class DTSrc:
    def __init__ (self, cacheSize, archMode, archSize, serverAddrs, clientName):
        # create source 
        self.src = Source (cacheSize, archMode, archSize)
        self.src.OpenRBNBConnection (serverAddrs, clientName)
        print self.src

    def createChannels (self, chNames, chInfos, chMIMEs):
        #create channel map
        self.chMap = ChannelMap ()

        # add channels
        # Define channels by name, via ChannelMap.Add(java.lang.String).

        for chIndex in range(len(chNames)):
            assignedIndex = self.chMap.GetIndex (chNames[chIndex])
            # add user info such as units
            self.chMap.PutUserInfo(assignedIndex, chInfos[chIndex])
            # put the MIME type
            self.chMap.PutMime (assignedIndex, chMIMEs[chIndex])
        # Register the channelMap
        self.src.Register (self.chMap)

    def insertData (self, timeStamp, dataVals):
        # create a loop here

        # Set a TimeStamp, 
        # using ChannelMap.PutTime(double,double) or 
        #   ChannelMap.PutTimeAuto(java.lang.String).
        print 'We are inserting the data ' + str (timeStamp)
        startTime = timeStamp
        durationTime = 0
        self.chMap.PutTime (startTime, durationTime)
        # Add data for each channel, through the various PutChannel methods, 
        # such as ChannelMap.PutData(int,byte[],int).
        chIndex = 0
        for dataVal in dataVals:
            if dataVal != 'NAN':
                if dataVal == '-INF':
                    dataVal = -99999
                dataVal = float(dataVal)
                dVal = array([dataVal], 'd')
                self.chMap.PutDataAsFloat64 (chIndex, dVal)
            chIndex = chIndex +1
        # print self.chMap
        # Flush(ChannelMap) data to RBNB server. 
        self.src.Flush (self.chMap)
class DTSrc:
    def __init__(self, cacheSize, archMode, archSize, serverAddrs, clientName):
        # create source
        self.src = Source(cacheSize, archMode, archSize)
        self.src.OpenRBNBConnection(serverAddrs, clientName)
        print self.src

    def createChannels(self, chNames, chInfos, chMIMEs):
        #create channel map
        self.chMap = ChannelMap()

        # add channels
        # Define channels by name, via ChannelMap.Add(java.lang.String).

        for chIndex in range(len(chNames)):
            assignedIndex = self.chMap.GetIndex(chNames[chIndex])

            # add user info such as units
            self.chMap.PutUserInfo(assignedIndex, chInfos[chIndex])

            # put the MIME type
            self.chMap.PutMime(assignedIndex, chMIMEs[chIndex])

        # Register the channelMap

    def insertData(self, chID, img):
        # create a loop here

        # Set a TimeStamp,
        # using ChannelMap.PutTime(double,double) or
        #   ChannelMap.PutTimeAuto(java.lang.String).
        print 'We are inserting the image'
        self.chMap.PutDataAsByteArray(chID, img)
        self.chMap.PutMime(chID, 'image/jpeg')
        # Flush(ChannelMap) data to RBNB server.
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, cacheSize, archMode, archSize, serverAddrs, clientName):
     # create source
     self.src = Source(cacheSize, archMode, archSize)
     self.src.OpenRBNBConnection(serverAddrs, clientName)
     print self.src
import sched, time

from jarray import array

from jreload import makeLoadSet

makeLoadSet('DTunit', ["/Applications/RBNB/bin/rbnb.jar"])
from import Source
from import ChannelMap
from import Client

from org.python.core import PyFile

DTSrc = Source(100, 'create', 88888)
DTSrc.OpenRBNBConnection('localhost:3333', 'FakeDAQ')

chMap = ChannelMap()

# create channels

# add channel
assignedIndex = chMap.GetIndex('ch0')
chMap.PutUserInfo(assignedIndex, 'units = test')
chMap.PutMime(assignedIndex, 'application/octet-stream')

assignedIndex = chMap.GetIndex('ch1')
chMap.PutMime(assignedIndex, 'application/octet-stream')