Exemple #1
class VOMS2CSAgent(AgentModule):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Defines default parameters
        super(VOMS2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.__voDict = {}
        self.__adminMsgs = {}
        self.csapi = None
        self.voChanged = False
        self.dryRun = False

        self.autoAddUsers = False
        self.autoModifyUsers = False

    def initialize(self):
        """ Initialize the default parameters

        voNames = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
        if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
            if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
                voNames = []
            result = getVOMSVOs(voNames)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            self.__voDict = result['Value']
            self.log.notice("VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys())

        self.csapi = CSAPI()

        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)
        self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoAddUsers',
        self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoModifyUsers',

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):

        self.__adminMsgs = {}
        for vo in self.__voDict:
            self.voChanged = False
            voAdminUser = getVOOption(vo, "VOAdmin")
            voAdminMail = None
            if voAdminUser:
                voAdminMail = getUserOption(voAdminUser, "Email")
            voAdminGroup = getVOOption(vo, "VOAdminGroup",
                                       getVOOption(vo, "DefaultGroup"))

                'Performing VOMS sync for VO %s with credentials %s@%s' %
                (vo, voAdminUser, voAdminGroup))

            result = self.__syncCSWithVOMS(vo,
                                           proxyUserGroup=voAdminGroup)  #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Failed to perform VOMS to CS synchronization:',
                               'VO %s: %s' % (vo, result["Message"]))

            if self.voChanged:
                mailMsg = ""
                if self.__adminMsgs['Errors']:
                    mailMsg += "\nErrors list:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join(
                if self.__adminMsgs['Info']:
                    mailMsg += "\nRun result:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join(
                    self.am_getOption('MailTo', voAdminMail),
                    "VOMS2CSAgent run log", mailMsg,
                    self.am_getOption('mailFrom', "DIRAC system"))

        if self.csapi.csModified:
            # We have accumulated all the changes, commit them now
            self.log.info("There are changes to the CS ready to be committed")
            if self.dryRun:
                self.log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
                result = self.csapi.commitChanges()
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.error("Could not commit configuration changes",
                    return result
                self.log.notice("Configuration committed")
            self.log.info("No changes to the CS recorded at this cycle")

        return S_OK()

    def __syncCSWithVOMS(self, vo):
        self.__adminMsgs = {'Errors': [], 'Info': []}

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
        diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
        noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']

        vomsSrv = VOMSService(vo)

        # Get VOMS VO name
        result = vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve VOMS VO name', "for %s" % vo)
            return result
        vomsVOName = result['Value'].lstrip('/')
        self.log.verbose("VOMS VO Name for %s is %s" % (vo, vomsVOName))

        # Get VOMS users
        result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve user information from VOMS',
            return result
        vomsUserDict = result['Value']
        message = "There are %s registered users in VOMS VO %s" % (
            len(vomsUserDict), vomsVOName)

        # Get DIRAC users
        diracUsers = getUsersInVO(vo)
        if not diracUsers:
            return S_ERROR("No VO users found for %s" % vo)

        result = self.csapi.describeUsers(diracUsers)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
            return result
        diracUserDict = result['Value']
            "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" %
            (len(diracUserDict), vo))
        self.log.info("There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" %
                      (len(diracUserDict), vo))

        # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
        existingDNs = []
        obsoletedDNs = []
        newDNs = []
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
            if dn not in vomsUserDict:

        for dn in vomsUserDict:
            if dn not in existingDNs:

        allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
        nonVOusers = list(set(allDiracUsers) - set(diracUsers))
        result = self.csapi.describeUsers(nonVOusers)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
            return result
        nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

        # Process users
        defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo)
        for dn in vomsUserDict:
            if dn in newDNs:
                # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
                diracName = ''
                for user in nonVOUserDict:
                    if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user
                # We have a real new user
                if not diracName:
                    nickName = ''
                    result = vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname(
                        dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'])
                    if result['OK']:
                        nickName = result['Value']

                    if nickName:
                        newDiracName = nickName
                        newDiracName = getUserName(dn,

                    ind = 1
                    trialName = newDiracName
                    while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
                        # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
                        newDiracName = "%s_%d" % (trialName, ind)
                        ind += 1

                    # We now have everything to add the new user
                    userDict = {
                        "DN": dn,
                        "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                        "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
                    groupsWithRole = []
                    for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                        fullRole = "/%s/%s" % (vomsVOName, role)
                        group = vomsDIRACMapping.get(fullRole)
                        if group:
                    userDict['Groups'] = list(
                        set(groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]))
                        "Adding new user %s: %s" %
                        (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
                    self.voChanged = True
                    if self.autoAddUsers:
                        self.log.info("Adding new user %s: %s" %
                                      (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
                        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(
                            newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant=True)
                        if not result['OK']:
                            self.log.warn('Failed adding new user %s' %

                # We have an already existing user
                userDict = {
                    "DN": dn,
                    "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                    "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
                nonVOGroups = nonVOUserDict.get(diracName,
                                                {}).get('Groups', [])
                existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(diracName,
                                                   {}).get('Groups', [])
                groupsWithRole = []
                for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                    fullRole = "/%s/%s" % (vomsVOName, role)
                    group = vomsDIRACMapping.get(fullRole)
                    if group:
                keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]
                for group in existingGroups:
                    role = diracVOMSMapping[group]
                    # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
                    # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
                    if not "Role" in role:
                    # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
                    if group in noVOMSGroups:
                userDict['Groups'] = keepGroups
                if self.autoModifyUsers:
                    result = self.csapi.modifyUser(diracName, userDict)
                    if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
                        self.voChanged = True

        # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
        oldUsers = set()
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
            if not dn in vomsUserDict and not user in nonVOUserDict:
                for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
                    if not group in noVOMSGroups:
        if oldUsers:
            self.voChanged = True
                'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' %
                'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' %

        return S_OK()
Exemple #2
class Bdii2CSAgent(AgentModule):

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Defines default parameters

    super(Bdii2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.addressTo = ''
    self.addressFrom = ''
    self.voName = []
    self.subject = self.am_getModuleParam('fullName')
    self.alternativeBDIIs = []
    self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
    self.voBdiiSEDict = {}
    self.host = 'lcg-bdii.cern.ch:2170'
    self.glue2URLs = []
    self.glue2Only = True

    self.csAPI = None

    # What to get
    self.processCEs = True
    self.selectedSites = []

    # Update the CS or not?
    self.dryRun = False

  def initialize(self):
    """ Gets run paramaters from the configuration

    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
    # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs', self.alternativeBDIIs)
    self.host = self.am_getOption('Host', self.host)
    self.glue2URLs = self.am_getOption('GLUE2URLs', self.glue2URLs)
    self.glue2Only = self.am_getOption('GLUE2Only', self.glue2Only)

    # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
      if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
      self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
    if self.alternativeBDIIs:
      self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)

    self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', self.processCEs)
    self.selectedSites = self.am_getOption('SelectedSites', [])
    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

    self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', self.voName)
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
    if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1 and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'):
      # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
      self.voName = []
      result = getVOs()
      if result['OK']:
        vos = result['Value']
        for vo in vos:
          vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
          if vomsVO:

    if self.voName:
      self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
      self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
      return S_ERROR()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()

  def execute(self):
    """ General agent execution method
    self.voBdiiCEDict = {}

    # Get a "fresh" copy of the CS data
    result = self.csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.warn("Could not download a fresh copy of the CS data", result['Message'])

    # Refresh the configuration from the master server

    if self.processCEs:
    return S_OK()

  def __lookForNewCEs(self):
    """ Look up BDII for CEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS

    bannedCEs = self.am_getOption('BannedCEs', [])

    for vo in self.voName:
      # get the known CEs for a given VO, so we can know the unknowns, or no longer supported,
      # for a VO
      res = getQueues(community=vo)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res

      knownCEs = set()
      for _site, ces in res['Value'].items():

      result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiInfo = result['Value']
      result = getGridCEs(vo, bdiiInfo=bdiiInfo, ceBlackList=knownCEs)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failed to get unused CEs', result['Message'])
        continue  # next VO
      siteDict = result['Value']
      unknownCEs = set(result['UnknownCEs']) - set(bannedCEs)

      body = ''
      for site in siteDict:
        newCEs = set(siteDict[site])  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not newCEs:

        ceString = ''
        for ce in newCEs:
          queueString = ''
          ceInfo = bdiiInfo[site]['CEs'][ce]
          newCEString = "CE: %s, GOCDB Site Name: %s" % (ce, site)
          systemTuple = siteDict[site][ce]['System']
          osString = "%s_%s_%s" % (systemTuple)
          newCEString = "\n%s\n%s\n" % (newCEString, osString)
          for queue in ceInfo['Queues']:
            queueStatus = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get('GlueCEStateStatus', 'UnknownStatus')
            if 'production' in queueStatus.lower():
              ceType = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get('GlueCEImplementationName', '')
              queueString += "   %s %s %s\n" % (queue, queueStatus, ceType)
          if queueString:
            ceString += newCEString
            ceString += "Queues:\n"
            ceString += queueString

        if ceString:
          body += ceString

      if siteDict:
        body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new CE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
        body += "\n\nTo suppress information about CE add its name to BannedCEs list.\n"
        body += "Add new Sites/CEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
        body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --ce\n" % vo

      if unknownCEs:
        body += '\n\n'
        body += 'There is no (longer) information about the following CEs for the %s VO.\n' % vo
        body += '\n'.join(sorted(unknownCEs))
        body += '\n\n'

      if body:
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
          notification = NotificationClient()
          result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom,
                                         localAttempt=False, avoidSpam=True)
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Can not send new site notification mail', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def __getBdiiCEInfo(self, vo):

    if vo in self.voBdiiCEDict:
      return S_OK(self.voBdiiCEDict[vo])
    self.log.info("Check for available CEs for VO", vo)
    totalResult = S_OK({})
    message = ''

    mainResult = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=self.host, glue2=self.glue2Only)
    if not mainResult['OK']:
      self.log.error("Failed getting information from default bdii", mainResult['Message'])
      message = mainResult['Message']

    for bdii in reversed(self.alternativeBDIIs):
      resultAlt = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=bdii, glue2=self.glue2Only)
      if resultAlt['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed getting information from %s " % bdii, resultAlt['Message'])
        message = (message + "\n" + resultAlt['Message']).strip()

    for glue2URL in self.glue2URLs:
      if self.glue2Only:
      resultGlue2 = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=glue2URL, glue2=True)
      if resultGlue2['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed getting GLUE2 information for", "%s, %s: %s" %
                       (glue2URL, vo, resultGlue2['Message']))
        message = (message + "\n" + resultGlue2['Message']).strip()

    if mainResult['OK']:

    if not totalResult['Value'] and message:  # Dict is empty and we have an error message
      self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message)
      totalResult = S_ERROR(message)
      self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] = totalResult['Value']

    return totalResult

  def __updateCEs(self):
    """ Update the Site/CE/queue settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII

    bdiiChangeSet = set()

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
      if not result['OK']:
      ceBdiiDict = result['Value']
      result = getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=ceBdiiDict, log=self.log)
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union(result['Value'])

    # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
    result = self.__updateCS(bdiiChangeSet)
    return result

  def __purgeSites(self, ceBdiiDict):
    """Remove all sites that are not in self.selectedSites.

    Modifies the ceBdiiDict!
    if not self.selectedSites:
    for site in list(ceBdiiDict):
      ces = list(ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'])
      if not ces:
        self.log.error("No CE information for site:", site)
      siteInCS = 'Not_In_CS'
      for ce in ces:
        res = getCESiteMapping(ce)
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.error("Failed to get DIRAC site name for ce", "%s: %s" % (ce, res['Message']))
        # if the ce is not in the CS the returned value will be empty
        if ce in res['Value']:
          siteInCS = res['Value'][ce]
      self.log.debug("Checking site %s (%s), aka %s" % (site, ces, siteInCS))
      if siteInCS in self.selectedSites:
      self.log.info("Dropping site %s, aka %s" % (site, siteInCS))

  def __updateCS(self, bdiiChangeSet):

    queueVODict = {}
    changeSet = set()
    for entry in bdiiChangeSet:
      section, option, _value, new_value = entry
      if option == "VO":
        queueVODict.setdefault(section, set())
        queueVODict[section] = queueVODict[section].union(set(new_value.split(',')))
    for section, VOs in queueVODict.items():  # can be an iterator
      changeSet.add((section, 'VO', '', ','.join(VOs)))

    if changeSet:
      changeList = sorted(changeSet)
      body = '\n'.join(["%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry for entry in changeList])
      if body and self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
        notification = NotificationClient()
        result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt=False,

      if body:
        self.log.info('The following configuration changes were detected:')

      for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
        if value == 'Unknown' or not value:
          self.csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)
          self.csAPI.modifyValue(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)

      if self.dryRun:
        self.log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
        result = self.csAPI.commit()
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error("Error while committing to CS", result['Message'])
          self.log.info("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len(changeList))
        return result
      self.log.info("No changes found")
      return S_OK()
Exemple #3
class Bdii2CSAgent(AgentModule):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Defines default parameters

        super(Bdii2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.addressTo = ''
        self.addressFrom = ''
        self.voName = []
        self.subject = "Bdii2CSAgent"
        self.alternativeBDIIs = []
        self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
        self.voBdiiSEDict = {}

        self.csAPI = None

        # What to get
        self.processCEs = True
        self.processSEs = False
        # Update the CS or not?
        self.dryRun = False

    def initialize(self):
        """ Gets run paramaters from the configuration

        self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
        self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
        # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
        self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs',
        # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
        for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
            if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit():
                self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
            self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
            self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
        if self.alternativeBDIIs:
            self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)

        self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', self.processCEs)
        self.processSEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessSEs', self.processSEs)
        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

        self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', self.voName)
        if not self.voName:
            self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
        if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1
                               and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'):
            # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
            self.voName = []
            result = getVOs()
            if result['OK']:
                vos = result['Value']
                for vo in vos:
                    vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
                    if vomsVO:

        if self.voName:
            self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
            self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
            return S_ERROR()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()
        return self.csAPI.initialize()

    def execute(self):
        """ General agent execution method
        self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
        self.voBdiiSEDict = {}

        # Get a "fresh" copy of the CS data
        result = self.csAPI.downloadCSData()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.warn("Could not download a fresh copy of the CS data",

        # Refresh the configuration from the master server

        if self.processCEs:
        if self.processSEs:
        return S_OK()

    def __lookForNewCEs(self):
        """ Look up BDII for CEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS

        bannedCEs = self.am_getOption('BannedCEs', [])
        result = getCEsFromCS()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        knownCEs = set(result['Value'])
        knownCEs = knownCEs.union(set(bannedCEs))

        for vo in self.voName:
            result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
            if not result['OK']:
            bdiiInfo = result['Value']
            result = getGridCEs(vo, bdiiInfo=bdiiInfo, ceBlackList=knownCEs)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Failed to get unused CEs', result['Message'])
            siteDict = result['Value']
            body = ''
            for site in siteDict:
                newCEs = set(siteDict[site].keys())  # pylint: disable=no-member
                if not newCEs:

                ceString = ''
                for ce in newCEs:
                    queueString = ''
                    ceInfo = bdiiInfo[site]['CEs'][ce]
                    newCEString = "CE: %s, GOCDB Site Name: %s" % (ce, site)
                    systemTuple = siteDict[site][ce]['System']
                    osString = "%s_%s_%s" % (systemTuple)
                    newCEString = "\n%s\n%s\n" % (newCEString, osString)
                    for queue in ceInfo['Queues']:
                        queueStatus = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get(
                            'GlueCEStateStatus', 'UnknownStatus')
                        if 'production' in queueStatus.lower():
                            ceType = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get(
                                'GlueCEImplementationName', '')
                            queueString += "   %s %s %s\n" % (
                                queue, queueStatus, ceType)
                    if queueString:
                        ceString += newCEString
                        ceString += "Queues:\n"
                        ceString += queueString

                if ceString:
                    body += ceString

            if body:
                body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new CE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
                body += "\n\nTo suppress information about CE add its name to BannedCEs list.\n"
                body += "Add new Sites/CEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
                body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --ce\n" % vo
                if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
                    notification = NotificationClient()
                    result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo,
                    if not result['OK']:
                            'Can not send new site notification mail',

        return S_OK()

    def __getBdiiCEInfo(self, vo):

        if vo in self.voBdiiCEDict:
            return S_OK(self.voBdiiCEDict[vo])
        self.log.info("Check for available CEs for VO", vo)
        totalResult = S_OK({})
        message = ''

        mainResult = getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
        if not mainResult['OK']:
            self.log.error("Failed getting information from default bdii",
            message = mainResult['Message']

        for bdii in reversed(self.alternativeBDIIs):
            resultAlt = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=bdii)
            if resultAlt['OK']:
                self.log.error("Failed getting information from %s " % bdii,
                message = (message + "\n" + resultAlt['Message']).strip()

        if mainResult['OK']:

        if not totalResult[
                'Value'] and message:  ## Dict is empty and we have an error message
            self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message)
            totalResult = S_ERROR(message)
            self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] = totalResult['Value']
        return totalResult

    def __getBdiiSEInfo(self, vo):

        if vo in self.voBdiiSEDict:
            return S_OK(self.voBdiiSEDict[vo])
        self.log.info("Check for available SEs for VO", vo)
        result = getBdiiSEInfo(vo)
        message = ''
        if not result['OK']:
            message = result['Message']
            for bdii in self.alternativeBDIIs:
                result = getBdiiSEInfo(vo, host=bdii)
                if result['OK']:
        if not result['OK']:
            if message:
                self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message)
                self.log.error("Error during BDII request", result['Message'])
            self.voBdiiSEDict[vo] = result['Value']
        return result

    def __updateCEs(self):
        """ Update the Site/CE/queue settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII

        bdiiChangeSet = set()

        for vo in self.voName:
            result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
            if not result['OK']:
            ceBdiiDict = result['Value']
            result = getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=ceBdiiDict, log=self.log)
            if not result['OK']:
            bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union(result['Value'])

        # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
        result = self.__updateCS(bdiiChangeSet)
        return result

    def __updateCS(self, bdiiChangeSet):

        queueVODict = {}
        changeSet = set()
        for entry in bdiiChangeSet:
            section, option, _value, new_value = entry
            if option == "VO":
                queueVODict.setdefault(section, set())
                queueVODict[section] = queueVODict[section].union(
        for section, VOs in queueVODict.items():
            changeSet.add((section, 'VO', '', ','.join(VOs)))

        if changeSet:
            changeList = list(changeSet)
            body = '\n'.join(
                ["%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry for entry in changeList])
            if body and self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
                notification = NotificationClient()
                result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo,

            if body:
                    'The following configuration changes were detected:')

            for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
                if value == 'Unknown' or not value:
                    self.csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)
                    self.csAPI.modifyValue(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)

            if self.dryRun:
                self.log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
                result = self.csAPI.commit()
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.error("Error while committing to CS",
                    self.log.info("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" %
                return result
            self.log.info("No changes found")
            return S_OK()

    def __lookForNewSEs(self):
        """ Look up BDII for SEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS

        bannedSEs = self.am_getOption('BannedSEs', [])
        result = getSEsFromCS()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        knownSEs = set(result['Value'])
        knownSEs = knownSEs.union(set(bannedSEs))

        for vo in self.voName:
            result = self.__getBdiiSEInfo(vo)
            if not result['OK']:
            bdiiInfo = result['Value']
            result = getGridSRMs(vo, bdiiInfo=bdiiInfo, srmBlackList=knownSEs)
            if not result['OK']:
            siteDict = result['Value']
            body = ''
            for site in siteDict:
                newSEs = set(siteDict[site].keys())  # pylint: disable=no-member
                if not newSEs:
                for se in newSEs:
                    body += '\n New SE %s available at site %s:\n' % (se, site)
                    backend = siteDict[site][se]['SE'].get(
                        'GlueSEImplementationName', 'Unknown')
                    size = siteDict[site][se]['SE'].get(
                        'GlueSESizeTotal', 'Unknown')
                    body += '  Backend %s, Size %s' % (backend, size)

            if body:
                body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new SE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
                body += "\n\nTo suppress information about an SE add its name to BannedSEs list.\n"
                body += "Add new SEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
                body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --se\n" % vo
                if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
                    notification = NotificationClient()
                    result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo,
                    if not result['OK']:
                            'Can not send new site notification mail',

        return S_OK()

    def __updateSEs(self):
        """ Update the Storage Element settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII

        bdiiChangeSet = set()

        for vo in self.voName:
            result = self.__getBdiiSEInfo(vo)
            if not result['OK']:
            seBdiiDict = result['Value']
            result = getSRMUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=seBdiiDict)
            if not result['OK']:
            bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union(result['Value'])

        # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
        result = self.__updateCS(bdiiChangeSet)
        return result
Exemple #4
class VOMS2CSAgent(AgentModule):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Defines default parameters
        super(VOMS2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.__voDict = {}
        self.__adminMsgs = {}
        self.csapi = None
        self.voChanged = False
        self.dryRun = False

        self.autoAddUsers = False
        self.autoModifyUsers = False
        self.autoDeleteUsers = False
        self.detailedReport = True
        self.makeFCEntry = False

    def initialize(self):
        """ Initialize the default parameters

        voNames = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
        if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
            if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
                voNames = []
            result = getVOMSVOs(voNames)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            self.__voDict = result['Value']
            self.log.notice("VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys())

        self.csapi = CSAPI()

        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)
        self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoAddUsers',
        self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoModifyUsers',
        self.autoDeleteUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoDeleteUsers',
        self.detailedReport = self.am_getOption('DetailedReport',
        self.makeFCEntry = self.am_getOption('MakeHomeDirectory',

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):

        self.__adminMsgs = {}
        for vo in self.__voDict:
            self.voChanged = False
            voAdminUser = getVOOption(vo, "VOAdmin")
            voAdminMail = None
            if voAdminUser:
                voAdminMail = getUserOption(voAdminUser, "Email")
            voAdminGroup = getVOOption(vo, "VOAdminGroup",
                                       getVOOption(vo, "DefaultGroup"))

                'Performing VOMS sync for VO %s with credentials %s@%s' %
                (vo, voAdminUser, voAdminGroup))

            result = self.__syncCSWithVOMS(vo,
                                           proxyUserGroup=voAdminGroup)  #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Failed to perform VOMS to CS synchronization:',
                               'VO %s: %s' % (vo, result["Message"]))
            resultDict = result['Value']
            newUsers = resultDict.get("NewUsers", [])
            modUsers = resultDict.get("ModifiedUsers", [])
            delUsers = resultDict.get("DeletedUsers", [])
            self.log.info( "Run results: new users %d, modified users %d, deleted users %d" % \
                           ( len( newUsers ), len( modUsers ), len( delUsers ) ) )

            if self.csapi.csModified:
                # We have accumulated all the changes, commit them now
                    "There are changes to the CS for vo %s ready to be committed"
                    % vo)
                if self.dryRun:
                    self.log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
                    result = self.csapi.commitChanges()
                    if not result['OK']:
                            "Could not commit configuration changes",
                        return result
                    self.log.notice("Configuration committed for VO %s" % vo)
                    "No changes to the CS for VO %s recorded at this cycle" %

            # Add user home directory in the file catalog
            if self.makeFCEntry and newUsers:
                self.log.info("Creating home directories for users %s" %
                result = self.__addHomeDirectory(vo,
                                                 proxyUserGroup=voAdminGroup)  #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.error('Failed to create user home directories:',
                                   'VO %s: %s' % (vo, result["Message"]))
                    for user in result['Value']['Failed']:
                        self.log.error( "Failed to create home directory", "user: %s, operation: %s" % \
                                        ( user, result['Value']['Failed'][user] ) )
                        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ].append( "Failed to create home directory for user %s: operation %s" % \
                                                             ( user, result['Value']['Failed'][user] ) )
                    for user in result['Value']['Successful']:
                            "Created home directory for user %s" % user)

            if self.voChanged or self.detailedReport:
                mailMsg = ""
                if self.__adminMsgs['Errors']:
                    mailMsg += "\nErrors list:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join(
                if self.__adminMsgs['Info']:
                    mailMsg += "\nRun result:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join(
                if self.detailedReport:
                    result = self.getVOUserReport(vo)
                    if result['OK']:
                        mailMsg += '\n\n'
                        mailMsg += result['Value']
                        mailMsg += 'Failed to produce a detailed user report'
                        mailMsg += result['Message']
                    self.am_getOption('MailTo', voAdminMail),
                    "VOMS2CSAgent run log", mailMsg,
                        self.am_getOption('mailFrom', "DIRAC system")))

        return S_OK()

    def getVOUserData(self, vo, refreshFlag=False):
        """ Get a report for users of a given VO

    :param str vo: VO name
    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value = user description dictionary
        if refreshFlag:

        # Get DIRAC users
        diracUsers = getUsersInVO(vo)
        if not diracUsers:
            return S_ERROR("No VO users found for %s" % vo)

        if refreshFlag:
            result = self.csapi.downloadCSData()
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
        result = self.csapi.describeUsers(diracUsers)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
        return result

    def getVOUserReport(self, vo):

    :param str vo: VO name
    :return: report string

        result = self.getVOUserData(vo, refreshFlag=True)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        userDict = result['Value']

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']

        records = []
        groupDict = defaultdict(int)
        multiDNUsers = {}
        suspendedUsers = []
        for user in userDict:
            for group in userDict[user]['Groups']:
                groupDict[group] += 1
            dnList = fromChar(userDict[user]['DN'])
            if len(dnList) > 1:
                multiDNUsers[user] = dnList
            if userDict[user].get('Status', 'Active') == 'Suspended':

        for group in diracVOMSMapping:
                (group, str(groupDict[group]), diracVOMSMapping.get(group,

        fields = ['Group', 'Number of users', 'VOMS Role']
        output = printTable(fields,

        if multiDNUsers:
            output += '\nUsers with multiple DNs:\n'
            for user in multiDNUsers:
                output += '  %s:\n' % user
                for dn in multiDNUsers[user]:
                    output += '    %s\n' % dn

        if suspendedUsers:
            output += '\n%d suspended users:\n' % len(suspendedUsers)
            output += '  %s' % ','.join(suspendedUsers)

        return S_OK(output)

    def __syncCSWithVOMS(self, vo):
        self.__adminMsgs = {'Errors': [], 'Info': []}
        resultDict = defaultdict(list)

        # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
        result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
        diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
        noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']
        noSyncVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoSyncVOMS']

        vomsSrv = VOMSService(vo)

        # Get VOMS VO name
        result = vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve VOMS VO name', "for %s" % vo)
            return result
        vomsVOName = result['Value'].lstrip('/')
        self.log.verbose("VOMS VO Name for %s is %s" % (vo, vomsVOName))

        # Get VOMS users
        result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Could not retrieve user information from VOMS',
            return result
        vomsUserDict = result['Value']
        message = "There are %s user entries in VOMS for VO %s" % (
            len(vomsUserDict), vomsVOName)

        # Get DIRAC users
        result = self.getVOUserData(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        diracUserDict = result['Value']
            "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" %
            (len(diracUserDict), vo))
        self.log.info("There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" %
                      (len(diracUserDict), vo))

        # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
        existingDNs = []
        obsoletedDNs = []
        newDNs = []
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
            # We can have users with more than one DN registered
            dnList = fromChar(dn)
            for dn in dnList:
                if dn not in vomsUserDict:

        for dn in vomsUserDict:
            if dn not in existingDNs:

        allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
        nonVOUserDict = {}
        nonVOUsers = list(set(allDiracUsers) - set(diracUserDict.keys()))
        if nonVOUsers:
            result = self.csapi.describeUsers(nonVOUsers)
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error('Could not retrieve CS User description')
                return result
            nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

        # Process users
        defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo)
        newAddedUserDict = {}
        for dn in vomsUserDict:
            nickName = ''
            newDNForExistingUser = ''
            diracName = ''
            if dn in existingDNs:
                for user in diracUserDict:
                    if dn == diracUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user

            if dn in newDNs:
                # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
                for user in nonVOUserDict:
                    if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
                        diracName = user

                # Check the nickName in the same VO to see if the user is already registered
                # with another DN
                result = vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname(dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'])
                if result['OK']:
                    nickName = result['Value']
                if nickName in diracUserDict or nickName in newAddedUserDict:
                    diracName = nickName
                    # This is a flag for adding the new DN to an already existing user
                    newDNForExistingUser = dn

                # We have a real new user
                if not diracName:
                    if nickName:
                        newDiracName = nickName
                        newDiracName = getUserName(dn,

                    # If the chosen user name exists already, append a distinguishing suffix
                    ind = 1
                    trialName = newDiracName
                    while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
                        # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
                        newDiracName = "%s_%d" % (trialName, ind)
                        ind += 1

                    # We now have everything to add the new user
                    userDict = {
                        "DN": dn,
                        "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                        "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
                    groupsWithRole = []
                    for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                        fullRole = "/%s/%s" % (vomsVOName, role)
                        groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(fullRole, [])
                        for group in groupList:
                            if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
                    userDict['Groups'] = list(
                        set(groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]))
                    message = "\n  Added new user %s:\n" % newDiracName
                    for key in userDict:
                        message += "    %s: %s\n" % (key, str(userDict[key]))
                    self.voChanged = True
                    if self.autoAddUsers:
                        self.log.info("Adding new user %s: %s" %
                                      (newDiracName, str(userDict)))
                        result = self.csapi.modifyUser(
                            newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant=True)
                        if not result['OK']:
                            self.log.warn('Failed adding new user %s' %
                        newAddedUserDict[newDiracName] = userDict

            # We have an already existing user
            modified = False
            userDict = {
                "DN": dn,
                "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'],
                "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail']
            if newDNForExistingUser:
                userDict['DN'] = ','.join([dn, diracUserDict[diracName]['DN']])
                modified = True
            existingGroups = diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get('Groups', [])
            nonVOGroups = list(
                set(existingGroups) - set(diracVOMSMapping.keys()))
            groupsWithRole = []
            for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
                fullRole = "/%s/%s" % (vomsVOName, role)
                groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get(fullRole, [])
                for group in groupList:
                    if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]
            for group in existingGroups:
                if group in nonVOGroups:
                role = diracVOMSMapping.get(group, '')
                # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
                # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
                if not "Role" in role:
                # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
                if group in noVOMSGroups:
                # Keep groups for which syncronization with VOMS is forbidden
                if group in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups))
            # Merge together groups for the same user but different DNs
            if diracName in newAddedUserDict:
                otherGroups = newAddedUserDict[diracName].get('Groups', [])
                userDict['Groups'] = list(set(keepGroups + otherGroups))
                modified = True

            # Check if something changed before asking CSAPI to modify
            if diracName in diracUserDict:
                message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
                modMsg = ''
                for key in userDict:
                    if key == "Groups":
                        addedGroups = set(userDict[key]) - set(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, []))
                        removedGroups = set(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(
                                key, [])) - set(userDict[key])
                        if addedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(
                        if removedGroups:
                            modMsg += "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ','.join(
                        oldValue = str(
                            diracUserDict.get(diracName, {}).get(key, ''))
                        if str(userDict[key]) != oldValue:
                            modMsg += "    %s: %s -> %s\n" % (
                                key, oldValue, str(userDict[key]))
                if modMsg:
                    self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append(message + modMsg)
                    modified = True

            if self.autoModifyUsers and modified:
                result = self.csapi.modifyUser(diracName, userDict)
                if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
                    self.log.info("Modified user %s: %s" %
                                  (diracName, str(userDict)))
                    self.voChanged = True

        # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
        oldUsers = set()
        for user in diracUserDict:
            dnSet = set(fromChar(diracUserDict[user]['DN']))
            if not dnSet.intersection(set(
                    vomsUserDict.keys())) and user not in nonVOUserDict:
                for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
                    if group not in noVOMSGroups:

        if oldUsers:
            self.voChanged = True
            if self.autoDeleteUsers:
                self.log.info('The following users will be deleted: %s' %
                result = self.csapi.deleteUsers(oldUsers)
                if result['OK']:
                        'The following users are deleted from CS:\n  %s\n' %
                    resultDict['DeletedUsers'] = oldUsers
                        'Error in deleting users from CS:\n  %s' %
                    self.log.error('Error while user deletion from CS', result)
                    'The following users to be checked for deletion:\n  %s' %
                    'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' %

        return S_OK(resultDict)

    def __addHomeDirectory(self, vo, newUsers):

        fc = FileCatalog(vo=vo)
        defaultVOGroup = getVOOption(vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo)

        failed = {}
        successful = {}
        for user in newUsers:
            result = fc.addUser(user)
            if not result['OK']:
                failed[user] = "addUser"
            dirName = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % (vo, user[0], user)
            result = fc.createDirectory(dirName)
            if not result['OK']:
                failed[user] = "createDirectory"
            result = fc.changePathOwner({dirName: user}, recursive=True)
            if not result['OK']:
                failed[user] = "changePathOwner"
            result = fc.changePathGroup({dirName: defaultVOGroup},
            if not result['OK']:
                failed[user] = "changePathGroup"
            successful[user] = True

        return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": failed})
Exemple #5
class Bdii2CSAgent(AgentModule):

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Defines default parameters

    super(Bdii2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.addressTo = ''
    self.addressFrom = ''
    self.voName = []
    self.subject = "Bdii2CSAgent"
    self.alternativeBDIIs = []
    self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
    self.voBdiiSEDict = {}
    self.host = 'lcg-bdii.cern.ch:2170'
    self.glue2URLs = []
    self.glue2Only = False

    self.csAPI = None

    # What to get
    self.processCEs = True
    self.processSEs = False
    self.selectedSites = []

    # Update the CS or not?
    self.dryRun = False

  def initialize(self):
    """ Gets run paramaters from the configuration

    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
    # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs', self.alternativeBDIIs)
    self.host = self.am_getOption('Host', self.host)
    self.glue2URLs = self.am_getOption('GLUE2URLs', self.glue2URLs)
    self.glue2Only = self.am_getOption('GLUE2Only', self.glue2Only)

    # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
      if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
      self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
    if self.alternativeBDIIs:
      self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)

    self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', self.processCEs)
    self.processSEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessSEs', self.processSEs)
    self.selectedSites = self.am_getOption('SelectedSites', [])
    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

    self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', self.voName)
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
    if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1 and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'):
      # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
      self.voName = []
      result = getVOs()
      if result['OK']:
        vos = result['Value']
        for vo in vos:
          vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
          if vomsVO:

    if self.voName:
      self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
      self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
      return S_ERROR()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()

  def execute(self):
    """ General agent execution method
    self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
    self.voBdiiSEDict = {}

    # Get a "fresh" copy of the CS data
    result = self.csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.warn("Could not download a fresh copy of the CS data", result['Message'])

    # Refresh the configuration from the master server

    if self.processCEs:
    if self.processSEs:
    return S_OK()

  def __lookForNewCEs(self):
    """ Look up BDII for CEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS

    bannedCEs = self.am_getOption('BannedCEs', [])
    result = getCEsFromCS()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    knownCEs = set(result['Value'])
    knownCEs = knownCEs.union(set(bannedCEs))

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiInfo = result['Value']
      result = getGridCEs(vo, bdiiInfo=bdiiInfo, ceBlackList=knownCEs)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Failed to get unused CEs', result['Message'])
      siteDict = result['Value']
      body = ''
      for site in siteDict:
        newCEs = set(siteDict[site].keys())  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not newCEs:

        ceString = ''
        for ce in newCEs:
          queueString = ''
          ceInfo = bdiiInfo[site]['CEs'][ce]
          newCEString = "CE: %s, GOCDB Site Name: %s" % (ce, site)
          systemTuple = siteDict[site][ce]['System']
          osString = "%s_%s_%s" % (systemTuple)
          newCEString = "\n%s\n%s\n" % (newCEString, osString)
          for queue in ceInfo['Queues']:
            queueStatus = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get('GlueCEStateStatus', 'UnknownStatus')
            if 'production' in queueStatus.lower():
              ceType = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get('GlueCEImplementationName', '')
              queueString += "   %s %s %s\n" % (queue, queueStatus, ceType)
          if queueString:
            ceString += newCEString
            ceString += "Queues:\n"
            ceString += queueString

        if ceString:
          body += ceString

      if body:
        body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new CE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
        body += "\n\nTo suppress information about CE add its name to BannedCEs list.\n"
        body += "Add new Sites/CEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
        body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --ce\n" % vo
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
          notification = NotificationClient()
          result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom,
                                         localAttempt=False, avoidSpam=True)
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Can not send new site notification mail', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def __getBdiiCEInfo(self, vo):

    if vo in self.voBdiiCEDict:
      return S_OK(self.voBdiiCEDict[vo])
    self.log.info("Check for available CEs for VO", vo)
    totalResult = S_OK({})
    message = ''

    mainResult = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=self.host, glue2=self.glue2Only)
    if not mainResult['OK']:
      self.log.error("Failed getting information from default bdii", mainResult['Message'])
      message = mainResult['Message']

    for bdii in reversed(self.alternativeBDIIs):
      resultAlt = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=bdii, glue2=self.glue2Only)
      if resultAlt['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed getting information from %s " % bdii, resultAlt['Message'])
        message = (message + "\n" + resultAlt['Message']).strip()

    for glue2URL in self.glue2URLs:
      if self.glue2Only:
      resultGlue2 = getBdiiCEInfo(vo, host=glue2URL, glue2=True)
      if resultGlue2['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed getting GLUE2 information for", "%s, %s: %s" %
                       (glue2URL, vo, resultGlue2['Message']))
        message = (message + "\n" + resultGlue2['Message']).strip()

    if mainResult['OK']:

    if not totalResult['Value'] and message:  # Dict is empty and we have an error message
      self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message)
      totalResult = S_ERROR(message)
      self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] = totalResult['Value']
    return totalResult

  def __getBdiiSEInfo(self, vo):

    if vo in self.voBdiiSEDict:
      return S_OK(self.voBdiiSEDict[vo])
    self.log.info("Check for available SEs for VO", vo)
    result = getBdiiSEInfo(vo)
    message = ''
    if not result['OK']:
      message = result['Message']
      for bdii in self.alternativeBDIIs:
        result = getBdiiSEInfo(vo, host=bdii)
        if result['OK']:
    if not result['OK']:
      if message:
        self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message)
        self.log.error("Error during BDII request", result['Message'])
      self.voBdiiSEDict[vo] = result['Value']
    return result

  def __updateCEs(self):
    """ Update the Site/CE/queue settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII

    bdiiChangeSet = set()

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
      if not result['OK']:
      ceBdiiDict = result['Value']
      result = getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=ceBdiiDict, log=self.log)
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union(result['Value'])

    # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
    result = self.__updateCS(bdiiChangeSet)
    return result

  def __purgeSites(self, ceBdiiDict):
    """Remove all sites that are not in self.selectedSites.

    Modifies the ceBdiiDict!
    if not self.selectedSites:
    for site in list(ceBdiiDict):
      ces = list(ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'])
      if not ces:
        self.log.error("No CE information for site:", site)
      diracSiteName = getSiteForCE(ces[0])
      if not diracSiteName['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed to get DIRAC site name for ce", "%s: %s" % (ces[0], diracSiteName['Message']))
      self.log.debug("Checking site %s (%s), aka %s" % (site, ces, diracSiteName['Value']))
      if diracSiteName['Value'] in self.selectedSites:
      self.log.info("Dropping site %s, aka %s" % (site, diracSiteName))

  def __updateCS(self, bdiiChangeSet):

    queueVODict = {}
    changeSet = set()
    for entry in bdiiChangeSet:
      section, option, _value, new_value = entry
      if option == "VO":
        queueVODict.setdefault(section, set())
        queueVODict[section] = queueVODict[section].union(set(new_value.split(',')))
    for section, VOs in queueVODict.items():
      changeSet.add((section, 'VO', '', ','.join(VOs)))

    if changeSet:
      changeList = sorted(changeSet)
      body = '\n'.join(["%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry for entry in changeList])
      if body and self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
        notification = NotificationClient()
        result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt=False)

      if body:
        self.log.info('The following configuration changes were detected:')

      for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
        if value == 'Unknown' or not value:
          self.csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)
          self.csAPI.modifyValue(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)

      if self.dryRun:
        self.log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
        result = self.csAPI.commit()
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error("Error while committing to CS", result['Message'])
          self.log.info("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len(changeList))
        return result
      self.log.info("No changes found")
      return S_OK()

  def __lookForNewSEs(self):
    """ Look up BDII for SEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS

    bannedSEs = self.am_getOption('BannedSEs', [])
    result = getSEsFromCS()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    knownSEs = set(result['Value'])
    knownSEs = knownSEs.union(set(bannedSEs))

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiSEInfo(vo)
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiInfo = result['Value']
      result = getGridSRMs(vo, bdiiInfo=bdiiInfo, srmBlackList=knownSEs)
      if not result['OK']:
      siteDict = result['Value']
      body = ''
      for site in siteDict:
        newSEs = set(siteDict[site].keys())  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not newSEs:
        for se in newSEs:
          body += '\n New SE %s available at site %s:\n' % (se, site)
          backend = siteDict[site][se]['SE'].get('GlueSEImplementationName', 'Unknown')
          size = siteDict[site][se]['SE'].get('GlueSESizeTotal', 'Unknown')
          body += '  Backend %s, Size %s' % (backend, size)

      if body:
        body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new SE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
        body += "\n\nTo suppress information about an SE add its name to BannedSEs list.\n"
        body += "Add new SEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
        body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --se\n" % vo
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
          notification = NotificationClient()
          result = notification.sendMail(self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt=False)
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error('Can not send new site notification mail', result['Message'])

    return S_OK()

  def __updateSEs(self):
    """ Update the Storage Element settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII

    bdiiChangeSet = set()

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiSEInfo(vo)
      if not result['OK']:
      seBdiiDict = result['Value']
      result = getSRMUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=seBdiiDict)
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union(result['Value'])

    # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
    result = self.__updateCS(bdiiChangeSet)
    return result
Exemple #6
class GOCDB2CSAgent(AgentModule):
    """ Class to retrieve information about service endpoints
      from GOCDB and update configuration stored by CS
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ c'tor
        super(GOCDB2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.GOCDBClient = None
        self.csAPI = None
        self.dryRun = False

    def initialize(self):
        """ Run at the agent initialization (normally every 500 cycles)
        # client to connect to GOCDB
        self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

        # API needed to update configuration stored by CS
        self.csAPI = CSAPI()
        return self.csAPI.initialize()

    def execute(self):
    Execute GOCDB queries according to the function map
    and user request (options in configuration).

        # __functionMap is at the end of the class definition
        for option, functionCall in GOCDB2CSAgent.__functionMap.iteritems():
            optionValue = self.am_getOption(option, True)
            if optionValue:
                result = functionCall(self)
                if not result['OK']:
                    self.log.error("%s() failed with message: %s" %
                                   (functionCall.__name__, result['Message']))
                    self.log.info("Successfully executed %s" %

        return S_OK()

    def updatePerfSONARConfiguration(self):
    Get current status of perfSONAR endpoints from GOCDB
    and update CS configuration accordingly.
        log = self.log.getSubLogger('updatePerfSONAREndpoints')
        log.debug('Begin function ...')

        # get endpoints
        result = self.__getPerfSONAREndpoints()
        if not result['OK']:
            log.error("__getPerfSONAREndpoints() failed with message: %s" %
            return S_ERROR('Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from GOCDB.')
        endpointList = result['Value']

        # add DIRAC site name
        result = self.__addDIRACSiteName(endpointList)
        if not result['OK']:
            log.error("__addDIRACSiteName() failed with message: %s" %
            return S_ERROR('Unable to extend the list with DIRAC site names.')
        extendedEndpointList = result['Value']

        # prepare dictionary with new configuration
        result = self.__preparePerfSONARConfiguration(extendedEndpointList)
        if not result['OK']:
                "__preparePerfSONARConfiguration() failed with message: %s" %
            return S_ERROR('Unable to prepare a new perfSONAR configuration.')
        finalConfiguration = result['Value']

        # update configuration according to the final status of endpoints
        log.debug("Configuration updated succesfully")

        log.debug('End function.')
        return S_OK()

    def __getPerfSONAREndpoints(self):
    Retrieve perfSONAR endpoint information directly from GOCDB.

    :return: List of perfSONAR endpoints (dictionaries) as stored by GOCDB.

        log = self.log.getSubLogger('__getPerfSONAREndpoints')
        log.debug('Begin function ...')

        # get perfSONAR endpoints (latency and bandwidth) form GOCDB
        endpointList = []
        for endpointType in ['Latency', 'Bandwidth']:
            result = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'service_type', 'net.perfSONAR.%s' % endpointType)

            if not result['OK']:
                log.error("getServiceEndpointInfo() failed with message: %s" %
                return S_ERROR('Could not fetch %s endpoints from GOCDB' %

            log.debug('Number of %s endpoints: %s' %
                      (endpointType.lower(), len(result['Value'])))

        log.debug('Number of perfSONAR endpoints: %s' % len(endpointList))
        log.debug('End function.')
        return S_OK(endpointList)

    def __preparePerfSONARConfiguration(self, endpointList):
    Prepare a dictionary with a new CS configuration of perfSONAR endpoints.

    :return: Dictionary where keys are configuration paths (options and sections)
             and values are values of corresponding options
             or None in case of a path pointing to a section.

        log = self.log.getSubLogger('__preparePerfSONARConfiguration')
        log.debug('Begin function ...')

        # static elements of a path
        rootPath = '/Resources/Sites'
        extPath = 'Network'
        baseOptionName = 'Enabled'
        options = {baseOptionName: 'True', 'ServiceType': 'perfSONAR'}

        # enable GOCDB endpoints in configuration
        newConfiguration = {}
        for endpoint in endpointList:
            if endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'] is None:

            split = endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'].split('.')
            path = cfgPath(rootPath, split[0], endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'],
                           extPath, endpoint['HOSTNAME'])
            for name, defaultValue in options.iteritems():
                newConfiguration[cfgPath(path, name)] = defaultValue

        # get current configuration
        currentConfiguration = {}
        for option in options.iterkeys():
            result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree(rootPath, extPath + '/',
                                                  '/' + option)
            if not result['OK']:
                log.error("getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" %
                return S_ERROR('Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from CS.')

        # disable endpoints that disappeared in GOCDB
        removedElements = set(currentConfiguration) - set(newConfiguration)
        newElements = set(newConfiguration) - set(currentConfiguration)

        addedEndpoints = len(newElements) / len(options)
        disabledEndpoints = 0
        for path in removedElements:
            if baseOptionName in path:
                newConfiguration[path] = 'False'
                if currentConfiguration[path] != 'False':
                    disabledEndpoints = disabledEndpoints + 1

        # inform what will be changed
        if addedEndpoints > 0:
                "%s new perfSONAR endpoints will be added to the configuration"
                % addedEndpoints)

        if disabledEndpoints > 0:
                "%s old perfSONAR endpoints will be disable in the configuration"
                % disabledEndpoints)

        if addedEndpoints == 0 and disabledEndpoints == 0:
            self.log.info("perfSONAR configuration is up-to-date")

        log.debug('End function.')
        return S_OK(newConfiguration)

    def __addDIRACSiteName(self, inputList):
    Extend given list of GOCDB endpoints with DIRAC site name, i.e.
    add an entry "DIRACSITENAME" in dictionaries that describe endpoints.
    If given site name could not be found "DIRACSITENAME" is set to 'None'.

    :return: List of perfSONAR endpoints (dictionaries).

        log = self.log.getSubLogger('__addDIRACSiteName')
        log.debug('Begin function ...')

        # get site name dictionary
        result = getDIRACGOCDictionary()
        if not result['OK']:
            log.error("getDIRACGOCDictionary() failed with message: %s" %
            return S_ERROR('Could not get site name dictionary')

        # reverse the dictionary (assume 1 to 1 relation)
        DIRACGOCDict = result['Value']
        GOCDIRACDict = dict(zip(DIRACGOCDict.values(), DIRACGOCDict.keys()))

        # add DIRAC site names
        outputList = []
        for entry in inputList:
                entry['DIRACSITENAME'] = GOCDIRACDict[entry['SITENAME']]
            except KeyError:
                self.log.warn("No dictionary entry for %s. " %
                entry['DIRACSITENAME'] = None

        log.debug('End function.')
        return S_OK(outputList)

    def __updateConfiguration(self, setElements=None, delElements=None):
    Update configuration stored by CS.
        if setElements is None:
            setElements = {}
        if delElements is None:
            delElements = []

        log = self.log.getSubLogger('__updateConfiguration')
        log.debug('Begin function ...')

        # assure existence and proper value of a section or an option
        for path, value in setElements.iteritems():

            if value is None:
                section = path
                split = path.rsplit('/', 1)
                section = split[0]

                result = self.csAPI.createSection(section)
                if not result['OK']:
                    log.error("createSection() failed with message: %s" %
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("Exception in createSection(): %s" %
                          repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

            if value is not None:
                    result = self.csAPI.setOption(path, value)
                    if not result['OK']:
                        log.error("setOption() failed with message: %s" %
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error("Exception in setOption(): %s" %
                              repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

        # delete elements in the configuration
        for path in delElements:
            result = self.csAPI.delOption(path)
            if not result['OK']:
                log.warn("delOption() failed with message: %s" %

                result = self.csAPI.delSection(path)
                if not result['OK']:
                    log.warn("delSection() failed with message: %s" %

        if self.dryRun:
            log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
            # update configuration stored by CS
            result = self.csAPI.commit()
            if not result['OK']:
                log.error("commit() failed with message: %s" %
                return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes to CS.")
                log.info("Committed changes to CS")

        log.debug('End function.')
        return S_OK()

    # define mapping between an agent option in the configuration and a function call
    __functionMap = {
        'UpdatePerfSONARS': updatePerfSONARConfiguration,
Exemple #7
class VOMS2CSAgent( AgentModule ):

  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    """ Defines default parameters
    super(VOMS2CSAgent, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs )

    self.__voDict = {}
    self.__adminMsgs = {}
    self.csapi = None
    self.voChanged = False
    self.dryRun = False

    self.autoAddUsers = False
    self.autoModifyUsers = False
    self.autoDeleteUsers = False
    self.detailedReport = True
    self.makeFCEntry = False

  def initialize( self ):
    """ Initialize the default parameters

    voNames = self.am_getOption( 'VO', [] )
    if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
      if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
        voNames = []
      result = getVOMSVOs( voNames )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      self.__voDict = result['Value']
      self.log.notice( "VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys() )

    self.csapi = CSAPI()

    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption( 'DryRun', self.dryRun )
    self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoAddUsers', self.autoAddUsers )
    self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoModifyUsers', self.autoModifyUsers )
    self.autoDeleteUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoDeleteUsers', self.autoDeleteUsers )
    self.detailedReport = self.am_getOption( 'DetailedReport', self.detailedReport )
    self.makeFCEntry = self.am_getOption( 'MakeHomeDirectory', self.makeFCEntry )

    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):

    self.__adminMsgs = {}
    for vo in self.__voDict:
      self.voChanged = False
      voAdminUser = getVOOption( vo, "VOAdmin")
      voAdminMail = None
      if voAdminUser:
        voAdminMail = getUserOption( voAdminUser, "Email")
      voAdminGroup = getVOOption( vo, "VOAdminGroup", getVOOption( vo, "DefaultGroup" ) )

      self.log.info( 'Performing VOMS sync for VO %s with credentials %s@%s' % ( vo, voAdminUser, voAdminGroup ) )

      result = self.__syncCSWithVOMS( vo, proxyUserName = voAdminUser, proxyUserGroup = voAdminGroup ) #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to perform VOMS to CS synchronization:', 'VO %s: %s' % ( vo, result["Message"] ) )
      resultDict = result['Value']
      newUsers = resultDict.get( "NewUsers", [] )
      modUsers = resultDict.get( "ModifiedUsers", [] )
      delUsers = resultDict.get( "DeletedUsers", [] )
      self.log.info( "Run results: new users %d, modified users %d, deleted users %d" % \
                     ( len( newUsers ), len( modUsers ), len( delUsers ) ) )

      if self.csapi.csModified:
        # We have accumulated all the changes, commit them now
        self.log.info( "There are changes to the CS for vo %s ready to be committed" % vo )
        if self.dryRun:
          self.log.info( "Dry Run: CS won't be updated" )
          result = self.csapi.commitChanges()
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            self.log.error( "Could not commit configuration changes", result[ 'Message' ] )
            return result
          self.log.notice( "Configuration committed for VO %s" % vo )
        self.log.info( "No changes to the CS for VO %s recorded at this cycle" % vo )

      # Add user home directory in the file catalog
      if self.makeFCEntry and newUsers:
        self.log.info( "Creating home directories for users %s" % str( newUsers ) )
        result = self.__addHomeDirectory( vo, newUsers, proxyUserName = voAdminUser, proxyUserGroup = voAdminGroup ) #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error( 'Failed to create user home directories:', 'VO %s: %s' % ( vo, result["Message"] ) )
          for user in result['Value']['Failed']:
            self.log.error( "Failed to create home directory", "user: %s, operation: %s" % \
                            ( user, result['Value']['Failed'][user] ) )
            self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ].append( "Failed to create home directory for user %s: operation %s" % \
                                                 ( user, result['Value']['Failed'][user] ) )
          for user in result['Value']['Successful']:
            self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "Created home directory for user %s" % user )

      if self.voChanged or self.detailedReport:
        mailMsg = ""
        if self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ]:
          mailMsg += "\nErrors list:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join( self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ] )
        if self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ]:
          mailMsg += "\nRun result:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join( self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ] )
        if self.detailedReport:
          result = self.getVOUserReport( vo )
          if result['OK']:
            mailMsg += '\n\n'
            mailMsg += result['Value']
            mailMsg += 'Failed to produce a detailed user report'
            mailMsg += result['Message']
        NotificationClient().sendMail( self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', voAdminMail ),
                                       "VOMS2CSAgent run log", mailMsg,
                                       self.am_getOption( 'MailFrom', self.am_getOption( 'mailFrom', "DIRAC system" ) ) )

    return S_OK()

  def getVOUserData( self, vo, refreshFlag = False ):
    """ Get a report for users of a given VO

    :param str vo: VO name
    :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value = user description dictionary
    if refreshFlag:

    # Get DIRAC users
    diracUsers = getUsersInVO( vo )
    if not diracUsers:
      return S_ERROR( "No VO users found for %s" % vo )

    if refreshFlag:
      result = self.csapi.downloadCSData()
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
    result = self.csapi.describeUsers( diracUsers )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve CS User description' )
    return result

  def getVOUserReport( self, vo ):

    :param str vo: VO name
    :return: report string

    result = self.getVOUserData( vo, refreshFlag = True )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    userDict = result['Value']

    # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
    result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']

    records = []
    groupDict = defaultdict( int )
    multiDNUsers = {}
    suspendedUsers = []
    for user in userDict:
      for group in userDict[user]['Groups']:
        groupDict[group] += 1
      dnList = fromChar( userDict[user]['DN'] )
      if len( dnList ) > 1:
        multiDNUsers[user] = dnList
      if userDict[user].get( 'Status', 'Active' ) == 'Suspended':
        suspendedUsers.append( user )

    for group in diracVOMSMapping:
      records.append( ( group, str( groupDict[group] ), diracVOMSMapping.get( group, '' ) ) )

    fields = [ 'Group', 'Number of users', 'VOMS Role' ]
    output = printTable( fields, records, sortField = 'Group', printOut = False, numbering = False )

    if multiDNUsers:
      output += '\nUsers with multiple DNs:\n'
      for user in multiDNUsers:
        output += '  %s:\n' % user
        for dn in multiDNUsers[user]:
          output += '    %s\n' % dn

    if suspendedUsers:
      output += '\n%d suspended users:\n' % len( suspendedUsers )
      output += '  %s' % ','.join( suspendedUsers )

    return S_OK( output )

  def __syncCSWithVOMS( self, vo ):
    self.__adminMsgs = { 'Errors' : [], 'Info' : [] }
    resultDict = defaultdict( list )

    # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
    result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
    diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
    noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']
    noSyncVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoSyncVOMS']

    vomsSrv = VOMSService( vo )

    # Get VOMS VO name
    result = vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve VOMS VO name', "for %s" % vo )
      return result
    vomsVOName = result[ 'Value' ].lstrip( '/' )
    self.log.verbose( "VOMS VO Name for %s is %s" % ( vo, vomsVOName ) )

    # Get VOMS users
    result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve user information from VOMS', result['Message'] )
      return result
    vomsUserDict = result[ 'Value' ]
    message = "There are %s user entries in VOMS for VO %s" % ( len( vomsUserDict ), vomsVOName )
    self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( message )
    self.log.info( message )

    # Get DIRAC users
    result = self.getVOUserData( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    diracUserDict = result['Value']
    self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" % ( len( diracUserDict ), vo ) )
    self.log.info( "There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" % ( len( diracUserDict ), vo ) )

    # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
    existingDNs = []
    obsoletedDNs = []
    newDNs = []
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
      # We can have users with more than one DN registered
      dnList = fromChar( dn )
      existingDNs.extend( dnList )
      for dn in dnList:
        if dn not in vomsUserDict:
          obsoletedDNs.append( dn )

    for dn in vomsUserDict:
      if dn not in existingDNs:
        newDNs.append( dn )

    allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
    nonVOUserDict = {}
    nonVOUsers = list( set( allDiracUsers ) - set( diracUserDict.keys() ) )
    if nonVOUsers:
      result = self.csapi.describeUsers( nonVOUsers )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve CS User description' )
        return result
      nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

    # Process users
    defaultVOGroup = getVOOption( vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo )
    newAddedUserDict = {}
    for dn in vomsUserDict:
      nickName = ''
      newDNForExistingUser = ''
      diracName = ''
      if dn in existingDNs:
        for user in diracUserDict:
          if dn == diracUserDict[user]['DN']:
            diracName = user

      if dn in newDNs:
        # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
        for user in nonVOUserDict:
          if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
            diracName = user

        # Check the nickName in the same VO to see if the user is already registered
        # with another DN
        result = vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname( dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'] )
        if result['OK']:
          nickName = result['Value']
        if nickName in diracUserDict or nickName in newAddedUserDict:
          diracName = nickName
          # This is a flag for adding the new DN to an already existing user
          newDNForExistingUser = dn

        # We have a real new user
        if not diracName:
          if nickName:
            newDiracName = nickName
            newDiracName = getUserName( dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['mail'], vo )

          # If the chosen user name exists already, append a distinguishing suffix
          ind = 1
          trialName = newDiracName
          while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
            # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
            newDiracName = "%s_%d" % ( trialName, ind )
            ind += 1

          # We now have everything to add the new user
          userDict = { "DN": dn, "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'], "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail'] }
          groupsWithRole = []
          for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
            fullRole = "/%s/%s" % ( vomsVOName, role )
            groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get( fullRole, [] )
            for group in groupList:
              if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
                groupsWithRole.append( group )
          userDict['Groups'] = list( set( groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup] ) )
          message = "\n  Added new user %s:\n" % newDiracName
          for key in userDict:
            message += "    %s: %s\n" % ( key, str( userDict[key] ) )
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( message )
          self.voChanged = True
          if self.autoAddUsers:
            self.log.info( "Adding new user %s: %s" % ( newDiracName, str( userDict ) ) )
            result = self.csapi.modifyUser( newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant = True )
            if not result['OK']:
              self.log.warn( 'Failed adding new user %s' % newDiracName )
            resultDict['NewUsers'].append( newDiracName )
            newAddedUserDict[newDiracName] = userDict

      # We have an already existing user
      modified = False
      userDict = { "DN": dn, "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'], "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail'] }
      if newDNForExistingUser:
        userDict['DN'] = ','.join( [ dn, diracUserDict[diracName]['DN'] ] )
        modified = True
      existingGroups = diracUserDict.get( diracName, {} ).get( 'Groups', [] )
      nonVOGroups = list( set( existingGroups ) - set( diracVOMSMapping.keys() ) )
      groupsWithRole = []
      for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
        fullRole = "/%s/%s" % ( vomsVOName, role )
        groupList = vomsDIRACMapping.get( fullRole, [] )
        for group in groupList:
          if group not in noSyncVOMSGroups:
            groupsWithRole.append( group )
      keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]
      for group in existingGroups:
        if group in nonVOGroups:
        role = diracVOMSMapping.get( group, '' )
        # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
        # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
        if not "Role" in role:
          keepGroups.append( group )
        # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
        if group in noVOMSGroups:
          keepGroups.append( group )
        # Keep groups for which syncronization with VOMS is forbidden
        if group in noSyncVOMSGroups:
          keepGroups.append( group )
      userDict['Groups'] = list( set( keepGroups ) )
      # Merge together groups for the same user but different DNs
      if diracName in newAddedUserDict:
        otherGroups = newAddedUserDict[diracName].get( 'Groups', [] )
        userDict['Groups'] = list( set( keepGroups + otherGroups ) )
        modified = True

      # Check if something changed before asking CSAPI to modify
      if diracName in diracUserDict:
        message = "\n  Modified user %s:\n" % diracName
        modMsg = ''
        for key in userDict:
          if key == "Groups":
            addedGroups = set( userDict[key] ) - set( diracUserDict.get( diracName, {} ).get( key, [] ) )
            removedGroups = set( diracUserDict.get( diracName, {} ).get( key, [] ) ) - set( userDict[key] )
            if addedGroups:
              modMsg += "    Added to group(s) %s\n" % ','.join( addedGroups )
            if removedGroups:
              modMsg += "    Removed from group(s) %s\n" % ','.join( removedGroups )
            oldValue = str( diracUserDict.get( diracName, {} ).get( key, '' ) )
            if str( userDict[key] ) != oldValue:
              modMsg += "    %s: %s -> %s\n" % ( key, oldValue, str( userDict[key] ) )
        if modMsg:
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( message + modMsg )
          modified = True

      if self.autoModifyUsers and modified:
        result = self.csapi.modifyUser( diracName, userDict )
        if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
          self.log.info( "Modified user %s: %s" % ( diracName, str( userDict ) ) )
          self.voChanged = True
          resultDict['ModifiedUsers'].append( diracName )

    # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
    oldUsers = set()
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dnSet = set( fromChar( diracUserDict[user]['DN'] ) )
      if not dnSet.intersection( set( vomsUserDict.keys() ) ) and user not in nonVOUserDict:
        for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
          if group not in noVOMSGroups:
            oldUsers.add( user )

    # Check for obsoleted DNs
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dnSet = set( fromChar( diracUserDict[user]['DN'] ) )
      for dn in dnSet:
        if dn in obsoletedDNs and user not in oldUsers:
          self.log.verbose( "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % ( user, dn ) )
          if self.autoModifyUsers:
            userDict = diracUserDict[user]
            modDNSet = dnSet - set( [dn] )
            if modDNSet:
              userDict['DN'] = ','.join( modDNSet )
              result = self.csapi.modifyUser( user, userDict )
              if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
                self.log.info( "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % ( user, dn ) )
                self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "Modified user %s: dropped DN %s" % ( user, dn ) )
                self.voChanged = True
                resultDict['ModifiedUsers'].append( diracName )
              oldUsers.add( user )

    if oldUsers:
      self.voChanged = True
      if self.autoDeleteUsers:
        self.log.info( 'The following users will be deleted: %s' % str( oldUsers ) )
        result = self.csapi.deleteUsers( oldUsers )
        if result['OK']:
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( 'The following users are deleted from CS:\n  %s\n' % str( oldUsers ) )
          resultDict['DeletedUsers'] = oldUsers
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ].append( 'Error in deleting users from CS:\n  %s' % str( oldUsers ) )
          self.log.error( 'Error while user deletion from CS', result )
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( 'The following users to be checked for deletion:\n  %s' % str( oldUsers ) )
        self.log.info( 'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' % str( oldUsers ) )

    return S_OK( resultDict )

  def __addHomeDirectory( self, vo, newUsers ):

    fc = FileCatalog( vo = vo )
    defaultVOGroup = getVOOption( vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo )

    failed = {}
    successful = {}
    for user in newUsers:
      result = fc.addUser( user )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "addUser"
      dirName = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % ( vo, user[0], user )
      result = fc.createDirectory( dirName )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "createDirectory"
      result = fc.changePathOwner( { dirName: user }, recursive = True )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "changePathOwner"
      result = fc.changePathGroup( { dirName: defaultVOGroup }, recursive = True )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "changePathGroup"
      successful[user] = True

    return S_OK( { "Successful": successful, "Failed": failed } )
Exemple #8
class VOMS2CSAgent( AgentModule ):

  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    """ Defines default parameters
    super(VOMS2CSAgent, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs )

    self.__voDict = {}
    self.__adminMsgs = {}
    self.csapi = None
    self.voChanged = False
    self.dryRun = False

    self.autoAddUsers = False
    self.autoModifyUsers = False

  def initialize( self ):
    """ Initialize the default parameters

    voNames = self.am_getOption( 'VO', [] )
    if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
      if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
        voNames = []
      result = getVOMSVOs( voNames )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      self.__voDict = result['Value']
      self.log.notice( "VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys() )

    self.csapi = CSAPI()

    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption( 'DryRun', self.dryRun )
    self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoAddUsers', self.autoAddUsers )
    self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoModifyUsers', self.autoModifyUsers )

    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):

    self.__adminMsgs = {}
    for vo in self.__voDict:
      self.voChanged = False
      voAdminUser = getVOOption( vo, "VOAdmin")
      voAdminMail = None
      if voAdminUser:
        voAdminMail = getUserOption( voAdminUser, "Email")
      voAdminGroup = getVOOption( vo, "VOAdminGroup", getVOOption( vo, "DefaultGroup" ) )

      self.log.info( 'Performing VOMS sync for VO %s with credentials %s@%s' % ( vo, voAdminUser, voAdminGroup ) )

      result = self.__syncCSWithVOMS( vo, proxyUserName = voAdminUser, proxyUserGroup = voAdminGroup ) #pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to perform VOMS to CS synchronization:', 'VO %s: %s' % ( vo, result["Message"] ) )

      if self.voChanged:
        mailMsg = ""
        if self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ]:
          mailMsg += "\nErrors list:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join( self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ] )
        if self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ]:
          mailMsg += "\nRun result:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join( self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ] )
        NotificationClient().sendMail( self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', voAdminMail ),
                                       "VOMS2CSAgent run log", mailMsg,
                                       self.am_getOption( 'mailFrom', "DIRAC system" ) )

    # We have accumulated all the changes, commit them now
    if self.dryRun:
      self.log.info( "Dry Run: CS won't be updated" )
      result = self.csapi.commitChanges()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( "Could not commit configuration changes", result[ 'Message' ] )
        return result
      self.log.info( "Configuration committed" )
    return S_OK()

  def __syncCSWithVOMS( self, vo ):
    self.__adminMsgs = { 'Errors' : [], 'Info' : [] }

    # Get DIRAC group vs VOMS Role Mappings
    result = getVOMSRoleGroupMapping( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    vomsDIRACMapping = result['Value']['VOMSDIRAC']
    diracVOMSMapping = result['Value']['DIRACVOMS']
    noVOMSGroups = result['Value']['NoVOMS']

    vomsSrv = VOMSService( vo )

    # Get VOMS VO name
    result = vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve VOMS VO name', "for %s" % vo )
      return result
    vomsVOName = result[ 'Value' ].lstrip( '/' )
    self.log.verbose( "VOMS VO Name for %s is %s" % ( vo, vomsVOName ) )

    # Get VOMS users
    result = vomsSrv.getUsers()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve user information from VOMS', result['Message'] )
      return result
    vomsUserDict = result[ 'Value' ]
    message = "There are %s registered users in VOMS VO %s" % ( len( vomsUserDict ), vomsVOName )
    self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( message )
    self.log.info( message )

    # Get DIRAC users
    diracUsers = getUsersInVO( vo )
    if not diracUsers:
      return S_ERROR( "No VO users found for %s" % vo )

    result = self.csapi.describeUsers( diracUsers )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve CS User description' )
      return result
    diracUserDict = result['Value']
    self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "There are %s registered users in DIRAC for VO %s" % ( len( diracUserDict ), vo ) )
    self.log.info( "There are %s registered users in DIRAC VO %s" % ( len( diracUserDict ), vo ) )

    # Find new and obsoleted user DNs
    existingDNs = []
    obsoletedDNs = []
    newDNs = []
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
      existingDNs.append( dn )
      if dn not in vomsUserDict:
        obsoletedDNs.append( dn )

    for dn in vomsUserDict:
      if dn not in existingDNs:
        newDNs.append( dn )

    allDiracUsers = getAllUsers()
    nonVOusers = list( set( allDiracUsers ) - set(diracUsers) )
    result = self.csapi.describeUsers( nonVOusers )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Could not retrieve CS User description' )
      return result
    nonVOUserDict = result['Value']

    # Process users
    defaultVOGroup = getVOOption( vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo )
    for dn in vomsUserDict:
      if dn in newDNs:
        # Find if the DN is already registered in the DIRAC CS
        diracName = ''
        for user in nonVOUserDict:
          if dn == nonVOUserDict[user]['DN']:
            diracName = user
        # We have a real new user
        if not diracName:
          nickName = ''
          result = vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname( dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'] )
          if result['OK']:
            nickName = result['Value']

          if nickName:
            newDiracName = nickName
            newDiracName = getUserName( dn, vomsUserDict[dn]['mail'] )

          ind = 1
          trialName = newDiracName
          while newDiracName in allDiracUsers:
            # We have a user with the same name but with a different DN
            newDiracName = "%s_%d" % ( trialName, ind )
            ind += 1

          # We now have everything to add the new user
          userDict = { "DN": dn, "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'], "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail'] }
          groupsWithRole = []
          for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
            fullRole = "/%s/%s" % ( vomsVOName, role )
            group = vomsDIRACMapping.get( fullRole )
            if group:
              groupsWithRole.append( group )
          userDict['Groups'] = list( set( groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup] ) )
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "Adding new user %s: %s" % ( newDiracName, str( userDict ) ) )
          self.voChanged = True
          if self.autoAddUsers:
            self.log.info( "Adding new user %s: %s" % ( newDiracName, str( userDict ) ) )
            result = self.csapi.modifyUser( newDiracName, userDict, createIfNonExistant = True )
            if not result['OK']:
              self.log.warn( 'Failed adding new user %s' % newDiracName )

        # We have an already existing user
        userDict = { "DN": dn, "CA": vomsUserDict[dn]['CA'], "Email": vomsUserDict[dn]['mail'] }
        nonVOGroups = nonVOUserDict.get( diracName, {} ).get( 'Groups', [] )
        existingGroups = diracUserDict.get( diracName, {} ).get( 'Groups', [] )
        groupsWithRole = []
        for role in vomsUserDict[dn]['Roles']:
          fullRole = "/%s/%s" % ( vomsVOName, role )
          group = vomsDIRACMapping.get( fullRole )
          if group:
            groupsWithRole.append( group )
        keepGroups = nonVOGroups + groupsWithRole + [defaultVOGroup]
        for group in existingGroups:
          role = diracVOMSMapping[group]
          # Among already existing groups for the user keep those without a special VOMS Role
          # because this membership is done by hand in the CS
          if not "Role" in role:
            keepGroups.append( group )
          # Keep existing groups with no VOMS attribute if any
          if group in noVOMSGroups:
            keepGroups.append( group )
        userDict['Groups'] = keepGroups
        if self.autoModifyUsers:
          result = self.csapi.modifyUser( diracName, userDict )
          if result['OK'] and result['Value']:
            self.voChanged = True

    # Check if there are potentially obsoleted users
    oldUsers = set()
    for user in diracUserDict:
      dn = diracUserDict[user]['DN']
      if not dn in vomsUserDict and not user in nonVOUserDict:
        for group in diracUserDict[user]['Groups']:
          if not group in noVOMSGroups:
            oldUsers.add( user )
    if oldUsers:
      self.voChanged = True
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( 'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' % str( oldUsers ) )
      self.log.info( 'The following users to be checked for deletion: %s' % str( oldUsers ) )

    return S_OK()
Exemple #9
class GOCDB2CSAgent (AgentModule):
  """ Class to retrieve information about service endpoints
      from GOCDB and update configuration stored by CS

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ c'tor
    super(GOCDB2CSAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.GOCDBClient = None
    self.csAPI = None
    self.dryRun = False

  def initialize(self):
    """ Run at the agent initialization (normally every 500 cycles)
    # client to connect to GOCDB
    self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

    # API needed to update configuration stored by CS
    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()

  def execute(self):
    Execute GOCDB queries according to the function map
    and user request (options in configuration).

    # __functionMap is at the end of the class definition
    for option, functionCall in GOCDB2CSAgent.__functionMap.iteritems():
      optionValue = self.am_getOption(option, True)
      if optionValue:
        result = functionCall(self)
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error("%s() failed with message: %s" % (functionCall.__name__, result['Message']))
          self.log.info("Successfully executed %s" % functionCall.__name__)

    return S_OK()

  def updatePerfSONARConfiguration(self):
    Get current status of perfSONAR endpoints from GOCDB
    and update CS configuration accordingly.
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('updatePerfSONAREndpoints')
    log.debug('Begin function ...')

    # get endpoints
    result = self.__getPerfSONAREndpoints()
    if not result['OK']:
      log.error("__getPerfSONAREndpoints() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
      return S_ERROR('Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from GOCDB.')
    endpointList = result['Value']

    # add DIRAC site name
    result = self.__addDIRACSiteName(endpointList)
    if not result['OK']:
      log.error("__addDIRACSiteName() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
      return S_ERROR('Unable to extend the list with DIRAC site names.')
    extendedEndpointList = result['Value']

    # prepare dictionary with new configuration
    result = self.__preparePerfSONARConfiguration(extendedEndpointList)
    if not result['OK']:
      log.error("__preparePerfSONARConfiguration() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
      return S_ERROR('Unable to prepare a new perfSONAR configuration.')
    finalConfiguration = result['Value']

    # update configuration according to the final status of endpoints
    log.debug("Configuration updated succesfully")

    log.debug('End function.')
    return S_OK()

  def __getPerfSONAREndpoints(self):
    Retrieve perfSONAR endpoint information directly from GOCDB.

    :return: List of perfSONAR endpoints (dictionaries) as stored by GOCDB.

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__getPerfSONAREndpoints')
    log.debug('Begin function ...')

    # get perfSONAR endpoints (latency and bandwidth) form GOCDB
    endpointList = []
    for endpointType in ['Latency', 'Bandwidth']:
      result = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo('service_type', 'net.perfSONAR.%s' % endpointType)

      if not result['OK']:
        log.error("getServiceEndpointInfo() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
        return S_ERROR('Could not fetch %s endpoints from GOCDB' % endpointType.lower())

      log.debug('Number of %s endpoints: %s' % (endpointType.lower(), len(result['Value'])))

    log.debug('Number of perfSONAR endpoints: %s' % len(endpointList))
    log.debug('End function.')
    return S_OK(endpointList)

  def __preparePerfSONARConfiguration(self, endpointList):
    Prepare a dictionary with a new CS configuration of perfSONAR endpoints.

    :return: Dictionary where keys are configuration paths (options and sections)
             and values are values of corresponding options
             or None in case of a path pointing to a section.

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__preparePerfSONARConfiguration')
    log.debug('Begin function ...')

    # static elements of a path
    rootPath = '/Resources/Sites'
    extPath = 'Network'
    baseOptionName = 'Enabled'
    options = {baseOptionName: 'True', 'ServiceType': 'perfSONAR'}

    # enable GOCDB endpoints in configuration
    newConfiguration = {}
    for endpoint in endpointList:
      if endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'] is None:

      split = endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'].split('.')
      path = cfgPath(rootPath, split[0], endpoint['DIRACSITENAME'], extPath, endpoint['HOSTNAME'])
      for name, defaultValue in options.iteritems():
        newConfiguration[cfgPath(path, name)] = defaultValue

    # get current configuration
    currentConfiguration = {}
    for option in options.iterkeys():
      result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree(rootPath, extPath + '/', '/' + option)
      if not result['OK']:
        log.error("getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
        return S_ERROR('Unable to fetch perfSONAR endpoints from CS.')

    # disable endpoints that disappeared in GOCDB
    removedElements = set(currentConfiguration) - set(newConfiguration)
    newElements = set(newConfiguration) - set(currentConfiguration)

    addedEndpoints = len(newElements) / len(options)
    disabledEndpoints = 0
    for path in removedElements:
      if baseOptionName in path:
        newConfiguration[path] = 'False'
        if currentConfiguration[path] != 'False':
          disabledEndpoints = disabledEndpoints + 1

    # inform what will be changed
    if addedEndpoints > 0:
      self.log.info("%s new perfSONAR endpoints will be added to the configuration" % addedEndpoints)

    if disabledEndpoints > 0:
      self.log.info("%s old perfSONAR endpoints will be disable in the configuration" % disabledEndpoints)

    if addedEndpoints == 0 and disabledEndpoints == 0:
      self.log.info("perfSONAR configuration is up-to-date")

    log.debug('End function.')
    return S_OK(newConfiguration)

  def __addDIRACSiteName(self, inputList):
    Extend given list of GOCDB endpoints with DIRAC site name, i.e.
    add an entry "DIRACSITENAME" in dictionaries that describe endpoints.
    If given site name could not be found "DIRACSITENAME" is set to 'None'.

    :return: List of perfSONAR endpoints (dictionaries).

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__addDIRACSiteName')
    log.debug('Begin function ...')

    # get site name dictionary
    result = getDIRACGOCDictionary()
    if not result['OK']:
      log.error("getDIRACGOCDictionary() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
      return S_ERROR('Could not get site name dictionary')

    # reverse the dictionary (assume 1 to 1 relation)
    DIRACGOCDict = result['Value']
    GOCDIRACDict = dict(zip(DIRACGOCDict.values(), DIRACGOCDict.keys()))

    # add DIRAC site names
    outputList = []
    for entry in inputList:
        entry['DIRACSITENAME'] = GOCDIRACDict[entry['SITENAME']]
      except KeyError:
        self.log.warn("No dictionary entry for %s. " % entry['SITENAME'])
        entry['DIRACSITENAME'] = None

    log.debug('End function.')
    return S_OK(outputList)

  def __updateConfiguration(self, setElements=None, delElements=None):
    Update configuration stored by CS.
    if setElements is None:
      setElements = {}
    if delElements is None:
      delElements = []

    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__updateConfiguration')
    log.debug('Begin function ...')

    # assure existence and proper value of a section or an option
    for path, value in setElements.iteritems():

      if value is None:
        section = path
        split = path.rsplit('/', 1)
        section = split[0]

        result = self.csAPI.createSection(section)
        if not result['OK']:
          log.error("createSection() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
      except Exception as e:
        log.error("Exception in createSection(): %s" % repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

      if value is not None:
          result = self.csAPI.setOption(path, value)
          if not result['OK']:
            log.error("setOption() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
        except Exception as e:
          log.error("Exception in setOption(): %s" % repr(e).replace(',)', ')'))

    # delete elements in the configuration
    for path in delElements:
      result = self.csAPI.delOption(path)
      if not result['OK']:
        log.warn("delOption() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])

        result = self.csAPI.delSection(path)
        if not result['OK']:
          log.warn("delSection() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])

    if self.dryRun:
      log.info("Dry Run: CS won't be updated")
      # update configuration stored by CS
      result = self.csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        log.error("commit() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'])
        return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes to CS.")
        log.info("Committed changes to CS")

    log.debug('End function.')
    return S_OK()

  # define mapping between an agent option in the configuration and a function call
  __functionMap = {'UpdatePerfSONARS': updatePerfSONARConfiguration,