Exemple #1
  def do_getOutputFiles( self, args ):
    """Get output files for the transformation

    usage: getOutputFiles <transName|ID>
    argss = args.split()
    if not len( argss ) > 0:
      print "no transformation supplied"
    transName = argss[0]
    res = self.server.getTransformation( transName )
    if not res['OK']:
      print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res['Message']
      fc = FileCatalog()
      meta = {}
      meta ['ProdID'] = transName
      res = fc.findFilesByMetadata( meta )
      if not res['OK']:
        print res['Message']
      if not len( res['Value'] ) > 0:
        print 'No output files yet for transformation %d' %int(transName)
        for lfn in res['Value']:
          print lfn
Exemple #2
  def __init__( self, operation = None, csPath = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation instance
    :param str csPath: CS path for this handler
    super( ReplicateAndRegister, self ).__init__( operation, csPath )
    # # own gMonitor stuff for files
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateAndRegisterAtt", "Replicate and register attempted",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateOK", "Replications successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateFail", "Replications failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RegisterOK", "Registrations successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RegisterFail", "Registrations failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    # # for FTS
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleAtt", "Files schedule attempted",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleOK", "File schedule successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleFail", "File schedule failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    # # SE cache

    # Clients
    self.fc = FileCatalog()
    if hasattr( self, "FTSMode" ) and getattr( self, "FTSMode" ):
      from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FTSClient import FTSClient
      self.ftsClient = FTSClient()
  def getOutgoingFiles( self, transferDict ):
    Get list of files to be processed from InputPath
    inputFCName = transferDict['InputFC']
    inputPath = transferDict['InputPath']

    if inputFCName == 'LocalDisk':
      files = []
        for fileName in os.listdir( inputPath ):
          if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( inputPath, fileName ) ):
            files.append( fileName )
      return files

    inputFC = FileCatalog( [inputFCName] )
    result = inputFC.listDirectory( inputPath, True )

    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( result['Message'] )
      return []
    if not inputPath in result['Value']['Successful']:
      self.log.error( result['Value']['Failed'][inputPath] )
      return []

    subDirs = result['Value']['Successful'][inputPath]['SubDirs']
    files = result['Value']['Successful'][inputPath]['Files']
    for subDir in subDirs:
      self.log.info( 'Ignoring subdirectory:', subDir )
    return files.keys()
 def __transferIfNotRegistered( self, file, transferDict ):
   result = self.isRegisteredInOutputCatalog( file, transferDict )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     self.log.error( result[ 'Message' ] )
     return result
   #Already registered. Need to delete
   if result[ 'Value' ]:
     self.log.info( "Transfer file %s is already registered in the output catalog" % file )
     filePath = os.path.join( transferDict[ 'InputPath' ], file )
     if transferDict[ 'InputFC' ] == 'LocalDisk':
       os.unlink( filePath )
     #FIXME: what is inFile supposed to be ??
       inputFC = FileCatalog( [ transferDict['InputFC'] ] )
       replicaDict = inputFC.getReplicas( filePath )
       if not replicaDict['OK']:
         self.log.error( "Error deleting file", replicaDict['Message'] )
       elif not inFile in replicaDict['Value']['Successful']:
         self.log.error( "Error deleting file", replicaDict['Value']['Failed'][inFile] )
         seList = replicaDict['Value']['Successful'][inFile].keys()
         for se in seList:
           se = StorageElement( se )
           self.log.info( 'Removing from %s:' % se.name, inFile )
           se.removeFile( inFile )
         inputFC.removeFile( file )
     self.log.info( "File %s deleted from %s" % ( file, transferDict[ 'InputFC' ] ) )
     self.__processingFiles.discard( file )
     return S_OK( file )
   #Do the transfer
   return self.__retrieveAndUploadFile( file, transferDict )
    def __getCatalogDirectoryContents(self, directories):
        """ get catalog contents under paths :directories:

    :param self: self reference
    :param list directories: list of paths in catalog
        self.log.info('Obtaining the catalog contents for %d directories:' %
        for directory in directories:
        activeDirs = directories
        allFiles = {}
        fc = FileCatalog()
        while activeDirs:
            currentDir = activeDirs[0]
            res = returnSingleResult(fc.listDirectory(currentDir))
            if not res['OK'] and 'Directory does not exist' in res[
                    'Message']:  # FIXME: DFC should return errno
                self.log.info("The supplied directory %s does not exist" %
            elif not res['OK']:
                if "No such file or directory" in res['Message']:
                    self.log.info("%s: %s" % (currentDir, res['Message']))
                    self.log.error("Failed to get directory %s content: %s" %
                                   (currentDir, res['Message']))
                dirContents = res['Value']
        self.log.info("Found %d files" % len(allFiles))
        return S_OK(allFiles.keys())
Exemple #6
def main():

  import DIRAC
  from DIRAC import gLogger

  args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
  if len(args) != 1:
  guids = args[0]

    guids = guids.split(',')
  except BaseException:

  from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog

  fc = FileCatalog()
  res = fc.getLFNForGUID(guids)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get the LFNs", res['Message'])

  errorGuid = {}
  for guid, reason in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
    errorGuid.setdefault(reason, []).append(guid)

  for error, guidList in errorGuid.items():
    gLogger.notice("Error '%s' for guids %s" % (error, guidList))

  for guid, lfn in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
    gLogger.notice("%s -> %s" % (guid, lfn))

class TestUserMetadataBasicTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.dirac = Dirac()
        csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.lfn5 = os.path.join(DESTINATION_PATH, 'test_file_10MB_v5.bin')
        self.dir5 = os.path.dirname(self.lfn5)
        # local file, for now:
        self.fname = os.path.basename(self.lfn5)
        random_dd(self.fname, 10)
        self.diracSE = 'SE-1'
            self.fc = FileCatalog(['MultiVOFileCatalog'])
        except Exception:
                " FileCatalog(['MultiVOFileCatalog']) raised Exception unexpectedly!\n"
                + traceback.format_exc())
        # add a replica
        self.fileadded = self.dirac.addFile(self.lfn5, self.fname,

    def tearDown(self):
        # meta index -r
        result = self.fc.deleteMetadataField('MetaInt6')
        result = self.fc.deleteMetadataField('TestDirectory6')
        # remove the MultiVOFileCatalog
        # delete a sole replica: dirac-dms-remove-files
        result = self.dirac.removeFile(self.lfn5)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        GridBackend.__init__(self, catalogue_prefix='', **kwargs)

        from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script
        from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ProxyManagerClient import ProxyManagerClient
        self.pm = ProxyManagerClient()

        proxy = self.pm.getUserProxiesInfo()
        if not proxy['OK']:
            raise BackendException("Proxy error.")

        from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac
        self.dirac = Dirac()

        from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
        self.fc = FileCatalog()
        from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager
        self.dm = DataManager()

        self._xattr_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-xattr').bake(_tty_out=False)
        self._replica_checksum_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-sum').bake(_tty_out=False)
        self._bringonline_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-legacy-bringonline').bake(_tty_out=False)
        self._cp_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-copy').bake(_tty_out=False)
        self._ls_se_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-ls').bake(color='never', _tty_out=False)
        self._move_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-rename').bake(_tty_out=False)
        self._mkdir_cmd = sh.Command('gfal-mkdir').bake(_tty_out=False)

        self._replicate_cmd = sh.Command('dirac-dms-replicate-lfn').bake(_tty_out=False)
        self._add_cmd = sh.Command('dirac-dms-add-file').bake(_tty_out=False)
Exemple #9
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
        ("LFN:      LFN",
         "File:     File name containing a list of affected LFNs"))
    Script.registerArgument(" SE:       Name of Storage Element")
    Script.registerArgument(" Status:   New Status for the replica")

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    import os

    # parseCommandLine show help when mandatory arguments are not specified or incorrect argument
    inputFileName, storageElement, status = Script.getPositionalArgs(

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r")
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = sorted(string.splitlines())
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    fc = FileCatalog()

    res = fc.getReplicas(lfns, allStatus=True)
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get catalog replicas.", res["Message"])
    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn, error in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to get replicas for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    for lfn, replicas in res["Value"]["Successful"].items():
        if storageElement not in replicas.keys():
            gLogger.error("LFN not registered at provided storage element.",
                          "%s %s" % (lfn, storageElement))
            lfnDict[lfn] = {
                "SE": storageElement,
                "PFN": replicas[storageElement],
                "Status": status
    if not lfnDict:
        gLogger.error("No files found at the supplied storage element.")

    res = fc.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to set catalog replica status.", res["Message"])
    for lfn, error in res["Value"]["Failed"].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to set replica status for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    gLogger.notice("Successfully updated the status of %d files at %s." %
                   (len(res["Value"]["Successful"].keys()), storageElement))
Exemple #10
    def do_getOutputFiles(self, args):
        """Get output files for the transformation

        usage: getOutputFiles <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print("no transformation supplied")
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.transClient.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res["OK"]:
            print("Failed to get transformation information: %s" %
            fc = FileCatalog()
            meta = {}
            meta["ProdID"] = transName
            res = fc.findFilesByMetadata(meta)
            if not res["OK"]:
            if not len(res["Value"]) > 0:
                print("No output files yet for transformation %d" %
                for lfn in res["Value"]:
Exemple #11
class TestClientProductionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.prodClient = ProductionClient()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

        # ## Add metadata fields to the DFC
        self.MDFieldDict = {
            'particle': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'analysis_prog': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'tel_sim_prog': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'outputType': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'zenith': 'int',
            'data_level': 'int'
        for MDField in self.MDFieldDict:
            MDFieldType = self.MDFieldDict[MDField]
            res = self.fc.addMetadataField(MDField, MDFieldType)

    def tearDown(self):
        # Delete meta data fields
        for MDField in self.MDFieldDict:
            res = self.fc.deleteMetadataField(MDField)
Exemple #12
    def getOutgoingFiles(self, transferDict):
    Get list of files to be processed from InputPath
        inputFCName = transferDict['InputFC']
        inputPath = transferDict['InputPath']

        if inputFCName == 'LocalDisk':
            files = []
                for file in os.listdir(inputPath):
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inputPath, file)):
            return files

        inputFC = FileCatalog([inputFCName])
        result = inputFC.listDirectory(inputPath, True)

        if not result['OK']:
            return []
        if not inputPath in result['Value']['Successful']:
            return []

        subDirs = result['Value']['Successful'][inputPath]['SubDirs']
        files = result['Value']['Successful'][inputPath]['Files']
        for dir in subDirs:
            self.log.info('Ignoring subdirectory:', dir)
        return files.keys()
  def web_getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs(self):
    """ Method obtain launchpad setup with pre-selected LFNs as input data parameter,
        the caller js client will use setup to open an new Launchpad
    # On the fly file catalog for advanced launchpad
    if not hasattr(self, 'fc'):
      userData = self.getSessionData()
      group = str(userData["user"]["group"])
      vo = getVOForGroup(group)
      self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=vo)

    self.set_header('Content-type', 'text/plain')
    arguments = self.request.arguments
    gLogger.always("submit: incoming arguments %s to getLaunchpadSetupWithLFNs" % arguments)
    lfnList = str(arguments['path'][0]).split(',')

    # Modified for Eiscat
    # Checks if the experiments folder in lfn list has a rtg_def.m file at some subfolder
    gLogger.always("submit: checking if some rtg_def.m", arguments)
    processed = []
    metaDict = {'type': 'info'}
    for lfn in lfnList:
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/")
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      pos_relative = lfn.find("/", pos_relative + 1)
      experiment_lfn = lfn[0:pos_relative]
      if experiment_lfn in processed:
      gLogger.always( "checking rtg_def.m in %s" % experiment_lfn )
      result = self.fc.findFilesByMetadata( metaDict, path=str(experiment_lfn) )
      if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
         gLogger.error( "Failed to get type info from $s, %s" % (experiment_lfn,result[ "Message" ]) )
      for candidate_lfn in result['Value']:
        if candidate_lfn.find('rtg_def.m') > 0:
    # End modified

    ptlfn = ''
    for lfn in lfnList:
      ptlfn += (', ' + lfn) if ptlfn else lfn

    params = self.defaultParams.copy()
    params["InputData"] = [1, ptlfn]

    obj = Operations(vo=vo)
    predefinedSets = {}
    launchpadSections = obj.getSections("Launchpad")
    if launchpadSections['OK']:
      for section in launchpadSections["Value"]:
        predefinedSets[section] = {}
        sectionOptions = obj.getOptionsDict("Launchpad/" + section)
        if sectionOptions['OK']:
          predefinedSets[section] = sectionOptions["Value"]

    self.write({"success": "true", "result": params, "predefinedSets": predefinedSets})
Exemple #14
    def test_02_condParser(self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs, mk_getEligibleCatalogs):
        """Test behavior of write methode when using FCConditionParser"""

        fc = FileCatalog(
            catalogs=["c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_0", "c2_False_True_True_3_0_1_0", "c3_False_True_True_3_0_1_0"]

        # No condition for c3, so it should always pass
        fcConditions = {"c1": "Filename=find('c1_pass')", "c2": "Filename=find('c2_pass')"}

        # Everything pass everywhere
        lfn1 = "/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn1"
        lfn2 = "/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn2"
        res = fc.write1([lfn1, lfn2], fcConditions=fcConditions)
        self.assertEqual(sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"]), sorted([lfn1, lfn2]))
        self.assertEqual(sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn1]), sorted(["c1", "c2", "c3"]))
        self.assertEqual(sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn2]), sorted(["c1", "c2", "c3"]))
        self.assertTrue(not res["Value"]["Failed"])

        # Everything pass for the master, only lfn2 for c2
        lfn1 = "/lhcb/c1_pass/lfn1"
        lfn2 = "/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn2"
        res = fc.write1([lfn1, lfn2], fcConditions=fcConditions)
        self.assertEqual(sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"]), sorted([lfn1, lfn2]))
        self.assertEqual(sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn1]), ["c1", "c3"])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn2]), sorted(["c1", "c2", "c3"]))
        self.assertTrue(not res["Value"]["Failed"])

        # One is not valid for the master, so we do nothing
        lfn1 = "/lhcb/c2_pass/lfn1"
        lfn2 = "/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn2"
        res = fc.write1([lfn1, lfn2], fcConditions=fcConditions)
        self.assertTrue(not res["OK"])
  def __getCatalogDirectoryContents(self, directories):
    """ get catalog contents under paths :directories:

    :param self: self reference
    :param list directories: list of paths in catalog
    self.log.info('Obtaining the catalog contents for %d directories:' % len(directories))
    for directory in directories:
    activeDirs = directories
    allFiles = {}
    fc = FileCatalog()
    while activeDirs:
      currentDir = activeDirs[0]
      res = returnSingleResult(fc.listDirectory(currentDir))
      if not res['OK'] and 'Directory does not exist' in res['Message']:  # FIXME: DFC should return errno
        self.log.info("The supplied directory %s does not exist" % currentDir)
      elif not res['OK']:
        if "No such file or directory" in res['Message']:
          self.log.info("%s: %s" % (currentDir, res['Message']))
          self.log.error("Failed to get directory %s content: %s" % (currentDir, res['Message']))
        dirContents = res['Value']
    self.log.info("Found %d files" % len(allFiles))
    return S_OK(allFiles.keys())
Exemple #16
  def __addHomeDirectory( self, vo, newUsers ):

    fc = FileCatalog( vo = vo )
    defaultVOGroup = getVOOption( vo, "DefaultGroup", "%s_user" % vo )

    failed = {}
    successful = {}
    for user in newUsers:
      result = fc.addUser( user )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "addUser"
      dirName = '/%s/user/%s/%s' % ( vo, user[0], user )
      result = fc.createDirectory( dirName )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "createDirectory"
      result = fc.changePathOwner( { dirName: user }, recursive = True )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "changePathOwner"
      result = fc.changePathGroup( { dirName: defaultVOGroup }, recursive = True )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed[user] = "changePathGroup"
      successful[user] = True

    return S_OK( { "Successful": successful, "Failed": failed } )
Exemple #17
class TestClientProductionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.prodClient = ProductionClient()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

        # ## Add metadata fields to the DFC
        self.MDFieldDict = {
            "particle": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "analysis_prog": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "tel_sim_prog": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "outputType": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "zenith": "int",
            "data_level": "int",
        for MDField in self.MDFieldDict:
            MDFieldType = self.MDFieldDict[MDField]
            res = self.fc.addMetadataField(MDField, MDFieldType)

    def tearDown(self):
        # Delete meta data fields
        for MDField in self.MDFieldDict:
            res = self.fc.deleteMetadataField(MDField)
Exemple #18
    def do_getOutputFiles(self, args):
        """Get output files for the transformation

    usage: getOutputFiles <transName|ID>
        argss = args.split()
        if not len(argss) > 0:
            print "no transformation supplied"
        transName = argss[0]
        res = self.server.getTransformation(transName)
        if not res['OK']:
            print "Failed to get transformation information: %s" % res[
            fc = FileCatalog()
            meta = {}
            meta['ProdID'] = transName
            res = fc.findFilesByMetadata(meta)
            if not res['OK']:
                print res['Message']
            if not len(res['Value']) > 0:
                print 'No output files yet for transformation %d' % int(
                for lfn in res['Value']:
                    print lfn
Exemple #19
    def setUp(self):
        self.fullMetadata = [
            'Status', 'ChecksumType', 'OwnerRole', 'CreationDate', 'Checksum',
            'ModificationDate', 'OwnerDN', 'Mode', 'GUID', 'Size'
        self.dirMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ['NumberOfSubPaths']
        self.fileMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ['NumberOfLinks']

        self.catalog = FileCatalog(catalogs=[catalogClientToTest])
        valid = self.catalog.isOK()
        self.destDir = '/lhcb/test/unit-test/TestCatalogPlugin'
        self.link = "%s/link" % self.destDir

        # Clean the existing directory
        res = self.catalog.createDirectory(self.destDir)
        returnValue = self.parseResult(res, self.destDir)

        # Register some files to work with
        self.numberOfFiles = 2
        self.files = []
        for i in range(self.numberOfFiles):
            lfn = "%s/testFile_%d" % (self.destDir, i)
            res = self.registerFile(lfn)
Exemple #20
 def setupCatalogClient( self, catalogs ):
   """ Init FileCatalog client
       Ideally we would like to use only FileCatalog but it doesn't work for setMetadata
       because the returned value has a wrong format. So use of FileCatalogClient instead
   self.fc = FileCatalog( catalogs )
   self.fcc = FileCatalogClient()
    def setUp(self):
        self.fullMetadata = [
        self.dirMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ["NumberOfSubPaths"]
        self.fileMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ["NumberOfLinks"]

        self.catalog = FileCatalog(catalogs=[catalogClientToTest])
        valid = self.catalog.isOK()
        self.destDir = "/lhcb/test/unit-test/TestCatalogPlugin"
        self.link = "%s/link" % self.destDir

        # Clean the existing directory
        res = self.catalog.createDirectory(self.destDir)
        returnValue = self.parseResult(res, self.destDir)

        # Register some files to work with
        self.numberOfFiles = 2
        self.files = []
        for i in range(self.numberOfFiles):
            lfn = "%s/testFile_%d" % (self.destDir, i)
            res = self.registerFile(lfn)
Exemple #22
    def test_01_oneMasterNormal(self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs,
        """Test behavior with one master and only standard read methods"""

        fc = FileCatalog(catalogs=[
            'c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_0', 'c2_False_True_True_3_0_1_0'

        # Test a write method which is not in the master catalog
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        # Test a write method which works for everybody
        lfn = '/lhcb/toto'
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(lfn in res['Value']['Successful'])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(['c1', 'c2']),
        self.assertTrue(not res['Value']['Failed'])

        # Test a write method that only the master has
        lfn = '/lhcb/toto'
        res = fc.write2(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(lfn in res['Value']['Successful'])
        self.assertEqual(['c1'], res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys())
        self.assertTrue(not res['Value']['Failed'])

        # Test a write method that makes an error for master
        # We should get an error
        lfn = '/lhcb/c1/Error'
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(not res['OK'])

        # Test a write method that fails for master
        # The lfn should be in failed and only attempted for the master
        lfn = '/lhcb/c1/Failed'
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(not res['Value']['Successful'])
        self.assertEqual(['c1'], res['Value']['Failed'][lfn].keys())

        # Test a write method that makes an error for non master
        # The lfn should be in failed for non master and successful for the master
        lfn = '/lhcb/c2/Error'
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertEqual(['c1'], res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys())
        self.assertEqual(['c2'], res['Value']['Failed'][lfn].keys())

        # Test a write method that fails for non master
        # The lfn should be in failed for non master and successful for the master
        lfn = '/lhcb/c2/Failed'
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertEqual(['c1'], res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys())
        self.assertEqual(['c2'], res['Value']['Failed'][lfn].keys())
def main():

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    import os

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
    if not len(args) == 3:

    inputFileName = args[0]
    storageElement = args[1]
    status = args[2]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = sorted(string.splitlines())
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    fc = FileCatalog()

    res = fc.getReplicas(lfns, allStatus=True)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get catalog replicas.", res['Message'])
    lfnDict = {}
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to get replicas for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
        if storageElement not in replicas.keys():
            gLogger.error("LFN not registered at provided storage element.",
                          "%s %s" % (lfn, storageElement))
            lfnDict[lfn] = {
                'SE': storageElement,
                'PFN': replicas[storageElement],
                'Status': status
    if not lfnDict:
        gLogger.error("No files found at the supplied storage element.")

    res = fc.setReplicaStatus(lfnDict)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to set catalog replica status.", res['Message'])
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
        gLogger.error("Failed to set replica status for file.",
                      "%s:%s" % (lfn, error))
    gLogger.notice("Successfully updated the status of %d files at %s." %
                   (len(res['Value']['Successful'].keys()), storageElement))
Exemple #24
  def __call__( self ):
    """ action for 'removeFile' operation  """
    # # get waiting files
    waitingFiles = self.getWaitingFilesList()
    fc = FileCatalog( self.operation.catalogList )

    res = fc.getReplicas( [wf.LFN for wf in waitingFiles] )
    if not res['OK']:
      gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileAtt" )
      gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileFail" )
      return res

    # We check the status of the SE from the LFN that are successful
    # No idea what to do with the others...
    succ = res['Value']['Successful']
    targetSEs = set( [se for lfn in succ for se in succ[lfn] ] )

    if targetSEs:
      bannedTargets = self.checkSEsRSS( targetSEs, access = 'RemoveAccess' )
      if not bannedTargets['OK']:
        gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileAtt" )
        gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileFail" )
        return bannedTargets

      if bannedTargets['Value']:
        return S_OK( "%s targets are banned for removal" % ",".join( bannedTargets['Value'] ) )

    # # prepare waiting file dict
    toRemoveDict = dict( [ ( opFile.LFN, opFile ) for opFile in waitingFiles ] )
    gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileAtt", len( toRemoveDict ) )

    # # 1st step - bulk removal
    self.log.debug( "bulk removal of %s files" % len( toRemoveDict ) )
    bulkRemoval = self.bulkRemoval( toRemoveDict )
    if not bulkRemoval["OK"]:
      self.log.error( "Bulk file removal failed", bulkRemoval["Message"] )
      gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileOK", len( toRemoveDict ) - len( bulkRemoval["Value"] ) )
      toRemoveDict = bulkRemoval["Value"]

    # # 2nd step - single file removal
    for lfn, opFile in toRemoveDict.items():
      self.log.info( "removing single file %s" % lfn )
      singleRemoval = self.singleRemoval( opFile )
      if not singleRemoval["OK"]:
        self.log.error( 'Error removing single file', singleRemoval["Message"] )
        gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileFail", 1 )
        self.log.info( "file %s has been removed" % lfn )
        gMonitor.addMark( "RemoveFileOK", 1 )

    # # set
    failedFiles = [ ( lfn, opFile ) for ( lfn, opFile ) in toRemoveDict.items()
                    if opFile.Status in ( "Failed", "Waiting" ) ]
    if failedFiles:
      self.operation.Error = "failed to remove %d files" % len( failedFiles )

    return S_OK()
Exemple #25
def main():
    from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script

    Script.registerSwitch('', 'Path=', '    Path to search for')
        '', 'SE=',
        '    (comma-separated list of) SEs/SE-groups to be searched')
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    import DIRAC
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.MetaQuery import MetaQuery, FILE_STANDARD_METAKEYS
    from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import resolveSEGroup

    path = '/'
    seList = None
    for opt, val in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():
        if opt == 'Path':
            path = val
        elif opt == 'SE':
            seList = resolveSEGroup(val.split(','))

    if seList:
        args.append("SE=%s" % ','.join(seList))
    fc = FileCatalog()
    result = fc.getMetadataFields()
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Can not access File Catalog:', result['Message'])
    typeDict = result['Value']['FileMetaFields']
    # Special meta tags

    if len(args) < 1:
        print("Error: No argument provided\n%s:" % Script.scriptName)
        gLogger.notice("MetaDataDictionary: \n%s" % str(typeDict))

    mq = MetaQuery(typeDict=typeDict)
    result = mq.setMetaQuery(args)
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Illegal metaQuery:", result['Message'])
    metaDict = result['Value']
    path = metaDict.pop('Path', path)

    result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metaDict, path)
    if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Can not access File Catalog:', result['Message'])
    lfnList = sorted(result['Value'])

    gLogger.notice('\n'.join(lfn for lfn in lfnList))
Exemple #26
  def initialize(self):
    """ agent initialisation """

    self.rawIntegrityDB = RAWIntegrityDB()

    # The file catalog is used to register file once it has been transfered
    # But we want to register it in all the catalogs except the RAWIntegrityDB
    # otherwise it is register twice
    # We also remove the BK catalog because some files are not registered there
    # (detector calibration files for example). The real data are registered in
    # the bookeeping by the DataMover
    self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog(catalogs = 'FileCatalog')

    gMonitor.registerActivity("Iteration", "Agent Loops/min", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Loops",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("WaitingFiles", "Files waiting for migration", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("WaitSize", "Size of migration buffer", "RAWIntegrityAgent", "GB",

    gMonitor.registerActivity("NewlyMigrated", "Newly migrated files", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("TotMigrated", "Total migrated files", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("TotMigratedSize", "Total migrated file size", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "GB", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("BadChecksum", "Checksums mismatch", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorMetadata", "Error when getting files metadata",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorRegister", "Error when registering files", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorRemove", "Error when removing files", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)

                              "Number of files encountering error during migration",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
                              "Total number of files encountering error during migration",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("MigrationTime", "Average migration time", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Seconds", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    # gMonitor.registerActivity("TimeInQueue", "Average current wait for migration",
    #                           "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Minutes", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("MigrationRate", "Observed migration rate", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "MB/s", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataProcessing')

    return S_OK()
    def initialize(self):
        self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog()
        self.dm = DataManager()
        self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
        self.dataIntegrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
        # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
        # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
        # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
        self.am_setOption("shifterProxy", "DataManager")

        return S_OK()
Exemple #28
    def test_01_oneMasterNormal(self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs, mk_getEligibleCatalogs):
        """Test behavior with one master and only standard read methods"""

        fc = FileCatalog(catalogs=["c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_0", "c2_False_True_True_3_0_1_0"])

        # Test a write method which is not in the master catalog
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        # Test a write method which works for everybody
        lfn = "/lhcb/toto"
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(lfn in res["Value"]["Successful"])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(["c1", "c2"]), sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]))
        self.assertTrue(not res["Value"]["Failed"])

        # Test a write method that only the master has
        lfn = "/lhcb/toto"
        res = fc.write2(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(lfn in res["Value"]["Successful"])
        self.assertEqual(["c1"], sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]))
        self.assertTrue(not res["Value"]["Failed"])

        # Test a write method that makes an error for master
        # We should get an error
        lfn = "/lhcb/c1/Error"
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(not res["OK"])

        # Test a write method that fails for master
        # The lfn should be in failed and only attempted for the master
        lfn = "/lhcb/c1/Failed"
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertTrue(not res["Value"]["Successful"])
        self.assertEqual(["c1"], sorted(res["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]))

        # Test a write method that makes an error for non master
        # The lfn should be in failed for non master and successful for the master
        lfn = "/lhcb/c2/Error"
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertEqual(["c1"], sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]))
        self.assertEqual(["c2"], sorted(res["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]))

        # Test a write method that fails for non master
        # The lfn should be in failed for non master and successful for the master
        lfn = "/lhcb/c2/Failed"
        res = fc.write1(lfn)
        self.assertEqual(["c1"], sorted(res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]))
        self.assertEqual(["c2"], sorted(res["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]))
Exemple #29
  def __getCatalogObject( self ):
    """ CatalogInterface instance facade

    :param self: self reference
      if not self.oCatalog:
        self.oCatalog = FileCatalog()
      return S_OK()
      return S_ERROR()
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TransferAppHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        sessionData = self.getSessionData()
        self.user = sessionData['user'].get('username', '')
        self.group = sessionData['user'].get('group', '')
        self.vo = getVOForGroup(self.group)
        self.fc = FileCatalog(vo=self.vo)

def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
    Script.registerArgument(("LocalFile: Path to local file containing LFNs",
                             "LFN:       Logical File Names"))

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations

    allowUsers = Operations().getValue(
        "DataManagement/AllowUserReplicaManagement", False)

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo

    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res["Message"])
    properties = res["Value"].get("groupProperties", [])

    if not allowUsers:
        if "FileCatalogManagement" not in properties:
                "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement"

    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog

    fc = FileCatalog()
    import os

    # parseCommandLine show help when mandatory arguments are not specified or incorrect argument
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    inputFileName = args[0]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r")
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = [lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    res = fc.removeFile(lfns)
    if not res["OK"]:
        print("Error:", res["Message"])
    for lfn in sorted(res["Value"]["Failed"].keys()):
        message = res["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]
        print("Error: failed to remove %s: %s" % (lfn, message))
    print("Successfully removed %d catalog files." %
  def test_01_oneMasterNormal( self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs, mk_getEligibleCatalogs ):
    """Test behavior with one master and only standard read methods"""

    fc = FileCatalog( catalogs = ['c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_0', 'c2_False_True_True_3_0_1_0'] )

    # Test a write method which is not in the master catalog
    with self.assertRaises( AttributeError ):
      fc.write4( '/lhcb/toto' )

    # Test a write method which works for everybody
    lfn = '/lhcb/toto'
    res = fc.write1( lfn )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assert_( lfn in res['Value']['Successful'] )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( ['c1', 'c2'] ), sorted( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() ) )
    self.assert_( not res['Value']['Failed'] )

    # Test a write method that only the master has
    lfn = '/lhcb/toto'
    res = fc.write2( lfn )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assert_( lfn in res['Value']['Successful'] )
    self.assertEqual( ['c1'], res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() )
    self.assert_( not res['Value']['Failed'] )

    # Test a write method that makes an error for master
    # We should get an error
    lfn = '/lhcb/c1/Error'
    res = fc.write1( lfn )
    self.assert_( not res['OK'] )

    # Test a write method that fails for master
    # The lfn should be in failed and only attempted for the master
    lfn = '/lhcb/c1/Failed'
    res = fc.write1( lfn )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assert_( not res['Value']['Successful'] )
    self.assertEqual( ['c1'], res['Value']['Failed'][lfn].keys() )

    # Test a write method that makes an error for non master
    # The lfn should be in failed for non master and successful for the master
    lfn = '/lhcb/c2/Error'
    res = fc.write1( lfn )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( ['c1'], res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() )
    self.assertEqual( ['c2'], res['Value']['Failed'][lfn].keys() )

    # Test a write method that fails for non master
    # The lfn should be in failed for non master and successful for the master
    lfn = '/lhcb/c2/Failed'
    res = fc.write1( lfn )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( ['c1'], res['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() )
    self.assertEqual( ['c2'], res['Value']['Failed'][lfn].keys() )
Exemple #33
    def __init__(self, operation=None, csPath=None):

        :param self: self reference
        :param Operation operation: Operation instance
        :param str csPath: CS path for this handler
        super(ReplicateAndRegister, self).__init__(operation, csPath)

        # # SE cache

        # Clients
        self.fc = FileCatalog()
Exemple #34
    def initialize(self):
        """ standard initialize method for DIRAC agents
        res = DIRACValidateOutputDataAgent.initialize(self)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        self.integrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
        self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.storageUsageClient = StorageUsageClient()

        return S_OK()
 def isRegisteredInOutputCatalog( self, file, transferDict ):
   fc = FileCatalog( [ transferDict[ 'OutputFC' ] ] )
   lfn = os.path.join( transferDict['OutputPath'], os.path.basename( file ) )
   result = fc.getReplicas( lfn )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   if lfn not in result[ 'Value' ][ 'Successful' ]:
     return S_OK( False )
   replicas = result[ 'Value' ][ 'Successful' ][ lfn ]
   for seName in List.fromChar( transferDict[ 'OutputSE' ], "," ):
     if seName in replicas:
       self.log.verbose( "Transfer file %s is already registered in %s SE" % ( file, seName ) )
       return S_OK( True )
   return S_OK( False )
Exemple #36
  def test_01_init( self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs, mk_getEligibleCatalogs ):
    """ Check logic of init"""

    # We should not be able to have 2 masters
    twoMastersFc = FileCatalog( catalogs = ['c1_True_True_True_5_2_2_0', 'c2_True_True_True_5_2_2_0'] )
    self.assert_( not twoMastersFc.isOK() )

    # One master should be ok
    oneMasterFc = FileCatalog( catalogs = ['c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_2', 'c2_False_True_True_3_1_4_2'] )
    self.assert_( oneMasterFc.isOK() )

    # With a master, the write method should be the method of the master
    self.assertEqual( sorted( oneMasterFc.write_methods ), writeList( 2 ) )
    # The read methods and no_lfn should be from all catalogs
    self.assertEqual( sorted( oneMasterFc.ro_methods ), readList( 3 ) )

    # The no_lfns methods are from everywhere
    # write1 and write2 from c1
    # write3, write4, read3 from c2
    self.assertEqual( sorted( oneMasterFc.no_lfn_methods ), sorted( readList( 1, reverse = 3 ) + writeList( 4 ) ) )

    # No master should be ok
    noMasterFc = FileCatalog( catalogs = ['c1_False_True_True_2_0_2_0', 'c2_False_True_True_3_0_4_0'] )
    self.assert_( oneMasterFc.isOK() )
    # With no master, the write method should be from all catalogs
    self.assertEqual( sorted( noMasterFc.write_methods ), writeList( 4 ) )
    # The read methods and no_lfn should be from all catalogs
    self.assertEqual( sorted( noMasterFc.ro_methods ), readList( 3 ) )
Exemple #37
    def checkMatchQuery(self, mq, mqParent):
        """ Check the logical intersection between the two metaqueries

    :param dict mq: a dictionary of the MetaQuery to be checked against the mqParent
    :param dict mqParent: a dictionary of the parent MetaQuery to be checked against the mq
        # Get the metadata types defined in the catalog
        catalog = FileCatalog()
        res = catalog.getMetadataFields()
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Error in getMetadataFields: %s" % res['Message'])
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
            gLogger.error("Error: no metadata fields defined")
            return res

        MetaTypeDict = res['Value']['FileMetaFields']

        res = self.checkformatQuery(mq)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        MetaQueryDict = res['Value']

        res = self.checkformatQuery(mqParent)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        ParentMetaQueryDict = res['Value']

        for meta, value in MetaQueryDict.items():
            if meta not in MetaTypeDict:
                msg = 'Metadata %s is not defined in the Catalog' % meta
                return S_ERROR(msg)
            mtype = MetaTypeDict[meta]
            if mtype.lower() not in ['varchar(128)', 'int', 'float']:
                msg = 'Metatype %s is not supported' % mtype.lower()
                return S_ERROR(msg)
            if meta not in ParentMetaQueryDict:
                msg = 'Metadata %s is not in parent transformation query' % meta
                return S_ERROR(msg)
            if self.compareValues(value, ParentMetaQueryDict[meta]):
                msg = "Metadata values %s do not match with %s" % (
                    value, ParentMetaQueryDict[meta])
                return S_OK(False)

        return S_OK(True)
def main():

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    allowUsers = Operations().getValue(
        "DataManagement/AllowUserReplicaManagement", False)

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res['Message'])
    properties = res['Value'].get('groupProperties', [])

    if not allowUsers:
        if 'FileCatalogManagement' not in properties:
                "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement"

    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    fc = FileCatalog()
    import os

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    if len(args) < 1:
        inputFileName = args[0]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
        string = inputFile.read()
        lfns = [lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    res = fc.removeFile(lfns)
    if not res['OK']:
        print("Error:", res['Message'])
    for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
        message = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
        print('Error: failed to remove %s: %s' % (lfn, message))
    print('Successfully removed %d catalog files.' %
    def setUp(self):
        self.fullMetadata = [
        self.dirMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ["NumberOfSubPaths"]
        self.fileMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ["NumberOfLinks"]

        self.catalog = FileCatalog(catalogs=[catalogClientToTest])
        valid = self.catalog.isOK()
        self.destDir = "/lhcb/test/unit-test/TestCatalogPlugin"
        self.link = "%s/link" % self.destDir

        # Clean the existing directory
        res = self.catalog.createDirectory(self.destDir)
        returnValue = self.parseResult(res, self.destDir)

        # Register some files to work with
        self.numberOfFiles = 2
        self.files = []
        for i in range(self.numberOfFiles):
            lfn = "%s/testFile_%d" % (self.destDir, i)
            res = self.registerFile(lfn)
Exemple #40
  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param dict fromDict: data dict
    Record.__init__( self )
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
    self.__data__["Status"] = "Submitted"
    self.__data__["Completeness"] = 0
    self.__data__["FTSJobID"] = 0
    self._regTime = 0.
    self._regSuccess = 0
    self._regTotal = 0
    self.__files__ = TypedList( allowedTypes = FTSFile )

    self._fc = FileCatalog()

    self._log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "FTSJob-%s" % self.FTSJobID , True )

    self._states = tuple( set( self.INITSTATES + self.TRANSSTATES + self.FAILEDSTATES + self.FINALSTATES ) )

    fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}
    for ftsFileDict in fromDict.get( "FTSFiles", [] ):
      self +=FTSFile( ftsFileDict )
    if "FTSFiles" in fromDict: del fromDict["FTSFiles"]
    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      if key not in self.__data__:
        raise AttributeError( "Unknown FTSJob attribute '%s'" % key )
      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )
  def __init__( self, operation = None, csPath = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation instance
    :param str csPath: CS path for this handler
    super( ReplicateAndRegister, self ).__init__( operation, csPath )
    # # own gMonitor stuff for files
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateAndRegisterAtt", "Replicate and register attempted",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateOK", "Replications successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateFail", "Replications failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RegisterOK", "Registrations successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RegisterFail", "Registrations failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    # # for FTS
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleAtt", "Files schedule attempted",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleOK", "File schedule successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleFail", "File schedule failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    # # SE cache
    self.seCache = {}

    # Clients
    self.fc = FileCatalog()
    self.ftsClient = FTSClient()
  def resolveCatalogPFNSizeMismatch( self, problematicDict ):
    """ This takes the problematic dictionary returned by the integrity DB and resolved the CatalogPFNSizeMismatch prognosis
    lfn = problematicDict['LFN']
    pfn = problematicDict['PFN']
    se = problematicDict['SE']
    fileID = problematicDict['FileID']

    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    catalogSize = res['Value']
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( StorageElement( se ).getFileSize( pfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    storageSize = res['Value']
    bkKCatalog = FileCatalog( ['BookkeepingDB'] )
    res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( bkKCatalog.getFileSize( lfn ) )
    if not res['OK']:
      return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
    bookkeepingSize = res['Value']
    if bookkeepingSize == catalogSize == storageSize:
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) matched all registered sizes." % fileID )
      return self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
    if ( catalogSize == bookkeepingSize ):
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to mismatch the bookkeeping also" % fileID )
      res = Utils.executeSingleFileOrDirWrapper( self.fc.getReplicas( lfn ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      if len( res['Value'] ) <= 1:
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has no other replicas." % fileID )
        return S_ERROR( "Not removing catalog file mismatch since the only replica" )
        gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) has other replicas. Removing..." % fileID )
        res = self.dm.removeReplica( se, lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
        return self.__updateCompletedFiles( 'CatalogPFNSizeMismatch', fileID )
    if ( catalogSize != bookkeepingSize ) and ( bookkeepingSize == storageSize ):
      gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) found to match the bookkeeping size" % fileID )
      res = self.__updateReplicaToChecked( problematicDict )
      if not res['OK']:
        return self.__returnProblematicError( fileID, res )
      return self.changeProblematicPrognosis( fileID, 'BKCatalogSizeMismatch' )
    gLogger.info( "CatalogPFNSizeMismatch replica (%d) all sizes found mismatch. Updating retry count" % fileID )
    return self.incrementProblematicRetry( fileID )
  def initialize( self ):
    self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog()
    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.stagerClient = StorageManagerClient()
    self.dataIntegrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'DataManager' )

    return S_OK()
Exemple #44
  def __getCatalogObject( self ):
    """ CatalogInterface instance facade

    :param self: self reference
      if not self.oCatalog:
        self.oCatalog = FileCatalog()
      return S_OK()
      return S_ERROR()
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ):
        super( TransferAppHandler, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
        sessionData = self.getSessionData()
        self.user = sessionData['user'].get( 'username', '' )
        self.group = sessionData['user'].get( 'group', '' )
        self.vo = getVOForGroup( self.group )
        self.fc = FileCatalog( vo = self.vo )

  def test_03_noLFN( self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs, mk_getEligibleCatalogs ):
    """ Test the no_lfn methods """

    fc = FileCatalog( catalogs = ['c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_1', 'c2_False_True_True_3_0_2_1'] )

    # all good
    res = fc.write2( "/lhcb/toto" )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value'], 'yeah' )

    # Fail in the master
    res = fc.write2( "/lhcb/c1" )
    self.assert_( not res['OK'] )
    self.assert_( not 'Value' in res )

    # Fail in the non master
    res = fc.write2( "/lhcb/c2" )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assert_( 'Value' in res )
    self.assertEqual( res['Value'], 'yeah' )
  def test_02_condParser( self, mk_getSelectedCatalogs, mk_getEligibleCatalogs ):
    """Test behavior of write methode when using FCConditionParser"""

    fc = FileCatalog( catalogs = ['c1_True_True_True_2_0_2_0', 'c2_False_True_True_3_0_1_0', 'c3_False_True_True_3_0_1_0'] )

    # No condition for c3, so it should always pass
    fcConditions = { 'c1' : "Filename=find('c1_pass')",
                     'c2' : "Filename=find('c2_pass')"}

    # Everything pass everywhere
    lfn1 = '/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn1'
    lfn2 = '/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn2'
    res = fc.write1( [lfn1, lfn2],
                     fcConditions = fcConditions )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( res['Value']['Successful'] ), sorted( [lfn1, lfn2] ) )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn1] ), sorted( ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'] ) )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn2] ), sorted( ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'] ) )
    self.assert_( not res['Value']['Failed'] )

    # Everything pass for the master, only lfn2 for c2
    lfn1 = '/lhcb/c1_pass/lfn1'
    lfn2 = '/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn2'
    res = fc.write1( [lfn1, lfn2],
                     fcConditions = fcConditions )
    self.assert_( res['OK'] )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( res['Value']['Successful'] ), sorted( [lfn1, lfn2] ) )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn1] ) , ['c1', 'c3'] )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( res['Value']['Successful'][lfn2] ), sorted( ['c1', 'c2','c3'] ) )
    self.assert_( not res['Value']['Failed'] )

    # One is not valid for the master, so we do nothing
    lfn1 = '/lhcb/c2_pass/lfn1'
    lfn2 = '/lhcb/c1_pass/c2_pass/lfn2'
    res = fc.write1( [lfn1, lfn2],
                     fcConditions = fcConditions )
    self.assert_( not res['OK'] )
  def __getSEListFromReplicas(self, lfnDict):
    """ Get the SEs which have a replica of the lfn
    @param: self - self reference
    @param: string lfn - lfn for which the replicas are retrieved
    @returns S_ERROR when retrieving replicas failed
             S_OK(SEList) otherwise

    fc = FileCatalog()
    # lfnDict = {lfn : True}
    res = fc.getReplicas(lfnDict)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.debug("readFederation.__compareFileListWithCatalog: Completely failed to get Replicas")
      return S_ERROR("getReplicas: %s" % res['Message'])
    res = res['Value']
    # if not lfn in res['Successful']:
    #   self.log.debug("readFederation.__compareFileListWithCatalog: Failed to get Replicas")
    #   return S_ERROR("getReplicas: %s" % res['Failed'][lfn])
    # we have a list of replicas for a given LFN. SEList contains all the SE
    # that store that file according to the catalog
    return res.get('Successful', None)
Exemple #49
  def initializeOptimizer( self ):
    """Initialize specific parameters for JobSanityAgent.
    self.failedMinorStatus = self.am_getOption( '/FailedJobStatus', 'Input Data Not Available' )
    #this will ignore failover SE files
    self.checkFileMetadata = self.am_getOption( 'CheckFileMetadata', True )

    self.dataManager = DataManager()
    self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()

    self.seToSiteMapping = {}
    self.lastCScheck = 0
    self.cacheLength = 600

    return S_OK()
  def __init__( self, operation = None, csPath = None ):

    :param Operation operation: Operation instance
    :param str csPath: config path in CS for this operation
    # # placeholders for operation and request
    self.operation = None
    self.request = None

    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()

    self.csPath = csPath if csPath else ""
    # # get name
    name = self.__class__.__name__
    # # all options are r/o properties now
    csOptionsDict = gConfig.getOptionsDict( self.csPath )
    csOptionsDict = csOptionsDict.get( "Value", {} )

    for option, value in csOptionsDict.iteritems():
      # # hack to set proper types
        value = eval( value )
      except NameError:
      self.makeProperty( option, value, True ) #pylint: disable=no-member

    # # pre setup logger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( name, True )
    # # set log level
    logLevel = getattr( self, "LogLevel" ) if hasattr( self, "LogLevel" ) else "INFO"
    self.log.setLevel( logLevel )

    # # list properties
    for option in csOptionsDict:
      self.log.debug( "%s = %s" % ( option, getattr( self, option ) ) )

    # # setup operation
    if operation:
      self.setOperation( operation )
    # # initialize at least
    if hasattr( self, "initialize" ) and callable( getattr( self, "initialize" ) ):
      getattr( self, "initialize" )()
  def __init__( self, plugin, transClient = None, dataManager = None ):
    """ plugin name has to be passed in: it will then be executed as one of the functions below, e.g.
        plugin = 'BySize' will execute TransformationPlugin('BySize')._BySize()
    super( TransformationPlugin, self ).__init__( plugin )

    self.data = {}
    self.files = False
    if transClient is None:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if dataManager is None:
      self.dm = DataManager()
      self.dm = dataManager

    self.fc = FileCatalog()
Exemple #52
 def __init__(self, lfn='', status='', size=0, guid='', checksum=''):
   # These are the possible attributes for a file
   if not type(lfn) in types.StringTypes:
     raise AttributeError, "lfn should be string type"
   self.lfn = str(lfn)
   if not type(status) in types.StringTypes:
     raise AttributeError, "status should be string type"
   self.status = str(status)
     self.size = int(size)  
     raise AttributeError, "size should be integer type"
   if not type(guid) in types.StringTypes:
     raise AttributeError, "guid should be string type"
   self.guid = str(guid)
   if not type(checksum) in types.StringTypes:
     raise AttributeError, "checksum should be string type"
   self.checksum = str(checksum)
   self.catalogReplicas = []
   self.fc = FileCatalog()
  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    """ c'tor
    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

    self.integrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.fileCatalogClient = FileCatalogClient()

    agentTSTypes = self.am_getOption( 'TransformationTypes', [] )
    if agentTSTypes:
      self.transformationTypes = agentTSTypes
      self.transformationTypes = Operations().getValue( 'Transformations/DataProcessing', ['MCSimulation', 'Merge'] )

    self.directoryLocations = sorted( self.am_getOption( 'DirectoryLocations', ['TransformationDB',
                                                                                  'MetadataCatalog'] ) )
    self.activeStorages = sorted( self.am_getOption( 'ActiveSEs', [] ) )
    self.transfidmeta = self.am_getOption( 'TransfIDMeta', "TransformationID" )
    self.enableFlag = True
Exemple #54
  def __init__( self, plugin = 'Standard', transClient = None, dataManager = None, fc = None,
                debug = False, transInThread = None, transID = None ):

    Setting defaults
    # clients
    if transClient is None:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient
    if dataManager is None:
      self.dm = DataManager()
      self.dm = dataManager
    if fc is None:
      self.fc = FileCatalog()
      self.fc = fc

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    self.plugin = plugin
    self.transID = transID
    self.params = {}
    self.groupSize = 0
    self.maxFiles = 0
    self.cachedLFNSize = {}
    self.transString = ''
    self.debug = debug
    self.seConfig = {}
    if transInThread is None:
      self.transInThread = {}
      self.transInThread = transInThread

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "%s/PluginUtilities" % plugin )
  def setUp(self):
    self.fullMetadata = ['Status', 'ChecksumType', 'OwnerRole', 'CreationDate', 'Checksum', 'ModificationDate', 'OwnerDN', 'Mode', 'GUID', 'Size']
    self.dirMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ['NumberOfSubPaths']
    self.fileMetadata = self.fullMetadata + ['NumberOfLinks']

    self.catalog = FileCatalog(catalogs=[catalogClientToTest])
    valid = self.catalog.isOK()
    self.destDir = '/lhcb/test/unit-test/TestCatalogPlugin'
    self.link = "%s/link" % self.destDir

    # Clean the existing directory
    res = self.catalog.createDirectory(self.destDir)
    returnValue = self.parseResult(res,self.destDir)

    # Register some files to work with
    self.numberOfFiles = 2
    self.files = []
    for i in xrange(self.numberOfFiles):
      lfn = "%s/testFile_%d" % (self.destDir,i)
      res = self.registerFile(lfn)
class OperationHandlerBase( object ):
  .. class:: OperationHandlerBase

  request operation handler base class
  __metaclass__ = DynamicProps

  # # private data logging client
#   __dataLoggingClient = None
  # # private ResourceStatusClient
  __rssClient = None
  # # shifter list
  __shifterList = []

  def __init__( self, operation = None, csPath = None ):

    :param Operation operation: Operation instance
    :param str csPath: config path in CS for this operation
    # # placeholders for operation and request
    self.operation = None
    self.request = None

    self.dm = DataManager()
    self.fc = FileCatalog()

    self.csPath = csPath if csPath else ""
    # # get name
    name = self.__class__.__name__
    # # all options are r/o properties now
    csOptionsDict = gConfig.getOptionsDict( self.csPath )
    csOptionsDict = csOptionsDict.get( "Value", {} )

    for option, value in csOptionsDict.iteritems():
      # # hack to set proper types
        value = eval( value )
      except NameError:
      self.makeProperty( option, value, True ) #pylint: disable=no-member

    # # pre setup logger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( name, True )
    # # set log level
    logLevel = getattr( self, "LogLevel" ) if hasattr( self, "LogLevel" ) else "INFO"
    self.log.setLevel( logLevel )

    # # list properties
    for option in csOptionsDict:
      self.log.debug( "%s = %s" % ( option, getattr( self, option ) ) )

    # # setup operation
    if operation:
      self.setOperation( operation )
    # # initialize at least
    if hasattr( self, "initialize" ) and callable( getattr( self, "initialize" ) ):
      getattr( self, "initialize" )()

  def setOperation( self, operation ):
    """ operation and request setter

      :param ~DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Operation.Operation operation: operation instance
      :raises TypeError: if `operation` in not an instance of :class:`~DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Operation.Operation`

    if not isinstance( operation, Operation ):
      raise TypeError( "expecting Operation instance" )
    self.operation = operation
    self.request = operation._parent
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "pid_%s/%s/%s/%s" % ( os.getpid(), self.request.RequestName,
                                                           self.operation.Type ) )

#   @classmethod
#   def dataLoggingClient( cls ):
#     """ DataLoggingClient getter """
#     if not cls.__dataLoggingClient:
#       from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataLoggingClient import DataLoggingClient
#       cls.__dataLoggingClient = DataLoggingClient()
#     return cls.__dataLoggingClient

  def rssClient( cls ):
    """ ResourceStatusClient getter """
    if not cls.__rssClient:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatus import ResourceStatus
      cls.__rssClient = ResourceStatus()
    return cls.__rssClient

  def getProxyForLFN( self, lfn ):
    """ get proxy for lfn

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :return: S_ERROR or S_OK( "/path/to/proxy/file" )
    dirMeta = returnSingleResult( self.fc.getDirectoryMetadata( os.path.dirname( lfn ) ) )
    if not dirMeta["OK"]:
      return dirMeta
    dirMeta = dirMeta["Value"]

    ownerRole = "/%s" % dirMeta["OwnerRole"] if not dirMeta["OwnerRole"].startswith( "/" ) else dirMeta["OwnerRole"]
    ownerDN = dirMeta["OwnerDN"]

    ownerProxy = None
    for ownerGroup in getGroupsWithVOMSAttribute( ownerRole ):
      vomsProxy = gProxyManager.downloadVOMSProxy( ownerDN, ownerGroup, limited = True,
                                                   requiredVOMSAttribute = ownerRole )
      if not vomsProxy["OK"]:
        self.log.debug( "getProxyForLFN: failed to get VOMS proxy for %s role=%s: %s" % ( ownerDN,
                                                                                          vomsProxy["Message"] ) )
      ownerProxy = vomsProxy["Value"]
      self.log.debug( "getProxyForLFN: got proxy for %s@%s [%s]" % ( ownerDN, ownerGroup, ownerRole ) )

    if not ownerProxy:
      return S_ERROR( "Unable to get owner proxy" )

    dumpToFile = ownerProxy.dumpAllToFile()
    if not dumpToFile["OK"]:
      self.log.error( "getProxyForLFN: error dumping proxy to file: %s" % dumpToFile["Message"] )
      os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = dumpToFile["Value"]
    return dumpToFile

  def getWaitingFilesList( self ):
    """ prepare waiting files list, update Attempt, filter out MaxAttempt """
    if not self.operation:
      self.log.warning( "getWaitingFilesList: operation not set, returning empty list" )
      return []
    waitingFiles = [ opFile for opFile in self.operation if opFile.Status == "Waiting" ]
    for opFile in waitingFiles:
      opFile.Attempt += 1
      maxAttempts = getattr( self, "MaxAttempts" ) if hasattr( self, "MaxAttempts" ) else 1024
      if opFile.Attempt > maxAttempts:
        opFile.Status = "Failed"
        if opFile.Error is None:
          opFile.Error = ''
        opFile.Error += " (Max attempts limit reached)"
    return [ opFile for opFile in self.operation if opFile.Status == "Waiting" ]

  def rssSEStatus( self, se, status, retries = 2 ):
    """ check SE :se: for status :status:

    :param str se: SE name
    :param str status: RSS status
    # Allow a transient failure
    for _i in range( retries ):
      rssStatus = self.rssClient().getElementStatus( se, "StorageElement", status )
      # gLogger.always( rssStatus )
      if rssStatus["OK"]:
        return S_OK( rssStatus["Value"][se][status] != "Banned" )
    return S_ERROR( "%s status not found in RSS for SE %s" % ( status, se ) )

  def shifter( self ):
    return self.__shifterList

  def shifter( self, shifterList ):
    self.__shifterList = shifterList

  def __call__( self ):
    """ this one should be implemented in the inherited class

    should return S_OK/S_ERROR
    raise NotImplementedError( "Implement me please!" )
Exemple #57
class FTSJob( object ):
  """ Class describing one FTS job

  # # initial states
  INITSTATES = ( "Submitted", "Ready", "Staging" )
  # # ongoing transfer states
  TRANSSTATES = ( "Active", "Hold" )
  # # failed states
  FAILEDSTATES = ( "Canceled", "Failed" )
  # # finished (careful, must be capitalized)
  FINALSTATES = ( "Finished", "Finisheddirty", "FinishedDirty", "Failed", "Canceled" )

  # # missing source regexp patterns
  missingSourceErrors = [
    re.compile( r".*INVALID_PATH\] Failed" ),
    re.compile( r".*INVALID_PATH\] No such file or directory" ),
    re.compile( r".*INVALID_PATH\] The requested file either does not exist" ),
    re.compile( r".*INVALID_PATH\] the server sent an error response: 500 500"\
               " Command failed. : open error: No such file or directory" ),
    re.compile( r"SOURCE error during TRANSFER_PREPARATION phase: \[USER_ERROR\] source file doesnt exist" ) ]

  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param dict fromDict: data dict
    self.__data__ = dict.fromkeys( self.tableDesc()["Fields"].keys(), None )

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
    self.__data__["Status"] = "Submitted"
    self.__data__["Completeness"] = 0
    self.__data__["FTSJobID"] = 0
    self._regTime = 0.
    self._regSuccess = 0
    self._regTotal = 0
    self.__files__ = TypedList( allowedTypes = FTSFile )

    self._fc = FileCatalog()
    self._fts3context = None

    self._states = tuple( set( self.INITSTATES + self.TRANSSTATES + self.FAILEDSTATES + self.FINALSTATES ) )

    fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}
    for ftsFileDict in fromDict.get( "FTSFiles", [] ):
      self +=FTSFile( ftsFileDict )
    if "FTSFiles" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["FTSFiles"]
    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      if key not in self.__data__:
        raise AttributeError( "Unknown FTSJob attribute '%s'" % key )
      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )
    self._log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "req_%s/FTSJob-%s" % ( self.RequestID, self.FTSGUID ) , True )

  def tableDesc():
    """ get table desc """
    return { "Fields" :
               "FTSGUID" :  "VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL",
               "OperationID": "INTEGER NOT NULL",
               "RequestID": "INTEGER NOT NULL",
               "SourceSE" : "VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL",
               "TargetSE" : "VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL",
               "FTSServer" : "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",
               "TargetToken": "VARCHAR(255)",
               "SourceToken": "VARCHAR(255)",
               "Size": "BIGINT NOT NULL",
               "Files": "INTEGER NOT NULL",
               "Completeness": "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0",
               "FailedFiles": "INTEGER DEFAULT 0",
               "FailedSize": "INTEGER DEFAULT 0",
               "Status" : "ENUM( 'Submitted', 'Ready', 'Staging', 'Canceled', 'Active', 'Hold', "\
                "'Failed', 'Finished', 'FinishedDirty', 'Assigned' ) DEFAULT 'Submitted'",
               "Error" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "CreationTime" : "DATETIME",
               "SubmitTime" : "DATETIME",
               "LastUpdate" : "DATETIME"  },
             "PrimaryKey" : [ "FTSJobID" ],
             "Indexes" : { "FTSJobID" : [ "FTSJobID" ], "FTSGUID": [ "FTSGUID" ] } }

  def FTSJobID( self ):
    """ FTSJobID getter """
    return self.__data__["FTSJobID"]

  def FTSJobID( self, value ):
    """ FTSJobID setter """
    self.__data__["FTSJobID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def RequestID( self ):
    """ RequestID getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestID"]

  def RequestID( self, value ):
    """ RequestID setter """
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def OperationID( self ):
    """ OperationID getter """
    return self.__data__["OperationID"]

  def OperationID( self, value ):
    """ OperationID setter """
    self.__data__["OperationID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def FTSGUID( self ):
    """ FTSGUID prop """
    return self.__data__["FTSGUID"]

  def FTSGUID( self, value ):
    """ FTSGUID setter """
    if value:
      if type( value ) not in ( str, unicode ):
        raise TypeError( "FTSGUID should be a string!" )
      if not checkGuid( value ):
        raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid GUID!" % str( value ) )
    self.__data__["FTSGUID"] = value

  def FTSServer( self ):
    """ FTSServer getter """
    return self.__data__["FTSServer"]

  def FTSServer( self, url ):
    """ FTSServer getter """
    self.__data__["FTSServer"] = url

    # I REALLY don't see that happening
    # but in case we change the server after the
    # context was created, I reset it
    # (I don't initialize because maybe we are in FTS2 mode...)
    self._fts3context = None

  def Completeness( self ):
    """ completeness getter """
    return self.__data__["Completeness"]

  def Completeness( self, value ):
    """ completeness setter """
    self.__data__["Completeness"] = int( value ) if value else 0

  def Error( self ):
    """ error getter """
    return self.__data__["Error"]

  def Error( self, error ):
    """ error setter """
    self.__data__["Error"] = str( error )[255:]

  def Files( self ):
    """ nb files getter """
    self.__data__["Files"] = len( self )
    return self.__data__["Files"]

  def Files( self, value ):
    """ nb files setter """
    self.__data__["Files"] = len( self )

  def Status( self ):
    """ status prop """
    if not self.__data__["Status"]:
      self.__data__["Status"] = "Waiting"
    return self.__data__["Status"]

  def Status( self, value ):
    """ status setter """
    value = self._normalizedStatus( value.strip() )
    if value not in self._states:
      raise ValueError( "Unknown FTSJob Status: '%s'" % str( value ) )
    self.__data__["Status"] = value

  def FailedFiles( self ):
    """ nb failed files getter """
    self.__data__["FailedFiles"] = len( [ ftsFile for ftsFile in self
                                         if ftsFile.Status in FTSFile.FAILED_STATES ] )
    return self.__data__["FailedFiles"]

  def FailedFiles( self, value ):
    """ nb failed files setter """
    if value:
      self.__data__["FailedFiles"] = value
      self.__data__["FailedFiles"] = len( [ftsFile for ftsFile in self if ftsFile.Status in FTSFile.FAILED_STATES] )

  def Size( self ):
    """ size getter """
    # if not self.__data__["Size"]:
    self.__data__["Size"] = sum( ftsFile.Size for ftsFile in self )
    return self.__data__["Size"]

  def Size( self, value ):
    """ size setter """
    if value:
      self.__data__["Size"] = value
      self.__data__["Size"] = sum( ftsFile.Size for ftsFile in self )

  def FailedSize( self ):
    """ size getter """
    if not self.__data__["FailedSize"]:
      self.__data__["FailedSize"] = sum( ftsFile.Size for ftsFile in self if ftsFile.Status in FTSFile.FAILED_STATES )
    return self.__data__["FailedSize"]

  def FailedSize( self, value ):
    """ size setter """
    if value:
      self.__data__["FailedSize"] = value
      self.__data__["FailedSize"] = sum( ftsFile.Size for ftsFile in self if ftsFile.Status in FTSFile.FAILED_STATES )

  def CreationTime( self ):
    """ creation time getter """
    return self.__data__["CreationTime"]

  def CreationTime( self, value = None ):
    """ creation time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ) :
      raise TypeError( "CreationTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = value

  def SubmitTime( self ):
    """ request's submission time getter """
    return self.__data__["SubmitTime"]

  def SubmitTime( self, value = None ):
    """ submission time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "SubmitTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = value

  def LastUpdate( self ):
    """ last update getter """
    return self.__data__["LastUpdate"]

  def LastUpdate( self, value = None ):
    """ last update setter """
    if type( value ) not in  ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "LastUpdate should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = value

  def TargetSE( self ):
    """ target SE getter """
    return self.__data__["TargetSE"]

  def TargetSE( self, targetSE ):
    """ target SE setter """
    self.__data__["TargetSE"] = targetSE

  def SourceSE( self ):
    """ source SE getter """
    return self.__data__["SourceSE"]

  def SourceSE( self, sourceSE ):
    """ source SE setter """
    self.__data__["SourceSE"] = sourceSE

  def SourceToken( self ):
    """ source token getter """
    return self.__data__["SourceToken"]

  def SourceToken( self, sourceToken ):
    """ source SE setter """
    self.__data__["SourceToken"] = sourceToken

  def TargetToken( self ):
    """ target token getter """
    return self.__data__["TargetToken"]

  def TargetToken( self, targetToken ):
    """ target SE setter """
    self.__data__["TargetToken"] = targetToken

  # # FTSJobFiles arithmetics
  def __contains__( self, subFile ):
    """ in operator """
    return subFile in self.__files__

  def __iadd__( self, ftsFile ):
    """ += operator """
    if ftsFile not in self:
      self.__files__.append( ftsFile )
      ftsFile._parent = self
    return self

  def __add__( self, ftsFile ):
    """ + operator """
    self +=ftsFile

  def addFile( self, ftsFile ):
    """ add :ftsFile: to FTS job """
    self +=ftsFile

  def subFile( self, ftsFile ):
    """ remove ftsFile from this job """
    if ftsFile in self:
      ftsFile._parent = None
      self.__files__.remove( ftsFile )

  # # helpers for looping
  def __iter__( self ):
    """ files iterator """
    return self.__files__.__iter__()

  def __getitem__( self, i ):
    """ [] op for files """
    return self.__files__.__getitem__( i )

  def __delitem__( self, i ):
    """ del ftsJob[i] """
    self.__files__.__delitem__( i )

  def __setitem__( self, i, ftsFile ):
    """ ftsJob[i] = ftsFile """
    self.__files__.__setitem__( i, ftsFile )

  def fileStatusList( self ):
    """ get list of files statuses """
    return [ ftsFile.Status for ftsFile in self ]

  def __nonzero__( self ):
    """ for comparisons
    return True

  def __len__( self ):
    """ nb of subFiles """
    return len( self.__files__ )

  def _surlPairs( self ):
    """ create and return SURL pair file """
    surls = []
    for ftsFile in self:
      checksum = "%s:%s" % ( ftsFile.ChecksumType, ftsFile.Checksum ) if ftsFile.ChecksumType and ftsFile.Checksum else ""
      surls.append( "%s %s %s" % ( ftsFile.SourceSURL, ftsFile.TargetSURL, checksum ) )
    return "\n".join( surls )

  def submitFTS2( self, command = 'glite-transfer-submit', pinTime = False ):
    """ submit fts job using FTS2 client """
    if self.FTSGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSJob has already been submitted" )
    surls = self._surlPairs()
    if not surls:
      return S_ERROR( "No files to submit" )
    fd, fileName = tempfile.mkstemp()
    surlFile = os.fdopen( fd, 'w' )
    surlFile.write( surls )
    submitCommand = command.split() + \
                     [ "-s",
                     "-K" ]
    if self.TargetToken:
      submitCommand += [ "-t", self.TargetToken]
    if self.SourceToken:
      submitCommand += [ "-S", self.SourceToken ]
    if pinTime:
      submitCommand += [ "--copy-pin-lifetime", "%d" % pinTime, "--bring-online", '86400' ]

    submit = executeGridCommand( "", submitCommand )
    os.remove( fileName )
    if not submit["OK"]:
      return submit
    returnCode, output, errStr = submit["Value"]
    if returnCode != 0:
      return S_ERROR( errStr if errStr else output )
    self.FTSGUID = output.replace( "\n", "" )
    self.Status = "Submitted"
    for ftsFile in self:
      ftsFile.FTSGUID = self.FTSGUID
      ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
    return S_OK()

  def _normalizedStatus( self, status ):
    for st in self._states:
      if status.lower() == st.lower():
        return st
    return status

  def monitorFTS2( self, command = "glite-transfer-status", full = False ):
    """ monitor fts job """
    if not self.FTSGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set, FTS job not submitted?" )

    monitorCommand = command.split() + \
                       self.FTSGUID ]

    if full:
      monitorCommand.append( "-l" )

    monitor = executeGridCommand( "", monitorCommand )
    if not monitor["OK"]:
      return monitor
    returnCode, outputStr, errStr = monitor["Value"]

    # Returns a non zero status if error
    if returnCode != 0:
      if 'was not found' in outputStr and not errStr:
        errStr = 'Job was not found'
      return S_ERROR( errStr )

    outputStr = outputStr.replace( "'" , "" ).replace( "<", "" ).replace( ">", "" )

    # # set FTS job status
    regExp = re.compile( "Status:\\s+(\\S+)" )

    # with FTS3 this can be uppercase
    self.Status = re.search( regExp, outputStr ).group( 1 )

    statusSummary = {}
    # This is capitalized, even in FTS3!
    for state in FTSFile.ALL_STATES:
      regExp = re.compile( "\\s+%s:\\s+(\\d+)" % state )
      if regExp.search( outputStr ):
        statusSummary[state] = int( re.search( regExp, outputStr ).group( 1 ) )

    total = sum( statusSummary.values() )
    completed = sum( statusSummary.get( state, 0 ) for state in FTSFile.FINAL_STATES )
    self.Completeness = 100 * completed / total if total else 0

    if not full:
      return S_OK( statusSummary )

    # The order of informations is not the same for glite- and fts- !!!
    # In order: new fts-, old fts-, glite-
    realJob = len( self ) != 0
    iExptr = None
    for iExptr, exptr in enumerate( ( 
                   '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Staging:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)',
                   '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)',
                   '[ ]+Source:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Destination:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+State:[ ]+(\\S+)\n[ ]+Retries:[ ]+(\\d+)\n[ ]+Reason:[ ]+([\\S ]+).+?[ ]+Duration:[ ]+(\\d+)'
                   ) ):
      regExp = re.compile( exptr, re.S )
      fileInfo = re.findall( regExp, outputStr )
      if fileInfo:
    if not fileInfo:
      return S_ERROR( "Error monitoring job (no regexp match)" )
    for info in fileInfo:
      if iExptr == 0:
        # version >= 3.2.30
        sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, reason, duration, _retries, _staging = info
      elif iExptr == 1:
        # version FTS3 < 3.2.30
        sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, reason, duration, _retries = info
      elif iExptr == 2:
        # version FTS2
        sourceURL, targetURL, fileStatus, _retries, reason, duration = info
        return S_ERROR( 'Error monitoring job (implement match %d)' % iExptr )
      candidateFile = None

      if not realJob:
        # This is used by the CLI monitoring of jobs in case no file was specified
        candidateFile = FTSFile()
        candidateFile.LFN = overlap( sourceURL, targetURL )
        candidateFile.SourceSURL = sourceURL
        candidateFile.Size = 0
        self +=candidateFile
        for ftsFile in self:
          if ftsFile.SourceSURL == sourceURL:
            candidateFile = ftsFile
        if not candidateFile:
      # Can be uppercase for FTS3
      if not candidateFile.TargetSURL:
        candidateFile.TargetSURL = targetURL
      candidateFile.Status = fileStatus
      candidateFile.Error = reason
      candidateFile._duration = duration

      if candidateFile.Status == "Failed":
        for missingSource in self.missingSourceErrors:
          if missingSource.match( reason ):
            candidateFile.Error = "MissingSource"
      # If the staging info was present, record it
      if len( info ) > 6:
        candidateFile._staging = info[6]
    # # register successful files
    if self.Status in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
      return self.finalize()

    return S_OK()

  def submitFTS3( self, pinTime = False ):
    """ submit fts job using FTS3 rest API """

    if self.FTSGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSJob already has been submitted" )

    transfers = []

    for ftsFile in self:
      trans = fts3.new_transfer( ftsFile.SourceSURL,
                                checksum = 'ADLER32:%s'%ftsFile.Checksum,
                                filesize = ftsFile.Size )
      transfers.append( trans )

    source_spacetoken = self.SourceToken if self.SourceToken else None
    dest_spacetoken = self.TargetToken if self.TargetToken else None
    copy_pin_lifetime = pinTime if pinTime else None
    bring_online = 86400 if pinTime else None

    job = fts3.new_job( transfers = transfers, overwrite = True,
            source_spacetoken = source_spacetoken, spacetoken = dest_spacetoken,
            bring_online = bring_online, copy_pin_lifetime = copy_pin_lifetime, retry = 3 )

      if not self._fts3context:
        self._fts3context = fts3.Context( endpoint = self.FTSServer, request_class = ftsSSLRequest, verify = False )
      context = self._fts3context
      self.FTSGUID = fts3.submit( context, job )

    except Exception as e:
      return S_ERROR( "Error at submission: %s" % e )

    self.Status = "Submitted"
    self._log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "req_%s/FTSJob-%s" % ( self.RequestID, self.FTSGUID ) , True )
    for ftsFile in self:
      ftsFile.FTSGUID = self.FTSGUID
      ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
    return S_OK()

  def monitorFTS3( self, full = False ):
    if not self.FTSGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set, FTS job not submitted?" )

    jobStatusDict = None
      if not self._fts3context:
        self._fts3context = fts3.Context( endpoint = self.FTSServer, request_class = ftsSSLRequest, verify = False )
      context = self._fts3context
      jobStatusDict = fts3.get_job_status( context, self.FTSGUID, list_files = True )
    except Exception as e:
      return S_ERROR( "Error getting the job status %s" % e )

    self.Status = jobStatusDict['job_state'].capitalize()

    filesInfoList = jobStatusDict['files']
    statusSummary = {}
    for fileDict in filesInfoList:
      file_state = fileDict['file_state'].capitalize()
      statusSummary[file_state] = statusSummary.get( file_state, 0 ) + 1

    total = len( filesInfoList )
    completed = sum( [ statusSummary.get( state, 0 ) for state in FTSFile.FINAL_STATES ] )
    self.Completeness = 100 * completed / total

    if not full:
      return S_OK( statusSummary )

    ftsFilesPrinted = False
    for fileDict in filesInfoList:
      sourceURL = fileDict['source_surl']
      targetURL = fileDict['dest_surl']
      fileStatus = fileDict['file_state'].capitalize()
      reason = fileDict['reason']
      duration = fileDict['tx_duration']
      candidateFile = None
      for ftsFile in self:
        if ftsFile.SourceSURL == sourceURL and ftsFile.TargetSURL == targetURL :
          candidateFile = ftsFile
      if candidateFile is None:
        self._log.warn( 'FTSFile not found', 'Source: %s, Target: %s' % ( sourceURL, targetURL ) )
        if not ftsFilesPrinted:
          ftsFilesPrinted = True
          if not len( self ):
            self._log.warn( 'Monitored FTS job is empty!' )
            self._log.warn( 'All FTS files are:', '\n' + '\n'.join( ['Source: %s, Target: %s' % ( ftsFile.SourceSURL, ftsFile.TargetSURL ) for ftsFile in self] ) )
        candidateFile.Status = fileStatus
        candidateFile.Error = reason
        candidateFile._duration = duration

        if candidateFile.Status == "Failed":
          for missingSource in self.missingSourceErrors:
            if missingSource.match( reason ):
              candidateFile.Error = "MissingSource"

    # # register successful files
    if self.Status in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
      return self.finalize()
    return S_OK()

  def monitorFTS( self, ftsVersion, command = "glite-transfer-status", full = False ):
    """ Wrapper calling the proper method for a given version of FTS"""

    if ftsVersion == "FTS2":
      return self.monitorFTS2( command = command, full = full )
    elif ftsVersion == "FTS3":
      return self.monitorFTS3( full = full )
      return S_ERROR( "monitorFTS: unknown FTS version %s" % ftsVersion )

  def submitFTS( self, ftsVersion, command = 'glite-transfer-submit', pinTime = False ):
    """ Wrapper calling the proper method for a given version of FTS"""

    if ftsVersion == "FTS2":
      return self.submitFTS2( command = command, pinTime = pinTime )
    elif ftsVersion == "FTS3":
      return self.submitFTS3( pinTime = pinTime )
      return S_ERROR( "submitFTS: unknown FTS version %s" % ftsVersion )

  def finalize( self ):
    """ register successfully transferred  files """

    if self.Status not in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
      return S_OK()

    if not len( self ):
      return S_ERROR( "Empty job in finalize" )

    startTime = time.time()
    targetSE = StorageElement( self.TargetSE )
    toRegister = [ ftsFile for ftsFile in self if ftsFile.Status == "Finished" ]
    toRegisterDict = {}
    for ftsFile in toRegister:
      pfn = returnSingleResult( targetSE.getURL( ftsFile.LFN, protocol = 'srm' ) )
      if pfn["OK"]:
        pfn = pfn["Value"]
        toRegisterDict[ ftsFile.LFN ] = { "PFN": pfn, "SE": self.TargetSE }
        self._log.error( "Error getting SRM URL", pfn['Message'] )

    if toRegisterDict:
      self._regTotal += len( toRegisterDict )
      register = self._fc.addReplica( toRegisterDict )
      self._regTime += time.time() - startTime
      if not register["OK"]:
        self._log.error( 'Error registering replica', register['Message'] )
        for ftsFile in toRegister:
          ftsFile.Error = "AddCatalogReplicaFailed"
        return register
      register = register["Value"]
      self._regSuccess += len( register.get( 'Successful', {} ) )
      if self._regSuccess:
        self._log.info( 'Successfully registered %d replicas' % self._regSuccess )
      failedFiles = register.get( "Failed", {} )
      errorReason = {}
      for lfn, reason in failedFiles.items():
        errorReason.setdefault( str( reason ), [] ).append( lfn )
      for reason in errorReason:
        self._log.error( 'Error registering %d replicas' % len( errorReason[reason] ), reason )
      for ftsFile in toRegister:
        if ftsFile.LFN in failedFiles:
          ftsFile.Error = "AddCatalogReplicaFailed"
      statuses = set( [ftsFile.Status for ftsFile in self] )
      self._log.warn( "No replicas to register for FTSJob (%s) - Files status: '%s'" % \
                      ( self.Status, ','.join( sorted( statuses ) ) ) )

    return S_OK()

  def toSQL( self ):
    """ prepare SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement

    :return: str with SQL fragment
    colVals = []
    for column, value in self.__data__.items():
      if value and column not in ( "FTSJobID", "LastUpdate" ):
        colStr = "`%s`" % column
        if isinstance( value, datetime.datetime ) or isinstance( value, basestring ):
          valStr = "'%s'" % value
          valStr = str( value )
        colVals.append( ( colStr, valStr ) )
    colVals.append( ( "`LastUpdate`", "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" ) )
    query = []
    if self.FTSJobID:
      query.append( "UPDATE `FTSJob` SET " )
      query.append( ",".join( [ "%s=%s" % item for item in colVals  ] ) )
      query.append( " WHERE `FTSJobID`=%d;\n" % self.FTSJobID )
      query.append( "INSERT INTO `FTSJob` " )
      columns = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ column for column, value in colVals ] )
      values = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ value for column, value in colVals ] )
      query.append( columns )
      query.append( " VALUES %s;" % values )

    return S_OK( "".join( query ) )

  def toJSON( self ):
    """ dump to JSON format """
    digest = dict( zip( self.__data__.keys(),
                        [ str( val ) if val else "" for val in self.__data__.values() ] ) )
    digest["FTSFiles"] = []
    for ftsFile in self:
      fileJSON = ftsFile.toJSON()
      if not fileJSON["OK"]:
        return fileJSON
      digest["FTSFiles"].append( fileJSON["Value"] )
    return S_OK( digest )
# Check is provided SE is OK
se = StorageElement( targetSE )
if not se.valid:
  print se.errorReason

from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.ReqClient         import ReqClient
from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Request           import Request
from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Operation         import Operation
from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.File              import File
from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.private.RequestValidator import RequestValidator
from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog

reqClient = ReqClient()
fc = FileCatalog()

for lfnList in breakListIntoChunks( lfns, 100 ):

  oRequest = Request()
  oRequest.RequestName = "%s_%s" % ( md5( repr( time.time() ) ).hexdigest()[:16], md5( repr( time.time() ) ).hexdigest()[:16] )

  replicateAndRegister = Operation()
  replicateAndRegister.Type = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
  replicateAndRegister.TargetSE = targetSE

  res = fc.getFileMetadata( lfnList )
  if not res['OK']:
    print "Can't get file metadata: %s" % res['Message']
    DIRAC.exit( 1 )
  if res['Value']['Failed']:
Exemple #59
class FTSRequest( object ):
  .. class:: FTSRequest

  Helper class for FTS job submission and monitoring.

  # # default checksum type
  __defaultCksmType = "ADLER32"
  # # flag to disablr/enable checksum test, default: disabled
  __cksmTest = False

  def __init__( self ):

    :param self: self reference
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__, True )

    # # final states tuple
    self.finalStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold',
                         'Finished', 'FinishedDirty' )
    # # failed states tuple
    self.failedStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed',
                          'Hold', 'FinishedDirty' )
    # # successful states tuple
    self.successfulStates = ( 'Finished', 'Done' )
    # # all file states tuple
    self.fileStates = ( 'Done', 'Active', 'Pending', 'Ready', 'Canceled', 'Failed',
                        'Finishing', 'Finished', 'Submitted', 'Hold', 'Waiting' )

    self.statusSummary = {}

    # # request status
    self.requestStatus = 'Unknown'

    # # dict for FTS job files
    self.fileDict = {}
    # # dict for replicas information
    self.catalogReplicas = {}
    # # dict for metadata information
    self.catalogMetadata = {}
    # # dict for files that failed to register
    self.failedRegistrations = {}

    # # placehoder for FileCatalog reference
    self.oCatalog = None

    # # submit timestamp
    self.submitTime = ''

    # # placeholder FTS job GUID
    self.ftsGUID = ''
    # # placeholder for FTS server URL
    self.ftsServer = ''

    # # flag marking FTS job completness
    self.isTerminal = False
    # # completness percentage
    self.percentageComplete = 0.0

    # # source SE name
    self.sourceSE = ''
    # # flag marking source SE validity
    self.sourceValid = False
    # # source space token
    self.sourceToken = ''

    # # target SE name
    self.targetSE = ''
    # # flag marking target SE validity
    self.targetValid = False
    # # target space token
    self.targetToken = ''

    # # placeholder for target StorageElement
    self.oTargetSE = None
    # # placeholder for source StorageElement
    self.oSourceSE = None

    # # checksum type, set it to default
    self.__cksmType = self.__defaultCksmType
    # # disable checksum test by default
    self.__cksmTest = False

    # # statuses that prevent submitting to FTS
    self.noSubmitStatus = ( 'Failed', 'Done', 'Staging' )

    # # were sources resolved?
    self.sourceResolved = False

    # # Number of file transfers actually submitted
    self.submittedFiles = 0
    self.transferTime = 0

    self.submitCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/SubmitCommand', 'glite-transfer-submit' )
    self.monitorCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/MonitorCommand', 'glite-transfer-status' )
    self.ftsJob = None
    self.ftsFiles = []

  #  Methods for setting/getting/checking the SEs

  def setSourceSE( self, se ):
    """ set SE for source

    :param self: self reference
    :param str se: source SE name
    if se == self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE is TargetSE" )
    self.sourceSE = se
    self.oSourceSE = StorageElement( self.sourceSE )
    return self.__checkSourceSE()

  def __checkSourceSE( self ):
    """ check source SE availability

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.sourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not set" )
    res = self.oSourceSE.isValid( 'Read' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not available for reading" )
    res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oSourceSE )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for SourceSE", res['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE does not support FTS transfers" )

    if self.__cksmTest:
      res = self.oSourceSE.getChecksumType()
      if not res["OK"]:
        self.log.error( "Unable to get checksum type for SourceSE %s: %s" % ( self.sourceSE,
                                                                             res["Message"] ) )
        cksmType = res["Value"]
        if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ):
          self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at SourceSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType,
                                                                                              self.sourceSE ) )
          self.__cksmTest = False
        elif cksmType != self.__cksmType:
          self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" )
          self.__cksmTest = False

    self.sourceToken = res['Value']
    self.sourceValid = True
    return S_OK()

  def setTargetSE( self, se ):
    """ set target SE

    :param self: self reference
    :param str se: target SE name
    if se == self.sourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE is SourceSE" )
    self.targetSE = se
    self.oTargetSE = StorageElement( self.targetSE )
    return self.__checkTargetSE()

  def setTargetToken( self, token ):
    """ target space token setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str token: target space token
    self.targetToken = token
    return S_OK()

  def __checkTargetSE( self ):
    """ check target SE availability

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not set" )
    res = self.oTargetSE.isValid( 'Write' )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not available for writing" )
    res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oTargetSE )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for TargetSE", res['Message'] )
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE does not support FTS transfers" )

    # # check checksum types
    if self.__cksmTest:
      res = self.oTargetSE.getChecksumType()
      if not res["OK"]:
        self.log.error( "Unable to get checksum type for TargetSE %s: %s" % ( self.targetSE,
                                                                             res["Message"] ) )
        cksmType = res["Value"]
        if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ):
          self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at TargetSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType,
                                                                                              self.targetSE ) )
          self.__cksmTest = False
        elif cksmType != self.__cksmType:
          self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" )
          self.__cksmTest = False

    self.targetToken = res['Value']
    self.targetValid = True
    return S_OK()

  def __getSESpaceToken( oSE ):
    """ get space token from StorageElement instance

    :param self: self reference
    :param StorageElement oSE: StorageElement instance
    res = oSE.getStorageParameters( "SRM2" )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    return S_OK( res['Value'].get( 'SpaceToken' ) )

  #  Methods for setting/getting FTS request parameters

  def setFTSGUID( self, guid ):
    """ FTS job GUID setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str guid: string containg GUID
    if not checkGuid( guid ):
      return S_ERROR( "Incorrect GUID format" )
    self.ftsGUID = guid
    return S_OK()

  def setFTSServer( self, server ):
    """ FTS server setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str server: FTS server URL
    self.ftsServer = server
    return S_OK()

  def isRequestTerminal( self ):
    """ check if FTS job has terminated

    :param self: self reference
    if self.requestStatus in self.finalStates:
      self.isTerminal = True
    return S_OK( self.isTerminal )

  def setCksmTest( self, cksmTest = False ):
    """ set cksm test

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool cksmTest: flag to enable/disable checksum test
    self.__cksmTest = bool( cksmTest )
    return S_OK( self.__cksmTest )

  #  Methods for setting/getting/checking files and their metadata

  def setLFN( self, lfn ):
    """ add LFN :lfn: to :fileDict:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN to add to
    self.fileDict.setdefault( lfn, {'Status':'Waiting'} )
    return S_OK()

  def setSourceSURL( self, lfn, surl ):
    """ source SURL setter

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str surl: source SURL
    target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
    if target == surl:
      return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" )
    return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Source', surl )

  def getSourceSURL( self, lfn ):
    """ get source SURL for LFN :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Source' )

  def setTargetSURL( self, lfn, surl ):
    """ set target SURL for LFN :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str surl: target SURL
    source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
    if source == surl:
      return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" )
    return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', surl )

  def getFailReason( self, lfn ):
    """ get fail reason for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason' )

  def getRetries( self, lfn ):
    """ get number of attepmts made to transfer file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Retries' )

  def getTransferTime( self, lfn ):
    """ get duration of transfer for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration' )

  def getFailed( self ):
    """ get list of wrongly transferred LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                   if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.failedStates ] )

  def getStaging( self ):
    """ get files set for prestaging """
    return S_OK( [lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                  if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) == 'Staging'] )

  def getDone( self ):
    """ get list of succesfully transferred LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                   if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.successfulStates ] )

  def __setFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName, paramValue ):
    """ set :paramName: to :paramValue: for :lfn: file

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str paramName: parameter name
    :param mixed paramValue: a new parameter value
    self.setLFN( lfn )
    self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] = paramValue
    return S_OK()

  def __getFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName ):
    """ get value of :paramName: for file :lfn:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param str paramName: parameter name
    if lfn not in self.fileDict:
      return S_ERROR( "Supplied file not set" )
    if paramName not in self.fileDict[lfn]:
      return S_ERROR( "%s not set for file" % paramName )
    return S_OK( self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] )

  #  Methods for submission

  def submit( self, monitor = False, printOutput = True ):
    """ submit FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool monitor: flag to monitor progress of FTS job
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print output of execution to stdout
    res = self.__prepareForSubmission()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.__submitFTSTransfer()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    resDict = { 'ftsGUID' : self.ftsGUID, 'ftsServer' : self.ftsServer, 'submittedFiles' : self.submittedFiles }
    if monitor or printOutput:
      gLogger.always( "Submitted %s@%s" % ( self.ftsGUID, self.ftsServer ) )
      if monitor:
        self.monitor( untilTerminal = True, printOutput = printOutput, full = False )
    return S_OK( resDict )

  def __prepareForSubmission( self ):
    """ check validity of job before submission

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.fileDict:
      return S_ERROR( "No files set" )
    if not self.sourceValid:
      return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not valid" )
    if not self.targetValid:
      return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not valid" )
    if not self.ftsServer:
      res = self.__resolveFTSServer()
      if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not valid" )
    res = self.__filesToSubmit()
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "No files to submit" )
    return S_OK()

  def __getCatalogObject( self ):
    """ CatalogInterface instance facade

    :param self: self reference
      if not self.oCatalog:
        self.oCatalog = FileCatalog()
      return S_OK()
      return S_ERROR()

  def __updateReplicaCache( self, lfns = None, overwrite = False ):
    """ update replica cache for list of :lfns:

    :param self: self reference
    :param mixed lfns: list of LFNs
    :param bool overwrite: flag to trigger cache clearing and updating
    if not lfns:
      lfns = self.fileDict.keys()
    toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if ( lfn not in self.catalogReplicas ) or overwrite ]
    if not toUpdate:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.oCatalog.getReplicas( toUpdate )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to update replica cache: %s" % res['Message'] )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      self.catalogReplicas[lfn] = replicas
    return S_OK()

  def __updateMetadataCache( self, lfns = None ):
    """ update metadata cache for list of LFNs

    :param self: self reference
    :param list lnfs: list of LFNs
    if not lfns:
      lfns = self.fileDict.keys()
    toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn not in self.catalogMetadata ]
    if not toUpdate:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.oCatalog.getFileMetadata( toUpdate )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to get source catalog metadata: %s" % res['Message'] )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      self.catalogMetadata[lfn] = metadata
    return S_OK()

  def resolveSource( self ):
    """ resolve source SE eligible for submission

    :param self: self reference

    # Avoid resolving sources twice
    if self.sourceResolved:
      return S_OK()
    # Only resolve files that need a transfer
    toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( "Status", "" ) != "Failed" ]
    if not toResolve:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__updateMetadataCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res

    # Define the source URLs
    for lfn in toResolve:
      replicas = self.catalogReplicas.get( lfn, {} )
      if self.sourceSE not in replicas:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - not replicas at SourceSE %s" % ( lfn, self.sourceSE ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "No replica at SourceSE" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      # Fix first the PFN
      pfn = self.oSourceSE.getPfnForLfn( lfn ).get( 'Value', {} ).get( 'Successful', {} ).get( lfn, replicas[self.sourceSE] )
      res = returnSingleResult( self.oSourceSE.getPfnForProtocol( pfn, protocol = 'SRM2', withPort = True ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      res = self.setSourceSURL( lfn, res['Value'] )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

    toResolve = {}
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if "Source" in self.fileDict[lfn]:
        toResolve[self.fileDict[lfn]['Source']] = lfn
    if not toResolve:
      return S_ERROR( "No eligible Source files" )

    # Get metadata of the sources, to check for existance, availability and caching
    res = self.oSourceSE.getFileMetadata( toResolve.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to check source file metadata" )

    for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      lfn = toResolve[pfn]
      if re.search( 'File does not exist', error ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file does not exists" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file does not exist" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - failed to get source metadata" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Failed to get Source metadata" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toStage = []

    nbStagedFiles = 0
    for pfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      lfn = toResolve[pfn]
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Status' )
      if metadata['Unavailable']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file unavailable" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Unavailable" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif metadata['Lost']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file lost" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Lost" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif not metadata['Cached']:
        if lfnStatus != 'Staging':
          toStage.append( pfn )
      elif metadata['Size'] != self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Size']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file size mismatch" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source size mismatch" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] and metadata['Checksum'] and \
            not compareAdler( metadata['Checksum'], self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] ):
        gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file checksum mismatch" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source checksum mismatch" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      elif lfnStatus == 'Staging':
        # file that was staging is now cached
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Waiting' )
        nbStagedFiles += 1

    # Some files were being staged
    if nbStagedFiles:
      self.log.info( 'resolveSource: %d files have been staged' % nbStagedFiles )

    # Launching staging of files not in cache
    if toStage:
      gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: %s source files not cached, prestaging..." % len( toStage ) )
      stage = self.oSourceSE.prestageFile( toStage )
      if not stage["OK"]:
        gLogger.error( "resolveSource: error is prestaging - %s" % stage["Message"] )
        for pfn in toStage:
          lfn = toResolve[pfn]
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage["Message"] )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        for pfn in toStage:
          lfn = toResolve[pfn]
          if pfn in stage['Value']['Successful']:
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Staging' )
          elif pfn in stage['Value']['Failed']:
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage['Value']['Failed'][pfn] )
            self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )

    self.sourceResolved = True
    return S_OK()

  def resolveTarget( self ):
    """ find target SE eligible for submission

    :param self: self reference
    toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict
                 if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) not in self.noSubmitStatus ]
    if not toResolve:
      return S_OK()
    res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    for lfn in toResolve:
      res = self.oTargetSE.getPfnForLfn( lfn )
      if not res['OK'] or lfn not in res['Value']['Successful']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - failed to create target pfn" % lfn )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Failed to create Target" )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      pfn = res['Value']['Successful'][lfn]
      res = self.oTargetSE.getPfnForProtocol( pfn, protocol = 'SRM2', withPort = True )
      if not res['OK'] or pfn not in res['Value']['Successful']:
        reason = res.get( 'Message', res.get( 'Value', {} ).get( 'Failed', {} ).get( pfn ) )
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, reason ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', reason )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
      pfn = res['Value']['Successful'][pfn]
      res = self.setTargetSURL( lfn, pfn )
      if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toResolve = {}
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if "Target" in self.fileDict[lfn]:
        toResolve[self.fileDict[lfn]['Target']] = lfn
    if not toResolve:
      return S_ERROR( "No eligible Target files" )
    res = self.oTargetSE.exists( toResolve.keys() )
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( "Failed to check target existence" )
    for pfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      lfn = toResolve[pfn]
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
    toRemove = []
    for pfn, exists in res['Value']['Successful'].items():
      if exists:
        lfn = toResolve[pfn]
        res = self.getSourceSURL( lfn )
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - target exists" % lfn )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Target exists" )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        elif res['Value'] == pfn:
          gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - source and target pfns are the same" % lfn )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source and Target the same" )
          self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
          toRemove.append( pfn )
    if toRemove:
      self.oTargetSE.removeFile( toRemove )
    return S_OK()

  def __filesToSubmit( self ):
    check if there is at least one file to submit

    :return: S_OK if at least one file is present, S_ERROR otherwise
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
      source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
      target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
      if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus and source and target:
        return S_OK()
    return S_ERROR()

  def __createFTSFiles( self ):
    """ create LFNs file for glite-transfer-submit command

    This file consists one line for each fiel to be transferred:


    :param self: self reference
    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
      if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus:
        cksmStr = ""
        # # add chsmType:cksm only if cksmType is specified, else let FTS decide by itself
        if self.__cksmTest and self.__cksmType:
          checkSum = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Checksum' )
          if checkSum:
            cksmStr = " %s:%s" % ( self.__cksmType, intAdlerToHex( hexAdlerToInt( checkSum ) ) )
        ftsFile = FTSFile()
        ftsFile.LFN = lfn
        ftsFile.SourceSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' )
        ftsFile.TargetSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' )
        ftsFile.SourceSE = self.sourceSE
        ftsFile.TargetSE = self.targetSE
        ftsFile.Status = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' )
        ftsFile.Checksum = cksmStr
        ftsFile.Size = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Size' )
        self.ftsFiles.append( ftsFile )
        self.submittedFiles += 1
    return S_OK()

  def __createFTSJob( self, guid = None ):
    ftsJob = FTSJob()
    ftsJob.RequestID = 0
    ftsJob.OperationID = 0
    ftsJob.SourceSE = self.sourceSE
    ftsJob.TargetSE = self.targetSE
    ftsJob.SourceToken = self.sourceToken
    ftsJob.TargetToken = self.targetToken
    ftsJob.FTSServer = self.ftsServer
    if guid:
      ftsJob.FTSGUID = guid

    for ftsFile in self.ftsFiles:
      ftsFile.Attempt += 1
      ftsFile.Error = ""
      ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile )
    self.ftsJob = ftsJob

  def __submitFTSTransfer( self ):
    """ create and execute glite-transfer-submit CLI command

    :param self: self reference
    log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'Submit' )

    submit = self.ftsJob.submitFTS2( command = self.submitCommand )
    if not submit["OK"]:
      log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob: %s" % submit["Message"] )
      return submit

    log.info( "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

    # # update statuses for job files
    for ftsFile in self.ftsJob:
      ftsFile.FTSGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID
      ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
      ftsFile.Attempt += 1

    log.info( "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) )
    self.ftsGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID
    return S_OK()

  def __resolveFTSServer( self ):
    resolve FTS server to use, it should be the closest one from target SE

    :param self: self reference
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTSServersForSites
    if not self.targetSE:
      return S_ERROR( "Target SE not set" )
    res = getSitesForSE( self.targetSE )
    if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']:
      return S_ERROR( "Could not determine target site" )
    targetSites = res['Value']

    targetSite = ''
    for targetSite in targetSites:
      targetFTS = getFTSServersForSites( [targetSite] )
      if targetFTS['OK']:
        ftsTarget = targetFTS['Value'][targetSite]
        if ftsTarget:
          self.ftsServer = ftsTarget
          return S_OK( self.ftsServer )
        return targetFTS
    return S_ERROR( 'No FTS server found for %s' % targetSite )

  #  Methods for monitoring

  def summary( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False ):
    """ summary of FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout
    res = self.__isSummaryValid()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    while not self.isTerminal:
      res = self.__parseOutput( full = True )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      if untilTerminal:
      if res['Value'] or ( not untilTerminal ):
      time.sleep( 1 )
    if untilTerminal:
      print ""
    if printOutput and ( not untilTerminal ):
      return self.dumpSummary( printOutput = printOutput )
    return S_OK()

  def monitor( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False, full = True ):
    """ monitor FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state
    :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout
    if not self.ftsJob:
      self.__createFTSJob( self.ftsGUID )
    res = self.__isSummaryValid()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if untilTerminal:
      res = self.summary( untilTerminal = untilTerminal, printOutput = printOutput )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
    res = self.__parseOutput( full = full )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if untilTerminal:
    if printOutput:
    return res

  def dumpSummary( self, printOutput = False ):
    """ get FTS job summary as str

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool printOutput: print summary to stdout

    outStr = ''
    for status in sorted( self.statusSummary ):
      if self.statusSummary[status]:
        outStr = '%s\t%-10s : %-10s\n' % ( outStr, status, str( self.statusSummary[status] ) )
    outStr = outStr.rstrip( '\n' )
    if printOutput:
      print outStr
    return S_OK( outStr )

  def __print( self ):
    """ print progress bar of FTS job completeness to stdout

    :param self: self reference
    width = 100
    bits = int( ( width * self.percentageComplete ) / 100 )
    outStr = "|%s>%s| %.1f%s %s %s" % ( "="*bits, " "*( width - bits ),
                                        self.percentageComplete, "%",
                                        self.requestStatus, " "*10 )
    sys.stdout.write( "%s\r" % ( outStr ) )

  def dump( self ):
    """ print FTS job parameters and files to stdout

    :param self: self reference
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Status", self.requestStatus )
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Source", self.sourceSE )
    print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Target", self.targetSE )
    print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "Server", self.ftsServer )
    print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "GUID", self.ftsGUID )
    for lfn in sorted( self.fileDict ):
      print "\n  %-15s : %-128s" % ( 'LFN', lfn )
      for key in ['Source', 'Target', 'Status', 'Reason', 'Duration']:
        print "  %-15s : %-128s" % ( key, str( self.fileDict[lfn].get( key ) ) )
    return S_OK()

  def __isSummaryValid( self ):
    """ check validity of FTS job summary report

    :param self: self reference
    if not self.ftsServer:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not set" )
    if not self.ftsGUID:
      return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set" )
    return S_OK()

  def __parseOutput( self, full = False ):
    """ execute glite-transfer-status command and parse its output

    :param self: self reference
    :param bool full: glite-transfer-status verbosity level, when set, collect information of files as well
    monitor = self.ftsJob.monitorFTS2( command = self.monitorCommand, full = full )
    if not monitor['OK']:
      return monitor
    self.percentageComplete = self.ftsJob.Completeness
    self.requestStatus = self.ftsJob.Status
    self.submitTime = self.ftsJob.SubmitTime

    statusSummary = monitor['Value']
    if statusSummary:
      for state in statusSummary:
        self.statusSummary[state] = statusSummary[state]

    self.transferTime = 0
    for ftsFile in self.ftsJob:
      lfn = ftsFile.LFN
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', ftsFile.Status )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', ftsFile.Error )
      self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration', ftsFile._duration )
      targetURL = self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Target' )
      if not targetURL['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', ftsFile.TargetSURL )
      self.transferTime += int( ftsFile._duration )
    return S_OK()

  #  Methods for finalization

  def finalize( self ):
    """ finalize FTS job

    :param self: self reference
    transEndTime = dateTime()
    regStartTime = time.time()
    res = self.getTransferStatistics()
    transDict = res['Value']

    res = self.__registerSuccessful( transDict['transLFNs'] )

    regSuc, regTotal = res['Value']
    regTime = time.time() - regStartTime
    if self.sourceSE and self.targetSE:
      self.__sendAccounting( regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict )
    return S_OK()

  def getTransferStatistics( self ):
    """ collect information of Transfers that can be used by Accounting

    :param self: self reference
    transDict = { 'transTotal': len( self.fileDict ),
                  'transLFNs': [],
                  'transOK': 0,
                  'transSize': 0 }

    for lfn in self.fileDict:
      if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) in self.successfulStates:
        if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Duration', 0 ):
          transDict['transLFNs'].append( lfn )
          transDict['transOK'] += 1
          if lfn in self.catalogMetadata:
            transDict['transSize'] += self.catalogMetadata[lfn].get( 'Size', 0 )

    return S_OK( transDict )

  def getFailedRegistrations( self ):
    """ get failed registrations dict

    :param self: self reference
    return S_OK( self.failedRegistrations )

  def __registerSuccessful( self, transLFNs ):
    """ register successfully transferred files to the catalogs,
    fill failedRegistrations dict for files that failed to register

    :param self: self reference
    :param list transLFNs: LFNs in FTS job
    self.failedRegistrations = {}
    toRegister = {}
    for lfn in transLFNs:
      res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getPfnForProtocol( self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ), protocol = 'SRM2', withPort = False ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] )
        self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' )
        toRegister[lfn] = { 'PFN' : res['Value'], 'SE' : self.targetSE }
    if not toRegister:
      return S_OK( ( 0, 0 ) )
    res = self.__getCatalogObject()
    if not res['OK']:
      for lfn in toRegister:
        self.failedRegistrations = toRegister
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] )
        return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) )
    res = self.oCatalog.addReplica( toRegister )
    if not res['OK']:
      self.failedRegistrations = toRegister
      self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] )
      return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) )
    for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items():
      self.failedRegistrations[lfn] = toRegister[lfn]
      self.log.error( 'Registration of Replica failed', '%s : %s' % ( lfn, str( error ) ) )
    return S_OK( ( len( res['Value']['Successful'] ), len( toRegister ) ) )

  def __sendAccounting( self, regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict ):
    """ send accounting record

    :param self: self reference
    :param regSuc: number of files successfully registered
    :param regTotal: number of files attepted to register
    :param regTime: time stamp at the end of registration
    :param transEndTime: time stamp at the end of FTS job
    :param dict transDict: dict holding couters for files being transerred, their sizes and successfull transfers

    oAccounting = DataOperation()
    oAccounting.setEndTime( transEndTime )
    oAccounting.setStartTime( self.submitTime )

    accountingDict = {}
    accountingDict['OperationType'] = 'replicateAndRegister'
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      userName = '******'
      userName = result['Value'].get( 'username', 'unknown' )
    accountingDict['User'] = userName
    accountingDict['Protocol'] = 'FTS' if 'fts3' not in self.ftsServer else 'FTS3'
    accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = regTime
    accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = regSuc
    accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = regTotal
    accountingDict['TransferOK'] = transDict['transOK']
    accountingDict['TransferTotal'] = transDict['transTotal']
    accountingDict['TransferSize'] = transDict['transSize']
    accountingDict['FinalStatus'] = self.requestStatus
    accountingDict['Source'] = self.sourceSE
    accountingDict['Destination'] = self.targetSE
    accountingDict['TransferTime'] = self.transferTime
    oAccounting.setValuesFromDict( accountingDict )
    self.log.verbose( "Attempting to commit accounting message..." )
    self.log.verbose( "...committed." )
    return S_OK()