class DDQNAgent(): """ A Double DQN agent has two networks. One local network and one target network. The local network is trained every iteration and is used for predictive action. The target network is updated to a soft copy of the local network every so often. The reason is because the Bellman equation would be valuing the network that is predicting as well as that same network being used to calculate loss. We have this separation of training and predicting to help the agent learn. """ def __init__(self, gamma, epsilon, lr, n_actions, input_dims, mem_size, batch_size, eps_min = 0.01, eps_dec = 5e-7, replace = 10_000): pass self.gamma = gamma #used to discount future rewards self.epsilon = epsilon #used for epsilon-greedy action choosing algo. = lr #learning rate, essentially, how big of a step does the optimizer take self.n_actions = n_actions #number of actions available to our agent in its environment self.action_space = [i for i in range(n_actions)]#list comprehension to create array of indices of possible actions to choose from self.input_dims = input_dims #the dimensions of our input as defined by the agent's environment self.mem_size = mem_size #maximum amount of memories to store self.batch_size = batch_size #mini-batch size to sample from memory. self.eps_min = eps_min #smallest possible epsilon value for our agent self.eps_dec = eps_dec #how much to decrease epsilon each iteration self.replace_after = replace #how many iterations until we replace our target network with a sofy copy of our local network self.steps = 0 #iteration counter for use with replace_after #create a ReplayBuffer to store our memories, also used to sample a mini-batch self.memory = ReplayBuffer(mem_size, input_dims, n_actions) self.Q_local = DeepQNetwork(, self.n_actions, input_dims = self.input_dims) self.Q_target = DeepQNetwork(, self.n_actions, input_dims = self.input_dims) def store_memory(self, state, action, reward, state_, done): """ Save a new memory to our ReplayBuffer """ self.memory.store_memory(state, action, reward, state_, done) def sample_batch(self): """ Pull a stochastic mini-batch from our ReplayBuffer """ state, action, reward, state_, done = \ self.memory.sample_batch(self.batch_size) states = T.tensor(state).to(self.Q_local.device) actions = T.tensor(action).to(self.Q_local.device) rewards = T.tensor(reward).to(self.Q_local.device) states_ = T.tensor(state_).to(self.Q_local.device) dones = T.tensor(done).to(self.Q_local.device) return states, actions, rewards, states_, dones def choose_action(self, observation): """ Choose an action from our action space using an epsilon-greedy algorithm. We can either EXPLOIT, or EXPLORE based on a random probability. Exploiting will choose the best known action. (confidence) Exploring will explore a random action. This will possibly present new information to our agent to learn from. """ if np.random.random() > self.epsilon:#epsilon-greedy (EXPLOIT) state = T.tensor([observation], dtype = T.float).to(self.Q_local.device) actions = self.Q_local.forward(state) action = T.argmax(actions).item()#.item() gets index from tensor else:#(EXPLORE) action = np.random.choice(self.action_space)#choose random action from our action space return action def replace_target_network(self): """ after replace_after iterations we update our target network to be a soft copy of our local network """ if self.replace_after is not None and \ self.steps % self.replace_after == 0: self.Q_target.load_state_dict(self.Q_local.state_dict()) def decrement_epsilon(self): """ decrease epsilon, but not below eps_min """ self.epsilon = max(self.epsilon - self.eps_dec, self.eps_min) def learn(self): """ Main part of our agent. First we zero the gradient of our optimzier to stop exploding gradients. Then we sample a stochastic mini-batch from our ReplayBuffer. Then we make predictions and evaluations of this random mini-batch, step our optimzer and calculate loss. Finally, we decrement our epsilon and begin the cycle of (SEE->DO->LEARN) once again. """ if self.memory.mem_cntr < self.batch_size:#if we dont have a full batch of memories, dont learn quite yet return self.Q_local.optimizer.zero_grad()#zero out our gradient for optimzer. Stop exploding gradients self.replace_target_network() states, actions, rewards, states_, dones = self.sample_batch() indices = np.arange(self.batch_size) q_pred = self.Q_local.forward(states)[indices, actions]#local pred q_next = self.Q_target.forward(states_)#target pred q_eval = self.Q_local.forward(states_) max_actions = T.argmax(q_eval, dim = 1) q_next[dones] = 0.0#set to not done q_target = rewards + self.gamma*q_next[indices, max_actions]#bellman equation loss = self.Q_local.loss(q_target, q_pred).to(self.Q_local.device) loss.backward()#back-propagation self.Q_local.optimizer.step() self.steps += 1 self.decrement_epsilon() def save_agent(self): self.Q_local.save_model('local') self.Q_target.save_model('target') def load_agent(self): self.Q_local.load_model('local') self.Q_target.load_model('target')
class Agent(): def __init__(self, input_dims, n_actions, lr, mem_size, batch_size, epsilon, gamma=0.99, eps_dec=5e-7, eps_min=0.01, replace=1000, algo=None, env_name=None, checkpoint_dir='tmp/dqn'): = lr self.batch_size = batch_size self.input_dims = input_dims self.n_actions = n_actions self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.eps_dec = eps_dec self.eps_min = eps_min self.replace = replace self.algo = algo self.env_name = env_name self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.action_space = [i for i in range(self.n_actions)] self.learn_step_counter = 0 self.memory = ReplayBuffer(mem_size, input_dims, n_actions) self.q_eval = DeepQNetwork(, self.n_actions, input_dims=self.input_dims, name=self.env_name + " " + self.algo + "_q_eval", checkpoint_dir=self.checkpoint_dir) self.q_next = DeepQNetwork(, self.n_actions, input_dims=self.input_dims, name=self.env_name + " " + self.algo + "_q_next", checkpoint_dir=self.checkpoint_dir) def choose_action(self, observation): if np.random.random() > self.epsilon: state = T.tensor([observation], dtype=T.float).to( self.q_eval.device) # converting observation to tensor, # and observation is in the list because our convolution expects an input tensor of shape batch size # by input dims. q_values = self.q_eval.forward(state) action = T.argmax(q_values).item() else: action = np.random.choice(self.action_space) return action def store_transition(self, state, action, reward, resulted_state, done): self.memory.store_transition(state, action, reward, resulted_state, done) def sample_memory(self): state, action, reward, resulted_state, done = self.memory.sample_buffer( self.batch_size) state = T.tensor(state).to(self.q_eval.device) reward = T.tensor(reward).to(self.q_eval.device) done = T.tensor(done).to(self.q_eval.device) action = T.tensor(action).to(self.q_eval.device) resulted_state = T.tensor(resulted_state).to(self.q_eval.device) return state, reward, done, action, resulted_state def replace_target_network(self): if self.learn_step_counter % self.replace == 0: self.q_next.load_state_dict(self.q_eval.state_dict()) def decrement_epsilon(self): if self.epsilon > self.eps_min: self.epsilon -= self.eps_dec else: self.epsilon = self.eps_min def save_models(self): self.q_eval.save_checkpoint() self.q_next.save_checkpoint() def load_models(self): self.q_eval.load_checkpoint() self.q_next.load_checkpoint() def learn(self): if self.memory.mem_counter < self.batch_size: return self.q_eval.optimizer.zero_grad() self.replace_target_network() state, reward, done, action, resulted_state = self.sample_memory() indexes = np.arange(self.batch_size, dtype=np.longlong) action = action.long() done = done.bool() prediction = self.q_eval.forward(state)[ indexes, action] # dims: batch_size * n_actions next_result = self.q_next.forward(resulted_state).max(dim=1)[0] next_result[done] = 0.0 # for terminal states, target should be reward target = reward + self.gamma * next_result loss = self.q_eval.loss(target, prediction).to(self.q_eval.device) loss.backward() self.q_eval.optimizer.step() self.learn_step_counter += 1 self.decrement_epsilon()