Exemple #1
 def _generate_seed(self, size):
     rp = RandomPool()
     for i in range(7):
         m = SHA.new()
         tempseed = rp.get_bytes(size)
     return rp.get_bytes(size)
Exemple #2
class FallbackRandomPool (BaseOSRandomPool):
    def __init__(self):
        self._wr = RandomPool()

    def get_bytes(self, n):
        return self._wr.get_bytes(n)
Exemple #3
def AFSplit(data, stripes, digesttype='sha1'):
	"""AF-Split data using digesttype.  Returned data size will be len(data) * stripes"""

	blockSize = len(data)

	rand = RandomPool()

	bufblock = "\x00" * blockSize

	ret = ""
	for i in range(0, stripes-1):

		# Get some random data
		r = rand.get_bytes(blockSize)
		if rand.entropy < 0:
			print "Warning: RandomPool entropy dropped below 0"

		ret += r
		bufblock = _xor(r, bufblock)
		bufblock = _diffuse(bufblock, blockSize, digesttype)

	ret += _xor(bufblock, data)
	return ret
def AFSplit(data, stripes, digesttype='sha1'):
    """AF-Split data using digesttype.  Returned data size will be len(data) * stripes"""

    blockSize = len(data)

    rand = RandomPool()

    bufblock = "\x00" * blockSize

    ret = ""
    for i in range(0, stripes - 1):

        # Get some random data
        r = rand.get_bytes(blockSize)
        if rand.entropy < 0:
            "Warning: RandomPool entropy dropped below 0"

        ret += r
        bufblock = _xor(r, bufblock)
        bufblock = _diffuse(bufblock, blockSize, digesttype)

    ret += _xor(bufblock, data)
    return ret
Exemple #5
class FallbackRandomPool(BaseOSRandomPool):
    def __init__(self):
        self._wr = RandomPool()

    def get_bytes(self, n):
        return self._wr.get_bytes(n)
    def changepassword(self):
        Creates a new key. The key itself is actually stored in
        the database in crypted form. This key is encrypted using the
        password that the user provides. This makes it easy to change the
        password for the database.
        If oldKeyCrypted is none, then a new password is generated."""
        if self._callback == None:
            raise CryptoNoCallbackException("No call back class has been specified")
        if self._keycrypted == None:
            # Generate a new key, 32 bits in length, if that's
            # too long for the Cipher, _getCipherReal will sort it out
            random = RandomPool()
            key = random.get_bytes(32).encode("base64")
            password = self._callback.execute("Please enter your current password")
            cipher = self._getcipher_real(password, self._algo)
            plainkey = cipher.decrypt(self._keycrypted.decode("base64"))
            key = self._retrievedata(plainkey)
        newpassword1 = self._callback.execute("Please enter your new password")
        newpassword2 = self._callback.execute("Please enter your new password again")
        if newpassword1 != newpassword2:
            raise CryptoPasswordMismatchException("Passwords do not match")
        newcipher = self._getcipher_real(newpassword1, self._algo)
        self._keycrypted = newcipher.encrypt(self._preparedata(key, newcipher.block_size)).encode("base64")

        # we also want to create the cipher if there isn't one already
        # so this CryptoEngine can be used from now on
        if self._cipher == None:
            self._cipher = self._getcipher_real(key.decode("base64"), self._algo)
            CryptoEngine._timeoutcount = time.time()

        return self._keycrypted
Exemple #7
def encrypt(plain_text, passwd):
    '''Encrypts C{plain_text} using a key derived from C{passwd}.

    A key is derived from C{passwd} using L{_derive_key} with a random 8 byte
    salt. This key is then used to encrypt the following string:

        <len(plain)> + plain + "keysafe" + <random bytes>

    Then the salt and the ciphertext is concatenated and the result is base64
    encoded before being returned.

    @type plain_text: string
    @param plain_text: password
    @type passwd: string
    @param passwd: key to use for encryption
    @rtype: string
    @return: base64 encoded encryption of C{plain_text} using C{passwd}
    # TODO: Change the string to be encrypted to
    #  <len(plain)> + <plain> + <sha256(plain)> + <random bytes>
    # This should be better than using "keysafe" in the string

    # create the salt, and derive the key
    rp = RandomPool()
    salt = rp.get_bytes(8)
    key = _derive_key(passwd, salt)

    # create the full plain text string, make sure it matches the block size
    # for AES
    pt = plain_text + _KNOWN_STR
    rnd_pad_len = struct.unpack('B', rp.get_bytes(1))[0]
    rnd_pad_len += AES.block_size - \
            (1 + len(pt) + rnd_pad_len) % AES.block_size
    rnd_pad = rp.get_bytes(rnd_pad_len)
    full_plain_text = struct.pack('B', len(plain_text)) + pt + rnd_pad

    # encrypt, it seems I need to do it twice to get a predictable result
    cipher_block = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_PGP)
    cipher_text = cipher_block.encrypt(full_plain_text)
    cipher_text = cipher_block.encrypt(full_plain_text)

    return b64encode(salt + cipher_text)
Exemple #8
    def runTest(self):
        # Import the winrandom module and try to use it
        from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
        sys.stderr.write("SelfTest: You can ignore the RandomPool_DeprecationWarning that follows.\n")
        rpool = RandomPool()
        x = rpool.get_bytes(16)
        y = rpool.get_bytes(16)
        self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
        self.assertNotEqual(rpool.entropy, 0)

    def runTest(self):
        # Import the winrandom module and try to use it
        from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
        sys.stderr.write("SelfTest: You can ignore the RandomPool_DeprecationWarning that follows.\n")
        rpool = RandomPool()
        x = rpool.get_bytes(16)
        y = rpool.get_bytes(16)
        self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
        self.assertNotEqual(rpool.entropy, 0)

Exemple #10
    def changepassword(self):
        Creates a new key. The key itself is actually stored in
        the database in crypted form. This key is encrypted using the
        password that the user provides. This makes it easy to change the
        password for the database.
        If oldKeyCrypted is none, then a new password is generated."""
        if (self._callback == None):
            raise CryptoNoCallbackException(
                "No call back class has been specified")
        if (self._keycrypted == None):
            # Generate a new key, 32 bits in length, if that's
            # too long for the Cipher, _getCipherReal will sort it out
            random = RandomPool()
            key = str(random.get_bytes(32)).encode('base64')
            password = self._callback.getsecret(
                "Please enter your current password")
            cipher = self._getcipher_real(password, self._algo)
            plainkey = cipher.decrypt(str(self._keycrypted).decode('base64'))
            key = self._retrievedata(plainkey)
        newpassword1 = self._callback.getsecret(
            "Please enter your new password")
        newpassword2 = self._callback.getsecret(
            "Please enter your new password again")
        if (newpassword1 != newpassword2):
            raise CryptoPasswordMismatchException("Passwords do not match")
        newcipher = self._getcipher_real(newpassword1, self._algo)
        self._keycrypted = str(
                key, newcipher.block_size))).encode('base64')

        # we also want to create the cipher if there isn't one already
        # so this CryptoEngine can be used from now on
        if (self._cipher == None):
            self._cipher = self._getcipher_real(
                str(key).decode('base64'), self._algo)
            CryptoEngine._timeoutcount = time.time()

        return self._keycrypted
Exemple #11
    def set_key(self, keyIndex, password, iterations, checkMinStripes=0):
        """Sets the key block at keyIndex using password

        Sets the key block at keyIndex using password, hashed iterations
        times using PBKDFv2 (RFC2104).  This LuksFile must be unlocked by
        calling open_any_key() before calling this function.
        checkMinStripes is used to detect basic header manipulation, since
        the number of stripes for the key is set by create(), before
        we write a password to disk we make sure the key is not weak because
        of a small number of stripes.

        This function will raise an error if the key is already enabled.

        # Some checks
        if self.masterKey == None:
            raise LuksError(
                "A key has not been unlocked.  Call open_any_key() first.")

        if keyIndex < 0 or keyIndex > 7:
            raise LuksError("keyIndex out of range")

        key = self.keys[keyIndex]
        if key.active != self.LUKS_KEY_DISABLED:
            raise LuksError("Key is active.  Delete the key and try again")

        if checkMinStripes == 0: checkMinStripes = self.KEY_STRIPES
        if key.stripes < checkMinStripes:
            raise LuksError(
                "Key section %i contains too few stripes.  Header manipulation?"
                % keyIndex)

        key.passwordIterations = iterations

        # Generate a random salt for this key
        rand = RandomPool(self.SALT_SIZE)
        key.passwordSalt = rand.get_bytes(self.SALT_SIZE)

        # Hash the key using PBKDFv2
        pbkdf = PBKDFv2.PBKDFv2()
        derived_key = pbkdf.makeKey(password, key.passwordSalt,
                                    key.passwordIterations, self.keyBytes,

        # Split the key into key.stripes
        AfKey = AfSplitter.AFSplit(self.masterKey, key.stripes, self.hashSpec)

        AfKeySize = len(AfKey)
        if AfKeySize != key.stripes * self.keyBytes:
            raise LuksError(
                "ERROR: AFSplit did not return the correct length of key")

        # Set the key for IV generation

        # Encrypt the splitted key using the hashed password
        AfSectors = int(math.ceil(float(AfKeySize) / self.SECTOR_SIZE))
        for sector in range(0, AfSectors):
            self._encrypt_sector(derived_key, key.keyMaterialOffset + sector, sector, \
                                 AfKey[int(sector * self.SECTOR_SIZE):int((sector + 1) * self.SECTOR_SIZE)])

        key.active = self.LUKS_KEY_ENABLED

        # Reset the key used for to IV generation in data mode

class Random:
    def __init__(self):
        from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
        self.RandomPool = RandomPool()

    def getRandomString(self, N):
        """Returns a N-bit length random string."""
        r = self.getRandomNumber(N)

        return number.long_to_bytes(r)
    def getRandomNumber(self, N):
        """Returns an N-bit length random number."""
        if self.RandomPool.entropy < 2 * N:
            self.RandomPool.randomize(4 * N)

        random = number.getRandomNumber(N, self.RandomPool.get_bytes)


        return random

    def getPrime(self, N):
        """Returns a N-bit length prime."""
        if self.RandomPool.entropy < 2 * N:
            self.RandomPool.randomize(4 * N)


        prime = number.getPrime(N, self.RandomPool.get_bytes)

        return prime

    def addEvent(self, text):
        """Adds a bit of random text to the pool as additional entropy. Use caution.
        The curreny implementation of this function just XORs the text over the entropy, probably
        giving it bias if we just roll through our messages. I'm not sure.

    def verifyEntropy(self, N):
        """Verifies enough entropy is in the RandomPool. If we are close to no entropy, attempt to add some."""
        if self.RandomPool.entropy < 2 * N:
            self.RandomPool.randomize(4 * N)


        if self.RandomPool.entropy < N: # if the stirring got rid of entropy, seed with more entropy
            self.verifyEntropy(2 * N)

    def get_bytes(self, num):
        """Get num bytes of randomness from the RandomPool."""
        return self.RandomPool.get_bytes(num)
Exemple #13
class Random:
    def __init__(self):
        from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
        self.RandomPool = RandomPool()

    def getRandomString(self, N):
        """Returns a N-bit length random string."""
        r = self.getRandomNumber(N)

        return number.long_to_bytes(r)

    def getRandomNumber(self, N):
        """Returns an N-bit length random number."""
        if self.RandomPool.entropy < 2 * N:
            self.RandomPool.randomize(4 * N)


        random = number.getRandomNumber(N, self.RandomPool.get_bytes)


        return random

    def getPrime(self, N):
        """Returns a N-bit length prime."""
        if self.RandomPool.entropy < 2 * N:
            self.RandomPool.randomize(4 * N)


        prime = number.getPrime(N, self.RandomPool.get_bytes)


        return prime

    def addEvent(self, text):
        """Adds a bit of random text to the pool as additional entropy. Use caution.
        The curreny implementation of this function just XORs the text over the entropy, probably
        giving it bias if we just roll through our messages. I'm not sure.

    def verifyEntropy(self, N):
        """Verifies enough entropy is in the RandomPool. If we are close to no entropy, attempt to add some."""
        if self.RandomPool.entropy < 2 * N:
            self.RandomPool.randomize(4 * N)


        if self.RandomPool.entropy < N:  # if the stirring got rid of entropy, seed with more entropy
            self.verifyEntropy(2 * N)

    def get_bytes(self, num):
        """Get num bytes of randomness from the RandomPool."""
        return self.RandomPool.get_bytes(num)
Exemple #14
def generateRandom(n):
    rand = RandomPool()  # using seperate instance of RandomPool purposely
    return rand.get_bytes(n)
Exemple #15
	def set_key(self, keyIndex, password, iterations, checkMinStripes=0):
		"""Sets the key block at keyIndex using password

		Sets the key block at keyIndex using password, hashed iterations
		times using PBKDFv2 (RFC2104).  This LuksFile must be unlocked by
		calling open_any_key() before calling this function.
		checkMinStripes is used to detect basic header manipulation, since
		the number of stripes for the key is set by create(), before
		we write a password to disk we make sure the key is not weak because
		of a small number of stripes.

		This function will raise an error if the key is already enabled.

		# Some checks
		if self.masterKey == None:
			raise "A key has not been unlocked.  Call open_any_key() first."

		if keyIndex < 0 or keyIndex > 7:
			raise "keyIndex out of range"

		key = self.keys[keyIndex]
		if key.active != self.LUKS_KEY_DISABLED:
			raise "Key is active.  Delete the key and try again"

		if checkMinStripes == 0: checkMinStripes = self.KEY_STRIPES
		if key.stripes < checkMinStripes:
			raise "Key section %i contains too few stripes.  Header manipulation?" % keyIndex

		key.passwordIterations = iterations

		# Generate a random salt for this key
		rand = RandomPool(self.SALT_SIZE)
		key.passwordSalt = rand.get_bytes(self.SALT_SIZE)

		# Hash the key using PBKDFv2
		pbkdf = PBKDFv2.PBKDFv2()
		derived_key = pbkdf.makeKey(password, key.passwordSalt, key.passwordIterations, self.keyBytes, self.hashSpec)

		# Split the key into key.stripes
		AfKey = AfSplitter.AFSplit(self.masterKey, key.stripes, self.hashSpec)

		AfKeySize = len(AfKey)
		if AfKeySize != key.stripes * self.keyBytes:
			raise "ERROR: AFSplit did not return the correct length of key"

		# Set the key for IV generation

		# Encrypt the splitted key using the hashed password
		AfSectors = int(math.ceil(float(AfKeySize) / self.SECTOR_SIZE))
		for sector in range(0, AfSectors):
			self._encrypt_sector(derived_key, key.keyMaterialOffset + sector, sector, \

		key.active = self.LUKS_KEY_ENABLED

		# Reset the key used for to IV generation in data mode

Exemple #16
	def create(self, file, cipherName, cipherMode, hashSpec, masterSize, stripes):
		"""Initializes the file class passed in with the LUKS header

		   cipherName: aes, cast5, blowfish
		   cipherMode: cbc-plain, cbc-essiv:<hash>
		   hashSpec: sha1, sha256, md5, ripemd160
		   masterSize: length of the master key in bytes (must match cipher)
		   stripes: number of stripes when Af Splitting keys

		For compatibility with the Linux kernel dm-crypt, hashSpec must equal "sha1"

		cbc-plain uses the sector number as the IV.  This has a weakness: an attacker
		may be able to detect the existance of watermarked files.
		cbc-essiv:<hash> protects against the weakness in cbc-plain, but is 
		slightly slower. The digest size of the hash function passed to cbc-essiv
		must match the key size of the cipher.  
		aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 works, while aes-cbc-essiv:sha1 does not

		For more information about the details of the attacks and risk assesment, see

		if self.file != None:
			raise "This LuksFile has already been initialized"

		self._check_cipher(cipherName, cipherMode)

		self.magic = self.LUKS_MAGIC
		self.version = 1
		self.mkDigestIterations = 10
		self.keyBytes = masterSize
		self.hashSpec = hashSpec

		rand = RandomPool(self.SALT_SIZE + 16 + masterSize)

		# Generate the salt
		self.mkDigestSalt = rand.get_bytes(self.SALT_SIZE)

		# Generate a random master key
		self.masterKey = rand.get_bytes(self.keyBytes)

		# generate the master key digest
		pbkdf = PBKDFv2.PBKDFv2()
		self.mkDigest = pbkdf.makeKey(self.masterKey, self.mkDigestSalt, self.mkDigestIterations, hashlib.new(self.hashSpec).digest_size, self.hashSpec)

		# init the key information
		currentSector = math.ceil(592.0 / self.SECTOR_SIZE)
		alignSectors = 4096 / self.SECTOR_SIZE
		blocksPerStripe = math.ceil(float(self.keyBytes * stripes) / self.SECTOR_SIZE)

		self.keys = [None] * 8
		for i in range(0, 8):
			if currentSector % alignSectors > 0:
				currentSector += alignSectors - currentSector % alignSectors
			self.keys[i] = self._key_block()
			self.keys[i].create(currentSector, stripes, self.LUKS_KEY_DISABLED)
			currentSector += blocksPerStripe

		# Set the data offset
		if currentSector % alignSectors > 0:
			currentSector += alignSectors - currentSector % alignSectors
		self.payloadOffset = currentSector

		# Generate a UUID for this file

		# Create a new file, and save the header into it
		self.file = file

		# Write FF into all the key slots
		FFData = "\xFF" * int(self.SECTOR_SIZE)
		for i in range(0, 8):
			for sector in range(0, int(blocksPerStripe)):

		# Flush the file to disk
			# We might get an error because self.file.fileno() does not exist on StringIO
Exemple #17
    def create(self, file, cipherName, cipherMode, hashSpec, masterSize,
        """Initializes the file class passed in with the LUKS header

           cipherName: aes, cast5, blowfish
           cipherMode: cbc-plain, cbc-essiv:<hash>
           hashSpec: sha1, sha256, md5, ripemd160
           masterSize: length of the master key in bytes (must match cipher)
           stripes: number of stripes when Af Splitting keys

        For compatibility with the Linux kernel dm-crypt, hashSpec must equal "sha1"

        cbc-plain uses the sector number as the IV.  This has a weakness: an attacker
        may be able to detect the existance of watermarked files.
        cbc-essiv:<hash> protects against the weakness in cbc-plain, but is
        slightly slower. The digest size of the hash function passed to cbc-essiv
        must match the key size of the cipher.
        aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 works, while aes-cbc-essiv:sha1 does not

        For more information about the details of the attacks and risk assesment, see

        if self.file != None:
            raise LuksError("This LuksFile has already been initialized")

        self._check_cipher(cipherName, cipherMode)

        self.magic = self.LUKS_MAGIC
        self.version = 1
        self.mkDigestIterations = 10
        self.keyBytes = masterSize
        self.hashSpec = hashSpec

        rand = RandomPool(self.SALT_SIZE + 16 + masterSize)

        # Generate the salt
        self.mkDigestSalt = rand.get_bytes(self.SALT_SIZE)

        # Generate a random master key
        self.masterKey = rand.get_bytes(self.keyBytes)

        # generate the master key digest
        pbkdf = PBKDFv2.PBKDFv2()
        self.mkDigest = pbkdf.makeKey(self.masterKey, self.mkDigestSalt,

        # init the key information
        currentSector = math.ceil(592.0 / self.SECTOR_SIZE)
        alignSectors = 4096 / self.SECTOR_SIZE
        blocksPerStripe = math.ceil(
            float(self.keyBytes * stripes) / self.SECTOR_SIZE)

        self.keys = [None] * 8
        for i in range(0, 8):
            if currentSector % alignSectors > 0:
                currentSector += alignSectors - currentSector % alignSectors
            self.keys[i] = self._key_block()
            self.keys[i].create(currentSector, stripes, self.LUKS_KEY_DISABLED)
            currentSector += blocksPerStripe

        # Set the data offset
        if currentSector % alignSectors > 0:
            currentSector += alignSectors - currentSector % alignSectors
        self.payloadOffset = currentSector

        # Generate a UUID for this file

        # Create a new file, and save the header into it
        self.file = file

        # Write FF into all the key slots
        FFData = "\xFF" * int(self.SECTOR_SIZE)
        for i in range(0, 8):
            for sector in range(0, int(blocksPerStripe)):

        # Flush the file to disk
            # We might get an error because self.file.fileno() does not exist on StringIO