeByLabel(label)
        return block.args

    def setYAMLBlockModelArgs(self, label, new_args):
        """ Saves in YAML file the new values of the parameters
            of the block identified by the label
            Returns the updated block parameters

        if self.filename_is_valid != True: return False

        block = self.diagram.GetShapeByLabel(label)

        for arg in block.args:
            block.args[arg] = to_Python(new_args[arg])

        success = self.diagram.SaveFile(self.diagram.last_name_saved)

        return {'success' : success, 'args' : self.getYAMLBlockModelArgs(label)}

    def getJSON(self, diagram=None):
        """ Make JSON representation of the model from YAML file
        from Container import ConnectionShape, CodeBlock, ContainerBlock

        if self.filename_is_valid != True: return False

        # Initialize JSON object if it does not exist (makeJSON is called recursively)
        if not diagram:
            self.json_obj = {"cells":[],"description": "No description"}
            diagram = self.diagram
        for c in diagram.GetShapeList():
            ### if c is coupled model            
            if isinstance(c, ContainerBlock):
                D = {"type":"devs.Coupled",
                     "inPorts":map(lambda i: "in%d"%i, range(c.input)),
                     "outPorts":map(lambda i: "out%d"%i, range(c.output)),
                     "attrs":{"text": {"text":c.label}}

                ### embeds key
                shapes = c.GetFlatBlockShapeList()
                D["embeds"] = [s.label for s in shapes]


                # add JSON description of coupled model components

                ### if c is a connection
                if isinstance(c, ConnectionShape):
                    D = {"type":"devs.Link",
                    model1, portNumber1 = c.input
                    model2, portNumber2 = c.output

                    D['source']['id'] = model1.label.encode("utf-8")
                    D['target']['id'] = model2.label.encode("utf-8")
                ### if c is an atomic model
                elif isinstance(c, CodeBlock): 
                    D = {"type":"devs.Atomic",
                         "inPorts":map(lambda i: "in%d"%i, range(c.input)),
                         "outPorts":map(lambda i: "out%d"%i, range(c.output)),
                         "attrs":{"text": {"text":c.label}},
                         "prop" :{"data" : c.args}

                    for i in xrange(c.input):
                        D["attrs"].update( {".inPorts>.port%d>.port-label"%i:{"text":"in%d"%i},
                                            ".inPorts>.port%d>.port-body"%i:{ "port":{"id":"in%d"%i,
                                            ".inPorts>.port%d"%i:{ "ref":".body",
                    for j in xrange(c.output):
                        D["attrs"].update( {".outPorts>.port%d>.port-label"%j:{"text":"out%d"%j},
                                            ".outPorts>.port%d>.port-body"%j:{ "port":{"id":"out%d"%j,
                                            ".outPorts>.port%d"%j:{ "ref":".body",

                else: #Input or Output port
                    D = None
                if (D!= None):

        return self.json_obj

    def getDevsInstance(self):
        """ Returns the DEVS instance built from YAML file
        from Container import Diagram

        if self.filename_is_valid != True: return False

        try :
            return Diagram.makeDEVSInstance(self.diagram)
            self.report['devs_instance'] = None
            self.report['success'] = False
            self.report['info'] = traceback.format_exc()
            return False

    def getJS(self):

        from Join import makeDEVSConf, makeJoin

        if self.filename_is_valid != True : return False

        addInner = []
        liaison = []
        model = {}
        labelEnCours = str(os.path.basename(self.diagram.last_name_saved).split('.')[0])

        # path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),os.path.basename(a.last_name_saved).split('.')[0] + ".js") # genere le fichier js dans le dossier de devsimpy
        # path = filename.split('.')[0] + ".js" # genere le fichier js dans le dossier du dsp charge.

        #Position initial du 1er modele
        x = [40]
        y = [40]
        bool = True

        model, liaison, addInner = makeJoin(self.diagram, addInner, liaison, model, bool, x, y, labelEnCours)
        makeDEVSConf(model, liaison, addInner, "%s.js"%labelEnCours)