def export_updateSoftware( self, version, rootPath = "", gridVersion = "" ):
    """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

    # Check that we have a sane local configuration
    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/LocalInstallation' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration' )
    elif not result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration' )

    if rootPath and not os.path.exists( rootPath ):
      return S_ERROR( 'Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath )
    # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
    installOracleClient = False
    oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient', 'unknown' )
    if oracleFlag.lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
      installOracleClient = True
    elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
      result = systemCall( 30, ['python', '-c', 'import cx_Oracle'] )
      if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] == 0:
        installOracleClient = True

    cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
    if rootPath:
      cmdList.extend( ['-P', rootPath] )

    # Check if there are extensions
    extensionList = getCSExtensions()
    webFlag = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/WebPortal', False )
    if webFlag:
      extensionList.append( 'Web' )
    if extensionList:
      cmdList += ['-e', ','.join( extensionList )]

    # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
    if gridVersion:
      cmdList.extend( ['-g', gridVersion] )

    targetPath = gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/TargetPath',
                                  gConfig.getValue( '/LocalInstallation/RootPath', '' ) )
    if targetPath and os.path.exists( targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg' ):
      cmdList.append( targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg' )
      return S_ERROR( 'Local configuration not found' )

    result = systemCall( 240, cmdList )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    status = result['Value'][0]
    if status != 0:
      # Get error messages
      error = []
      output = result['Value'][1].split( '\n' )
      for line in output:
        line = line.strip()
        if 'error' in line.lower():
          error.append( line )
      if error:
        message = '\n'.join( error )
        message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
      return S_ERROR( message )

    # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
    if os.path.exists( InstallTools.mysqlDir ):
      startupScript = os.path.join( InstallTools.instancePath,
                                    'mysql', 'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server' )
      if not os.path.exists( startupScript ):
        startupScript = os.path.join( InstallTools.instancePath, 'pro',
                                     'mysql', 'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server' )
      if os.path.exists( startupScript ):
        InstallTools.fixMySQLScripts( startupScript )

    # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
    if installOracleClient:
      result = systemCall( 30, '' )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      status = result['Value'][0]
      if status != 0:
        # Get error messages
        error = result['Value'][1].split( '\n' )
        error.extend( result['Value'][2].split( '\n' ) )
        error.append( 'Failed to install Oracle client module' )
        return S_ERROR( '\n'.join( error ) )
    return S_OK()
    def export_updateSoftware(self, version, rootPath="", gridVersion=""):
        """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict('/LocalInstallation')
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'
        elif not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR(
                'Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration'

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)
        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        installOracleClient = False
        oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient',
        if oracleFlag.lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
            installOracleClient = True
        elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
            result = systemCall(0, ['python', '-c', 'import cx_Oracle'])
            if result['OK'] and result['Value'][0] == 0:
                installOracleClient = True

        cmdList = ['dirac-install', '-r', version, '-t', 'server']
        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(['-P', rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        webFlag = gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/WebPortal', False)
        if webFlag:
        if extensionList:
            cmdList += ['-e', ','.join(extensionList)]

        # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
        if gridVersion:
            cmdList.extend(['-g', gridVersion])

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            gConfig.getValue('/LocalInstallation/RootPath', ''))
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg'):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + '/etc/dirac.cfg')
            return S_ERROR('Local configuration not found')

        result = systemCall(0, cmdList)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        status = result['Value'][0]
        if status != 0:
            # Get error messages
            error = []
            output = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
            for line in output:
                line = line.strip()
                if 'error' in line.lower():
            if error:
                message = '\n'.join(error)
                message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
            return S_ERROR(message)

        # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
        if os.path.exists(InstallTools.mysqlDir):
            startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, 'mysql',
                                         'share', 'mysql', 'mysql.server')
            if not os.path.exists(startupScript):
                startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, 'pro',
                                             'mysql', 'share', 'mysql',
            if os.path.exists(startupScript):

        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        if installOracleClient:
            result = systemCall(0, '')
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            status = result['Value'][0]
            if status != 0:
                # Get error messages
                error = result['Value'][1].split('\n')
                error.append('Failed to install Oracle client module')
                return S_ERROR('\n'.join(error))
        return S_OK()
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# $HeadURL$
# File :    dirac-fix-mysql-script
# Author :  Ricardo Graciani
Fixes the mysql.server script, it requires a proper /LocalInstallation section
__RCSID__ = "$Id$"
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script
    __doc__.split('\n')[1], 'Usage:',
    '  %s [option] ... [cfgfile]' % Script.scriptName

Script.addDefaultOptionValue('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes')
Script.addDefaultOptionValue('LogLevel', 'INFO')
from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import InstallTools
InstallTools.exitOnError = True
result = InstallTools.fixMySQLScripts()
if not result['OK']:
    print "ERROR:", result['Message']
    def export_updateSoftware(self, version, rootPath="", gridVersion=""):
        """ Update the local DIRAC software installation to version

        # Check that we have a sane local configuration
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict("/LocalInstallation")
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid installation - missing /LocalInstallation section in the configuration")
        elif not result["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid installation - empty /LocalInstallation section in the configuration")

        if rootPath and not os.path.exists(rootPath):
            return S_ERROR('Path "%s" does not exists' % rootPath)
        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        installOracleClient = False
        oracleFlag = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/InstallOracleClient", "unknown")
        if oracleFlag.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
            installOracleClient = True
        elif oracleFlag.lower() == "unknown":
            result = systemCall(30, ["python", "-c", "import cx_Oracle"])
            if result["OK"] and result["Value"][0] == 0:
                installOracleClient = True

        cmdList = ["dirac-install", "-r", version, "-t", "server"]
        if rootPath:
            cmdList.extend(["-P", rootPath])

        # Check if there are extensions
        extensionList = getCSExtensions()
        webFlag = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/WebPortal", False)
        if webFlag:
        if extensionList:
            cmdList += ["-e", ",".join(extensionList)]

        # Are grid middleware bindings required ?
        if gridVersion:
            cmdList.extend(["-g", gridVersion])

        targetPath = gConfig.getValue(
            "/LocalInstallation/TargetPath", gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/RootPath", "")
        if targetPath and os.path.exists(targetPath + "/etc/dirac.cfg"):
            cmdList.append(targetPath + "/etc/dirac.cfg")
            return S_ERROR("Local configuration not found")

        result = systemCall(240, cmdList)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        status = result["Value"][0]
        if status != 0:
            # Get error messages
            error = []
            output = result["Value"][1].split("\n")
            for line in output:
                line = line.strip()
                if "error" in line.lower():
            if error:
                message = "\n".join(error)
                message = "Failed to update software to %s" % version
            return S_ERROR(message)

        # Check if there is a MySQL installation and fix the server scripts if necessary
        if os.path.exists(InstallTools.mysqlDir):
            startupScript = os.path.join(InstallTools.instancePath, "mysql", "share", "mysql", "mysql.server")
            if not os.path.exists(startupScript):
                startupScript = os.path.join(
                    InstallTools.instancePath, "pro", "mysql", "share", "mysql", "mysql.server"
            if os.path.exists(startupScript):

        # For LHCb we need to check Oracle client
        if installOracleClient:
            result = systemCall(30, "")
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            status = result["Value"][0]
            if status != 0:
                # Get error messages
                error = result["Value"][1].split("\n")
                error.append("Failed to install Oracle client module")
                return S_ERROR("\n".join(error))
        return S_OK()
#!/usr/bin/env python
# $HeadURL$
# File :    dirac-fix-mysql-script
# Author :  Ricardo Graciani
Fixes the mysql.server script, it requires a proper /LocalInstallation section
__RCSID__ = "$Id$"
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script
Script.setUsageMessage( '\n'.join( [ __doc__.split( '\n' )[1],
                                     '  %s [option] ... [cfgfile]' % Script.scriptName ] ) )

Script.addDefaultOptionValue( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes' )
Script.addDefaultOptionValue( 'LogLevel', 'INFO' )
from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import InstallTools
InstallTools.exitOnError = True
result = InstallTools.fixMySQLScripts()
if not result['OK']:
  print "ERROR:", result['Message']
  exit( -1 )