def fnCheckLandBridge(self, pPlot, x, y):
     pTestPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX()+x, pPlot.getY()+y)
     if not (pPlot.isCity() or pTestPlot.isCity()):
         pTestPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX()+x, pPlot.getY())
         if (pTestPlot.isCoastalLand()):
             pTestPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY()+y)
             if (pTestPlot.isCoastalLand()):
                 return True
     return False
def doFogOfWar(iPlayer,iGameTurn):
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
	iTeam = pPlayer.getTeam()
	pTeam = gc.getTeam(iTeam)
	# Human oder KI alle x Runden, aber unterschiedliche Civs pro Runde fuer optimale Rundenzeiten
	if pPlayer.isHuman() or (iGameTurn % 20 == iPlayer % 20 and pTeam.isMapTrading()):
		bDontGoBlackAnymore = False
		bShowCoasts = False
		bShowPeaksAndRivers = False
		if pTeam.isHasTech(gc.getInfoTypeForString("TECH_KARTOGRAPHIE2")):  # Strassenkarten
			bDontGoBlackAnymore = True
		elif pTeam.isHasTech(gc.getInfoTypeForString("TECH_KARTEN")):  # Karte zeichnen
			bShowCoasts = True
			bShowPeaksAndRivers = True
		elif pTeam.isHasTech(gc.getInfoTypeForString("TECH_KARTOGRAPHIE")):  # Kartographie: Erste Karten
			bShowCoasts = True

		if bDontGoBlackAnymore:
		iRange = CyMap().numPlots()
		for iI in xrange(iRange):
			pPlot = CyMap().plotByIndex(iI)
			if not pPlot.isVisible(iTeam, 0):
				bGoBlack = True
				# fully black or standard fog of war
				if pPlot.isCity():
					pCity = pPlot.getPlotCity()
					if pCity.isCapital():
						bGoBlack = False
					elif pCity.getNumWorldWonders() > 0:
						bGoBlack = False
				# Holy Mountain Quest
				if bGoBlack:
					if CvUtil.getScriptData(pPlot, ["H", "t"]) == "X":
						bGoBlack = False
				# Improvements (to normal fog of war)
				# if bGoBlack:
				#  if pPlot.getImprovementType() == improv1 or pPlot.getImprovementType() == improv2: bGoBlack = False
				# 50% Chance Verdunkelung
				if bGoBlack and CvUtil.myRandom(2, "bGoBlack") == 0:
					bGoBlack = False
				# Black fog
				if bGoBlack and pPlot.isRevealed(iTeam, 0):
					# River and coast (land only)
					#if pPlot.isRevealed (iTeam, 0) and not (pPlot.isRiverSide() or pPlot.isCoastalLand()): pPlot.setRevealed (iTeam,0,0,-1)
					# River and coast (land and water)
					#if pPlot.isRevealed (iTeam, 0) and not (pPlot.isRiverSide() or pPlot.isCoastalLand() or (pPlot.isAdjacentToLand() and pPlot.isWater())): pPlot.setRevealed (iTeam,0,0,-1)
					if bShowCoasts and (pPlot.isCoastalLand() or pPlot.isAdjacentToLand() and pPlot.isWater()):
					if bShowPeaksAndRivers and (pPlot.isRiverSide() or pPlot.isPeak()):
					pPlot.setRevealed(iTeam, 0, 0, -1)
Exemple #3
    def drawContents(self):

        screen = self.getScreen()

        BUTTON_SIZE = 48

        # +++ 1 +++ Units with trade routes
        lTradeUnitsLand = [
        lTradeUnitsSea = [

        list1 = []
        list2 = []

        pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(CyGame().getActivePlayer())
        (unit, pIter) = pPlayer.firstUnit(False)
        while unit:
            if unit.getUnitType() in lTradeUnitsLand:
                if int(CvUtil.getScriptData(unit, ["autA"], 0)):
            elif unit.getUnitType() in lTradeUnitsSea:
                if int(CvUtil.getScriptData(unit, ["autA"], 0)):

            (unit, pIter) = pPlayer.nextUnit(pIter, False)

        # Zeige zuerst Landeinheiten, danach Schiffe
        lHandelseinheiten = list1 + list2

        iY = 80
        i = 0

        iRange = len(lHandelseinheiten)
        if iRange == 0:
            szText = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_TRADE_ADVISOR_INFO2", ())
            screen.setLabel("Label1_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=3>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, 100, iY+20, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 )
            for j in xrange(iRange):
                pUnit = lHandelseinheiten[j]

                screen.addPanel( "PanelBG_"+str(i), u"", u"", True, False, 40, iY, 935, 51, PanelStyles.PANEL_STYLE_MAIN_BLACK25 )
                iY += 4

                # Button unit
                screen.setImageButton("L1_"+str(i), pUnit.getButton(), 50, iY, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, 1, pUnit.getID())

                # Unit name
                szText = pUnit.getName()
                screen.setLabel("L2_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=3>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, 100, iY+5, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 )

                # Unit load
                szText = localText.getText("TXT_UNIT_INFO_BAR_5", ()) + u" "
                iValue1 = CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["b"], -1)
                if iValue1 != -1:
                    sBonusDesc = gc.getBonusInfo(iValue1).getDescription()
                    iBonusChar = gc.getBonusInfo(iValue1).getChar()
                    szText += localText.getText("TXT_UNIT_INFO_BAR_4", (iBonusChar,sBonusDesc))
                    szText += localText.getText("TXT_KEY_NO_BONUS_STORED", ())

                screen.setLabel("L3_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=3>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, 100, iY+24, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 )

                # City 1
                iCityX = int(CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["autX1"], -1))
                iCityY = int(CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["autY1"], -1))
                tmpPlot = CyMap().plot(iCityX, iCityY)
                if tmpPlot and not tmpPlot.isNone() and tmpPlot.isCity():
                    szText = tmpPlot.getPlotCity().getName()
                    if tmpPlot.getOwner() == CyGame().getActivePlayer(): iTmpX = 470
                    else: iTmpX = 500
                    screen.setLabel("L4_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=3>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_RIGHT_JUSTIFY, iTmpX, iY+5, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 )
                if tmpPlot.getOwner() != -1:
                    iCiv = gc.getPlayer(tmpPlot.getOwner()).getCivilizationType()
                    # Flagge
                    if tmpPlot.getOwner() == CyGame().getActivePlayer():
                      screen.addFlagWidgetGFC("L5_"+str(i), 480, iY, 24, 54, tmpPlot.getOwner(), WidgetTypes.WIDGET_FLAG, tmpPlot.getOwner(), -1)
                    # Civ-Button
                      screen.setImageButton("L5_"+str(i), gc.getCivilizationInfo(iCiv).getButton(), 476, iY+24, 24, 24, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_CIV, iCiv, -1)
                    szText = gc.getPlayer(tmpPlot.getOwner()).getCivilizationDescription(0)
                    screen.setLabel("L6_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=2>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_RIGHT_JUSTIFY, 470, iY+28, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_CIV, iCiv, -1 )

                # Button Bonus 1
                iBonus = CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["autB1"], -1)
                if iBonus != -1:
                    screen.setImageButton("L7_"+str(i), gc.getBonusInfo(iBonus).getButton(), 510, iY, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_BONUS, iBonus, -1)

                # Buttons Arrow to left
                screen.setImageButton("L8_"+str(i), "Art/Interface/Buttons/arrow_left.tga", 580, iY+9, 32, 32, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1)

                # Promotion Escort / Begleitschutz
                iPromo = gc.getInfoTypeForString("PROMOTION_SCHUTZ")
                if pUnit.isHasPromotion(iPromo):
                    screen.setImageButton("L14_"+str(i), gc.getPromotionInfo(iPromo).getButton(), 615, iY+9, 32, 32, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_PROMOTION, iPromo, -1)

                # Button Arrow to right
                screen.setImageButton("L9_"+str(i), "Art/Interface/Buttons/arrow_right.tga", 650, iY+9, 32, 32, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1)

                # Button Bonus 2
                iBonus = CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["autB2"], -1)
                if iBonus != -1:
                    screen.setImageButton("L10_"+str(i), gc.getBonusInfo(iBonus).getButton(), 700, iY, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_BONUS, iBonus, -1)

                # City 2
                iCityX = int(CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["autX2"], -1))
                iCityY = int(CvUtil.getScriptData(pUnit, ["autY2"], -1))
                tmpPlot = CyMap().plot(iCityX,iCityY)
                if tmpPlot and not tmpPlot.isNone() and tmpPlot.isCity():
                    szText = tmpPlot.getPlotCity().getName()
                    if tmpPlot.getOwner() == CyGame().getActivePlayer():
                        iTmpX = 790
                        iTmpX = 760
                    screen.setLabel("L11_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=3>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, iTmpX, iY+5, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 )
                if tmpPlot.getOwner() != -1:
                    iCiv = gc.getPlayer(tmpPlot.getOwner()).getCivilizationType()
                    # Flagge
                    if tmpPlot.getOwner() == CyGame().getActivePlayer():
                      screen.addFlagWidgetGFC("L12_"+str(i), 756, iY, 24, 54, tmpPlot.getOwner(), WidgetTypes.WIDGET_FLAG, tmpPlot.getOwner(), -1)
                    # Civ-Button
                      screen.setImageButton("L12_"+str(i), gc.getCivilizationInfo(iCiv).getButton(), 760, iY+24, 24, 24, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_CIV, iCiv, -1)
                    szText = gc.getPlayer(tmpPlot.getOwner()).getCivilizationDescription(0)
                    screen.setLabel("L13_"+str(i), "Background", u"<font=2>" + szText + u"</font>", CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY, 790, iY+28, 0.0, FontTypes.GAME_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_CIV, iCiv, -1 )

                # Cancel Button
                screen.setImageButton("L15_"+str(i), ArtFileMgr.getInterfaceArtInfo("INTERFACE_TRADE_AUTO_STOP").getPath(), 900, iY, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, 748, pUnit.getID())

                # ----
                i += 1
                iY += 60
def getPlotHealFactor(pUnit):

    # heal rates for certain areas. They are usually stored in the GlobalDefines.XML but can't be read out with a standard API function.
    # So I placed them here as constants.

    # set/reset some variables
    pPlot = pUnit.plot()
    iSameTileHealFactor = 0
    iAdjacentTileHealFactor = 0
    iBuildingHealFactor = 0
    iSelfHealFactor = 0
    iPromotionHealFactor = 0
    iTileHealFactor = 0
    iActivePlayer = CyGame().getActivePlayer()
    pActivePlayer = gc.getPlayer(iActivePlayer)
    iActivePlayerTeam = pActivePlayer.getTeam()
    eDomain = gc.getUnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType()).getDomainType()

    # a sea or air unit in a city, behaves like a land unit
    if pPlot.isCity():
        eDomain = DomainTypes.DOMAIN_LAND

    # calculate the adjacent-tile heal-factor caused by other units (only the unit with the highest factor counts)
    for dx in xrange(-1, 2):
        for dy in xrange(-1, 2):
            # ignore same tile. Adjacent-tile healing does not work on the same tile.
            if not (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
                pLoopPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX() + dx, pPlot.getY() + dy)
                # loop through all units on the plot
                for i in xrange(pLoopPlot.getNumUnits()):
                    pLoopUnit = pLoopPlot.getUnit(i)
                    eLoopUnitDomain = gc.getUnitInfo(
                    # a sea or air unit in a city, behaves like a land unit
                    if pLoopPlot.isCity():
                        eLoopUnitDomain = DomainTypes.DOMAIN_LAND
                    # adjacent-tile heal does only work if the units have the same domain type
                    if (eDomain == eLoopUnitDomain):
                        if (pLoopUnit.getTeam() == iActivePlayerTeam):
                            if (pLoopUnit.getAdjacentTileHeal() >
                                iAdjacentTileHealFactor = pLoopUnit.getAdjacentTileHeal(

    # calculate the same-tile heal-factor caused by other or same unit (only the unit with the highest factor counts)
    # the same-tile healing is also a kind of self-healing. Means : the promotion Medic I has also effect on the owner unit
    for i in xrange(pPlot.getNumUnits()):
        pLoopUnit = pPlot.getUnit(i)
        eLoopUnitDomain = gc.getUnitInfo(
        # a sea or air unit in a city, behaves like a land unit
        if pLoopPlot.isCity():
            eLoopUnitDomain = DomainTypes.DOMAIN_LAND
        # same tile heal does only work if the units are of the same domain type
        if (eDomain == eLoopUnitDomain):
            if (pLoopUnit.getTeam() == iActivePlayerTeam):
                if (pLoopUnit.getSameTileHeal() > iSameTileHealFactor):
                    iSameTileHealFactor = pLoopUnit.getSameTileHeal()

    # only the highest value counts
    iTileHealFactor = max(iAdjacentTileHealFactor, iSameTileHealFactor)

    # calculate the self heal factor by the location and promotion
    iTeam = pPlot.getTeam()
    pTeam = gc.getTeam(iTeam)
    iSelfHealFactor = NEUTRAL_HEAL_RATE
    iPromotionHealFactor = pUnit.getExtraNeutralHeal()
    if pPlot.isCity():
        iSelfHealFactor = CITY_HEAL_RATE
        iPromotionHealFactor = pUnit.getExtraFriendlyHeal()
    elif (iTeam == iActivePlayerTeam):
        iSelfHealFactor = FRIENDLY_HEAL_RATE
        iPromotionHealFactor = pUnit.getExtraFriendlyHeal()
    elif (iTeam != TeamTypes.NO_TEAM):
        if (pTeam.isAtWar(iActivePlayerTeam)):
            iSelfHealFactor = ENEMY_HEAL_RATE
            iPromotionHealFactor = pUnit.getExtraEnemyHeal()

    # calculate the heal factor by city buildings
    if pPlot.isCity():
        if (pPlot.getTeam() == iActivePlayerTeam):
            # EF: should probably allow friendly healing too, but this doesn't
            pCity = pPlot.getPlotCity()
            # loop for all buldings
            for iBuilding in xrange(gc.getNumBuildingInfos()):
                # check if city has that building
                if pCity.getNumActiveBuilding(iBuilding) > 0:
                    # sum up all heal rates
                    iBuildingHealFactor += gc.getBuildingInfo(iBuilding).getHealRateChange() * \

    # return the sum of all heal factors
    return iTileHealFactor + iBuildingHealFactor + iSelfHealFactor + iPromotionHealFactor