def Req_3(analyzer, initialDate, finalDate): """ Retorna el numero de crimenes en un rago de fechas. """ dicc={} cont=0 if om.keys(analyzer['dateIndex'], initialDate, finalDate)==None: print("") else: lst = om.keys(analyzer['dateIndex'], initialDate, finalDate) iterator= it.newIterator(lst) while it.hasNext(iterator): crime= date2= datetime.datetime.strptime(str(crime), "%Y-%m-%d") llave= om.get(analyzer["dateIndex"], entry=me.getValue(llave) cont+=lt.size(entry["lstcrimes"]) iterator2 = it.newIterator(entry['lstcrimes']) while it.hasNext(iterator2): crime2 = estado = str(crime2['Severity']) if estado in dicc: dicc[estado] += 1 else: dicc[estado] = 1 l = (max(dicc.values())) for i in dicc: if l == dicc[i]: ve = "\nLa categoria con más accidentes en el rango es: " + i + ' con una cantidad de: ' + str(dicc[i]) print(ve) print("La cantidad de accidentes en el rango dado fue de: " + str(cont)) return lst
def auxiliardelaauxiliar(catalog, initial_date, final_date): """ Retorna una tupla dependiendo si el rango abarca uno o dos años """ initial_year = str(initial_date.year) final_year = str(final_date.year) initial_date_accidents = om.contains(catalog[initial_year], initial_date) final_date_accidents = om.contains(catalog[final_year], final_date) i = 0 if i == 0 and initial_date_accidents and final_date_accidents: if initial_year == final_year: keylow = om.get(catalog[initial_year], initial_date)["key"] keyhigh = om.get(catalog[initial_year], final_date)["key"] return 0, om.keys(catalog[initial_year], keylow, keyhigh) else: keymax = om.maxKey(catalog[initial_year]) dates_initial_year = om.keys(catalog[initial_year], initial_date, keymax) keymin = om.minKey(catalog[final_year]) dates_final_year = om.keys(catalog[final_year], final_date, keymin) return 1, dates_initial_year, dates_final_year return None
def Requerimiento_3(analyzer_context, inst_min, inst_max, temp_min, temp_max): instrumentalness = om.keys(analyzer_context["instrumentalness"], inst_min, inst_max) tempo = om.keys(analyzer_context["tempo"], temp_min, temp_max) iterador = instrumentalness['first'] fecha_mayor = iterador['info'] tracks = [] energia = [] while iterador['next'] != None: iterador = iterador['next'] llave = iterador['info'] crimenes = me.getValue( om.get(analyzer_context['instrumentalness'], llave)) c = it.newIterator(crimenes) while it.hasNext(c): n = A = m.get(analyzer_context["eventos"], n) B = me.getValue(A) tracks.append(B["track_id"]) energia.append(B["instrumentalness"]) iterador_2 = tempo["first"] informacion = iterador_2["info"] tracks_2 = [] baile = [] while iterador_2["next"] != None: iterador_2 = iterador_2["next"] llave_2 = iterador_2["info"] crimenes2 = me.getValue(om.get(analyzer_context['tempo'], llave_2)) c = it.newIterator(crimenes2) while it.hasNext(c): n = A = m.get(analyzer_context["eventos"], n) B = me.getValue(A) tracks_2.append(B["track_id"]) baile.append(B["tempo"]) if len(tracks) == 0 or len(tracks_2) == 0: resp = None else: list_3 = [] for z in tracks: for b in tracks_2: if z == b: list_3.append(z) unicos = set(list_3) rand = random.sample(unicos, 5) resp = [] for i in rand: resp.append( [i, energia[tracks.index(i)], baile[tracks_2.index(i)]]) return (resp, len(unicos))
def Requerimiento3(analyzer, minIns, maxIns, minTemp, maxTemp): keys_in_range = om.keys(analyzer['instrumentalness'], minIns, maxIns) mapa = analyzer['instrumentalness'] map_respuesta = om.newMap() lista_tracks = lt.newList() for i in range(lt.size(keys_in_range)): key = lt.getElement(keys_in_range, i) valores = om.get(mapa, key) valores = me.getValue(valores) for i in range(lt.size(valores)): small = lt.getElement(valores, i) if small['tempo'] >= minTemp and small['tempo'] <= maxTemp: track_id = small['track_id'] exist = om.contains(map_respuesta, track_id) if not exist: tupla = small['instrumentalness'], small['tempo'] om.put(map_respuesta, track_id, tupla) lt.addLast(lista_tracks, track_id) print('Total of unique tracks in events: ' + str(lt.size(lista_tracks))) i = 0 while i < 5: rand = rd.randint(0, lt.size(lista_tracks)) track = lt.getElement(lista_tracks, rand) tupla_f = om.get(map_respuesta, track) tupla_f = me.getValue(tupla_f) print('Track ' + str(i + 1) + ' :' + str(track) + ' with instrumentalness of ' + str(tupla_f[0]) + ' and tempo of ' + str(tupla_f[1])) i += 1
def getBestMTaxisByRange(analyzer, initDate, finalDate, M): dateslist = om.keys(analyzer['DateIndex'], initDate, finalDate) if lt.isEmpty(dateslist): return 0 iterator = it.newIterator(dateslist) pointdic = {} while it.hasNext(iterator): date = dictaxis = me.getValue(om.get(analyzer["DateIndex"], date)) for tid in dictaxis: if tid not in pointdic: pointdic[tid] = { "miles": 0, "total": 0, "services": 0, "points": 0 } pointdic[tid]["miles"] += dictaxis[tid]["miles"] pointdic[tid]["total"] += dictaxis[tid]["total"] pointdic[tid]["services"] += dictaxis[tid]["services"] if pointdic[tid]["total"] != 0: pointdic[tid]["points"] = pointdic[tid]["miles"] * pointdic[ tid]["services"] / pointdic[tid]["total"] qeue = pq.newMinPQ(cmpfunction=compareDegreeMax) for taxi in pointdic: points = pointdic[taxi]["points"] pq.insert(qeue, {"id": taxi, "points": points}) return qeue
def findBydate(map, key): """ Busca los accidentes menores que una fecha. """ try: min_key = om.minKey(map) rank = om.keys(map, min_key, key) iterator1 = it.newIterator(rank) buckets = lt.newList(datastructure='SINGLE_LINKED') while it.hasNext(iterator1): key = entry = om.get(map, key) value = me.getValue(entry) lt.addLast(buckets, value) #parte dos total_accidents = 0 max_accident = {'size': 0, 'date': None} iterator2 = it.newIterator(buckets) while it.hasNext(iterator2): value = lst = value['lstaccident'] size = int(lt.size(lst)) if size > max_accident['size']: max_accident['size'] = size max_accident['date'] = value['date'] total_accidents = total_accidents + size return (max_accident, total_accidents) except: return None
def Mestudiar(cont, instmin, instmax, tempmin, tempmax): tempo = om.keys(cont['tempo'], tempmin, tempmax) lista = lt.newList() final = {} contador = 0 #recorre el tempo que tiene solo el rango, busca que tengan el inst requerido for x in lt.iterator(tempo): r = om.get(cont['tempo'], x) valor = r['value'] real = valor['first']['info'] for i in real: if type(i)==str: pos = lt.isPresent(cont['lstSongs'],i ) cancion = lt.getElement(cont['lstSongs'], pos) inst = cancion['instrumentalness'] if float(inst)>= instmin and float(inst)<= instmax: final[i] = (inst, x ) contador+= 1 lt.addLast(lista, i) #recorre genera 5 numeros aletorios y retorna la info de esas canciones print('Total de canciones únicas: ', contador) contador = 0 lista_numeros = [] while contador<5: numero = random.randint(0,lt.size(lista)) if numero not in lista_numeros: contador+=1 lista_numeros.append(numero) cancion = lt.getElement(lista, numero) info = final[cancion] print('\n Track', contador, ': ', cancion, 'con una instumentalidad de ',info[0], 'y un tempo de ', info[1] )
def getAccidentsByRange(analyzer, initialDate, finalDate): """ Retorna el numero de crimenes en un rago de fechas. """ dicc = {} dicct = {} lst = om.keys(analyzer['dateIndex'], initialDate, finalDate) iterator = it.newIterator(lst) while it.hasNext(iterator): crime = date2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(crime), '%Y-%m-%d') llave = om.get(analyzer['dateIndex'], entry = me.getValue(llave) fecha = str(crime) if fecha not in dicct: dicct[fecha] = lt.size(entry['lstcrimes']) iterator2 = it.newIterator(entry['lstcrimes']) while it.hasNext(iterator2): crime2 = estado = crime2['State'] if estado in dicc: dicc[estado] += 1 else: dicc[estado] = 1 m = (max(dicct.values())) for i in dicct: if m == dicct[i]: va = "\nLa fecha con más accidentes en el rango es: " + i + ' con una cantidad de: ' + str(dicct[i]) print(va) l = (max(dicc.values())) for i in dicc: if l == dicc[i]: ve = "\nEl estado con más accidentes en el rango es: " + i + ' con una cantidad de: ' + str(dicc[i]) print(ve) return None
def topPuntosTaxiMultiple(analyzer, dateIni, dateFin, top): dateanalyzed1 = om.get(analyzer['dates'], dateIni) dateanalyzed2 = om.get(analyzer['dates'], dateFin) if dateanalyzed1["key"] is not None and dateanalyzed2["key"]: valor = om.keys(analyzer["dates"], dateIni, dateFin) iterador = it.newIterator(valor) taxis = {} topRangoTaxis = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST") num = 1 while it.hasNext(iterador): fecha = lista = topPuntosTaxiSingle(analyzer, fecha, top) iterador2 = it.newIterator(lista) while it.hasNext(iterador2): taxi = if str(taxi.keys()) in str(taxis.keys()): taxis[str(taxi.keys())] += float(taxi.values()) else: taxis.update(taxi) while num <= top: resultado = maxMinDict.maxDicc(taxis) inp = {resultado: taxis[resultado]} lt.addLast(topRangoTaxis, inp) taxis.pop(resultado) num += 1 return topRangoTaxis else: return None
def getAccidentsByHourRange(analizer, initial_hour, final_hour): fechas = om.keys(analizer['hourIndex'], initial_hour, final_hour) cant_fechas = lt.size(fechas) categorias = m.newMap(numelements=0, maptype='CHAINING', loadfactor=0.5, comparefunction=comparar_categorias) cant_accidentes = 0 i = 1 while i <= cant_fechas: llave = lt.getElement(fechas, i) arbol = om.get(analizer['hourIndex'], llave) severityIndex = arbol['value']['severityIndex'] llaves_severityIndex = m.keySet(severityIndex) j = 1 while j <= lt.size(llaves_severityIndex): categoria = lt.getElement(llaves_severityIndex, j) cat = m.get(severityIndex, categoria) accidentes = lt.size(cat['value']['lstofseverities']) cant_accidentes += accidentes esta_categoria = m.contains(categorias, categoria) if not esta_categoria: m.put(categorias, categoria, 0) cant = m.get(categorias, categoria) cant = cant['value'] cant += accidentes m.put(categorias, categoria, cant) j += 1 i += 1 return cant_accidentes, categorias
def getAccidentstimeByRange(analyzer, initialDate, finalDate): dicc = {} cont = 0 lst = om.keys(analyzer['hoursIndex'], initialDate, finalDate) iterator = it.newIterator(lst) while it.hasNext(iterator): crime = date2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(crime), '%H:%M:%S') llave = om.get(analyzer['hoursIndex'], date2.time()) entry = me.getValue(llave) tiempo = str(crime) cont += lt.size(entry['lstaccidents']) iterator2 = it.newIterator(entry['lstaccidents']) while it.hasNext(iterator2): crime2 = estado = crime2['Severity'] if estado in dicc: dicc[estado] += 1 else: dicc[estado] = 1 print("En el rango con tiempo se obtuvieron los siguientes datos: \n") for i in dicc: if i == "1": print("Con una severidad de " + i + " son " + str(dicc[i]) + " accidentes" + " con un porcentaje de: " + str(round((dicc[i]/cont), 2)*100) + "%") if i == "2": print("Con una severidad de " + i + " son " + str(dicc[i]) + " accidentes" + " con un porcentaje de: " + str(round((dicc[i]/cont), 2)*100) + "%") if i == "3": print("Con una severidad de " + i + " son " + str(dicc[i]) + " accidentes" + " con un porcentaje de: " + str(round((dicc[i]/cont), 2)*100) + "%") if i == "4": print("Con una severidad de " + i + " son " + str(dicc[i]) + " accidentes" + " con un porcentaje de: " + str(round((dicc[i]/cont), 2)*100) + "%") print("\nTiene un total de: " + str(cont) + " accidentes") return None
def getAccidentsBeforeDate(analyzer, finalDate): initialDate = str(minKey(analyzer)) initialDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(initialDate, '%Y-%m-%d') lst = om.keys(analyzer['dateIndex'],, finalDate) if == finalDate: return (0, "no hay fecha anterior") else: severity1 = 0 severity2 = 0 severity3 = 0 severity4 = 0 mostAccidentsDate = {'date': None, 'total': 0} for pos in range(1, lt.size(lst)): keyDate = lt.getElement(lst, pos) severity1 += int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '1')) severity2 += int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '2')) severity3 += int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '3')) severity4 += int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '4')) severity1Date = int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '1')) severity2Date = int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '2')) severity3Date = int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '3')) severity4Date = int(getAccidentsBySeverity(analyzer, keyDate, '4')) totalDate = severity1Date + severity2Date + severity3Date + severity4Date if totalDate >= mostAccidentsDate['total']: mostAccidentsDate['date'] = keyDate mostAccidentsDate['total'] = totalDate total = severity1 + severity2 + severity3 + severity4 return (total, mostAccidentsDate['date'])
def estados_en_un_rango(analyzer, initialDate, finalDate): lst = om.keys(analyzer["fechas_accidente"], initialDate, finalDate) lstiterator = it.newIterator(lst) estados = {} fecha = "" mayor = 0 while (it.hasNext(lstiterator)): lstdate = acc = om.get(analyzer["fechas_accidente"], lstdate) lda = me.getValue(acc) size_total = 0 keys = m.keySet(lda["estado_del_accidente"]) itera = it.newIterator(keys) while (it.hasNext(itera)): lstk = parej = m.get(lda["estado_del_accidente"], lstk) valu = me.getValue(parej) size = lt.size(valu["lista_de_accidentes"]) size_total += size if lstk in estados: estados[lstk] += size else: estados[lstk] = size if size_total > mayor: fecha = lstdate mayor = size_total estad = mayor_valor(estados) return (fecha, estad)
def AccidentesPorHora(analyzer, HoraInicial, HoraFinal): HoraInicial = AproximacionHora(HoraInicial) HoraFinal = AproximacionHora(HoraFinal) ListaHoras = om.keys(analyzer["Horas"], HoraInicial, HoraFinal) Severity1 = 0 Severity2 = 0 Severity3 = 0 Severity4 = 0 for i in range(1, (lt.size(ListaHoras) + 1)): Hora = lt.getElement(ListaHoras, i) Pareja = om.get(analyzer["Horas"], Hora) Accidente1 = me.getValue(Pareja) for j in range(1, (lt.size(Accidente1) + 1)): Accidente = lt.getElement(Accidente1, j) if Accidente["Severity"] == "1": Severity1 += 1 elif Accidente["Severity"] == "2": Severity2 += 1 elif Accidente["Severity"] == "3": Severity3 += 1 else: Accidente["Severity"] == "4" Severity4 += 1 Total = Severity1 + Severity2 + Severity3 + Severity4 Retorno = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareIds) lt.addLast(Retorno, Severity1) lt.addLast(Retorno, Severity2) lt.addLast(Retorno, Severity3) lt.addLast(Retorno, Severity4) lt.addLast(Retorno, Total) return Retorno
def getAccidentsHour(analyzer, dayin, dayend): aDate = om.keys(analyzer['hour'],dayin,dayend) iterator= it.newIterator(aDate) sev = m.newMap(numelements=15, maptype='PROBING', comparefunction=compareSeverities) cuantos=0 while (it.hasNext(iterator)): info= valor = om.get(analyzer['hour'],info)['value'] cuantos += lt.size(valor['accidents']) llaves = m.keySet(valor['severities']) iterator1= it.newIterator(llaves) while(it.hasNext(iterator1)): info1= val = m.get(valor['severities'], info1)['value']['listBySeverity'] entry = m.get(sev, info1) if(entry is None): dic={'severity': info1, 'cuantos':lt.size(val)} m.put(sev,info1,dic) else: entry['value']['cuantos']+=lt.size(val) data=" " cuan=0 keys= m.keySet(sev) ite=it.newIterator(keys) while(it.hasNext(ite)): value = m.get(sev,inf)['value']['cuantos'] if(value>cuan): cuan= value data= inf print("accidentes totales: "+str(cuantos)+", la severidad con mayor \n accidentes es : "+str(data)+ "con : "+str(cuan)+" accidentes.")
def getAccidentsByState(analyzer,initialDate,finalDate): """ Retorna una 'estructura' con los crimenes dentro de un rango """ lst = om.keys(analyzer["dateIndex"], initialDate, finalDate) lstiterator = it.newIterator(lst) most_accidents_date = lt.getElement(lst,1) states_count = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareCount) checklist = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareNames) while it.hasNext(lstiterator): date = mapdate = om.get(analyzer["dateIndex"],date) map = me.getValue(mapdate) accidents = map["lstaccidents"] if lt.size(accidents) > lt.size((me.getValue(om.get(analyzer["dateIndex"],most_accidents_date)))["lstaccidents"]): most_accidents_date = date statemap = map["StateIndex"] count_states(statemap,states_count,checklist) ins.selectionSort(states_count,greater_function) return (lt.getElement(states_count,1), most_accidents_date)
def getPastAccidents(analyzer, date): """ Retorna el numero de crimenes en un antes de una fecha. """ lst = om.keys(analyzer['datePast'], om.minKey(analyzer['datePast']), date) return lst
def requerimientoB(analyzer, FechaI, FechaF, FechaO): ListaR = op.keys(analyzer["MapaId"], FechaI, FechaF) ListaU = op.keys(analyzer["MapaId"], FechaO, FechaO) if lt.isEmpty(ListaR) == True: OrdenadaR = False else: PuntosR = Rango(ListaR, analyzer, False) OrdenadaR = DiciaLista(PuntosR) if lt.isEmpty(ListaU) == True: OrdenadaU = False else: PuntosU = Rango(ListaU, analyzer, FechaO) OrdenadaU = DiciaLista(PuntosU) ListaFinal = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST") lt.addFirst(ListaFinal, OrdenadaU) lt.addLast(ListaFinal, OrdenadaR) return ListaFinal
def getRecommendedSongs(analyzer,minEnergy, maxEnergy,minDance, maxDance): energyAux=[] energySongs=om.keys(analyzer["char2"], minEnergy, maxEnergy) s1=0 for value in lt.iterator(energySongs): charValue = om.get(analyzer["char2"], value) ids = me.getValue(charValue)["info"] idValues = m.keySet(ids) for key in lt.iterator(idValues): if str(key) not in energyAux: energyAux.append(key) s1+=1 danceAux=[] danceSongs=om.keys(analyzer["char3"], minDance, maxDance) s2=0 for value in lt.iterator(danceSongs): charValue = om.get(analyzer["char3"], value) ids = me.getValue(charValue)["info"] idValues = m.keySet(ids) for key in lt.iterator(idValues): if str(key) not in danceAux: danceAux.append(key) s2+=1 ##comparando las dos listas combined=combinedList(energyAux,danceAux) totSongs=0 for i in combined: totSongs+=1 if totSongs>5: randomIndex=random.choices(combined, k=5) else: randomIndex=random.choices(combined, k=totSongs) return str(totSongs)+"\n5 pistas aleatorias dentro de los rangos:"+str(randomIndex)
def llavesEnRango(cont, initialDate, finalDate, anio): llaves = {} if anio['type'] == 0: llaves[anio['anio']] = om.keys(cont[anio['anio']][0]['dateIndex'], initialDate, finalDate) else: for i in range(int(str(initialDate)[:4]), int(str(finalDate)[:4]) + 1): if str(i) in str(initialDate): mayor = om.maxKey(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) llaves[str(i)] = om.keys(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex'], initialDate, mayor) elif str(i) in str(finalDate): menor = om.minKey(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) llaves[str(i)] = om.keys(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex'], menor, finalDate) else: llaves[str(i)] = om.keySet(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) return llaves
def GetAccidentsBeforeDate(analyzer, BeforeDate): BeforeDateYear = "201" + str(BeforeDate[3]) BeforeDateMonth = str(BeforeDate[5]) + str(BeforeDate[6]) BeforeDateDay = str(BeforeDate[8]) + str(BeforeDate[9]) MinDate = om.minKey(analyzer["Llaves"]) if BeforeDateDay == "01": if BeforeDateMonth == "05" or BeforeDateMonth == "07" or BeforeDateMonth == "08" or BeforeDateMonth == "12": BeforeDateDay = "30" BeforeDateMonth = (str( BeforeDateMonth[0])) + (str(int(BeforeDateMonth[1]) - 1)) elif BeforeDateMonth == "02" or BeforeDateMonth == "04" or BeforeDateMonth == "06" or BeforeDateMonth == "09" or BeforeDateMonth == "11": BeforeDateDay = "31" BeforeDateMonth = (str( BeforeDateMonth[0])) + (str(int(BeforeDateMonth[1]) - 1)) elif BeforeDateMonth == "10": BeforeDateDay = "30" BeforeDateMonth = "09" elif BeforeDateMonth == "03": if BeforeDateYear == "2016": BeforeDateDay = "29" else: BeforeDateDay = "28" BeforeDateMonth = "02" else: BeforeDateDay = "31" BeforeDateMonth = "12" BeforeDateYear = "201" + str(int(BeforeDateYear[3]) - 1) elif BeforeDateDay[0] == "0": BeforeDateDay = str(BeforeDateDay[0]) + str(int(BeforeDateDay[1]) - 1) elif BeforeDateDay == "10": BeforeDateDay = "09" else: BeforeDateDay = str(int(BeforeDateDay) - 1) MaxDate = BeforeDateYear + "-" + BeforeDateMonth + "-" + BeforeDateDay Dates = (om.keys(analyzer["Llaves"], MinDate, MaxDate)) TotalAccidents = 0 MaxAccidents = 0 MostAccidentsDate = "YYYY-MM-DD" for i in range(1, (lt.size(Dates) + 1)): Date = lt.getElement(Dates, i) Pair = om.get(analyzer["Llaves"], Date) Accidents = me.getValue(Pair) Number = lt.size(Accidents) TotalAccidents = TotalAccidents + Number if Number > MaxAccidents: MaxAccidents = Number MostAccidentsDate = Date Retorno = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareIds) lt.addLast(Retorno, TotalAccidents) lt.addLast(Retorno, MostAccidentsDate) return Retorno
def Requerimiento_1(analyzer_context, caracteristica, valor_minimo, valor_maximo): resp = [] if caracteristica in "instrumentalidad" or caracteristica in "instrumentalness": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["instrumentalness"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "vivacidad" or caracteristica in "liveness": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["liveness"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "speechiness": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["speechiness"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "bailabilidad" or caracteristica in "danceability": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["danceability"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "valencia" or caracteristica in "valence": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["valence"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "volumen" or caracteristica in "loudness": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["loudness"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "tempo": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["tempo"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) elif caracteristica in "acústica" or caracteristica in "acousticness": llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["acousticness"], valor_minimo, valor_maximo) else: resp = None if resp != None: iterador = llaves['first'] fecha_mayor = iterador['info'] crimenesmas = me.getValue( om.get(analyzer_context[caracteristica], fecha_mayor)) val = [] users = [] cmas = it.newIterator(crimenesmas) while it.hasNext(cmas): n = A = m.get(analyzer_context["eventos"], n) while iterador['next'] != None: iterador = iterador['next'] llave = iterador['info'] crimenes = me.getValue( om.get(analyzer_context[caracteristica], llave)) c = it.newIterator(crimenes) while it.hasNext(c): n = A = m.get(analyzer_context["eventos"], n) B = me.getValue(A) val.append(B["id"]) users.append(B["artist_id"]) unicos = set(users) resp = (len(val), len(unicos)) return resp
def AccidentesPorZona( analyzer, RadioParametro, LongitudParametro, LatitudParametro, ): TotalAccidentes = 0 Fechas = om.keys(analyzer["Llaves"], om.minKey(analyzer["Llaves"]), om.maxKey(analyzer["Llaves"])) Lunes = 0 Martes = 0 Miercoles = 0 Jueves = 0 Viernes = 0 Sabado = 0 Domingo = 0 for i in range(1, (lt.size(Fechas) + 1)): Fecha = lt.getElement(Fechas, i) Pareja = om.get(analyzer["Llaves"], Fecha) Accidentes = me.getValue(Pareja) Numero = lt.size(Accidentes) TotalAccidentes = TotalAccidentes + Numero for j in range(1, (lt.size(Accidentes) + 1)): Accidente = lt.getElement(Accidentes, j) if CalculoDeRadio(RadioParametro, LongitudParametro, LatitudParametro, float(Accidente["Start_Lng"]), float(Accidente["Start_Lat"])): dia = Dia(Fecha) if dia == "Lunes": Lunes += 1 elif dia == "Martes": Martes += 1 elif dia == "Miercoles": Miercoles += 1 elif dia == "Jueves": Jueves += 1 elif dia == "Viernes": Viernes += 1 elif dia == "Sabado": Sabado += 1 elif dia == "Domingo": Domingo += 1 Total = Lunes + Martes + Miercoles + Jueves + Viernes + Sabado + Domingo Retorno = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareIds) lt.addLast(Retorno, Lunes) lt.addLast(Retorno, Martes) lt.addLast(Retorno, Miercoles) lt.addLast(Retorno, Jueves) lt.addLast(Retorno, Viernes) lt.addLast(Retorno, Sabado) lt.addLast(Retorno, Domingo) lt.addLast(Retorno, Total) return Retorno
def state_accidents(analyzer, fechaInicial, fechaFinal): llaves = om.keys(analyzer['dateIndex'], fechaInicial, fechaFinal) cant_llaves = lt.size(llaves) tamanio = lt.size( om.values(analyzer['dateIndex'], fechaInicial, fechaFinal)) i = 1 estados = m.newMap(numelements=0, maptype='CHAINING', loadfactor=0.5, comparefunction=comparar_estados) if (lt.isPresent(llaves, fechaFinal) == 0 or lt.isPresent(llaves, fechaInicial) == 0): return None else: while i <= cant_llaves: llave = lt.getElement(llaves, i) tree = om.get(analyzer['dateIndex'], llave) stateIndex = tree['value']['stateIndex'] llaves_stateIndex = m.keySet(stateIndex) tamanio_llaves = lt.size(llaves_stateIndex) j = 1 while j <= tamanio_llaves: estado = lt.getElement(llaves_stateIndex, j) stat = m.get(stateIndex, estado) exist_state = m.contains(estados, estado) if not exist_state: m.put(estados, estado, 0) cant = m.get(estados, estado) cant = cant['value'] cant += tamanio m.put(estados, estado, cant) j += 1 i += 1 z = 1 mayor = 0 stat = ' ' llaves_estados = m.keySet(estados) while z <= lt.size(llaves_estados): estadod = lt.getElement(llaves_estados, z) valor = m.get(estados, estadod) valor = valor['value'] if (valor > mayor): mayor = valor stat = estadod z += 1 return stat
def total_entre_fechas(analyzer, fecha1, fecha2): date1 = fecha_convertidor_consultas(fecha1) date2 = fecha_convertidor_consultas(fecha2) a = om.keys(analyzer["index"], date1, date2) total = 0 it1 = lit.newIterator(a) while lit.hasNext(it1): n = b = om.get(analyzer["index"], n) c = me.getValue(b) total += lt.size(c) return total
def total_antes_de_una_fecha(analyzer, fecha): date = fecha_convertidor_consultas(fecha) a = om.keys(analyzer["index"], om.minKey(analyzer["index"]), date) lt.removeLast(a) total = 0 it1 = lit.newIterator(a) while lit.hasNext(it1): n = b = om.get(analyzer["index"], n) c = me.getValue(b) total += lt.size(c) return total
def req2(catalog, minEnergy, maxEnergy, minDanceability, maxDanceability): canciones = mp.newMap(maptype= "PROBING", loadfactor= 0.3) rangoEnergy = maxEnergy - minEnergy rangoDanceability = maxDanceability - minDanceability if rangoEnergy <= rangoDanceability: categoria = "energy" categoria1 = "danceability" min = minDanceability max = maxDanceability llaves = om.keys(catalog["energy"], minEnergy, maxEnergy) else: categoria = "danceability" categoria1 = "energy" min = minEnergy max = maxEnergy llaves = om.keys(catalog["danceability"], minDanceability, maxDanceability) for llave in lt.iterator(llaves): entry = om.get(catalog[categoria], llave) eventos = me.getValue(entry) for evento in lt.iterator(eventos): track = lt.getElement(catalog["lista_canciones"], evento) category = track[categoria1] if category >= min and category <= max: mp.put(canciones, track["track_id"], track) return canciones
def req3(catalog, minInstrumentalness, maxInstrumentalness, minTempo, maxTempo): canciones = mp.newMap(maptype= "PROBING", loadfactor= 0.3) rangoInstrumentalness = maxInstrumentalness - minInstrumentalness rangoTempo = maxTempo - minTempo if rangoTempo <= rangoInstrumentalness: categoria = "tempo" categoria1 = "instrumentalness" min = minInstrumentalness max = maxInstrumentalness llaves = om.keys(catalog["tempo"], minTempo, maxTempo) else: categoria = "instrumentalness" categoria1 = "tempo" min = minTempo max = maxTempo llaves = om.keys(catalog["instrumentalness"], minInstrumentalness, maxInstrumentalness) for llave in lt.iterator(llaves): entry = om.get(catalog[categoria], llave) eventos = me.getValue(entry) for evento in lt.iterator(eventos): track = lt.getElement(catalog["lista_canciones"], evento) category = track[categoria1] if category >= min and category <= max: mp.put(canciones, track["track_id"], track) return canciones
def Requerimiento_5(hora_min, hora_max, analyzer_context): hora_menor = hora_convertidor_consultas(hora_min) hora_mayor = hora_convertidor_consultas(hora_max) llaves = om.keys(analyzer_context["created_at"], hora_menor, hora_mayor) iterador_2 = llaves["first"] informacion = iterador_2["info"] usuarios_2 = [] tempos = [] while iterador_2["next"] != None: iterador_2 = iterador_2["next"] llave_2 = iterador_2["info"] crimenes2 = me.getValue(om.get(analyzer_context['created_at'], llave_2)) c = it.newIterator(crimenes2) while it.hasNext(c): n = A = m.get(analyzer_context["eventos"], n) B = me.getValue(A) usuarios_2.append(float(B["tempo"])) tempos.append(str(B["track_id"])) géneros = [] for i in usuarios_2: if i >= 60 and i <= 90: géneros.append("Reggae") if i >= 70 and i <= 100: géneros.append("Down-tempo") if i >= 90 and i <= 120: géneros.append("Chill-out") if i >= 85 and i <= 115: géneros.append("Hip-hop") if i >= 120 and i <= 125: géneros.append("Jazz and Funk") if i >= 100 and i <= 130: géneros.append("Pop") if i >= 60 and i <= 80: géneros.append("R&B") if i >= 110 and i <= 140: géneros.append("Rock") if i >= 100 and i <= 160: géneros.append("Metal") h = defaultdict(list) for k, v in zip(géneros, tempos): h[k].append(v) x = { k: v for k, v in sorted( h.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[1]), reverse=True) } longi = [] for i in x: longi.append(len(h[i])) return (x, longi)
def Requerimiento4(analyzer, str_generos): generos_lower = str_generos.lower() lista_generos = generos_lower.split(',') final = lt.newList() for i in range(len(lista_generos)): lista_genero = lt.newList() mapa = analyzer['genres'] busqueda_map = om.get(mapa, lista_generos[i]) tupla = me.getValue(busqueda_map) name = me.getKey(busqueda_map) minTemp = int(tupla[0]) maxTemp = int(tupla[1]) keys_in_range = om.keys(analyzer['tempo'], minTemp, maxTemp) events_parciales = lt.size(keys_in_range) lt.addLast(lista_genero, events_parciales) mp_artistas = om.newMap() lt_artistas = lt.newList() for i in range(lt.size(keys_in_range)): key = float(lt.getElement(keys_in_range, i)) mapa_tempo = analyzer['tempo'] valores = om.get(mapa_tempo, key) valores = me.getValue(valores) for i in range(lt.size(valores)): valor = lt.getElement(valores, i) exist = om.contains(mp_artistas, valor['artist_id']) if not exist: artist_id = valor['artist_id'] om.put(mp_artistas, artist_id, valor) while lt.size(lt_artistas) <= 10: lt.addLast(lt_artistas, artist_id) artistas_parciales = om.size(mp_artistas) lt_final_genero = [ name, minTemp, maxTemp, events_parciales, artistas_parciales, lt_artistas ] lt.addLast(final, lt_final_genero) max_eventos = 0 for i in range(lt.size(final)): listilla = lt.getElement(final, i) max_eventos += int(listilla[3]) requerimiento_4_print(max_eventos, final)