Exemple #1
 def test_modify_OK(self):
     with mock.patch('D365BCAPI.D365BCv1API.requests') as mocked_req:
         mocked_req.get.return_value.status_code = 200
         mocked_req.patch.return_value.status_code = 200
         mocked_req.patch.return_value.reason = 'OK'
         modi = Connect('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)', auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
         respo = modi.modify(json_body={"orderid": "123456"})
         mocked_req.patch.assert_called_with('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)', auth={'a': 'a'},
                                             headers={'some headers'}, json={"orderid": "123456"})
         self.assertEqual(respo, [200, 'OK'], 'modify: no error - returns [204, OK]')
Exemple #2
 def test_modify_FAIL(self):
     with mock.patch('D365BCAPI.D365BCv1API.requests') as mocked_req:
         mocked_req.get.return_value.status_code = 200
         mocked_req.patch.return_value.status_code = 400
         mocked_req.patch.return_value.reason = 'Any error reason'  # error message
         modi = Connect('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)', auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
         respo = modi.modify(json_body={"orderid": "123456"})
         mocked_req.patch.assert_called_with('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)', auth={'a': 'a'},
                                             headers={'some headers'}, json={"orderid": "123456"})
         self.assertEqual(respo, [], 'modify: on error returns blank')
         self.assertEqual(modi.except_error, [400, 'Any error reason'], 'modify: on error variable except_error '
                                                                        'must to include error code and reason')
Exemple #3
if (len(response_list) > 0) and sol.except_error is None:
    line_id = response_list[0].get('id')  # get line id
    print(f"Line id is {line_id}")
    print("description before update is", response_list[0].get("description"))
    raise Exception(sol.except_error)

# modify exiting line: it is line no 30000
line_update = {
    "description": "This is updated Comments line"
}  # new info to update line
sol.url = f"http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesOrderLines('{line_id}')"  # adding line_id to url
sol.filter_text = ''
#  for beta api document key was document id and sequence
# sol.url = f"http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesOrderLines({so_id},{line_no})"
response_list = sol.modify(
    line_update)  # update line in parameters new info dic
if (len(response_list) > 0) and sol.except_error is None:
        "Modified line 30000 description now is 'This is updated Comments line'",
    raise Exception(sol.except_error)

# delete line
line_no = 37500  # line No (sequence in response json)
# in API beta order line url includes document id and line no (line primary key)
# sol.url = f"http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesOrderLines({so_id},{line_no})"
# in API v1.0 we need to find sales line id and identify it by id
# we looking for line with sequence 37500