def getGoodLinks(ts, orbitDelay=28, CDRreset=True, GTXreset=True, forceInit=False): if forceInit: initLinks(ts, OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) counter = 0 linksGood, linkOutput, problemLinks, problemType, badDataBursts = checkLinkStatus(ts, verbose=False) while not linksGood: if not linksGood: if problemType == 1: initLinks(ts, OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) if problemType == 2: sleep(5) if counter in range(5, 50, 5): initLinks(ts, OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) else: print "Links Good" linksGood, linkOutput, problemLinks, problemType, badDataBursts = checkLinkStatus(ts, verbose=False) counter += 1 if counter > 10: print "Bad Links" for line in linkOutput: print line from DAC import setDAC setDAC(0) sys.exit()
def getGoodLinks(ts, orbitDelay = 28, CDRreset=True, GTXreset=True, forceInit = False): if forceInit: initLinks(ts,OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) counter = 0 linksGood, linkOutput, problemLinks, problemType, badDataBursts = checkLinkStatus(ts, verbose=False) while not linksGood: if not linksGood: if problemType == 1 or problemType>2: print problemType, problemLinks print linkOutput[0] print linkOutput[1] initLinks(ts,OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) if problemType == 2: print problemType, problemLinks sleep(5) if counter in range(5,50,5): print 'Force' initLinks(ts,OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) else: print "Links Good" linksGood, linkOutput, problemLinks, problemType, badDataBursts = checkLinkStatus(ts, verbose=False) counter += 1 if counter==20: resetUHTRClock(ts) if counter > 40: print 'Bad Links' for line in linkOutput: print line print problemLinks from DAC import setDAC setDAC(0) sys.exit()
def getGoodLinks(ts, orbitDelay=28, CDRreset=True, GTXreset=True, forceInit=False): if forceInit: initLinks(ts, OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) counter = 0 linksGood, linkOutput, problemLinks, problemType, badDataBursts = checkLinkStatus( ts, verbose=False) while not linksGood: if not linksGood: if problemType == 1: initLinks(ts, OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) if problemType == 2: sleep(5) if counter in range(5, 50, 5): initLinks(ts, OrbitDelay=orbitDelay, CDRreset=CDRreset, GTXreset=GTXreset) else: print "Links Good" linksGood, linkOutput, problemLinks, problemType, badDataBursts = checkLinkStatus( ts, verbose=False) counter += 1 if counter > 20: print 'Bad Links', problemType for line in linkOutput: print line print problemLinks from DAC import setDAC setDAC(0) sys.exit()
def main(): #dacSettings = range(0, 100, 25) + range(100, 1000, 100) + range(1000, 43000, 3000) dacSettings = [50, 1000, 10000] kam = Keithley(timeDelay=3, numReadings=15) results = {} try: board = int(raw_input("Enter board number: ")) if board < 0: raise ValueError except: print "Invalid board number" sys.exit() getch = _Getch() instructions = "(Press (q) to quit, (r) to redo last reading, any other key to continue)" chan = 1 while chan < 17: #chan = 6 #while chan < 7: print "Set channel %d.. " % chan, instructions x = getch() if x == 'q': break elif x == 'r': if chan == 0: print "\nNo readings taken yet!" continue else: chan -= 1 print "\nRetaking channel %d.." % chan, print "" # Ensure proper channel switch is selected (desired ch set low, others set high) cm = "".join("%d:50000," % i for i in xrange(1, 17) if i != chan) cm += "%d:2000" % chan setDAC_multi(cm, quiet=True) chTest = if abs(chTest["mean"]) > 0.001 or abs(chTest["mean"]) < 0.0000001: # Incorrect channel(s) selected print "Incorrect adapter channel selected!" continue results[chan] = {} for val in dacSettings: #setDAC_multi("%d:%d" % (chan,val)) setDAC(val) print "" results[chan][val] = print "" chan += 1 print "" if chan < 17: # Exited early. Don't save results return parentDir = "InjectorCalibration_highCurrent" boardDir = "%s/board_%d" % (parentDir, board) os.system("mkdir -p %s" % parentDir) #with open(outDir + "/board_1.pkl", "rb") as f: # x = pickle.load(f) # results = pickle.load(f) fitParams = plotQIcalibration(results, outDir=boardDir, currentMode="high") with open("%s/board_%d.pkl" % (boardDir, board), "wb") as pf: pickle.dump(fitParams, pf) pickle.dump(results, pf) # Write calibration parameters to database file calibDB = sqlite3.connect("%s/calib_QIboard_%d.db" % (boardDir, board)) cursor = calibDB.cursor() cursor.execute("drop table if exists ChargeInjectorCalibrations") cursor.execute( "create table if not exists ChargeInjectorCalibrations(board INT, channel INT, slope REAL, offset REAL)" ) for ch in sorted(fitParams.keys()): cursor.execute( "insert into ChargeInjectorCalibrations values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (board, ch, fitParams[ch]["slope"], fitParams[ch]["offset"])) cursor.close() calibDB.commit() calibDB.close() if board > 0 and board < 16: # Write to master calibration file calibDB = sqlite3.connect("%s/ChargeInjectorCalibrations.db" % parentDir) cursor = calibDB.cursor() cursor.execute( "create table if not exists ChargeInjectorCalibrations(board INT, channel INT, slope REAL, offset REAL)" ) for ch in sorted(fitParams.keys()): cursor.execute( "select rowid from ChargeInjectorCalibrations where board = ? and channel = ?", (board, ch)) if cursor.fetchall(): print "Replacing data for board %d channel %d in %s/ChargeInjectorCalibrations.db" % ( board, ch, parentDir) cursor.execute( "update ChargeInjectorCalibrations set slope = ?, offset = ? where board = ? and channel = ?", (fitParams[ch]["slope"], fitParams[ch]["offset"], board, ch)) else: cursor.execute( "insert into ChargeInjectorCalibrations(board, channel, slope, offset) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (board, ch, fitParams[ch]["slope"], fitParams[ch]["offset"])) cursor.close() calibDB.commit() calibDB.close() else: print "Board %d calibrations will not be saved in master database (for boards 1-15 only)" with open("%s/board_%d.txt" % (boardDir, board), "w+") as f: timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') f.write("Board %d\t%s\n" % (board, timestamp)) for chan in sorted(fitParams.keys()): f.write("\nChannel %d\n" % chan) f.write("DAC\t\tMean\t\tSigma\t\tMin\t\tMax\n") for dac in dacSettings: res = results[chan][dac] f.write("%d\t%s%e\t%e\t%s%e\t%s%e\n" % (dac, " " if res["mean"] > 0 else "", res["mean"], res["std"], " " if res["min"] > 0 else "", res["min"], " " if res["max"] > 0 else "", res["max"])) f.flush() f.write("\n") print "done!" with open("%s/summary_board_%d.txt" % (boardDir, board), "w+") as f: f.write("Fit Parameters in fC (offset, slope)\n") for chan in sorted(fitParams.keys()): f.write("%g\t\t%g\n" % (fitParams[chan]["offset"], fitParams[chan]["slope"])) f.write("\n\n" + str(results))