Exemple #1
def findGenericPilotCredentials( vo = False, group = False ):
  if not group and not vo:
    return S_ERROR( "Need a group or a VO to determine the Generic pilot credentials" )
  if not vo:
    vo = Registry.getVOForGroup( group )
    if not vo:
      return S_ERROR( "Group %s does not have a VO associated" % group )
  opsHelper = Operations.Operations( vo = vo )
  pilotGroup = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/GenericPilotGroup", "" )
  pilotDN = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/GenericPilotDN", "" )
  if pilotDN and pilotGroup:
    gLogger.verbose( "Pilot credentials have been defined in the CS. Using %s@%s" % ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
    result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( pilotDN, pilotGroup, 86400 )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "%s@%s has no proxy uploaded to the ProxyManager" )
    return S_OK( ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
  #Auto discover
  gLogger.verbose( "Pilot credentials are not defined. Autodiscovering..." )
  if pilotGroup:
    pilotGroups = [ pilotGroup ]
    result = Registry.getGroupsWithProperty( Properties.GENERIC_PILOT )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    pilotGroups = []
    groups = result[ 'Value' ]
    if not groups:
      return S_ERROR( "No group with %s property defined" % Properties.GENERIC_PILOT )
    result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( vo )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    for voGroup in result[ 'Value' ]:
      if voGroup in groups:
        pilotGroups.append( voGroup )
  if not pilotGroups:
    return S_ERROR( "No group for VO %s is a generic pilot group" % vo )
  for pilotGroup in pilotGroups:
    DNs = Registry.getDNsInGroup( pilotGroup )
    if not DNs:
    if pilotDN:
      if pilotDN not in DNs:
      result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( pilotDN, pilotGroup, 86400 )
      if result[ 'OK' ] and result[ 'Value' ]:
        gLogger.verbose( "Discovered pilot credentials are %s@%s" % ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
        return S_OK( ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
      for DN in DNs:
        result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( DN, pilotGroup, 86400 )
        if result[ 'OK' ] and result[ 'Value' ]:
          gLogger.verbose( "Discovered pilot credentials are %s@%s" % ( DN, pilotGroup ) )
          return S_OK( ( DN, pilotGroup ) )

  if pilotDN:
    return S_ERROR( "DN %s does not have group %s" % ( pilotDN, pilotGroups ) )
  return S_ERROR( "No generic proxy in the Proxy Manager with groups %s" % pilotGroups )
Exemple #2
def findGenericPilotCredentials( vo = False, group = False ):
  if not group and not vo:
    return S_ERROR( "Need a group or a VO to determine the Generic pilot credentials" )
  if not vo:
    vo = Registry.getVOForGroup( group )
    if not vo:
      return S_ERROR( "Group %s does not have a VO associated" % group )
  opsHelper = Operations.Operations( vo = vo )
  pilotGroup = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/GenericPilotGroup", "" )
  pilotDN = opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/GenericPilotDN", "" )
  if pilotDN and pilotGroup:
    gLogger.verbose( "Pilot credentials from CS: %s@%s" % ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
    result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( pilotDN, pilotGroup, 86400 )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( "%s@%s has no proxy in ProxyManager" )
    return S_OK( ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
  #Auto discover
  gLogger.verbose( "Pilot credentials are not defined. Autodiscovering..." )
  if pilotGroup:
    pilotGroups = [ pilotGroup ]
    result = Registry.getGroupsWithProperty( Properties.GENERIC_PILOT )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    pilotGroups = []
    groups = result[ 'Value' ]
    if not groups:
      return S_ERROR( "No group with %s property defined" % Properties.GENERIC_PILOT )
    result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( vo )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    for voGroup in result[ 'Value' ]:
      if voGroup in groups:
        pilotGroups.append( voGroup )
  if not pilotGroups:
    return S_ERROR( "No generic pilot group for VO %s" % vo )
  for pilotGroup in pilotGroups:
    DNs = Registry.getDNsInGroup( pilotGroup )
    if not DNs:
    if pilotDN:
      if pilotDN not in DNs:
      result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( pilotDN, pilotGroup, 86400 )
      if result[ 'OK' ] and result[ 'Value' ]:
        gLogger.verbose( "Discovered pilot credentials: %s@%s" % ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
        return S_OK( ( pilotDN, pilotGroup ) )
      for DN in DNs:
        result = gProxyManager.userHasProxy( DN, pilotGroup, 86400 )
        if result[ 'OK' ] and result[ 'Value' ]:
          gLogger.verbose( "Discovered pilot credentials: %s@%s" % ( DN, pilotGroup ) )
          return S_OK( ( DN, pilotGroup ) )

  if pilotDN:
    return S_ERROR( "DN %s does not have group %s" % ( pilotDN, pilotGroups ) )
  return S_ERROR( "No generic proxy in the Proxy Manager with groups %s" % pilotGroups )
def mapVoToGroups(voname):
    Returns all groups available for a given VO as a set.

    vo_dict = Registry.getGroupsForVO(voname)
    if not vo_dict["OK"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Could not retrieve groups for vo %s." % voname)

    return set(vo_dict["Value"])
def mapVoToGroups( voname ):
  Returns all groups available for a given VO as a set.

  vo_dict =  Registry.getGroupsForVO( voname )
  if not vo_dict[ 'OK' ]:
    raise RuntimeError( 'Could not retrieve groups for vo %s.' % voname )

  return set( vo_dict[ 'Value' ] )
Exemple #5
    def _checkCredentials(self, resourceDict, credDict):
        """ Check if we can get a job given the passed credentials
        if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict['properties']:
            # You can only match groups in the same VO
            if credDict['group'] == "hosts":
                # for the host case the VirtualOrganization parameter
                # is mandatory in resourceDict
                vo = resourceDict.get('VirtualOrganization', '')
                vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(credDict['group'])
            if 'OwnerGroup' not in resourceDict:
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(vo)
                if result['OK']:
                    resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = result['Value']
                    raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
            # If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
            if Properties.PILOT in credDict['properties']:
                    "Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN")
                resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
            # If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
            # belongs to the same group
            elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict['properties']:
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']
                    "Setting the resource group to the credentials group")
                if 'OwnerDN' in resourceDict and resourceDict[
                        'OwnerDN'] != credDict['DN']:
                    ownerDN = resourceDict['OwnerDN']
                    result = Registry.getGroupsForDN(resourceDict['OwnerDN'])
                    if not result['OK']:
                        raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
                    if credDict['group'] not in result['Value']:
                        # DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
                            "You cannot request jobs from this DN, as it does not belong to your group!",
                            "(%s)" % ownerDN)
                        resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
            # Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
                resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']

        return resourceDict
Exemple #6
  def _checkCredentials(self, resourceDict, credDict):
    """ Check if we can get a job given the passed credentials
    if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict['properties']:
      # You can only match groups in the same VO
      if credDict['group'] == "hosts":
        # for the host case the VirtualOrganization parameter
        # is mandatory in resourceDict
        vo = resourceDict.get('VirtualOrganization', '')
        vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(credDict['group'])
      if 'OwnerGroup' not in resourceDict:
        result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(vo)
        if result['OK']:
          resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = result['Value']
          raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
      # If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
      if Properties.PILOT in credDict['properties']:
        self.log.notice("Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN")
        resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
      # If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
      # belongs to the same group
      elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict['properties']:
        resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']
        self.log.notice("Setting the resource group to the credentials group")
        if 'OwnerDN' in resourceDict and resourceDict['OwnerDN'] != credDict['DN']:
          ownerDN = resourceDict['OwnerDN']
          result = Registry.getGroupsForDN(resourceDict['OwnerDN'])
          if not result['OK']:
            raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
          if credDict['group'] not in result['Value']:
            # DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
            self.log.notice("You cannot request jobs from DN %s. It does not belong to your group!" % ownerDN)
            resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
      # Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
        resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
        resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']

    return resourceDict
Exemple #7
    def getValidGroups(self, rawProperties):
        """  Get valid groups as specified in the method authorization rules

    :param rawProperties: all method properties
    :type rawProperties: python:list
    :return: list of allowed groups or []
        validGroups = []
        for prop in list(rawProperties):
            if prop.startswith('group:'):
                prop = prop.replace('group:', '')
            elif prop.startswith('vo:'):
                vo = prop.replace('vo:', '')
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(vo)
                if result['OK']:

        validGroups = list(set(validGroups))
        return validGroups
Exemple #8
  def _checkCredentials( self, resourceDict, credDict ):
    """ Check if we can get a job given the passed credentials
    # Check credentials if not generic pilot
    if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
      # You can only match groups in the same VO
      vo = Registry.getVOForGroup( credDict[ 'group' ] )
      result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( vo )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = result[ 'Value' ]
        raise RuntimeError( result['Message'] )
      # If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
      if Properties.PILOT in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
        self.log.notice( "Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN" )
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
      # If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
      # belongs to the same group
      elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = credDict[ 'group' ]
        self.log.notice( "Setting the resource group to the credentials group" )
        if 'OwnerDN'  in resourceDict and resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] != credDict[ 'DN' ]:
          ownerDN = resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ]
          result = Registry.getGroupsForDN( resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] )
          if not result[ 'OK' ]:
            raise RuntimeError( result['Message'] )
          if credDict[ 'group' ] not in result[ 'Value' ]:
            # DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
            self.log.notice( "You cannot request jobs from DN %s. It does not belong to your group!" % ownerDN )
            resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
      # Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = credDict[ 'group' ]

    return resourceDict
  def beginExecution( self ):

    self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption( "GridEnv", getGridEnv() )
    # The SiteDirector is for a particular user community
    self.vo = self.am_getOption( "VO", '' )
    if not self.vo:
      self.vo = self.am_getOption( "Community", '' )
    if not self.vo:
      self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
    # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
    self.group = self.am_getOption( "Group", '' )
    # self.voGroups contain all the eligible user groups for pilots submutted by this SiteDirector
    self.voGroups = []

    # Choose the group for which pilots will be submitted. This is a hack until
    # we will be able to match pilots to VOs.
    if not self.group:
      if self.vo:
        result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( self.vo )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        for group in result['Value']:
          if 'NormalUser' in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup( group ):
            self.voGroups.append( group )
      self.voGroups = [ self.group ]

    result = findGenericPilotCredentials( vo = self.vo )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.pilotDN = self.am_getOption( "PilotDN", self.pilotDN )
    self.pilotGroup = self.am_getOption( "PilotGroup", self.pilotGroup )

    self.platforms = []
    self.sites = []
    self.defaultSubmitPools = ''
    if self.group:
      self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getGroupOption( self.group, 'SubmitPools', '' )
    elif self.vo:
      self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getVOOption( self.vo, 'SubmitPools', '' )

    self.pilot = self.am_getOption( 'PilotScript', DIRAC_PILOT )
    self.install = DIRAC_INSTALL
    self.extraModules = self.am_getOption( 'ExtraPilotModules', [] ) + DIRAC_MODULES
    self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption( 'WorkDirectory' )
    self.maxQueueLength = self.am_getOption( 'MaxQueueLength', 86400 * 3 )
    self.pilotLogLevel = self.am_getOption( 'PilotLogLevel', 'INFO' )
    self.maxJobsInFillMode = self.am_getOption( 'MaxJobsInFillMode', self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    self.maxPilotsToSubmit = self.am_getOption( 'MaxPilotsToSubmit', self.maxPilotsToSubmit )
    self.pilotWaitingFlag = self.am_getOption( 'PilotWaitingFlag', True )
    self.pilotWaitingTime = self.am_getOption( 'MaxPilotWaitingTime', 3600 )
    self.failedQueueCycleFactor = self.am_getOption( 'FailedQueueCycleFactor', 10 )
    self.pilotStatusUpdateCycleFactor = self.am_getOption( 'PilotStatusUpdateCycleFactor', 10 ) 

    # Flags
    self.updateStatus = self.am_getOption( 'UpdatePilotStatus', True )
    self.getOutput = self.am_getOption( 'GetPilotOutput', True )
    self.sendAccounting = self.am_getOption( 'SendPilotAccounting', True )

    # Get the site description dictionary
    siteNames = None
    if not self.am_getOption( 'Site', 'Any' ).lower() == "any":
      siteNames = self.am_getOption( 'Site', [] )
      if not siteNames:
        siteNames = None
    ceTypes = None
    if not self.am_getOption( 'CETypes', 'Any' ).lower() == "any":
      ceTypes = self.am_getOption( 'CETypes', [] )
    ces = None
    if not self.am_getOption( 'CEs', 'Any' ).lower() == "any":
      ces = self.am_getOption( 'CEs', [] )
      if not ces:
        ces = None
    result = Resources.getQueues( community = self.vo,
                                  siteList = siteNames,
                                  ceList = ces,
                                  ceTypeList = ceTypes,
                                  mode = 'Direct' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    resourceDict = result['Value']
    result = self.getQueues( resourceDict )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    #if not siteNames:
    #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
    #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
    #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
    #  else:
    #    siteNames = [siteName]
    #self.siteNames = siteNames

    if self.updateStatus:
      self.log.always( 'Pilot status update requested' )
    if self.getOutput:
      self.log.always( 'Pilot output retrieval requested' )
    if self.sendAccounting:
      self.log.always( 'Pilot accounting sending requested' )

    self.log.always( 'Sites:', siteNames )
    self.log.always( 'CETypes:', ceTypes )
    self.log.always( 'CEs:', ces )
    self.log.always( 'PilotDN:', self.pilotDN )
    self.log.always( 'PilotGroup:', self.pilotGroup )
    self.log.always( 'MaxPilotsToSubmit:', self.maxPilotsToSubmit )
    self.log.always( 'MaxJobsInFillMode:', self.maxJobsInFillMode )

    self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
    self.proxy = ''

    if self.firstPass:
      if self.queueDict:
        self.log.always( "Agent will serve queues:" )
        for queue in self.queueDict:
          self.log.always( "Site: %s, CE: %s, Queue: %s" % ( self.queueDict[queue]['Site'],
                                                           queue ) )
    self.firstPass = False
    return S_OK()
Exemple #10
    def beginExecution(self):

        self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption("GridEnv", getGridEnv())
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user community
        self.vo = self.am_getOption("Community", '')
        if not self.vo:
            self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
        self.group = self.am_getOption("Group", '')
        # self.voGroups contain all the eligible user groups for pilots submutted by this SiteDirector
        self.voGroups = []

        # Choose the group for which pilots will be submitted. This is a hack until
        # we will be able to match pilots to VOs.
        if not self.group:
            if self.vo:
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(self.vo)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
                for group in result['Value']:
                    if 'NormalUser' in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(group):
            self.voGroups = [self.group]

        result = findGenericPilotCredentials(vo=self.vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup = result['Value']
        self.pilotDN = self.am_getOption("PilotDN", self.pilotDN)
        self.pilotGroup = self.am_getOption("PilotGroup", self.pilotGroup)

        self.platforms = []
        self.sites = []
        self.defaultSubmitPools = ''
        if self.group:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getGroupOption(
                self.group, 'SubmitPools', '')
        elif self.vo:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getVOOption(
                self.vo, 'SubmitPools', '')

        self.pilot = self.am_getOption('PilotScript', DIRAC_PILOT)
        self.install = DIRAC_INSTALL
        self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption('WorkDirectory')
        self.maxQueueLength = self.am_getOption('MaxQueueLength', 86400 * 3)
        self.pilotLogLevel = self.am_getOption('PilotLogLevel', 'INFO')
        self.maxJobsInFillMode = self.am_getOption('MaxJobsInFillMode',
        self.maxPilotsToSubmit = self.am_getOption('MaxPilotsToSubmit',
        self.pilotWaitingFlag = self.am_getOption('PilotWaitingFlag', True)
        self.pilotWaitingTime = self.am_getOption('MaxPilotWaitingTime', 7200)

        # Flags
        self.updateStatus = self.am_getOption('UpdatePilotStatus', True)
        self.getOutput = self.am_getOption('GetPilotOutput', True)
        self.sendAccounting = self.am_getOption('SendPilotAccounting', True)

        # Get the site description dictionary
        siteNames = None
        if not self.am_getOption('Site', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            siteNames = self.am_getOption('Site', [])
        ceTypes = None
        if not self.am_getOption('CETypes', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            ceTypes = self.am_getOption('CETypes', [])
        ces = None
        if not self.am_getOption('CEs', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            ces = self.am_getOption('CEs', [])
        result = Resources.getQueues(community=self.vo,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        resourceDict = result['Value']
        result = self.getQueues(resourceDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        #if not siteNames:
        #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
        #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
        #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
        #  else:
        #    siteNames = [siteName]
        #self.siteNames = siteNames

        if self.updateStatus:
            self.log.always('Pilot status update requested')
        if self.getOutput:
            self.log.always('Pilot output retrieval requested')
        if self.sendAccounting:
            self.log.always('Pilot accounting sending requested')

        self.log.always('Sites:', siteNames)
        self.log.always('CETypes:', ceTypes)
        self.log.always('CEs:', ces)
        self.log.always('PilotDN:', self.pilotDN)
        self.log.always('PilotGroup:', self.pilotGroup)
        self.log.always('MaxPilotsToSubmit:', self.maxPilotsToSubmit)
        self.log.always('MaxJobsInFillMode:', self.maxJobsInFillMode)

        self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
        self.proxy = ''

        if self.queueDict:
            self.log.always("Agent will serve queues:")
            for queue in self.queueDict:
                self.log.always("Site: %s, CE: %s, Queue: %s" %
                                 self.queueDict[queue]['CEName'], queue))

        return S_OK()
Exemple #11
  def selectJob( self, resourceDescription ):
    """ Main job selection function to find the highest priority job
        matching the resource capacity

    startTime = time.time()
    resourceDict = self.__processResourceDescription( resourceDescription )

    credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
    #Check credentials if not generic pilot
    if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
      #You can only match groups in the same VO
      vo = Registry.getVOForGroup( credDict[ 'group' ] )
      result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( vo )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = result[ 'Value' ]
      #If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
      if Properties.PILOT in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
        gLogger.notice( "Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN" )
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
      #If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
      # belongs to the same group
      elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict[ 'properties' ]:
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = credDict[ 'group' ]
        gLogger.notice( "Setting the resource group to the credentials group" )
        if 'OwnerDN'  in resourceDict and resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] != credDict[ 'DN' ]:
          ownerDN = resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ]
          result = Registry.getGroupsForDN( resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] )
          if not result[ 'OK' ] or credDict[ 'group' ] not in result[ 'Value' ]:
            #DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
            gLogger.notice( "You cannot request jobs from DN %s. It does not belong to your group!" % ownerDN )
            resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
      #Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerDN' ] = credDict[ 'DN' ]
        resourceDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] = credDict[ 'group' ]

    # Check the pilot DIRAC version
    if self.__opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/CheckVersion", True ):
      if 'ReleaseVersion' not in resourceDict:
        if not 'DIRACVersion' in resourceDict:
          return S_ERROR( 'Version check requested and not provided by Pilot' )
          pilotVersion = resourceDict['DIRACVersion']
        pilotVersion = resourceDict['ReleaseVersion']

      validVersions = self.__opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Version", [] )
      if validVersions and pilotVersion not in validVersions:
        return S_ERROR( 'Pilot version does not match the production version %s not in ( %s )' % \
                       ( pilotVersion, ",".join( validVersions ) ) )
      #Check project if requested
      validProject = self.__opsHelper.getValue( "Pilot/Project", "" )
      if validProject:
        if 'ReleaseProject' not in resourceDict:
          return S_ERROR( "Version check requested but expected project %s not received" % validProject )
        if resourceDict[ 'ReleaseProject' ] != validProject:
          return S_ERROR( "Version check requested but expected project %s != received %s" % ( validProject,
                                                                                               resourceDict[ 'ReleaseProject' ] ) )

    # Update pilot information
    pilotInfoReported = False
    pilotReference = resourceDict.get( 'PilotReference', '' )
    if pilotReference:
      if "PilotInfoReportedFlag" in resourceDict and not resourceDict['PilotInfoReportedFlag']:
        gridCE = resourceDict.get( 'GridCE', 'Unknown' )
        site = resourceDict.get( 'Site', 'Unknown' )
        benchmark = benchmark = resourceDict.get( 'PilotBenchmark', 0.0 )
        gLogger.verbose('Reporting pilot info for %s: gridCE=%s, site=%s, benchmark=%f' % (pilotReference,gridCE,site,benchmark) )
        result = gPilotAgentsDB.setPilotStatus( pilotReference, status = 'Running',
                                                gridSite = site,
                                                destination = gridCE,
                                                benchmark = benchmark )
        if result['OK']:
          pilotInfoReported = True                                        
    #Check the site mask
    if not 'Site' in resourceDict:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing Site Name in Resource JDL' )

    # Get common site mask and check the agent site
    result = gJobDB.getSiteMask( siteState = 'Active' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Internal error: can not get site mask' )
    maskList = result['Value']

    siteName = resourceDict['Site']
    if siteName not in maskList:
      # if 'GridCE' not in resourceDict:
      #  return S_ERROR( 'Site not in mask and GridCE not specified' )
      # Even if the site is banned, if it defines a CE, it must be able to check it
      # del resourceDict['Site']
      # Banned site can only take Test jobs 
      resourceDict['JobType'] = 'Test'

    resourceDict['Setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']

    gLogger.verbose( "Resource description:" )
    for key in resourceDict:
      gLogger.verbose( "%s : %s" % ( key.rjust( 20 ), resourceDict[ key ] ) )

    negativeCond = self.__limiter.getNegativeCondForSite( siteName )
    result = gTaskQueueDB.matchAndGetJob( resourceDict, negativeCond = negativeCond )

    if DEBUG:
      print result

    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    result = result['Value']
    if not result['matchFound']:
      return S_ERROR( 'No match found' )

    jobID = result['jobId']
    resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'Status'] )
    if not resAtt['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not retrieve job attributes' )
    if not resAtt['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'No attributes returned for job' )
    if not resAtt['Value']['Status'] == 'Waiting':
      gLogger.error( 'Job matched by the TQ is not in Waiting state', str( jobID ) )
      result = gTaskQueueDB.deleteJob( jobID )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      return S_ERROR( "Job %s is not in Waiting state" % str( jobID ) )

    attNames = ['Status','MinorStatus','ApplicationStatus','Site']
    attValues = ['Matched','Assigned','Unknown',siteName]
    result = gJobDB.setJobAttributes( jobID, attNames, attValues )
    # result = gJobDB.setJobStatus( jobID, status = 'Matched', minor = 'Assigned' )
    result = gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord( jobID,
                                           status = 'Matched',
                                           minor = 'Assigned',
                                           source = 'Matcher' )

    result = gJobDB.getJobJDL( jobID )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get the job JDL' )

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['JDL'] = result['Value']
    resultDict['JobID'] = jobID

    matchTime = time.time() - startTime
    gLogger.info( "Match time: [%s]" % str( matchTime ) )
    gMonitor.addMark( "matchTime", matchTime )

    # Get some extra stuff into the response returned
    resOpt = gJobDB.getJobOptParameters( jobID )
    if resOpt['OK']:
      for key, value in resOpt['Value'].items():
        resultDict[key] = value
    resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes( jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup'] )
    if not resAtt['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Could not retrieve job attributes' )
    if not resAtt['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'No attributes returned for job' )

    if self.__opsHelper.getValue( "JobScheduling/CheckMatchingDelay", True ):
      self.__limiter.updateDelayCounters( siteName, jobID )

    # Report pilot-job association
    if pilotReference:
      result = gPilotAgentsDB.setCurrentJobID( pilotReference, jobID )
      result = gPilotAgentsDB.setJobForPilot( jobID, pilotReference, updateStatus=False )

    resultDict['DN'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerDN']
    resultDict['Group'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerGroup']
    resultDict['PilotInfoReportedFlag'] = pilotInfoReported
    return S_OK( resultDict )
Exemple #12
    def selectJob(self, resourceDescription):
        """ Main job selection function to find the highest priority job
        matching the resource capacity

        startTime = time.time()
        resourceDict = self.__processResourceDescription(resourceDescription)

        credDict = self.getRemoteCredentials()
        #Check credentials if not generic pilot
        if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in credDict['properties']:
            #You can only match groups in the same VO
            vo = Registry.getVOForGroup(credDict['group'])
            result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(vo)
            if result['OK']:
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = result['Value']
            #If it's a private pilot, the DN has to be the same
            if Properties.PILOT in credDict['properties']:
                gLogger.notice("Setting the resource DN to the credentials DN")
                resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
            #If it's a job sharing. The group has to be the same and just check that the DN (if any)
            # belongs to the same group
            elif Properties.JOB_SHARING in credDict['properties']:
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']
                    "Setting the resource group to the credentials group")
                if 'OwnerDN' in resourceDict and resourceDict[
                        'OwnerDN'] != credDict['DN']:
                    ownerDN = resourceDict['OwnerDN']
                    result = Registry.getGroupsForDN(resourceDict['OwnerDN'])
                    if not result['OK'] or credDict['group'] not in result[
                        #DN is not in the same group! bad boy.
                            "You cannot request jobs from DN %s. It does not belong to your group!"
                            % ownerDN)
                        resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
            #Nothing special, group and DN have to be the same
                resourceDict['OwnerDN'] = credDict['DN']
                resourceDict['OwnerGroup'] = credDict['group']

        # Check the pilot DIRAC version
        if self.__opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/CheckVersion", True):
            if 'ReleaseVersion' not in resourceDict:
                if not 'DIRACVersion' in resourceDict:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Version check requested and not provided by Pilot')
                    pilotVersion = resourceDict['DIRACVersion']
                pilotVersion = resourceDict['ReleaseVersion']

            validVersions = self.__opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/Version", [])
            if validVersions and pilotVersion not in validVersions:
                return S_ERROR( 'Pilot version does not match the production version %s not in ( %s )' % \
                               ( pilotVersion, ",".join( validVersions ) ) )
            #Check project if requested
            validProject = self.__opsHelper.getValue("Pilot/Project", "")
            if validProject:
                if 'ReleaseProject' not in resourceDict:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Version check requested but expected project %s not received"
                        % validProject)
                if resourceDict['ReleaseProject'] != validProject:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Version check requested but expected project %s != received %s"
                        % (validProject, resourceDict['ReleaseProject']))

        # Update pilot information
        pilotInfoReported = resourceDict.get('PilotInfoReportedFlag', False)
        pilotReference = resourceDict.get('PilotReference', '')
        if pilotReference and not pilotInfoReported:
            gridCE = resourceDict.get('GridCE', 'Unknown')
            site = resourceDict.get('Site', 'Unknown')
            benchmark = benchmark = resourceDict.get('PilotBenchmark', 0.0)
                'Reporting pilot info for %s: gridCE=%s, site=%s, benchmark=%f'
                % (pilotReference, gridCE, site, benchmark))
            result = gPilotAgentsDB.setPilotStatus(pilotReference,
            if result['OK']:
                pilotInfoReported = True

        #Check the site mask
        if not 'Site' in resourceDict:
            return S_ERROR('Missing Site Name in Resource JDL')

        # Get common site mask and check the agent site
        result = gJobDB.getSiteMask(siteState='Active')
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Internal error: can not get site mask')
        maskList = result['Value']

        siteName = resourceDict['Site']
        if siteName not in maskList:

            # if 'GridCE' not in resourceDict:
            #  return S_ERROR( 'Site not in mask and GridCE not specified' )
            # Even if the site is banned, if it defines a CE, it must be able to check it
            # del resourceDict['Site']

            # Banned site can only take Test jobs
            resourceDict['JobType'] = 'Test'

        resourceDict['Setup'] = self.serviceInfoDict['clientSetup']

        gLogger.verbose("Resource description:")
        for key in resourceDict:
            gLogger.verbose("%s : %s" % (key.rjust(20), resourceDict[key]))

        negativeCond = self.__limiter.getNegativeCondForSite(siteName)
        result = gTaskQueueDB.matchAndGetJob(resourceDict,

        if DEBUG:
            print result

        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        result = result['Value']
        if not result['matchFound']:
            return S_ERROR('No match found')

        jobID = result['jobId']
        resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID,
                                         ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup', 'Status'])
        if not resAtt['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not retrieve job attributes')
        if not resAtt['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('No attributes returned for job')
        if not resAtt['Value']['Status'] == 'Waiting':
            gLogger.error('Job matched by the TQ is not in Waiting state',
            result = gTaskQueueDB.deleteJob(jobID)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            return S_ERROR("Job %s is not in Waiting state" % str(jobID))

        attNames = ['Status', 'MinorStatus', 'ApplicationStatus', 'Site']
        attValues = ['Matched', 'Assigned', 'Unknown', siteName]
        result = gJobDB.setJobAttributes(jobID, attNames, attValues)
        # result = gJobDB.setJobStatus( jobID, status = 'Matched', minor = 'Assigned' )
        result = gJobLoggingDB.addLoggingRecord(jobID,

        result = gJobDB.getJobJDL(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get the job JDL')

        resultDict = {}
        resultDict['JDL'] = result['Value']
        resultDict['JobID'] = jobID

        matchTime = time.time() - startTime
        gLogger.info("Match time: [%s]" % str(matchTime))
        gMonitor.addMark("matchTime", matchTime)

        # Get some extra stuff into the response returned
        resOpt = gJobDB.getJobOptParameters(jobID)
        if resOpt['OK']:
            for key, value in resOpt['Value'].items():
                resultDict[key] = value
        resAtt = gJobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID, ['OwnerDN', 'OwnerGroup'])
        if not resAtt['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Could not retrieve job attributes')
        if not resAtt['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('No attributes returned for job')

        if self.__opsHelper.getValue("JobScheduling/CheckMatchingDelay", True):
            self.__limiter.updateDelayCounters(siteName, jobID)

        # Report pilot-job association
        if pilotReference:
            result = gPilotAgentsDB.setCurrentJobID(pilotReference, jobID)
            result = gPilotAgentsDB.setJobForPilot(jobID,

        resultDict['DN'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerDN']
        resultDict['Group'] = resAtt['Value']['OwnerGroup']
        resultDict['PilotInfoReportedFlag'] = pilotInfoReported
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Exemple #13
    def beginExecution(self):

        # The Director is for a particular user community
        self.vo = self.am_getOption("VO", '')
        if not self.vo:
            self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
        self.group = self.am_getOption("Group", '')

        # Choose the group for which clouds will be submitted. This is a hack until
        # we will be able to match clouds to VOs.
        if not self.group:
            if self.vo:
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(self.vo)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
                self.voGroups = []
                for group in result['Value']:
                    if 'NormalUser' in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(group):
            self.voGroups = [self.group]

        result = findGenericCloudCredentials(vo=self.vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.cloudDN, self.cloudGroup = result['Value']
        self.maxVMsToSubmit = self.am_getOption('MaxVMsToSubmit', 1)
        self.runningPod = self.am_getOption('RunningPod', self.vo)

        # Get the site description dictionary
        siteNames = None
        if not self.am_getOption('Site', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            siteNames = self.am_getOption('Site', [])
            if not siteNames:
                siteNames = None
        ces = None
        if not self.am_getOption('CEs', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            ces = self.am_getOption('CEs', [])
            if not ces:
                ces = None

        result = getVMTypes(vo=self.vo, siteList=siteNames)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        resourceDict = result['Value']
        result = self.getEndpoints(resourceDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        # if not siteNames:
        #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
        #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
        #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
        #  else:
        #    siteNames = [siteName]
        #self.siteNames = siteNames

        self.log.always('Sites:', siteNames)
        self.log.always('CEs:', ces)
        self.log.always('CloudDN:', self.cloudDN)
        self.log.always('CloudGroup:', self.cloudGroup)

        self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
        self.proxy = ''

        if self.firstPass:
            if self.vmTypeDict:
                self.log.always("Agent will serve VM types:")
                for vmType in self.vmTypeDict:
                        "Site: %s, CE: %s, VMType: %s" %
                         self.vmTypeDict[vmType]['CEName'], vmType))
        self.firstPass = False
        return S_OK()
Exemple #14
    def beginExecution(self):

        self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption("GridEnv", getGridEnv())
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user community
        self.vo = self.am_getOption("Community", "")
        if not self.vo:
            self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
        self.group = self.am_getOption("Group", "")
        # self.voGroups contain all the eligible user groups for pilots submutted by this SiteDirector
        self.voGroups = []

        # Choose the group for which pilots will be submitted. This is a hack until
        # we will be able to match pilots to VOs.
        if not self.group:
            if self.vo:
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(self.vo)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
                for group in result["Value"]:
                    if "NormalUser" in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(group):
            self.voGroups = [self.group]

        result = findGenericPilotCredentials(vo=self.vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup = result["Value"]
        self.pilotDN = self.am_getOption("PilotDN", self.pilotDN)
        self.pilotGroup = self.am_getOption("PilotGroup", self.pilotGroup)

        self.platforms = []
        self.sites = []
        self.defaultSubmitPools = ""
        if self.group:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getGroupOption(self.group, "SubmitPools", "")
        elif self.vo:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getVOOption(self.vo, "SubmitPools", "")

        self.pilot = self.am_getOption("PilotScript", DIRAC_PILOT)
        self.install = DIRAC_INSTALL
        self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption("WorkDirectory")
        self.maxQueueLength = self.am_getOption("MaxQueueLength", 86400 * 3)
        self.pilotLogLevel = self.am_getOption("PilotLogLevel", "INFO")
        self.maxJobsInFillMode = self.am_getOption("MaxJobsInFillMode", self.maxJobsInFillMode)
        self.maxPilotsToSubmit = self.am_getOption("MaxPilotsToSubmit", self.maxPilotsToSubmit)
        self.pilotWaitingFlag = self.am_getOption("PilotWaitingFlag", True)
        self.pilotWaitingTime = self.am_getOption("MaxPilotWaitingTime", 7200)

        # Flags
        self.updateStatus = self.am_getOption("UpdatePilotStatus", True)
        self.getOutput = self.am_getOption("GetPilotOutput", True)
        self.sendAccounting = self.am_getOption("SendPilotAccounting", True)

        # Get the site description dictionary
        siteNames = None
        if not self.am_getOption("Site", "Any").lower() == "any":
            siteNames = self.am_getOption("Site", [])
        ceTypes = None
        if not self.am_getOption("CETypes", "Any").lower() == "any":
            ceTypes = self.am_getOption("CETypes", [])
        ces = None
        if not self.am_getOption("CEs", "Any").lower() == "any":
            ces = self.am_getOption("CEs", [])
        result = Resources.getQueues(
            community=self.vo, siteList=siteNames, ceList=ces, ceTypeList=ceTypes, mode="Direct"
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        resourceDict = result["Value"]
        result = self.getQueues(resourceDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        # if not siteNames:
        #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
        #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
        #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
        #  else:
        #    siteNames = [siteName]
        # self.siteNames = siteNames

        if self.updateStatus:
            self.log.always("Pilot status update requested")
        if self.getOutput:
            self.log.always("Pilot output retrieval requested")
        if self.sendAccounting:
            self.log.always("Pilot accounting sending requested")

        self.log.always("Sites:", siteNames)
        self.log.always("CETypes:", ceTypes)
        self.log.always("CEs:", ces)
        self.log.always("PilotDN:", self.pilotDN)
        self.log.always("PilotGroup:", self.pilotGroup)
        self.log.always("MaxPilotsToSubmit:", self.maxPilotsToSubmit)
        self.log.always("MaxJobsInFillMode:", self.maxJobsInFillMode)

        self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
        self.proxy = ""

        if self.queueDict:
            self.log.always("Agent will serve queues:")
            for queue in self.queueDict:
                    "Site: %s, CE: %s, Queue: %s"
                    % (self.queueDict[queue]["Site"], self.queueDict[queue]["CEName"], queue)

        return S_OK()