Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, message):
		Initialize the dialog


		* message: Error message to display
        ErrorDialog.REPORTER_ACTIVE = True

        # Get version from the app since the main window may be dead or
        # not even ready yet.
        #version = wx.GetApp().GetVersion()

        BaseDialog.__init__(self, Utilities.GetActiveWindow())

        # Give message to ErrorReporter

        self.SetTitle(_("Error/Crash Reporter"))

        # Attributes
        self.err_msg = "%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (Utilities.EnvironmentInfo(), \
                  "---- Traceback Info ----", \
                  ErrorReporter().GetErrorStack(), \
                  "---- End Traceback Info ----")

        self.textCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self,
                                    style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
        self.abortButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, size=(-1, 26))
        self.sendButton = wx.Button(self,
                                    _("Report Error"),
                                    size=(-1, 26))
        self.closeButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE, size=(-1, 26))

        # Layout

        # Event Handlers
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)

        # Auto show at end of init
Exemple #2
def recompile(modulename):
    """	recompile module from modulename

    ### modulename is file type
    if os.path.exists(modulename):
        zf = ZipManager.Zip(modulename)
        return zf.Recompile()
        ### first, see if the module can be imported at all...
        tmp = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), fromlist=[modulename.split(".")[-1]])
        ### Use the imported module to determine its actual path
        pycfile = tmp.__file__
        modulepath = string.replace(pycfile, ".pyc", ".py")

        ### Try to open the specified module as a file
        code = open(modulepath, "rU").read()

        ### see if the file we opened can compile.  If not, return the error that it gives.
        ### if compile() fails, the module will not be replaced.
            compile(code, modulename, "exec")
            return (
                "Error in compilation: "
                + str(sys.exc_info()[0])
                + "\r\n"
                + Utilities.listf(format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))

            ### Ok, it compiled.  But will it execute without error?
            except Exception:
                # return "Error '%s' happened on line %d" % (info[0], info[1][1])
                return (
                    "Error in execution: "
                    + str(sys.exc_info()[0])
                    + "\r\n"
                    + Utilities.listf(format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))


                ### at this point, the code both compiled and ran without error.  Load it up
                ### replacing the original code.
                return reload(sys.modules[modulename])
	def OnAdd(self, evt):

		path = self._dbb.GetValue()
		dName = os.path.basename(path) if not path.startswith('http') else filter(lambda a: a != '', path.split('/'))[-1]

		# si la lib n'est pas deja importee
		if not self.parent.tree.IsChildRoot(dName):
			if not self._d.has_key(dName) or (self._d.has_key(dName) and self._d[dName] != path):
				### si importation a partir du local
				if os.path.isdir(path):
					self.DoAdd(path, dName)
				### si importation a partir du web
				elif Utilities.checkURL(path):
					self.DoAdd(path, dName)
				### gestion de l'erreur
					if path.startswith('http'):
						msg = _('%s is an invalid url') % path
						msg = _('%s directory does not exist') % dName
					dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _('Error'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
				dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('%s is already imported') % dName, _('Info'), wx.OK)
			dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('%s is already imported') % dName, _('Info'), wx.OK)

		# on reactive le bouton pour un eventuel autre ajout

### ------------------------------------------------------------
# class TestApp(wx.App):
	# """ Testing application
	# """
	# def OnInit(self):
		# import __builtin__
		# import gettext
		# __builtin__.__dict__['HOME_PATH'] = os.getcwd()
		# __builtin__.__dict__['DOMAIN_PATH'] = 'Domain'
		# __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = gettext.gettext
		# frame = ImportLibrary(None, size=(600,600), id=-1, title="Test")
		# frame.Show()
		# return True
	# def OnQuit(self, event):
		# self.Close()
# if __name__ == '__main__':

	# app = TestApp(0)
	# app.MainLoop()
Exemple #4
    def Populate(self, pluginsList):
        """ Populate method must be called just before construtor.
        if not self.is_populate:
            # all plugins file in plugins directory and already loaded
            # list of all file (without __init__.py)
            for root, dirs, files in pluginsList:
                ### dirs must contain python file
                if files:
                    #for filename in filter(lambda f: not f.startswith('__') and f.endswith('.py'), files):
                    for filename in filter(lambda f: f == "__init__.py",
                        for basename in Utilities.getFileListFromInit(
                                os.path.join(root, filename)):
                            ### try to add dynamicaly pulgins
                            #t = threading.Thread(target=self.Importing, args=(root, basename,))
                            #except Exception:
                            #if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__':
                            #wx.CallLater(500, self.Importing, root, basename,)
                            self.Importing(root, basename)

            self.is_populate = True
Exemple #5
    def CheckItem(self, path):

        item = self.ItemDico[path]
        file_path = "%s.py" % path

        info = Container.CheckClass(file_path)
        ### there is error in file
        if isinstance(info, tuple):
            ### Until it has parent, we redifine icon to inform user
            while item:
                ### change image
                self.SetItemImage(item, self.not_importedidx,
                ### next parent item
                item = self.GetItemParent(item)
            ### recompile if no error
            info = ReloadModule.recompile(Utilities.path_to_module(file_path))

            ### if not error
            if not isinstance(info, (Exception, str)):
                ### change image
                self.SetItemImage(item, self.pythonfileidx,
Exemple #6
	def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
		""" Constructor.

		kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.STAY_ON_TOP
		kwds["size"] = (400, 420)

		wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)

		self.panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY)
		self.button_clear = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_CLEAR)
		self.button_step = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FORWARD)
		self.button_find = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_FIND)
		self.button_selectall = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_SELECTALL)
		self.txt = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)

		Utilities.MoveFromParent(self, interval=10, direction='right')


		### just for the start of the frame
		self.flag = True

		### to close the frame when this attribute dont change
		self.lenght = self.txt.GetNumberOfLines()

		### just for window

		self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStep, id=self.button_step.GetId())
		self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClear, id=self.button_clear.GetId())
		self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSelectAll, id=self.button_selectall.GetId())
		self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnFindReplace, id=self.button_find.GetId())
	def AddItem(self, path, dName):
		""" Add item to the list
		index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, dName)
		self.SetStringItem(index, 1, str(Utilities.getDirectorySize(path)) if os.path.exists(path) else '0')
		self.SetStringItem(index, 2, 'local' if not path.startswith('http') else 'web')
		self.SetStringItem(index, 3, "..%s%s" % (
		os.sep, os.path.basename(DOMAIN_PATH) if os.path.basename(DOMAIN_PATH) in path else os.path.basename(path)))
		self.SetData(index, path)
		self.SetItemData(index, index)
	def PopulateDB():

		subclasses = Utilities.itersubclasses(DumpBase)

		for cls in subclasses:
			for elem in cls.ext:
				# Impose un type de fichier par classe et non pas une classe par type de fichier.
				assert (elem not in DumpBase.DB.keys())
				DumpBase.DB[elem] = cls
	def OnItemDeselected(self, event):
		""" Item has been deselected
		line_number = self.getColumnText(self.currentItem, 2)
		python_path = self.getColumnText(self.currentItem, 4)

		if line_number != "":
			### recuperation du model DEVS
			devs = Utilities.getInstance(Components.GetClass(python_path))
			### check error and change image
			if not isinstance(devs, tuple):
				self.SetItemImage(self.currentItem, self.idx2)
Exemple #10
    def OnItemRename(self, evt):
        item = self.GetSelection()
        path = self.GetItemPyData(item)

        bn = os.path.basename(path)
        dn = os.path.dirname(path)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(bn)

        d = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,
                               _('New file name'),

        ### new label
        new_label = d.GetValue()
        os.rename(path, os.path.join(dn, new_label) + ext)
        Utilities.replaceAll(os.path.join(dn, '__init__.py'),
                             os.path.splitext(bn)[0], new_label)

Exemple #11
    def AddItem(self, path, dName):
        """ Add item to the list
        index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, dName)
            index, 1,
            if os.path.exists(path) else '0')
        self.SetStringItem(index, 2,
                           'local' if not path.startswith('http') else 'web')
            index, 3, "..%s%s" %
            (os.sep, os.path.basename(DOMAIN_PATH) if os.path.basename(
                DOMAIN_PATH) in path else os.path.basename(path)))
        self.SetData(index, path)
        self.SetItemData(index, index)
Exemple #12
def GetClass(elem):
    """ Get python class from filename.

    clsmembers = getClassMember(elem)

    if isinstance(clsmembers, dict):
        moduleName = Utilities.path_to_module(elem)

        for cls in clsmembers.values():
            #print 'sdf', str(cls.__module__), moduleName, str(cls.__module__) in str(moduleName)

            if str(cls.__module__) in str(moduleName):
                return cls
        return clsmembers
def GetClass(elem):
	""" Get python class from filename.

	clsmembers = getClassMember(elem)

	if isinstance(clsmembers, dict):
		moduleName = Utilities.path_to_module(elem)

		for cls in clsmembers.values():
			#print 'sdf', str(cls.__module__), moduleName, str(cls.__module__) in str(moduleName)

			if str(cls.__module__) in str(moduleName):
				return cls
		return clsmembers
	def OnUpdate(self, evt):
		""" Update list has been invocked

		### deep copy of data list
		D = copy.deepcopy(self.list.itemDataMap)

		### update in error line self.list.itemDataMap
		for k, v in D.items():
			line_number = v[2]
			if line_number != "":
				python_path = v[-1]
				devs = Utilities.getInstance(Components.GetClass(python_path))
				### check error and change image
				if not isinstance(devs, tuple):
					self.list.itemDataMap[k] = (v[0], "", "", v[3], v[4])

		### refresh items
		self.list.RefreshItems(-1, -1)
Exemple #15
    def InsertItem(self, root, basename):
        """ Insert plugin in list

        ### absolute name
        absname = os.path.join(root, "%s.py" % basename)

        ### file size
        size = Utilities.FormatSizeFile(os.path.getsize(absname))

        ### date manager
        date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(absname))
        if hasattr(self.mainW, 'language') and self.mainW.language == 'fr':
            date = date.strftime("%d/%m/%y")
            date = str(date.date())

        # add to the CheckListCtrl
        index = self.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, basename)
        self.SetStringItem(index, 1, size)
        self.SetStringItem(index, 2, date)

        return index
Exemple #16
    def DocDirectory(self, path):
        """ Return doc of all modules composing path directory by reading its __ini__.py
        ### init_file at first level !
        init_file = os.path.join(path, '__init__.py')

        doc = ""
        ### if init_file exists in module
        if os.path.exists(init_file):
            ### get list of content filename
            lst = Utilities.getFileListFromInit(init_file)
            if lst:
                # for each python filename, inspect its module info
                for fn in lst:
                    fn_path = os.path.join(path, fn + '.py')
                    t = inspect.getmoduleinfo(fn_path)
                    if t is not None:
                        name, suffix, mode, module_type = t
                        doc += _("---------- %s module :\n") % fn + \
                            _("\tname : %s\n") % name + \
                            _("\tsuffix : %s\n") % suffix + \
                            _("\tmode : %s\n") % mode + \
                            _("\ttype of module : %s\n") % module_type + \
                            _("\tpath : %s\n\n") % fn_path
                        doc += _(
                            "----------%s module not inspectable !\n") % fn
            #doc += _("%s is empty !\n")%init_file
        #doc += _("%s dont exist !\n")%init_file

        ### TODO take in charge also amd and cmd !

        return doc
	def DocDirectory(self, path):
		""" Return doc of all modules composing path directory by reading its __ini__.py
		### init_file at first level !
		init_file = os.path.join(path, '__init__.py')

		doc = ""
		### if init_file exists in module
		if os.path.exists(init_file):
			### get list of content filename
			lst = Utilities.getFileListFromInit(init_file)
			if lst:
				# for each python filename, inspect its module info
				for fn in lst:
					fn_path = os.path.join(path, fn + '.py')
					t = inspect.getmoduleinfo(fn_path)
					if t is not None:
						name, suffix, mode, module_type = t
						doc += _("---------- %s module :\n") % fn + \
							   _("\tname : %s\n") % name + \
							   _("\tsuffix : %s\n") % suffix + \
							   _("\tmode : %s\n") % mode + \
							   _("\ttype of module : %s\n") % module_type + \
							   _("\tpath : %s\n\n") % fn_path
						doc += _("----------%s module not inspectable !\n") % fn
				#doc += _("%s is empty !\n")%init_file
			#doc += _("%s dont exist !\n")%init_file

					### TODO take in charge also amd and cmd !

		return doc
	def Populate(self, pluginsList):
		""" Populate method must be called just before construtor.
		if not self.is_populate:
			# all plugins file in plugins directory and already loaded
			# list of all file (without __init__.py)
			for root, dirs, files in pluginsList:
				### dirs must contain python file
				if files:
					#for filename in filter(lambda f: not f.startswith('__') and f.endswith('.py'), files):
					for filename in filter(lambda f: f == "__init__.py", files):
						for basename in Utilities.getFileListFromInit(os.path.join(root,filename)):
							### try to add dynamicaly pulgins
								#t = threading.Thread(target=self.Importing, args=(root, basename,))
							#except Exception:
								#if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__':
									#wx.CallLater(500, self.Importing, root, basename,)
								self.Importing(root, basename)
			self.is_populate = True
Exemple #19
    def CreateBlock(*argv, **kwargs):
        """ Create Block from python_file and other info coming from wizard.
        import Core.Components.Container as Container

        python_file = kwargs['python_file']
        canvas = kwargs['canvas'] if 'canvas' in kwargs else None
        x = kwargs['x'] if 'x' in kwargs else None
        y = kwargs['y'] if 'y' in kwargs else None

        # associated python class
        cls = GetClass(python_file)

        if inspect.isclass(cls):
            # adding devs model on good graphical model
            if issubclass(cls, DomainBehavior.DomainBehavior):
                amd = AMDComponent(*argv, **kwargs)
                m = amd.Create()
                ### move AMD model
                if canvas and x and y:
                    ### convert coordinate depending on the canvas
                    x, y = canvas.GetXY(m, x, y)
                    # move model from mouse position
                    m.move(x, y)
                return m
            elif issubclass(cls, DomainStructure.DomainStructure):
                cmd = CMDComponent(*argv, **kwargs)
                m = cmd.Create()
                ### move CMD model
                if canvas and x and y:
                    ### convert coordinate depending on the canvas
                    x, y = canvas.GetXY(m, x, y)
                    # move model from mouse position
                    m.move(x, y)
                return m
            elif 'IPort' in cls.__name__:
                label = kwargs['label']
                iid = kwargs['id'] if 'id' in kwargs else canvas.GetDiagram(
                m = Container.iPort(label="%s %d" % (label, iid))
                m.id = iid
                m.move(x - 70, y - 70)
                return m
            elif 'OPort' in cls.__name__:
                label = kwargs['label']
                oid = kwargs['id'] if 'id' in kwargs else canvas.GetDiagram(
                m = Container.oPort(label="%s %d" % (label, oid))
                m.id = oid
                m.move(x - 70, y - 70)
                return m
                dial = wx.MessageDialog(
                    _('Object not instantiated !\n\n Perhaps there is bad imports.'
                      ), _('Exclamation'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
                return False

        ### inform user of the existance of error and return None
            MsgBoxError(None, Utilities.GetActiveWindow(), cls)

        return None
Exemple #20
	def __init__(self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", data=None):
		"""	@data : [(x,y)...]
		if not data: data = []

		# total time
		duree = data[-1][0]

		signal = [c[1] for c in data]

		Nb_pts = len(signal)

		#interpolation B-splines
		#dx = 1
		#newx = r_[0:Nb_pts:duree]
		#y = array(self.signal)
		#newy = cspline1d_eval(cspline1d(y),newx,dx = dx,x0 = y[0])
		#self.signal = newy

		# nombre de points pour la fft
		p = 1
		while pow(2, p) <= Nb_pts:
			p += 1
			N = float(pow(2, p))
		assert (pow(2, p) >= Nb_pts)

		#application d'une fenetre
		signal = Utilities.smooth(array(signal), window_len=10, window="hamming")

		# frequence d'echantillonnage
		Fe = 1.0 / (float(duree) / float(len(signal)))

		Y = fft.fft(signal, int(N))
		Y = abs(fft.fftshift(Y))
		F = [Fe * i / N for i in xrange(int(-N / 2), int(N / 2))]

		# normalisation
		Max = max(Y)
		Y = [20 * math.log(i / Max, 10) for i in Y]

		#frequence max et min pour le plot
		FMin, FMax = 0, 200
		F_plot, Y_plot = [], []
		for i in xrange(len(F)):
			if FMin < F[i] < FMax:

		# formate les donnees pour Plot
		self.data = map(lambda a, b: (a, b), F_plot, Y_plot)

		# invoque la frame
		StaticPlot.__init__(self, parent, id, title, self.data, xLabel=_('Frequency [Hz]'), yLabel=_('Amplitude [dB]'))


		# range for fred and amplitude
		self.sldh.SetRange(1, 300)
		self.sldv.SetRange(0, 150)

		# start freq 100
		# start amplitude 0

		# Bind the Sliders
		self.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.sliderUpdate, id=self.sldh.GetId())
		self.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.sliderUpdate, id=self.sldv.GetId())
Exemple #21

				zf = ZipManager.Zip(fileName)

				### create or update fileName
				if os.path.exists(fileName):
					zf.Update(replace_files=[fn, python_path, image_path])
					zf.Create(add_files=[fn, python_path, image_path])


				## chemin absolu du repertoir contenant le fichier a exporter (str() pour eviter l'unicode)
				newExportPath = str(os.path.dirname(fileName))

				mainW = Utilities.getTopLevelWindow()
				### si export dans un repertoir local on insert le chemin dans le fichier de config
				if not os.path.basename(DOMAIN_PATH) in newExportPath.split(os.sep):
					### mise a jour du fichier .devsimpy
					mainW.exportPathsList = eval(mainW.cfg.Read("exportPathsList"))
					if newExportPath not in mainW.exportPathsList:
					mainW.cfg.Write("exportPathsList", str(eval("mainW.exportPathsList")))

				### si la librairie est deja charger dans l'environnement on met a jour ces modeles

			except Exception, info:

				sys.stderr.write(_("Problem saving (during the zip handling): %s -- %s\n") % (str(fileName), info))
				return False
Exemple #22
    def OnEditor(self, event):
        """ Method that edit the python code of associated devs model of the Block

        python_path = self.python_path
        model_path = os.path.dirname(python_path)
        name = os.path.basename(python_path)

        ### trying to get parent window
        mainW = Utilities.GetActiveWindow(event)

        if isinstance(mainW, ShapeCanvas.ShapeCanvas):
            mainW = mainW.GetParent()

        if __builtin__.__dict__['LOCAL_EDITOR'] and not zipfile.is_zipfile(
                model_path) and not python_path.startswith('http'):
            dial = wx.MessageDialog(
                _('Do you want to use your local programmer software?\n\n If you want always use the DEVSimPy code editor\n change the option in Editor panel preferences.'
                  ), 'Question', wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
            val = dial.ShowModal()
            val = wx.ID_NO

        ### si local editor choisi dans les preferences et pas de zip file et pas de fichier provenant du server ftp
        if val == wx.ID_YES:
            ### open with local editor
            if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
                os.system("open " + python_path)
            elif "wxMSW" in wx.PlatformInfo:
            elif "wxGTK" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                ### on est dans gnome
                if os.system('pidof gnome-session') != 256:
                        soft = which('gnome-open')
                            _("Local programmer software not found!\n"))
                        os.system(soft + " openURL " + python_path)
                ### on est dans kde
                elif os.system('pidof ksmserver') != 256:
                        soft = which('kfmclient')
                            _("Local programmer software not found!\n"))
                        os.system(soft + " openURL " + python_path)
                    sys.stdout.write(_("Unknown Windows Manager!\n"))

        elif val != wx.ID_CANCEL:
            # chargement du fichier dans la fenetre d'edition (self.text)

                editorFrame = Editor.GetEditor(mainW,

                # if zipfile.is_zipfile(model_path):
                # 	importer = zipimport.zipimporter(model_path)
                # 	text = importer.get_source(os.path.splitext(name)[0])

                if not zipfile.is_zipfile(model_path):
                    ### if file is localized on the net
                    if python_path.startswith('http'):
                        ### with internet python file, the editorFrame is read only

                                         {0: _('read only')})

                        ### parse url to extract the path(/devsimpy/domain...) and the network location (lcapocchi.free.fr)
                        o = urlparse(python_path)
                        ### open conenction
                        c = httplib.HTTPConnection(o.netloc)
                        ### request with GET mode
                        c.request('GET', o.path)
                        ### get response of request
                        r = c.getresponse()
                        ### convert file into string
                        text = r.read()


                        ### if python_path is not found (because have an external origine)
                        if not os.path.exists(python_path):
                            if os.path.basename(
                                    DOMAIN_PATH) in python_path.split(os.sep):
                                python_path = os.path.join(
                                    HOME_PATH, python_path[python_path.index(
                                self.python_path = python_path

                        # ### only with python 2.6
                        # with codecs.open(python_path, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
                        # 	text = f.read()

                name = os.path.basename(python_path)
                editorFrame.AddEditPage(name, python_path)

                printOnStatusBar(editorFrame.statusbar, {1: ''})

                return editorFrame

            except Exception, info:
                dlg = wx.MessageDialog(
                    mainW, _('Editor frame not instanciated: %s\n' % info),
                    _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
                return False
Exemple #23
    def GetModelList(self, dName):
        """ Get the list of files from dName directory.

        ### list of py file from __init__.py
        if LibraryTree.EXT_LIB_PYTHON_FLAG:

            ### lsit of py file from url
            if dName.startswith('http'):

                o = urlparse(dName)
                c = httplib.HTTPConnection(o.netloc)
                c.request('GET', o.path + '/__init__.py')

                r = c.getresponse()
                code = r.read()

                if r.status == 200:
                    exec code
                    tmp = filter(
                        lambda s: s.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').
                        replace(',', '').replace('"', "").replace(
                            '\'', "").strip(), __all__)
                    ### test if the content of __init__.py file is python file (isfile equivalent)
                    py_file_list = [
                        s for s in tmp
                        if 'python' in urllib.urlopen(dName + '/' + s +

                    py_file_list = []

                return py_file_list
                    name_list = Utilities.getFileListFromInit(
                        os.path.join(dName, '__init__.py'))
                    py_file_list = []
                    for s in name_list:
                        python_file = os.path.join(dName, s + '.py')
                        ### test if tmp is only composed by python file (case of the user write into the __init__.py file directory name is possible ! then we delete the directory names)
                        if os.path.isfile(python_file):

                            cls = Components.GetClass(python_file)

                            if cls is not None and not isinstance(cls, tuple):
                                ### only model that herite from DomainBehavior is shown in lib
                                if issubclass(cls,

                            ### If cls is tuple, there is an error but we load the model to correct it.
                            ### If its not DEVS model, the Dnd don't allows the instantiation and when the error is corrected, it don't appear before a update.


                except Exception:
                    py_file_list = []
                    # if dName contains a python file, __init__.py is forced
                    for f in os.listdir(dName):
                        if f.endswith('.py'):
                            #sys.stderr.write(_("%s not imported : %s \n"%(dName,info)))
            py_file_list = []

        # list of amd and cmd files
        devsimpy_file_list = [
            f for f in os.listdir(dName)
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dName, f)) and (f[:2] != '__') and (

        return py_file_list + devsimpy_file_list
Exemple #24
    def OnAdd(self, evt):

        path = self._dbb.GetValue()
        dName = os.path.basename(
            path) if not path.startswith('http') else filter(
                lambda a: a != '', path.split('/'))[-1]

        # si la lib n'est pas deja importee
        if not self.parent.tree.IsChildRoot(dName):
            if not self._d.has_key(dName) or (self._d.has_key(dName)
                                              and self._d[dName] != path):
                ### si importation a partir du local
                if os.path.isdir(path):
                    self.DoAdd(path, dName)
                ### si importation a partir du web
                elif Utilities.checkURL(path):
                    self.DoAdd(path, dName)
                ### gestion de l'erreur
                    if path.startswith('http'):
                        msg = _('%s is an invalid url') % path
                        msg = _('%s directory does not exist') % dName
                    dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _('Error'),
                                            wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
                dial = wx.MessageDialog(self,
                                        _('%s is already imported') % dName,
                                        _('Info'), wx.OK)
            dial = wx.MessageDialog(self,
                                    _('%s is already imported') % dName,
                                    _('Info'), wx.OK)

        # on reactive le bouton pour un eventuel autre ajout

### ------------------------------------------------------------
# class TestApp(wx.App):
# """ Testing application
# """

# def OnInit(self):

# import __builtin__
# import gettext

# __builtin__.__dict__['HOME_PATH'] = os.getcwd()
# __builtin__.__dict__['DOMAIN_PATH'] = 'Domain'
# __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = gettext.gettext

# frame = ImportLibrary(None, size=(600,600), id=-1, title="Test")
# frame.Show()
# return True

# def OnQuit(self, event):
# self.Close()

# if __name__ == '__main__':

# app = TestApp(0)
# app.MainLoop()
Exemple #25
class Zip:
	def __init__(self, fn, files=None):
		""" Constructor
		if not files: files = []
		### local copy
		self.fn = fn

		if files:

	def Create(self, add_files=None):
		if not add_files: add_files = []
		dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(self.fn)
		name, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name)

		### output zip file
		zout = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, "w")

		### for all files wich could be added
		for fn in filter(lambda f: os.path.exists(f) or zipfile.is_zipfile(os.path.dirname(f)), add_files):
			fn_dir_name, fn_base_name = os.path.split(fn)
			fn_name, fn_ext = os.path.splitext(fn_base_name)
			### if adding file is compressed, we decompress and add it
			if zipfile.is_zipfile(fn_dir_name):
				zin = zipfile.ZipFile(fn_dir_name, 'r')
				buffer = zin.read(fn_base_name)
				### if not .dat file and the name of file is not the same with the zip file
				#if fn_ext == '.py':
				#zout.writestr("%s%s"%(name,fn_ext), buffer)
				zout.writestr(fn_base_name, buffer)
				zout.write(fn, fn_base_name)


	def Update(self, replace_files=None):
		""" Update zip archive with the new replace file names
		if not replace_files: replace_files = []

		### delete empty fileName
		replace_files = filter(lambda f: f != '', replace_files)

		# call this function because : http://www.digi.com/wiki/developer/index.php/Error_messages

		zin = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, 'r')
		zout = zipfile.ZipFile("new_arch.zip", 'w')

		exclude_file = []

		### write all replace file in the new archive
		for fn in replace_files:
			dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(fn)
			if zipfile.is_zipfile(dir_name):
				#print '1'
				z = zipfile.ZipFile(dir_name, 'r')
				data = z.read(base_name)
				### this line is in comment because is zip file contain image file we can not encode it.
				zout.writestr(base_name, data.encode('utf-8'))
				#zout.writestr(base_name, data)
				#print '11'
				#sys.stdout.write("update %s from compressed %s\n"%(base_name, fn))
			elif os.path.exists(fn):
				#print '2'
				zout.write(fn, base_name)
				#print '22'
				#sys.stdout.write("update %s from %s\n"%(base_name, fn))
			elif os.path.exists(base_name) and dir_name != "":
				#print '3'
				zout.write(base_name, fn)
				#print '33'
				#sys.stdout.write("update %s from %s\n"%(fn, base_name))
				#sys.stdout.write("%s unknown\n"%(fn))

		### try to rewrite not replaced files from original zip
		info_list = zin.infolist()
		for item in info_list:
			s = os.path.basename(item.filename)
			if s not in map(os.path.basename, replace_files) and info_list.index(item) not in exclude_file:
				buffer = zin.read(item.filename)
				zout.writestr(item, buffer)
				sys.stdout.write("%s rewrite\n" % item.filename)

		### close all files

		### remove and rename the zip file

	def Delete(self, delete_files=None):
		""" Remove file in zip archive
		if not delete_files: delete_files = []

		### delete empty fileName
		delete_files = filter(lambda f: f != '', delete_files)

		# call this function because : http://www.digi.com/wiki/developer/index.php/Error_messages

		zin = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, 'r')
		zout = zipfile.ZipFile("new_arch.zip", 'w')

		info_list = zin.infolist()
		for item in info_list:
			if item.filename not in delete_files:
				buffer = zin.read(item.filename)
				zout.writestr(item, buffer)
				##sys.stdout.write("%s rewrite\n"%(item.filename))

		### close all files

		### remove and rename the zip file

	def GetImage(self, scaleW=16, scaleH=16):
		""" Get image object from image file stored in zip file.
			scaleH and scaleW are used to rescale image

		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, 'r')

		### find if python file has same name of model file
		L = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(('.jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp')), zf.namelist())

		if L:
			f = zf.open(L.pop())
			buf = f.read()
			sbuf = StringIO.StringIO(buf)
			image = wx.ImageFromStream(sbuf)
			image.Rescale(scaleW, scaleH)
			return image
			return None

	def GetPluginFile(fn):
		""" TODO: comment
		### zipfile (amd or cmd)
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()

		L = filter(lambda a: a != [], map(lambda s: re.findall("^(plugins[/]?[\w]*.py)$", s), nl))
		return L.pop(0)[0] if L != [] else ""

	def HasPlugin(fn):
		""" TODO: comment

		### zipfile (amd or cmd)
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()
		### plugin file is plugins.pi in root of zipfile or in plugins zipedd directory
		return any(map(lambda s: re.search("^(plugins[/]*[\w]*.py)$", s), nl))

	# BDD Test----------------------------------------------------------------------
	def HasTests(fn):
		""" TODO: comment
		name = os.path.basename(getPythonModelFileName(fn)).split('.')[0]
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()
		return any(map(lambda s: re.search("^(BDD/[\w*/]*\.py|BDD/[\w*/]*\.feature)$", s), nl))

	def GetTests(fn):
		""" Return feature, steps and environment files from .amd
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()


		tests_files = filter(lambda a: a != [], map(lambda s: re.findall("^(BDD/[\w*/]*\.py|BDD/[\w*/]*\.feature)$", s), nl))
		tests_files = [a[0] for a in tests_files]

		return tests_files

		#### find feature and steps file
		#feat = None
		#steps = None
		#env = None
		#feat = filter(lambda t: t.endswith('.feature'), zf.namelist())[0]
		#if 'steps.py' in zf.namelist():
			#steps = "steps.py"
		#if 'environment.py' in zf.namelist():
			#env = "environment.py"
		#return feat, steps, env
	# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	def GetModule(self, rcp=False):
		""" Load module from zip file corresponding to the amd or cmd model.
			It used when the tree library is created.

		# get module name
			module_name = getPythonModelFileName(self.fn)
		except Exception, info:
			sys.stderr.write(_("Error in ZipManager class for GetModule: no python file in the archive\n"))
			return info

		# if necessary, recompile (for update after editing code source of model)
		#if rcp: recompile(module_name)

		# import module
			### clear to clean the import after exporting model (amd or cmd) and reload within the same instrance of DEVSimPy

			importer = zipimport.zipimporter(self.fn)
			module = importer.load_module(module_name.split('.py')[0])
			module.__name__ = Utilities.path_to_module(module_name)
		except Exception, info:
			sys.stderr.write(_("Error in execution: ") + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\r\n" + Utilities.listf(
				format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)))
			return info