Exemple #1
    def arc_insert(self, p):
        if self.arc is None:
            self.arc = Arc(p)
            # find the current arcs at p.y
            i = self.arc
            while i is not None:
                flag, z = self.intersect(p, i)
                if flag:
                    # new parabola intersects arc i
                    flag, zz = self.intersect(p, i.pnext)
                    if (i.pnext is not None) and (not flag):
                        i.pnext.pprev = Arc(i.p, i, i.pnext)
                        i.pnext = i.pnext.pprev
                        i.pnext = Arc(i.p, i)
                    i.pnext.s1 = i.s1

                    # add p between i and i.pnext
                    i.pnext.pprev = Arc(p, i, i.pnext)
                    i.pnext = i.pnext.pprev

                    i = i.pnext # now i points to the new arc

                    # add new half-edges connected to i's endpoints
                    seg = Segment(z)
                    i.pprev.s1 = i.s0 = seg

                    seg = Segment(z)
                    i.pnext.s0 = i.s1 = seg

                    # check for new circle events around the new arc
                    self.check_circle_event(i, p.x)
                    self.check_circle_event(i.pprev, p.x)
                    self.check_circle_event(i.pnext, p.x)

                i = i.pnext

            # if p never intersects an arc, append it to the list
            i = self.arc
            while i.pnext is not None:
                i = i.pnext
            i.pnext = Arc(p, i)
            # insert new segment between p and i
            x = self.x0
            y = (i.pnext.p.y + i.p.y) / 2.0;
            start = Point(x, y)

            seg = Segment(start)
            i.s1 = i.pnext.s0 = seg
Exemple #2
    def process_event(self):
        # get next event from circle pq
        e = self.event.pop()

        if e.valid:
            # start new edge
            s = Segment(e.p)

            # remove associated arc (parabola)
            a = e.a
            if a.pprev is not None:
                a.pprev.pnext = a.pnext
                a.pprev.s1 = s
            if a.pnext is not None:
                a.pnext.pprev = a.pprev
                a.pnext.s0 = s

            # finish the edges before and after a
            if a.s0 is not None: a.s0.finish(e.p)
            if a.s1 is not None: a.s1.finish(e.p)

            # recheck circle events on either side of p
            if a.pprev is not None: self.check_circle_event(a.pprev, e.x)
            if a.pnext is not None: self.check_circle_event(a.pnext, e.x)
Exemple #3
    def process_event(self): #NAMES!!! WHAT THE HELL DO THEY MEAN!!!
        # get next event from circle pq
        event = self.event.pop() #e? Thats an event

        if event.valid:
            # start new edge
            circleCenter = Segment(event.point)