Exemple #1
 def test_stepwise_encoding(self):
     params = {'height': 640, 'width': 480}
     params_literal = JSONstr(json_dumps(params, partially_serialized=True))
     rpc = json_rpc('open_window', params_literal)
     if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
         assert rpc == '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"open_window","params":{"height":640,"width":480}}', rpc
         obj = json.loads(rpc)
         assert obj == json.loads(
Exemple #2
 def test_custom_null_value(self):
     assert json_dumps(JSONnull) == "null"
     assert json_dumps(JSONnull, partially_serialized=True) == "null"
     assert json.loads(json_dumps(JSONnull)) is None
     null = JSONnull()
     assert json_dumps(null) == "null"
     assert json_dumps(null, partially_serialized=True) == "null"
     assert json.loads(json_dumps(null)) is None
Exemple #3
def profile_serializing():
    with open(os.path.join(scriptpath, 'data', 'inferus.ausgabe.xml')) as f:
        data = f.read()
    tree = parse_xml(data)
    print('XML inferus')
    cpu_profile(tree.as_xml, 100)
    print('S-Expression inferus')
    cpu_profile(lambda: tree.as_sxpr(compact=True), 100)
    print('json inferus')
    cpu_profile(lambda: tree.as_json(indent=None), 100)
    print('toolkit.json_dumps inferus')
    cpu_profile(lambda: json_dumps(tree.to_json_obj()), 100)

    with open(os.path.join(scriptpath, 'data', 'testdoc3.xml')) as f:
        data = f.read()
    tree = parse_xml(data)
    print('XML testdoc3')
    cpu_profile(tree.as_xml, 100)
    print('S-Expression testdoc3')
    cpu_profile(lambda: tree.as_sxpr(compact=True), 100)
    print('json testdoc3')
    cpu_profile(lambda: tree.as_json(indent=None), 100)
    print('toolkit.json_dumps testdoc3')
    cpu_profile(lambda: json_dumps(tree.to_json_obj()), 100)
Exemple #4
def compile_EBNF(text: str, diagnostics_signature: bytes) -> (str, bytes):
    from DHParser.compile import compile_source
    from DHParser.ebnf import get_ebnf_preprocessor, get_ebnf_grammar, get_ebnf_transformer, \
    from DHParser.toolkit import json_dumps
    compiler = get_ebnf_compiler("EBNFServerAnalyse", text)
    result, messages, _ = compile_source(text, get_ebnf_preprocessor(),
                                         get_ebnf_transformer(), compiler)
    # TODO: return errors as well as (distilled) information about symbols for code propositions
    signature = b''.join(msg.signature() for msg in messages)
    if signature != diagnostics_signature:
        # publish diagnostics only if the same diagnostics have not been reported earlier, already
        diagnostics = [msg.diagnosticObj() for msg in messages]
        return json_dumps(
            diagnostics), signature  # TODO: bytes is not a JSON-type proper!
        return '[]', signature
Exemple #5
 def test_roundtrip(self):
     if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
         obj = json.loads(self.data)
         jsons = json_dumps(obj, partially_serialized=True)
         assert jsons == self.data
Exemple #6
 def test_boundary_cases(self):
     assert json_dumps([], partially_serialized=True) == "[]"
     assert json_dumps({}, partially_serialized=True) == "{}"
     assert json_dumps(None, partially_serialized=True) == "null"
Exemple #7
 def test_str_escaping(self):
     data = 'The dragon said "hush"!'
     jsons = json_dumps(data, partially_serialized=True)
     assert jsons == r'"The dragon said \"hush\"!"', jsons
Exemple #8
 def test_bool_and_None(self):
     data = [True, False, None, 1, 2.0, "abc"]
     jsons = json_dumps(data, partially_serialized=True)
     assert jsons == '[true,false,null,1,2.0,"abc"]', jsons