def InitFromCatalog(self): FileCoords = self.FileCoords dtype = [('Name', 'S200'), ("ra", np.float64), ("dec", np.float64), ('Type', 'S200')] #FileCoords="Transient_LOTTS.csv" self.PosArray = np.load(FileCoords) self.PosArray = self.PosArray.view(np.recarray) self.NDirSelected = self.PosArray.shape[0] self.NDir = self.PosArray.shape[0] self.DicoDATA = shared_dict.create("DATA") self.DicoGrids = shared_dict.create("Grids") self.DicoGrids["GridSTD"] = np.zeros((, self.NTimes), np.float64) self.DoJonesCorr_kMS = False self.DicoJones = None if self.SolsName: self.DoJonesCorr_kMS = True self.DicoJones_kMS = shared_dict.create("DicoJones_kMS") self.DoJonesCorr_Beam = False if self.BeamModel: self.DoJonesCorr_Beam = True self.DicoJones_Beam = shared_dict.create("DicoJones_Beam") APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=self.NCPU, affinity=0) APP.startWorkers()
def InitFromCatalog(self): FileCoords = self.FileCoords dtype = [('Name', 'S200'), ("ra", np.float64), ("dec", np.float64), ('Type', 'S200')] #FileCoords="Transient_LOTTS.csv" self.PosArray = np.load(FileCoords) self.PosArray = self.PosArray.view(np.recarray) self.NDirSelected = self.PosArray.shape[0] self.NDir = self.PosArray.shape[0] self.DicoDATA = shared_dict.create("DATA") self.DicoGrids = shared_dict.create("Grids") dChan = np.min([self.StepFreq, self.NChan]) self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"] = np.int64( np.linspace(0, self.NChan, int(self.NChan / dChan) + 1)) #self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"] = np.int64(np.linspace(0,self.NTimes-1,int(self.NTimes/self.StepTime)+1)) DT = self.times.max() - self.times.min() DTSol = np.min([self.StepTime * self.dt, DT]) self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"] = np.linspace( self.times.min() - 1e-6, self.times.max() + 1e-6, int(DT / DTSol) + 1) self.DicoGrids["GridC2"] = np.zeros( (self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"].size - 1, self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"].size - 1,,, np.complex128) self.DicoGrids["GridC"] = np.zeros( (self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"].size - 1, self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"].size - 1,,, np.complex128) log.print(" DomainEdges_Freq: %s" % (str(self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"]))) log.print(" DomainEdges_Time: %s" % (str(self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"]))) self.DoJonesCorr_kMS = False self.DicoJones = None if self.SolsName: self.DoJonesCorr_kMS = True self.DicoJones_kMS = shared_dict.create("DicoJones_kMS") self.DoJonesCorr_Beam = False if self.BeamModel: self.DoJonesCorr_Beam = True self.DicoJones_Beam = shared_dict.create("DicoJones_Beam") APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=self.NCPU, affinity=0) APP.startWorkers()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) LMS = [l.strip() for l in open(self.MSOutFreq).readlines()] self.OutFreqDomains = np.zeros((len(LMS) * self.NFreqPerMS, 2), np.float64) iFTot = 0 for iMS, MS in enumerate(LMS): t = table("%s::SPECTRAL_WINDOW" % MS, ack=False) df = t.getcol("CHAN_WIDTH").flat[0] fs = t.getcol("CHAN_FREQ").ravel() f0, f1 = fs[0] - df / 2., fs[-1] + df / 2. ff = np.linspace(f0, f1, self.NFreqPerMS + 1) for iF in range(self.NFreqPerMS): self.OutFreqDomains[iFTot, 0] = ff[iF] self.OutFreqDomains[iFTot, 1] = ff[iF + 1] iFTot += 1 NFreqsOut = self.OutFreqDomains.shape[0] self.CentralFreqs = np.mean(self.OutFreqDomains, axis=1) log.print("Loading %s" % self.SolsFileIn) self.DicoFile0 = dict(np.load(self.SolsFileIn)) Dico0 = self.DicoFile0 self.Sols0 = self.DicoFile0["Sols"].view(np.recarray) DicoOut = {} DicoOut['ModelName'] = Dico0['ModelName'] DicoOut['StationNames'] = Dico0['StationNames'] DicoOut['BeamTimes'] = Dico0['BeamTimes'] DicoOut['SourceCatSub'] = Dico0['SourceCatSub'] DicoOut['ClusterCat'] = Dico0['ClusterCat'] DicoOut['SkyModel'] = Dico0['SkyModel'] DicoOut['FreqDomains'] = self.OutFreqDomains self.DicoOut = DicoOut self.CentralFreqsIn = np.mean(Dico0['FreqDomains'], axis=1) self.DicoFreqWeights = {} for iChan in range(self.CentralFreqs.size): f = self.CentralFreqs[iChan] i0 = np.where(self.CentralFreqsIn <= f)[0] i1 = np.where(self.CentralFreqsIn > f)[0] if i0.size > 0 and i1.size > 0: i0 = i0[-1] i1 = i1[0] f0 = self.CentralFreqsIn[i0] f1 = self.CentralFreqsIn[i1] df = np.abs(f0 - f1) alpha = 1. - (f - f0) / df c0 = alpha c1 = 1. - alpha self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan] = { "Type": "Dual", "Coefs": (c0, c1), "Index": (i0, i1) } else: i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(self.CentralFreqsIn - f)) self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan] = {"Type": "Single", "Index": i0} # for iChan in range(self.CentralFreqs.size): # print # print self.CentralFreqs[iChan]/1e6 # if self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Type"]=="Dual": # i0,i1=self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Index"] # print self.CentralFreqsIn[i0]/1e6,self.CentralFreqsIn[i1]/1e6,self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Coefs"] # else: # i0=self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Index"] # print self.CentralFreqsIn[i0]/1e6 nt, _, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols0.G.shape SolsOut = np.zeros( (nt, ), dtype=[("t0", np.float64), ("t1", np.float64), ("G", np.complex64, (NFreqsOut, na, nd, 2, 2)), ("Stats", np.float32, (NFreqsOut, na, 4))]) SolsOut = SolsOut.view(np.recarray) SolsOut.t0 = self.Sols0.t0 SolsOut.t1 = self.Sols0.t1 SolsOut.G[..., 0, 0] = 1. SolsOut.G[..., 1, 1] = 1. self.SolsOut = SolsOut self.GOut = NpShared.ToShared("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem, self.SolsOut.G.copy()) APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=self.NCPU, affinity=0)
def InitFromCatalog(self): FileCoords = self.FileCoords dtype = [('Name', 'S200'), ("ra", np.float64), ("dec", np.float64), ('Type', 'S200')] # should we use the surveys DB? if 'DDF_PIPELINE_DATABASE' in os.environ: print("Using the surveys database", file=log) from surveys_db import SurveysDB with SurveysDB() as sdb: sdb.cur.execute('select * from transients') result = sdb.cur.fetchall() # convert to a list, then to ndarray, then to recarray l = [] for r in result: l.append((r['id'], r['ra'], r['decl'], r['type'])) if FileCoords is not None: print('Adding data from file ' + FileCoords, file=log) additional = np.genfromtxt(FileCoords, dtype=dtype, delimiter=",")[()] if not additional.shape: # deal with a one-line input file additional = np.array([additional], dtype=dtype) for r in additional: l.append(tuple(r)) self.PosArray = np.asarray(l, dtype=dtype) print("Created an array with %i records" % len(result), file=log) else: #FileCoords="Transient_LOTTS.csv" if FileCoords is None: if not os.path.isfile(FileCoords): ssExec = "wget -q --user=anonymous -O %s" % ( FileCoords, FileCoords) print("Downloading %s" % FileCoords, file=log) print(" Executing: %s" % ssExec, file=log) os.system(ssExec) log.print("Reading cvs file: %s" % FileCoords) #self.PosArray=np.genfromtxt(FileCoords,dtype=dtype,delimiter=",")[()] self.PosArray = np.genfromtxt(FileCoords, dtype=dtype, delimiter=",") self.PosArray = self.PosArray.view(np.recarray) self.PosArray.ra *= np.pi / 180. self.PosArray.dec *= np.pi / 180. Radius = self.Radius NOrig = self.PosArray.Name.shape[0] Dist = AngDist(self.ra0, self.PosArray.ra, self.dec0, self.PosArray.dec) ind = np.where(Dist < (Radius * np.pi / 180))[0] self.PosArray = self.PosArray[ind] self.NDirSelected = self.PosArray.shape[0] print("Selected %i target [out of the %i in the original list]" % (self.NDirSelected, NOrig), file=log) if self.NDirSelected == 0: print(ModColor.Str(" Have found no sources - returning"), file=log) self.killWorkers() return NOff = self.NOff if NOff == -1: NOff = self.PosArray.shape[0] * 2 if NOff is not None: print("Including %i off targets" % (NOff), file=log) self.PosArray = np.concatenate( [self.PosArray, self.GiveOffPosArray(NOff)]) self.PosArray = self.PosArray.view(np.recarray) self.NDir = self.PosArray.shape[0] print("For a total of %i targets" % (self.NDir), file=log) self.DicoDATA = shared_dict.create("DATA") self.DicoGrids = shared_dict.create("Grids") self.DicoGrids["GridLinPol"] = np.zeros( (self.NDir, self.NChan, self.NTimes, 4), np.complex128) self.DicoGrids["GridWeight"] = np.zeros( (self.NDir, self.NChan, self.NTimes, 4), np.complex128) self.DoJonesCorr_kMS = False self.DicoJones = None if self.SolsName: self.DoJonesCorr_kMS = True self.DicoJones_kMS = shared_dict.create("DicoJones_kMS") self.DoJonesCorr_Beam = False if self.BeamModel: self.DoJonesCorr_Beam = True self.DicoJones_Beam = shared_dict.create("DicoJones_Beam") APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=self.NCPU, affinity=0) APP.startWorkers()
def __init__(self, InSolsName, OutSolsName, InterpMode="TEC", PolMode="Scalar", Amp_PolyOrder=3, NCPU=0, Amp_GaussKernel=(0, 5), Amp_SmoothType="Poly", CrossMode=1, RemoveAmpBias=0, RemoveMedianAmp=True): if type(InterpMode) == str: InterpMode = InterpMode.split(",") #[InterpMode] self.InSolsName = InSolsName self.OutSolsName = OutSolsName self.RemoveMedianAmp = RemoveMedianAmp log.print("Loading %s" % self.InSolsName) self.DicoFile = dict(np.load(self.InSolsName, allow_pickle=True)) self.Sols = self.DicoFile["Sols"].view(np.recarray) if "MaskedSols" in self.DicoFile.keys(): MaskFreq = np.logical_not( np.all(np.all(np.all(self.DicoFile["MaskedSols"][..., 0, 0], axis=0), axis=1), axis=1)) nt, _, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols.G.shape self.DicoFile["FreqDomains"] = self.DicoFile["FreqDomains"][ MaskFreq] NFreqsOut = np.count_nonzero(MaskFreq) log.print("There are %i non-zero freq channels" % NFreqsOut) SolsOut = np.zeros( (nt, ), dtype=[("t0", np.float64), ("t1", np.float64), ("G", np.complex64, (NFreqsOut, na, nd, 2, 2)), ("Stats", np.float32, (NFreqsOut, na, 4))]) SolsOut = SolsOut.view(np.recarray) SolsOut.G = self.Sols.G[:, MaskFreq, ...] SolsOut.t0 = self.Sols.t0 SolsOut.t1 = self.Sols.t1 self.Sols = self.DicoFile["Sols"] = SolsOut del (self.DicoFile["MaskedSols"]) #self.Sols=self.Sols[0:10].copy() self.CrossMode = CrossMode self.CentralFreqs = np.mean(self.DicoFile["FreqDomains"], axis=1) self.incrCross = 11 iii = 0 NTEC = 101 NConstPhase = 51 TECGridAmp = 0.1 TECGrid, CPhase = np.mgrid[-TECGridAmp:TECGridAmp:NTEC * 1j, -np.pi:np.pi:NConstPhase * 1j] Z = TECToZ(TECGrid.reshape((-1, 1)), CPhase.reshape((-1, 1)), self.CentralFreqs.reshape((1, -1))) self.Z = Z self.TECGrid, self.CPhase = TECGrid, CPhase self.InterpMode = InterpMode self.Amp_PolyOrder = Amp_PolyOrder self.RemoveAmpBias = RemoveAmpBias if self.RemoveAmpBias: self.CalcFreqAmpSystematics() self.Sols.G /= self.G0 self.GOut = NpShared.ToShared("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem, self.Sols.G.copy()) self.PolMode = PolMode self.Amp_GaussKernel = Amp_GaussKernel if len(self.Amp_GaussKernel) != 2: raise ValueError("GaussKernel should be of size 2") self.Amp_SmoothType = Amp_SmoothType if "TEC" in self.InterpMode: log.print(" Smooth phases using a TEC model") if self.CrossMode: log.print(ModColor.Str("Using CrossMode")) if "Amp" in self.InterpMode: if Amp_SmoothType == "Poly": log.print( " Smooth amplitudes using polynomial model of order %i" % self.Amp_PolyOrder) if Amp_SmoothType == "Gauss": log.print( " Smooth amplitudes using Gaussian kernel of %s (Time/Freq) bins" % str(Amp_GaussKernel)) if self.RemoveAmpBias: self.GOut *= self.G0 APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=NCPU, affinity=0)
def __init__(self, ListMSName, ColName="DATA", ModelName="PREDICT_KMS", UVRange=[1., 1000.], SolsName=None, FileCoords=None, Radius=3., NOff=-1, Image=None, SolsDir=None, NCPU=1): self.ListMSName = sorted(ListMSName) #[0:2] self.nMS = len(self.ListMSName) self.ColName = ColName self.ModelName = ModelName self.OutName = self.ListMSName[0].split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] self.UVRange = UVRange self.ReadMSInfos() self.Radius = Radius self.Image = Image self.SolsDir = SolsDir #self.PosArray=np.genfromtxt(FileCoords,dtype=[('Name','S200'),("ra",np.float64),("dec",np.float64),('Type','S200')],delimiter="\t") # identify version in logs print >> log, "DynSpecMS version %s starting up" % version() # should we use the surveys DB? if 'DDF_PIPELINE_DATABASE' in os.environ: print >> log, "Using the surveys database" from surveys_db import SurveysDB with SurveysDB() as sdb: sdb.cur.execute('select * from transients') result = sdb.cur.fetchall() # convert to a list, then to ndarray, then to recarray l = [] for r in result: l.append((r['id'], r['ra'], r['decl'], r['type'])) self.PosArray = np.asarray(l, dtype=[('Name', 'S200'), ("ra", np.float64), ("dec", np.float64), ('Type', 'S200')]) print >> log, "Created an array with %i records" % len(result) else: if FileCoords is None: FileCoords = "Transient_LOTTS.csv" if not os.path.isfile(FileCoords): ssExec = "wget -q --user=anonymous -O %s" % ( FileCoords, FileCoords) print >> log, "Downloading %s" % FileCoords print >> log, " Executing: %s" % ssExec os.system(ssExec) self.PosArray = np.genfromtxt(FileCoords, dtype=[('Name', 'S200'), ("ra", np.float64), ("dec", np.float64), ('Type', 'S200')], delimiter=",")[()] self.PosArray = self.PosArray.view(np.recarray) self.PosArray.ra *= np.pi / 180. self.PosArray.dec *= np.pi / 180. NOrig = self.PosArray.shape[0] Dist = AngDist(self.ra0, self.PosArray.ra, self.dec0, self.PosArray.dec) ind = np.where(Dist < Radius * np.pi / 180)[0] self.PosArray = self.PosArray[ind] self.NDirSelected = self.PosArray.shape[0] print >> log, "Selected %i target [out of the %i in the original list]" % ( self.NDirSelected, NOrig) if self.NDirSelected == 0: print >> log, ModColor.Str(" Have found no sources - returning") self.killWorkers() return if NOff == -1: NOff = self.PosArray.shape[0] * 2 if NOff is not None: print >> log, "Including %i off targets" % (NOff) self.PosArray = np.concatenate( [self.PosArray, self.GiveOffPosArray(NOff)]) self.PosArray = self.PosArray.view(np.recarray) self.NDir = self.PosArray.shape[0] print >> log, "For a total of %i targets" % (self.NDir) self.DicoDATA = shared_dict.create("DATA") self.DicoGrids = shared_dict.create("Grids") self.DicoGrids["GridLinPol"] = np.zeros( (self.NDir, self.NChan, self.NTimes, 4), np.complex128) self.DicoGrids["GridWeight"] = np.zeros( (self.NDir, self.NChan, self.NTimes, 4), np.complex128) self.SolsName = SolsName self.DoJonesCorr = False if self.SolsName: self.DoJonesCorr = True self.DicoJones = shared_dict.create("DicoJones") APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=NCPU, affinity=0) APP.startWorkers()