Exemple #1
def create_cust_data():
    start_time = datetime.now()
    print('\tcreate_cust_data started: ', datetime.now())

    #Create 2 mySQL connections
    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=database['USER'],
    mycursor = cnx.cursor()

    cnx1 = mysql.connector.connect(user=database['USER'],
    mycursor1 = cnx1.cursor()

    #Delete and re-create master customer data as required
    if table_exists(mycursor, 'master_customer_data'):
        mycursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master_customer_data")
        current_customers = mycursor.fetchone()
        print("\t\tMaster Customer Data: ", current_customers[0])

        sql = "DROP TABLE master_customer_data"
        print("\t\tDeleted OLD Master Customer Data...")

    sql = ('CREATE TABLE master_customer_data ('
           '`End Customer Global Ultimate Name` TEXT,'
           '`End Customer Global Ultimate Company Target ID` TEXT,'
           '`Qty of N9300 PIDs ordered` TEXT,'
           '`Qty of N9500 PIDs ordered` TEXT,'
           '`Qty of APIC PIDs ordered` TEXT,'
           '`Qty of C3 PIDs ordered` TEXT,'
           '`Qty of NFM PIDs ordered` TEXT,'
           '`Qty of Tetration PIDs ordered` TEXT,'
           '`Sales Agent Name` TEXT,'
           '`Assigned PSS` TEXT,'
           '`Assigned TSA` TEXT,'
           '`Reference Customer ?` TEXT,'
           '`Target as ACI to Production by end of Q1 ?` TEXT,'
           '`Equipment Status ?` TEXT,'
           '`Next Steps` TEXT,'
           '`Customer Vertical` TEXT,'
           '`Target for Competitive Pursuit ?` TEXT,'
           '`Other PSS` TEXT,'
           '`Sales Level 1` TEXT,'
           '`Sales Level 2` TEXT,'
           '`Sales Level 3` TEXT,'
           '`Sales Level 4` TEXT,'
           '`Sales Level 5` TEXT,'
           '`MultipleBookings` TEXT,'
           '`FirstDateBooked` DATE,'
           '`LastDateBooked` DATE,'
           '`Last Refresh` TEXT)')

    # Load the interesting Product ID list and create two dicts (one by ProdID and one by ProdFam)
    mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM pids")
    products = mycursor.fetchall()

    prod_id_dict = {}
    prod_fam_dict = {}
    for product in products:
        prod_id_dict[product[1]] = (product[0], product[2])
        prod_fam_dict[product[0]] = (product[1], product[2])

    #Get each unique Customer Name
    sql = (
        'SELECT DISTINCT `End Customer Global Ultimate Name` FROM `master_bookings_data`'
        'ORDER BY `End Customer Global Ultimate Name` ASC')

    customers = mycursor.fetchall()

    print("\t\tCustomers Found: ", len(customers))

    # Create a the Team Coverage Object
    my_coverage = Coverage()

    progress = 0
    for customer in customers:

        #Gather this customers orders
        sql = (
            "SELECT * FROM `master_bookings_data` WHERE `End Customer Global Ultimate Name` = %s "
            "ORDER BY `Date Booked` ASC")
        query_values = (customer)
        mycursor.execute(sql, query_values)
        orders = mycursor.fetchall()

        # Init per customer counters and variables
        n9300_PID = 0
        n9500_PID = 0
        APIC_PID = 0
        C3_PID = 0
        EMBRANE_PID = 0
        TETR_PID = 0
        pss = ''
        tsa = ''
        first_date_booked = date(2030, 3, 1)  #Random Date in the future
        last_date_booked = date(1900, 3, 1)  #Default earliest date for Excel

        for order in orders:
            # Init per customer counters and variables
            current_customer = order[16]
            current_customer_id = order[17]
            account_mgr = order[11]

            # Set the first and last date booked
            if first_date_booked > order[4]:
                first_date_booked = order[4]
            if last_date_booked < order[4]:
                last_date_booked = order[4]

            # Do we count this PID ? If not skip it
            # order[14] has ProdFam,  order[15] has ProdID
            if order[14] == "TETR":
                TETR_PID += 1
            elif order[14] == "C3":
                C3_PID += 1
            elif prod_id_dict.get(order[15]) is not None:
                if prod_id_dict[order[15]][0] == 'N9300':
                    n9300_PID += 1
                elif prod_id_dict[order[15]][0] == 'N9500':
                    n9500_PID += 1
                elif prod_id_dict[order[15]][0] == 'APIC':
                    APIC_PID += 1
                elif prod_id_dict[order[15]][0] == 'EMBRANE':
                    EMBRANE_PID += 1
                continue  # Get the next order since this is not interesting

            # Get the territory this booked in
            sales_lv1 = order[5]
            sales_lv2 = order[6]
            sales_lv3 = order[7]
            sales_lv4 = order[8]
            sales_lv5 = order[9]
            sales_str = order[5] + order[6] + order[7] + order[8] + order[9]

            #Find the team(s) that cover this customer in this territory
            teams = my_coverage.find_team(sales_str)
            pss = ' '.join(teams[0])
            tsa = ' '.join(teams[1])

        # We are done with this customer
        # Create a summary customer record
        sql = (
            'INSERT INTO master_customer_data '
            ' (`End Customer Global Ultimate Name`,'
            ' `End Customer Global Ultimate Company Target ID`,'
            ' `Qty of N9300 PIDs ordered`,'
            ' `Qty of N9500 PIDs ordered`,'
            ' `Qty of APIC PIDs ordered`,'
            ' `Qty of C3 PIDs ordered`,'
            ' `Qty of NFM PIDs ordered`,'
            ' `Qty of Tetration PIDs ordered`,'
            ' `Sales Agent Name`,'
            ' `Assigned PSS`,'
            ' `Assigned TSA`,'
            ' `Reference Customer ?`,'
            ' `Target as ACI to Production by end of Q1 ?`,'
            ' `Equipment Status ?`,'
            ' `Next Steps`,'
            ' `Customer Vertical`,'
            ' `Target for Competitive Pursuit ?`,'
            ' `Other PSS`,'
            ' `Sales Level 1`,'
            ' `Sales Level 2`,'
            ' `Sales Level 3`,'
            ' `Sales Level 4`,'
            ' `Sales Level 5`,'
            ' `MultipleBookings`,'
            ' `FirstDateBooked`,'
            ' `LastDateBooked`,'
            ' `Last Refresh`)'
            ' VALUES'
            ' ("' + current_customer + '",'
            '"' + current_customer_id + '",'
            '"' + str(n9300_PID) + '",'
            '"' + str(n9500_PID) + '",'
            '"' + str(APIC_PID) + '",'
            '"' + str(C3_PID) + '",'
            '"' + str(EMBRANE_PID) + '",'
            '"' + str(TETR_PID) + '",'
            '"' + account_mgr + '",'
            '"' + pss + '",'  # Assigned PSS name
            '"' + tsa + '",'  # Assigned TSA name
            '"Reference Customer ?",'
            '"Target as ACI to Production by end of Q1",'
            '"Equipment Status ?",'
            '"Next Steps",'
            '"Customer Vertical",'
            '"Target for Competitive Pursuit ?",'
            '"Other PSS",'
            '"' + sales_lv1 + '",'  # Sales Level 1
            '"' + sales_lv2 + '",'  # Sales Level 2
            '"' + sales_lv3 + '",'  # Sales Level 3
            '"' + sales_lv4 + '",'  # Sales Level 4
            '"' + sales_lv5 + '",'  # Sales Level 5
            '"' + str(first_date_booked != last_date_booked) +
            '",'  # Multiple Bookings
            '"' + str(first_date_booked) + '",'  # First Date Booked
            '"' + str(last_date_booked) + '",'  # Last Date Booked
            '"Last Refresh")')


        #Show progress for every 1000 customers processed
        progress = progress + 1
        if progress % 1000 == 0:
            print("\t\t Customers Processed: ", progress)

    #Clean up and Close out

    end_time = datetime.now()
    print('\t\trun time: ', end_time - start_time)
    print('\tcreate_cust_data module complete: ', datetime.now())