def reverseGraph(graph):
        Retornar el reverso del grafo graph
        greverse = g.newGraph(size=g.numVertices(graph),

        lstvert = g.vertices(graph)
        itervert = it.newIterator(lstvert)
        while it.hasNext(itervert):
            vert =
            g.insertVertex(greverse, vert)

        itervert = it.newIterator(lstvert)
        while it.hasNext(itervert):
            vert =
            lstadj = g.adjacents(graph, vert)
            iteradj = it.newIterator(lstadj)
            while it.hasNext(iteradj):
                adj =
                g.addEdge(greverse, adj, vert)
        return greverse
    except Exception as exp:
        error.reraise(exp, 'scc:reverse')
def addEdge(analyzer, originPoint, destinationPoint, distance):
    edge = gr.getEdge(analyzer['connections'], originPoint, destinationPoint)
    # Se intenta crear un arco. Primero se verifica si existe
    if edge is None:
        gr.addEdge(analyzer['connections'], originPoint, destinationPoint,
    return analyzer
 def add_edges(self):
     edge_it = al_it.newIterator(self.connections_list)
     while al_it.hasNext(edge_it):
         temp =
         new_edge = lt.getElement(temp, 1), lt.getElement(temp, 2)
         gp.addEdge(self.connections_map, *new_edge,
def addConnection_directed(analyzer, connection):
    origin = connection['\ufefforigin']
    destination = connection['destination']
    cable_id = connection['cable_name']
    cable_lenght = DistanceHaversine(origin, destination, analyzer)

    verticeA = "<{}>-<{}>".format(origin, cable_id)
    verticeB = "<{}>-<{}>".format(destination, cable_id)

    containsA = gr.containsVertex(analyzer['connections_directed'], verticeA)
    containsB = gr.containsVertex(analyzer['connections_directed'], verticeB)
    if not containsA and not containsB:
        gr.insertVertex(analyzer['connections_directed'], verticeA)
        gr.insertVertex(analyzer['connections_directed'], verticeB)

        listilla = [origin, cable_id, verticeA]

        lt.addLast(analyzer['vertices'], listilla)

        mapa = analyzer['landing_points']
        pareja = om.get(mapa, origin)
        valor = me.getValue(pareja)
        lista_cables = valor['cables']
        lt.addLast(lista_cables, verticeA)

        gr.addEdge(analyzer['connections_directed'], verticeA, verticeB,
Exemple #5
def addConnection(analyzer, origin, destination, weight):
    Adiciona un arco entre dos vértices del grafo
    graph = analyzer['connections']
    edge = gr.getEdge(graph, origin, destination)
    if edge is None:
        gr.addEdge(graph, origin, destination, weight)
    return analyzer
def addConnection(catalog, graph, origin, destination, weight):
    Adiciona un arco entre dos estaciones
    edge = gr.getEdge(catalog[graph], origin, destination)
    if edge is None:
        gr.addEdge(catalog[graph], origin, destination, weight)
        #gr.addEdge(catalog[graph], destination, origin, weight)
    return catalog
Exemple #7
def existe_lp(catalog: dict, vertex: str) -> None:
    #TODO Aquí se debe crear un algoritmo que sea capaz de agregar arcos en vertices con un mismo lp
    # , se debe agregar un arco que vaya al siguiente vértice y un arco que se devuelva
    #Puede que la solución sea una función recursiva.
    vertices = gr.vertices(catalog["graph"])
    for i in range(1, lt.size(vertices) + 1):
        elemento2 = lt.getElement(vertices, i)
        elemento = lt.getElement(vertices, i).split("-")[0]
        if (vertex.split("-")[0] == elemento and vertex != elemento2):
            gr.addEdge(catalog["graph"], vertex, elemento2, 0.1)
            add_info_cable(catalog, "", "<{}>-<{}>".format(vertex, elemento2))
    def getRoute(self, area1, area2) -> Route:
        if not self.containsArea(area1):
            graph.insertVertex(self.Routes, area1)
        if not self.containsArea(area2):
            graph.insertVertex(self.Routes, area2)

        route = graph.getEdge(self.Routes, area1, area2)
        if route is None:
            route = Route()
            graph.addEdge(self.Routes, area1, area2, route)
            route = graph.getEdge(self.Routes, area1, area2)
        return route['weight']
def addTrip(chicagoAnalyzer, origin, destiny, tripTime, idTrip):
    Crea el arco(camino) entre los dos vertices(el de origen y el de destino)

    edge = gr.getEdge(chicagoAnalyzer['communityTrip'], origin, destiny)

    if edge is None:
        gr.addEdge(chicagoAnalyzer['communityTrip'], origin, destiny, tripTime)
        edge = gr.getEdge(chicagoAnalyzer['communityTrip'], origin, destiny)

    m.put(chicagoAnalyzer['tripID_edge'], idTrip, edge)

    return chicagoAnalyzer
def addArchConnections(analyzer, info):
    graph = analyzer["arches"]
    origin = info["origin"]
    destination = info["destination"]

    addArch(analyzer, origin)
    addArch(analyzer, destination)
    length = 0

    if info["cable_length"] != "n.a.":
        final = ((info["cable_length"]).strip(" km")).split(",")
        if len(final) > 1:
            length = final[0] + final[1]
    gr.addEdge(graph, origin, destination, int(length))
def AddSameLanding_pointEdge(catalog):
    Unen los mismo landing_point 
    # Obtener la lista de landing_point
    landing_point_list = mp.keySet(catalog['map_landing_points'])
    # Iterar sobre la lista de landing_point
    landing_point_iterator = it.newIterator(landing_point_list)
    while it.hasNext(landing_point_iterator):
        landing_point =
        # Obtener el map de landing_point
        landing_point_mapEntry = mp.get(catalog['map_landing_points'],
        landing_point_map = me.getValue(landing_point_mapEntry)
        # Obtener la lista de ciudades
        ciudades_list = mp.keySet(landing_point_map)
        # Iterar sobre ciudades
        i = 0
        ciudades_iterator = it.newIterator(ciudades_list)
        while i < int(lt.size(ciudades_list)):
            ciudad =
            # Crear la lista de vertex A
            vertexA_list = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST')
            # Obtener la lista de vertex
            vertex_list = gr.vertices(catalog['graph_landing_points'])
            # iterar sobre la lista de vertices
            vertex_iterator = it.newIterator(vertex_list)
            while it.hasNext(vertex_iterator):
                vertex =
                # Separar el vertice
                vertex_separado = vertex.split("*")
                # Obtener la lista filtrada de vertices
                if vertex_separado[0] == landing_point and vertex_separado[
                        1] == ciudad and not mp.contains(
                            catalog['capitals'], vertex_separado[1]):
                    lt.addLast(vertexA_list, vertex)
            # Iterar sobre vertexA_list
            vertexA_iterator = it.newIterator(vertexA_list)
            while it.hasNext(vertexA_iterator):
                vertexA =
                # Iterar sobre vertexA_list
                vertexB_iterator = it.newIterator(vertexA_list)
                while it.hasNext(vertexB_iterator):
                    vertexB =
                    if gr.getEdge(catalog['graph_landing_points'], vertexA,
                                  vertexB) == None:
                        gr.addEdge(catalog['graph_landing_points'], vertexA,
                                   vertexB, float(0.1))
            i += 1
 def add_capital_edges(self, country):
     if country == "Colombia":
         country = country
     capital = self.get_capital_id_safe(country)
     cities = mp.get(self.point_country, country)
     if cities:
         city_it = ll_it.newIterator(cities['value'])
         while ll_it.hasNext(city_it):
             city =
             if capital != city:
                 if not gp.getEdge(self.connections_map, capital, city):
                     gp.addEdge(self.connections_map, capital, city,
                                self.haversine(capital, city))
                     gp.addEdge(self.connections_map, city, capital,
                                self.haversine(capital, city))
def addConnection(analyzer, origin, destination, duration):
    Adiciona un arco entre dos estaciones
    edge = gr.getEdge(analyzer['graph'], origin, destination)
    if edge is not None:
        edge['pesos'] += duration
        edge['size'] += 1
        edge['weight'] = round((edge['pesos'] / edge['size']), 2)
        gr.addEdge(analyzer['graph'], origin, destination, duration)
        edge = gr.getEdge(analyzer['graph'], origin, destination)
        edge['pesos'] += duration
        edge['size'] += 1
        edge['weight'] = round((edge['pesos'] / edge['size']), 2)
Exemple #14
def updateRoute(trip: dict, DataBase: dict) -> None:
    startId = int(trip["start station id"])
    endId = int(trip["end station id"])
    tripTime = int(trip["tripduration"])

    edgeRoute = graph.getEdge(DataBase['graph'], startId, endId)

    if edgeRoute is None:
        weight = Structure.newWeight()
        graph.addEdge(DataBase['graph'], startId, endId, weight)
        edgeRoute = graph.getEdge(DataBase['graph'], startId, endId)

    weight = edge.weight(edgeRoute)
    weight['time'] = aveTime(weight, tripTime)
    weight['users'] += 1
Exemple #15
def findNegativeCycle(graph, search):
    Identifica ciclos negativos en el grafo
        vertices = g.vertices(graph)
        for vert in lt.iterator(vertices):
            edge = map.get(search['edgeTo'], vert)
            if (edge is not None):
                edge = edge['value']
                g.addEdge(search['spt'], e.either(edge), e.other(edge),
        finder = c.DirectedCycle(search['spt'])
        search['cycle'] = not st.isEmpty(c.cycle(finder))
        return search
    except Exception as exp:
        error.reraise(exp, 'bellman:pathto')
def addSameOrigin_directed(analyzer):

    info = om.valueSet(analyzer['landing_points'])

    for i in range(lt.size(info)):
        diccionario = lt.getElement(info, i)
        lista_cables = diccionario['cables']
        for i in range(lt.size(lista_cables)):
            verticeA = lt.getElement(lista_cables, i)
            cont = 0
            j = 1
            while j + cont <= lt.size(lista_cables):
                verticeB = lt.getElement(lista_cables, j + cont)
                if verticeA != verticeB:
                    gr.addEdge(analyzer['connections_directed'], verticeA,
                               verticeB, 100)
                cont += 1
 def graph_mst_prim(self, scan):
     graph = gp.newGraph(size=self.mas_grande[1])
     distTo = scan['distTo']
     edgeTo = scan['edgeTo']
     dist_it = ll_it.newIterator(mp.keySet(distTo))
     total_dist = 0
     while ll_it.hasNext(dist_it):
         vertex =
         dist = mp.get(distTo, vertex)['value']
         if dist:
             total_dist += dist
             edge = mp.get(edgeTo, vertex)['value']
             if not gp.containsVertex(graph, edge['vertexA']):
                 gp.insertVertex(graph, edge['vertexA'])
             if not gp.containsVertex(graph, edge['vertexB']):
                 gp.insertVertex(graph, edge['vertexB'])
             gp.addEdge(graph, edge['vertexA'], edge['vertexB'], dist)
     return graph, total_dist
def addRouteConnections(analyzer, info):
    Por cada vertice (cada estacion) se recorre la lista
    de rutas servidas en dicha estación y se crean
    arcos entre ellas para representar el cambio de ruta
    que se puede realizar en una estación.
    grafo = analyzer["Arcos"]
    llegada = info["destination"]
    origen = info["origin"]
    addStop(analyzer, origen)
    addStop(analyzer, llegada)
    distancia = 0
    if info["cable_length"] != "n.a.":
        final = ((info["cable_length"]).strip(" km")).split(",")
        if len(final) > 1:
            distancia = final[0] + final[1]
    addEdge(grafo, origen, llegada, int(distancia))
Exemple #19
def crear_conexión(catalog: dict, linea: OrderedDict) -> None:
    vertexA = "<{}>-<{}>".format(linea["origin"], linea["cable_id"])
    vertexB = "<{}>-<{}>".format(linea["destination"], linea["cable_id"])
    latA = float(
        me.getValue(mp.get(catalog["ldp"], linea["origin"]))["latitude"])
    lonA = float(
        me.getValue(mp.get(catalog["ldp"], linea["origin"]))["longitude"])
    lonB = float(
        me.getValue(mp.get(catalog["ldp"], linea["destination"]))["longitude"])
    latB = float(
        me.getValue(mp.get(catalog["ldp"], linea["destination"]))["latitude"])
    peso = haversine(lonA, latA, lonB, latB)
    gr.insertVertex(catalog["graph"], vertexA)
    existe_lp(catalog, vertexA)
    gr.insertVertex(catalog["graph"], vertexB)
    existe_lp(catalog, vertexA)
    gr.addEdge(catalog["graph"], vertexA, vertexB, peso)
    add_info_cable(catalog, catalog["cable_name"], catalog["cable_id"],
                   catalog["cable_length"], catalog["cable_rfs"],
                   catalog["owners"], catalog["capacityTBPS"])
def addCountriestoCapitalCity(analyzer):

    vertices = analyzer['vertices']
    map_landing = analyzer['landing_points']

    for i in range(lt.size(vertices)):
        parejaA = lt.getElement(vertices, i)
        origenA = parejaA[0]
        vertice = parejaA[2]
        pareja = om.get(map_landing, origenA)
        info = me.getValue(pareja)
        pais = info['country']

        contains = gr.containsVertex(analyzer['connections'], pais)
        if not contains:
            gr.insertVertex(analyzer['connections'], pais)
            gr.addEdge(analyzer['connections'], pais, vertice)
            lista_add = analyzer['vertices']
            lt.addLast(lista_add, pais)
        if contains:
            gr.addEdge(analyzer['connections'], pais, vertice)
Exemple #21
def getTargetEdge(trip: dict, DataBase: dict) -> edge:
    startId = int(trip["start station id"])
    endId = int(trip["end station id"])
    target = selectTarget(trip)

    if not (map.contains(DataBase['target'], target)):
        targetGraph = Structure.newTargetGraph()
        map.put(DataBase['target'], target, targetGraph)
    targetGraph = mapentry.getValue(map.get(DataBase['target'], target))

    if not (graph.containsVertex(targetGraph, startId)):
        graph.insertVertex(targetGraph, startId)
    if not (graph.containsVertex(targetGraph, endId)):
        graph.insertVertex(targetGraph, endId)

    edgeRoute = graph.getEdge(targetGraph, startId, endId)

    if edgeRoute is None:
        graph.addEdge(targetGraph, startId, endId, 0)
        edgeRoute = graph.getEdge(targetGraph, startId, endId)
    return edgeRoute
Exemple #22
def graph():
    graph = g.newGraph(size=12, directed=True, comparefunction=compareVertices)

    g.insertVertex(graph, 'A1')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'A2')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'A3')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'A4')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'B1')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'B2')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'B3')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'C1')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'C2')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'C3')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'C4')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'C5')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'A1', 'A2')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'A2', 'A3')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'A3', 'A2')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'A2', 'A1')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'A3', 'A4')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'A4', 'A3')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'C1', 'C5')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'C1', 'C2')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'C2', 'C3')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'C5', 'C2')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'C3', 'C4')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'C4', 'C1')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'B1', 'B2')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'B2', 'B3')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'B3', 'B1')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'B2', 'B1')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'A2', 'C1')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'C3', 'A4')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'C5', 'B2')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'B3', 'C2')

    return graph
def AddEdges(catalog):
    Agrega el arco entre 2 vertex
    # Obtener la lista de origen
    origin_keys_list = mp.keySet(catalog['map_connections'])
    # Iterar sobre la lista de origen
    origin_keys_iterator = it.newIterator(origin_keys_list)
    while it.hasNext(origin_keys_iterator):
        origin =
        # Obtener la tabla de hash de destination
        destination_map_Entry = mp.get(catalog['map_connections'], origin)
        destination_map = me.getValue(destination_map_Entry)
        # Obtener la lista destination
        destination_keys_list = mp.keySet(destination_map)
        # Iterar sobra la lista de destination
        destination_keys_iterator = it.newIterator(destination_keys_list)
        while it.hasNext(destination_keys_iterator):
            destination =
            # Obtener la tabla de cables
            cable_map_Entry = mp.get(destination_map, destination)
            cable_map = me.getValue(cable_map_Entry)
            # Obtener la lista de cables
            cable_keys_list = mp.keySet(cable_map)
            # Iterar sobre la lista de cables
            cable_keys_iterator = it.newIterator(cable_keys_list)
            while it.hasNext(cable_keys_iterator):
                cable =
                # Obtener los vertex
                vertex_list = gr.vertices(catalog['graph_landing_points'])
                # Vertex A
                vertexA_list = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST')
                # Vertex B
                vertexB_list = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST')
                # Vertex A capital
                vertexAcapital_list = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST')
                # Vertex B capital
                vertexBcapital_list = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST')
                # iterar sobre la lista de vertex
                vertex_list_iterator = it.newIterator(vertex_list)
                while it.hasNext(vertex_list_iterator):
                    vertex =
                    # Separar el vertex
                    vertex_separado = vertex.split("*")
                    # Ver si es origin o destination
                    if vertex_separado[0] == origin and vertex_separado[
                            2] == cable and not (mp.contains(
                                catalog['capitals'], vertex_separado[1])):
                        lt.addLast(vertexA_list, vertex)
                    elif vertex_separado[0] == destination and vertex_separado[
                            2] == cable and not (mp.contains(
                                catalog['capitals'], vertex_separado[1])):
                        lt.addLast(vertexB_list, vertex)
                    if vertex_separado[0] == origin and mp.contains(
                            catalog['capitals'], vertex_separado[1]):
                        lt.addLast(vertexAcapital_list, vertex)
                    elif vertex_separado[0] == origin and not (mp.contains(
                            catalog['capitals'], vertex_separado[1])):
                        lt.addLast(vertexBcapital_list, vertex)
                weightNocapital = weightConnection(catalog, origin,
                # Iterar sobre list Vertex A para unir
                vertexA_iterator = it.newIterator(vertexA_list)
                while it.hasNext(vertexA_iterator):
                    vertexA =
                    # Iterar sobre list Vertex B para unir
                    vertexB_iterator = it.newIterator(vertexB_list)
                    while it.hasNext(vertexB_iterator):
                        vertexB =
                        gr.addEdge(catalog['graph_landing_points'], vertexA,
                                   vertexB, weightNocapital)
                # Iterar sobre list vertex A para unir
                vertexAcapital_iterator = it.newIterator(vertexAcapital_list)
                while it.hasNext(vertexAcapital_iterator):
                    vertexAcapital =
                    # Iterar sobre list vertex B para unir
                    vertexBcapital_iterator = it.newIterator(
                    while it.hasNext(vertexBcapital_iterator):
                        vertexBcapital =
                                   vertexAcapital, vertexBcapital, 585.31)
Exemple #24
def graph():
    graph = g.newGraph(size=12, directed=True, comparefunction=compareVertices)

    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Pedro')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Maria')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Carol')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Laura')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Felipe')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Jose')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Martin')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Camila')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Gloria')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Luz')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Tere')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Susana')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'Pedro', 'Jose')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Jose', 'Felipe')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Felipe', 'Laura')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Laura', 'Carol')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Carol', 'Maria')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Maria', 'Pedro')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Camila', 'Jose')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Camila', 'Martin')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Martin', 'Gloria')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Gloria', 'Camila')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Gloria', 'Luz')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Luz', 'Tere')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Tere', 'Susana')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Susana', 'Luz')

    return graph
def addConnection(catalog, origin, destination, distance):
    edge = gr.getEdge(catalog['connections'], origin, destination)
    if edge is None:
        gr.addEdge(catalog['connections'], origin, destination, distance)
Exemple #26
def graph():
    graph = g.newGraph(size=10, comparefunction=compareVertices)
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Bogota')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Yopal')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Cali')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Medellin')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Pasto')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Barranquilla')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Manizales')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Yopal')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Medellin')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Pasto')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Cali')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Yopal', 'Medellin')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Medellin', 'Pasto')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Cali', 'Pasto')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Cali', 'Barranquilla')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Barranquilla', 'Manizales')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Pasto', 'Manizales')

    return graph
Exemple #27
from DISClib.ADT import graph as g
from DISClib.DataStructures import listiterator

# Hacer un metodo que imprima un grafo no dirigido de esta forma:
# Vertice 1: Vertice-adyacente 1, Vertice-adyacente 2
# Vertice 2: Vertice-adyacente 1, Vertice-adyacente 2
# Vertice 3: Vertice-adyacente 1, Vertice-adyacente 2

def comparefunction(searchname, element):
    if (searchname == element['key']):
        return 0
    elif (searchname < element['key']):
        return -1
    return 1

grafo = g.newGraph(datastructure='ADJ_LIST',

g.insertVertex(grafo, "1")
g.insertVertex(grafo, "2")
g.insertVertex(grafo, "3")
g.addEdge(grafo, "1", "2")

def toString(grafo):
def test_insertEdges(graph):
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Bogota')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Yopal')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Cali')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Medellin')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Pasto')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Barranquilla')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Manizales')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Yopal')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Medellin')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Pasto')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Cali')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Yopal', 'Medellin')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Medellin', 'Pasto')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Cali', 'Pasto')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Cali', 'Barranquilla')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Barranquilla', 'Manizales')
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Pasto', 'Manizales')
    assert g.numVertex(graph) == 7
    assert g.numEdges(graph) == 10
Exemple #29
from DISClib.Algorithms.Graphs import dfs
from DISClib.ADT import list as lt

#Ejemplo uso de DFS

def comparefunction(searchname, element):
    if (searchname == element['key']):
        return 0
    elif (searchname < element['key']):
        return -1
    return 1

grafo = gr.newGraph(datastructure='ADJ_LIST',

gr.insertVertex(grafo, "a")
gr.insertVertex(grafo, "b")
gr.insertVertex(grafo, "c")
gr.addEdge(grafo, "a", "b")
gr.addEdge(grafo, "c", "b")

search = dfs.DepthFirstSearch(grafo, "b")
path = dfs.pathTo(search, "a")
for v in lt.iterator(path):
Exemple #30
def graph():
    graph = g.newGraph(size=7, comparefunction=compareVertices, directed=True)

    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Bogota')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Duitama')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Armenia')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Honda')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Espinal')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Florencia')
    g.insertVertex(graph, 'Cali')

    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Duitama', 3.5)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Honda', 3)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Bogota', 'Espinal', 4.5)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Duitama', 'Armenia', 1)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Honda', 'Duitama', 1)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Honda', 'Espinal', 1)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Honda', 'Armenia', 2.5)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Honda', 'Florencia', 5.5)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Espinal', 'Florencia', 2.4)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Honda', 'Cali', 6)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Florencia', 'Cali', 1)
    g.addEdge(graph, 'Armenia', 'Cali', 4)

    return graph