Exemple #1
def rendezvous_prediction(game_info, min_time, persistent):
    Updates the place and time we will be contacting the ball

    prediction = game_info.ball_prediction

    for i in range(0, len(prediction.slices), 2):

        aerial = Aerial(game_info.utils_game.my_car)

        #if prediction.slices[i].pos.z > 150:# and prediction.slices[i].time > min_time:
        aerial.target = Vec3_to_vec3(prediction.slices[i].pos,
        aerial.arrival_time = prediction.slices[i].time
        simulation = aerial.simulate()
        if (vec3_to_Vec3(simulation.location, game_info.team_sign) -
                             game_info.team_sign)).magnitude() < 30:
            persistent.aerial.target_location = prediction.slices[i].pos
            persistent.aerial.target_time = prediction.slices[i].time

        ''' This currently isn't defined, so we're going to skip it for now.
        if prediction.time - game_info.game_time > drive_time(game_info,
        persistent.hit_ball.action.target = prediction.location
        persistent.hit_ball.action.arrival_time = prediction.time

    return persistent
    def transition_to_aerial(game_info):
        should_transition = False
        can_hit_aerial = False

        game_info.persistent.aerial.action = RLU_Aerial(

        for ball_slice in game_info.ball_prediction.slices:
            #Skip some slices to save not-so-useful computation
            if ball_slice.pos.z > 300:

                game_info.persistent.aerial.action.target = Vec3_to_vec3(
                    ball_slice.pos, game_info.team_sign)
                game_info.persistent.aerial.action.arrival_time = ball_slice.time

                simulation = game_info.persistent.aerial.action.simulate()

                #Check if we can reach it by an aerial
                if vec3_to_Vec3(
                        simulation.location -
                        game_info.team_sign).magnitude() < 80:
                    should_transition = True
                    can_hit_aerial = True

        if not can_hit_aerial:
            game_info.persistent.aerial.action = None

        return should_transition, game_info.persistent
def roll_away_from_target(target, theta, game_info):
    Returns an orientation mat3 for an air roll shot.  Turns directly away from the dodge direction (target) by angle theta
    Target can either be RLU vec3, or CowBot Vec3.

    starting_forward = game_info.utils_game.my_car.forward()
    starting_left = game_info.utils_game.my_car.left()
    starting_up = game_info.utils_game.my_car.up()
    starting_orientation = mat3(starting_forward[0], starting_left[0],
                                starting_up[0], starting_forward[1],
                                starting_left[1], starting_up[1],
                                starting_forward[2], starting_left[2],
    if type(target) == vec3:
        target = vec3_to_Vec3(target, game_info.team_sign)
    car_to_target = Vec3_to_vec3((target - game_info.me.pos).normalize(),
    axis = theta * cross(car_to_target, starting_up)
    return dot(axis_to_rotation(axis), starting_orientation)
Exemple #4
def choose_stationary_takeoff_time(game_info, target_loc, target_time):
    Decides when to take off for an aerial based on a given target time and place.
    Assumes we're sitting still to start with.

    aerial = Aerial(game_info.utils_game.my_car)

    aerial.target = Vec3_to_vec3(target_loc, game_info.team_sign)
    current_time = game_info.game_time
    test_interval = [current_time, target_time]
    while abs(test_interval[1] - test_interval[0]) > 1 / 30:
        test_time = (test_interval[0] + test_interval[1]) / 2
        aerial.arrival_time = test_time
        simulation = aerial.simulate()
        if vec3_to_Vec3(simulation.location - aerial.target,
                        game_info.team_sign).magnitude() < 100:
            test_interval = [test_interval[0], test_time]
            test_interval = [test_time, test_interval[1]]
    return target_time - (test_interval[1] - current_time)
Exemple #5
    def to_Curve(self, team_sign):
        Converts the path to an RLU Curve object that can be followed

        control_points = []

        #The first arc
        direction1 = self.start - self.center1
        starting_angle = atan2(direction1.y, direction1.x)
        steps = ceil(30 * (self.phi1 / (2 * pi)))
        delta = -self.sgn1 * self.phi1 / steps
        center1 = Vec3_to_vec3(self.center1, team_sign)

        for i in range(1, steps - 2):
            angle = starting_angle + delta * i
            next_point = center1 + abs(self.radius1) * vec3(
                cos(angle), sin(angle), 0)
            normal = normalize(next_point - center1)

            next_control_point = ControlPoint()
            next_control_point.p = next_point
            next_control_point.t = cross(normal)
            next_control_point.n = normal

        #The line
        steps = max(10, ceil(self.length_line / 300))
        delta = self.length_line / steps
        tangent = Vec3_to_vec3(
            (self.transition2 - self.transition1).normalize(), team_sign)
        normal = cross(tangent)

        for i in range(0, steps + 1):
            next_point = Vec3_to_vec3(self.transition1,
                                      team_sign) + delta * tangent * i

            next_control_point = ControlPoint()
            next_control_point.p = next_point
            next_control_point.t = tangent
            next_control_point.n = normal

        #The second arc
        direction2 = self.transition2 - self.center2
        starting_angle = atan2(direction2.y, direction2.x)
        steps = ceil(30 * (self.phi2 / (2 * pi)))
        delta = -self.sgn2 * self.phi2 / steps
        center2 = Vec3_to_vec3(self.center2, team_sign)

        for i in range(1, steps + 1):
            angle = starting_angle + delta * i
            next_point = center2 + abs(self.radius2) * vec3(
                cos(angle), sin(angle), 0)
            normal = normalize(next_point - center2)

            next_control_point = ControlPoint()
            next_control_point.p = next_point
            next_control_point.t = cross(normal)
            next_control_point.n = normal

        curve = Curve(control_points)

        self.RLU_curve = curve
        self.discretized_path = [
            vec3_to_Vec3(point.p, team_sign) for point in control_points