# InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
  if read and seOptions.has_key( 'ReadAccess' ):

    if not seOptions[ 'ReadAccess' ] in [ "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded" ]:
      gLogger.notice( 'Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                      ( se, seOptions[ 'ReadAccess' ], [ "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded" ] ) )
      gLogger.notice( 'Try specifying the command switches' )

    if 'ARCHIVE' in se:
      gLogger.notice( '%s is not supposed to change Read status to Active' % se )
      resR[ 'OK' ] = True

      resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus( se, 'ReadAccess', 'Active', reason, userName )
      if not resR['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Failed to update %s read access to Active" % se )
        gLogger.notice( "Successfully updated %s read access to Active" % se )
        readAllowed.append( se )

  # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
  if write and seOptions.has_key( 'WriteAccess' ):

    if not seOptions[ 'WriteAccess' ] in [ "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded" ]:
      gLogger.notice( 'Write option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                      ( se, seOptions[ 'WriteAccess' ], [ "InActive", "Banned", "Probing", "Degraded" ] ) )
      gLogger.notice( 'Try specifying the command switches' )
Exemple #2
for se, seOptions in res['Value'].items():

    resW = resC = resR = {'OK': False}

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if read and seOptions.has_key('ReadAccess'):

        if not seOptions['ReadAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
            gLogger.notice('Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                           (se, seOptions['ReadAccess'],
                            ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']))
            gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switches')

            resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus(
                se, 'ReadAccess', 'Banned', reason, userName)
            #res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/ReadAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
            if not resR['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Failed to update %s read access to Banned' % se)
                    'Successfully updated %s read access to Banned' % se)

    # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
    if write and seOptions.has_key('WriteAccess'):

        if not seOptions['WriteAccess'] in ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']:
            gLogger.notice('Write option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                           (se, seOptions['WriteAccess'],
                            ['Active', 'Degraded', 'Probing']))
    # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
    for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
        if statusFlagDict[statusType]:
            if seOptions.get(statusType) == "Active":
                gLogger.notice("%s status of %s is already Active" % (statusType, se))
            if seOptions.has_key(statusType):
                if not seOptions[statusType] in ALLOWED_STATUSES:
                        "%s option for %s is %s, instead of %s"
                        % (statusType, se, seOptions["ReadAccess"], ALLOWED_STATUSES)
                    gLogger.notice("Try specifying the command switches")

                resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus(se, statusType, "Active", reason, userName)
                if not resR["OK"]:
                    gLogger.error("Failed to update %s %s to Active" % (se, statusType))
                    gLogger.notice("Successfully updated %s %s to Active" % (se, statusType))

    if not (resR["OK"] or resW["OK"] or resC["OK"]):

totalAllowed = 0
totalAllowedSEs = []
for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
    totalAllowed += len(statusAllowedDict[statusType])
    totalAllowedSEs += statusAllowedDict[statusType]
totalAllowedSEs = list(set(totalAllowedSEs))
Exemple #4
reason = 'Forced with dirac-admin-ban-se by %s' % userName

for se, seOptions in res[ 'Value' ].items():

  resW = resC = resR = { 'OK' : False }

  # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
  if read and seOptions.has_key( 'Read' ):

    if not seOptions[ 'Read' ] in [ 'Active', 'Bad' ]:
      gLogger.notice( 'Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' % ( se, seOptions[ 'Read' ], [ 'Active', 'Bad' ] ) )
      gLogger.notice( 'Try specifying the command switchs' )

    resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus( se, 'Read', 'Banned', reason, userName )
    #res = csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/ReadAccess" % ( storageCFGBase, se ), "InActive" )
    if not resR['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to update %s read access to Banned' % se )
      gLogger.notice( 'Successfully updated %s read access to Banned' % se )
      readBanned.append( se )

  # Eventually, we will get rid of the notion of InActive, as we always write Banned.
  if write and seOptions.has_key( 'Write' ):

    if not seOptions[ 'Write' ] in [ 'Active', 'Bad' ]:
      gLogger.notice( 'Write option for %s is %s, instead of %s' % ( se, seOptions[ 'Write' ], [ 'Active', 'Bad' ] ) )
      gLogger.notice( 'Try specifying the command switchs' )
    # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
    if read and seOptions.has_key('Read'):

        if not seOptions['Read'] in ["InActive", "Banned", "Probing"]:
                'Read option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                (se, seOptions['Read'], ["InActive", "Banned", "Probing"]))
            gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switchs')

        if 'ARCHIVE' in se:
                '%s is not supposed to change Read status to Active' % se)

        resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus(se, 'Read', 'Active',
                                                      reason, userName)
        if not resR['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to update %s read access to Active" % se)
            gLogger.notice("Successfully updated %s read access to Active" %

    # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
    if write and seOptions.has_key('Write'):

        if not seOptions['Write'] in ["InActive", "Banned", "Probing"]:
                'Write option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                (se, seOptions['Write'], ["InActive", "Banned", "Probing"]))
            gLogger.notice('Try specifying the command switchs')
for se, seOptions in res[ 'Value' ].iteritems():

  # InActive is used on the CS model, Banned is the equivalent in RSS
  for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
    if statusFlagDict[statusType]:
      if seOptions.get( statusType ) == "Active":
        gLogger.notice( '%s status of %s is already Active' % ( statusType, se ) )
      if statusType in seOptions:
        if not seOptions[ statusType ] in ALLOWED_STATUSES:
          gLogger.notice( '%s option for %s is %s, instead of %s' %
                          ( statusType, se, seOptions[ 'ReadAccess' ], ALLOWED_STATUSES ) )
          gLogger.notice( 'Try specifying the command switches' )
          resR = resourceStatus.setStorageElementStatus( se, statusType, 'Active', reason, userName )
          if not resR['OK']:
            gLogger.fatal( "Failed to update %s %s to Active, exit -" % ( se, statusType ), resR['Message'] )
            DIRAC.exit( -1 )
            gLogger.notice( "Successfully updated %s %s to Active" % ( se, statusType ) )
            statusAllowedDict[statusType].append( se )

totalAllowed = 0
totalAllowedSEs = []
for statusType in STATUS_TYPES:
  totalAllowed += len( statusAllowedDict[statusType] )
  totalAllowedSEs += statusAllowedDict[statusType]
totalAllowedSEs = list( set( totalAllowedSEs ) )

if not totalAllowed: