def setMetadata(self, dPath, metaDict, credDict):
    """ Set the value of a given metadata field for the the given directory path

        :param str dPath: directory path
        :param dict metaDict: dictionary with the user metadata
        :param dict credDict: client credential dictionary

        :return: standard Dirac result object
    fMetaDict = _getMetaNameDict(metaDict, credDict)
    return super(MultiVOFileMetadata, self).setMetadata(dPath, fMetaDict, credDict)
  def findFilesByMetadata(self, metaDict, path, credDict):
    """ Find Files satisfying the given metadata

        :param dict metaDict: dictionary with the metaquery parameters
        :param str path: Path to search into
        :param dict credDict: Dictionary with the user credentials

        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR, Value ID:LFN dictionary of selected files

    fMetaDict = _getMetaNameDict(metaDict, credDict)
    return super(MultiVOFileMetadata, self).findFilesByMetadata(fMetaDict, path, credDict)