# For Profiling
start = time.time()

for n in num_streams:
    for snr in SNRs:
        for l in anomaly_lengths:
            for m in anomaly_magnitudes:
                A = 0
                for i in range(initial_conditions):

                    # Seed random number generator

                    # Two ts that have anomalous shift
                    s0 = Tseries(0)
                    s1 = Tseries(0)
                        [1, 3, 1],
                        [100, l, 200 - l],
                        [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m],
                        gradient=float(m) / float(l),
                        [1, 4, 1],
                        [200, l, 100 - l],
                        [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m],
                        gradient=float(m) / float(l),
Exemple #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Nov 21 13:05:27 2010

@author: musselle

from ControlCharts import Tseries 
# import numpy as np
# from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure
import scipy

# Initialise stream 
series1 = Tseries(0)
series2 = Tseries(0)

series3 = Tseries(0)

series1.makeSeries([3],[5],[2], gradient = 10, noise = 0.000000001)
series2.makeSeries([3],[4],[2], gradient = 10, noise = 0.000000001)
series3.makeSeries([3],[8],[2], gradient = 5, noise = 0.000000001)   

series1.makeSeries([2,1,2],[95, 100, 100],[50, 50, 50], amp = 10,
                   noise = 0.00000001)
series2.makeSeries([2],[296],[40], amp = 10,
               noise = 0.000000001, period = 10, phase = 5)
series3.makeSeries([2,4,2],[142, 10, 140],[40, 40, 20], gradient = 2,
                   amp = 10, noise = 0.00000001)  
# For Profiling 
start = time.time() 

for n in num_streams:
  for snr in SNRs:
    for l in anomaly_lengths:
      for m in anomaly_magnitudes:
        A = 0
        for i in range(initial_conditions):    

          # Seed random number generator 

          # Two ts that have anomalous shift 
          s0lin = Tseries(0) # linear component 
          s0sin = Tseries(0) # Sine component 
          s1lin = Tseries(0)
          s1sin = Tseries(0)

          if anomaly_type == 'peak':

            s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,4,1], [interval_length, l/2, l/2, 2 * interval_length - l], 
                             [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine], 
                             gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise_type ='none')
            s0sin.makeSeries([2], [3 * interval_length], [0.0], 
                             amp = amp, period = period, noise_type ='none')

            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream                         
            s0 = np.array(s0lin) + np.array(s0sin)                                    
import time
from PedrosFrahst import frahst_pedro

# Runscript 

# Initialise

'Create time series string'
start = time.time()
# Initialise stream 
series1 = Tseries(0)
series2 = Tseries(0)
series3 = Tseries(0)
#series4 = Tseries(0)

series1.makeSeries([1],[300],[5], noise = 1)
series2.makeSeries([1,4,1],[200, 10, 90],[6, 6, -4], gradient = 1, noise = 1)
series3.makeSeries([1,3,1],[100,10,190],[2,2,12], gradient = 1, noise = 1) 
#series4.makeSeries([2],[300],[5], period = 10, amp = 1, noise = 1)  
streams = scipy.c_[series1, series2, series3]  # ,series4] 

# Run SPIRIT and Frahst

# Parameters
def genDataMatrix(anomaly_type,
    '''Generate dataset matrix with given parameters
    Matrix is timesteps x num_strems x initial conditions 
    A = 0
    for i in range(initial_conditions):

        # Seed random number generator

        # Two ts that have anomalous shift
        s0lin = Tseries(0)  # linear component
        s0sin = Tseries(0)  # Sine component
        s1lin = Tseries(0)
        s1sin = Tseries(0)

        if anomaly_type == 'peak':

            s0lin.makeSeries([1, 3, 4, 1], [100, l / 2, l / 2, 200 - l],
                             [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine],
                             gradient=float(m) / float(l / 2),
            s0sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0],

            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream
            s0 = np.array(s0lin) + np.array(s0sin)

            s1lin.makeSeries([1, 4, 3, 1], [200, l / 2, l / 2, 100 - l],
                             [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m, baseLine],
                             gradient=float(m) / float(l / 2),
            s1sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0],

            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream
            s1 = np.array(s1lin) + np.array(s1sin)

        elif anomaly_type == 'shift':

            s0lin.makeSeries([1, 3, 1], [100, l, 200 - l],
                             [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m],
                             gradient=float(m) / float(l),
            s0sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0],

            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream
            s0 = np.array(s0lin) + np.array(s0sin)

            s1lin.makeSeries([1, 4, 1], [200, l, 100 - l],
                             [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m],
                             gradient=float(m) / float(l),
            s1sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0],

            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream
            s1 = np.array(s1lin) + np.array(s1sin)

        # The rest of the ts
        for k in range(2, n):
            name = 's' + str(k)
            vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
            vars()[name].makeSeries([2], [300], [baseLine],

        # Concat into one matrix
        S = scipy.c_[s0]
        for k in range(1, n):
            S = scipy.c_[S, vars()['s' + str(k)]]

        # Concatonate to 3d array, timesteps x streams x initial condition
        if type(A) == int:
            A = S  # first loop only
            A = np.dstack((A, S))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from SPIRIT import SPIRIT
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary

# ===============================================================================
# Runscript
# ===============================================================================

# ============
# Initialise
# ============

"Create time series string"

series_1 = Tseries(0)
series_2 = Tseries(0)
series_3 = Tseries(0)
series_4 = Tseries(0)
series_5 = Tseries(0)

# S 1
# CYCLIC - Normal - Cyclic
series_1.cyclicEt(100, base=6, noise=0.1, amp=2, period=5, phase=0, noise_type="gauss")
series_1.normalEt(100, base=6, noise=0.00000000000000001, noise_type="gauss")
series_1.cyclicEt(100, base=6, noise=0.1, amp=2, period=5, phase=0, noise_type="gauss")
# S 2
# Cyclic
series_2.cyclicEt(300, base=6, noise=0.1, amp=2, period=5, phase=1.5, noise_type="gauss")
# S 3
# Cyclic
Exemple #7
    return data 

if __name__ == '__main__' : 
    first = 1
    if first:
        #s1 = Tseries(0)
        s2 = Tseries(0)
        #s1.makeSeries([2,1,2], [300, 300, 300], noise = 0.5, period = 50, amp = 5)
        #s2.makeSeries([2], [900], noise = 0.5, period = 50, amp = 5)
        #data = sp.r_['1,2,0', s1, s2]
        s0lin = Tseries(0)
        s0sin = Tseries(0)
        s2lin = Tseries(0)
        s2sin = Tseries(0)
        interval_length = 300
        l = 10
        m = 10
        baseLine = 0
        amp = 5
        period = 50 
        s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,4,1], [interval_length, l/2, l/2, 2 * interval_length - l], 
                        [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine], 
                        gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise = 0.5)
        s0sin.makeSeries([2], [3 * interval_length], [0.0], 
                        amp = amp, period = period, noise = 0.5)
def fractional_decay_MA(data, alpha):
    """ MA based on incremetal time fractions """
    aved_data = np.zeros_like(data)
    u = np.zeros(data.shape[1])
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        t = i + 1
        new_data_vec = data[i]
        u = ((t - 1) / float(t)) * alpha * u + (1 / float(t)) * new_data_vec
        aved_data[i] = u
    return aved_data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create Series
    s0 = Tseries(0)
    s1 = Tseries(0)
    s2 = Tseries(0)

    s0.makeSeries([1, 3, 1], [100, 10, 190],
                  base=[0, 0, 2],
    s1.makeSeries([1, 4, 1], [200, 10, 90],
                  base=[0, 0, -2],
    s2.makeSeries([1], [300], noise=0.5)

    streams = scipy.c_[s0, s1, s2]
Exemple #9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar 05 23:19:11 2011
@author: musselle
from numpy import eye, zeros, dot, sqrt, log10, trace, arccos, nan, arange
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import scipy as sp
from numpy.random import rand
from numpy.linalg import qr, eig, norm, solve
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, title, step
from artSigs import genCosSignals_no_rand , genCosSignals
import scipy.io as sio
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary2
from PedrosFrahst import frahst_pedro_original
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from load_syn_ping_data import load_n_store
def FRAHST_V3_3(data, r=1, alpha=0.96, e_low=0.96, e_high=0.98, fix_init_Q = 0, holdOffTime=0, 
                evalMetrics = 'F', static_r = 0, r_upper_bound = None, ignoreUp2 = 0):
        Fast Rank Adaptive Householder Subspace Tracking Algorithm (FRAHST)  
    Version 3.3 - Add decay of S and in the event of vanishing inputs 
                - Make sure rank of S does not drop (and work out what that means!) - stops S going singular
    Version 3.2 -  Added ability to fix r to a static value., and also give it an upper bound.
                   If undefined, defaults to num of data streams. 
def genDataMatrix(anomaly_type, n, snr, l, m, initial_conditions, period, amp, baseLine = 0.0, baseLine_MA_window = 15):
    '''Generate dataset matrix with given parameters
    Matrix is timesteps x num_strems x initial conditions 
    A = 0
    for i in range(initial_conditions):    
        # Seed random number generator 
        # Two ts that have anomalous shift 
        s0lin = Tseries(0) # linear component 
        s0sin = Tseries(0) # Sine component 
        s1lin = Tseries(0)
        s1sin = Tseries(0)
        if anomaly_type == 'peak':
            s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,4,1], [100, l/2, l/2, 200 - l], [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine], 
                      gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise_type ='none')
            s0sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0], 
                      amp = amp , period = period, noise_type ='none')
            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream                         
            s0 = np.array(s0lin) + np.array(s0sin)                                    
            s1lin.makeSeries([1,4,3,1],[200, l/2, l/2, 100 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m, baseLine], 
                      gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise_type ='none')
            s1sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0], 
                      amp = amp , period = period, noise_type ='none')
            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream                                   
            s1 = np.array(s1lin) + np.array(s1sin)                          
        elif anomaly_type == 'shift':
            s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,1], [100, l, 200 - l], [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m], 
                      gradient = float(m)/float(l), noise_type ='none')
            s0sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0], 
                      amp = amp, period = period, noise_type ='none')
            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream                         
            s0 = np.array(s0lin) + np.array(s0sin)                                    
            s1lin.makeSeries([1,4,1],[200, l, 100 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m], 
                      gradient = float(m)/float(l), noise_type ='none')
            s1sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0], 
                      amp = amp , period = period, noise_type ='none')
            # sum sin and linear components to get data stream                                                           
            s1 = np.array(s1lin) + np.array(s1sin)                                      
        # The rest of the ts
        for k in range(2, n) :
            name = 's'+ str(k)
            vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
            vars()[name].makeSeries([2], [300], [baseLine], 
                      amp = amp , period = period, noise_type ='none')
        # Concat into one matrix 
        S = scipy.c_[s0]
        for k in range(1, n) :
            S = scipy.c_[ S, vars()['s'+ str(k)] ]

        # Concatonate to 3d array, timesteps x streams x initial condition 
        if type(A) == int:
            A = S # first loop only
            A = np.dstack((A, S))  
Exemple #11
# Author:  C Musselle --<>
# Purpose: Generate Synthetic data streams to test for anomaly detection and monitouring applications
# Created: 11/18/11

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os
from ControlCharts import Tseries
Code Description:

s0 = Tseries(0)
s1 = Tseries(0)
s2 = Tseries(0)
s3 = Tseries(0)
s4 = Tseries(0)
s5 = Tseries(0)
s6 = Tseries(0)
s7 = Tseries(0)
s8 = Tseries(0)
s9_lin = Tseries(0)
s9_sin = Tseries(0)

s0.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp=1, noise=0.25)
s1.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp=1, noise=0.25)
s2.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp=1, noise=0.25)
s3.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp=1, noise=0.25)
Exemple #12
def gen_a_peak_dip(N, T, L, M, pA, k = 5, interval = [10,121], seed = None, noise_sig = 0.1, L2 = None, periods = None, periods2 = None):
  """ Adds short peak or dip to data 
  interval used is (low (Inclusive), High (exclusive)] 
  if seed:
    print 'Setting seed to %i' % (seed) 

  if periods is None:
    periods = []
    num_left = float(interval[1] - interval[0])
    num_needed = float(k)
    for i in xrange(interval[0], interval[1]+1):
      # probability of selection = (number needed)/(number left)
      p = num_needed / num_left
      if npr.rand() <= p:
        num_needed -= 1
        num_left -=1     

  #if seed is not None:
    ## Code to make random sins combination 
    #A, sins = sin_rand_combo(N, T, periods, seed = seed, noise_scale = noise_sig)
    ## Code to make random sins combination 

  # Seed already set at start of function 
  A, sins = sin_rand_combo(N, T, periods, noise_scale = noise_sig)

  # Anomaly will occur (and finish) Between time points 50 and T - 10 
  start_point = npr.randint(50, T - L - 10)

  # Code to make linear Anomalous trend 
  baseLine = 0

  # Randomly choose peak or dip 
  if npr.rand() < 0.5:
    anom_type = 'Peak'
    s0lin = Tseries(0)
    s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,4,1], [start_point, L/2, L/2, T - start_point - L], 
                   [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + M, baseLine], 
                   gradient = float(M)/float(L/2), noise_type ='none')      
    anom_type = 'Dip'
    s0lin = Tseries(0)
    s0lin.makeSeries([1,4,3,1], [start_point, L/2, L/2, T - start_point - L], 
                     [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - M, baseLine], 
                    gradient = float(M)/float(L/2), noise_type ='none')      

  # Select stream(s) to be anomalous
  if type(pA) == int:
    num_anom = pA
  elif pA < 1.0:
    num_anom = np.floor(pA * N)

  if num_anom > 1:
    anoms = []
    num_left = float(N)
    num_needed = float(num_anom)
    for i in xrange(N):
      # probability of selection = (number needed)/(number left)
      p = num_needed / num_left
      if npr.rand() <= p:
        num_needed -= 1
        num_left -= 1
        num_left -= 1   
    A[:,anoms] = A[:,anoms] + np.atleast_2d(s0lin).T
    anoms = npr.randint(N)
    A[:,anoms] = A[:,anoms] + np.array(s0lin)

  ''' Grount truth Table '''
  if anoms.__class__ == int:
    anoms = [anoms]
  gt_table = np.zeros(num_anom, dtype = [('start','i4'),('loc','i4'),('len','i4'),('mag','i4'),('type','a10')])
  for i, a in enumerate(anoms):
    gt_table[i] = (start_point, a, L, M, anom_type)

  output = dict(data = A, gt = gt_table, trends = sins, periods = periods)

  return output
Exemple #13
def gen_a_grad_persist(N, T, L, M, pA, k = 5, interval = [10,101], seed = None, noise_sig = 0.1, L2 = None, periods = None, periods2 = None):
  """ Adds longer persisted anomaly. gradient up/down to it 
  and vice versa after L steps """

  if seed:
      print 'Setting seed to %i' % (seed) 
  if periods is None:
    periods = []
    num_left = float(interval[1] - interval[0])
    num_needed = float(k)
    for i in xrange(interval[0], interval[1]+1):
      # probability of selection = (number needed)/(number left)
      p = num_needed / num_left
      if npr.rand() <= p:
        num_needed -= 1
        num_left -=1       

  # Seed already set at start of function 
  A, sins = sin_rand_combo(N, T, periods, noise_scale = noise_sig)

  # Anomaly will occur (and finish) Between time points 50 and T - 10 
  start_point = npr.randint(50, T - L - L2 - 10)

  # Code to make linear Anomalous trend 
  baseLine = 0

  # Randomly choose peak or dip 
  if npr.rand() < 0.5:
    anom_type = 'Grad Up--Down'
    s0lin = Tseries(0)
    s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,1,4,1], [start_point, L/2, L2, L/2, T - start_point - L - L2], 
                     [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + M, baseLine + M, baseLine], 
                    gradient = float(M)/float(L/2), noise_type ='none')
    anom_type = 'Grad Down--Up'
    s0lin = Tseries(0)
    s0lin.makeSeries([1,4,1,3,1], [start_point, L/2, L2, L/2, T - start_point - L - L2], 
                     [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - M, baseLine - M, baseLine], 
                    gradient = float(M)/float(L/2), noise_type ='none')      
  # Select stream(s) to be anomalous
  if type(pA) == int:
    num_anom = pA
  elif pA < 1.0:
    num_anom = np.floor(pA * N)

  if num_anom > 1:
    anoms = []
    num_left = float(N)
    num_needed = float(num_anom)
    for i in xrange(N):
      # probability of selection = (number needed)/(number left)
      p = num_needed / num_left
      if npr.rand() <= p:
        num_needed -= 1
        num_left -=1
        num_left -=1   
    A[:,anoms] = A[:,anoms] + np.atleast_2d(s0lin).T
    anoms = npr.randint(N)
    A[:,anoms] = A[:,anoms] + np.array(s0lin)
  ''' Ground Truth Table '''
  if anoms.__class__ == int:
    anoms = [anoms]
  gt_table = np.zeros(num_anom*2, dtype = [('start','i4'),('loc','i4'),('len','i4'),('mag','i4'),('type','a10')])
  count = 0
  for i, a in enumerate(anoms):
    a1_type = anom_type[5:].split('--')[0]
    a2_type = anom_type[5:].split('--')[1]    
    gt_table[i+count] = (start_point, a, L, M, 'Grad ' + a1_type)
    gt_table[i+count+1] = (start_point+L2+(L/2.0), a, L, M, 'Grad ' + a2_type)
    count += 1

  output = dict(data = A, gt = gt_table, trends = sins, periods = periods)
  return output
Exemple #14
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar 05 23:19:11 2011
@author: musselle
from numpy import eye, zeros, dot, sqrt, log10, trace, arccos, nan, arange
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import scipy as sp
from numpy.random import rand
from numpy.linalg import qr, eig, norm, solve
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, title, step
from artSigs import genCosSignals_no_rand, genCosSignals
import scipy.io as sio
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary2
from PedrosFrahst import frahst_pedro_original
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from load_syn_ping_data import load_n_store

def FRAHST_V3_3(data,
Exemple #15
    z22 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / p22) + npr.randn(t.shape[0]) * noise_scale
    z33 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / p33) + npr.randn(t.shape[0]) * noise_scale

    data = sp.r_['1,2,0', sp.r_[z1, z11], sp.r_[z2, z22], sp.r_[z3, z33]]

    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':

    first = 1

    if first:

        #s1 = Tseries(0)
        s2 = Tseries(0)
        #s1.makeSeries([2,1,2], [300, 300, 300], noise = 0.5, period = 50, amp = 5)
        #s2.makeSeries([2], [900], noise = 0.5, period = 50, amp = 5)
        #data = sp.r_['1,2,0', s1, s2]

        s0lin = Tseries(0)
        s0sin = Tseries(0)
        s2lin = Tseries(0)
        s2sin = Tseries(0)
        s3 = Tseries(0)
        s4 = Tseries(0)

        interval_length = 300
        l = 10
        m = 10
        baseLine = 0
Exemple #16
from ControlCharts import Tseries
from CUSUM import cusum 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Runscript 

# Initialise

'Create time series string'

series_1 = Tseries(0)

# NORMAL - normalEt(self, size, base=0, noise, noise_type = 'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(50, 0, 1,'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(50, 3, 1,'gauss')

# CYCLIC - cyclicEt(self, size, base=0, noise=2, amp=10, period=25, \
#                 noise_type = 'gauss'):
series_1.cyclicEt(100, 3, 1, 5, 50, 'gauss')

series_1.normalEt(50, 3, 1,'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(50, -3, 1,'gauss')

# UP - upEt(self,size,base=0,noise=1,gradient=0.2, noise_type = 'gauss')
series_1.upEt(100, -3, 1, 0.2, 'gauss')
Exemple #17
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar 05 23:19:11 2011
@author: musselle
from numpy import eye, zeros, dot, sqrt, log10, trace, arccos, nan, arange, ones
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import numpy.random as npr
from numpy.linalg import qr, eig, norm, solve
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, title, step, ylim
from artSigs import genCosSignals_no_rand, genCosSignals
import scipy.io as sio
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary2
from PedrosFrahst import frahst_pedro_original
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from Frahst_v3_3 import FRAHST_V3_3
from Frahst_v3_4 import FRAHST_V3_4
from Frahst_v4_0 import FRAHST_V4_0
from load_syn_ping_data import load_n_store
from QR_eig_solve import QRsolve_eigV
from create_Abilene_links_data import create_abilene_links_data
from MAfunctions import MA_over_window
from ControlCharts import Tseries

def FRAHST_V6_3(data,
Exemple #18
from ControlCharts import Tseries
from CUSUM import cusum
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Runscript

# Initialise

'Create time series string'

series_1 = Tseries(0)

# NORMAL - normalEt(self, size, base=0, noise, noise_type = 'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(50, 0, 1, 'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(50, 3, 1, 'gauss')

# CYCLIC - cyclicEt(self, size, base=0, noise=2, amp=10, period=25, \
#                 phase = 0, noise_type = 'gauss'):
series_1.cyclicEt(100, 3, 1, 5, 50)

series_1.normalEt(50, 3, 1, 'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(50, -3, 1, 'gauss')

# UP - upEt(self,size,base=0,noise=1,gradient=0.2, noise_type = 'gauss')
series_1.upEt(100, -3, 1, 0.2, 'gauss')
Exemple #19
count = 1
total = len(num_streams) * len(SNR) * len(anomaly_length) * len(anomaly_magnitude)

for a in num_streams:
    for b in SNR:
        for c in anomaly_length:
            for d in anomaly_magnitude:
                A = 0
                for e in range(initial_conditions):    
                    # Seed random number generator 
                    # Two ts that have anomalous shift 
                    s0 = Tseries(0)
                    s1 = Tseries(0)
                    s0.makeSeries([1,3,1],[100, c, 200 - c],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + d], 
                                  gradient = d/c, noise_type ='none')
                    s1.makeSeries([1,4,1],[200, c, 100 - c],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - d], 
                                  gradient = d/c, noise_type ='none')
                    # The rest of the ts
                    for i in range(2, a) :
                        name = 's'+ str(i)
                        vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
                        vars()[name].makeSeries([1],[300],[5], noise_type ='none')
                    # concat into one matrix 
                    streams = scipy.c_[s0]
                    for i in range(1, a) :
                        streams = scipy.c_[streams, vars()[name] ]
Exemple #20
total = len(num_streams) * len(SNR) * len(anomaly_length) * len(

for a in num_streams:
    for b in SNR:
        for c in anomaly_length:
            for d in anomaly_magnitude:

                A = 0
                for e in range(initial_conditions):

                    # Seed random number generator

                    # Two ts that have anomalous shift
                    s0 = Tseries(0)
                    s1 = Tseries(0)
                    s0.makeSeries([1, 3, 1], [100, c, 200 - c],
                                  [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + d],
                                  gradient=d / c,
                    s1.makeSeries([1, 4, 1], [200, c, 100 - c],
                                  [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - d],
                                  gradient=d / c,
                    # The rest of the ts
                    for i in range(2, a):
                        name = 's' + str(i)
                        vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
                        vars()[name].makeSeries([1], [300], [5],
Exemple #21
        score = []                          # reset score
        tagMetric.append(tag)   # list of cumulative sums of Smax
        tag = np.zeros((len(stream)))          # reset tag for next win size
    # Plot results 
    x = range(1, len(stream))
    plt.title('Input Stream')
    for i in range(len(win_sizes)):                    #   i = 1:size(win_sizes,2)   
        plt.plot(sMaxScore[i])                           #'Color', ColOrd(i,:))
    plt.title('Smax Score')
    for i in range(len(win_sizes)):
if __name__ == '__main__':
    series = Tseries(0)
    series.makeSeries([1,2,3,4] , [100,100,100,100], noise = 4)
    cusum_alg(series, [30, 60, 90])
def singleShiftRerun(parameter_string):

    params = parameter_string.split(', ')

    # Data Sets
    baseLine = 0.0

    num_streams = [int(params[0].split()[-1])]  # n
    SNRs = [int(params[1].split()[-1])]  # snr
    anomaly_lengths = [int(params[2].split()[-1])]  # l
    anomaly_magnitudes = [int(params[3].split()[-1])]  # m

    initial_conditions = 20  # i

    # Algorithm Parameters
    thresholds = params[4].split()[-1].split(',')

    e_highs = [float(thresholds[1][0:-1])]  # eh
    e_lows = [float(thresholds[0][1:])]  # el
    alphas = [float(params[5].split()[-1])]  # a
    holdOffs = [int(params[6].split()[-1])]  # h

    # Algorithm flags
    run_spirit = 0
    run_frahst = 1
    run_frahst_pedro = 0

    # Initialise Data sets

    # For Profiling
    start = time.time()

    for n in num_streams:
        for snr in SNRs:
            for l in anomaly_lengths:
                for m in anomaly_magnitudes:
                    A = 0
                    for i in range(initial_conditions):

                        # Seed random number generator

                        # Two ts that have anomalous shift
                        s0 = Tseries(0)
                        s1 = Tseries(0)
                        s0.makeSeries([1, 3, 1], [100, l, 200 - l],
                                      [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m],
                                      gradient=float(m) / float(l),
                        s1.makeSeries([1, 4, 1], [200, l, 100 - l],
                                      [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m],
                                      gradient=float(m) / float(l),
                        # The rest of the ts
                        for k in range(2, n):
                            name = 's' + str(k)
                            vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
                            vars()[name].makeSeries([1], [300], [baseLine],

                        # Concat into one matrix
                        S = scipy.c_[s0]
                        for k in range(1, n):
                            S = scipy.c_[S, vars()['s' + str(k)]]

                        # Concatonate to 3d array, timesteps x streams x initial condition
                        if type(A) == int:
                            A = S
                            A = np.dstack((A, S))

                    # Calculate the noise
                    Ps = np.sum(A[:, :, 0]**2)
                    Pn = Ps / (10.**(snr / 10.))
                    scale = Pn / (n * 300.)
                    noise = np.random.randn(A.shape[0], A.shape[1],
                                            A.shape[2]) * np.sqrt(scale)
                    A = A + noise

                    # Ground Truths
                    #                                 # time step | length
                    ground_truths = np.array([[100, l], [200, l]])

                    #  Run Algorithm
                    alg_count = 1

                    for eh in e_highs:
                        for el in e_lows:
                            for a in alphas:
                                for h in holdOffs:

                                    print 'Running Algorithm(s) with:\nE_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')\n' + \
                                    'alpha = ' + str(a) + '\nHoldOff = ' + str(h)

                                    SPIRIT_metricList = []
                                    FRAHST_metricList = []
                                    PEDRO_FRAHST_metricList = []

                                    for i in range(initial_conditions):

                                        # Load Data
                                        streams = A[:, :, i]

                                        if run_spirit == 1:
                                            # SPIRIT
                                            res_sp = SPIRIT(streams,
                                                            a, [el, eh],
                                            res_sp['Alg'] = 'SPIRIT: alpha = ' + str(a) + \
                                            ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'

                                                res_sp, streams, (el, eh))

                                                    res_sp, ground_truths,

    #                                        data = res_sp
    #                                        Title = 'SPIRIT alpha = ' + str(a) + ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
    #                                    plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['e_ratio'], data['orthog_error'],
    #                                             ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables',
    #                                    'Energy Ratio', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)'] , 'Time Steps', Title)

    #                                        plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['orthog_error'], data['subspace_error'],
    #                                ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)','Subspace\nError (dB)'],
    #                                                                 'Time Steps', Title)
                                        if run_frahst == 1:

                                            # My version of Frahst
                                            res_fr = FRAHST_V3_1(
                                                'Alg'] = 'MyFrahst: alpha = ' + str(
                                                ) + ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(
                                                    el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'

                                                    res_fr, ground_truths,

                                                res_fr, streams, (el, eh))
    #                                        data = res_fr
    #                                        Title = 'My Frahst with alpha = ' + str(a) + ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
    #                                        plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['orthog_error'], data['subspace_error'],
    #                                                 ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)','Subspace\nError (dB)'],
    #                                                                 'Time Steps', Title)

                                        if run_frahst_pedro == 1:

                                            # Pedros version of Frahst
                                            res_frped = frahst_pedro(
                                            res_frped['Alg'] = 'Pedros Frahst: alpha = ' + str(a) +  \
                                            ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'

                                                    res_frped, ground_truths,

                                                res_frped, streams, (el, eh))
    #                                        data = res_frped
    #                                        Title = 'Pedros Frahst: alpha = ' + str(a) +  \
    #                                        ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
    #                                        plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['orthog_error'], data['subspace_error'],
    #                                                 ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)','Subspace\nError (dB)'],
    #                                                                 'Time Steps', Title)

    finish = time.time() - start
    print 'Runtime = ' + str(finish) + 'seconds\n'
    print 'In H:M:S = ' + GetInHMS(finish)
def singleShiftRerun(parameter_string): 

    params = parameter_string.split(', ')
    # Data Sets 
    baseLine = 0.0
    num_streams = [int(params[0].split()[-1])]            # n
    SNRs = [int(params[1].split()[-1])]                  # snr
    anomaly_lengths = [int(params[2].split()[-1])]       # l
    anomaly_magnitudes = [int(params[3].split()[-1])]    # m
    initial_conditions = 20      # i
    # Algorithm Parameters
    thresholds = params[4].split()[-1].split(',')
    e_highs = [float(thresholds[1][0:-1])]             # eh
    e_lows = [float(thresholds[0][1:])]              # el 
    alphas = [float(params[5].split()[-1])]              # a
    holdOffs = [int(params[6].split()[-1])]             # h
    # Algorithm flags    
    run_spirit = 0
    run_frahst = 1
    run_frahst_pedro = 0
    # Initialise Data sets
    # For Profiling 
    start = time.time() 
    for n in num_streams:
        for snr in SNRs:
            for l in anomaly_lengths:
                for m in anomaly_magnitudes:
                    A = 0
                    for i in range(initial_conditions):    
                        # Seed random number generator 
                        # Two ts that have anomalous shift 
                        s0 = Tseries(0)
                        s1 = Tseries(0)
                        s0.makeSeries([1,3,1],[100, l, 200 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m], 
                                      gradient = float(m)/float(l), noise_type ='none')
                        s1.makeSeries([1,4,1],[200, l, 100 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m], 
                                      gradient = float(m)/float(l), noise_type ='none')
                        # The rest of the ts
                        for k in range(2, n) :
                            name = 's'+ str(k)
                            vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
                            vars()[name].makeSeries([1], [300], [baseLine], noise_type ='none')
                        # Concat into one matrix 
                        S = scipy.c_[s0]
                        for k in range(1, n) :
                            S = scipy.c_[ S, vars()['s'+ str(k)] ]
                        # Concatonate to 3d array, timesteps x streams x initial condition 
                        if type(A) == int:
                            A = S 
                            A = np.dstack((A, S))                        
                    # Calculate the noise                         
                    Ps = np.sum(A[:,:,0] ** 2)
                    Pn = Ps / (10. ** (snr/10.))
                    scale = Pn / (n * 300.)
                    noise = np.random.randn(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], A.shape[2]) * np.sqrt(scale)
                    A = A + noise
    # Ground Truths 
    #                                 # time step | length 
                    ground_truths = np.array([[100, l],
                                              [200, l]])
    #  Run Algorithm 
                    alg_count = 1    
                    for eh in e_highs :             
                        for el in e_lows :              
                            for a in alphas :              
                                for h in holdOffs :            
                                    print 'Running Algorithm(s) with:\nE_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')\n' + \
                                    'alpha = ' + str(a) + '\nHoldOff = ' + str(h)  
                                    SPIRIT_metricList = []                                
                                    FRAHST_metricList = []                                
                                    PEDRO_FRAHST_metricList = []
                                    for i in range(initial_conditions):
                                        # Load Data 
                                        streams = A[:,:,i]
                                        if run_spirit == 1:
                                            # SPIRIT
                                            res_sp = SPIRIT(streams, a, [el, eh], evalMetrics = 'F', 
                                                            reorthog = False, holdOffTime = h) 
                                            res_sp['Alg'] = 'SPIRIT: alpha = ' + str(a) + \
                                            ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
                                            pltSummary2(res_sp, streams, (el, eh))                            
                                            SPIRIT_metricList.append(analysis(res_sp, ground_truths, 300 ))
    #                                        data = res_sp
    #                                        Title = 'SPIRIT alpha = ' + str(a) + ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
        #                                    plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['e_ratio'], data['orthog_error'], 
        #                                             ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables',
        #                                    'Energy Ratio', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)'] , 'Time Steps', Title)
    #                                        plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['orthog_error'], data['subspace_error'],
    #                                ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)','Subspace\nError (dB)'], 
    #                                                                 'Time Steps', Title)             
                                        if run_frahst == 1:
                                            # My version of Frahst 
                                            res_fr = FRAHST_V3_1(streams, alpha=a, e_low=el, e_high=eh, 
                                                             holdOffTime=h, fix_init_Q = 1, r = 1, evalMetrics = 'F') 
                                            res_fr['Alg'] = 'MyFrahst: alpha = ' + str(a) + ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
                                            FRAHST_metricList.append(analysis(res_fr, ground_truths, 300 ))                                    
                                            pltSummary2(res_fr, streams, (el, eh))
    #                                        data = res_fr
    #                                        Title = 'My Frahst with alpha = ' + str(a) + ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
    #                                        plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['orthog_error'], data['subspace_error'],
    #                                                 ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)','Subspace\nError (dB)'], 
    #                                                                 'Time Steps', Title)            
                                        if run_frahst_pedro == 1:
                                            # Pedros version of Frahst 
                                            res_frped = frahst_pedro(streams, alpha=a, e_low=el, e_high=eh, 
                                                             holdOffTime=h, r = 1, evalMetrics = 'F') 
                                            res_frped['Alg'] = 'Pedros Frahst: alpha = ' + str(a) +  \
                                            ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
                                            PEDRO_FRAHST_metricList.append(analysis(res_frped, ground_truths, 300 ))
                                            pltSummary2(res_frped, streams, (el, eh))
    #                                        data = res_frped
    #                                        Title = 'Pedros Frahst: alpha = ' + str(a) +  \
    #                                        ' ,E_Thresh = (' + str(el) + ',' + str(eh) + ')'
    #                                        plot_4x1(streams, data['hidden'], data['orthog_error'], data['subspace_error'],
    #                                                 ['Input Data','Hidden\nVariables', 'Orthogonality\nError (dB)','Subspace\nError (dB)'], 
    #                                                                 'Time Steps', Title)   
    finish  = time.time() - start
    print 'Runtime = ' + str(finish) + 'seconds\n'
    print 'In H:M:S = ' + GetInHMS(finish)
# For Profiling
start = time.time()

for n in num_streams:
    for snr in SNRs:
        for l in anomaly_lengths:
            for m in anomaly_magnitudes:
                A = 0
                for i in range(initial_conditions):

                    # Seed random number generator

                    # Two ts that have anomalous shift
                    s0lin = Tseries(0)  # linear component
                    s0sin = Tseries(0)  # Sine component
                    s1lin = Tseries(0)
                    s1sin = Tseries(0)

                    if anomaly_type == 'peak':

                        s0lin.makeSeries([1, 3, 4, 1], [
                            interval_length, l / 2, l / 2,
                            2 * interval_length - l
                        ], [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine],
                                         gradient=float(m) / float(l / 2),
                        s0sin.makeSeries([2], [3 * interval_length], [0.0],
Exemple #25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 18 11:23:36 2011
Test SPIRIT and Frahst on Contol Time Series: Cyclic 
@author: - Musselle
from ControlCharts import Tseries
from CUSUM import cusum
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from SPIRIT import SPIRIT
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary
# Runscript
# Initialise
'Create time series string'
series_1 = Tseries(0)
series_2 = Tseries(0)
series_3 = Tseries(0)
series_4 = Tseries(0)
series_5 = Tseries(0)
# S 1
# CYCLIC - Normal - Cyclic
series_1.cyclicEt(100, base=6, noise=0.1, amp=2, period=5, phase=0, \
                    noise_type = 'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(100, base=6, noise=0.00000000000000001, noise_type='gauss')
Exemple #26
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 18 11:23:36 2011
Test SPIRIT and Frahst on Contol Time Series: Cyclic 
@author: - Musselle
from ControlCharts import Tseries
from CUSUM import cusum 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from SPIRIT import SPIRIT
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary
# Runscript 
# Initialise
'Create time series string'
series_1 = Tseries(0)
series_2 = Tseries(0)
series_3 = Tseries(0)
series_4 = Tseries(0)
series_5 = Tseries(0)
# S 1
# CYCLIC - Normal - Cyclic
series_1.cyclicEt(100, base=6, noise=0.1, amp=2, period=5, phase=0, \
                    noise_type = 'gauss')
series_1.normalEt(100, base=6, noise = 0.00000000000000001, noise_type ='gauss')
Exemple #27
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar 05 23:19:11 2011
@author: musselle
from numpy import eye, zeros, dot, sqrt, log10, trace, arccos, nan, arange, ones
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import numpy.random as npr
from numpy.linalg import qr, eig, norm, solve
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, title, step, ylim
from artSigs import genCosSignals_no_rand , genCosSignals
import scipy.io as sio
from utils import analysis, QRsolveA, pltSummary2
from PedrosFrahst import frahst_pedro_original
from Frahst_v3_1 import FRAHST_V3_1
from Frahst_v3_3 import FRAHST_V3_3
from Frahst_v3_4 import FRAHST_V3_4
from Frahst_v4_0 import FRAHST_V4_0
from load_syn_ping_data import load_n_store
from QR_eig_solve import QRsolve_eigV
from create_Abilene_links_data import create_abilene_links_data
from MAfunctions import MA_over_window
from ControlCharts import Tseries

def FRAHST_V6_3(data, r=1, alpha=0.96, L = 1, holdOffTime=0, evalMetrics = 'F',
                EW_mean_alpha = 0.1, EWMA_filter_alpha = 0.3, residual_thresh = 0.1, 
                F_min = 0.9, epsilon = 0.05,  
                static_r = 0, r_upper_bound = None,
import scipy
import time
from PedrosFrahst import frahst_pedro

# Runscript

# Initialise

'Create time series string'
start = time.time()
# Initialise stream
series1 = Tseries(0)
series2 = Tseries(0)
series3 = Tseries(0)
#series4 = Tseries(0)

series1.makeSeries([1], [300], [5], noise=1)
series2.makeSeries([1, 4, 1], [200, 10, 90], [6, 6, -4], gradient=1, noise=1)
series3.makeSeries([1, 3, 1], [100, 10, 190], [2, 2, 12], gradient=1, noise=1)
#series4.makeSeries([2],[300],[5], period = 10, amp = 1, noise = 1)

streams = scipy.c_[series1, series2, series3]  # ,series4]

# Run SPIRIT and Frahst

# Parameters
    return aved_data

def fractional_decay_MA(data, alpha):
    """ MA based on incremetal time fractions """
    aved_data = np.zeros_like(data)
    u = np.zeros(data.shape[1])
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        t = i + 1
        new_data_vec = data[i]
        u = ((t - 1)/float(t)) * alpha * u + (1/float(t)) * new_data_vec
        aved_data[i] = u
    return aved_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create Series 
    s0 = Tseries(0)
    s1 = Tseries(0)
    s2 = Tseries(0)
    s0.makeSeries([1,3,1], [100,10,190], base = [0, 0, 2], gradient = 0.2, noise = 0.5)
    s1.makeSeries([1,4,1], [200,10,90], base = [0, 0, -2], gradient = 0.2, noise = 0.5)
    s2.makeSeries([1], [300], noise = 0.5)
    streams = scipy.c_[s0, s1, s2]
    N = 25
    # Test Moving Averages
    MA1 = MA_over_window1(streams, N)
    MA2 = MA_over_window2(streams, N)
    MA3 = MA_over_window3(streams, N)
# Purpose: Generate Synthetic data streams to test for anomaly detection and monitouring applications
# Created: 11/18/11

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os 
from ControlCharts import Tseries

Code Description:

s0 = Tseries(0)
s1 = Tseries(0)
s2 = Tseries(0)
s3 = Tseries(0)
s4 = Tseries(0)
s5 = Tseries(0)
s6 = Tseries(0)
s7 = Tseries(0)
s8 = Tseries(0)
s9_lin = Tseries(0)
s9_sin = Tseries(0)

s0.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp = 1, noise = 0.25)
s1.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp = 1, noise = 0.25)
s2.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp = 1, noise = 0.25)
s3.makeSeries([2], [1000], amp = 1, noise = 0.25)
Exemple #31
# For Profiling 
start = time.time() 

for n in num_streams:
    for snr in SNRs:
        for l in anomaly_lengths:
            for m in anomaly_magnitudes:
                A = 0
                for i in range(initial_conditions):    
                    # Seed random number generator 
                    # Two ts that have anomalous shift 
                    s0lin = Tseries(0) # linear component 
                    s0sin = Tseries(0) # Sine component 
                    s1lin = Tseries(0)
                    s1sin = Tseries(0)
                    if anomaly_type == 'peak':
                        s0lin.makeSeries([1,3,4,1], [100, l/2, l/2, 200 - l], [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine], 
                                  gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise_type ='none')
                        s0sin.makeSeries([2], [300], [0.0], 
                                  amp = amp , period = period, noise_type ='none')
                        # sum sin and linear components to get data stream                         
                        s0 = np.array(s0lin) + np.array(s0sin)                                    
                        s1lin.makeSeries([1,4,3,1],[200, l/2, l/2, 100 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m, baseLine], 
Exemple #32
            # Repeat last entries
            count = count + 1
        hiddenV[t-1,:len(hh[0])] = hh[0]      
    return Q_t, S_t, rr, E_t, E_dash_t, hiddenV, count
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Initialise stream 
    series1 = Tseries(0)
    series2 = Tseries(0)

    series3 = Tseries(0)

    series1.makeSeries([3],[5],[2], gradient = 10, noise = 0.000000001)
    series2.makeSeries([3],[4],[2], gradient = 10, noise = 0.000000001)
    series3.makeSeries([3],[8],[2], gradient = 5, noise = 0.000000001)   
    series1.makeSeries([2,1,2],[95, 100, 100],[50, 50, 50], amp = 10,
                       noise = 0.00000001)
    series2.makeSeries([2],[296],[40], amp = 10,
                   noise = 0.000000001, period = 10, phase = 5)
    series3.makeSeries([2,4,2],[142, 10, 140],[40, 40, 2], gradient = 20,
count = 1
total = len(num_streams) * len(SNR) * len(anomaly_length) * len(anomaly_magnitude)

for n in num_streams:
    for snr in SNR:
        for l in anomaly_length:
            for m in anomaly_magnitude:
                A = 0
                for e in range(initial_conditions):    
                    # Seed random number generator 
                    # Two ts that have anomalous shift 
                    s0 = Tseries(0)
                    s1 = Tseries(0)
                    if anomaly_type == 'peak':
                        s0.makeSeries([1,3,4,1], [100, l/2, l/2, 200 - l], [baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m, baseLine], 
                                  gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise_type ='none')
                        s1.makeSeries([1,4,3,1],[200, l/2, l/2, 100 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m, baseLine], 
                                  gradient = float(m)/float(l/2), noise_type ='none')
                    elif anomaly_type == 'shift':
                        s0.makeSeries([1,3,1],[100, l, 200 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine + m], 
                                  gradient = float(m)/float(l), noise_type ='none')
                        s1.makeSeries([1,4,1],[200, l, 100 - l],[baseLine, baseLine, baseLine - m], 
                                  gradient = float(m)/float(l), noise_type ='none')
                    # The rest of the ts
                    for i in range(2, n) :
                        name = 's'+ str(i)
                        vars()[name] = Tseries(0)
Exemple #34
        score = []  # reset score
        tagMetric.append(tag)  # list of cumulative sums of Smax
        tag = np.zeros((len(stream)))  # reset tag for next win size

    # Plot results

    x = range(1, len(stream))

    plt.title('Input Stream')

    for i in range(len(win_sizes)):  #   i = 1:size(win_sizes,2)
        plt.plot(sMaxScore[i])  #'Color', ColOrd(i,:))
    plt.title('Smax Score')

    for i in range(len(win_sizes)):

if __name__ == '__main__':

    series = Tseries(0)
    series.makeSeries([1, 2, 3, 4], [100, 100, 100, 100], noise=4)

    cusum_alg(series, [30, 60, 90])