def __init__(self, params):
     # A constructor that stores the provided parameters internally, as well
     # as calling both PageConstructor() and DataSource().
     self.page_type = params['page_type']
     self.params = params
     self.page_maker = PageConstructor()
     self.db_source = DataSource()
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.train_dirs = kwargs['train_dirs'] if 'train_dirs' in kwargs else []

        files = [ (d,os.listdir(d)) for d in self.train_dirs ]
        self.setup(paths=[os.path.join(d,f) for d,filesInDir in files for f in filesInDir if f.split('.')[-1] == "png" ])
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self):
     # The constructor opens a connection to the database, creates an empty
     # string of HTML, and creates an empty dictionary to be filled with
     # database-specific replacements to the HTML templates. = ""
     self.replacements = {}
     self.dbSource = DataSource()
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.train_dirs = kwargs['train_dirs'] if 'train_dirs' in kwargs else []
        self.chunksize = kwargs['chunksize'] if 'chunksize' in kwargs else (64,64)
        files = [ (d,os.listdir(d)) for d in self.train_dirs ]

        images = [ (os.path.join(d,f), os.path.splitext(os.path.join(d,f))[0]) for d,filesInDir in files for f in filesInDir if f.split('.')[-1] == "ndpi" and f.find("HE") > 0 ]

Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, filename_1m, filename_3m, filename_5m, filename_15m,
        self.Filename = filename
        self.Datasource_1minute = DataSource(filename_1m, lrwindowsize)
        self.Datasource_3minute = DataSource(filename_3m, lrwindowsize)
        self.Datasource_5minute = DataSource(filename_5m, lrwindowsize)
        self.Datasource_15minute = DataSource(filename_15m, lrwindowsize)

	def __init__(self, **kwargs):
		self.train_dirs = kwargs['train_dirs'] if 'train_dirs' in kwargs else []
		self.chunksize = kwargs['chunksize'] if 'chunksize' in kwargs else (64,64)
		self.eval_dirs = kwargs['eval_dirs'] if 'eval_dirs' in kwargs else []

		files = [ (d,os.listdir(d)) for d in self.train_dirs ]

		images = [ (,f)), os.path.join(d,f), os.path.splitext(os.path.join(d,f))[0]) for d,filesInDir in files for f in filesInDir if f.split('.')[-1] == "bmp" ]

 def __init__(self):
     # The constructor opens a connection to the database, creates an empty
     # string of HTML, and creates an empty dictionary to be filled with
     # database-specific replacements to the HTML templates. = ""
     self.replacements = {}
     self.dbSource = DataSource()
Exemple #8
def test_wide_deep():
    n_epoch = 10
    batch_size = 32
    data_source = DataSource('./dataset/train.csv', './dataset/test.csv', batch_size)
    wide_hparams = WideHParams(field_names=CATEGORY_FIELDS,
    deep_hparams = get_deep_hparams(embed_size=16,
                                    hidden_units=[64, 16],
    start_time = time.time()
    estimator = WideDeepEstimator(wide_hparams=wide_hparams, deep_hparams=deep_hparams, data_source=data_source)
    metrics_history = estimator.train(n_epoch)
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time

    # ************ display result"\n************** TIME COST **************")'{:.2f} seconds for {} epoches'.format(elapsed, n_epoch))'{:.2f} examples per second'.format(
        n_epoch * (data_source.n_train_examples + data_source.n_test_examples) / elapsed))"\n************** LEARNING CURVE **************")
    metrics_history = pd.DataFrame(metrics_history)
    metrics_history.to_csv('learn_curve_{}.csv'.format(estimator), index=False)
 def __init__(self, params):
     # A constructor that stores the provided parameters internally, as well
     # as calling both PageConstructor() and DataSource().
     self.page_type = params['page_type']
     self.params = params
     self.page_maker = PageConstructor()
     self.db_source = DataSource()
Exemple #10
    def test_trim_time_series_with_missing_start_date(self):
        # Setup test object
        start_date = pd.to_datetime('2015-12-01')
        end_date = pd.to_datetime('2016-01-06')
        trimed_series = DataSource('test').trim_series_observations(self.test_series, 'dummy ticker', \
            'dummy series name', start_date, end_date, 0)

        # Check results
        self.assertEqual(trimed_series.index[0], self.test_series.index[0])
        self.assertEqual(trimed_series.index[-1], end_date)
Exemple #11
    def test_trim_time_series_with_existing_bording_dates_and_history_window(
        # Setup test object
        start_date = pd.to_datetime('2015-12-31')
        end_date = pd.to_datetime('2016-01-06')
        trimed_series = DataSource('test').trim_series_observations(self.test_series, 'dummy ticker', \
            'dummy series name', start_date, end_date, 1)

        # Check results
        self.assertEqual(trimed_series.index[0], pd.to_datetime('2015-12-30'))
        self.assertEqual(trimed_series.index[-1], end_date)
Exemple #12
def LoadData():
    source = DataSource()
    print("Loading movie ratings...")
    data = source.loadMovieLensRating()
    print("Prepare movie information...")
    print("Creating ranking for each movie ...")
    rankings = source.getPopularityRanksByRating()
    return (source, data, rankings)
    def __init__(self):
        self.dq = Queue.Queue
        self.ds = DataSource(self, self.dq, 21)
        self.x_flag = False
        self.running = True

        self.maxsamp        = 4000
        self.run_cnt        = 0
        self.run_cnt_active = 0
        self.lim_run_cnt_active = 1500
        self.eval_cnt       = 0

        self.armed = False
        self.numdata = 6 # mode, alt, vel, throttle, zacc, battery
        self.mode = 0
        self.alt = 0
        self.vz = 0
        self.throttle = 0
        self.zacc = 0
        self.batt = 0
        self.storage_version = "v2"

        # data storage
        self.tblfilename = "bf_optimize_mavlink.h5"
        self.h5file = tb.open_file(self.tblfilename, mode = "a")
        # check if top group exists
            self.g1    = self.h5file.get_node("/%s" % self.storage_version)
            # self.table = self.h5file.list_nodes("/v1")[0]
            self.table = self.h5file.get_node("/%s/evaluations" % self.storage_version)
            self.g1     = self.h5file.create_group(self.h5file.root, self.storage_version,
                                               "Optimization run params, perf and logdata")
            if self.storage_version == "v1":
                self.table = self.h5file.create_table(self.g1, 'evaluations', BFOptML,
                                                      "Single optimizer evaluations")
            elif self.storage_version == "v2":
                self.table = self.h5file.create_table(self.g1, 'evaluations', BFOptML2,
                                                      "Single optimizer evaluations")
        print self.g1, self.table
        self.bfoptml = self.table.row
    def __init__(self, country: Country): = country

        # contains all the information to access data and mapping from field of the csv to enum fields (see Enums).
        self.list_file_info: List[
            FileInformation] = DataSource.get_info_for_country(country)

        # contains the data (in pandas DataFrame form).
        self.data_dic: Dict[PatientCase, List[pd.DataFrame]] = dict()

        # download data
        for item in self.list_file_info:

            # download content
            data_raw = requests.get(item.http_file).content

            # make a dic with pandas DataFrame
                # if this does not work you can try 'utf-8'
                temp_data: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                print('Format is not the right one.')
                temp_data = temp_data[[
                    header for header in item.dic_category.values()
                temp_data.columns = [
                    for univ_header in item.dic_category.keys()

                # set date as date format.
                temp_data[] = pd.to_datetime(

                # add the dataFrame to the list for the current case.
                if not in self.data_dic.keys():
                    self.data_dic[] = list()
Exemple #15
class JamrDao(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.userDS = DataSource("database.pickle.user")
    self.roomDS = DataSource("")
    self.uidToWsKeyDic = {}
    self.uidToWs = {}

  def associateKey(self, uuid, wskey):
    self.uidToWsKeyDic[uuid] = wskey

  def getKey(self,uuid):
    return self.uidToWsKeyDic[uuid]

  def insertWebsocket(self, peer_address, ws):
    self.uidToWs[peer_address] =  ws

  def getWebsocket(self,peer_address):
    return self.uidToWs[peer_address]

  def insertUser(self, user):
    self.userDS.put(user['uid'], user)

  def getUser(self, uuid):
      Returns null on not found
    return self.userDS.get(uuid)

  def insertRoom(self, room):
    self.roomDS.put(room['uid'], room)

  def getRoom(self, uuid):
      Returns null on not found
    return self.roomDS.get(uuid)

  def getAllUsers(self):
    return self.userDS.getAll()

  def getAllWebSockets(self):
    return self.uidToWs.values()  
Exemple #16
            DataSource.PATH: '../scraping/data/sentences_data.txt'
        }, {
            DataSource.NAME: 'Twitter',
            DataSource.PATH: '../../data/SemEval-2014.csv'

        srcs = [{
            DataSource.NAME: src[DataSource.NAME],
            DataSource.PATH: os.path.abspath(src[DataSource.PATH]),
            DataSource.TYPE: os.path.splitext(src[DataSource.PATH])[1]
        } for src in srcs]

        for src in srcs:
            print("Name: '%s'\nType: '%s'" %
                  (src[DataSource.NAME], src[DataSource.TYPE]))
            dSrc = DataSource(src)
            srcStats = dSrc.getStats()
            print("\nUsable data:")
            print("\nUnusable data:")


        for src in srcs:
            srcName = src[DataSource.NAME]
            dSrc = DataSource(src)
            srcStats = dSrc.getStats()
            kws, ocs = [], []
            for word in srcStats[DataSource.REGULAR].items():
class TestDataSource(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test cases for some methods in Not necessary but we left
    what we had.

    NOTE: will not work if run from command line without uncommenting
    #f = open('testpassfileworkaround') in and with password file
    existing in the directory.

    NOTE: on piazza jadrian pointed out that we probably shouldnt be doing unit
    tests on database source that have dependencies on fickle databse files, as
    a result these tests are not to be trusted and are not totally complete """

    global db_source
    db_source = DataSource()

    # For testing purposes, I will rely on several specific datapoints hardcoded
    # into the test code. Here are the databse entries for the particular
    # objects. I will be testing so it is clear to see what I am emulating in
    # code.

    #Bill example = (100, 109, 188,, 7, 14), 'amendment', 'On
    #the Amendment S.Amdt. 1222 to H.R. 2360 (Department of Homeland Security
    #Appropriations Act, 2006)', [300001, 300005, 300006, 300008, 300009,
    #300011, 300016, 300018, 300019, 300022, 300026, 300028, 300032, 300034,
    #300037, 300038, 300042, 300043, 300051, 300056, 300057, 300058, 300059,
    #300060, 300061, 300063, 300064, 300065, 300066, 300067, 300068, 300076,
    #300078, 300077, 400629, 300080, 300081, 300082, 300084, 400619, 300086,
    #300087, 300093, 300100], [300002, 300003, 300004, 300007, 300010, 300013,
    #300014, 300015, 400054, 300020, 300021, 400576, 300023, 300024, 300025,
    #300027, 300029, 300030, 300033, 300035, 300036, 300040, 300041, 300045,
    #300047, 300048, 300049, 300050, 300052, 300054, 300055, 400194, 300062,
    #300070, 400621, 300071, 300072, 300075, 300083, 300085, 300088, 300089,
    #300090, 300091, 300092, 300094, 300095, 300096, 300097, 400546, 400418,
    #300098, 300099], [], [400105, 300069, 300073])

    #senator example = (407661, 'Metcalfe', 'Thomas',, 3, 20), 'M', 'KY', 'Whig', 'Thomas Metcalfe (Kentucky)', False)

    global test_senator
    test_senator = Senator([412390, 'Coons', 'Chris',, 9, 9)
        , 'M', 'DE', 'Democrat', 'Chris Coons', True])

    short_bill_list = [100, 109, 188,, 7, 14), 'amendment', 'On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1222 to H.R. 2360 (Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2006)']
    global test_billnv
    test_billnv = Bill(short_bill_list)

    #note, this is not entirely accurate as what db_source really passes to the
    #constructor are lists of senator objects but in this case it is still
    #possible to test by comparing the id integer to senator.getId()
    global test_billwv test_billwv = Bill([100, 109, 188,, 7,
    14), 'amendment', 'On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1222 to H.R. 2360 (Department of'
    + 'Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2006)', [300001, 300005, 300006,
    300008, 300009, 300011, 300016, 300018, 300019, 300022, 300026, 300028,
    300032, 300034, 300037, 300038, 300042, 300043, 300051, 300056, 300057,
    300058, 300059, 300060, 300061, 300063, 300064, 300065, 300066, 300067,
    300068, 300076, 300078, 300077, 400629, 300080, 300081, 300082, 300084,
    400619, 300086, 300087, 300093, 300100], [300002, 300003, 300004, 300007,
    300010, 300013, 300014, 300015, 400054, 300020, 300021, 400576, 300023,
    300024, 300025, 300027, 300029, 300030, 300033, 300035, 300036, 300040,
    300041, 300045, 300047, 300048, 300049, 300050, 300052, 300054, 300055,
    400194, 300062, 300070, 400621, 300071, 300072, 300075, 300083, 300085,
    300088, 300089, 300090, 300091, 300092, 300094, 300095, 300096, 300097,
    400546, 400418, 300098, 300099], [], [400105, 300069, 300073]])

    ## testing that GetBill does indeed return the expectd bill object
    def testGetBill(self):
        actual = db_source.getBill(100)
        self.assertEquals(test_billnv.getId(), actual.getId())
        self.assertEquals(test_billnv.getSession(), actual.getSession())
        self.assertEquals(test_billnv.getRoll(), actual.getRoll())
        self.assertEquals(test_billnv.getVoteDate(), actual.getVoteDate())
        self.assertEquals(test_billnv.getType(), actual.getType())
        self.assertEquals(test_billnv.getQuestion(), actual.getQuestion())

    # testing that GetBillWithVotes works properly, makes the assumption that a
    # senator object that gets built and passed works properly and that a
    # matching id is all that's necessary
    def testGetBillWithVotes(self):
    	actual = db_source.getBillWithVotes(100)
        self.assertEquals(test_billwv.getId(), actual.getId())
        self.assertEquals(test_billwv.getSession(), actual.getSession())
        self.assertEquals(test_billwv.getRoll(), actual.getRoll())
        self.assertEquals(test_billwv.getVoteDate(), actual.getVoteDate())
        self.assertEquals(test_billwv.getType(), actual.getType())
        self.assertEquals(test_billwv.getQuestion(), actual.getQuestion())
        yea = []
        nay = []
        present = []
        not_voting = []
        #print actual.getYea_Votes() TODO
        for senator in actual.getYea_Votes():
        for senator in actual.getNay_Votes():
        for senator in actual.getAbstaining():
        for senator in actual.getAbsent():

    def testGetSenator(self):
    	actual = db_source.getSenator(412390)
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getId(), actual.getId())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getFirst(), actual.getFirst())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getLast(), actual.getLast())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getBirthday(), actual.getBirthday())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getGender(), actual.getGender())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getParty(), actual.getParty())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.getWiki(), actual.getWiki())
    	self.assertEquals(test_senator.isCurrent(), actual.isCurrent())

    def testGetVotesBySenator(self):
        # The last 5 bill id's and votes that the test senator voted on
        expected_table = [[3224,"yea"],[3223,"nay"],[3222,"nay"],[3220,"yea"],[3219,"nay"]]
        actual = db_source.getVotesBySenator(412390,5)
        i = 0;
        while i < len(actual):
Exemple #18
 def __init__(self, parent, url, queue, timeout):
     DataSource.__init__(self, parent, queue, timeout)
     self.url_info = url
     self.objInfo = None
Exemple #19
from DataSource import DataSource

ds = DataSource()
ds.put("1", "1")
print ds.get("1")
print ds.get("2")
            'stochastic_Slow_Signal', 'momentumIndicator', 'Fractal_Upper'
        ]  # , 'Fractal_Lower']#'stochasticArr_Slow_Signal', 42 = 'momentumIndicator' 43 = 'Fractal.Upper' 44 =  'Fractal.Lower'
        x = df.loc[subColumnList].values

        return self.rfBigMove.getPredSimpleTest1(x.reshape(1, -1))[0]

    def randomForestDir(self, dataScoure):
        row = dataScoure.getRow()
        df = pd.Series(row).T
        subColumnList = [
            'Bollinger.Upper.MediumPrice.SD2', 'RSI(close)', 'MFI', 'MacDMain',
            'SMA.weighted', 'Alligator.LipsCurChart', 'Alligator.Jaw5min',
            'SDPriceValueMedium', 'stochastic_Fast_Main',
            'stochastic_Fast_Signal', 'stochastic_Slow_Main',
            'stochastic_Slow_Signal', 'momentumIndicator', 'Fractal_Upper',

        x = df.loc[subColumnList].values
        return self.rfDirection.getPredSimpleTest1(x.reshape(1, -1))[0]

#TODO create better test cases, I dunno even know what is happening below or why?
if __name__ == "__main__":
    test = FeatureProvider()
    from DataSource import DataSource
    path = 'C:/Users/garre/AppData/Roaming/MetaQuotes/Terminal/B83207E76A7859F5556693074AFE91E8/MQL4/Files/Data/Math748PriceSending.csv'
    new = DataSource.CleanBrokerData(path)
 def __init__(self, parent, queue, url, timeout):
     DataSource.__init__(self, parent, queue, timeout)
     self.url_info = url + "/api.php?mode=info"
     self.url_coins = url + "/api.php?mode=coins"
     self.objDiff = None
     self.objReward = None
Exemple #22
from InventoryAllocator import Allocator
from DataSource import DataSource
from InventoryInput import InventoryInputDialog
from MainWindow import MyMainWindow

# set things up, and run it. :)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    inventoryList = {
        'A': 150,
        'B': 150,
        'C': 100,
        'D': 100,
        'E': 200
    }  # Dummy inventory List
    inventory = Inventory(inventoryList)
    # Get Datasource object which initially creates blank data
    datasource = DataSource()
    allocator = Allocator(datasource, inventory)
    # The order list will be initially empty and will get filled up as the user enters the order
    # quantities in the GUI Screen
    orderList = allocator.allocateOrders()
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
    # This invokes the input for initial Inventory which upon success invokes main window as below
    dialog = InventoryInputDialog(inventory)

    # Invoke the main window
    w = MyMainWindow(orderList, datasource, allocator, inventory)
Exemple #23
 def _load_upcoming( self, data ):
   ds = DataSource( self.url )
   return ds.single_page( data )
class BaseflightOptimize(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.dq = Queue.Queue
        self.ds = DataSource(self, self.dq, 21)
        self.x_flag = False
        self.running = True

        self.maxsamp        = 4000
        self.run_cnt        = 0
        self.run_cnt_active = 0
        self.lim_run_cnt_active = 1500
        self.eval_cnt       = 0

        self.armed = False
        self.numdata = 6 # mode, alt, vel, throttle, zacc, battery
        self.mode = 0
        self.alt = 0
        self.vz = 0
        self.throttle = 0
        self.zacc = 0
        self.batt = 0
        self.storage_version = "v2"

        # data storage
        self.tblfilename = "bf_optimize_mavlink.h5"
        self.h5file = tb.open_file(self.tblfilename, mode = "a")
        # check if top group exists
            self.g1    = self.h5file.get_node("/%s" % self.storage_version)
            # self.table = self.h5file.list_nodes("/v1")[0]
            self.table = self.h5file.get_node("/%s/evaluations" % self.storage_version)
            self.g1     = self.h5file.create_group(self.h5file.root, self.storage_version,
                                               "Optimization run params, perf and logdata")
            if self.storage_version == "v1":
                self.table = self.h5file.create_table(self.g1, 'evaluations', BFOptML,
                                                      "Single optimizer evaluations")
            elif self.storage_version == "v2":
                self.table = self.h5file.create_table(self.g1, 'evaluations', BFOptML2,
                                                      "Single optimizer evaluations")
        print self.g1, self.table
        self.bfoptml = self.table.row
        # if g1 exists
        #  pass
        # else
        # g1     = h5file.create_group(h5file.root, "v1", "Optimization run params, perf and logdata")

    def mavlink_sys_status_handler(self, msg):
        self.mode = msg.onboard_control_sensors_health # ugly hack
        self.batt = msg.voltage_battery #
        # print "sys status", msg
    def mavlink_raw_imu_handler(self, msg):
        self.zacc = msg.zacc
        # print "raw imu", msg
    def mavlink_attitude_handler(self, msg):
        # print "attitude", msg
    def mavlink_global_position_int_handler(self, msg):
        self.alt = msg.alt
        self.vz = msg.vz
        # print "global position int", msg
        # pass
    def mavlink_rc_channels_raw_handler(self, msg):
        self.throttle = msg.chan4_raw
        # print "rc channels raw", msg
        # pass
    def mavlink_servo_output_raw_handler(self, msg):
        # print "servo output raw", msg

    def reset(self):
        self.running = True
        self.run_cnt = 0
        self.run_cnt_active = 0
        self.armed = False
    def objective(self, params):
        self.eval_cnt += 1
        print "eval#", self.eval_cnt, "params", params
        # reset stuff
        # check if we have data for this parameterization
        # stored_params = [(x["alt_p"], x["alt_i"], x["alt_d"], x["vel_p"], x["vel_i"], x["vel_d"]) for x in table.]
        existing_run_data = \
        [ (x["alt_p"], x["alt_i"], x["alt_d"], x["vel_p"], x["vel_i"], x["vel_d"], x["mse"])
                 for x in self.table.where("""(alt_p == %d) & (alt_i == %d) & (alt_d == %d) & \
                 (vel_p == %d) & (vel_i == %d) & (vel_d == %d)""" %
                                      tuple([params[i] for i in range(6)]))]
        if len(existing_run_data) > 0:
            mse = existing_run_data[-1][-1]
            print "reusing existing run data: mse = %f" % mse
            return mse

        # # set PID values
        # # first request the values
        # for i in range(3):
        #     self.ds.mavo.mav.param_request_list_send(21, 46)
        #     time.sleep(0.5)
        # alt_offset = BF_PID.PIDALT*3
        for i in range(2):
            self.ds.mavo.mav.param_set_send(21, 46, "P_ALT", params[0], mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T)
            self.ds.mavo.mav.param_set_send(21, 46, "I_ALT", params[1], mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T)
            self.ds.mavo.mav.param_set_send(21, 46, "D_ALT", params[2], mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T)
            self.ds.mavo.mav.param_set_send(21, 46, "P_VEL", params[3], mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T)
            self.ds.mavo.mav.param_set_send(21, 46, "I_VEL", params[4], mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T)
            self.ds.mavo.mav.param_set_send(21, 46, "D_VEL", params[5], mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T)
        # vel_offset = BF_PID.PIDVEL*3

        # init logdata
        logdata = np.zeros((self.maxsamp, self.numdata))
        while self.running:
            # print self.mode

            logdata[self.run_cnt,0] = np.clip(self.mode, 0., 1000.)
            logdata[self.run_cnt,1] = np.clip(self.alt, -500., 1000.)
            logdata[self.run_cnt,2] = np.clip(self.vz, -1000., 1000.)
            logdata[self.run_cnt,3] = np.clip(self.throttle, 0., 2000.)
            logdata[self.run_cnt,4] = np.clip(self.zacc, -1000., 1000.)
            logdata[self.run_cnt,5] = np.clip(self.batt, 0., 20000.) #

            # detect premature termination: landing and disarm
            if self.mode == 3 and not self.armed:
                self.armed = True
            elif self.mode == 2 and self.armed:
                self.armed = False
                self.running = False
            self.run_cnt += 1

            # match MSP telemetry update rate

            # count number of controller active samples
            if self.armed and self.mode == 11:
                self.run_cnt_active += 1

            # terminate if sufficient number of controller active samples
            if self.run_cnt_active == self.lim_run_cnt_active:
                self.running = False

            # terminate if maximum number of samples
            if self.run_cnt >= self.maxsamp:
                self.running = False

        # save data
        ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")"logs/bf_optimize_mavlink_%s_log" % ts, logdata)
        params_array = np.array(params)"logs/bf_optimize_mavlink_%s_params" % ts, params_array)

        # compute performance
        # alt_active_idx = logdata[:,0] == 27 # with mag lock
        alt_active_idx = logdata[:,0] == 11
        # catch empty index
        if np.sum(alt_active_idx) == 0:
            # set two elements True to have at least 2 element arrays below, even if they're bogus
            alt_active_idx[0] = True 
            alt_active_idx[1] = True

        # it was so bad, alt hold was disabled prior to lim_cnt_active
        if np.sum(alt_active_idx) < (self.lim_run_cnt_active - 100):
            alt_mse = 1e5
            vel_mse = 1e5
            alt_target = 0.
            vel_target = 0.
            alt_data = logdata[alt_active_idx,1]
            alt_target = np.mean(alt_data[0:10])
            alt_mse = np.mean(np.square(alt_target - alt_data))
            vel_data = logdata[alt_active_idx,2]
            vel_target = 0.
            vel_mse  = np.mean(np.square(vel_target - vel_data))
        mse_array = np.array((alt_target, alt_mse, vel_target, vel_mse))"logs/bf_optimize_mavlink_%s_mse" % ts, mse_array)

        # save data to pytable
        self.bfoptml["id"] = int(ts)
        self.bfoptml["alt_p"] = params[0]
        self.bfoptml["alt_i"] = params[1]
        self.bfoptml["alt_d"] = params[2]
        self.bfoptml["vel_p"] = params[3]
        self.bfoptml["vel_i"] = params[4]
        self.bfoptml["vel_d"] = params[5]
        # set run performance measure
        self.bfoptml["alt_target"] = alt_target
        self.bfoptml["alt_mse"]    = alt_mse
        self.bfoptml["vel_target"] = vel_target
        self.bfoptml["vel_mse"]    = vel_mse
        self.bfoptml["mse"]        = alt_mse + vel_mse
        # set run logdata
        self.bfoptml["timeseries"]    = logdata
        # append new row
        # in place inspection
        pl.plot(np.ones_like(logdata[:,1]) * alt_target)
        pl.title("alt vel")
        pl.title("thr + acc z")

        # generate params, set and run
        # read data
        #  - min: altitude, RC5
        #  - max: record all
        # compute performance
        # return np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        print "alt_mse = %f, vel_mse = %f" % (alt_mse, vel_mse)
        print "mse total", alt_mse + vel_mse
        return (alt_mse + vel_mse)
Exemple #25

from DataSource import DataSource
from OnDemandIntrospector import OnDemandIntrospector

from HTTPClient import SimpleHTTPClient
from TorrentClient import BasicTorrentExplainer
from TorrentPatron import TorrentPatron
from Kamaelia.Internet.TCPClient import TCPClient

if __name__ == '__main__':    
    # download a linux distro
    X = pipeline(
        DataSource( [""] ),

    Y = pipeline(
        DataSource( ["",
                     ""] ),
    Z = pipeline(
class PageConstructor:
    """Contains all of the methods to access and fill out the HTML templates."""
    global STATE_LIST
    STATE_LIST = ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California',
        'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii',
        'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky',
        'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan',
        'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada',
        'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York',
        'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon',
        'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota',
        'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington',
        'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming']

    STATE_ABBREVIATION_LIST = ['AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE',
        'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD',
        'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY',
        'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT',
        'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV', 'WI', 'WY']

    def __init__(self):
        # The constructor opens a connection to the database, creates an empty
        # string of HTML, and creates an empty dictionary to be filled with
        # database-specific replacements to the HTML templates. = ""
        self.replacements = {}
        self.dbSource = DataSource()

    def readTemplate(self):
        # A method that reads template.html, adds the template to, and
        # adds the HTML for the dropdown menus to self.replacements.
        templateFile = open("Website/template.html", "r")
        templateString = = templateString

        self.replacements["SenatorDropdown"] = ""
        i = 0
        while i < len(STATE_LIST):
            self.replacements["SenatorDropdown"] += (
                '<li><a href = "' 
                + STATE_ABBREVIATION_LIST[i] + '">'
                + STATE_LIST[i] + '</a></li>')

        committee_list = self.dbSource.getCommitteesBySession(114)
        self.replacements["CommitteeDropdown"] = ""
        for entry in committee_list:
            self.replacements["CommitteeDropdown"] += ('<li>' +
                entry.getCommitteeLink() + "</li>")

    def makeHomepage(self):
        # Gets HTML from HomepageTemplate.html and places it in the body of the
        # generated page.
        pageFile = open("Website/HomepageTemplate.html", "r")
        pageString =
        self.replacements["results"] = pageString
    def makeBillPage(self, bill):
        # Gets HTML from BillPageTemplate.html, fills in the info of the bill
        # passed to it, and places it in the body of the generated page.
        billFile = open("Website/BillPageTemplate.html", "r")
        billString =

        session_link = ('<a href="' +
                        str(bill.getSession()) + '">' + str(bill.getSession()) +

        votes = (str(len(bill.getYea_Votes())) + " yea | " + 
                 str(len(bill.getNay_Votes())) + " nay | " +
                 str(len(bill.getAbstaining())) + " abstain | " + 
                 str(len(bill.getAbsent())) + " absent")

        # Loops through the vote data and addsa tally to a dictonary based 
        # on the party of the senator with keyed values that correspond 
        # to the votes in order
        # all yea votes
        party_dict = {}
        for senator in bill.getYea_Votes():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [1,0,0,0]
                party_votes[0] = party_votes[0] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # all nay votes
        for senator in bill.getNay_Votes():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [0,1,0,0]
                party_votes[1] = party_votes[1] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # all abstaining votes
        for senator in bill.getAbstaining():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [0,0,1,0]
                party_votes[2] = party_votes[2] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # all absent votes
        for senator in bill.getAbsent():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [0,0,0,1]
                party_votes[2] = party_votes[2] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # Displays the the vote tallys for each party in the vote rolls
        breakdown_string = ""
        for party in party_dict.iterkeys():
            breakdown_string += "<p>" + party + ": "
            breakdown_string += (str(party_dict.get(party)[0]) + " yea | " + 
                 str(party_dict.get(party)[1]) + " nay | " +
                 str(party_dict.get(party)[2]) + " abstain | " + 
                 str(party_dict.get(party)[3]) + " absent" + "</p>" )

        # Table headers: Vote | Senator | Party | State
        table_string = ""
        for s in bill.getYea_Votes():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Yea</td>' + 
                             '<td>' + s.getSenatorLink() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + 
        for s in bill.getNay_Votes():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Nay</td>' + 
                             '<td>' + s.getSenatorLink() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + 
        for s in bill.getAbstaining():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Abstain</td>' + 
                             '<td>' + s.getSenatorLink() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + 
        for s in bill.getAbsent():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Absent</td>' + 
                             '<td>' + s.getSenatorLink() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + 
                             '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + 

        fill_tags = {"BillName": bill.getQuestion(),
                     "VotesBreakdown": breakdown_string,
                     "BillType": bill.getType(),
                     "BillSession": session_link,
                     "BillDate": bill.getVoteDate().isoformat(),
                     "BillVotes": votes,
                     "SenatorTable": table_string}

        content_string = billString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeCommitteePage(self, committee):
        # Gets HTML from CommitteePageTemplate.html, fills in the info of the
        # committee passed to it, and places it in the body of the generated
        # page.
        committeeFile = open("Website/CommitteePageTemplate.html", "r")
        committeeString =

        session_link = ('<a href="' +
                        str(committee.getSession()) + '">' +
                        str(committee.getSession()) + "</a>")

        # Table headers: Position | Senator | Party | State
        table_string = ""
        for senator_pair in committee.getSenators():
            # A senator_pair has a senator object at index 0 and a string
            # describing the senator's role in the committee at index 1.
            senator = senator_pair[0]
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + senator_pair[1] + 
                             '</td><td>' +
                             senator.getSenatorLink() + '</td>' + 
                             '<td>' + senator.getParty() +
                             '</td><td>' + 
                             senator.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')

        associated_string = ""
        if committee.isSuper():
            associated_list = committee.getAssociated()
            if len(associated_list)>0:
                associated_string += ("<h5>Sub-Committees:</h5>" + 
                                      '<ul id="committees">')

                for pair in associated_list:
                    associated_string += ('<li><a href = "' +
                                          "page_type=committee&committee='" +
                                          str(pair[0]) + '">' + str(pair[1]) +
                associated_string += "</ul>"
            pair = committee.getAssociated()[0]
            associated_string += ("<p><strong>Super-Committee: </strong>" + 
                                  '<a href = "' + 
                                  "page_type=committee&committee='" + 
                                  str(pair[0]) + '">' + str(pair[1]) + '</a></p>')

        fill_tags = {"CommitteeName": committee.getName(),
                     "SessionNumber": session_link,
                     "Supercommittee": associated_string, 
                     "SenatorTable": table_string}
        content_string = committeeString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeSenatorPage(self, senator, vote_pair_list):
        # Gets HTML from SenatorPageTemplate.html, fills in the info of the
        # senator passed to it, and places it in the body of the generated page.
        senatorFile = open("Website/SenatorPageTemplate.html", "r")
        senatorString =

        committee_list = ""
        for committee_pair in senator.getCommittees():
            # A committee_pair contains a committee object at index 0 and a
            # string detailing the senator's role at index 1.
            committee_list += ("<li>" + committee_pair[1] + " of the " +
                               committee_pair[0].getCommitteeLink() +
                               ' during the <a href="'
                               + 'session&session=' + 
                               str(committee_pair[0].getSession()) + '">' + 
                               str(committee_pair[0].getSession()) +
                               "<sup>th</sup></a>" +
                               " congressional session</li>")

        # Adds in a wikipedia link if it exists
        wiki_string = ""
        wiki_link = senator.getWikiLink()
        if wiki_link != "":
            wiki_string = '<p><strong>Wikipedia:</strong> ' + wiki_link + '</p>'

        # Checks for empty birthdays
        date_string = ""
        if senator.getBirthday() != None:
            date_string = senator.getBirthday().isoformat()

        # Table headers: Date | Number | Bill Name | Vote
        table_string = ""
        for bill_pair in vote_pair_list:
            # A bill_pair contains a bill object at index 0 and a string of
            # the senator's vote at index 1.
            if bill_pair[1] == "not_voting":
                bill_pair[1] = "Absent"
            elif bill_pair[1] == "present":
                bill_pair[1] = "Abstain"
            	bill_pair[1] = bill_pair[1].capitalize()

            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + 
                             bill_pair[0].getVoteDate().isoformat() + 
                             '</td><td>' + 
                             str(bill_pair[0].getRoll()) + 
                             '</td><td>' + 
                             bill_pair[0].getBillLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + bill_pair[1] +

        fill_tags = {"SenatorName": senator.getName(),
                     "Wikipedia": wiki_string,
                     "SenatorParty": senator.getParty(),
                     "SenatorStateLink": senator.getStateLink(),
                     "Birthday": date_string,
                     "Currently": senator.isCurrent(),
                     "CommitteeMemberList": committee_list,
                     "BillTable": table_string}

        content_string = senatorString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeSenatorIndexPage(self, senator_list):
        # Gets HTML from SenatorIndexPageTemplate.html, fills in the table with
        # info on all of the senators, and places the HTML in the body of the
        # generated page.
        senatorIndexFile = open("Website/SenatorIndexPageTemplate.html", "r")
        senatorIndexString =

        # Table headers: Senator | Party | State
        table_string = ""
        for senator in senator_list:
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' +
                             senator.getSenatorLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + senator.getParty() +
                             '</td><td>' +
                             senator.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {"SenatorTable": table_string}

        content_string = senatorIndexString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeBillIndexPage(self, bill_list):
        # Gets HTML from BillIndexPageTemplate.html, fills in the table with
        # info on all of the bills, and places the HTML in the body of the
        # generated page.
        billIndexFile = open("Website/BillIndexPageTemplate.html", "r")
        billIndexString =

        # Table headers: Date | # | Bill
        table_string = ""
        for bill in bill_list:
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + bill.getSessionLink() + '</td><td>' +
                             bill.getVoteDate().isoformat() +
                             '</td><td>' +
                             " s" + str(bill.getRoll()) +
                             '</td><td>' + bill.getBillLink() +

        fill_tags = {"BillData": table_string}

        content_string = billIndexString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeStatePage(self, state_name, senator_list):
        # Gets HTML from StatePageTemplate.html, fills in the table with
        # info on the state's senators, and places the HTML in the body of the
        # generated page.
        stateFile = open("Website/StatePageTemplate.html", "r")
        stateString =

        # Table headers: Current? | Senator | Party
        table_string = ""
        for s in senator_list:
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + str(s.isCurrent()) +
                             '</td><td>' + s.getSenatorLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() +

        full_state_name = STATE_LIST[STATE_ABBREVIATION_LIST.index(state_name)]
        fill_tags = {"StateName": full_state_name,
                     "SenatorTable": table_string}

        content_string = stateString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeSessionPage(self, session):
        # Gets HTML from SessionPageTemplate.html, fills in the two tables with
        # info on the session's senators and bills, and places the HTML in the
        # body of the generated page.
        sessionFile = open("Website/SessionPageTemplate.html", "r")
        sessionString =

        c_list_string = ""
        committee_list = session.getCommittees()
        for c in committee_list:
            if c.isSuper():
                c_list_string += ('<li>' + c.getCommitteeLink() + ' </li>')

        # Table headers: Senator | Party | State
        s_table_string = ""
        senator_list = session.getSenators()
        for s in senator_list:
            s_table_string += ('<tr><td>' + s.getSenatorLink() + 
                               '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + 
                               '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')

        # Table headers: Date | # | Bill
        b_table_string = ""
        bill_list = session.getBills()
        for b in bill_list:
            b_table_string += ('<tr><td>' + 
                               b.getVoteDate().isoformat() + 
                               '</td><td>' + str(b.getRoll()) + 
                               '</td><td>' + b.getBillLink() + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {"sessionID": str(session.getId()),
                     "StartDate": session.getStart_Date().isoformat(),
                     "EndDate": session.getEnd_Date().isoformat(),
                     "CommitteeList": c_list_string,
                     "SenatorTable": s_table_string,
                     "BillTable": b_table_string}

        content_string = sessionString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeErrorPage(self):
        # Gets HTML from ErrorPageTemplate.html and places it in the body of the
        # generated page.
        errorFile = open("Website/ErrorPageTemplate.html", "r")
        errorString =
        self.replacements["results"] = errorString

    def getPage(self):
        # When the appropriate make function has been called, this places the
        # edited body of the page in between the header and the footer, fleshes
        # out the menu dropdowns, and returns the finished page. =**self.replacements)
Exemple #27
 def __init__(self):
   self.userDS = DataSource("database.pickle.user")
   self.roomDS = DataSource("")
   self.uidToWsKeyDic = {}
   self.uidToWs = {}
 def __init__(self, parent, queue, timeout):
     DataSource.__init__(self, parent, queue, timeout)
     self.objDiff = None
Exemple #29
class PageConstructor:
    """Contains all of the methods to access and fill out the HTML templates."""
    global STATE_LIST
    STATE_LIST = [
        'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado',
        'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho',
        'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana',
        'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota',
        'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada',
        'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York',
        'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon',
        'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota',
        'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington',
        'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'

        'AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID',
        'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS',
        'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK',
        'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV',
        'WI', 'WY'

    def __init__(self):
        # The constructor opens a connection to the database, creates an empty
        # string of HTML, and creates an empty dictionary to be filled with
        # database-specific replacements to the HTML templates. = ""
        self.replacements = {}
        self.dbSource = DataSource()

    def readTemplate(self):
        # A method that reads template.html, adds the template to, and
        # adds the HTML for the dropdown menus to self.replacements.
        templateFile = open("Website/template.html", "r")
        templateString = = templateString

        self.replacements["SenatorDropdown"] = ""
        i = 0
        while i < len(STATE_LIST):
            self.replacements["SenatorDropdown"] += (
                '<li><a href = "' +
                STATE_ABBREVIATION_LIST[i] + '">' + STATE_LIST[i] +
            i += 1

        committee_list = self.dbSource.getCommitteesBySession(114)
        self.replacements["CommitteeDropdown"] = ""
        for entry in committee_list:
            self.replacements["CommitteeDropdown"] += (
                '<li>' + entry.getCommitteeLink() + "</li>")

    def makeHomepage(self):
        # Gets HTML from HomepageTemplate.html and places it in the body of the
        # generated page.
        pageFile = open("Website/HomepageTemplate.html", "r")
        pageString =
        self.replacements["results"] = pageString

    def makeBillPage(self, bill):
        # Gets HTML from BillPageTemplate.html, fills in the info of the bill
        # passed to it, and places it in the body of the generated page.
        billFile = open("Website/BillPageTemplate.html", "r")
        billString =

        session_link = ('<a href="' +
                        str(bill.getSession()) + '">' +
                        str(bill.getSession()) + "</a>")

        votes = (str(len(bill.getYea_Votes())) + " yea | " +
                 str(len(bill.getNay_Votes())) + " nay | " +
                 str(len(bill.getAbstaining())) + " abstain | " +
                 str(len(bill.getAbsent())) + " absent")

        # Loops through the vote data and addsa tally to a dictonary based
        # on the party of the senator with keyed values that correspond
        # to the votes in order
        # all yea votes
        party_dict = {}
        for senator in bill.getYea_Votes():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [1, 0, 0, 0]
                party_votes[0] = party_votes[0] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # all nay votes
        for senator in bill.getNay_Votes():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [0, 1, 0, 0]
                party_votes[1] = party_votes[1] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # all abstaining votes
        for senator in bill.getAbstaining():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [0, 0, 1, 0]
                party_votes[2] = party_votes[2] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # all absent votes
        for senator in bill.getAbsent():
            party_votes = party_dict.get(senator.getParty())
            if party_votes == None:
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
                party_votes[2] = party_votes[2] + 1
                party_dict[senator.getParty()] = party_votes

        # Displays the the vote tallys for each party in the vote rolls
        breakdown_string = ""
        for party in party_dict.iterkeys():
            breakdown_string += "<p>" + party + ": "
            breakdown_string += (str(party_dict.get(party)[0]) + " yea | " +
                                 str(party_dict.get(party)[1]) + " nay | " +
                                 str(party_dict.get(party)[2]) +
                                 " abstain | " +
                                 str(party_dict.get(party)[3]) + " absent" +

        # Table headers: Vote | Senator | Party | State
        table_string = ""
        for s in bill.getYea_Votes():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Yea</td>' + '<td>' + s.getSenatorLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + '</td><td>' +
                             s.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')
        for s in bill.getNay_Votes():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Nay</td>' + '<td>' + s.getSenatorLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + s.getParty() + '</td><td>' +
                             s.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')
        for s in bill.getAbstaining():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Abstain</td>' + '<td>' +
                             s.getSenatorLink() + '</td><td>' + s.getParty() +
                             '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')
        for s in bill.getAbsent():
            table_string += ('<tr><td>Absent</td>' + '<td>' +
                             s.getSenatorLink() + '</td><td>' + s.getParty() +
                             '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {
            "BillName": bill.getQuestion(),
            "VotesBreakdown": breakdown_string,
            "BillType": bill.getType(),
            "BillSession": session_link,
            "BillDate": bill.getVoteDate().isoformat(),
            "BillVotes": votes,
            "SenatorTable": table_string

        content_string = billString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeCommitteePage(self, committee):
        # Gets HTML from CommitteePageTemplate.html, fills in the info of the
        # committee passed to it, and places it in the body of the generated
        # page.
        committeeFile = open("Website/CommitteePageTemplate.html", "r")
        committeeString =

        session_link = ('<a href="' +
                        str(committee.getSession()) + '">' +
                        str(committee.getSession()) + "</a>")

        # Table headers: Position | Senator | Party | State
        table_string = ""
        for senator_pair in committee.getSenators():
            # A senator_pair has a senator object at index 0 and a string
            # describing the senator's role in the committee at index 1.
            senator = senator_pair[0]
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + senator_pair[1] + '</td><td>' +
                             senator.getSenatorLink() + '</td>' + '<td>' +
                             senator.getParty() + '</td><td>' +
                             senator.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')

        associated_string = ""
        if committee.isSuper():
            associated_list = committee.getAssociated()
            if len(associated_list) > 0:
                associated_string += ("<h5>Sub-Committees:</h5>" +
                                      '<ul id="committees">')

                for pair in associated_list:
                    associated_string += ('<li><a href = "' +
                                          "page_type=committee&committee='" +
                                          str(pair[0]) + '">' + str(pair[1]) +
                associated_string += "</ul>"
            pair = committee.getAssociated()[0]
            associated_string += ("<p><strong>Super-Committee: </strong>" +
                                  '<a href = "' +
                                  "page_type=committee&committee='" +
                                  str(pair[0]) + '">' + str(pair[1]) +

        fill_tags = {
            "CommitteeName": committee.getName(),
            "SessionNumber": session_link,
            "Supercommittee": associated_string,
            "SenatorTable": table_string

        content_string = committeeString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeSenatorPage(self, senator, vote_pair_list):
        # Gets HTML from SenatorPageTemplate.html, fills in the info of the
        # senator passed to it, and places it in the body of the generated page.
        senatorFile = open("Website/SenatorPageTemplate.html", "r")
        senatorString =

        committee_list = ""
        for committee_pair in senator.getCommittees():
            # A committee_pair contains a committee object at index 0 and a
            # string detailing the senator's role at index 1.
            committee_list += ("<li>" + committee_pair[1] + " of the " +
                               committee_pair[0].getCommitteeLink() +
                               ' during the <a href="' +
                               'session&session=' +
                               str(committee_pair[0].getSession()) + '">' +
                               str(committee_pair[0].getSession()) +
                               "<sup>th</sup></a>" +
                               " congressional session</li>")

        # Adds in a wikipedia link if it exists
        wiki_string = ""
        wiki_link = senator.getWikiLink()
        if wiki_link != "":
            wiki_string = '<p><strong>Wikipedia:</strong> ' + wiki_link + '</p>'

        # Checks for empty birthdays
        date_string = ""
        if senator.getBirthday() != None:
            date_string = senator.getBirthday().isoformat()

        # Table headers: Date | Number | Bill Name | Vote
        table_string = ""
        for bill_pair in vote_pair_list:
            # A bill_pair contains a bill object at index 0 and a string of
            # the senator's vote at index 1.
            if bill_pair[1] == "not_voting":
                bill_pair[1] = "Absent"
            elif bill_pair[1] == "present":
                bill_pair[1] = "Abstain"
                bill_pair[1] = bill_pair[1].capitalize()

            table_string += ('<tr><td>' +
                             bill_pair[0].getVoteDate().isoformat() +
                             '</td><td>' + str(bill_pair[0].getRoll()) +
                             '</td><td>' + bill_pair[0].getBillLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + bill_pair[1] + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {
            "SenatorName": senator.getName(),
            "Wikipedia": wiki_string,
            "SenatorParty": senator.getParty(),
            "SenatorStateLink": senator.getStateLink(),
            "Birthday": date_string,
            "Currently": senator.isCurrent(),
            "CommitteeMemberList": committee_list,
            "BillTable": table_string

        content_string = senatorString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeSenatorIndexPage(self, senator_list):
        # Gets HTML from SenatorIndexPageTemplate.html, fills in the table with
        # info on all of the senators, and places the HTML in the body of the
        # generated page.
        senatorIndexFile = open("Website/SenatorIndexPageTemplate.html", "r")
        senatorIndexString =

        # Table headers: Senator | Party | State
        table_string = ""
        for senator in senator_list:
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + senator.getSenatorLink() +
                             '</td><td>' + senator.getParty() + '</td><td>' +
                             senator.getStateLink() + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {"SenatorTable": table_string}

        content_string = senatorIndexString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeBillIndexPage(self, bill_list):
        # Gets HTML from BillIndexPageTemplate.html, fills in the table with
        # info on all of the bills, and places the HTML in the body of the
        # generated page.
        billIndexFile = open("Website/BillIndexPageTemplate.html", "r")
        billIndexString =

        # Table headers: Date | # | Bill
        table_string = ""
        for bill in bill_list:
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + bill.getSessionLink() + '</td><td>' +
                             bill.getVoteDate().isoformat() + '</td><td>' +
                             " s" + str(bill.getRoll()) + '</td><td>' +
                             bill.getBillLink() + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {"BillData": table_string}

        content_string = billIndexString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeStatePage(self, state_name, senator_list):
        # Gets HTML from StatePageTemplate.html, fills in the table with
        # info on the state's senators, and places the HTML in the body of the
        # generated page.
        stateFile = open("Website/StatePageTemplate.html", "r")
        stateString =

        # Table headers: Current? | Senator | Party
        table_string = ""
        for s in senator_list:
            table_string += ('<tr><td>' + str(s.isCurrent()) + '</td><td>' +
                             s.getSenatorLink() + '</td><td>' + s.getParty() +

        full_state_name = STATE_LIST[STATE_ABBREVIATION_LIST.index(state_name)]
        fill_tags = {
            "StateName": full_state_name,
            "SenatorTable": table_string

        content_string = stateString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeSessionPage(self, session):
        # Gets HTML from SessionPageTemplate.html, fills in the two tables with
        # info on the session's senators and bills, and places the HTML in the
        # body of the generated page.
        sessionFile = open("Website/SessionPageTemplate.html", "r")
        sessionString =

        c_list_string = ""
        committee_list = session.getCommittees()
        for c in committee_list:
            if c.isSuper():
                c_list_string += ('<li>' + c.getCommitteeLink() + ' </li>')

        # Table headers: Senator | Party | State
        s_table_string = ""
        senator_list = session.getSenators()
        for s in senator_list:
            s_table_string += ('<tr><td>' + s.getSenatorLink() + '</td><td>' +
                               s.getParty() + '</td><td>' + s.getStateLink() +

        # Table headers: Date | # | Bill
        b_table_string = ""
        bill_list = session.getBills()
        for b in bill_list:
            b_table_string += ('<tr><td>' + b.getVoteDate().isoformat() +
                               '</td><td>' + str(b.getRoll()) + '</td><td>' +
                               b.getBillLink() + '</td></tr>')

        fill_tags = {
            "sessionID": str(session.getId()),
            "StartDate": session.getStart_Date().isoformat(),
            "EndDate": session.getEnd_Date().isoformat(),
            "CommitteeList": c_list_string,
            "SenatorTable": s_table_string,
            "BillTable": b_table_string

        content_string = sessionString.format(**fill_tags)
        self.replacements["results"] = content_string

    def makeErrorPage(self):
        # Gets HTML from ErrorPageTemplate.html and places it in the body of the
        # generated page.
        errorFile = open("Website/ErrorPageTemplate.html", "r")
        errorString =
        self.replacements["results"] = errorString

    def getPage(self):
        # When the appropriate make function has been called, this places the
        # edited body of the page in between the header and the footer, fleshes
        # out the menu dropdowns, and returns the finished page. =**self.replacements)
class UserInputParser:
    """Parses the user's input and passes the information between
    PageConstructor and DataSource."""

    def __init__(self, params):
        # A constructor that stores the provided parameters internally, as well
        # as calling both PageConstructor() and DataSource().
        self.page_type = params['page_type']
        self.params = params
        self.page_maker = PageConstructor()
        self.db_source = DataSource()

    def generateHtmlPageOutput(self):
        # Determines which type of page we're constructing, then calls the
        # appropriate make____Page() method to generate the HTML.
        HTML_string = ""

        # The extra bits on the conditionals check that it's actually given a
        # specific senator/state/bill by the CGI parameters. If not, it'll just
        # go into the else.
        function_dictionary = {"senator": self.makeSenatorPage,
        	"bill": self.makeBillPage, "state": self.makeStatePage,
        	"committee": self.makeCommitteePage,
        	"session": self.makeSessionPage, 
        	"bill_index": self.makeBillIndexPage,
        	"senator_index": self.makeSenatorIndexPage,
        	"home": self.makeHomePage}
        	HTML_string = function_dictionary[self.page_type]()
        	HTML_string = self.makeErrorPage()

        return HTML_string

    # The "make" methods all do about the same thing, but with enough
    # variations that it'd be a pain to make them all one. They get the major
    # info we need from the database, then call the requisite PageConstructor
    # method to make the page, after which they get it back as a string and
    # return it.
    # For Senators, Bills & Committees, the object returned by
    # will be an object of the appropriate type; otherwise, it'll be a list of
    # objects.
    def makeSenatorPage(self):
        id_tag = self.params["senator"]
        senator_obj = self.db_source.getSenatorWithCommittees(id_tag)
        senator_vote_pair = self.db_source.getVotesBySenator(id_tag,0)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeSenatorIndexPage(self):
        senator_list = self.db_source.getSenatorList()
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeBillPage(self):
        id_tag = self.params["bill"]
        bill_obj = self.db_source.getBillWithVotes(id_tag)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeBillIndexPage(self):
        bill_list = self.db_source.getBillList()
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeStatePage(self):
        state_name = self.params["state"]
        senator_list = self.db_source.getSenatorsInState(state_name)
        self.page_maker.makeStatePage(state_name, senator_list)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeCommitteePage(self):
        committee_id = self.params["committee"]
        committee_obj = self.db_source.getCommitteeWithMembers(committee_id)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeSessionPage(self):
        session_id = self.params["session"]
        session = self.db_source.getSessionObject(session_id)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeHomePage(self):
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeErrorPage(self):
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string      
Exemple #31
 def execute(self):
     return DataSource().get(self.x, self.y)
Exemple #32
 def test_trim_time_series_with_missing_start_date_and_history_window(self):
     start_date = pd.to_datetime('2015-12-01')
     end_date = pd.to_datetime('2016-01-06')
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
         trimed_series = DataSource('test').trim_series_observations(self.test_series, 'dummy ticker', \
             'dummy series name', start_date, end_date, 1)
Exemple #33
from DataSource import DataSource

ds = DataSource()
print ds.get("1")
print ds.get("2")
 def __init__(self, parent, queue, timeout):
     DataSource.__init__(self, parent, queue, timeout)
     self.objDiff = None
Exemple #35
from DataSource import DataSource
from MLP import get_single_mlp, compile_model, train_model, auto_fit, select_best_model

# Datasource settings
filename = "../data/Titanic_train.csv"
target = 'Survived'
ignore_fields = ['Name', 'Cabin', 'Ticket']

# Network settings
use_all = False
hidden_layers = [1, 2]
units = [16, 32]
optimizers = ['adam']
lrs = [0.01]

ds = DataSource(filename)
ds.data_load_split(target=[target], ignore=ignore_fields)
ds.train_val_split(ratio=0.2, random_state=42)

ds.data_preprocess(ds.X_train, ds.y_train, train_set=True)
ds.data_preprocess(ds.X_val, ds.y_val, train_set=False)

X_train, y_train = ds.trans_X_train, ds.trans_y_train
X_val, y_val = ds.trans_X_val, ds.trans_y_val

def train(hidden_layers, units, optimizers, lrs, use_all=False):
    # fit models
    start_time = time.time()
    models, param_info, val_losses = auto_fit(ds.problem,
Exemple #36
 def __init__(self):
     self.dao = DataSource.Instance()
     self.LOC_TABLE = 'location'
     self.WS_TABLE = 'websocket'
     self.dao.makeTables([self.LOC_TABLE, self.WS_TABLE])
class UserInputParser:
    """Parses the user's input and passes the information between
    PageConstructor and DataSource."""
    def __init__(self, params):
        # A constructor that stores the provided parameters internally, as well
        # as calling both PageConstructor() and DataSource().
        self.page_type = params['page_type']
        self.params = params
        self.page_maker = PageConstructor()
        self.db_source = DataSource()

    def generateHtmlPageOutput(self):
        # Determines which type of page we're constructing, then calls the
        # appropriate make____Page() method to generate the HTML.
        HTML_string = ""

        # The extra bits on the conditionals check that it's actually given a
        # specific senator/state/bill by the CGI parameters. If not, it'll just
        # go into the else.
        function_dictionary = {
            "senator": self.makeSenatorPage,
            "bill": self.makeBillPage,
            "state": self.makeStatePage,
            "committee": self.makeCommitteePage,
            "session": self.makeSessionPage,
            "bill_index": self.makeBillIndexPage,
            "senator_index": self.makeSenatorIndexPage,
            "home": self.makeHomePage
            HTML_string = function_dictionary[self.page_type]()
            HTML_string = self.makeErrorPage()

        return HTML_string

    # The "make" methods all do about the same thing, but with enough
    # variations that it'd be a pain to make them all one. They get the major
    # info we need from the database, then call the requisite PageConstructor
    # method to make the page, after which they get it back as a string and
    # return it.
    # For Senators, Bills & Committees, the object returned by
    # will be an object of the appropriate type; otherwise, it'll be a list of
    # objects.
    def makeSenatorPage(self):
        id_tag = self.params["senator"]
        senator_obj = self.db_source.getSenatorWithCommittees(id_tag)
        senator_vote_pair = self.db_source.getVotesBySenator(id_tag, 0)
        self.page_maker.makeSenatorPage(senator_obj, senator_vote_pair)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeSenatorIndexPage(self):
        senator_list = self.db_source.getSenatorList()
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeBillPage(self):
        id_tag = self.params["bill"]
        bill_obj = self.db_source.getBillWithVotes(id_tag)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeBillIndexPage(self):
        bill_list = self.db_source.getBillList()
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeStatePage(self):
        state_name = self.params["state"]
        senator_list = self.db_source.getSenatorsInState(state_name)
        self.page_maker.makeStatePage(state_name, senator_list)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeCommitteePage(self):
        committee_id = self.params["committee"]
        committee_obj = self.db_source.getCommitteeWithMembers(committee_id)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeSessionPage(self):
        session_id = self.params["session"]
        session = self.db_source.getSessionObject(session_id)
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeHomePage(self):
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string

    def makeErrorPage(self):
        HTML_string = self.page_maker.getPage()
        return HTML_string
Exemple #38
 srcs = [{DataSource.NAME:src[DataSource.NAME],
         DataSource.TYPE:os.path.splitext(src[DataSource.PATH])[1]} for src in srcs]
 for src in srcs:
     print("Name: '%s'\nType: '%s'" % (src[DataSource.NAME], src[DataSource.TYPE]))
     dSrc = DataSource(src)
     srcStats = dSrc.getStats()
     print("\nUsable data:")
     print("\nUnusable data:")
 for src in srcs:
     srcName = src[DataSource.NAME]
     dSrc = DataSource(src)
     srcStats = dSrc.getStats()
     kws,ocs = [],[]
     for word in srcStats[DataSource.REGULAR].items():
Exemple #39
 def __init__(self, parent, queue, url, timeout):
     DataSource.__init__(self, parent, queue, timeout)
     self.url_info = url + "/api.php?mode=info"
     self.url_coins = url + "/api.php?mode=coins"
     self.objDiff = None
     self.objReward = None
 def __init__(self, parent, url, queue, timeout):
     DataSource.__init__(self, parent, queue, timeout)
     self.url_info = url
     self.objInfo = None