Exemple #1
    def __getGlue2CEInfo(self, vo):

        if vo in self.voBdiiCEDict:
            return S_OK(self.voBdiiCEDict[vo])
        self.log.info("Check for available CEs for VO", vo)
        totalResult = S_OK({})
        message = ""

        mainResult = getGlue2CEInfo(vo, host=self.host)
        if not mainResult["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed getting information from default bdii",
            message = mainResult["Message"]

        for bdii in reversed(self.alternativeBDIIs):
            resultAlt = getGlue2CEInfo(vo, host=bdii)
            if resultAlt["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Failed getting information from %s " % bdii,
                message = (message + "\n" + resultAlt["Message"]).strip()

        if mainResult["OK"]:

        if not totalResult[
                "Value"] and message:  # Dict is empty and we have an error message
            self.log.error("Error during BDII request", message)
            totalResult = S_ERROR(message)
            self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] = totalResult["Value"]

        return totalResult
Exemple #2
def getGridCEs(vo, bdiiInfo=None, ceBlackList=None, hostURL=None):
    """Get all the CEs available for a given VO and having queues in Production state

    :param str vo: VO name
    :param dict bddiInfo: information from BDII
    :param list ceBlackList: CEs from black list
    :param str hostURL: host URL

    :return: Dictionary with keys: OK, Value, BdiiInfo, UnknownCEs
    knownCEs = set()
    cesInInformation = set()
    if ceBlackList is not None:
        knownCEs = knownCEs.union(set(ceBlackList))

    ceBdiiDict = bdiiInfo
    if bdiiInfo is None:
        result = getGlue2CEInfo(vo, host=hostURL)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        ceBdiiDict = result["Value"]

    siteDict = {}
    for site in ceBdiiDict:
        siteCEs = set(ceBdiiDict[site]["CEs"].keys())
        newCEs = siteCEs - knownCEs
        if not newCEs:

        ceFullDict = {}
        for ce in newCEs:
            ceDict = {}
            ceInfo = ceBdiiDict[site]["CEs"][ce]
            ceType = "Unknown"
            ceDict["Queues"] = []
            for queue in ceInfo["Queues"]:
                queueStatus = ceInfo["Queues"][queue].get(
                    "GlueCEStateStatus", "UnknownStatus")
                if "production" in queueStatus.lower():
                    ceType = ceInfo["Queues"][queue].get(
                        "GlueCEImplementationName", "")
            if not ceDict["Queues"]:

            ceDict["CEType"] = ceType
            ceDict["GOCSite"] = site
            ceDict["CEID"] = ce
            systemName = ceInfo.get("GlueHostOperatingSystemName", "Unknown")
            systemVersion = ceInfo.get("GlueHostOperatingSystemVersion",
            systemRelease = ceInfo.get("GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease",
            ceDict["System"] = (systemName, systemVersion, systemRelease)

            ceFullDict[ce] = ceDict

        siteDict[site] = ceFullDict

    result = S_OK(siteDict)
    result["BdiiInfo"] = ceBdiiDict

    unknownCEs = knownCEs - cesInInformation
    result["UnknownCEs"] = unknownCEs
    return result
Exemple #3
def getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=None, log=None, onecore=False):
    """Get all the necessary updates for the already defined sites and CEs

    :param str vo: VO name
    :param dict bdiiInfo: information from DBII
    :param object log: logger
    :param bool onecore: whether to add single core copies of multicore queues, see the documentation about :ref:`CE`
       and the :mod:`~DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Agent.Bdii2CSAgent` configuration for details

    :result: S_OK(set)/S_ERROR()
    def addToChangeSet(entry, changeSet):
        """Inner function to update changeSet with entry (a tuple)

        :param tuple entry: entry to add to changeSet
        :param set changeSet: set collecting stuff to change
        _section, _option, value, new_value = entry
        if new_value and new_value != value:

    def dropTag(tags, tagToDrop):
        """Remove tag from a comma-separated string of tags.

        :param str tags: the string of current tags
        :param str tagToDrop: the tag to potentially remove
        :return: string of comma separated tags
        return ",".join(sorted(set(tags.split(",")).difference({tagToDrop

    def addTag(tags, tagToAdd):
        """Add tag to a comma-separated string of tags.

        :param str tags: the string of current tags
        :param str tagToAdd: the tag to potentially add
        :return: string of comma separated tags
        return ",".join(sorted(set(tags.split(",")).union({tagToAdd

    if log is None:
        log = gLogger

    ceBdiiDict = bdiiInfo
    if bdiiInfo is None:
        result = getGlue2CEInfo(vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        ceBdiiDict = result["Value"]

    if onecore:
        # If enabled this creates a copy of the queue with multiple processors and sets NumberOfProcessors to 1 for ARC
        # and HTCondorCE entries

        def makeNewQueueName(queueName, ceType):
            """Create a new queueName for single core queues."""
            if ceType == "HTCondorCE":
                return queueName + "1core"
            # we should have only ARC left, we add 1core to the middle part
            queueNameSplit = queueName.split("-", 2)
            queueNameSplit[1] = queueNameSplit[1] + "1core"
            return "-".join(queueNameSplit)

        for siteName, ceDict in ceBdiiDict.items():
            for _ceName, ceInfo in ceDict["CEs"].items():
                newQueues = dict()
                for queueName, queueDict in ceInfo["Queues"].items():
                    if (queueDict["GlueCEImplementationName"]
                            not in ("ARC", "HTCondorCE") or int(
                                queueDict.get("NumberOfProcessors", 1)) == 1):
                    newQueueName = makeNewQueueName(
                        queueName, queueDict["GlueCEImplementationName"])
                    newQueueDict = deepcopy(queueDict)
                    newQueueDict["NumberOfProcessors"] = 1
                    newQueues[newQueueName] = newQueueDict


    changeSet = set()
    for site in ceBdiiDict:
        result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
        if not result["OK"]:
        siteNames = result["Value"]
        for siteName in siteNames:
            siteSection = cfgPath("/Resources", "Sites",
                                  siteName.split(".")[0], siteName)
            result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(siteSection)
            if not result["OK"]:
            siteDict = result["Value"]
            # Current CS values
            coor = siteDict.get("Coordinates", "Unknown")
            mail = siteDict.get("Mail", "Unknown").replace(" ", "")
            description = siteDict.get("Description", "Unknown")
            description = description.replace(" ,", ",")

            longitude = ceBdiiDict[site].get("GlueSiteLongitude", "").strip()
            latitude = ceBdiiDict[site].get("GlueSiteLatitude", "").strip()

            # Current BDII value
            newcoor = ""
            if longitude and latitude:
                newcoor = "%s:%s" % (longitude, latitude)
            newmail = ceBdiiDict[site].get("GlueSiteSysAdminContact",
                                           "").replace("mailto:", "").strip()
            newdescription = ceBdiiDict[site].get("GlueSiteDescription",
            newdescription = ", ".join(
                [line.strip() for line in newdescription.split(",")])

            # Adding site data to the changes list
            addToChangeSet((siteSection, "Coordinates", coor, newcoor),
            addToChangeSet((siteSection, "Mail", mail, newmail), changeSet)
                (siteSection, "Description", description, newdescription),

            ces = gConfig.getSections(cfgPath(siteSection, "CEs"))
            for ce in ces.get("Value", []):
                ceSection = cfgPath(siteSection, "CEs", ce)
                ceDict = {}
                result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(ceSection)
                if result["OK"]:
                    ceDict = result["Value"]
                    if ceBdiiDict[site]["CEs"].get(ce, None):
                        log.notice("Adding new CE",
                                   "%s to site %s/%s" % (ce, siteName, site))
                ceInfo = ceBdiiDict[site]["CEs"].get(ce, None)
                if ceInfo is None:
                    ceType = ceDict.get("CEType", "")

                # Current CS CE info
                arch = ceDict.get("architecture", "Unknown")
                OS = ceDict.get("OS", "Unknown")
                si00 = ceDict.get("SI00", "Unknown")
                ceType = ceDict.get("CEType", "Unknown")
                ram = ceDict.get("MaxRAM", "Unknown")
                submissionMode = ceDict.get("SubmissionMode", "Unknown")

                # Current BDII CE info
                newarch = ceBdiiDict[site]["CEs"][ce].get(
                    "GlueHostArchitecturePlatformType", "").strip()
                systemName = ceInfo.get("GlueHostOperatingSystemName",
                systemVersion = ceInfo.get("GlueHostOperatingSystemVersion",
                systemRelease = ceInfo.get("GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease",
                newOS = ""
                if systemName and systemVersion and systemRelease:
                    newOS = "_".join(
                        (systemName, systemVersion, systemRelease))
                newsi00 = ceInfo.get("GlueHostBenchmarkSI00", "").strip()
                newCEType = "Unknown"
                for queue in ceInfo["Queues"]:
                    queueDict = ceInfo["Queues"][queue]
                    newCEType = queueDict.get("GlueCEImplementationName",
                    if newCEType:
                if newCEType == "ARC-CE":
                    newCEType = "ARC"

                newSubmissionMode = None
                if newCEType in ["ARC", "CREAM"]:
                    newSubmissionMode = "Direct"
                newRAM = ceInfo.get("GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize", "").strip()
                # Protect from unreasonable values
                if newRAM and int(newRAM) > 150000:
                    newRAM = ""

                # Adding CE data to the change list
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, "architecture", arch, newarch),
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, "OS", OS, newOS), changeSet)
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, "SI00", si00, newsi00), changeSet)
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, "CEType", ceType, newCEType),
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, "MaxRAM", ram, newRAM), changeSet)
                if submissionMode == "Unknown" and newSubmissionMode:
                    addToChangeSet((ceSection, "SubmissionMode",
                                    submissionMode, newSubmissionMode),

                for queue, queueInfo in ceInfo["Queues"].items():
                    queueStatus = queueInfo["GlueCEStateStatus"]
                    queueSection = cfgPath(ceSection, "Queues", queue)
                    queueDict = {}
                    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(queueSection)
                    if result["OK"]:
                        queueDict = result["Value"]
                        if queueStatus.lower() == "production":
                            log.notice("Adding new queue",
                                       "%s to CE %s" % (queue, ce))

                    # Current CS queue info
                    maxCPUTime = queueDict.get("maxCPUTime", "Unknown")
                    si00 = queueDict.get("SI00", "Unknown")
                    maxTotalJobs = queueDict.get("MaxTotalJobs", "Unknown")

                    # Current BDII queue info
                    newMaxCPUTime = queueInfo.get("GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime", "")
                    if newMaxCPUTime == "4" * len(
                            newMaxCPUTime) or newMaxCPUTime == "9" * len(
                        newMaxCPUTime = ""
                    wallTime = queueInfo.get("GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime",
                    if wallTime == "4" * len(
                            wallTime) or wallTime == "9" * len(wallTime):
                        wallTime = ""
                    if wallTime and int(wallTime) > 0:
                        if not newMaxCPUTime:
                            newMaxCPUTime = str(int(0.8 * int(wallTime)))
                            if int(wallTime) <= int(newMaxCPUTime):
                                newMaxCPUTime = str(int(0.8 * int(wallTime)))
                    newSI00 = ""
                    caps = queueInfo.get("GlueCECapability", [])
                    if isinstance(caps, str):
                        caps = [caps]
                    for cap in caps:
                        if "CPUScalingReferenceSI00" in cap:
                            newSI00 = cap.split("=")[-1]

                    # tags, processors, localCEType
                    tag = queueDict.get("Tag", "")
                    reqTag = queueDict.get("RequiredTag", "")
                    # LocalCEType can be empty (equivalent to "InProcess")
                    # or "Pool", "Singularity", but also "Pool/Singularity"
                    localCEType = queueDict.get("LocalCEType", "")
                        localCEType_inner = localCEType.split("/")[1]
                    except IndexError:
                        localCEType_inner = ""

                    numberOfProcessors = int(
                        queueDict.get("NumberOfProcessors", 0))
                    newNOP = int(queueInfo.get("NumberOfProcessors", 1))

                    # Adding queue info to the CS
                    addToChangeSet((queueSection, "maxCPUTime", maxCPUTime,
                                    newMaxCPUTime), changeSet)
                    addToChangeSet((queueSection, "SI00", si00, newSI00),

                    # add RequiredTag if onecore is enabled, do this here for previously created MultiCore queues
                    if newNOP > 1 and onecore:
                        addToChangeSet((queueSection, "RequiredTag", reqTag,
                                        addTag(reqTag, "MultiProcessor")),

                    if newNOP != numberOfProcessors:
                        addToChangeSet((queueSection, "NumberOfProcessors",
                                        numberOfProcessors, newNOP), changeSet)
                        if newNOP > 1:
                            # if larger than one, add MultiProcessor to site tags, and LocalCEType=Pool
                            addToChangeSet((queueSection, "Tag", tag,
                                            addTag(tag, "MultiProcessor")),

                            if localCEType_inner:
                                newLocalCEType = "Pool/" + localCEType_inner
                                newLocalCEType = "Pool"
                            addToChangeSet((queueSection, "LocalCEType",
                                            localCEType, newLocalCEType),
                            # if not larger than one, drop MultiProcessor Tag.
                            # Here we do not change the LocalCEType as Pool CE would still be perfectly valid.
                            changeSet.add((queueSection, "Tag", tag,
                                           dropTag(tag, "MultiProcessor")))
                            if onecore:
                                    (queueSection, "RequiredTag", reqTag,
                                     dropTag(reqTag, "MultiProcessor")))

                    if maxTotalJobs == "Unknown":
                        newTotalJobs = min(
                                int(queueInfo.get("GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs", 0)) /
                        newWaitingJobs = max(2, int(newTotalJobs * 0.1))
                        newTotalJobs = str(newTotalJobs)
                        newWaitingJobs = str(newWaitingJobs)
                            (queueSection, "MaxTotalJobs", "", newTotalJobs),
                        addToChangeSet((queueSection, "MaxWaitingJobs", "",
                                        newWaitingJobs), changeSet)

                    # Updating eligible VO list
                    VOs = set()
                    if queueDict.get("VO", ""):
                        VOs = set([
                            for q in queueDict.get("VO", "").split(",") if q
                    if vo not in VOs:
                        VOs = list(VOs)
                        newVOs = ",".join(VOs)
                        addToChangeSet((queueSection, "VO", "", newVOs),

    return S_OK(changeSet)